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D-InSAR技术在地面沉降监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚国清  母景琴 《地学前缘》2008,15(4):239-243
重复轨道差分干涉测量(D-InSAR)技术在监测地表形变方面得到了深入的研究和广泛的应用。本研究将时间序列分析方法引入到差分干涉测量技术中,并和永久散射体技术相结合,提出一种基于PS点的差分干涉时间序列分析方法。该方法以干涉图上两个较近PS点的相位差为研究对象,能够消除大气相位延迟对差分干涉处理的影响。并将该方法应用在天津地面沉降监测实验中,获得了天津地区地面沉降数据和沉降分布图,取得了比较满意的结果。  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达干涉测量(InSAR)在地面形变监测中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
运用合成孔径雷达干涉及其差分技术(InSAR及D-InSAR)进行地面微位移监测,是近年来发展起来并得到日益重视的新方法。对不同地区地面形变的最新研究结果表明,合成孔径雷达干涉及其差分技术在地震形变、冰川运移、活动构造、地面沉降及滑坡等研究与监测中有广阔的应用前景,具有不可替代的优势。 与其它方法(如GPS监测等)相比,用InSAR及D-InSAR进行地面形变监测的主要优点在于:(1)覆盖范围大,方便迅速:(2)成本低,不需要建立监测网;(3)空间分辨率高,可以获得某一地区连续的地表形变信息;(4)可以监测或识别出潜在或未知的地面形变信息:(5)全天候,不受云层及昼夜影响。但是由于系统本身因素以及地面植被、湿度及大气条件变化的影响,精度及适用性受到一定的限制,需要在实践中不断加以完善和提高,并与地质研究及其它方法相结合。 为了弥补传统InSAR及D-InSAR方法在地面形变监测方面的不足,提高其精度,近期引入了一种称为永久散射点(PS)的方法。此方法通过选取一定时期内表现出稳定干涉行为的孤立点,克服了许多妨碍传统雷达干涉技术的分辨率、空间及时间上基线限制等问题,使InSAR在城市及岩石出露较好地区地面形变监测精度大大提高,在一定的条件下精度可达到mm级。  相似文献   

基于点目标分析的InSAR技术检测地表微小形变的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,由合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(InSAR)技术发展而来的时间序列影像点目标分析技术已发展成为大范围地提取地表微小形变信息的关键技术。本研究针对地表形变检测中经常出现的时间、空间去相干问题和大气效应等问题,从常规的合成孔径雷达差分测量技术(D-InSAR)入手,深入探讨了以永久散射体(PSI)和相干目标分析(CTA)方法为代表的点目标分析技术原理和方法,阐述了它们的特点和优势。最后,介绍了CTA方法对提取长时间地表形变场的具体应用实例,说明其方法的有效性和可靠性。  相似文献   

为了实现对呼和浩特市城区形变监测,采用永久散射体合成孔径雷达干涉测量(PS-InSAR)技术,对2017年3月—2021年4月期间25景呼和浩特市城区Sentinel-1A数据进行时序干涉处理,提取了城区地表沉降信息,并分析了主要沉降中心沉降原因。结果表明:呼和浩特市城区地表存在5个明显的沉降中心,整体地表平均年沉降速率3.65 mm/a,平均累计沉降量为15.50 mm,其沉降主要原因是由于地下水过度开采。Sentinel-1A数据具有时间基线短、影像数量足、数据免费等优点,利于InSAR时序分析,可满足同类城区地表形变监测工作,服务城市安全。  相似文献   

基于PS-InSAR的 1995-2000 年苏州地面沉降监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
永久散射体(PS)技术在传统差分干涉测量(D-InSAR)中引入时间维,分析长时间内保持稳定的像元集相位变化,获得毫米级的地面测量精度,但是该技术要求处理的范围较小.采用分块处理的方法,通过PS差分干涉测量处理,得到1995-2000 年苏州地区地面沉降场的测量值.地面水准测量数据的验证分析表明,雷达差分干涉测量精度可达5mm(以水准测量代表地面形变的真实情况),基于分块处理的 PS-InSAR 技术在进行城市地面沉降监测和时空演化特征研究中具有很大的优势.  相似文献   

极具潜力的空间对地观测新技术——合成孔径雷达干涉   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
“合成孔径雷达干涉(InSAR)”是近十年发展起来的空间对地观测遥感新技术。它具有从覆盖同一地区的星载(或机载)合成孔径雷达复数图像对提取干涉相位图,借助于雷达成像时的姿态数据重建地表三维模型(即数字高程模型)的巨大潜力。尤其是基于多幅雷达复数图像处理的差分干涉技术(D-InSAR)可以用于监测地表形变,精度可达厘米级甚至更高,其监测空间分辨率是前所未有的。介绍了InSAR和D-InSAR的基本原理,对影响干涉结果的一些重要因素做了分析,重点回顾和展望了差分干涉技术在与地表形变有关的地震监测和震后形变测量、地面下沉和山体滑坡、火山运动监测等方面应用的现状和前景。  相似文献   

三峡库区范家坪滑坡地表形变InSAR监测与综合分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
位于湖北省秭归县的范家坪滑坡是长江三峡库区干流上的大型岩质滑坡之一。阐述了高分辨率合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(InSAR)监测滑坡地表形变的工作方法与技术体系,采用22景3m空间分辨率的TerraSAR-X数据,辅以人工反射体布设和GPS测量,对范家坪滑坡变形进行监测,发现滑坡处在缓慢匀速变形状态,其谭家河滑坡体的形变比木鱼包滑坡体更为强烈,形变最大处的雷达视线向形变速率达到300mm/a。通过综合分析滑坡区2012年大气降雨和长江水位资料,发现年度内范家坪滑坡变形受水位变化和大气降雨影响微弱。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种用于监测地表形变时间演化的差分雷达干涉测量新算法,该方法基于对影像对生成的差分干涉图的适当组合。为了降低空间失相干影响,影像对选取需依据短基线原则,利用奇异值分解方法将由于长基线限制而分开的独立的数据集联系起来,增加了观测的时间采样率,滤去大气相位分量,就可以获取形变的时空信息。本文对ERS卫星获取的1992~2000年间意大利坎皮弗莱格瑞火山和那不勒斯城地区的数据进行实验,验证本文提出的算法具有可行性并根据获得的形变结果进行了深入的动力学分析。  相似文献   

基于北斗与InSAR的地质灾害监测关键问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国南方地区在地形复杂、植被覆盖度高的特殊条件下,地质灾害监测成本高、精度低的难题,提出了基于北斗联合光学、雷达等多源卫星遥感手段的地质灾害监测技术体系。充分利用北斗的高时间分辨率、雷达卫星的高空间分辨率,结合高分率光学遥感手段,探讨了面向复杂地形和植被覆盖的CR和PSInSAR联合监测、基于多源遥感数据的地表覆盖信息提取与变化监测以及集成北斗与多源遥感的地表形变监测等关键技术问题,建立地质灾害区域的高时间分辨率+高空间分辨率的地表形变场,耦合地表覆盖物的变化场,建立了一套基于地表形变的地质灾害监测技术方法。相比于传统方法,此技术方法成本相对低廉,监测精度相对较高,可为今后复杂地区的地质灾害监测提供一种新的方法。  相似文献   

在黄土高原城镇灾害调查的基础上,利用时间序列In SAR技术对绥德县城区的地表形变进行监测,通过影像裁剪、影像配准、地形相位估计、差分干涉、高相干点选取、相位解缠、变形提取和误差估计等数据处理手段,获取黄土高原重要城镇时间序列PS点,利用PS点的变形速率值来圈定潜在滑坡区;通过野外考察,证明时间序列In SAR技术可用于黄土高原区滑坡识别,且准确度较好,能为城镇地质灾害风险防控提供科学依据。  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量技术(D-InSAR)可监测地球表面的微量形变,包括地震、火山活动、冰川漂移、地面沉降、活动断裂及山体滑坡等引起的地表位移,是近年来发展起来并得到日益重视的新方法,与其他监测方法(如GPS监测等)相比,用D-InSAR进行地面微位移监测具有全天时、全天候、精度高、覆盖范围大且空间连续的巨大优势。采用D-InSAR技术对阿尔金东段构造变形特征进行了研究,结果表明,阿尔金断裂带是青藏高原东北缘地壳变形的重要分界线。界线以北地区变形均匀,而且变形量较小;以南地区变形强烈且不均匀,变形强度的总体趋势为西高东低,中间受北祁连断裂带西段的影响,在断裂带中出现约为1.0cm的变形低值。另外,南区存在N65°W和近NW两个方向的线性强变形带,前者与阿尔金走滑断裂带次一级的压扭面方向一致,后者与北祁连断裂带西段的展布方向一致。  相似文献   

城市地物覆盖类型复杂多样,空间变异性大,使得不区分地物类型的沉降监测难以准确反映多因素影响下的城市地面沉降特征.受到SAR影像空间分辨率的限制,以往利用PS-InSAR技术进行的地面沉降监测无法实现PS(永久散射体)监测点的属性分类.本文选取地面沉降严重、工程建设强度大的天津塘沽作为研究区,利用1m高空间分辨率的Ter...  相似文献   

D-INSAR技术在大范围滑坡监测中的应用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
对大面积自然山区进行高精度的滑坡灾害监测一直是我国及其它地质灾害频发国家的一个重要课题,尚未得到很好解决。D-INSAR技术是近年来微波遥感发展的一个重要方向,理论上可以以厘米甚至更高的精度对连续大面积的微小地面活动进行监测,被认为是极具应用前景的滑坡灾害监测技术。为此以应用D-INSAR技术对大范围的自然滑坡进行监测和预警为目的,详细地推导了D-INSAR技术监测形变的原理公式并介绍了方法和数据处理流程,在全面回顾该技术在国内外滑坡监测中的应用现状和实例的基础上,分析了D-INSAR技术在滑坡监测中的优势及问题点,并结合最新技术进展提出了解决方案,认为应该综合利用先进地球探测及数字处理技术与D-INSAR技术相结合来克服D-INSAR技术中的问题点。具体介绍了永久散射体(PS)技术、小基线子集(SBAS)技术、GPS技术及基于地面的LISA技术等,并对这几种技术与D-INSAR技术的结合进行了探讨,使其达到对滑坡更有效的监测。  相似文献   

This paper is addressed to readers without advanced knowledge of remote sensing. It illustrates some current and potential uses of satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar interferometry (InSAR) for landslide assessment. Data acquired by SAR systems can provide 3D terrain models and be used to assist in regional scale investigations, e.g. aimed at evaluation of susceptibility of slopes to failure. Under favourable environmental conditions, the innovative Permanent Scatterers (PS) technique, which overcomes several limitations of conventional SAR differential interferometry (DInSAR) applications in landslide studies, is suitable for monitoring slope deformations with millimetric precision. The PS technique combines the wide-area coverage typical of satellite imagery with the capability of providing displacement data relative to individual image pixels. With the currently available radar satellites, however, only very slow ground surface displacements can be reliably detected and measured. The presented case study of a landslide from the Liechtenstein Alps indicates that the most attractive and reliable contribution provided by this remote sensing technique lies in the possibility of (i.) wide-area qualitative distinction between stable and unstable areas and (ii.) qualitative (relative) hazard zonation of large, slow landslides based on the identification of segments characterised by different movement rates. Since only the radar line of sight projection of the displacements can be detected, a quantitative exploitation of the PS data is possible only where sufficient ground truth is available. In site specific or single landslide investigations the PS data can represent a very useful complementary data source with respect to the information acquired through ground based observations and in situ surveying. However, the difficulties associated with the feasibility assessments of the applicability of SAR data to local scale problems, as well as with the interpretation of PS results, require a close collaboration between landslide experts and specialists in advanced processing of radar satellite data. The interpretation of the exact geotechnical significance of small, radar sensed ground surface deformations is challenging, especially where ground truth is lacking. Although any ground deformation is potentially of interest to an engineering geologist, detection of movements in both vertical and horizontal directions is needed in the case of landslides to evaluate slope failure mechanisms. With their high radar viewing angles, however, the current space-borne systems can detect only a fraction of the horizontal component of movement. It is expected that the upcoming SAR dedicated missions with new sensors and different acquisition geometries, combined with the rapid developments in the field of advanced radar data processing, will allow a full 3D reconstruction of deformation data and help to further reduce the current limitations of the PS and similar DInSAR approaches.  相似文献   

Hsieh  Chia-Sheng  Shih  Tian-Yuan  Hu  Jyr-Ching  Tung  Hsin  Huang  Mong-Han  Angelier  Jacques 《Natural Hazards》2011,58(3):1311-1332
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (InSAR) is a geodetic tool widely applied in the studies of earth-surface deformation. This technique has the benefits of high spatial resolution and centimetre-scale accuracy. Differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) is used to measure ground deformation with repeat-pass SAR images. This study applied DInSAR and persistent scatterers InSAR (PSInSAR) for detecting land subsidence in the Pingtung Plain, southern Taiwan, between 1995 and 2000. In recent years, serious land subsidence occurred along coastal regions of Taiwan as a consequence of over-pumping of underground water. Results of this study revealed that the critical subsidence region is located on the coast near the estuary of Linpien River. It is also found that subsidence was significantly higher during the dry season than the wet season. The maximum annual subsidence rate of the dry season is up to −11.51 cm/year in critical subsidence region and the vertical land movement rate is much slower during the wet season. The average subsidence rates in wet and dry seasons are −0.31 and −3.37 cm/year, respectively. As a result, the subsidence rate in dry seasons is about 3 cm larger than in wet seasons.  相似文献   

作为大地测量的一种新兴空间技术,合成孔径雷达干涉(synthetic aperture radar interferometry, InSAR)具有全天时、高精度、大范围和速度快的优点,逐渐被应用于多年冻土区地表形变监测中。通过综述多年冻土形变原理及InSAR监测多年冻土形变的应用实例,研究表明:在气候变暖的背景下,多年冻土区地表年际形变以下沉为主,多年冻土上限附近地下冰含量的大小是影响年际形变量的主要因素;活动层内土壤含水量影响着地表季节形变量的大小,不同类型多年冻土区的地表年际形变量和季节形变量存在着较大的差异。研究还表明,不同波长的SAR产品在不同类型多年冻土区的适用性不同,下垫面特征对利用InSAR获取地表形变量有较大影响,L波段的SAR数据在植被覆盖度较好的区域有更好的效果。由于InSAR的失相干问题,加之目前还缺少长时间、多类型、高频率的实测形变结果作为验证和标校数据,获取准确且连续的大范围形变数据较为困难。针对目前寒区研究需求,布设野外长期观测站点,建立适用于不同多年冻土区的地表形变反演算法,构建具有较高精度和较高时空分辨率的地表形变数据集具有重要的实践和科学意义。  相似文献   

Within the SLAM project (Service for Landslide Monitoring), launched in 2003 by the European Space Agency (ESA) the Permanent Scatterers (PS) technique, a multi-image interferometric approach, coupled with the interpretation of aerial-photos and optical satellite images, was carried out for landslide investigations. The PS analysis was applied at a regional scale as support for landslide inventory mapping and at local scale for the monitoring of single well-known slope movements. For the integration of the PS measurements within a landslide inventory the Arno river basin (Italy) was chosen as test site for the presence of a high number of mass movements (to date about 300 areas at high landslide risk and more than 27,000 individual landslides mapped by the institutional authorities). About 350 SAR images have been interferometrically processed by means of the PS technique, with the detection of about 600,000 PS. The use of optical images contributed spatial meaning to the point-wise information provided by the PS, making it easier to identify terrain features related to slope instability and the landslide boundaries. Here we describe the employed methodology and its impact in the updating of a preexisting landslide inventory. 6.8% of the total number of landslides were characterized by ground displacement measurements from the PS: 6.1% of already mapped landslides and 0.8% of new unstable areas detected through the PS analysis. Moreover, most of the PS are located in urban areas, showing that the proposed methodology is suitable for landslide mapping in areas with a quite high density of urbanization, but that over vegetated areas it still suffers from the limitations induced by the current space-borne SAR missions (e.g. temporal de-correlation). On the other hand, the use of InSAR for the monitoring of single slow landslides threatening built-up areas has provided satisfactory results, allowing the measurement of superficial deformations with high accuracy on the landslide sectors characterized by a good radar reflectivity and coherence.  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(SAR)经过10多年的发展,现已广泛的应用于地球学科的各个领域.目前主流的GAMMA解算软件,采用二轨差分的方法,对实验区的SAR数据进行配准、滤波、去平地效应、相位解缠、差分等处理,最后得到垂直形变图,实现了地表形变的监测.本次研究SAR数据为欧空局的ERS-2卫星数据,DEM分辨率为30 m,采用最小费用流法解缠,得到于雷达视线方向上的形变量,再通过计算与转换,生成垂直方向上的形变图.结果表明,研究区城市中及其周边发现明显的沉降中心,在山区地带基本没有沉降.  相似文献   

《Engineering Geology》2007,89(3-4):200-217
Within the SLAM project (Service for Landslide Monitoring), launched in 2003 by the European Space Agency (ESA) the Permanent Scatterers (PS) technique, a multi-image interferometric approach, coupled with the interpretation of aerial-photos and optical satellite images, was carried out for landslide investigations. The PS analysis was applied at a regional scale as support for landslide inventory mapping and at local scale for the monitoring of single well-known slope movements. For the integration of the PS measurements within a landslide inventory the Arno river basin (Italy) was chosen as test site for the presence of a high number of mass movements (to date about 300 areas at high landslide risk and more than 27,000 individual landslides mapped by the institutional authorities). About 350 SAR images have been interferometrically processed by means of the PS technique, with the detection of about 600,000 PS. The use of optical images contributed spatial meaning to the point-wise information provided by the PS, making it easier to identify terrain features related to slope instability and the landslide boundaries. Here we describe the employed methodology and its impact in the updating of a preexisting landslide inventory. 6.8% of the total number of landslides were characterized by ground displacement measurements from the PS: 6.1% of already mapped landslides and 0.8% of new unstable areas detected through the PS analysis. Moreover, most of the PS are located in urban areas, showing that the proposed methodology is suitable for landslide mapping in areas with a quite high density of urbanization, but that over vegetated areas it still suffers from the limitations induced by the current space-borne SAR missions (e.g. temporal de-correlation). On the other hand, the use of InSAR for the monitoring of single slow landslides threatening built-up areas has provided satisfactory results, allowing the measurement of superficial deformations with high accuracy on the landslide sectors characterized by a good radar reflectivity and coherence.  相似文献   

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