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论述了内蒙古西部阿拉善地区上新统的分布、岩性、岩相特征,以及在该地层中首次发现的双壳类、腹足类化石,并据岩性和古生物研究建立昂冈浩特组。  相似文献   

腹足类口盖化石在我国中、新生代陆相地层中分布广泛,丰富而且类型多,但目前还没有系统的口盖化石分类,作者将它们按动物分类学的方法建立口盖化石分类系统,便于对口盖化石进行比较研究和鉴别。  相似文献   

官庄群主要出露于鲁西南地区的平邑盆地和蒙阴盆地,由于盆地范围较小,岩性横向变化大,地层划分对比较为困难,加之露头区植被覆盖严重,以往发现的生物化石较少,时代归属上各家观点不一。在野外剖面实测及钻井剖面系统采样分析的基础上,依据所获大量的介形虫、轮藻和腹足类化石(其中许多系首次发现),与国内外同期沉积盆地进行了横向对比,提出与以往地层划分意见相比有重大改动的新方案,即:鲁西南地区官庄群固城组和卞桥组底部地层属上白垩统,卞桥组其余部分属下古新统,常路组为中、上古新统,朱家沟组为下始新统,大汶口组划归下始新统至中始新统。  相似文献   

吴乃琴 《地层学杂志》1991,15(4):302-307
<正> 临江组共分四个岩性段,地表剖面位于江西清江县临江镇南,仅出露三个岩性段,现按沉积序列,对三个含腹足类化石丰富的层段进行沉积环境讨论。1)临一段第2层 紫红色块状钙质粉砂质泥岩,普遍含钙质结核和团块,微层理发育,近顶部20cm层中含丰富的腹足类及口盖,腹足类多已破碎。主要为Valvata of. parviumbilicata  相似文献   

西准噶尔吾尔喀什尔山北缘志留纪地层主要发育滨-浅海相碎屑沉积岩和火山碎屑岩建造,以往资料将其划分为中—上泥盆统。该区原划为上泥盆统塔尔巴哈台组的一套地层中发现大量早—中志留世化石,结合岩性组合特征,将该套地层划为早—中志留世恰尔尕也组。该组化石的发现对吾尔喀什尔地区早—中志留世生物组合特征、志留纪地层划分、对比、沉积环境及区域地质演化提供了新证据。  相似文献   

刘淑文  高联达 《地球学报》1985,7(1):113-127
鄂西地区泥盆纪地层分布广泛,剖面完好,化石丰富,是我国晚泥盆世早期黄家磴阶建阶地区。 泥盆纪叶肢介化石在国外有少数报道,在我国除晚泥盆世晚期有报导外,晚泥盆世早期至今没有发现和报导。因此,鄂西地区上泥盆统下部黄家磴组叶肢介化石的首次发现,不仅对于研究叶肢介的演化。地层时代和地理分布有重要意义,而且对丰富黄家磴组生物内容也是重要的。 黄家磴组化石孢子十分丰富,计30余属,70余种、由于篇幅所限,仅部分予以报道,特别有意义的是在叶肢介化石同一标本所发现的孢子,对于沉积环境、动植物群之间的关系等研究提供了线索,并且增添了新内容。  相似文献   

本文报道的科姆藻化石,发现于湘中地区下二叠统茅口组顶部P_1M~4层含放射虫泥晶炭泥质硅质岩中,在新化及邵东地区不仅含量高,而且保存完好,是划分地层的重要标志,是研究科姆藻化石的重要新层位。与科姆藻化石共存的其他生物化石有(虫廷)科、有孔虫、假儒孔藻、翁格达藻、苔藓虫、腕足类、腹足类、介形虫及棘皮动物等。  相似文献   

贵州惠水克脚剖面是南盘江盆地北缘二叠系-三叠系界线剖面,地层连续,产不同门类的化石,对古生代-中生代之交黔南古地理和生物演化研究具有重要意义。剖面主要包括上二叠统大隆组和下三叠统大冶组下部。大隆组岩性主要为硅质泥岩、钙质泥岩和炭质页岩,夹火山灰黏土岩与薄层硅质灰岩,泥岩发育水平层理。大隆组主要产游泳生物菊石、浮游生物放射虫,另外产小个体腕足类、双壳类和腹足类等,少数层位含植物化石。大冶组下部主要为薄层泥质灰岩夹钙质泥岩。通过岩性、古生物组合、沉积构造等分析,认为本剖面在二叠纪末为离古陆较近的深水沉积。  相似文献   

在内蒙古固阳县以东下湿壕地区 1∶5万区域地质调查中 ,首次在前人划分的下白垩统固阳组 采到瓣腮类、腹足类、介形类、轮藻、植物等大量化石。结合地层沉积组合特征 ,将原固阳组重新厘定为下白垩统李三沟组。这一地层层位的厘定和古生物化石的发现 ,对进一步探讨固阳盆地的构造演化和成煤规律等都将具有重要的理论意义和实际价值  相似文献   

分布于措勤县城一带的一套地层在1:100万日喀则幅区调中校划属上新统乌郁群,由下部火山岩和上部沉积岩组成。在1:25万措勘县幅区调中,根据获得的同位素年龄值已将下部火山岩地层划归古新统的典中组,而上部的沉积地层中含圆笠虫等有孔虫化石应属下白垩统。在这一地区还新发现一套陆相碎屑地层,根据其岩性组合、ESR年龄值及区域地层对比,本文将其新命名为上新统洁居纳卓组。  相似文献   

Lithostratigraphy, physicochemical stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and geochronology of the 77–70 Ma old series bracketing the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary have been investigated by 70 experts. For the first time, direct relationships between macro- and microfossils have been established, as well as direct and indirect relationships between chemo-physical and biostratigraphical tools. A combination of criteria for selecting the boundary level, duration estimates, uncertainties on durations and on the location of biohorizons have been considered; new chronostratigraphic units are proposed. The geological site at Tercis is accepted by the Commission on Stratigraphy as the international reference for the stratigraphy of the studied interval. To cite this article: G.S. Odin, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 409–414.  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Geological studies established on several sections in Lanping-Simao basin have shown that the salt-bearing strata of Mengyejing formation(Yunlong Fm.in Lanping basin)are constituted by an alternation of salt layers and interbedded facies.The latter consists mainly of mudstones,and mudstone-rich conglomerate.The mineralogy and geochemistry of salt-bearing beds and  相似文献   

正On 22nd April 2014,with the approach of the 45th World Earth Day,China’s Ministry of Land and resources issued the status of China’s mineral resources in 2013.The first task of the prospecting breakthrough strategy action implemented in the last five years has been completed,and China’s security capacity for mineral resources has been significantly improved.In the  相似文献   

正There are more than 700 salt lakes with area of more than 1km2 on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China.In recent years,an oilfield brine was also found in the Nanyishan Section of Qaidam Basin in the Qinghai-Tibet  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Physical and numerical models are constructed to investigate the evolution and mechanism of salt migration driven by tectonic processes.In recent years,we have designed and ran series of models to simulate salt  相似文献   

正The study of Cretaceous-Palaeogene salt-bearing strata of the Khorat Basin Laos and the Lanping-Simao Basin in Yunnan,China has an great significance not only in explaining the basin evolution and the genesis of potash  相似文献   

正Potash is one of the long-term scare deposits in China,and potash prospecting has long been listed as a key brainstorm project for our nation and geological prospecting units.There have been considerable studies in search for potash deposits in the Kuqa depression of the Tarim basin(Jackson et al.,1991;Gemmer et al.,2004;Vendeville,2005;Vendeville and Jackson,1992a,1992b),  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Qaidam Basin in Qinghai,including 43 salt lakes with multiple dominant mineral such as potassium,magnesium,lithium etc.,is the most intensive distribution of Saline  相似文献   

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