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库车坳陷西段新生代盐构造特征及演化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
库车坳陷古-始新世沉积厚层膏盐岩,在沉积差异形成的重力负载作用下,膏盐岩发生塑性流动,山前的膏盐岩流向盆地内侧,发育盐底辟构造,形成吐孜玛扎盐墙、却勒盐丘,膏盐岩的塑性流动发生在膏盐层沉积后不久,并且持续到上新世库车早期,盐底辟构造主要通过被动底辟作用完成。上新世晚期,库车坳陷受到强烈的挤压作用,发生大规模的逆冲推覆,吐孜玛扎盐墙、却勒盐丘(应变强度薄弱部位)的北侧发育断层,盐岩沿断层刺穿地表,形成底辟型盐墙和喷出型盐席,同时发育整合型米斯坎塔克盐背斜和大宛齐盐枕。库车坳陷的盐构造分为两个阶段:构造平静期(渐新世-上新世),以重力差异负载作用为主,发育底辟型盐构造;构造挤压期(上新世晚期-现今),挤压作用强烈,形成逆冲推覆断层,在不同的构造部位分别形成盐席、盐墙、盐背斜,早期的盐构造对于后续挤压作用下盐构造的形成和演化具有重要的控制作用。  相似文献   

唐鹏程  汪新  谢会文  雷刚林  黄少英 《地质学报》2010,84(12):1735-1745
本文利用野外地质调查结果、遥感资料、地震资料和钻、测井数据,建立了两条库车坳陷却勒地区的区域大剖面,约束却勒地区盐构造特征和演化,分析东、西段变形差异及差异形成过程,探讨构造变形控制因素。却勒地区发育的盐构造样式主要有盐底辟、盐焊接、盐撤凹陷、大型盐推覆体、外来盐席、盐枕、盐背斜和滑脱褶皱,其中,盐撤凹陷、盐背斜和滑脱褶皱仅发育于东段,造成东、西段构造变形差异。却勒地区盐构造分为3期:①渐新世—中新世吉迪克期为构造平静期,发育盐撤凹陷和盐底辟;②中新世康村期—上新世早期构造挤压微弱,发生早期褶皱作用,却勒盐丘继续发育,北部盐底辟中新世末停止发育;③上新世晚期—现今发生大规模逆冲推覆,是褶皱-冲断带主要形成时期,发育大型盐撤凹陷、外来盐席、盐推覆构造、盐背斜和滑脱褶皱。却勒地区东、西段盐构造变形差异主要形成于上新世晚期—现今(第3期)。喀拉玉尔滚右旋走滑断层为薄皮构造,调节了却勒地区东、西段前缘的变形差异。却勒地区构造变形主要受控于盐岩沉积范围、区域构造应力及强度、上覆层应变强度和差异负载(沉积负载和局部构造负载)。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地库车坳陷盐构造运动学特征   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
本文根据大量地震与地质资料的综合分析,对表征库车坳陷盐构造流动变形特征的净生长量、生长率及应变速率进行了定量分析。厘定库车坳陷盐构造初始形成时间在中新世早期,盐构造早期生长缓慢而稳定;上新世中晚期一第四纪进入快速生长期,晚期盐构造生长速率高且差别大。库车坳陷盐构造演化可分为盐膏层沉积期、低幅度盐枕缓慢发育期、盐背斜构造发育期、盐底辟发展期、盐底辟刺穿破坏期五个连续演化阶段。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地库车坳陷盐构造成因机制探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以盐构造解析的方法,综合地震与地质资料分析,在盐构造成因要素剖析的基础上探讨库车坳陷盐构造动力学特征.研究表明库车坳陷盐构造的成因受多重作用影响,差异负载是库车坳陷盐构造初始形成时的动力来源,中新世—上新世中晚期差异负载作用是盐构造形成与缓慢生长的主要动力.盐上盖层快速沉降是该期盐构造生长缓慢的主要原因.上新世中晚期以来强烈的区域挤压作用是库车坳陷盐构造发育的主控因素,构造挤压决定了盐构造的样式、分布与规模,并促进了差异负载、重力作用与浮力作用的发展,以区域挤压为主的多种作用因素造成了库车坳陷盐构造晚期异常高速的生长.  相似文献   

库车褶皱冲断带是一个典型的复杂含盐褶皱冲断系统。文章基于地震资料构造解析,采用离散元数值模拟方法,设计了2组数值模拟实验来探究先存被动盐底辟对含盐的双滑脱层褶皱冲断带构造形态及演化的影响,从而分析克深5构造区沿走向分段差异的盐构造变形特征和机制,并对盐下断层活动进行精细的定量分析。模拟结果表明先存被动盐底辟作为挤压构造变形优先发育的位置,是应力释放的优先区域,影响了盐上断层顺序和盐下断层的活动性,进而控制了构造沿走向的差异演化。通过将模拟结果与库车坳陷克深5构造区构造特征进行对比分析,吐孜玛扎背斜是盐盆地内部先存被动底辟受后期挤压变形的产物。吐孜玛扎背斜吸收大部分的缩短量,造成紧邻的盐下断片显著抬升,盐上受同构造沉积影响在背斜北侧形成一个宽缓的向斜,抑制了向斜内乱序断层的形成。先存被动盐底辟构造是控制克深5区域构造变形的主要控制因素之一。研究区东段不含先存被动盐底辟,依次发育有库木格列木背斜和喀桑托开背斜,背斜变形幅度向盆地方向减小,盐下断裂活动强度向盆地方向减弱,研究区西段含先存被动盐底辟,发育吐孜玛扎背斜,先存被动盐底辟的盐下断裂活动强度强于毗邻的断层。  相似文献   

高麟  汪新  饶刚 《地质学报》2020,94(6):1727-1739
天山南麓库车坳陷西部沉积古近系膏盐岩,盐层下伏中生界发现万亿立方米储量天然气田,是我国西气东输重要气源。库车坳陷盐下是油气勘探关注目标,目前研究认识不能满足勘探需求,尤其是盐构造形成机制存在争议,盐构造平衡恢复是研究难点。本文应用二维构造平衡剖面技术,综合地震剖面、钻井和地表地质资料,选取库车坳陷西段四条剖面,通过StructureSolver公司开发的构造恢复软件(简称SS),开展平衡恢复工作,分层恢复盐上层、膏盐层、盐下层,复原挤压变形前地震剖面。研究结果揭示库车坳陷西段发育二期盐构造:渐新世-中新世发育刺穿型盐丘,上新世-第四纪发育挤压型盐构造。挤压作用下早期盐丘演变为盐席、盐墙,盐上层发育盐逆冲断层和盐背斜,盐下发育叠瓦状逆冲断层和挤压构造楔。库车坳陷西段盐层上覆冲积扇沉积(重力)差异负载是发育盐丘的原因,盐丘分布于山前冲积扇前端和却勒冲积扇南侧。库车坳陷盐下发育逆冲构造楔,应用临界楔理论研究构造楔顶面坡度与底部滑脱层角度变化,盐下构造楔顶面坡度突变,指示底部滑脱层角度发生变化,推断古生代基底正断层卷入逆冲构造楔。  相似文献   

库车前陆褶皱—冲断带前缘大型盐推覆构造   总被引:26,自引:13,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
塔里木盆地北部库车前陆褶皱-冲断带构造-地层层序可划分为中生界盐下层序、古新统一始新统盐层层序和渐新统一第四系盐上层序。盐岩层序的岩性主要为灰白色、浅灰色盐岩、膏岩、泥灰岩和紫红色碎屑岩,厚110~3000 m。盐岩层的存在使库车前陆褶皱-冲断带发育-系列盐相关构造,其中最引人注目的是盐推覆构造。野外地质调查、地震资料解释、遥感资料和钻井资料揭示,沿库车前陆褶皱-冲断带前缘西秋立塔克山发育大型盐推覆构造,总体呈近东西走向,并略呈往西南凸出的弧形展布,沿走向延伸超过200km,由北往南逆冲推覆距离达30km以上。主断层沿古新统-始新统盐岩层发育,外来推覆体由古新统-始新统盐层层序和渐新统-第四系盐上层序组成,表现为受断层控制的单面山,逆冲推覆在原地中生代-新生代地层之上。地质分析和剖面复原结果表明,盐推覆构造主要形成于新近纪末期以来的喜马拉雅晚期阶段,现今仍具有强烈的活动性。由于不均匀推覆作用,在盐推覆构造的不同地段,逆冲推覆距离、冲断层产状、外来岩系和原地岩系的叠置关系以及盐相关构造的发育都有较大差异,显示出走向上分段性特点。库车前陆褶皱-冲断带前缘盐推覆构造的形成演化受区域挤压作用、重力滑动和重力扩展作用控制。  相似文献   

构造带博孜-却勒区域(西段) 和秋里塔格-克拉苏区域(东段) 盐相关构造横向分段差异变形具有重要的控制影响作
用。在挤压过程中,博孜-却勒区域慢速同构造沉积使得先存被动盐底辟北翼(拜城凹陷南翼) 向南逆冲到底辟南翼之
速下沉,而其南翼在挤压应力作用下向北逆冲到底辟北翼(拜城凹陷南翼) 之上,形成南秋里塔格盐背斜。  相似文献   

渤海海域莱州湾凹陷盐构造成因探讨   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
通过分析莱州湾凹陷盐构造特征,盐构造形成动力条件,探讨莱州湾凹陷盐构造成因,讨论了走滑背景下盐岩活动特点。分析表明,莱州湾凹陷盐层构造发育刺穿性盐株和枕状底辟,欠压实、超压破裂、潜伏走滑断层和楔形体的重力扩张促使了莱州湾凹陷盐岩早期流动;渐新世右行走滑阶段,走滑压扭作用下形成刺穿盐株;盐构造活动可分为沙三末期-沙一段沉积期盐流动阶段、中晚渐新世东营沉积时期盐刺穿阶段、中新世-第四纪盐构造再次活化三个阶段。走滑断裂作用下盐岩以流动为主,发育典型的刺穿型盐底辟。  相似文献   

库车前陆冲断带西部古近系奥奇克盐底辟是中国最典型的盐底辟构造,可作为盐构造研究的天然实验室。本文在前人研究的基础上,通过详细的野外填图,同时辅以遥感解译、地震解释和合成孔径雷达干涉测量(InSAR)技术,探讨了奥奇克盐底辟盐喀斯特地貌特征,并分析了其形成机制及流变模式。奥奇克盐底辟表面盐喀斯特构造发育,在风化面上可见大量的溶洞、溶蚀冲沟构造,在新鲜面上可见梳状溶痕、微型峰丛等构造样式,此外,溶蚀坍塌等机械侵蚀构造也是本区常见的盐喀斯特构造类型。奥奇克盐底辟在形成过程中受逆冲断层、盐上地层的剥蚀作用、差异负载作用及盐岩自身的浮力作用的控制,共经历了逆冲盐底辟、侵蚀盐底辟、主动盐底辟和被动盐底辟4个主要阶段。盐岩喷出地表后,在重力作用下由核部向四周流动形成盐冰川,季节性河流的存在限制了盐底辟向东侧、东北侧及北侧传播,导致盐底辟呈现单侧增生的流变模式。  相似文献   

Detailed geologic mapping, structural analysis, field cross-sections, new dating based on planktonic foraminifera, in addition to gravity signature of Lorbeus diapir, are used to characterize polyphase salt diapirism. This study highlights the role of inherited faulting, which controls and influences the piercement efficiency and the style and geometry of the diapir; and also the localization of evaporite early ascent displaying diapiric growth during extension. Salt was extruded along the graben axis developed within extensional regional early Cretaceous tectonic associated with the North African passive margin evolution. Geologic data highlight reactive diapirism during Albian time (most extreme extension period) and passive diapirism during the late Cretaceous post-rift stage. Northeastern Maghreb salt province gives evidences that contractional deformations are not associated with significant diapirism. During shortening, the initial major graben deforms as complex anticlines where diapirs are squeezed and pinched from their feeding.  相似文献   

An analysis of Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility was done on Aptian–Albian sediments from the Basque–Cantabrian basin. Samples were collected from 39 sites in the halokinetic sequences of the Bakio, Bermeo, Guernica and Mungia diapirs; 28 sites were sampled close to diapirs, and 11 sites were far from the diapir edges. The magnetic foliation is parallel to bedding, suggesting it reflects depositional and compaction processes, whereas the orientation of magnetic lineation varies. Far from the diapir edges, the magnetic lineation is interpreted as being related to the regional Pyrenean compression. Close to diapir edges, the observed behaviour shows that diapirs, predominantly formed by rigid ophites, have acted as buttresses, with shadow areas at their northern faces being protected from the Pyrenean compression. The high sensitivity of AMS makes it a very useful tool to distinguish deformation in halokinetic sequences related to diapir growth from that related to subsequent compression.  相似文献   

Although it has long been recognised that passive salt diapirism may encompass sub-ordinate cycles of active diapirism, where sedimentary overburden is periodically shed off the roof of the rising salt, there has been very little study of this process around exposed salt (halite) diapirs. However, the Late Miocene-Pliocene Sedom salt wall, on the western side of the Dead Sea Basin, presents an opportunity for detailed outcrop analysis of diapiric salt and the associated depositional and deformational record of its movement during both passive and active phases of diapirism. The sub-seismic scale record of diapirism includes sedimentary breccia horizons interpreted to reflect sediments being shed off the crest of the growing salt wall, together with exceptional preservation of rotated unconformities and growth faults. Areas of more pronounced dips directed towards the salt wall are capped by unconformities, and interpreted to represent withdrawal basins within the overburden that extend for at least 1500 m from the salt margin. Elsewhere, broad areas of upturn directed away from the salt extend for up to 1250 m and are marked by a sequence of rotated unconformities which are interpreted to bound halokinetic sequences. The margins of the salt wall are defined by steep extensional boundary faults that cut upturned strata, and have enabled rapid and active uplift of the salt since the Holocene. The Sedom salt wall therefore charts the transition from passive growth marked by withdrawal basins, growth faults and unconformities, to more active intrusion associated with major boundary faults that enable the rapid uplift of overburden deposited on top of the salt to ∼100 m above regional elevations in the past 43 ka. Individual cycles of passive and active diapirism occur over timescales of <30 ka, which is up to an order of magnitude less than typically suggested for other settings, and highlights the dynamic interplay between salt tectonics and sedimentation in an environment undergoing rapid fluctuations in water level.  相似文献   

莺歌海盆地泥-流体底辟构造成因机制与天然气运聚   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
莺歌海盆地的泥 -流体底辟构造发育演化是区域构造应力场变化和超压体系形成演化的结果。与盆地构造类型密切相关的不均衡压实和热作用引起盆地超压体系的发育 ,而区域构造应力场变化则导致盆地中中新世以泥底辟作用为主 ,晚中新世—第四纪以流体底辟作用为主 ,其中 ,早期泥底辟阶段形成的构造形态对晚期流体底辟作用有显著的控制作用。在莺歌海组浅层底辟圈闭中 ,圈闭形成期与中新统气源岩生烃过程的匹配是造成含不同天然气组分的流体发生幕式充注的主要原因  相似文献   

The reinterpretation of public seismic profiles in the Adriatic offshore of Gargano (Apulia, southern Italy) allowed the detection of a kilometre‐scale salt‐anticline, the Tremiti diapir, within the larger Tremiti Structure. This anticline was generated by diapirism of Upper Triassic anhydrites within a thick Mesozoic to Quaternary sedimentary succession. Both internal stratal patterns and shapes of Plio‐Quaternary units, and the occurrence of an angular unconformity between early Tortonian and Pliocene rocks on the Tremiti Islands, suggest that halokinesis began during the late Miocene and is still active today. An ancient extensional SE‐dipping fault, cutting an older Mesozoic low‐amplitude anhydritic ridge, played an important role during salt mobilization, which was promoted by NW‐SE shortening. The diapir grew in the footwall of this fault, causing its upward propagation. In some places, the ancient fault served as a preferential channel for the upward migration of the anhydrites.  相似文献   

Understanding intrasalt structure may elucidate the fundamental kinematics and, ultimately, the mechanics of diapir growth. However, there have been relatively few studies of the internal structure of salt diapirs outside the mining industry because their cores are only partly exposed in the field and poorly imaged on seismic reflection data. This study uses 3D seismic reflection and borehole data from the São Paulo Plateau, Santos Basin, offshore Brazil to document the variability in intrasalt structural style in natural salt diapirs. We document a range of intrasalt structures that record: (i) initial diapir rise; (ii) rise of lower mobile halite through an arched and thinned roof of denser, layered evaporites, and emplacement of an intrasalt sheet or canopy; (iii) formation of synclinal flaps kinematically linked to emplacement of the intrasalt allochthonous bodies; and (iv) diapir squeezing. Most salt walls contain simple internal anticlines. Only a few salt walls contain allochthonous bodies and breakout-related flaps. The latter occur in an area having a density inversion within the autochthonous salt layer, such that upper, anhydrite-rich, layered evaporites are denser than lower, more halite-rich evaporites. We thus interpret that most diapirs rose through simple fold amplification of internal salt stratigraphy but that locally, where a density inversion existed in the autochthonous salt, Rayleigh–Taylor overturn within the growing diapir resulted in the ascent of less dense evaporites into the diapir crest by breaching of the internal anticline. This resulted in the formation of steep salt-ascension zones or feeders and the emplacement of high-level intrasalt allocthonous sheets underlain by breakout-related flaps. Although regional shortening undoubtedly occurred on the São Paulo Plateau during the Late Cretaceous, we suggest this was only partly responsible for the complex intrasalt deformation. We suggest that, although based on the Santos Basin, our kinematic model may be more generally applicable to other salt-bearing sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

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