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鲁东诸城盆地白垩系由下向上包括林家庄组、辛格庄组和红土崖组。下白垩统林家庄组为杂色粗碎屑岩系;上白垩统辛格庄组为杂色细碎屑岩系,红土崖组为砖红色砂岩、砾岩互层沉积夹玄武岩(73.5Ma),为恐龙化石埋藏层位,并与区域上莱阳青岛龙及恐龙蛋化石等产出层位可以对比。诸城地区晚白垩世时期主要为冲洪积沉积环境,辛格庄组上部为洪泛平原粉砂岩—细砂岩—灰质土加积序列,局部夹扇中辫状河砾岩、粗砂岩,红土崖组下部与下伏辛格庄组顶部过渡部位是冲积扇泥石流、辫状河和洪泛平原粉砂泥质砾岩、砂岩加积沉积序列。识别出与冲积扇沉积体系相关的3种埋藏相类型:冲积扇泥石流、洪泛平原和辫状河河道(砂砾岩),前二者是研究区主要的埋藏相类型。所含化石主要为鸭嘴龙的残体骨骼,个体大小参差不等,互相间可叠盖一起,同时也有孤立发育的骨骼化石。高密度、单一种类恐龙残体骨骼化石的沉积、埋藏特征代表了恐龙集群埋藏—沉积事件。  相似文献   

山东诸城晚白垩世恐龙化石埋藏学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山东诸城是中国以晚白垩世大型鸭嘴龙类为主的恐龙化石产地。本文从化石埋藏地地质背景、埋藏沉积相与古水流、骨骼化石分布、改造与聚集特征及分类学、骨骼化石微观组构和埋藏模型等方面,系统阐述了诸城晚白垩世恐龙骨骼化石埋藏学特征。诸城晚白垩世晚期(火山岩长石Ar-Ar年龄为76.2~73.5Ma)恐龙化石主要集群埋藏于冲积扇泥石流(DF)、洪泛平原(FP)与辫状河道(BRC)沉积层中,化石密集、成层分布,但残体骨骼层内骨骼化石大小、形状混杂、疏密不均、属种的单—以及残体骨骼大小、形状和规模不等,多数骨骼化石为不完整的长柱状、板状形态,骨骼呈定向排列,具有短距离搬运、异地快速埋藏及集群埋藏特点。沉积物及薄片分析显示,诸城恐龙生存及骨骼化石埋藏的环境为半干旱—干旱气候条件。埋藏—保存模式可概括为:恶劣的生存环境—恐龙批量死亡—遗体腐烂—骨骼被洪流或泥石流冲刷、搬运至目前沉积场所—快速掩埋—浅埋藏成岩—地壳抬升暴露。诸城恐龙化石埋藏学的研究,为我们了解和恢复中国华北地区晚白垩世时期的古地理、古环境和古气候提供了依据。  相似文献   

山东东部诸城晚白垩世王氏群大面积、高密度集群埋藏的恐龙化石是近年研究的热点,但其沉积物源与精确沉积时限目前尚不明确。本文通过对山东诸城王氏群恐龙化石层中6个砂岩样品的碎屑锆石U-Pb定年表明,样品090414-24-D中最年轻的单颗粒锆石年龄(YSG)为77.3 Ma,应代表王氏群恐龙化石层的最大沉积时限(下限),结合前人对王氏群红土崖组的年代学研究表明,其沉积时限应老于73.5 Ma(上限),也说明赋存恐龙化石层的王氏群上部红土崖组为Campanian期沉积;碎屑锆石定年揭示物源的锆石年龄组成分布在100~130 Ma之间,6个样品的年龄主峰值多在110 Ma或120 Ma左右,与下伏的早白垩世青山群火山岩年龄主峰较为吻合。王氏群恐龙化石层砾岩的砾石成分和古水流研究显示,其中3组砾石统计表明砾岩层砾石成分主要由火山岩或火山碎屑岩组成,3组古水流数据表明,诸城地区王氏群红土崖组砾岩层的古流向以南和南东方向为主,尚有1组显示古流向为向北,表明王氏群物源主要来自盆地北侧莱阳和北西侧沂沭断裂带的青山群火山岩,其次为盆地南缘。本研究为诸城王氏群化石层沉积时限的限定和沉积物源的判断,以及胶莱盆地王氏群时期古地理格局的恢复等提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

运用埋藏学与沉积地质学的研究方法与手段,对中国东部晚白垩世具有恐龙化石集群埋藏盆地中恐龙骨骼化石的埋藏地层层序与年代、埋藏骨骼化石特征、骨骼化石埋藏类型及其埋藏成因等进行了分析与总结,并将其产出时代、埋藏相、埋藏特征与国外进行了对比研究。研究认为:中国东部与国外相比,虽然化石产出的具体时期有所差异,但从恐龙种群、埋藏相及沉积地层学等方面均具有相似性,反映了晚白垩世全球古环境、古生态及古气候的相似性。(1)中国晚白垩世恐龙骨骼化石埋藏事件可分为早期与晚期2个阶段:早期的Cenomanian期与晚期的Santonian-Maastrichtian期。而国外晚白垩世恐龙骨骼化石埋藏事件只发生在晚期,在美洲及蒙古国发生在Campanian晚期,在欧洲则为Campanian-Maastrichtian期的过渡时期及Maastrichtian期。(2)中国埋藏骨骼化石种属以鸟脚类鸭嘴龙科与兽脚类恐龙为主,它们埋藏于紫红色地层中,埋藏环境主要为冲积扇与河流环境;美洲以鸭嘴龙科为主,欧洲与蒙古国的种群各地不相同,都埋藏于紫红色岩石地层中,埋藏环境主要为河流—泛滥平原。骨骼在不同沉积相组合地层中埋藏学特征各异,与古地理、古生态及古环境密切相关。(3)结合盆地中的化石埋藏学特征与盆地演化特征,总结了恐龙化石埋藏类型主要有原地埋藏与异地埋藏,盆地古地理格局变动、火山活动、古温度升高及古地震等事件的综合作用是可能的埋藏成因,并提出了恐龙化石的埋藏模式。此研究为揭示中国东部乃至全球晚白垩世的古地理、古气候及古生态环境及恐龙灭绝原因的探讨提供了新的材料与证据。  相似文献   

首次在山西新荣地区晚白垩世助马堡组发现了巨型蜥脚类恐龙股骨化石。通过详细观测该股骨化石的保存状态、保存长度和股骨近端最大长度,估算该股骨化石实际长度约1.9 m,该蜥脚类恐龙体长可能超过30.0 m。在对化石层沉积相和古流向分析的基础上,分析了该股骨化石的埋藏环境。助马堡组为一套规模大、弯曲度高、水动力强的曲流河沉积,该蜥脚类恐龙死后在曲流河中经短—中距离搬运后被埋藏。新荣地区巨型蜥脚类恐龙股骨化石的发现,不仅扩大了晚白垩世巨型蜥脚类恐龙在中国北方地区的分布范围,同时对左云—新荣地区白垩纪古气候和古环境的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

松辽盆地东北部铁力地区沉积相研究薄弱。通过对铁力地区岩心、测井资料的综合分析,对研究区姚家组的沉积相类型、沉积期次、沉积相展布特征进行了系统总结;在此基础上,运用砂岩型铀矿成矿理论对铁力地区扇三角洲体系内有利成矿砂体的沉积相类型进行了初步讨论,认为:研究区内姚家组主要为冲积扇-扇三角洲沉积,并识别出泥石流、辫状河道、洪泛平原、水下分流河道、水下分流间湾、河口坝、前扇三角洲泥等7种微相;姚家组冲积扇-扇三角洲体系自底到顶可分出3个沉积期次,总体具有不断向西南(盆内)迁移的趋势;姚家组扇三角洲体系内的辫状河道砂体可作为寻找潜水氧化砂岩型铀矿的重点类型,而水下分流河道砂体是作为寻找层间氧化砂岩型铀矿的主攻类型。该研究可为铁力地区砂岩型铀矿找矿工作的进一步开展提供指导。  相似文献   

自从20世纪60年代初在山东诸城发现第一具恐龙骨架“巨型山东龙”以来,一系列具有代表性的恐龙骨骼化石在诸城白垩纪地层中被发现,特别是埋藏于诸城晚白垩世地层中恐龙骨骼化石群,最为引人注目。目前研究发现了包括鸭嘴龙类、角龙类、暴龙类等在内的多种恐龙类型,为丰富我国东部白垩纪恐龙动物群的研究提供了新的宝贵材料。该文系统总结和归纳了近些年来在诸城晚白垩世地层中发现的恐龙骨骼化石及其所代表的恐龙动物群类型的研究成果,同时又提出了目前依然存在的一些亟待解决的关键问题和研究意义,有助于下一步更好的深入研究诸城晚白垩世恐龙动物群。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地南缘上三叠统黄山街组主要为砾岩、含砾砂岩、砂岩、粉砂岩和泥岩构成的一套碎屑岩组合,野外沉积特征研究确定为典型的辫状河三角洲沉积。通过对沉积相、亚相、微相的详细研究,认为辫状河三角洲具有类似曲流河三角洲的层序结构和微相类型,但两者间也存在很大的差别。与曲流河三角洲相比,辫状河三角洲的三角洲平原亚相不仅沉积物的粒度较粗,而且辫状河道沉积较发育,河道间洪泛平原沉积不发育。辫状河三角洲前缘亚相也可以识别出水下分流河道、河口坝、席状砂和水下分流河道间等微相,水下分流河道沉积为主体。根据野外露头的追索研究,建立了准噶尔盆地南缘上三叠统黄山街组辫状河三角洲的沉积模式。从沉积物的岩性特征看,辫状河三角洲砾岩和含砾粗砂岩体具有分布较稳定、展布较广、储集物性较好的特点。  相似文献   

内蒙古平庄盆地黑水地区上白垩统孙家湾组上段沉积相为冲积扇相,宏观上分为近端砾质辫状平原、远端砂质辫状平原及扇前洪泛平原3个亚相,进一步细分为泥石流、砾质辫状河道、砾质坝、砂质辫状河道、砂质坝、洪泛细粒、泥炭沼泽等微相。孙家湾组上段可划分为3个亚段,第一亚段为干旱_潮湿过渡气候下形成的退积型序列的旱地扇沉积;第二亚段为潮湿气候下形成的退积型序列的湿地扇沉积;第三亚段为潮湿气候下形成的进积型序列的湿地扇沉积。黑水地区的孙家湾组上段经历了早期退积型旱地扇—中期退积型湿地扇—晚期进积型湿地扇的过程。沉积相对该区铀成矿具有控制作用,铀矿化主要以不连续、局部富集的形式赋存于远端砂质辫状平原前缘的砂质辫状河砂体中,泥炭沼泽和泥质含量少的泥石流沉积中有少量存在。泥炭沼泽沉积所形成的泥岩及泥质含量高的泥石流沉积充当了局部隔水层,但由于泥炭沼泽沉积较薄,以及泥石流沉积的不均一性,致使铀矿(化)不连续、不稳定。  相似文献   

浙江中西部永康盆地及金衢盆地白垩系冲积扇特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
浙江众多中小型白垩纪盆地中,分布着河湖相红色沉积岩夹火山岩的白垩系上部地层。作者对位于浙江省金华地区永康市和义乌市境内的2条剖面进行了研究,即金衢盆地早白垩世晚期至晚白垩世早期的铜山岩中戴组剖面和永康盆地早白垩世晚期的方岩景区方岩组剖面,认为其主要为冲积扇沉积,具有多套沉积旋回的陆相碎屑岩准层序组,沉积特征表现为:下部紫红色块状砾岩、砂砾岩,夹泥质粉砂岩,局部有紫红色凝灰岩及深灰色玄武岩;上部棕褐色钙质粉砂岩与泥质粉砂岩组成不等厚互层,产恐龙化石Chilantaisaurus zhejiangensis;具有大型交错层理等沉积构造。其中扇根亚相的砂砾岩为槽流沉积和辫流水道沉积,扇中亚相的片状或席状砂岩为漫流沉积,漫流成因的片状或席状砂岩可能成为良好的油气储集体。此研究成果对中国南方小盆地白垩系扇根—扇中碎屑岩的沉积特征及其成因分析具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Assemblages of foraminifers, ostracods and molluscs from temperate Ipswichian Stage (last temperate stage) sediments and overlying cold Devensian Stage (last cold stage) sediments at Somersham in the southern Fenland of Cambridgeshire have been analysed. The Ipswichian sediments contain faunas consistent with temperate brackish water conditions under tidal influence. The Devensian assemblages were recovered from a series of sands and gravels laterally accreting in a channel cutting into Ipswichian sediments. In contrast to the Ipswichian faunas, the faunas of particular Devensian samples show a complex mixture of temperate freshwater, brackish and marine taxa. The molluscs are mainly freshwater, with few land snails; they occur together with foraminifers and ostracods. Freshwater, brackish water and marine ostracods are present with foraminifers. A sample of Devensian fine laminated sediment in the channel was analysed for pollen; only abundant pre-Quaternary spores were present, with abundant foraminifers in the same sample. The taphonomy of the assemblages and the difficulties of their interpretation in environmental terms are discussed. The importance of taphonomy in assessing environments, climate, range of taxa and dating is stressed.  相似文献   

On the basis of the taphonomy, osteological anatomy and ontogenetic variation, Zhuchengosaurus maximus Zhao et al., 2007 is considered to be synonymic with Shantungosaurus giganteus Hu, 1973 herein. This paper also deals with the life behavior of S. giganteus and the environment in which S. giganteus lived. S. giganteus is considered to be a terrestrial and gregarious herbivorous dinosaur and lived in hills and intervales in warm weather with plentiful rain and flourishing vegetation.  相似文献   

Ryoji Wani   《Cretaceous Research》2006,27(6):863-871
The peculiar taphonomy of the late Campanian ammonite Metaplacenticeras subtilistriatum is reconstructed on the basis of stratigraphic occurrence within the Hakobuchi Formation of northern Hokkaido (Japan), as well as of host rock and patterns of fragmentation. The species' taphonomy is closely linked to its streamlined, oxyconic shell with flat flanks and a smoothly tapered venter. Such shells were accumulated, together with numerous pebbles, by bottom currents (>0.25–0.5 m/s), in such a way that ventral portions of some shells fractured by collision with pebbles. Small holes and depressions in the external shell surface, presumably formed during compaction after final burial, are restricted to phragmocones. On this evidence, it is suggested that this species was nektobenthic, lived in a shallow environment (shoreface–inner shelf) where its streamlined shell allowed it to align with prevailing currents, similar to a wind vane.  相似文献   

Tsunami deposits preserved in the geological record provide a more comprehensive understanding of their patterns of frequency and intensity over longer timescales; but recognizing tsunami deposits can prove challenging due to post-depositional changes, lack of contrast between the deposits and surrounding sedimentary layers, and differentiating between tsunami and storm deposition. Modern baseline studies address these challenges by providing insight into modern spatial distributions that can be compared with palaeotsunami deposits. This study documents the spatial fingerprint of grain size and foraminifera from Hasunuma Beach and the Kujukuri shelf to provide a basis from which tsunami deposits can be interpreted. At Hasunuma Beach, approximately 50 km east of Tokyo, the spatial distribution of three common proxies (foraminiferal taxonomy, foraminiferal taphonomy and sediment grain size) for tsunami identification were mapped and clustered using Partitioning Around Medoids cluster analysis. Partitioning Around Medoids cluster analysis objectively discriminated two coastal zones corresponding to onshore and offshore sample locations. Results show that onshore samples are characterized by coarser grain sizes (medium to coarse sand) and higher abundances of Pararotalia nipponica (27 to 63%) than offshore samples, which are characterized by finer grain sizes (fine to medium sand), lower abundances of Pararotalia nipponica (2 to 19%) and Ammonia parkinsoniana (0 to 10%), higher abundances of planktonics (15 to 58%) and species with fragile tests including Uvigerinella glabra. When compared to grain-size and foraminiferal taxonomy, foraminiferal taphonomy; i.e. surface condition of foraminifera, a proxy not commonly used to identify tsunami deposits, was most effective in discriminating modern coastal zones (identified supratidal, intertidal and offshore environments) and determining sediment provenance for tsunami deposits at Kujukuri. This modern baseline study assists the interpretation of tsunami deposits in the geological record because it provides a basis for sediment provenance to be determined.  相似文献   

Simultaneous thin section and phytolith observations of finely stratified anthropogenic deposits from the Neolithic settlement of Çatalhöyük, Turkey, dated between 7400 and 6000 BC provide evidence for both the depositional context and phytolith assemblage of these deposits. Although extracted phytoliths provide a general picture of vegetation that supports existing evidence of a local wet marshland environment, comparisons with observations of phytoliths in situ indicate a diverse range of microcontexts, as well as depositional and post‐depositional processes that influence phytolith size. This has implications for studies that use conjoined phytolith size as a proxy for water availability and early agricultural practices. Observations indicate a significant background noise of phytoliths and micro‐charcoal in the deposits, linked to the frequent use of fire, which has implications for interpreting assemblages where phytolith counts are low, such as from floors of buildings. This study confirms the usefulness of phytoliths in providing information on human plant use and environment where the taphonomy of the deposits is clear, and provides new evidence for wet farming of at least some of the wheat found at the site. It also suggests there needs to be greater consideration of phytolith taphonomy, which can be provided to an extent by combining phytolith analysis with thin section micromorphology. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Phytolith has been widely used as a tool to reconstruct the paleoenvironment, and the investigation of modern phytolith is very crucial to the accurate interpretation of phytolith data in ancient sediments. Studies of modern process of phytolith primarily include the morphological analysis of phytolith in modern plants, and the relationships between the formation and growth of phytolith and environmental factors, as well as the transportation and taphonomy of phytolith in modern soils and sediments. The formation of phytolith in plants is controlled not only by genes but also by environmental factors, such as humidity, precipitation, temperature, CO2 concentration, soil pH, and nutrient status, etc. The morphology, assemblages, 13C and 18O of phytolith in plants can respond sensitively to environmental variables. The phytolith assemblages can be affected by its taphonomy and transportation that may be different due to phytolith types and soils/sediments texture. It is necessary to investigate the phytolith morphology and types in modern plants, the relationship between its formation and environmental factors, and the impact of transportation and taphonomy on phytolith assemblages under different environmental conditions in order to promote the application of phytolith analysis to paeloenvironment reconstruction.  相似文献   

试论关岭动物群及其科学意义   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:14  
在关岭县新铺乡黄土塘一带的晚三叠世瓦窑组中发现了极其丰富的动物化石,主要包括海生爬行动物、海百合、鱼类、菊石、双壳类和牙形石等。其中,海生爬行动物和海丰合数量这多、保存之完好和形态之精美乃国外同期地层所罕见,堪称世界一流。上述多门类化石构成了一幅奇妙的古海洋动物生态系统,是难得的珍稀化石的璀璨瑰宝。它对于研究晚三叠世的古生物学、古生态学、古海洋系、古地理学、埋藏学和地层学等都具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

辛存林  张亚梅  季健健  王露菡 《地质学报》2018,92(10):1985-2001
本文对产于甘肃窑街中侏罗统窑街组地层的植物大化石进行了系统的研究,发现甘肃窑街中侏罗世植物群由31属63种组成。其中,银杏类植物7属23种,真蕨类植物7属14种,松柏类植物7属11种,苏铁类植物5属10种,楔叶类植物4属4种,分类位置不明化石1属1种。在研究植物群组成特征的基础上,通过对植物化石埋藏类型与化石类群生态学的分析,重建了古植物群落,总结了窑街植物群的古生态特征,并划分出四个群落,即划分为近岸湿地群落、山间低地—缓坡群落、山间高地群落、旱生群落等四个群落。根据植物群的整体特征、植物类群之间的比例关系、特征分子及其古生态特征及孢粉植物群特征,推断甘肃窑街盆地中侏罗世古气候为温暖潮湿的亚热带气候。Brachyphyllum及茨康目植物化石的存在,表明甘肃窑街中侏罗世气候环境存在季节性变化。  相似文献   

实验埋葬学及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验埋葬学是涉及地质学、生物学、化学、物理学等学科的一门交叉渗透性研究科学。它是在实验条件下研究生物或生物残体由生物圈转变到岩石圈的一系列变化过程及其与环境因素之间的相互作用关系。通过对环境因素的控制,研究各生物类别和组织类型的保存潜力及可能的保存状态,以及各环境因素在化石形成过程中的作用和结果。近年来的实验研究已为解决软躯体化石库的成因、早期核生物的鉴定、牙形动物和伊迪卡拉生物群的属性等一系列古生物学上的难题提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Lithofacies of the productive Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic deposits of the Eastern Caspian region, studied in wells on the Caspian coast and exposed in the outcrops of the Mountainous Mangyshlak, are described and analyzed. The similarity of the structure of the Mesozoic sedimentary beds of the Middle Caspian Basin and of those of the land adjacent to its eastern coast is confirmed. Comparative analysis of lithofacies allowed the reconstruction of the paleogeographic setting and depositional environments in the studied region during the Early Jurassic. A unique fossil plant occurrence is discovered in the upper part of the Lower Jurassic series (in the lower subformation of the Kokala Formation; Eastern Caspian region). Fossil plant taphonomy and the lithology of host rocks in the occurrence resulted from unusual paleogeographic settings that existed in the Middle Caspian Basin at the time of the Early-Middle Jurassic boundary.  相似文献   

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