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Hydration of eclogite, Pam Peninsula, New Caledonia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Garnet glaucophanite and greenschist facies assemblages were formed by the recrystallization of barroisite-bearing eclogite facies metabasites in northern New Caledonia. The mineralogical evolution can be modelled by calculated P–T and P–X H2O diagrams for appropriate bulk rock compositions in the model system CaO–Na2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O. The eclogites, having developed in a clockwise P–T path that reached P ≈19 kbar and T  ≈590 °C, underwent decompression with the consumption of free H2O as the volume of hydrous minerals increased. Eclogite is preserved in domains that experienced no fluid influx following the loss of this fluid. Garnet glaucophanite formed at P ≈16 kbar during semi-pervasive fluid influx. Fluid influx, after further isothermal decompression, was focused in shear zones, and resulted in chlorite–albite-bearing greenschist facies mineral assemblages that reflect P ≈9 kbar.  相似文献   

A new petrogenetic grid is presented for the system NCKFMASH (Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O), in which Ca is incorporated in garnet, and CaAlNa−1Si−1 solid solution is considered for both the plagioclase and white-mica structures. A compatibility diagram for plagioclase-bearing metapelitic assemblages within the NCKFMASH system also has been derived. A dominant feature of the NCKFMASH grid is the singularities and associated singular reactions which occur along plagioclase+margarite- and plagioclase+paragonite-bearing univariant equilibria. The singularities represent compositional coplanarities which occur in response to the CaAlNa−1Si−1 substitution occurring at different rates in plagioclase and white-mica. This is controlled by a fundamental difference in the mixing within the two mineral structures. The singularities give rise to a number of intriguing phase diagram features, including azeotropes. From the results presented here, it is predicted that the occurrence of margarite and paragonite in pelitic rocks is controlled by equilibria related to the singularities. The presence of these white-micas is strongly dependent upon bulk composition, and plagioclase-bearing, margarite/paragonite-free assemblages, typical of Barrovian-type terranes, are predicted for bulk compositions of Mg/(Mg+Fe)≈0.4 and Ca/(Ca+Na)≈0.4 at for example 5.5  kbar.  相似文献   

The solid-solid reaction magnesiocarpholite = sudoite + quartz has been bracketed between 350 and 500°C, 6.3 and 7.8 kbar. Because it is impossible to synthesize end-member sudoite, all experiments were carried out using natural minerals as starting materials. Although mineral compositions were very close to those of the end-members, the effect of the fluorine content in carpholite was significant. Particularly in those experiments where sudoite grows at the expense of carpholite, electron microprobe analysis of the run products shows that a more stable F-rich carpholite crystallizes too, and consumes the fluorine released in solution by the breakdown of the original carpholite.
Our experimental results are combined, through a thermodynamic analysis, with a previous data set and with previous experimental data concerning the relative stability of chlorite, talc and magnesiocarpholite with excess of quartz and water as a function of P–T and AlAl(SiMg)-1 substitutions in phyllosilicates. This allows us to constrain the feasible thermodynamic parameters (H°f, sud; S ° sud) and (H°f,car; S °car) for the Mg end-members. Using the partition coefficients calculated from natural parageneses, we have computed a petrogenetic grid for the system FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O. It demonstrates that parageneses involving sudoite and carpholite can be used as indicators of P–T conditions, up to 600° C, 8 kbar for sudoite, and at higher pressure for carpholite.  相似文献   

High-pressure metamorphic rocks exposed in the Bantimala area, c . 40  km north-east of Ujung Pandang, were formed as a Cretaceous subduction complex with fault-bounded slices of melange, chert, basalt, turbidite, shallow-marine sedimentary rocks and ultrabasic rocks. Eclogites, garnet–glaucophane rocks and schists of the Bantimala complex have estimated peak temperatures of T  =580–630 °C at 18  kbar and T  =590–640 °C at 24  kbar, using the garnet–clinopyroxene geothermometer. The garnet–omphacite–phengite equilibrium is used to estimate pressures. The distribution coefficient K D1=[( X pyr)3( X grs)6/( X di)6]/[(Al/Mg)M2,wm (Al/Si)T2,wm]3 among omphacite, garnet and phengite is a good index for metamorphic pressures. The K D1values of the Bantimala eclogites were compared with those of eclogites with reliable P–T  estimates. This comparison suggests that peak pressures of the Bantimala eclogites were P =18–24  kbar at T  =580–640 °C. These results are consistent with the P–T  range calculated using garnet–rutile–epidote–quartz and lawsonite–omphacite–glaucophane–epidote equilibria.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous Abukuma metamorphic terrane consists of the oceanic Gosaisyo Series overthrust onto the terrigenous Takanuki Series. Although the dominant mineralogy defines one of the classic areas of andalusite–sillimanite type progressive metamorphism, there are several lines of evidence suggesting an earlier higher-pressure (up to c . 12  kbar) history of the Takanuki Series and the nearby Gosaisyo Series. These are: (1) the occurrence of rare although widespread relic kyanite in sillimanite+K-feldspar zone-grade pelitic rocks; (2) the high grossular content of garnet interiors (up to c . 30  mol %) overgrown by Ca-poor rims ( c . 2  mol % grossular) in pelitic rocks containing Al2SiO5 minerals (sillimanite±relic kyanite±retrograde andalusite), plagioclase and quartz; (3) the occurrence of rutile as inclusions in garnet in pelitic rocks; and (4) the occurrence of relic corundum+almandine association in silica-poor and Al–Fe-rich rocks. Garnet in the Takanuki Series pelitic rocks commonly shows textural sector zoning and preserves growth zoning despite the high metamorphic grade, suggesting rapid changes in P–T  conditions and a relatively short duration of high-temperature conditions. Combined with radiometric dating, these observations suggest that the Abukuma sillimanite+K-feldspar zone-grade rocks underwent a clockwise P–T  path with very fast (>4  mm  y−1) average burial and exhumation rates.  相似文献   

A recent thermodynamic model for the Na–Ca clinoamphiboles in the system Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–O (NCFMASHO), is improved, and extended to include cummingtonite–grunerite and the orthoamphiboles, anthophyllite and gedrite. The clinoamphibole model in NCMASH is adopted, but the extension into the FeO- and Fe2O3-bearing systems is revised to provide thermodynamic consistency and better agreement with natural assemblage data. The new model involves order–disorder of Fe–Mg between the M2, M13 and M4 sites in the amphibole structure, calibrated using the experimental data on site distributions in cummingtonite–grunerite. In the independent set of end-members used to represent the thermodynamics, grunerite (rather than ferroactinolite) is used for FeO, with two ordered Fe–Mg end-members, and magnesioriebeckite (rather than ferritschermakite) is used for Fe2O3. Natural assemblage data for coexisting clinoamphiboles are used to constrain the interaction energies between the various amphibole end-members. For orthamphibole, the assumption is made that the site distributions and the non-ideal formulation is the same as for clinoamphibole. The data set end-members anthophyllite, ferroanthophyllite and gedrite, are used; for the others, they are based on the clinoamphibole end-members, with the necessary adjustments to their enthalpies constrained by natural assemblage data for coexisting clino- and orthoamphiboles. The efficacy of the models is illustrated with P – T grids and various pseudosections, with a particular emphasis on the prediction of mineral assemblages in ferric-bearing systems.  相似文献   

The George Sound Paragneiss (GSP) represents a rare Permo-Triassic unit in Fiordland that occurs as a km-scale pillar to gabbroic and dioritic gneiss of c . 120 Ma Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO). It is distinguished from Palaeozoic paragneiss common in western Fiordland (Deep Cove Gneiss) by SHRIMP and laser-ablation U–Pb ages as young as c . 190 Ma and 176Hf/177Lu >0.2828 for detrital zircon grains. The Mesozoic age of the GSP circumvents common ambiguity in the interpretation of Cretaceous v. Palaeozoic metamorphic assemblages in the Deep Cove Gneiss. A shallowly dipping S1 foliation is preserved in the GSP distal to the WFO, cut by 100 m scale migmatite contact zones. All units preserve a steeply dipping S2 foliation. S1 staurolite and sillimanite inclusions in the cores of metapelitic garnet grains distal to the WFO preserve evidence for prograde conditions of T  <   650 °C and P <  8 kbar. Contact aureole and S2 assemblages include Mg-rich, Ca-poor cores to garnet grains in metapelitic schist that reflect WFO emplacement at ≈760 °C and ≈6.5 kbar. S2 kyanite-bearing matrix assemblages and Ca-enriched garnet rims reflect ≈650 °C and ≈11 kbar. Poorly oriented muscovite–biotite intergrowths and rare paragonite reflect post-S2 high- P retrogression and cooling. Pseudosection modelling in NCKFMASH defines a high- P anti-clockwise P–T history for the GSP involving: (i) mid- P amphibolite facies conditions; preceding (ii) thermal metamorphism adjacent to the WFO; followed by (iii) burial to high- P and (iv) high- P cooling induced by tectonic juxtaposition of cooler country rock.  相似文献   

The upper pressure limit of pyrophyllite is given by the equilibria (i) pyrophyllite=diaspore+quartz and (ii) pyrophyllite=diaspore+coesite. High- P experimental investigations carried out to locate equilibrium (i) yield brackets between 497 °C/24.8  kbar and 535 °C/25.1  kbar, and between 500 °C/23  kbar and 540 °C/23  kbar. Equilibrium (ii) was bracketed at 550 °C between 26.0 and 28.3  kbar. In the experimental P–T  range, equilibria (i) and (ii) are metastable with respect to kyanite. A stable P–T  grid is calculated using thermodynamic data derived under consideration of the present experimental results. According to these data, the lower pressure limit of the assemblage diaspore+quartz according to equilibrium (i) range from about 12  kbar/300 °C to 20  kbar/430 °C (in the presence of pure water). The upper stability of diaspore+quartz is limited by the reaction diaspore+quartz=kyanite+H2O at about 450 °C (nearly independent of pressure) and, to higher pressure, by the quartz=coesite transition. Equilibrium (ii) is metastable over the whole P–T  range.
Natural occurrences600.S of the diaspore–quartz assemblage in metamorphic rocks in Sulawesi, New Caledonia, Amorgos and the Vanoise are characterized by minerals indicative of high- P such as ferro-magnesiocarpholite, glaucophane, sodic pyroxene and lawsonite. The metamorphic P–T  conditions of these rocks are estimated to be in the range 300–400 °C, >8  kbar. These data are compatible with the derived P–T  stability field of the diaspore+quartz assemblage. We conclude that, in metamorphic rocks, diaspore+quartz is, as ferrocarpholite, an indicator for unusual low- T  /very high- P settings.  相似文献   

A suite of metapelitic, basic and quartzofeldspathic rocks intruded by enderbitic gneiss from the southernmost tip of the Eastern Ghats Belt, India, and metamorphosed at c. 750–800  °C, 6  kbar, were subjected to repeated ductile shear deformation, hydration, cooling and accompanying alkali metasomatism along narrow shear zones. Gedrite-bearing assemblages developed in the shear zones traversing metapelitic rocks. Interpretation of the reaction textures in an appropriate P–T  grid in the system FMASH, an isothermal–isobaric μ H2O– μ Na2O grid in the system NFMASH, and geothermobarometric data suggest a complex evolutionary history for the gedrite-bearing parageneses. Initially, gedrite-bearing assemblages were produced due to increase in μ Na2O at nearly constant but high μ H2O accompanying cooling. Gedrite was partially destabilized to orthopyroxene+albite due to progressively increasing μ Na2O. During further cooling and at increased μ H2O a second generation of gedrite appeared in the rocks.  相似文献   

P–T  paths based on parageneses in the immediate vicinity of former high-temperature contact zones between mantle peridotites and granulitic country rocks of the Central Vosges (NE France) were derived by applying several conventional thermometers and thermobarometric calculations with an internally consistent dataset. The results indicate that former garnet peridotites and garnet–spinel peridotites were welded together with crustal rocks at depths corresponding to 1–1.2 GPa. The temperature of the crustal rocks was about 650–700 °C at this stage, whereas values of 1100 °C (garnet peridotites) and 800–900 °C (garnet–spinel peridotites) were calculated for the ultramafic rocks. After emplacement of the mantle rocks, exhumation of the lower crust took place to a depth corresponding to 0.2–0.3 GPa. The temperatures of the incorporated peridotite slices were still high (900–1000 °C) at this stage. This is indicated by the presence of high- T  /low- P parageneses ( c . 800 °C, 0.2–0.3 GPa) in a small (1–10 m) contact aureole around a former garnet peridotite. Crustal rocks distant to the peridotites equilibrated in the same pressure range at lower temperature (650–700 °C). High cooling rates (102–103 °C Ma−1) were calculated for a garnet–biotite rock inclusion in the peridotites and for the crustal rocks at the contact by applying garnet–biotite diffusion modelling. Minimum rates of 0.75–7.5 cm a−1 are required for vertical ascent of rock units (30 km vertical distance) derived from the crust–mantle boundary, resulting in a late Variscan (340 Ma) high- T  /low- P event.  相似文献   

The Okiep Copper District, part of the 1.2–1.0 Ga high-grade terrane in western Namaqualand, is composed of a mid-Proterozoic supracrustal sequence and several pre- to post-orogenic intrusive suites affected by two high-grade events (M2a/M2b, M3) of Kibaran and one low-grade event (M4) of Pan-African age. Peak assemblages in quartz-bearing pelites are characterized either by garnet+cordierite coexisting with sillimanite/biotite, or by biotite+sillimanite±garnet; a difference controlled by bulk composition and variation in water activities (0.1–0.7) during dehydration melting. Maximum P–T conditions were reached during M2a coevally with the major deformational event (D2a) and are estimated at 750–820  °C and 5–6  kbar. A counterclockwise P–T  path is indicated by regionally occurring pseudomorphs of sillimanite after andalusite and by prograde reaction textures preserved as relics in M2a porphyroblasts. Two stages of retrograde metamorphism are distinguished: M2a garnet+cordierite-bearing assemblages were retrogressed to biotite+sillimanite+quartz (M2b) along discontinuous foliation planes and shear zones (D2b). Retrograde M3 corona assemblages formed at similar P–T  conditions (580–660  °C and 5.8±0.5  kbar) to the M2b assemblages but M3 crystallization postdates penetrative D2 deformation, intrusion of 1.06 Ga granitoids and formation of associated W–Mo deposits. It is concluded that: (a) Kibaran high-grade metamorphism in the Okiep Copper District is thermally punctuated and (b) reaction textures documenting apparent isobaric cooling of this low- P high- T  terrane must be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

Abstract An experimental study of the system CaCO3–MgCO3–FeCO3 was undertaken in order to calibrate the iron correction to the calcite–dolomite geothermometer, which is based on the solubility of magnesium in calcite in the assemblage calcite + dolomite. The experiments, at 450°C and lower temperatures, resulted in products with a very small grain size and incomplete equilibration. However, application of a carefully-devised automatic data processing algorithm to analyses of the phases in experimental charges, combined with a thermodynamic analysis, results in geothermometer diagrams which should be preferred to previous theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

Zachariah 《地学学报》1998,10(6):312-316
A marble band in the ≈ 2.75 Gyr old Ramagiri schist belt in the Dharwar craton of south India gave a Pb–Pb age of 3.075 ± 0.095 Gyr. The geochemical data, including high Sr and low Ba and Mn indicate seawater origin for the parent rock, and that there was insignificant geochemical exchange between the marble and the surrounding rocks. The calculated initial Nd isotopic composition and μ1 indicate an older continental crustal source for the Nd and Pb. The initial 87Sr/86Sr of the marble is 0.70128, which is higher than the calculated mantle value at ≈ 3 Ga. Although pre-3 Gyr old marine carbonate rocks are thought to be buffered by mantle Sr, the Ramagiri marble contains evolved, crustal Sr. Despite this, the marble has the lowest measured 87Sr/86Sr among carbonates and represents one of the least radiogenic periods in seawater Sr isotope composition.  相似文献   

A sequence of partial melting reactions at Mt Stafford, central Australia   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
Metasedimentary gneisses show a rapid change in grade in a 10  km wide low- P /high- T  regional aureole at Mt Stafford in the Arunta Block, central Australia. Migmatite occurs in all but the lowermost of five metamorphic zones, which grade from greenschist (Zone 1) through amphibolite (Zones 2–3) to granulite facies (Zones 4–5). The sequence of partial melting reactions inferred for metapelitic rocks is dependant upon protolith, temperature and fluid conditions. The metapelite solidus in Zone 2 reflects vapour-present melting at P ≈3  kbar and T  ≈640  °C, melting having initially been controlled by the congruent breakdown of the assemblage Crd–Kfs–Bt–Qtz. At slightly higher temperature, andalusite in leucosome formed via the reaction Kfs+Qtz+Bt+H2O→And+melt; And+melt having been stabilized by the presence of boron. Sillimanite coaxially replaces andalusite in the high-grade portion of Zone 2. In Zone 3, large aluminosilicate aggregates in leucosome are armoured by Spl–Crd±Grt symplectites. Garnet partially pseudomorphs biotite, cordierite or spinel in high-grade portions of Zone 3. Zone 4 Grt–Crd–Opx-bearing metapsammite assemblages and garnet-bearing leucosome reflect T  ≈800  °C and P =2.2±0.9  kbar. In the model KFMASH system the principal vapour-absent melting step reflected significant modal changes related to the breakdown of the As–Bt tie-line and the establishment of the Spl–Crd tie-line; the bulk rock geochemistry of migmatite samples straddle the Spl–Crd tie-line. The aluminous bulk-rock composition of the common bedded migmatite restricted its potential to witness garnet-forming and orthopyroxene-forming reactions, minor textural and modal changes in and above Zone 3 reflecting biotite destablization in biotite-poor assemblages.  相似文献   

A new mechanism of cleaving-healing of garnet in metamorphic rocks during exhumation is reported. Almandine garnet with submicron multiple-phase inclusions characteristic of the GRAIL reaction, garnet + rutile = kyanite + ilmenite + low-quartz, was found by analytical electron microscopy to have non-epitaxial rutile nanoparticles distributed along internal {110} microcrack trails at the acute corner of submicron multiple-phase inclusions defined by the intersecting (110) and (011) mould surfaces. Such garnet microcracks were formed during lithostatic decompression due to a relatively high compressibility of quartz in the inclusion pockets and stress concentration at the acute corner. Spontaneous healing with accompanied formation of non-epitaxial rutile nanoparticles was activated predominantly via the GRAIL reaction due to high surface tension at the tip of microcracks and, to a lesser extent, decreasing lithostatic pressure or increasing inclusion pressure upon exhumation. This new mechanism of microcracking and healing involves stress build up, fracture propagation, mineral reaction, transport of elements to the reaction site and lowering of reaction boundaries by capillarity effect, all under the influence of thermodynamic and kinetic factors at the submicron-scale. Thus, TiO2 nanoparticle trails in garnet provide additional information on the P–T path and may shed light on exhumation rates/mechanisms and metamorphic reactions/processes. Careful scrutiny of host minerals on the submicron scale is required to tell whether there are other metamorphic-reaction facilitated healing processes being overlooked by inappropriate techniques or being obliterated by the predominant healing processes of fluid infiltration and resorption zoning.  相似文献   

Abstract The orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene, garnet-orthopyroxene and garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometers, and the garnet-orthopyroxene-plagioclase, garnet-clinopyroxene-plagioclase and anorthite-ferrosilite-grossular-almandine-quartz geobarometers are applied to metabasites and the garnetplagioclase-sillimanite-quartz geobarometer is applied to a metapelite from the Proterozoic Arendal granulite terrain, Bamble sector, Norway. P–T conditions of metamorphism were 7.3 ± 0.5 kbar and 800 ± 60°C.
This terrain shows a regional gradation from the amphibolite facies, into normal LILE content granulite facies rocks and finally strongly LILE deficient granulite facies gneisses. Neither P nor T vary significantly across the entire transition zone. The change in 'grade'parallels the increasing dominance of CO2 over H2O in the fluid phase.
LILE-depletion is not a pre-condition of granulite facies metamorphism: granulites may have either 'depleted'or 'normal'chemistries. The results presented herein show that LILE-deficiency in granulite facies orthogneisses is not necessarily related to variations in either P or T . The important mechanisms in the Arendal terrain were (a) direct synmetamorphic crystallization from magma, with primary LILE-poor mineralogies imposed by the prevailing fluid regime, and (b) metamorphic depletion, involving scavenging of LILEs during flushing by mantle-derived CO2-rich fluids. The latter process is constrained by U–Pb and Rb–Sr isotopic work to have occurred no later than 50 Ma after intrusion of the acid-intermediate gneisses, and was probably associated with contemporary basic magmatism in a tectonic environment similar to a present day cordilleran continental margin.  相似文献   

The Tormes Gneissic Dome (TGD, NW sector of the Iberian Massif, Spain) is a high-grade metamorphic complex affected by a major episode of extensional deformation (D2). The syn-D2 P–T  path of the Lower Unit of the TGD was deduced from the analysis of reaction textures related to superimposed fabrics developed during exhumation, analysis of mineral zoning and thermobarometric calculations. It comprises an initial phase of decompression, determined using the tweequ thermobarometric technique, from 6.4–8.1 kbar at 735–750 °C (upper structural levels) and 7.2 kbar at 770 °C (lower structural levels) to 3.3–3.9 kbar and 645–680 °C. This evolution is consistent with the observed sequence of melting reactions and the generation of garnet- and cordierite-bearing anatectic granitoids. The later part of the syn-D2 P–T  path consisted of almost isobaric cooling associated with the thermal re-equilibration of the unit in the new structural position. This segment of the P–T  path is recorded by assemblages with And +Bt+Ms and Ms+ Chl +Ab related to the later mylonitic S2 fabrics, which indicate retrogression to low-amphibolite and greenschist facies conditions.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusion salinities from quartz veins in the Otago Schist, New Zealand, range from 1.0 to 7.3 wt% NaCl eq. in the Torlesse terrane, and from 0.4 to 3.1 wt% NaCl eq. in the Caples terrane. Homogenization temperatures from these inclusions range from 124 to 350  °C, with modal values for individual samples ranging from 163 to 229  °C, but coexisting, low-salinity inclusions exhibiting metastable ice melting show a narrower range of T  h from 86 to 170  °C with modes from 116 to 141  °C. These data have been used in conjunction with chlorite chemistry to suggest trapping conditions of ≈350–400  °C and 4.1–6.0  kbar for inclusions showing metastable melting from lower greenschist facies rocks, with the densities of many other inclusions reset at lower pressures during exhumation of the schist. The fluid inclusion salinities and Br/Cl ratios from veins from the Torlesse terrane are comparable to those of modern sea-water, and this suggests direct derivation of the vein fluid from the original sedimentary pore fluid. Some modification of the fluid may have taken place as a result of interaction with halogen-bearing minerals and dehydration and hydration reactions. The salinity of fluids in the Caples terrane is uniformly lower than that of modern sea-water, and this is interpreted as a result of the dilution of the pore fluid by dehydration of clays and zeolites. The contrast between the two terranes may be a result of the original sedimentary provenance, as the Torlesse terrane consists mainly of quartzofeldspathic sediments, whilst the Caples terrane consists of andesitic volcanogenic sediments and metabasites which are more prone to hydration during diagenesis, and hence may provide more fluid via dehydration at higher grades.  相似文献   

Abstract Nearly pure CO2 fluid inclusions are abundant in migmatites although H2O-rich fluids are predicted from the phase equilibria. Processes which may play a role in this observation include (1) the effects of decompression on melt, (2) generation of a CO2-bearing volatile phase by the reaction graphite + quartz + biotite + plagioclase = melt + orthopyroxene + CO2-rich vapour, (3) selective leakage of H2O from CO2+ H2O inclusions when the pressure in the inclusion exceeds the confining pressure during decompression, and (4) enrichment of grain-boundary vapour in CO2 by subsolidus retrograde hydration reactions.  相似文献   

Garnet peridotites occur as lenses, blocks or layers within granulite–amphibolite facies gneiss in the Dabie-Sulu ultra-high-pressure (UHP) terrane and contain coesite-bearing eclogite. Two distinct types of garnet peridotite were identified based on mode of occurrence and petrochemical characteristics. Type A mantle-derived peridotites originated from either: (1) the mantle wedge above a subduction zone, (2) the footwall mantle of the subducted slab, or (3) were ancient mantle fragments emplaced at crustal depths prior to UHP metamorphism, whereas type B crustal peridotite and pyroxenite are a portion of mafic–ultramafic complexes that were intruded into the continental crust as magmas prior to subduction. Most type A peridotites were derived from a depleted mantle and exhibit petrochemical characteristics of mantle rocks; however, Sr and Nd isotope compositions of some peridotites have been modified by crustal contamination during subduction and/or exhumation. Type B peridotite and pyroxenite show cumulate structure, and some have experienced crustal metasomatism and contamination documented by high 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707–0.708), low εNd( t ) values (−6 to −9) and low δ18O values of minerals (+2.92 to +4.52). Garnet peridotites of both types experienced multi-stage recrystallization; some of them record prograde histories. High- P–T  estimates (760–970 °C and 4.0–6.5±0.2 GPa) of peak metamorphism indicate that both mantle-derived and crustal ultramafic rocks were subducted to profound depths >100 km (the deepest may be ≥180–200 km) and experienced UHP metamorphism in a subduction zone with an extremely low geothermal gradient of <5 °C km−1.  相似文献   

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