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遂安石是一种镁的硼酸盐矿物,自然界中较为少见。它于1953年由渡边武男在朝鲜遂安郡笏洞矿区首次发现,以后在苏联和我国也相继发现。它常与镁硼石(小藤石)、硼镁铁矿、硼镁石和粒硅镁石等矿物一起发育于矽卡岩型硼矿床中的变质白云岩中。遂安石之所以少见,是因其生成条件比较特殊。一般认为它是矽卡岩矿物,但典型的矽卡岩硼矿床中所含硼矿物往往是硼镁石和硼镁铁矿,而不  相似文献   

遂安石的合成及其成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遂安石是一种镁的硼酸盐矿物,自然界中较为少见。它于1953年由渡边武男在朝鲜遂安郡笏洞矿区首次发现,以后在苏联和我国也相继发现。它常与镁硼石(小藤石)、硼镁铁矿、硼镁石和粒硅镁石等矿物一起发育于矽卡岩型硼矿床中的变质白云岩中。 遂安石之所以少见,是因其生成条件比较特殊。一般认为它是矽卡岩矿物,但典型的矽卡岩硼矿床中所含硼矿物往往是硼镁石和硼镁铁矿,而不是遂安石;而遂安石则见于变质白云岩或存在于白  相似文献   

江苏冶山硼矿是中国典型矽卡岩型硼矿床。文章利用电子探针和粉晶X-射线衍射测试手段,对冶山硼矿中硼酸盐及共生脉石矿物,进行了岩相学、矿物化学成分、矿物种类等方面详细研究,并对该矿床中硼酸岩矿物的成因机制进行了讨论。研究发现,冶山硼矿中矿石矿物为硼镁铁矿和硼镁石。硼镁铁矿多为纤维状和针状集合体产出,属早期矽卡岩阶段形成产物;硼镁石主要为片状结构,少量为纤维状结构,且有四种赋存状态:(1)无定型分布硼镁石-Ⅰ,此种硼镁石与蛇纹石共生;(2)网脉状硼镁石-Ⅱ,穿且或环绕早期片状硼镁石;(3)与细粒磁铁矿共生的硼镁石-Ⅲ;(4)充填状硼镁石-Ⅳ,此种硼镁石为纤维状,充填于其他矿物的晶间。背散射电子图像表明,网脉状硼镁石-Ⅱ晚于片状硼镁石-Ⅰ,二者应该是形成于富硼热液与水镁石的相互作用;条带状硼镁石是由富硼热液与早期的硼镁铁矿之间的反应形成;充填在其他矿物之间的纤维状硼镁石可能直接从富硼热液中结晶而成,应该属于最晚期。  相似文献   

辽东地区沉积变质硼矿床及硼同位素研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
辽东地区元古界硼矿床属于沉积变质硼矿。根据现代盐湖沉积 ,认为硼矿物沉积通常为硼砂 ,然后在区域变质作用过程中 ,硼砂矿物转变为硼镁矿物或硼铁矿等硼酸盐矿物 ,但辽东硼矿床中不同硼矿物的硼同位素有一定差别。电气石富10 B ,δ11B值较低或呈负值 ;而硼镁石与硼镁铁矿类矿物明显富集11B ,δ11B值较高 ,为 +2 3‰~ +17 4‰。根据水岩作用过程中硼同位素分馏特征的研究 ,11B与10 B比较有下列 4个特征 :( 1) 11B属于极不相容元素 ,优先进入水相 ,因此在变质残余矿物相中形成低的δ11B值 ;( 2 )在蚀变和交代变质反应中硅优先替代11B进入矿物晶格 ,因此在硅化交代中可以降低δ11B值 ,而脱硅反应中可以提高δ11B值 ;水化作用中 ,OH-带入11B ,使富水矿物具有较高的δ11B值 ;( 3)热水沉积及热液交代成因电气石均具有较低的δ11B值或者为负值 ;( 4)通过最近的研究表明 ,在热蒸馏过程中 ,硼同位素会发生明显的分馏 ,11B倾向于进入蒸汽相 ,而使残余相或后蒸馏相亏损11B ,形成较低的δ11B值。因此可以认为辽东地区元古界硼矿床属于热水沉积电气石岩在后期区域变质或热变质过程中分解出硼酸气水溶液交代镁碳酸盐形成硼镁石或硼镁铁矿矿物 ,而非蒸发沉积变质矿床。  相似文献   

硼矿是中国重要的紧缺矿产,长期依赖进口,找寻新的硼矿资源迫在眉睫.笔者在湘南地区芙蓉锡矿床新发现了矽卡岩型硼矿化,硼矿物包括硼镁铁矿、遂安石和氟硼镁石,1件典型样品的X射线粉晶衍射分析结果表明硼矿物总含量达到47.4%,换算成w(B)(以B2O3计)约为9.5%,高于5%的硼矿最低工业品位.该发现预示着湘南地区,乃至华南与高分异花岗岩有关的钨锡多金属矿集区有良好的硼成矿潜力,在今后的找矿过程中,需加强与钨锡多金属共伴生的硼矿化评价工作.  相似文献   

高台沟硼矿地质地球化学及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高台沟硼矿位于吉南集安地区,含硼岩系普遍经受中-高级区域变质作用,区域上含矿镁质岩石类型划分为镁橄榄岩大理岩混合型和大理岩型两种矿化类型,高台沟硼矿属于镁橄榄岩大理岩混合型硼矿。含矿层岩石为灰绿色和黄绿色蛇纹岩,顶部岩石为金云母、透辉、滑石岩或金云透辉大理岩,向下为金云蛇纹岩或金云白云石大理岩,与蛇纹岩成渐变关系。蛇纹岩原岩为菱镁矿大理岩和镁橄榄岩,蛇纹石化镁橄榄岩中以产出硼镁铁矿为主,蛇纹石化大理岩中主要产出硼镁石。矿石化学成分反映,B_2O_3品位变化与MgO含量正相关,高品位硼矿石MgO含量均在40%以上。硼矿石稀土总量较低,小于22.03×10~(-6),轻重稀土略有分异,不同的负铕异常,明显的铈正异常。矿石中除B外,F也明显富集,其次是Cl、Rb、Sn、Th、U高于地幔岩石,而Ti、V、Cr、Co、Ni、Ga、Ba等则亏损,而硼镁铁矿的Co、Sn、U热液元素明显高于硼镁石矿石。矿床成因属于变质热液交代富镁质岩石形成的矿床,硼酸热液交代富镁岩石及磁铁矿形成硼镁石和硼镁铁矿,也可以是硼酸热液与铁镁溶液混合形成硼镁石和硼镁铁矿。  相似文献   

辽吉内生硼矿分布于宽甸群的高小岭组(Pt1kn4)、老营沟组(Pt1kn6)和砖庙组(Pt1kn7)地层中。在硼矿床中,硼镁铁矿-硼铁矿系列的矿物有富镁硼铁矿、富铁硼镁铁矿和富镁硼镁铁矿。它们的矿物学特征取决于j值[FeO/(FeO+MgO)],f值增大,硼镁铁矿的反射色、反射多色性和偏光色明显;红外光谱则表现为ν2和ν4的振动频率低移;晶胞参数a0和c0增大。f值减小,颜色、多色性变化明显。从Pt1kn4→Pt1kn6→Pt1kn7,硼镁铁矿的f值逐渐减小,氧化系数增大,其形成向着富镁、氧化程度高的方向演化。硼镁铁矿的矿物学特征具有含硼层的指示意义。  相似文献   

翁泉沟硼镁铁矿矿床呈层状赋存于南辽河群里尔裕组火山_沉积地层下部的钙镁硅酸盐岩中,是一个大型含铀硼镁铁矿矿床。文章运用LA_MC_ICP_MS硼同位素微区原位测试技术和MC_ICP_MS酸溶法硼同位素测试技术,获得硼镁铁矿矿石中δ11B值为6.9‰~8.2‰;硼镁石δ11B值为7.4‰~7.8‰;变粒岩(上盘)内电气石的δ11B值为4.2‰~4.8‰;蛇纹石化碳酸盐岩中的δ11B值为7.6‰~9.4‰。镁铁矿矿石内磁黄铁矿的δ34SV_CDT值为12.3‰~13.2‰,矿体上下层位中的蛇纹石化大理岩δ13CV_PDB值为-4.6‰~1.8‰,矿床外围同层位的大理岩δ13CV_PDB值为-1.2‰~0.1‰。文章结合该矿床内成矿地层中的蛇纹石化镁质大理岩、橄榄玄武岩和硼镁铁矿的共生关系,认为辽东地区硼酸盐矿床中的硼最初来自富硼海水,后经蒸发和变质作用而形成硼酸盐矿床。  相似文献   

选取土壤、水系沉积物、岩石、超基性岩、黏土等标准物质,应用混合溶剂与样品质量比为14:1的高稀释比方法熔融制备测试样品,拟合校准曲线,建立X射线荧光光谱(XRF)同时测定硅酸盐岩石样品中18种组分(SiO2、Al2O3、TFe2O3、MgO、CaO、K2O、Na2O、TiO2、BaO、MnO、P2O5、Cr2O3、V2O5、Rb、Sr、Zr、Cu、Ni)的快速分析方法.应用帕纳科Eagon2全自动高频电感熔样机,称取7.0000 g(45Li2B4O7+10LiBO2+5LiF)混合溶剂与0.5000 g样品混合均匀,分别加入氧化剂饱和硝酸铵溶液2滴,脱模剂饱和溴化锂溶液4滴,于700℃先预氧化4 min,再1 120℃熔融9 min制备样片,自然冷却至室温.此熔样方法能保证样品中待测组分熔化完全,并制得表面光滑平整的样片.用国家标准物质验证,测试结果的准确度和精密度均符合《地质矿产实验室测试质量管理规范》(DZ/T 0130-2006)要求.  相似文献   

以老挝甘蒙省钾镁盐矿床ZK318钻孔的含矿段(下盐层)为研究对象,对其开展了微量硼矿物的鉴定研究工作,以完善矿床的矿物组合类型。全岩样品的XRD初步结果给出,在顶部钾盐岩层中含有少量方硼石。为了进一步全面鉴定硼矿物的种类,对全岩样品溶解后得到的不溶物多晶集合体进行XRD分析,结果表明,不溶物中的硼矿物主要为方硼石(55%),其次为三斜晶系3A型氯硼钙石(15%)。3A型氯硼钙石在全岩样品中的含量不足1%,属微量矿物,因低于XRD的检出限,故在全岩样品的XRD图谱中无该矿物的衍射峰出现。此外,对三斜晶系3A型氯硼钙石的中文准确命名进行了讨论,指出中文定名应与国际惯例一致,即废除副水氯硼钙石(parahilgardite)一词,定名为3A型氯硼钙石(hilgardite-3A)以体现结构的微细差别,同时达到中文命名规范统一的目的。因此,该矿床中的硼矿物为少量方硼石和微量3A型氯硼钙石。  相似文献   

辽东-吉南地区硼矿床地质特征及成矿远景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产于辽东-吉南地区裂谷盆地中的古元古界辽河群里尔峪组为一套含硼岩系。其中划分的上、中、下三个含硼岩系分别赋存硼镁石-遂安石型、含磁铁矿-硼镁石型和硼镁铁矿型三类硼矿床。硼矿的发育与地层、围岩物质成分、围岩厚度及电气变粒岩等均有一定关系。通过分析研究,划分出营口后仙峪外围、风城和宽甸3个成矿远景区。并圈定出后仙峪硼矿外围、凤城县东汤镇西山、宽甸牛皮闸—大西岔、集安太平沟—小西沟、宽甸县老阳沟等4个找矿靶区。  相似文献   

辽宁营口后仙峪硼矿区超镁橄榄岩的控矿作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究辽宁营口后仙峪硼矿区超镁橄榄岩与硼矿的关系,作者通过硼矿与超镁橄榄岩两者在产出空间关系、岩石学和地球化学方面的比较,发现:①硼矿体与超镁橄榄岩空间关系上具一致性;②硼矿体与超镁橄榄岩在岩石学上具继承性;③硼矿石、超镁橄榄岩的地球化学特征具相似性,从而得出超镁橄榄岩不仅是该区硼矿的容矿岩石,而且对硼矿的形成有决定性的岩控作用,进一步认为辽东硼矿的容矿岩石不全是镁质大理岩,其他富镁岩石在一定条件下也可成为硼矿的容矿岩石。  相似文献   

砖庙硼矿为产在辽吉裂谷带的硼镁石矿床。矿层赋存于早元古界辽河群里尔峪组含硼变粒岩段。共分7个矿段。矿体多分布在大理岩膨大部位,并随其同步膨缩和等间距尖灭再现。根据赋矿层位、容矿岩石特征、矿石结构构造及B2O3品位进行混合筛分成果、数学地质判别资料综合分析表明,火山活动为硼矿形成提供物质来源,矿床形成经历沉积及变质改造二个阶段。  相似文献   

The hydration of kotoite, suanite, and szaibelyite with ultimate brucitization was considered by the example of skarn deposits of endogenous magnesium borates. This process involves isomorphic substitution of hydroxyl groups for equivalent amounts of boron radicals. The degree of kotoite hydration varies from 2 to 40%. The hydration products reach Mg2[BO3](OH) and Mg3{[BO3]1.5(3OH)0.5}2, are isostructural with orthoborate, approach Mg3[BO3](OH)3, and do not contain szaibelyite. Kotoite in association with humites is replaced by Si-bearing pertsevite with variable F content. In contrast, suanite is directly replaced by szaibelyite, with preservation of its relics or inheritance of crystal shapes. The composition of szaibelyite also changes owing to the partial substitution of hydroxyl for boric radical (in hydroxylszaibelyite) or an increase in H2O content (in hydroszaibelyite), which does not rule out its brucitization. The hydration of borates is caused by a decrease in boron content in hydrothermal solutions with decreasing temperature. The borate assemblages studied are characterized by low F content, the increase of which leads to the appearance of F-bearing low-and moderate-Si pertsevites in humite-kotoite calciphyres. The investigation of hydration became possible owing to the direct determination of boron content in borates. The obtained data were compared with experimental studies on the hydrothermal synthesis of kotoite, suanite, szaibelyite, and fluoborates. The established geochemical tendencies in the hydration of boron minerals, which is accompanied by partial migration and loss of boron into the adjacent rocks, are important for estimating the quality of borate ores in magnesian-skarn deposits.  相似文献   

吴虹 《化工矿产地质》2005,27(4):206-210
砖庙矿区硼矿石及含硼大理岩以富镁为特征,B的富集与Mg的富集关系密切。岩(矿) 石在蚀变(或成矿)过程中伴随着微量元素的迁移、富集,岩(矿石)的REE丰度变化范围较大。 通过对含硼白云质大理岩C、O同位素及B同位素地球化学进行分析显示了该矿床海相沉积碳酸盐 岩的特点,地层及矿体中的硼质同来源于深部。  相似文献   

宽甸群中的层控矿床   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The stratabound mineral deposits in the Kuandian Group (PtK) are all transformed deposits and might be classified into two types: syngenetic transformed deposits, such as boron, iron, rare-earth, pyrite and apatite ores, and metamorphic hydrothermal transformed deposits, such as magnesite, asbestos and talc. The boron deposits in the Kuandian Group are confined to the middle part of the Kuandian geosyncline 45 km in width and 400 km in length, constituting a boron ore zone trending in the same direction as the geosyncline itself. They may be classified commerrcially into two types, i. e., "white boron ore" and "black boron ore". The former, made up mainly of boronmagnesite and suanite, are rarely associated with ferruginous minerals, while the latter contains ludwigite and magnetite, forming ore of mixed type, the former occurs unexceptionally in PtK: while the latter can be found in three stratigraphic positions, i. e., PtK22, PtK41 and PtK62. The B-Fe-TR formation has formed in time and space a metallogenic sequence and three obliquely arranged zones on account of the uneven distribution of useful element composition in the original strata. Within the Kuandian geosyncline, therefore, three subformations could be recognized from its periphery in inward succession: Fe-TR, B-Fe-TR and B-(Fe) subformations, accompanied by an increase in B and a decrease in Fe. So far as economic significance is concerned, the iron deposits in the Kuandian Group are likely to be assigned to four types, namely, Fe-TR type (Shengtieling type), Fe-B type (Wengquangou type), Fe-rich and sulfide-bearing type (Yanglin type) and Fe-magnesite-magnetite type (Daankou type). The "sedimentation- transformed" idea ought to be emphasized in the whole process of mineral exploration for stratabound deposits in Kuandian Group except for metamorphic-hydrothermal-transformed ones. Sedimentationis the base of being transformed, which has been verified by years of survey and prospecting.  相似文献   

宽甸群是中朝准地台东北部的一个很重要的含矿层位,其中含有一种独特的含硼建造,产有硼矿和硼镁铁矿-磁铁矿类型的矿床。  相似文献   

The borate mineralization of the Pitkáranta skarn field of Karelia is localized in metasomatically altered Proterozoic dolomites. In the contact aureole of rapakivi granites, the zoning of magnesian skarns includes spinel-diopside or fassaite skarns with syngenetic magnetite and spinel-forsterite calciphyres surrounded by periclase marbles, which confirms their hypabyssal genesis. Stringer-stockwork bodies developing in the brecciation zone at the roof show a primitive zoning consisting of an inner diopside and an outer forsterite calciphyre zone grading into a dolomitic marble. All these zones inherited the Ca/Mg ratio of the primary carbonate rocks. Rhythmically banded textures observed in the skarns and calciphyres of the deposits studied suggest their formation under thermodynamically disequilibrium conditions typical of hypabyssal metasomatites. Magnesium and magnesium-iron borates in marbles and calciphyres and beryllium borates in greisens were formed during the postmagmatic stage. Data are reported on the chemical composition and genesis of suanite, kotoite, ludwigite, hulsite, pertsevite, fluoborite, szaibelyite, and humites from the Hopunvaara, Klara, Lupikko, and Herberz deposits. The deficit of boron in magnesian borates is related to their endogenous hydration. Data on hambergites and berborite are given according to E.I. Nefedov.  相似文献   

The Songqi region, SW Henan, is an important bauxite province in China. The bauxite ore deposits occur unconformably on the top of Middle Ordovician argillaceous carbonates. The bauxite ores from the Songqi region are characterized by unusually high boron contents. In this paper, we report the mineralogical and chemical compositions of selected bauxite ores from the region. These new data, together with existing geochemical data of soils in the region, are used to evaluate the origin of boron enrichment in the bauxite ores. The compositional characteristics of tourmaline in the bauxite ores suggests that this mineral was likely derived from a meta-sedimentary protolith. Mass balance calculation reveals that tourmaline only accounts for a small portion of boron in the bauxite ores; the majority of boron in the ores must occur in other forms, possibly by ion absorption on the surfaces of diaspore and clay minerals. In the Songqi region, the Precambrian meta-sedimentary rocks are known to contain abundant tourmalines whereas the Cambrian–Ordovician argillaceous carbonates and the Upper Proterozoic shales are all enriched in boron in free ion state. We suggest that these rocks provided tourmaline and boron ion to the bauxite deposits in the region. Most known bauxite deposits in the Songqi region occur at the margins of boron-rich soil domains, suggesting that boron in soils is a potential exploration indicator for unknown bauxite deposits in this region.  相似文献   

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