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我国自然灾害评估中亟待解决的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曲国胜  高庆华 《地学前缘》1996,3(2):212-218
减轻自然灾害是一项系统工程,它包括对自然灾害的监测、预报、评估、防灾、抗灾、救灾、恢复、教育、保险与综合管理。通过对我国自然灾害评估现状的分析,介绍了目前我国国家级、省级和城市级自然灾害评估中亟待解决的若干问题,认为由国家、地方、主管部门组织开展全国自然灾害区划、加强自然灾害综合预报、建立自然灾害与灾情预评估、灾害应急评估与灾情评定、灾害应急救助与救援管理系统、积极开展灾害保险与灾区恢复、灾害教育与宣传、实现科学化、现代化灾害管理、实现灾害信息共享、开展减灾效益评估及建立综合减灾系统等是我国目前自然灾害评估中亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

为了适应当前常态减灾与非常态救灾情景下信息化管理的深度应用,提出一种面向自然灾害突发事件应对过程的业务平台的设计方案。采用数据交换方法,实现多部门之间的信息共享;建立自然灾害综合数据库,实现统一数据源管理和实时更新;采用智能移动终端推送自然灾害信息,实现政府-社会-公众多元协同;基于网络地理信息系统实时显示自然灾害风险状况,实现自然灾害风险监测预警、综合研判和应急指挥应用。该平台有效提升了自然灾害风险防控的管理水平和应急管理的工作效率,真正实现了跨领域、多灾种、全流程的自然灾害风险闭环管理和精准管控的目标。  相似文献   

3月13日,水环地调中心参加了部国科司组织的“十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目《重大地质灾害监测预警及应急救灾关键技术研究》年度汇报会。中心承担的“地质灾害监测光纤传感技术应用研究”课题参加了汇报。此次会议是部国科司为了总结和评估《重大地质灾害监测预警及应急救灾关键技术研究》各课题的2007年度研究成果,确保项目按期高质量完成组织召开的。科技部社会发展科技司、部地质环境司、局科外部、局水环部及各课题承担单位参加了会议。  相似文献   

当今人类社会正面临着人口急剧膨胀、资源严重短缺和环境日益恶化的严峻挑战.地质灾害是自然灾害的主要类型之一,广泛分布在全国各地.地质灾害风险评估的目的就是要通过已有的资料和目前的地质现象,并且考虑多种影响因素来分析地质灾害的发生情况.得到灾害发生的难易程度,可以帮助有关部门方便的获得其所要研究区域的地质灾害评估结果,为有关部门的灾害预测和提出有效、科学的防灾、减灾及救灾措施提供依据,这对城市建设与发展具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

安徽省主要城市地下水应急水源地建设初步探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
方星  毛建国 《安徽地质》2010,20(4):279-282
随着我国城市化进程的加快,城市供水水源遭受突发性污染、遭遇特枯水期等极端情况形成的供水危机逐步显现,而我省在应急水源地建设上的滞后,无疑对建立水资源应急机制、应对突发事件、保持社会稳定是十分不利的。从我省17个主要城市的水文地质条件的初步分析,具备建立地下水应急供水水源地的条件。要加强我省地下水应急水源的研究,查明我省地下水应急水源,联合应急地表水源地,科学地制定供水危机应急预案,以便在各种突发事件引起的供水危机时,保障市民生活用水和饮水安全,维护社会稳定。  相似文献   

地下水应急水源地的选取--以合肥市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王少龙 《安徽地质》2014,(2):139-142
地下水应急水源地在保障饮用水安全、维持社会稳定上具有重要意义,本文从水文地质条件、社会经济条件等几个方面对应急水源地的选取原则进行研究,并在合肥市对地下水应急水源地的选取进行示例,为地下水应急水源地选取工作提供参考依据。  相似文献   

洛杉矶大地震的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过报道美国洛杉矶大地震概况、震害、观测台站资料及震后应急工作情况,综述了美国在城市抗震设防、地震应急反应、民众自救、传播媒介及时报道等对我国城市生命线工程和房屋的抗震设防、减灾救灾、民从防震意识及应急心理的培养方面的启示。  相似文献   

反思“5.31”地震 完善《应急预案》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是对 1 997年 5月 31日永安 5 2级地震应急救灾情况的回顾和总结  相似文献   

自然灾害测报网格及其实现的关键技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然灾害测报是一门综合的科学,它涉及到的灾害数据采集、信息资源分布、异构等问题制约了行业应用和信息化发展,而网格是新一代高性能计算环境和信息服务的基础设施,能够实现动态跨地域的资源共享和整合工作。自然灾害测报网格(NDPG)基于网格技术,为灾害测报工作服务。本文对自然灾害测报网格的概念、研究内容和框架体系进行了初步探讨,并讨论了NDPG在实现中的几个关键技术问题。  相似文献   

地震以其突发性和巨大破坏性给人类生存安全、社会经济发展和社会稳定带来严重危害。我省地处我国东南沿海地震带 ,地震活动比较活跃。在全面建设小康社会发展进程中 ,随着经济发展、人民生活逐步富裕 ,社会文明进一步提高 ,更加需要一个稳定的发展环境和安全的生存空间。为此 ,建立健全地震应急救援体系 ,不断提高地震应急反应综合能力 ,使地震造成的人员伤亡和经济损失减至最小 ,对社会的影响降至最低。地震应急救援体系是由政府统一领导指挥、地震部门综合协调 ,以各级抗震救灾指挥部和专业地震灾害救援队为主 ,联合各灾种管理部门和包括志愿者在内的其他救援力量 ,实施地震应急救援 ,相互支援、分工协作的综合应急救援协调系统。加强地震应急预案管理 ,快速、有序、高效、恰当地实施地震应急工作 ,建立社会动员机制 ,有效动员和组织社会力量 ,减少地震损失 ,是该体系中重要的基础工作 ,是我省“十一五”期间完善地震应急救援体系的主要工作内容。  相似文献   

An analysis on disasters management system in China   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
This paper introduced the principle, institutional framework, and legal construction of Chinese disaster management system, and operating mechanisms of disaster management departments in pre-disaster, response and post-disaster phases were also demonstrated. Although China has basically built the disaster management system, formed national emergency plan system, and gained achievements in some aspects, the disasters management system is still a segmental model and is not an integrated management system. This article analyzes problems of Chinese disaster management system, and puts forward some suggestions for improving and optimizing this system. This can make Chinese disaster management system better respond and handle to disasters risk, and reduce the social and economic losses of disasters caused.  相似文献   

Analysis of social vulnerability to hazards in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To improve natural disaster management, it is important to recognize the variability of the vulnerable populations exposed to hazards and to develop location-based emergency plans accordingly. This paper presents a mathematical model to establish a model of social vulnerability index (SoVI), which includes 12 social variables, and the regional social vulnerability to natural hazards was formulated by them. Taking a city as statistical unit, the variability of vulnerability to natural hazards was explored among the 323 cities based on the SoVI. The results indicate that vulnerability is a location-based regional phenomenon, with the most vulnerable cities being located in the southwest of China and the eastern areas being generally less vulnerable. The results will be helpful for policy makers to formulate disaster management plans, which can be beneficial for people in more vulnerable areas who are responding to, coping with, and recovering from natural disasters.  相似文献   

On June 17, 2020, a mudslide occurred in Meilongou of Banshanmen Town, Danba County of Sichuan Province, which blocked Xiaojinchuan River and formed a barrier lake, causing heavy property losses and casualties. In order to grasp the first-hand disaster situation and assist emergency rescue and other disposals, combined with the UAV aerial photography data and post-disaster site survey and other data, the authors used the domestic high-score 2 satellite data as the main data source to carry out the emergency investigation and analytical research of emergency rescue decision about “6.17” Danba River debris flow disaster chain. The results show that the affected population is about 65,000 and the nearest emergency rescue teams are from State Grid Danba County Power Supply Company and China Unicom of Xiaojin Country. Five schools, such as Banshanmen middle school, could be used as temporary resettlement shelters. There are six mining enterprises, one important reservoir and one hydropower station affected by the disaster. The debris flow gully is NE—SE distributed, covering about 142,700 m2. And the barrier lake is about 1.03 km2, covering 498,000 m2. The totally destroyed roadbed and road surface were about 2.1 km and there are 9 suspected disaster hidden dangers in the lower reach. Whats more, 25 residential houses and 5 bridges were damaged by the disaster. Two rescue lifelines with good post-disaster accessibility to the severely affected debris flow areas were chosen. With the help of remote sensing technology, the in-depth analysis of the pre-judgment of the affected population by the debris flow disaster chain, emergency investigation of the disaster situation and disaster damage, and the selection of emergency rescue lifelines were successfully conducted, which has great guiding significance in the emergency rescue and disaster prevention and mitigation in the mountainous areas of Southwest China with similar geological conditions.  相似文献   

2020年6月17日,四川丹巴县半扇门镇梅龙沟发生泥石流,阻断小金川河,形成堰塞湖,造成重大财产损失与人员伤亡。为掌握第一手灾情,辅助开展应急救援,以国产高分二号卫星数据为主要数据源,结合无人机航空摄影数据和灾后现场调查等资料,开展了“6·17”丹巴堵江泥石流灾害链灾区应急调查与分析。研究认为: 灾区影响人口约6.5万人; 国网丹巴县供电公司应急救援队与小金县联通通信应急抢险救援队距离最近,半扇门中学等5所学校可作为临时安置避难场所备选; 受影响矿山企业6家、重要水库1座、水电站1座; 泥石流沟总体呈NW—SE向展布,掩没面积约14.27万m2; 堰塞湖湖面面积约1.03 km2,淹没区约49.8万m2,路基路面全毁路段约2.1 km,下游疑似灾害隐患点9处,因灾受损民居25处、桥梁5处; 优选了2条灾后通达性较好的通往泥石流重灾区的救援生命线。借助遥感技术深入分析泥石流灾害链影响人口等灾情先期研判、灾情灾损应急调查及应急救援生命通道优选,对我国西南山区类似条件地质灾害隐患点的应急抢险救援、防灾减灾工作具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

北斗卫星导航系统在地质调查领域应用综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北斗卫星导航系统由中国自行研制,拥有完全自主知识产权,具有快速定位、双向通信和精密授时三大功能。介绍了北斗卫星导航系统的特点、功能及其在数据采集与监测、监控与指挥调度等方面的典型应用,总结了北斗卫星系统在野外地质调查与安全保障、地质灾害实时监测、抗震救灾与应急指挥中的应用,重点介绍了基于北斗卫星的野外地质调查服务与管理系统、滑坡实时监测系统、青藏高原地应力实时监测系统、抗震救灾应急指挥系统的组成及功能,并分析了北斗卫星导航系统在地质领域的应用优势。   相似文献   

中国的巨灾风险与巨灾防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巨灾是指对人民生命财产造成特别巨大损失,对社会经济发展产生严重影响的自然灾害事件。我国巨灾主要为特大洪水、大地震以及特大风暴潮、持续性大面积干旱。新中国建立以来,共有18个年份发生巨灾。巨灾频发的根本原因是,自然条件复杂多变,多种异常动力活动强烈;减灾基础薄弱,巨灾防范能力不足。未来时期,巨灾对国家安全和社会经济威胁依然严重,预测有11个高风险区,分布在东部沿海和部分中部地区。巨灾防范对策包括:提高认识、加强研究、建立管理系统及预警系统、制定应急预案、加强国际合作交流等。   相似文献   

为提供全天候、全自动化、高精度变形监测服务,并最大限度降低空间环境因素对实时高精度定位的影响,基于数字调频广播(CDRadio)RTK(载波相位差分技术)边缘计算技术融合GNSS(全球卫星导航系统)核心解析算法,开发了具有自主知识产权、结构开放的“基于广播RTK边缘计算的北斗高精度地质灾害监测系统”,该系统能长时间稳定运行,并能满足功能性需求和非功能性需求在内的所有用户需要。以广西梧州市长洲区宝石园8号地块不稳定斜坡为例,通过分析2020年5—11月的监测数据表明:整个坡体处于蠕变阶段,坡顶前缘有向外侧蠕动且下沉的趋势,整个坡体有向东南方向倾斜发育的趋势。系统通过建立良好的系统信息交互平台,将系统形成的统计分析信息高速便捷地传递给用户,提高用户系统管理、决策、应用能力;充分挖掘系统数据资源,提供实时预报服务,提高信息采集、传输、处理、分析、预报的准确性、可靠性,全面提高地质灾害监测预警预报管理能力,更好地为各级管理部门的决策和指挥抢险救灾提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The establishment of water governance in emergency situations supports timely and effective reaction with regard to the risk and impact of natural disasters on drinking-water supplies and populations. Under such governance, emergency activities of governmental authorities, rescue and aid teams, water stakeholders, local communities and individuals are coordinated with the objective to prevent and/or mitigate disaster impact on water supplies, to reduce human suffering due to drinking-water failure during and in the post-disaster period, and to manage drinking-water services in emergency situations in an equitable manner. The availability of low-vulnerability groundwater resources that have been proven safe and protected by geological features, and with long residence time, can make water-related relief and rehabilitation activities during and after an emergency more rapid and effective. Such groundwater resources have to be included in water governance and their exploration must be coordinated with overall management of drinking-water services in emergencies. This paper discusses institutional and technical capacities needed for building effective groundwater governance policy and drinking-water risk and demand management in emergencies. Disaster-risk mitigation plans are described, along with relief measures and post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction activities, which support gradual renewal of drinking-water services on the level prior to the disaster. The role of groundwater governance in emergencies differs in individual phases of disaster (preparedness, warning, impact/relief, rehabilitation). Suggested activities and actions associated with these phases are summarized and analysed, and a mode of their implementation is proposed.  相似文献   

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