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岭澳核电站二期工程基岩爆破安全阈值分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
夏祥  李海波  李俊如  朱莅  刘博  王晓炜 《岩土力学》2008,29(11):2945-2951
核电站基础爆破开挖过程中必须严格控制岩体爆破损伤深度,确保建基面安全.以广东岭澳核电站二期工程基础爆破开挖为例,通过现场爆破振动监测、岩体声波试验以及数值模拟,综合分析了岩体爆炸振动衰减规律和损伤特征,研究了距爆源一定距离处岩体振动速度与损伤特征的关系,提出了岭澳核电站二期工程岩体爆炸损伤深度的控制方法,确定了相应的安全阈值.分析结果表明,岭澳核电站二期工程基础爆破开挖时,当距爆源30 m处的岩体质点振动速度不超过5 cm/s时,可保证下卧基岩的损伤深度小于2 m,确保建基岩完整性.  相似文献   

凹形地貌对爆破振动波传播影响的数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
应用UDEC程序模拟了爆破振动波在凹形地貌中的传播特征,并与广东岭澳核电站2期基础爆破开挖现场监测结果进行了对比.对比分析结果表明,数值模拟结果与现场监测结果较为吻合.研究结果还揭示,凹形地貌对爆破振动波具有明显的衰减作用,质点水平向振动速度的衰减幅度人于质点垂直向.同时,衰减系数随凹形地貌深度、宽度的增加而增加,但随宽度增加的幅度较小.另外,爆破振动波的衰减系数随爆源距增加而减小,随最人段药量的增大而增大.  相似文献   

基于原有隧道改扩建拱顶塌腔段扩建开挖,系统研究了多临空面条件下岩体爆破振动规律。采用完全重启动数值方法和拉格朗日算法分析岩体爆破振动规律,模拟爆破振动对隧道塌腔加固区和既有隧道围岩的影响,并获得了特征点的振动速度和衰减规律。数值模拟的最大振速符合爆破振动安全允许标准的要求,从而验证了爆破设计的可行性,并指导了爆破施工。同时,对隧道塌腔段开挖进行爆破振动监测。通过对比分析现场振动监测数据,数值模拟与现场监测结果吻合。结果表明,采用拉格朗日算法和完全重启动数值模拟方法可以描述隧道多孔毫秒延期爆破破岩和质点振动传播规律。该研究结论对隧道多孔毫秒延时控制爆破工程具有参考和指导意义。  相似文献   

台山核电站边坡爆破振动监测及数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台山核电站场平一期边坡的稳定性直接关系到电站的顺利建设及核电站运营期间的安全。通过现场爆破振动监测,分析了爆破开挖时边坡的振动速度衰减规律,发现爆区上方马道内侧质点振动速度随高程增加存在放大效应,并且这种放大效应在水平径向比垂直向更为显著;另外,在爆区上方第1级马道内侧,质点垂直向振动速度一般比水平径向振动速度大,平均为其1.5倍左右,而后随着应力波向坡体传播,垂直向速度迅速衰减,而水平径向速度衰减相对较慢,到第3级马道内侧,质点水平径向速度已和垂直向持平或略大。同时,结合三维离散元数值软件(3DEC)进行数值模拟,对边坡在爆破荷载作用下质点振动速度、位移以及塑性区状态进行分析,并与现场监测结果进行比较。结果表明,数值计算值与实测值误差在15%以内;在爆破荷载作用下边坡各级马道外侧顶点产生永久位移,但均较小,且趋于稳定;塑性区仅限于爆区周围,边坡整体是稳定的。  相似文献   

单仁亮  王二成  宋立伟  夏宇  陶宇 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z1):437-443
为利于判断巷道围岩在爆破荷载作用下的稳定性及巷道内壁混凝土衬砌的安全,采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA分析了巷道钻爆法掘进爆破荷载作用下震动区岩体的动力响应。结果表明,近区岩体内部爆破压力、单元有效应力、质点振动速度随爆心距的衰减规律基本符合萨道夫斯基经验公式,单元有效应力与质点振动速度的衰减规律具有很强的相关性;巷道围岩临空面上的质点振动速度以沿巷道方向的振动速度为主,巷道横截面内垂直临空面方向次之,横截面内沿临空面方向为最小。巷道同一横截面处各质点的振动波形基本相同,拱顶的振动速度峰值比帮部的要大10%左右,拱与帮的连接处振动速度峰值较小。巷道围岩沿巷道方向临空面上质点振动速度衰减规律也基本符合萨道夫斯基公式,以上分析结果对采用钻爆法进行岩巷施工时,控制近区震动区爆破荷载对结构的影响具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

导流隧洞开挖施工的爆破振动监测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细分析了导流隧洞地质条件,结合隧洞的布置特点和现场的施工情况,采用固定测点的方案,对隧洞开挖施工进行了现场监测。分析测试数据发现,质点振动速度具有明显的方向效应,质点朝临空面的振动速度明显大于其他方向。测点和爆点不在同一高程时,当两点的高差与爆心距的比值较大时,"高差效应"引起的质点在不同方向的峰值振动速度差别十分明显,当两点的高差与爆心距的比值较小时,"高差效应"明显减弱。对于高差与爆破振动传播和衰减规律之间的关系,以往的研究提出了一些修正公式,但这些公式均把高差作为一个独立的变量进行考虑,物理意义不甚明确。根据前面的数据分析,考虑高差影响的实际意义并结合无量纲分析,取高差与爆心距的比值作为"高差效应"影响因子,对传统爆破振动波衰减经验公式进行了修正,经过对比分析,修正后的爆破振动波衰减规律公式具有更高的精度。同时,对实际监测中出现的振动速度超过安全控制速度的情况进行了分析,及时调整爆破参数,从而有效地控制了爆破振动破坏效应。其研究成果对指导隧道工程开挖爆破施工和保证坝体及大坝帷幕安全起到了重要作用,保证了该工程爆破施工的顺利完成。  相似文献   

龙滩水电站右岸导流洞开挖中爆破损伤范围研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据确定岩石爆破中爆源近区的质点峰值震动速度衰减规律的波动方法,导出了岩石爆破中岩体损伤范围的计算式。结合岩体爆破损伤的质点峰值震动速度安全判据,就龙滩水电站右岸导流洞爆破开挖工程中岩体损伤范围进行了计算,并对理论计算结果与围岩损伤范围的声波法检测结果进行了对比与分析。  相似文献   

为深入揭示岩体爆破累积损伤效应及其与岩体声学特性之间的内在联系,在某地下工程围岩中进行了10次小药量爆破,并开展了岩体损伤现场声波测试。基于快速傅立叶变换(FFT),探讨了声波在爆破损伤岩体中传播时的衰减特性,分析了声波主频、频域内最大振幅等岩体声学参数随爆破次数不断增加的变化特性,同时探讨了围岩松动圈厚度、声波换能器间距、爆心距等因素的影响。研究结果表明,随爆破次数增加,岩体爆生裂隙不断增加和扩展,声波信号中的高频成分不断被吸收,低频成分所占比例增加,主频向低频方向偏移,频谱曲线畸变程度增加;声波主频比和频域最大振幅比均呈非线性降低趋势,频域最大振幅比对岩体爆破损伤的敏感性高于声波主频比;随爆心距增大,岩体声波频谱变化程度逐渐减弱。声波换能器间距越大,声波主频变化越大,频域内最大振幅衰减变化越显著。研究成果对于丰富和完善岩体爆破累积损伤效应声学研究方法具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

青岛为典型花岗岩地区,地铁隧道开挖采用钻爆法。本文首先采用现场实测与统计分析的方法分析了青岛地铁3号线3个工点的隧道爆破监测数据,较为系统地研究了钻爆法施工条件下地表及邻近构筑物的最大振速、主频分布与爆破参数的相关关系,采用线性回归法拟合出包含上述因素的经验公式。采用数值模拟手段,模拟爆破条件下地表及临近建筑物的振动的响应,并将模拟结果与实测数据进行对比,研究主要结论如下:(1)最大振速随比例距离基本呈指数的形式衰减,随着比例距离的增加,最大振速值逐渐减小; (2)爆破引起的振动主频随比例距离分布较为随机,无法建立两者之间的数学模型,主频多在20~70Hz范围内; (3)建筑物内部中三矢量方向上的最大振速均随着楼层的增高呈一定的增加趋势,建筑物外部的地表振速要大于内部质点的速度。  相似文献   

岩体爆生裂纹的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夏祥  李海波  李俊如  肖克强  唐海  马国伟 《岩土力学》2006,27(11):1987-1991
利用广东岭澳核电站现场角岩岩体的基本动态力学特性和爆破参数,以及材料的VonMises破坏准则,通过ANSYS/LS—DYNA程序模拟了岩体单孔柱状姨药的爆破破裂过程,分析了岩体爆破裂纹产生和扩展的机制,得到了岩体粉碎K和裂隙区的范围以及爆源近区岩体质点峰值压力的衰减规律。研究结果表明,岩体爆破粉碎区半径约为姨药半径的6.5倍,裂隙Ⅸ的半径约为装药半径的75倍,炸药起爆时粉碎区形成时间很短,大约为80ps,而裂隙区的完全形成则需要较长的时间。  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical model for predicting the dynamic response of rock mass subjected to large‐scale underground explosion. The model is calibrated against data obtained from large‐scale field tests. The Hugoniot equation of state for rock mass is adopted to calculate the pressure as a function of mass density. A piecewise linear Drucker–Prager strength criterion including the strain rate effect is employed to model the rock mass behaviour subjected to blast loading. A double scalar damage model accounting for both the compression and tension damage is introduced to simulate the damage zone around the charge chamber caused by blast loading. The model is incorporated into Autodyn3D through its user subroutines. The numerical model is then used to predict the dynamic response of rock mass, in terms of the peak particle velocity (PPV) and peak particle acceleration (PPA) attenuation laws, the damage zone, the particle velocity time histories and their frequency contents for large‐scale underground explosion tests. The computed results are found in good agreement with the field measured data; hence, the proposed model is proven to be adequate for simulating the dynamic response of rock mass subjected to large‐scale underground explosion. Extended numerical analyses indicate that, apart from the charge loading density, the stress wave intensity is also affected, but to a lesser extent, by the charge weight and the charge chamber geometry for large‐scale underground explosions. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the application of the discrete element program UDEC for modelling underground explosions in a jointed rock mass. A field underground explosion test has been conducted and UDEC and AUTODYN were utilised in a coupled manner to predict the rock mass response due to the underground explosion. The dynamic equation for the state of the rock material obtained from impact tests was incorporated into the calibration modelling. The comparison of modelling results with test results and empirical formulas shows that UDEC is capable of modelling explosion wave propagation in jointed rock mass with high reliability.  相似文献   

The existence of joint fissures makes explosive actions between rock masses more complex. Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out experiments studying blasting stress waves propagating in jointed rock masses. Based on the Froude Similarity principle, the geological mechanical models of intact rock masses and jointed rocks have been proposed. A blasting vibration experiment was carried out and demonstrated that the propagation of the blasting stress waves and changing structures have an important relationship. A numerical simulation of the blasting stress wave propagation law in a layered jointed rock mass was carried out. This study found that with an increase in the joint angle, the peak velocity of blasting stress wave, transmission coefficient and reflection coefficient all gradually increased, while the attenuation coefficient gradually decreased. With an increase in joint spacing, the attenuation rate of the blasting stress waves increased.  相似文献   

Common approaches in practice to predict underground explosion-induced stress wave intensity are based on some empirical formulae. Those empirical formulae were obtained by different researchers based on their testing data at various sites. They can predict the peak particle velocities (PPV) and/or peak particle accelerations (PPA) of propagating stress wave at various locations. They usually include the effect of explosion loading density in terms of a decoupling factor, but do not take into consideration the effects of other explosion conditions, such as the charge chamber geometry, explosive location and distribution. In this paper, a previously calibrated numerical model is used to perform parametric calculations to investigate the effects of underground explosion conditions on stress wave propagation and damage at a granite site. Based on the numerical results, some formulae, which include the effects of various explosion conditions, are derived to predict peak particle acceleration (PPA), peak particle velocity (PPV) and principal frequency of stress wave in the granite mass. The proposed formulae are also compared with the empirical formulae obtained from blasting tests conducted at the site under consideration.  相似文献   

Ascertaining the minimum rock covers of subsea tunnel is important to reduce project cost on the conditions of subsea tunnel safety. Researching the dynamic influence of tunnel blasting construction on the cover rock mass is necessary to the minimum rock covers. The effect of subsea tunnel construction using drilling and blasting method to overlaying strata is analyzed through FLAC3D numerical simulation. The influence of different subsea tunnel level and charge weight on the interface of overlaying strata is analyzed. The blasting vibration velocity history and stress vibration history at key points and the plastic zone are gained and contrasted with the result of experimental formula; synthesizing the above analysis and considering economical and safety of subsea tunnel, we suggest that charge weight should be reduced and subsea tunnel level should be descended 2 meters.  相似文献   

采矿爆破振动波在岩溶区的传播影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究不同情况下爆破振动强度衰变规律和振动对岩溶塌陷的影响,为当地矿山合理开采及减少地面塌陷灾害的发生提供可靠依据,对湖南水口山铅锌矿区进行现场爆破振动测试,并利用古丹铅锌矿实测数据作对比分析;试验矿区共布设4条测线,接收8组爆破振动数据。采用萨道夫斯基修正公式对采集的数据进行计算,以爆破产生的振动波频率及振动速度作为测试指标,对实测数据进行提取、处理,确定爆破振动波的频率及其在介质中的传播速度及地震波引发的质点振动峰值振速。试验结果表明:采矿活动是岩溶地面塌陷的主要影响因素;爆破振动波的频率衰减强度与其在岩土体中的传播距离和断层有关,振动波的传播速度受到岩土体性质、岩层结构特征、岩层走向等因素的影响。  相似文献   

节理岩体中应力波传播规律研究的进展   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
讨论了位移不连续模型与特征值法结合的方法,对垂直于单一线性变形节理、多个平行线性变形节理、单一非线性变形节理,分别采用线性变形不连续模型、双曲线变形不连续模型(BB模型)进行的理论与相应的实验研究。用离散元程序UDEC,对上述问题进行数值模拟;用三维离散元程序3DEC,对节理岩体中三维波的传播进行的数值模拟。并用UDEC与有限差分程序AUTODYN-2D耦合,模拟爆炸过程及爆炸波在节理岩体中的传播。同时提出了几个有待研究的问题。  相似文献   

UDEC modeling of a field explosion test   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A field explosion test is conducted to investigate the blast wave characteristics and propagation in jointed rock mass. A hybrid AUTODYN and UDEC scheme is used to predict the rock mass response due to the explosion. The original prediction is then modified by involving the actual test conditions and dynamic equation of state of the rock material. Correlating the prediction results with the field explosion test results shows that the hybrid AUTODYN and UDEC scheme is capable of modeling explosion problems with high reliability. It is observed that the modified prediction result agrees better with the field test result than the original prediction result, which implies that involving dynamic parameters in the modeling is very important to produce reliable prediction results.  相似文献   

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