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研究非岩溶水和硫酸参与溶蚀对地下河流域岩溶碳汇通量的影响,有助于提高岩石风化碳汇通量估算精度,对于推进地质作用与全球气候变化研究意义重大。选取湘南北江上游武水河流域内4条典型地下河为对象,通过水化学对比分析,揭示硅酸盐岩风化对流域地下水化学的重要影响。运用Galy方法计算流域非岩溶地层中的硅酸盐岩风化消耗大气/土壤CO_2对岩石风化碳汇的重要贡献,并评价了H_2SO_4参与下碳汇通量的扣除比例。结果显示:(1)流域内有非岩溶地层的L01,L02地下河,Na~+,K~+和SiO_2浓度明显高于纯碳酸盐L03和L04地下河,非岩溶地层中的硅酸盐的风化对地下河水中K~+,Na~+,SiO_2浓度有一定贡献;(2)4条地下河的[Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)]/[HCO_3~-]当量比值为1.05~1.15,[Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)]/[HCO_3~-+SO_4~(2-)]的当量比值为0.99~1.08,Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)相对于HCO_3~-过量,过量的Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)与SO_4~(2-)相平衡,证实硫酸参与流域碳酸盐岩的溶蚀;(3)L01和L02地下河岩石风化消耗的CO_2通量中非岩溶地层中的硅酸盐风化消耗所占比例分别为3.36%和2.22%,而L03和L04地下河中硅酸盐风化消耗比例小于0.50%,表明有非岩溶地层存在的地下河流域,其岩石风化消耗的CO_2通量中硅酸盐风化消耗占有一定比例;(4)在考虑硫酸参与碳酸盐岩溶蚀时,4条地下河的碳汇通量分别扣除4.84%,4.52%,6.20%和9.36%。  相似文献   

利用XPS等手段对白云母样品进行了表征,系统的研究了油酸钠体系下Ca~(2+)对白云母的作用机理。结果表明,矿浆p H为碱性时,Ca~(2+)可显著改善白云母可浮性,并且在矿浆p H值为12、油酸钠浓度为9.20×10-4mol/L的条件下,Ca~(2+)浓度为2.70×10-4mol/L时,白云母的回收率可达到65.20%。Ca~(2+)改善白云母可浮性的原因在于:加入的Ca~(2+)吸附在白云母表面,而矿浆中的油酸根离子与吸附在白云母表面的Ca~(2+)、Ca(OH)+及沉淀在白云母表面的Ca(OH)2作用,形成了疏水的油酸钙。此外,当Ca~(2+)浓度为2.70×10-4mol/L时,白云母表面的ζ电位正向增大到-7.73 m V,导致白云母表面的局部正电区域增大,进而增强了油酸根等离子在白云母表面的静电吸附作用,并使白云母的可浮性得到改善。  相似文献   

通过改变固液比、摇床转速、珊瑚砂粒径、温度、溶液pH值及溶液含盐量等参数,对珊瑚砂在水溶液中溶出Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)进行了实验,以探讨溶出过程中的动力学规律和影响因素。实验结果表明,珊瑚砂中Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)溶出量随反应时间逐渐增大;摇床转速越快、固液比越大、温度越高、溶液pH值越低,Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)溶出量越大;当珊瑚砂粒径为2.36~4.75 mm、溶液含盐量为100 mg/L时,Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)溶出量最大。统计分析表明,摇床转速、温度及溶液p H值均对珊瑚砂溶出有显著影响,但溶液p H值影响最大。珊瑚砂在水中的溶出过程符合收缩核内扩散模型,表明控制整个溶出过程反应速率的决定因素是内扩散速率;在15~40℃时,珊瑚砂在纯水中溶出Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)的活化能分别为78.07和74.91 k J/mol。  相似文献   

青海湖是我国唯一报道过的现代湖底沉积物中白云石、方解石和文石等多种碳酸盐矿物共存的高原内陆咸水湖泊。以青海湖水和除菌青海湖水作为载体,以CaCl_2和MgCl_2·6 H_2O作为反应原料,在实验室常温条件下采取控制变量法制备出不同浓度Mg~(2+)参与下的钙质沉淀物,探讨Mg~(2+)浓度对沉淀物类型的影响。仅添加CaCl_2时,青海湖水中的沉淀物主要是石膏(Ca SO_4·2 H_2O)和球霰石(CaCO_3);在添加CaCl_2的同时添加MgCl_2·6 H_2O,沉淀物的石膏消失,完全转变成碳酸盐矿物,包括方解石和球霰石;当湖水中Mg~(2+)浓度为0.62 mol/L时,球霰石消失,沉淀物变为方解石和文石;随着Mg~(2+)浓度继续升高,文石含量稳步增加,方解石含量则逐渐减少,当Mg~(2+)浓度达到1.22 mol/L或更高时,方解石全部消失,沉淀物仅剩文石。实验结果表明,青海湖水中较高浓度的SO_4~(2-)对碳酸钙晶体生长有抑制作用,而额外加入的Mg~(2+)可以解除SO_4~(2-)的抑制作用,使得Ca~(2+)与HCO_3~-和CO_3~(2-)结合形成碳酸钙。此外,碳酸钙的同质多像类型也明显受到Mg~(2+)浓度的控制,随着湖水中Mg~(2+)浓度增加,方解石、球霰石不再稳定,而文石逐渐占主导地位,当Mg/Ca值达到6.1时,反应产物中仅有文石稳定存在。  相似文献   

某火山岩型铀矿床成矿物化条件浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄伟良 《铀矿地质》1989,5(2):78-85
矿前期热液温度348—210℃,压力139.6×10~5—17.2×10~5Pa,盐度0.06%—2.33%(NaCl,Wt.,下同),pH为7.37—9.16,主要成分为Ca~(2 )、Na~ 阳HCO_3~-,铀浓度0.0002—0.0027mol/L。矿期热液温度268—145℃,压力3.9×10~5—3.19×10~5Pa,盐度0.06%—11.68%,pH为6.60—7.61,主要成分为Ca~(2 )、HCO_3~-、F~-和SO_4~(2-),铺浓度0.0017—0.052mol/L。矿后期热液温度165—100℃,压力5.7×10~5—1.1×10~5Pa,盐度0.06%—6.01%,pH为5.28—8.03,主要成分为Ca~(2 )、HCO_3~-和SO_4~(2-),铀浓度0.0009—0.0165mol/L。矿前期、矿期热液主要来自地壳深部,矿后期热液主要来自地壳浅部。  相似文献   

答杨立铮先生“黄龙CO_2成因质疑”   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
首先感谢杨立铮先生对“不同岩溶动力系统的碳稳定同位素和地球化学特征及其意义”一文的兴趣和提出的疑问,今作如下答复: (1)在讨论用碳稳定同位素示踪物质的来源之前,我们必须了解碳所处的3种相态的同位素是不同的。据Denies等的研究,5℃(接近黄龙水点的温度)时开放系统条件下达到同位素交换平衡时,气相CO_2与液相HCO_3~-之间的同位素富集系数为9.7‰,即HCO_3~-(液相)相对于CO_2(气相)的δ~(13)C值重9.7‰,对于黄龙地区所研究的泉水而言,已测得从该泉水所释放的CO_2气的δ~(13)C=-6.8‰,则平衡时水中的δ~(3)C(HCO_3~-)=-6.8‰+9.7‰=2.9‰,这与黄龙沟水点(8个)实测的HCO_3~-的平均同位素组成δ~(13)C=3.01‰相当吻合,这说明,一方面系统是开放的,另一方面气相CO_2与水中HCO_3~-达到了碳同位素交换平衡。另据Denies等的研究可知,液相HCO_3~-与固相CaCO_3之间的同位素  相似文献   

尹子悦  林青  徐绍辉 《地质论评》2018,64(4):1030-1044
为探讨滨海流域地下水水化学成分的时空演化规律及影响因素,以青岛市大沽河流域为研究对象,运用数理统计、Piper三线图、Gibbs图解法、离子比例系数等方法对2001~2012年137个地下水样的水化学成分进行系统分析。研究结果表明:流域内地下水以碱土金属Ca~(2+)为优势阳离子,重碳酸根HCO_3~-为优势阴离子,主要离子含量年际变化不大,基本符合枯升丰降的原则,但区域差异较为明显;2001~2012年地下水化学类型由Ca~(2+)—Mg~(2+)—SO_4~(2-)—Cl~-、Ca~(2+)—Mg~(2+)—HCO_3~-—Cl~-型变为Ca~(2+)—Mg~(2+)—SO_4~(2-)—Cl~-、Ca~(2+)—Na~+—HCO_3~-—Cl~-、Na~+—Ca~(2+)—Cl~-—HCO_3~-混合型水;岩石风化作用是区内地下水化学组分的主要控制因素;农业活动中氮肥的过度施用、粪便及生活污水等人为来源的输入则为区内NO_3~-含量较高的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

HCO_3~-的浓度和溶解无机碳的δ~(13)C值是沿着阿奎亚含水层的水力坡降而变化的。在地层出露区,有土壤气体CO_2(δ~(13)C≈-26/ml)存在时,雨水补给使碳酸质介壳溶解得更快.(δ~(13)C≈0.0/ml)在这些地区内,HCO_3~-浓度一般为150~200m g/J,溶解HCO_3~-的δ~(13)C值接近-13/ml。随着水流远离露头区,HCO_3~-的浓度逐渐降低(约130mg/l),而δ~(13)C值则稍有增加(约-11.4/ml)。这种趋势影响亚稳态碳酸质介壳物质的进一步溶解和次生方解石胶结物的再次沉淀.水流系统中,下降坡度约40哩时.HCO_3~-浓度急剧增加(约为400mg/l),δ~(13)C值大大加重(约为δ~(13)C≈-6.2/ml),在这一坡降水流内,所观测到的Na~ 与HCO_3~-的克分子比表明:同位素重碳酸介壳物质的溶解本身不能说明所观测到的δ~(13)C的趋势,更确切地说,Na~ :HCO_3~-的比率表明介壳物质的溶解作用必须在CO_2的参与下进行.由于这一地区内的合水层既与土壤气体也与大气的CO_2隔离.所以同位素的重CO_2(δ~(13)C≈-5.3/ml)明显地来源于含水层自身.含水层中CO_2的生成可能来自褐煤含水层物质的细菌媒介发酵和细菌煤介甲烷的成因。  相似文献   

蔚县矿区地处蔚县七里河泉岩溶水系统的中北部,主采煤层为中侏罗统下花园组1#、5#煤,煤炭资源的开采已破坏了矿区第四系砂砾石孔隙水、煤系砂砾岩裂隙水及下奥陶统灰岩岩溶裂隙水的赋存条件。本文重点对地下水水化学开展研究,分析地下水中的主要离子含量和水化学特征,初步探讨了20世纪80年代以来岩溶地下水化学组分的演变规律。研究结果表明:矿区第四系砂砾石孔隙水主要阴离子为HCO_3~-,含量相对较为稳定,阳离子变化幅度均较大;煤系砂砾岩裂隙水中主要离子为K~++Na~+与HCO_3~-,含量相对较为稳定;下奥陶统灰岩岩溶裂隙水中主要离子为K~++Na~+与HCO_3~-,K~++Na~+、Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、Cl-、HCO_3~-变异系数相对较小,表明它们在岩溶水中的含量相对较为稳定。通过相关分析,下奥陶统灰岩岩溶裂隙水K~++Na~+与TDS成负相关,Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)与TDS成正相关,且相关系数高。第四系孔隙水化学组分与下奥陶统灰岩岩溶裂隙水岩溶水相差较大,且局部受到污染;裂隙水化学组分与岩溶水相差较小。矿区岩溶水现阶段与1984年相比,水化学类型趋于多样化,TDS整体有所升高,水质变差。  相似文献   

毕节市北部岩溶地下水水文地球化学特征   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
我国西南地区赋存丰富的岩溶水资源,这些水资源是当地居民生产生活用水的主要来源。以贵州省毕节市北部海子街镇及其邻区岩溶地下水为研究对象,通过分析常规水化学组分和氢氧同位素,确定研究区岩溶水的补给特征,识别岩溶水主要组分的物质来源和判断发生的水岩相互作用过程。结果显示:研究区地下水水化学类型主要为HCO_3—Ca型、HCO_3·SO_4—Ca型和HCO_3—Ca·Mg型。阴离子以HCO_3~-和SO_4~(2-)为主,而阳离子以Ca~(2+)和Mg~(2+)为主,部分水样N_3O~-和SO2-4含量偏高。氢氧同位素分析显示,研究区地下水以当地大气降水补给为主。补给入渗的大气降水与碳酸盐岩、石膏和盐岩矿物发生反应致使岩溶水化学组分以HCO-3、SO_4~(2-)、Ca~(2+)和Mg~(2+)为主,而生活污水、农业药物和采矿活动导致地下水中NO_3~-和SO_4~(2-)含量增加。相应成果可为当地地下水资源的开发和管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Hydrothermal experiments with mixtures of synthetic minerals have shown the reversibility of the reaction 5 phlogopite + 6 calcite + 24 quartz = 3 tremolite + 5 K-feldspar + 2 H2O + 6 CO2. In an isobaric T – diagram the equilibrium curve reaches a maximum at = 0,75. The P, T-values for this maximum are: 2 kb-523°; 4 kb-585°; 6 kb-625°; P±5%, T±10° C. These results give a first approximation of the P, T conditions responsible for a similar mineral reaction which has been recorded from natural metamorphic assemblages.

Herrn Prof. H. G. F. Winkler danke ich für anregende Diskussionen, desgleichen Herrn Dr. D. Puhan für wichtige Hinweise und Mitteilung seiner exp. Daten. Herrn Prof. V. Trommsdorff und Herrn P. H. Thompson bin ich für petrographische Angaben zu Dank verpflichtet. Der Aufbau der Hydrothermalanlage und die Finanzierung der laufenden Untersuchungen wurde aus den Mitteln des Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung ermöglicht. Für diese Unterstützung gilt daher mein besonderer Dank.  相似文献   

The reaction 2 epidote+2 calcite+3 wollastonite3 grossular-andraditess+ 2 CO2+1 H2O has been explored by hydrothermal experiments at a total fluid pressure of 1000 bars. For a grossular-andraditess of andradite 25 composition, the isobaric univariant curve passes through the points 458°C: XCO2=0.00; 521°C: XCO2=0.026; 523°C: XCO2=0.052; 526°C: 0.088; 528°C: XCO2=0.104. This curve intersects the isobaric univariant curve of the reaction calcite+quartz+[H2O] wollastonite+CO2+[H2O] at the isobaric invariant point around 528°C and XCO2=0.12. At higher values of XCO2, this reaction is replaced by another one, namely: 2 epidote+5 calcite+3 quartz3 grossular-andraditess+5 CO2+ 1 H2O. It is demonstrated that both the reactions do actually take place during the metamorphism of calcareous rocks. The petrologic significance of contrasted sequence of reactions within this system observed by various workers is also discussed.  相似文献   

The equilibrium curve for the reaction 3 dolomite + 1 K-feldspar + 1 H2O=1 phlogopite + 3 calcite + 3 CO2 was determined experimentally at a total gas pressure of 2000 bars using two different methods.
  1. In the first case water alone was added to the reactants. The CO2 component of the gas phase was producted solely by the reaction under favourable P-T conditions. This manner of carrying out the reaction is called the “water method”. With this method sufficient time must be allowed for the gas phase to attain a constant composition (see Fig. 1). Reverse reactions were carried out using reaction products of the forward reaction.
  2. In the second case silver oxalate + water were added to the reactants. Breakdown of the silver oxalate leads to formation of a CO2-H2O gasphase of definite composition. At constant temperature and gas pressure the \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } \) determines whether the reaction products will be phlogopite + calcite or dolomite + K-feldspar. In this case it is not necessary to wait for equilibrium to be attained. This method is abbreviated the “oxalate method”. Reactants for reverse reactions are not identical with the products of the forward reaction.
At high temperatures the results of the two different methods agree well (see Tables 1 and 2). Equilibrium was attained in one case at 490° C and \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } \) of approximately 0.77, and in the other case at 520° C and \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } \) of 0.90. At lower temperatures there are considerable differences in the results. With the water method an \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } \) of about 0.25 was reached at 450° C. With the oxalate method dolomite K-feldspar and water still react with each other at even higher \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} } \) values. Phlogopite, calcite and CO2 are formed together with metastable talc. There are no criteria to indicate which of the methods is the correct one at lower temperatures and in Fig. 2, therefore, both equilibrium curves are plotted.  相似文献   

The equilibrium conditions of the following reaction 2 zoisite +1 CO2?3 anorthite+1 calcite+1 H2O 2 Ca2Al3[O/OH/SiO4/Si2O7]+1 CO2?3 CaAl2Si2O8+1 CaCO3+1 H2O have been determined experimentally at total pressures of P j= 2000 bars, P f =5000 bars, and P f =7000 bars. Owing to the vertical position of the equilibrium curves in isobaric T- \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) diagrams, the composition of the binary H2O-CO2 fluid phase coexisting with zoisite is independent of temperature in the temperature interval investigated. According to our experiments, orthorhombic zoisite is only stable in equilibrium with a fluid phase at a concentration of CO2 which is less than, respectively, ca. 2 Mol% CO2 at P f =2000 bars, ea. 6 Mol% at P f =5000 bars, and ca. 10 Mol% at P f =7000 bars. Thus, the fluid phase coexisting with zoisite is rich in H2O. While this is independent of temperature the experimental data demonstrate that the influence of pressure cannot be neglected: With increasing pressure the concentration of CO2 of the fluid phase coexisting with zoisite can rise a little. The position of the reaction studied, which is independent of temperature and exhibits small values of \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) ,leads to two important petrogenetic conclusions:
  1. The occurrence of zoisite is an indicator for a CO2-poor and H2O-rich fluid composition during metamorphism of marly calcsilicates.
  2. If the concentration of CO2 of the fluid phase coexisting with zoisite exceeds the equilibrium value of \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) calcite+anorthite+H2O is formed from zoisite+CO2. Thus, a considerable increase in the anorthite-content of plagioelase is possible.

Optical absorption spectra are presented for taramellite, traskite and neptunite, all of which have both Fe2+ and Ti4+ as major elements. The spectra of each of these minerals are dominated by a single, intense absorption band in the 415 to 460 nm region with 7000 to 9000 cm?1 halfwidth. These transitions, assigned to Fe2+-Ti4+ intervalence charge transfer, showed little difference in intensity at 80 and 300 K and have molar absorptivities which range from ~100 to ~1300 M?1 cm?1. The Fe2+-Ti4+ absorptions in these standards generally compare well to other mineral spectra in which Fe2+ — Ti4+ intervalence absorption has previously been proposed with the exception of the most cited example, blue corundum.  相似文献   

The formation of the solid solution series MgCO3-FeCO3 in the system Mg2+-Fe2+-CO 3 2? -Cl 2 2? -H2O has been investigstad between 200° C and 500° C. The experimental results show that the composition of any of these carbonates strongly depends on the temperature: At high temperatures mixed crystals rich in MgCO3 are formed and low temperatures lead to the formation of FeCO3-rich carbonates. Thus, at 200° C a Fe-poor (Mg-rich) solution is in equilibrium with a Fe-rich carbonate. At temperatures higher than 350° C a Fe-rich (Mg-poor) solution coexists with a Fe-poor (Mg-rich) solid phase; see Fig. 1. At 350° C a solution with a mole fractionmFe2+/(mFe2++mMg2+) of 0.20 leads to the formation of magnesite very poor in Fe, whereas at 250° C the same solution is in equilibrium with sideroplesit, containing 80 Mol-% FeCO3, see Figs. 2 and 3. The importance of the experimental results for the formation of deposits of magnesite and siderite is discussed.  相似文献   

Reversals for the reaction 2 annite+3 quartz=2 sanidine+3 fayalite+2 H2O have been experimentally determined in cold-seal pressure vessels at pressures of 2, 3, 4 and 5?kbar, limiting annite +quartz stability towards higher temperatures. The equilibrium passes through the temperature intervals 500–540°?C (2?kbar), 550–570°?C (3?kbar), 570–590°?C (4?kbar) and 590–610°?C (5?kbar). Starting materials for most experiments were mixtures of synthetic annite +fayalite+sanidine+quartz and in some runs annite+quartz alone. Microprobe analyses of the reacted mixtures showed that the annites deviate slightly from their ideal Si/Al ratio (Si per formula unit ranges between 2.85 and 2.92, AlVI between 0.06 and 0.15). As determined by Mössbauer spectroscopy, the Fe3+ content of annite in the assemblage annite+fayalite +sanidine+quartz is around 5–7%. The experimental data were used to extract the thermodynamic standard state enthalpy and entropy of annite as follows: H 0 f,?Ann =?5125.896±8.319 [kJ/mol] and S 0 Ann=432.62±8.89 [J/mol/K] (consistent with the Holland and Powell 1990 data set), and H 0 f,Ann =?5130.971±7.939 [kJ/mol] and S 0 Ann=424.02±8.39 [J/mol/K] (consistent with the TWEEQ data base, Berman 1991). The preceeding values are close to the standard state properties derived from hydrogen sensor data of the redox reaction annite=sanidine+magnetite+H 2 (Dachs 1994). The experimental half-reversal of Eugster and Wones (1962) on the annite +quartz breakdown reaction could not be reproduced experimentally (formation of annite from sanidine+fayalite+quartz at 540°?C/1.035?kbar/magnetite-iron buffer) and probable reasons for this discrepancy remain unclear. The extracted thermodynamic standard state properties of annite were used to calculate annite and annite+quartz stabilities for pressures between 2 and 5?kbar.  相似文献   

The color and spectroscopic properties of ironbearing tourmalines (elbaite, dravite, uvite, schorl) do not vary smoothly with iron concentration. Such behavior has often been ascribed to intervalence charge transfer between Fe2+ and Fe3+ which produces a new, intense absorption band in the visible portion of the spectrum. In the case of tourmaline, an entirely different manifestation of the interaction between Fe2+ and Fe3+ occurs in which the Fe2+ bands are intensified without an intense, new absorption band. At low iron concentrations, the intensity of light absorption from Fe2+ is about the same for Ec and Ec polarizations, but at high iron concentrations, the intensity of the Ec polarization increases more than ten times as much as Ec. This difference is related to intensification of Fe2+ absorption by adjacent Fe3+. Extrapolations indicate that pairs of Fe2+-Fe3+ have Fe2+ absorption intensity ~200 times as great as isolated Fe2+. Enhanced Fe2+ absorption bands are recognized in tourmaline by their intensity increase at 78 K of up to 50%. Enhancement of Fe2+ absorption intensity provides a severe limitration on the accuracy of determinations of Fe2+ concentration and site occupancy by optical spectroscopic methods. Details of the assignment of tourmaline spectra in the optical region are reconsidered.  相似文献   

本文选用吉林省九台、小梨河、净月产地的膨润土为原料,测试了不同粒级的膨润土对Pb 2、Cd 2、Cr 6离子的吸附时间、吸附温度、吸附量,同时,又在模拟人胃条件下进行了试验,结果证实膨润土可以作为药用赋形剂。  相似文献   

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