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大兴安岭北部晚侏罗世塔木兰沟组玄武质岩石具有富碱(K2O+Na2O〉5.45%),高K2O(2.15%-3.75%)、K2O/Na2O(0.48-1.12)和高的Th/Ta、Ce/Nb、Ta/Nb比值,以及强烈富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)和轻稀土元素(LKEE)的特征,属于钾玄质系列。现有资料分析表明,该钾玄质岩石形成于大陆板内环境。元素地球化学特征揭示,形成钾玄质岩石的原生岩浆经过强烈的结晶分异作用,并混染了前中生代的基底物质。  相似文献   

系统分析了滇西早第三纪晚期煌斑岩的主元素、微量元素和Sr-Nd同位素组成。绝大多数煌斑岩属超钾质系列岩石(K2O/Na2O=2.1-5.2),少数为钾玄质系列(K2O/Na2O=1.6-1.7)。这些超钾质煌斑岩富集大离子亲石元素、轻稀土元素和Pb,亏损高场强元素,具有高的初始^87Sr/^86Sr比值(O.70624-0.70924)和负的εNd(t)值(-1.7~-4.6),类似于与俯冲环境有关的高K/Ti-低Ti钾质系列岩石。这些超钾质煌斑岩母岩浆来源于含金云母的交代地幔,经历了不同程度的结晶分异和地壳物质的同化混染。与藏北钾玄质系列岩石相比,滇西超钾质煌斑岩的Th/U比较低、Rb/Sr比较高,而且Nd模式年龄系统偏低0.1-0.4Ga,表明青藏高原北部和东南部岩石圈地幔组成存在区域性的差异。  相似文献   

钾玄质系列岩具有特殊的矿物学和地球化学特征,并具有重要的构造及成矿意义,自命名以来备受关注,但仍有许多问题存在较大争议,如岩石类型扩大化、是否存在壳源成因、板内环境如何判别等等。本文从以下几方面对钾玄质系列岩进行了系统总结:(1)作为一个独立的岩石系列,钾玄质系列岩仍缺失明确有效的岩石学、矿物学和地球化学等判别指标,相对统一的标准亟待建立;(2)与岛弧有关的钾玄质系列岩表现为高度富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,具有显著地TNT异常(Ta—Nb—Ti);大洋板内钾玄质系列岩具有典型的洋岛玄武岩(OIB)的微量元素特征;大陆板内钾玄质系列岩石兼具岛弧型和OIB型微量元素特征;(3)低硅钾玄质岩(SiO_2不大于63%)应当主要源于地幔源区,高硅钾玄质岩主要源于地壳源区,但更多情况下是二者的混合。  相似文献   

卢成忠 《中国地质》2007,34(6):1055-1061
江山—龙游南部地区晚中生代侵入岩分布广泛,以往被认为是钙碱性系列岩石,笔者通过野外地质、岩石学和元素地球化学研究表明,石英二长岩、二长岩、正长岩以及与之伴生的花岗岩与花岗斑岩属钾玄质系列岩石。这套岩石高碱(Na2O K2O=7.80%~10.47%)、富钾(K2O/Na2O=0.92~1.91)、贫钛(TiO2=0.2%~0.88%)、Al2O3含量较高且变化范围大(11.08%~17.77%),富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)和轻稀土元素(LREE),且Ce/Yb(27.29~85.64)、Ta/Yb(0.42~0.73)和Th/Yb(3.44~14.44)比值高,具有钾玄质系列的岩石地球化学特征。该区矿产资源较为丰富,矿床在时间与空间上多与钾玄质侵入岩密切共生,钾玄质侵入岩为成矿母岩,是重要的找矿岩石学标志。  相似文献   

粤西阳春地区马山二长岩的岩石化学组成特征为典型的钾玄质岩石,岗尾、轮水石英二长岩和花岗闪长岩属酸性一偏中性的钾玄质系列岩石(少数样品为高钾钙碱性岩石),而石菉花岗闪长岩则为典型的钙碱性系列岩石,这些岩体在岩石化学演化趋势上存在显著的差异,不属于同一个岩石成因系列.40Ar-39Ar和Rb-Sr同位素定年结果表明,马山和岗尾岩体的形成年龄分别为(164±2)Ma和(154±1)Ma.阳春地区从中侏罗世到早白垩世期间发生了3次主要的岩浆活动,从早到晚岩浆的K富集程度逐渐降低,岩浆岩成分从钾玄质系列过渡到钙碱系列.  相似文献   

西藏拉萨地块西部扎布耶茶卡火山岩的成因与意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来在青藏高原南部拉萨地块不断发现的碰撞后钾质和超钾质岩石,对于揭示印度与亚洲大陆碰撞以来高原岩石圈的深部作用与过程发挥了重要作用。分布在拉萨地块西部扎布耶茶卡东岸的钾质和超钾质火山岩主体喷发时代为中新世(约16Ma),出露面积约为400km2,火山岩持续喷发0.45Ma,估算的喷发速率约为0.26×10-3km3/a。岩石包括3种类型,第一类(约16Ma)为超钾质的粗面安山岩,SiO2低(55%~58 %),高Fe2O3、MgO、TiO2;第二类(约27Ma)为钾玄质的响岩和粗面岩;第三类是高SiO2的钾玄质—超钾质粗面岩(SiO2=59%~64%)和流纹岩(SiO2=69%)。岩石显示轻稀土元素、大离子亲石元素高度富集和部分高场强元素亏损的特征,部分中酸性岩石显示高Sr低Y的埃达克岩的属性。岩石的Sr-Nd-Pb-O同位素组成与拉萨地块典型的超钾质岩石明显不同,显示亲青藏高原北部地球化学省的地球化学特征。扎布耶茶卡不同类型的岩浆代表了碰撞后高原南部岩石圈减薄作用导致的岩石圈不同层次的岩石部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   

卢成忠 《现代地质》2007,21(3):443-450
野外地质、岩石学、元素地球化学研究表明,以往被认为是钙碱性系列岩石的浙江梧村地区西山头组火山岩、潜火山岩与沐尘岩体应为典型的钾玄质岩石。这套岩石富碱(w(Na2O+K2O)=7.80%~11.48%)、高钾(w(K2O)/w(Na2O)=1.10~1.67)、贫钛(w(TiO2)=0.22%~0.88%)、低铁(w(FeO+Fe2O3)=2.91%~6.36%)、铝含量较高(w(A l2O3)=15.39%~18.24%)、S iO2含量中等(w(S iO2)=56.96%~69.02%),富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,且w(Ce)/w(Yb)(27.29~38.19)、w(Ta)/w(Yb)(0.32~0.74)和w(Th)/w(Yb)(4.76~7.72)比值高,具有钾玄质系列的岩石地球化学特征。梧村地区矿产资源丰富,矿床在时间和空间上与钾玄质岩浆岩密切共生,钾玄质岩浆岩为成矿母岩,是重要的找矿岩石学标志。  相似文献   

藏南冈底斯岩基东段石炭纪岩浆作用记录   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
藏南冈底斯岩基记录了大量中生代和新生代以来的岩浆作用信息,虽然晚古生代的岩浆岩报道较少,但对限定拉萨地块在新特提斯洋俯冲之前的构造作用具有重要意义。本文通过综合已有资料,进一步对加查县和朗县晚古生代花岗岩开展了锆石U-Pb地质年代学及全岩元素地球化学组成的研究。加查县和郎县花岗片麻岩的原岩年龄分别为~344.8Ma和344.0~362.0Ma,表明加查和朗县岩体都形成于石炭纪。这些岩石具有较高的SiO2含量(67.46%~75.33%),Al2O3含量较低(12.66%~15.82%),CaO含量为0.79%~4.32%,FeO和MgO的含量分别为0.48%~3.00%和0.28%~1.64%。依据它们的K2O/Na2O比值,这些岩石可分为富钾和富钠两个演化系列。这些岩石富集轻稀土元素,亏损Nb、Ta和Ti,但Zr和Hf无明显异常。地球化学特征和年代学信息表明:(1)冈底斯岩基东段石炭纪花岗岩形成于弧后伸展环境,可能与古特提斯洋向冈瓦纳大陆北缘的俯冲作用有关;(2)镁铁质岩浆演化形成富钠花岗岩,幔源岩浆和中下地壳岩熔体的混合形成富钾花岗岩;和(3)石炭纪岩浆作用持续时间至少~30Myr。  相似文献   

报道的高钾-钾玄质火山岩位于狮泉河镇南东方向约20km处,向东延伸。高钾-钾玄质火山岩Si O2变化于60.35%~68.68%之间,属中酸性岩范畴;具有高的K2O+Na2O含量(8.8%~10.66%),K2O/Na2O值在1.92~2.49之间,Mg O含量较低,介于0.88%~3.47%之间,Al2O3含量为14.02%~14.91%,属于高钾-钾玄质系列。岩石强烈富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)Rb、Ba、Th、U和轻稀土元素(LREE),高场强元素(HFSE)Nb、Ta、Ti具有明显负异常,Cr、Ni、Co相容元素含量低于或接近地壳的平均含量,结合Th/Yb-Ta/Yb、(Th×100)/Zr-(Nb×100)/Zr判别图及La-La/Yb图解,暗示岩浆源区可能为下地壳。在左左乡南东约2km处和狮泉河水泥厂北东约1km处各采集1个高钾-钾玄质火山岩样品,对其中的锆石进行LA-ICP-MS U-Pb同位素测定,得到的206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值分别为22.04±0.42Ma和22.29±0.31Ma,此年龄被解释为狮泉河一带高钾-钾玄质火山岩的喷发时代,即中新世阿启塔期。由此表明,该火山岩是印度板片向北俯冲时在狮泉河一带俯冲板片断离,岩浆发生部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   

广西东南部罗容杂岩体由辉长岩-闪长岩-二长岩-正长岩组成,马山由碱性辉长岩-正长岩-花岗闪长岩-花岗岩组成。它们富K、富大离子亲石元素(LIL),无Nb、Ta负异常等特征表明它们是形成于板内环境的钾玄质侵入岩。罗容杂岩体的各种岩石和马山的基性岩的εNd(T)稍低,为-0.6,此岩石单元是由幔源岩浆加热地壳使之熔融的壳源岩浆形成的,并伴有幔源岩浆的混合或交换。此二杂岩体形成于拉张构造环境。地幔物质上涌导致了中生代华南地壳张裂以及华南大规模花岗岩和相关矿床的形成。  相似文献   

大别山中生代钾质岩浆作用与超高压变质地体的剥露机理   总被引:45,自引:8,他引:37  
马昌前  李志昌 《岩石学报》1999,15(3):379-395
在已知的超高压变质地体中, 大别山是碰撞后花岗岩类侵入作用最为强烈的唯一地区。这里, 中生代的钾玄岩系列和高钾钙碱性系列的侵入岩, 可以依其年龄和组成特征划分为3 组。第 I组, 主要由晚三叠世 (约210 Ma) 二长闪长岩辉长岩体组成, 它可能是在板片断离过程中富集的大陆岩石圈地幔部分熔融的产物 (板片断离型); 第 I I组, 由中侏罗世- 早白垩世 (160~120 Ma) 的角闪石英二长岩、黑云母二长花岗岩和正长花岗岩组成, 主要是由幔源岩浆的分离结晶与地壳混染共同作用的产物 (岩浆底垫型); 第 I I I组, 以白垩纪 (125~95 Ma) 的花岗岩和花岗斑岩为代表, 是在热穹窿作用过程中大别杂岩深熔作用和高度演化的产物 (穹窿型)。大别山超高压变质岩通过地幔的剥露可能与晚三叠世—早侏罗世的板片断离有关, 而大规模的岩浆侵位与超高压变质岩的快速剥露相伴出现说明, 岩浆底垫和岩浆漂浮作用可能在大别山中侏罗世—早白垩世的快速剥露中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

Biotite-rich syenitic stocks in the Mont-Laurier area of the southwestern Grenville Province are shown to belong to the first recorded Proterozoic example of an ultrapotassic, K-rich alkaline and shoshonitic rock association with clear arc affinities. The plutons investigated were previously considered mostly syenitic, typical of nepheline syenite alkaline suites, slightly metamorphosed and late-tectonic with respect to the Grenville orogeny. We find that they postdate the regional metamorphism and comprise a felsic to ultramafic range of rock types belonging to two series: (1) a potassic-to-ultrapotassic, silica-undersaturated series of biotite-rich nepheline-bearing syenite, syenite, monzonite, diorite and pyroxenite, and (2) a shoshonitic, critically silicasaturated series of quartz syenite and amphibole-bearing syenite, with rare monzonite and diorite. The ubiquitous biotite, previously regarded as metamorphic, is reinterpreted as igneous and diagnostic of the potassic character. The shoshonitic and potassic series display the strong enrichment in Al, Ca, K and large-ion-lithophile elements relative to the high-field-strength elements (e.g. Ba/Nb722, La/YB45) and the low contents in Mg that are characteristic of arc-related magmas. The syenitic rocks consistently share the distinctive arc-related geochemical signature of their mafic counterparts. Syenites may thus represent a potential source of paleotectonic information for high grade terranes. Geochemical discriminants (NbN/TaN and HfN/TiN ratios) indicate that the shoshonitic and potassic series are unrelated by closedsystem fractionation processes. Rather, the chemical differences between the two series probably reflect differences in source characteristics and conditions of melting. Similar plutons occur throughout the Central Metasedimentary Belt of the southwestern Grenville Province. They define a 1089 to 1076 Ma, 450-km-long grenvillian potassic alkaline plutonic (PAP) province. The presence of this K-rich alkaline province indicates that the scarcity of K-rich rocks in the Precambrian could be only apparent and a consequence of misidentification of K-rich plutons in metamorphosed Precambrian terranes. These 1.1 Ga ultrapotassic to shoshonitic plutonic rocks are geochemically similar to shoshonites and leucitites of the Sunda arc. This similarity suggests that subduction-type enrichment processes were operating in the Proterozoic in ways similar to those of modern settings.  相似文献   

O. Eklund  D. Konopelko  H. Rutanen  S. Fr  jd    A. D. Shebanov 《Lithos》1998,45(1-4):87-108
At least 14 small (1–11 km across) 1.8 Ga Svecofennian post-collisional bimodal intrusions occur in southern Finland and Russian Karelia in a 600-km-long belt from the Åland Islands to the NW Lake Ladoga region. The rocks range from ultramafic, calc-alkaline, apatite-rich potassium lamprophyres to peraluminous HiBaSr granites, and form a shoshonitic series with K2O+Na2O>5%, K2O/Na2O>0.5, Al2O3>9% over a wide spectrum of SiO2 (32–78%). Although strongly enriched in all rocks, the LILE Ba and Sr and the LREE generally define a decreasing trend with increasing SiO2. Depletion is noted for HFSE Ti, Nb and Ta. Available isotopic data show overlapping values for lamprophyres and granites within separate intrusions and a cogenetic origin is thus not precluded. Initial magmas (Mg#>65) in this shoshonitic association are considered to be generated in an enriched lithospheric mantle during post-collisional uplift some 30 Ma after the regional Svecofennian metamorphic peak. However, prior to the melting episode, the lithospheric mantle was affected by carbonatite metasomatism; more extensively in the east than in the west. The melts generated in the more carbonate-rich mantle are extremely enriched in P2O54%, F12,000 ppm, LILE: Ba9000 ppm, Sr7000 ppm, LREE: La600 ppm and Ce1000 ppm. The parental magma underwent 55–60% fractionation of biotite+clinopyroxene+apatite+magnetite+sphene whereupon intermediate varieties were produced. After further fractionation, 60–80%, of K-feldspar+amphibole+plagioclase±(minor magnetite, sphene and apatite), leucosyenites and quartz-monzonites were formed. In the west, where the source was less affected by carbonatite metasomatism, calc-alkaline lamprophyres (vogesites, minettes and spessartites) and equivalent plutonic rocks (monzonites) were formed. Removal of about 50% of biotite, amphibole, plagioclase, magnetite, apatite and sphene produced peraluminous HiBaSr granites. The impact of crustal assimilation is considered to be low. At about 1.8 Ga, the post-collisional shoshonitic magmatism brought juvenile material, particularly enriched in alkalis, LILE, LREE and F, into the crust. Although areally restricted, the regional distribution of the post-collisional intrusions may indicate that larger volumes of 1.8 Ga juvenile material resides in unexposed parts of the crust.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2003,120(1-2):37-53
The Puutsaari intrusion is a potassium-rich magmatic complex in the eastern part of the Svecofennian domain close to the Archaean border. The intrusion is generally undeformed in contrast to 1880–1875 Ma-old country rock tonalitic migmatites and diatectites. The main rock types are: (1) mafic rocks of a gabbro–norite–diorite–quartz monzodiorite series; (2) quartz diorite–tonalite–granodiorite; and (3) coarse-grained microcline granite. The three rock-types intruded coevally forming a peculiar three-component mingling system. The mafic rocks, enriched in K, P, Ba, Sr and LREE, have marked shoshonitic affinities (K2O=1.97–5.40, K2O/Na2O=0.6–2.37). On a regional scale they demonstrate transitional geochemistry between less enriched syn-orogenic 1880 Ma-old gabbro–tonalite complexes and strongly enriched 1800 Ma post-collisional shoshonitic intrusions. The microcline granite as well as the tonalite–granodiorite rocks are geochemically similar to crustal anatectic granitoids of the NW Ladoga Lake area. The three rock groups do not form a single trend on Harker-type diagrams and are unlikely to be related by fractional crystallisation or mixing. Zircons from the Puutsaari microcline granite and from the mafic rock series have been dated by ion-microprobe (NORDSIM) at 1868.2±5.9 and 1869±7.7 Ma, respectively. Most zircons recovered from a granite sample had zoned or homogeneous cores and unzoned fractured rims. No statistically significant variation of zircon core and rim ages from the granite was established in the course of this study. Zircons from the mafic rock are unzoned. It is suggested that the mafic rocks at Puutsaari were derived from an enriched mantle shortly after the main Svecofennian collisional event and the roughly 1.88 Ga regional metamorphic culmination. The emplacement of the mafic melt caused anatectic melting of various crustal protoliths and produced coeval granitic and tonalitic compositions.  相似文献   

Olav Eklund  Alexey Shebanov 《Lithos》2005,80(1-4):229-247
The Åva ring complex is one of four Paleoproterozoic postcollisional shoshonitic ring complexes in southwestern Finland. It is composed of ring dykes of K-feldspar megacryst-bearing granite, mingled in places with a shoshonitic monzonite, and lamprophyre dykes crosscutting all the rocks in a radial pattern. A survey was undertaken to trace the magma chamber beneath the ring complex to date it and measure some intensive parameters to clarify the crystallisation conditions at depth before the granite was emplaced in the upper crust. Mineral separates were extracted from the core zones of K-feldspar megacrysts in the granite, heavy mineral fractions (including zircons) from these separates were used for P-T assessment and age determinations, and the results were compared to data obtained from bulk rock samples. It appears that magma differentiation took place in a midcrustal magma chamber (at 4 to 7 kbar) possibly 30 Ma before the emplacement of the ring complex in the upper crust (deep assemblage 1790 Ma, shallow assemblage 1760 Ma). Relatively high activity of the alkalies and a low oxygen fugacity characterised the midcrustal chamber. The juvenile Svecofennian crust was invaded by shoshonitic magmas from an enriched lithospheric mantle over a long period of time. Some of these magmas were stored and differentiated in the middle crust before transportation to the upper crust. The results also show that coarse-grained granites may provide evidence for several magmatic evolutionary episodes, e.g., differentiation and crystallisation in different environments prior to final emplacement.  相似文献   

In the northern-central portion of the Sergipano Orogenic System there is an expressive Neoproterozoic granitic magmatism with high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic affinities. The Glória Norte Stock (GNS, 45 km2) is the most important representative of the shoshonitic magmatism in one the domains of the Sergipano System, the Macururé. The contacts of the stock with the host metasedimentary rocks are discordant and steep, with generation of amphibolite facies hornfels. The GNS is made up of predominantly porphyritic quartz-monzonite and monzogranite. It shows a magmatic flow foliation defined by oriented mafic enclaves and feldspar phenocrysts, without evidence for solid state regional deformation. Mafic microgranular enclaves (MME) are abundant and present different sizes and shapes. Minette and biotite diopside cumulate enclaves are also present. Coexistence between two different magmas is indicated by crystal corrosion and dissolution textures, compositional zoning of feldspar and presence of clusters of mafic minerals. Grain size decrease towards the rims of the MME indicates fast cooling of small drops of mafic magma, due to temperature contrast with the felsic magma. The monzonites and granites of the GNS have shoshonitic affinity, and the enclaves are related to ultrapotassic suites (MgO > 3%, K2O > 3%). LREE are enriched as compared to HREE, and there are remarkable negative anomalies of Ta, Nb, Ti, P, Sr and Eu, mostly in the enclaves. The MME have been probably formed from a mantellic magma with shoshonitic affinity. The observed evolution from MME to quartz-monzonites and monzogranites is essentially linked to a process of fractional crystallization. The relations between Ta/Yb and Th/Yb ratios suggest enriched mantle as a possible source of this magmatism. The relative enrichment in Rb, Th, Ce and Sm indicates that magma was generated in post-collisional events. The U-PbSHRIMP age of 588 ± 5 Ma in zircon crystals indicates that the emplacement of the GNS represents a post-collisional magmatism, marking the end of collisional processes in the Macururé Domain.  相似文献   

1. Introduction Tongling district is situated in the southern part of the Yangtze River, Anhui province, China (Fig. 1). It is one of the most important metal basements in China, being rich copper material resources, also named "ancient copper capital of China". Studies showed that each copper ore deposit is bound up with the intermediate-acid intrusive rocks in the area. Therefore, many researchers (e.g. Chang Yinfu et al, 1987; Xing Fengming, et al, 1995; Zhou Xinrou, et al, 1993; and…  相似文献   

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