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HSE管理是关于健康、安全和环境的管理办法。它集施工作业经验和危害防治技术于一体,充实了健康、安全、环保这3项内容,形成了完整的一体化的管理体系。通过实践证明了壳牌公司HSE理念、目标和管理体系的先进性、科学性和前瞻性。通过分析和对比,指出了我国探矿项目在安全管理上的差距和不足;提出了在地勘单位建立和实施HSE管理体系的必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

袁波  王振福 《探矿工程》2010,37(2):79-81
从事煤层气勘探作业的机台,必须参考石油钻井行业标准《石油天然气钻井健康、安全与环境管理指南》(SY/T6283—1997)对钻探作业进行HSE管理,即通过建立HSE管理体系,对作业机台钻探生产过程中的健康、安全及环境进行动态管理。结合XY-5型岩心钻机在陕北某煤层气勘探孔生产的实际,就该钻机从事煤层气勘探作业时HSE管理办法进行介绍。  相似文献   

土耳其天然碱溶采钻井项目包括ETI SODA开发合同一~六期和KAZAN SODA开发合同一~三期,共成功实施溶采井组200余组。海外钻井工程涉及的影响因素较多,除常规的钻井工程技术问题外,还需要适应当地的政治、法律、风俗、汇率、海运、关税等问题。项目部在实施过程中根据海外钻井工程特点以及现场施工环境,加强项目人员、设备材料、现场作业、安全及风险等方面的管理,发挥指导、管理、控制作用,降低工程风险,提高收益,确保项目顺利完工。本文就土耳其天然碱溶采对接井钻井项目人员组织管理、设备器具管理、现场作业程序管理、HSE管理及风险管理进行了介绍,总结了一些海外钻井项目管理经验。  相似文献   

塔里木油田轮古项目经理部是一个勘探开发一体化的项目实体,其HSE运行管理针对一体化的项目特点做出了自己的特色,对这种HSE管理模式进行的总结和介绍。  相似文献   

正HSE(健康(Health)、安全(Safety)和环境(Environment))管理是20世纪80年代后期发展起来的关于健康、安全和环境的管理方法,它运用系统的分析方法,对企业生产过程中可能发生的事故隐患进行风险评价和危害识别,通过计划(Plan)、实施(Do)、检查(Check)和改进(Action)等4个阶段,采用系统化、结构化、程序化和全员化的管理模式,达到全员参与和全程监控地采取预防措施,及时消除各类事故隐患的目的。在中国恩菲实施"走出去"战略,与国外众多工程公司打交道的过程中,也对各家的HSE管理有所了解。虽  相似文献   

结合某风洞工程软土深基坑施工的实际情况,介绍了对工程危险源的辨识及分类、安全管理和安全监督的实施、施工中的安全控制技术措施,确保了该工程的顺利施工。  相似文献   

<正>石油化工行业EPC项目数字化供应链管理是指在石油化工行业EPC项目中,利用数字化技术建立和实施全面的采购管理系统,以提高项目效率、降低成本、缩短交付周期及提升产品质量。数字供应链管理的内容包括:建立和实施供应链管理系统,以及工程主数据管理、采购管理、物料管理、仓储管理、运输管理、质量管理等;在系统中实现信息流的有效管理,可利用先进的RFID和二维码技术实现物料跟踪,同时建立供应链风险管理体系,确保供应链的稳定性和可持续发展。  相似文献   

正3月1日,住房和城乡建设部、国家发展改革委联合发布的《房屋建筑和市政基础设施项目工程总承包管理办法》(以下简称《管理办法》)正式实施。《管理办法》的实施,将对促进我国工程总承包实践的规范化、促进工程总承包的健康发展和工程质量安全管理、行业企业转型发展等,起到积极的推动作用。工程总承包模式作为国际上广泛采用的成熟的建设工程组织模式,本身具有精简招标程序、减少管理层级、化解项目  相似文献   

罗云 《探矿工程》1998,(1):52-53,56
针地地勘行业岩土钻掘工程的安全生产需要,运用安全系统工程方法,探讨了施工安全管理,边坡工程安全技术,基桩工程安全技术,挡土墙施工安全技术,爆破拆除工程安全技术等问题。  相似文献   

为了保证北京城市可持续发展,必须解决可持续发展面临的特殊挑战,有必要进行非正常情况下北京城市地质安全危机管理的战略思考。本文探讨了我市非正常情况下城市地质安全危机管理战略框架,建议制定《非正常情况下城市地质安全危机管理应急预案》和实行定期会商机制,建立完善的监测预警预报系统,实施城市地质安全保障工程,促进首都经济建设和社会可持续发展。  相似文献   

Osmium isotopic compositions, abundances of highly siderophile elements (HSE: platinum group elements, Re and Au), the chalcogen elements S, Se and Te and major and minor elements were analysed in physically separated size fractions and components of the ordinary chondrites WSG 95300 (H3.3, meteorite find) and Parnallee (LL3.6, meteorite fall). Fine grained magnetic fractions are 268-65 times enriched in HSE compared to the non-magnetic fractions. A significant deviation of some fractions of WSG 95300 from the 4.568 Ga 187Re-187Os isochron was caused by redistribution of Re due to weathering of metal. HSE abundance patterns show that at least four different types of HSE carriers are present in WSG 95300 and Parnallee. The HSE carriers display (i) CI chondritic HSE ratios, (ii) variable Re/Os ratios, (iii) lower than CI chondritic Pd/Ir and Au/Ir and (iv) higher Pt/Ir and Pt/Ru than in CI chondrites. These differences between components clearly indicate the loss of refractory HSE carrier phases before accretion of the components. Tellurium abundances correlate with Pd and are decoupled from S, suggesting that most Te partitioned into metal during the last high-temperature event. Tellurium is depleted in all fractions compared to CI chondrite normalized Se abundances. The depletion of Te is likely associated with the high temperature history of the metal precursors of H and LL chondrites and occurred independent of the metal loss event that depleted LL chondrites in siderophile elements. Most non-magnetic and slightly magnetic fractions have S/Se close to CI chondrites. In contrast, the decoupling of Te and Se from S in magnetic fractions suggests the influence of volatility and metal-silicate partitioning on the abundances of the chalcogen elements. The influence of terrestrial weathering on chalcogen element systematics of these meteorites appears to be negligible.  相似文献   

It is of great importance to understand the origin of UG2 chromitite reefs and reasons why some chromitite reefs contain relatively high contents of platinum group elements(PGEs: Os, Ir, Ru, Rh,Pt, Pd) or highly siderophile elements(HSEs: Au, Re, PGE). This paper documents sulphide-silicate assemblages enclosed in chromite grains from the UG2 chromitite. These are formed as a result of crystallisation of sulphide and silicate melts that are trapped during chromite crystallisation. The inclusions display negative crystal shapes ranging from several micrometres to 100 μm in size.Interstitial sulphide assemblages lack pyrrhotite and consist of chalcopyrite, pentlandite and some pyrite. The electron microprobe data of these sulphides show that the pentlandite grains present in some of the sulphide inclusions have a significantly higher iron(Fe) and lower nickel(Ni) content than the pentlandite in the rock matrix. Pyrite and chalcopyrite show no difference. The contrast in composition between inter-cumulus plagioclase(An_(68)) and plagioclase enclosed in chromite(An_(13)), as well as the presence of quartz, is consistent with the existence of a felsic melt at the time of chromite saturation.Detailed studies of HSE distribution in the sulphides and chromite were conducted by LA-ICP-MS(laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry), which showed the following.(Ⅰ) Chromite contained no detectable HSE in solid solution.(Ⅱ) HSE distribution in sulphide assemblages interstitial to chromite was variable. In general, Pd, Rh, Ru and Ir occurred dominantly in pentlandite, whereas Os,Pt and Au were detected only in matrix sulphide grains and were clearly associated with Bi and Te.(Ⅲ)In the sulphide inclusions,(a) pyrrhotite did not contain any significant amount of HSE,(b) chalcopyrite contained only some Rh compared to the other sulphides,(c) pentlandite was the main host for Pd,(d)pyrite contained most of the Ru, Os, Ir and Re,(e) Pt and Rh were closely associated with Bi forming a continuous rim between pyrite and pentlandite and(f) no Au was detected. These results show that the use of ArF excimer laser to produce high-resolution trace element maps provides information that cannot be obtained by conventional(spot) LA-ICP-MS analysis or trace element maps that use relatively large beam diameters.  相似文献   

利用VisualBasic 6.0语言开发非开挖管理软件,选择Microsoft Office Access 2000作为软件的数据库系统。该软件从公司领导层到公司各部门到作业班组,按照管理需求对非开挖工程数据资料的操作流程进行切合实际的逻辑设计,形成施工主体技术参数、相关辅助信息和人力、物力、财力数据的有机综合管理系统。而且可以直接从窗体输入数据资料,相应的输出Excel、Word形式的数据资料,方便了工程进展情况的查看和资料的整理。软件中根据非开挖工程的要求,相对应的窗体之间创建了关联。软件可以在Windows 9X操作平台下运行,具有窗体友好、操作方便、运行可靠稳定等优点。  相似文献   

进行了制造业库存管理的研究,并对东莞市远洋自行车厂库存管理情况进行分析。在此基础上开发出一套库存管理系统。该系统经过几年的运行,性能良好,促进了该厂的管理现代化。  相似文献   

A screening and ranking framework (SRF) has been developed to evaluate potential geologic carbon dioxide (CO2) storage sites on the basis of health, safety, and environmental (HSE) risk arising from CO2 leakage. The approach is based on the assumption that CO2 leakage risk is dependent on three basic characteristics of a geologic CO2 storage site: (1) the potential for primary containment by the target formation; (2) the potential for secondary containment if the primary formation leaks; and (3) the potential for attenuation and dispersion of leaking CO2 if the primary formation leaks and secondary containment fails. The framework is implemented in a spreadsheet in which users enter numerical scores representing expert opinions or published information along with estimates of uncertainty. Applications to three sites in California demonstrate the approach. Refinements and extensions are possible through the use of more detailed data or model results in place of property proxies.  相似文献   

HDD工程管理软件的应用极大地方便了工程信息的管理。本文对软件的设计、功能及使用方法进行了介绍,并结合实际工程案例对软件的操作进行示范。通过一年来的实际应用,总结软件存在的问题,并提出优化措施,对今后软件的进一步开发奠定基础。  相似文献   

依法勘查是项目管理的前提,质量管理是项目管理的主线,安全生产是勘查管理的主题。勘查工程投资管理、质量管理、安全管理、进度管理是煤炭勘查项目管理的四个主要工作方面,也是确保勘查质量的重要环节。  相似文献   

论述了安全风险及安全风险管理的概念,探讨了顶管施工中可能遇到的安全风险以及安全风险管理的过程,最后提出了顶管施工中安全风险的规避对策与措施。  相似文献   

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