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青龙煤矿位于黔西县东南部,煤矿水文地质条件复杂,矿井易受水害威胁。为预防水害,利用水质分析成果和同位素分析对大气降水、地表水(驮煤河)、矿井水及各含水层地下水的水力联系进行了对比研究,认为区内长兴组与龙潭组、夜郎组玉龙山段含水层均存在一定的水力联系,龙潭组含水层与夜郎组玉龙山段含水层之间水力联系不密切;地下水与地表水(驮煤河)之间水力联系微弱;矿井涌水与大气降水关系密切,大气降水直接补给长兴组、龙潭组含水层,经含水层涌入矿井。  相似文献   

某傍河研究区的地下水化学分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为研究常见地表污染源对地下水造成的影响,开展了某傍河区域的研究。在对傍河研究区开展野外调查、钻探取样分析等工作的基础上,从水化学角度对研究区地下水进行了系统分析,揭示了研究区内污染河水与地下水并没有明显的水力联系,深、浅含水层水力联系微弱;浅层地下水化学成分的形成以溶滤作用为主,并存在阳离子交换作用,易受到地表污染源及人为活动的影响;深层地下水化学成分的形成主要受到大区域水文地质环境演化的影响。  相似文献   

方刚  刘柏根 《水文》2019,39(3):36-40
抽水试验是获取地下水含水层水文地质参数的有效手段之一。为了准确掌握各含水层特征及水力联系,以巴拉素井田为例,通过抽水试验、理论分析、水质化验等方法对井田先期开采地段内开采煤层富水情况、各主要含水层水文地质特征及其水力联系等进行研究。结果表明:矿井未来开采的2、3、8号煤的富水性均较弱;主要含水层中,除第四系含水层富水性中~强、白垩系洛河组含水层富水性中等以外,其它含水层均富水性弱;第四系含水层和白垩系洛河组含水层之间水力联系密切,侏罗系直罗组含水层与白垩系洛河组含水层之间未发现水力联系,侏罗系直罗组含水层与2号煤之间未发现水力联系;3号煤与8号煤之间未发现水力联系。本次抽水试验成果,为矿井未来水文地质及防治矿井水害工作提供了有力的理论依据,同时对周边条件类似矿井具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

获取含水层水力参数空间非均质分布信息是研究地下水渗流、地下水污染物运移等诸多地下水问题的重要基础。然而,受常规勘察技术所限,含水层的非均质性难以直接刻画,尤其在裂隙介质含水层中,水力参数分布的非均质性更加突出,进一步增加了刻画的难度。针对该问题,本研究首先通过德国哥廷根大学北校区内的Neutra试验场地进行的64次抽水试验,获取了该场地不同深度观测点的水头响应曲线,然后使用解析方法对64组数据进行分析和参数评估,同时采用水力走时的方法对井间水力参数分布进行反演计算,最后将得到的结果分别与经典解析解参数估计和热示踪试验结果进行对比验证。结果表明,解析解参数估计的结果虽然能够在一定程度上展现含水层的垂向非均质性,但是无法刻画井间含水层水力参数的非均质分布;与热示踪试验结果的对比验证了基于水力走时反演的水力层析法在刻画裂隙介质水力参数的空间非均质分布的可靠性。  相似文献   

用环境同位素方法,作者在开滦范各庄地下水调查研究中,确定了主要含水层地下水同位素的背景值;分析和确定了不同含水层之间的水力联系及矿井水中涌水的可能补给来源;计算了矿井二水平主要出水点之混合水比例及不同含水层中地下水平均储留时间。  相似文献   

为了查明地下水在不同的含水层位之间或地下水与地表水之间的相互联系,需要对地下水进行一系列的示踪试验或水力联系试验。通过示踪试验可以取得地下水水源、水路、水量、运动规律方面的资料,从而有助于查明矿区的水文地质条件,以便采取适当的措施,防止地下水对矿井的危害。   相似文献   

田庄煤矿主采煤层为石炭系太原组16上及17煤层,威胁煤层开采的地下水水源主要为十下灰、十三、十四灰和奥灰含水层。其中十三、十四灰含水层水力联系密切,可按同一含水层看待。十下灰岩水为16上煤的直接充水水源,十三、十四灰灰岩水和奥灰灰岩水为16上及17煤层的底板间接充水水源,在构造地段有可能转化为直接充水水源。在研究煤矿群孔放水试验的基础上,全面分析了氢氧同位素资料,结果表明井田内十下灰和奥灰含水层有各自的补、径、排系统,正常情况下水力联系较弱;十三、十四灰含水层与十下灰和奥灰含水层均发生着水力联系,在采掘及导水断层的影响下,其含水层间地下水联系变得更加密切。两种研究的结论基本一致,增加了成果的科学性和可信性。  相似文献   

云应盆地东北部属鄂北贫水地区,赋存于古近系—第四系含水层中的地下水是当地生产、生活用水的主要来源,亟需查明含水层的结构、含水层间地下水的转化关系等基本条件,为研究区内合理开发利用地下水提供依据。本研究通过野外水文地质调查、水文地质钻探工作,将研究区划分为单层含水层与双层含水层结构两个亚区(6个小区)。并通过地下水水位动态长期监测,获取了区内不同含水层的水位动态变化特征,分析各含水层之间的水力联系,建立了区域地下水转化的概念模式,即:研究区地下水以接受山前降雨入渗及风化裂隙水侧向径流补给为主,主要以水平径流的形式经古近系孔隙-裂隙含水层及第四系孔隙承压含水层往澴水方向运移,而后进入第四系孔隙潜水含水层。地下水和地表水在不同季节补排模式不同,雨季地表水(澴水)补给地下水,旱季地下水向地表水(澴水)排泄。古近系孔隙-裂隙水与上覆第四系孔隙水联系密切互为补给,共同构成具有统一水力联系的垂向多层结构的含水系统。独特的含水层结构决定了区内地下水接受降水补给的条件较差,地下水可开采资源量总体较贫乏,建议重点利用区域地表水资源,适度开发地下水资源,推进农业节水灌溉工程,实现水资源可持续利用。  相似文献   

为了定量研究与评价含水层之间地下水水力联系程度,首次提出了水力联系系数C(hydraulic connection coefficient)的概念。将水力联系系数C定义为观测孔目的含水层水位降深与该观测孔位置抽水含水层水位降深的比值。通过水力联系系数,可定量评价某含水层水平上同层之间和垂向上不同含水层之间的水力联系程度。依据鄂尔多斯盆地白垩系洛河组各含水层段的水力联系系数C值,将含水层之间水力联系分为5个等级。其中,0.000 0 ≤ C<0.062 5,0.062 5 ≤ C<0.125 0,0.125 0 ≤ C<0.250 0,0.250 0 ≤ C<0.500 0,C ≥ 0.500 0,分别代表水力联系等级为极弱、弱、中等、强、极强。以高家堡井田钻孔抽(放)水试验数据为例,采用水力联系系数和观测孔水位响应时间两个指标定量评价了区内巨厚层状非均质洛河组含水层内部水力联系。结果表明:洛河组中上段水平同层之间的水力联系系数分别为0.373 0、0.413 8,观测孔水位响应时间较短(约为5 min),水力联系强;洛河组下段水平同层之间水力联系系数分别为0.440 1、0.491 1,观测孔水位响应时间较短(为9~20 min),水力联系强;洛河组中上段与下段垂向水力联系系数分别为0.000 2、0.007 2、0.089 7,观测孔水位响应时间较长(大于60 min),水力联系极弱至弱。  相似文献   

为了合理地开发地下水资源,依据大量的勘探钻孔和抽水试验资料,分析研究区含水层特征。在对研究区水文地质详查的基础上,通过水文地质钻探、抽水试验、样品分析等手段,查明含水层的结构、埋深以及流量等参数,探讨各含水层之间的水力联系,并分析研究区地下水的动态特征。为今后该地区地下地下水资源的开发利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

卫河是海河流域污染最严重的河流之一,该河如何影响附近浅层地下水的水质是长期受到重视但缺乏定量研究的关键问题。为探讨这一问题,利用Hydrus 2d模型模拟河流非饱和带氮素的迁移转化,以GMS软件中的RT3D模块模拟氮素在饱和含水层中的运移,将包气带底部淋滤出的污染物浓度定为饱和带溶质运移模型的上边界条件,首次实现了河流非饱和带饱和含水层氮素运移的联合模拟,得到河流线状污染源对浅层地下水的影响程度及范围。研究结果表明:由于吸附作用、硝化反硝化作用的存在,从河流上游到下游,包气带厚度加大,运移至含水层中的NH4-N、NO2-N浓度呈下降趋势,而NO3-N浓度则呈上升趋势。随着入渗时间的增长,进入饱和含水层中的NH4-N、NO2-N、NO3-N的浓度逐渐升高并最终保持稳定。污染的河流对浅层地下水的影响呈带状分布,污染物随入渗水流在包气带中垂直入渗;在饱和含水层中以水平运移为主,污染羽偏向地下水流动的方向,其影响距离不超过500 m。  相似文献   

Many hydrologic conceptual models in riparian areas assume that the alluvial deposits zone is hydraulically more active than the fractured bedrock below. Therefore, these models undervalue the possible contribution of deeper groundwater from the fractured bedrock system. A hydrochemical study, under various hydrological conditions, has been carried out in a small riparian zone of the Salburua wetland (Basque Country) in order to highlight the conceptual model. This wetland is included in a wide Quaternary aquifer, which has been declared a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone. The results of this study suggest that the fractured bedrock is at least as dynamic as the upper clayey deposits. The presence of more fractured zones, which act as hydraulic “windows”, allow the upwelling of deeper groundwater and, consequently, make the upper alluvial deposits and the fractured bedrock water systems to be cross-connected. Nevertheless, this upwelling is limited to some small areas in the riparian zone. As a result of this local interaction, several chemical reactions have been observed and the hydrochemical characteristics of shallow groundwater undergo seasonal variations. The study shows that a hydrologic conceptual model, which does not consider the hydraulic activity of the fractured bedrock, can be too simplistic. The presence of hydraulic windows could be considered throughout the entire Quaternary aquifer, knowledge of which could help the managers of the Vulnerable Zone and the wetland to take more effective measures for regulation and conservation.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical and hydrodynamic surface/groundwater interactions were investigated at the urban floodplain aquifer in Delhi, India. The heavily polluted Yamuna River is in hydraulic contact to the groundwater and river seepage results in a contamination plume. A conceptual redox zonation was developed based on the occurrence or absence of terminal electron acceptors. The redox zonation shows an inverted zonation from sulphate-reducing conditions close to the river over manganese- and iron-reducing conditions to a mixed oxic/suboxic zone. This study shows that the occurrence of problematic substances such as ammonium and arsenic in the groundwater is a consequence of the high load of untreated sewage in the river in combination with losing river conditions. Sequential extraction of aquifer material was performed to obtain information on geochemical availability of arsenic associated with different mineral phases and binding forms. Geogenic and anthropogenic arsenic sources contribute to overall arsenic concentration, and arsenic is found to be attributed mainly to amorphous iron oxide and sulphidic phases in the sediment. The contamination plume at the urban floodplain aquifer makes the groundwater unfit for drinking water purposes.  相似文献   

The goal of the current study is to better understand the role of storm dynamics on stream water chemical variability in a highly polluted urban-fringe watershed. The study was conducted in the upper reach of the Arroyo Seco watershed located on the eastern edge of the densely urbanized Los Angeles basin in California. During the 2008–2009 study period, high-frequency stream water observations of chloride, fluoride, sulfate, and nitrate were monitored through a series of storm events and were compared to pre- and post-winter storm season geochemical soil profiles. Of the four solutes measured, nitrate demonstrated hydrologically enhanced behavior. Chloride, fluoride, and sulfate exhibited enhanced behavior initially (first flush), but transitioned to dilution behavior as the season progressed. Soil chemistry analyses in the riparian zone confirmed the abundance of nitrate on the soil surface, serving as a source for stream water nitrate. Observations and analyses collectively suggest that the chemical variability observed during the storms is dependent not only on discharge, but also on the magnitude and intensity of rainfall, the length of the antecedent dry period, and riparian soil composition. A further understanding of these factors will ultimately improve geochemical models for prediction of downstream chemical loads from regional urban-fringe watersheds.  相似文献   

为弥补当前河岸带水热交换模拟对土体非均质传热考虑不足的缺陷,在饱和-非饱和渗流及多孔介质传热理论基础上,引入土体有效导热系数模型,构建考虑土体非均质传热的河岸带水热耦合模型。结合COMSOL软件的特点,给出河岸带水热耦合模型的实现方法及求解流程,并通过河岸带温度和水位原型观测资料验证和对比分析不同有效导热系数模型下河岸带水热耦合模型的模拟效果。结果表明:与传统不考虑土体非均质传热方法相比,该模型能够较好地反映河岸带水热交换过程。此外,基于Johansen有效导热系数模型的河岸带水热耦合模型模拟效果表现最佳,模拟结果与前人试验结果一致。研究成果可为河岸带水热交换及污染物迁移过程的深入研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Analyses of 67 samples collected from 25 bore wells and 42 dug wells in the basaltic aquifer at Tuppa, New Nanded, Maharashtra, India over a period of three years revealed that groundwater from this region shows higher content of TDS, Cl, TH, Ca, Mg and SO4 The geochemical characteristic of groundwater is related to pollution. The source of this pollution is effluent from industries. The effluent is discharged in a stream flowing through this area. The effluent is also discharged in the injection wells. The result of this is that pollutants have entered into the aquifer system and flowed farther in the eastern direction. The zone of pollution has an aerial extent of more than 38 km2. The values of molar ratios of effluent sample are either the same or a little higher than the samples from the polluted zone, suggesting that industrial effluent, probably, is the source of pollution in this region. The people from this region have already stopped using water from these polluted wells, which forms the only source of drinking water in the area.  相似文献   

利用淮南市朱集东矿井新生界松散层供水水文地质勘探成果和抽水试验资料,查明了区内新生界松散层供水含水层的供水水文地质条件,认为第一含水层埋藏浅,易受污染,水量随季节变化大,不宜作为生活饮用水供水水源,第三含水层水质较差,亦不作为生活饮用水供水水源,确定了第二含水层为矿区主要供水层位。采用解析法对第二含水层的水量进行了计算,并设计了布井方案,计算了井群水量;水位预报结果表明,开采50a后,3#、4#井中的水位最大降深为35.229m,小于其顶板埋深,说明拟建井群布置是合适的。评价结果为矿井供水设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

 Analyses of 126 samples collected from 18 dug wells in the shallow basaltic aquifer over a period of 7 months have revealed spatial as well as temporal changes in the chemical properties of groundwater. While the temporal changes have been attributed to dilution and concentration phenomena governed by climatic factors, the spatial variations in the geochemical characteristics of groundwater appeared to be related to pollution due to effluents from the Mula Sugar Factory. The cause of groundwater pollution is the effluent carried by a stream flowing through the area. Fluctuations in the groundwater table, influent water quality character of the stream, less capacity to accommodate large volume of effluent and occurrence of zero base flow (under natural conditions) in the stream are the factors favoring infiltration of constituents of waste water into the underlying weathered basaltic aquifer. Pollutants have entered into the shallow aquifer by downward percolation through the zone of aeration to form a recharge mound at the water table and, further, lateral movement below the water table. The plume of polluted groundwater has a lateral extent of a few meters in the upstream area and more than 400 m on either side of the stream in the downstream part. The zone of polluted groundwater has an areal extent of more than 3.5 km2. Groundwater is the only source available for drinking and agricultural purposes. It is recommended that the base of the lagoons and the stream used for release of plant effluent should be waterproofed for the protection of groundwater in the Sonai area. Received: 30 April 1997 · Accepted: 23 September 1997  相似文献   

Industrially sourced dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) contaminated an alluvial aquifer in France decades ago. The location(s) and nature of the pollution source zone(s) were unknown, and the dissolved concentrations of volatile organic compounds in the monitoring wells varied greatly with time. The aquifer was in hydraulic equilibrium with an artificial canal whose water level was highly variable (up to 5 m). These variations propagated into the aquifer, causing changes in the groundwater flow direction; a transient numerical model of flow and solute transport showed that they correlate with the concentration variations because the changes in the flow direction resulted in the contaminant plume shifting. The transient hydrogeological numerical model was built, taking into account solvent biodegradation with first-order chain, since biodegradation has a significant influence on the pollutant concentration evolution. The model parameterization confirms the position of the source zones among the potential troughs in the bedrock where DNAPLs could have accumulated. The groundwater model was successfully calibrated to reproduce the observed concentration variations over several years and allowed a rapid validation of the hypotheses on the functioning of the polluted system.  相似文献   

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