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聂新明  钱迪 《探矿工程》2019,46(11):38-42
近年来,随着定向钻进技术的不断发展,随钻测量技术和受控定向螺杆钻具的制造工艺日趋成熟。地面定向水平钻孔在石油、天然气、页岩气、盐矿等领域得到广泛应用。地面定向水平分支孔注浆在煤矿防治水领域的应用开始大面积推广,在钻进过程中经常发生各种各样事故,造成大量的人力、物力、财力的损失,甚至导致全孔报废及人员伤亡。因此,如何减少或是避免事故的发生,保证钻进工作的顺利进行,是当前面临的重要课题。本文结合冀中能源股份有限公司东庞矿9400采区奥灰含水层区域注浆改造一期工程钻探工程DB2-E3地面定向水平孔施工时发生卡埋钻事故成功处理的实例,总结了水平注浆孔卡埋钻事故预防措施,对水平孔安全施工具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

"气动"方法是一种处理钻探孔内埋钻事故的新型方法,本文从"气动"方法的原理和与之相配套的封闭钻孔环状空间孔口装置的结构入手,结合工程实例对地面定向水平井施工时发生卡埋钻事故的过程、原因深入分析,对事故成功处理的全过程和所具体使用的每一种处理方法进行了全面剖析,证明封闭钻孔环状空间孔口装置是一种装卸方便性能可靠的封孔设备,认为"气动"方法处理钻探孔内事故行之有效,可以广泛应用于煤田防治水地面定向多分支水平注浆孔钻探工程。  相似文献   

在历年的钻探施工中,由于地层原因造成埋钻或处理烧钻、卡钻时间久衍生埋钻事故,使用常规的套铣方法处理,工人的劳动强度大,公锥等材料消耗多,并且成功率低,容易产生弃孔损失。本文介绍了使用超长套铣筒处理鄂尔多斯盆地铀矿钻探中埋钻等孔内事故的方法,可大幅度缩短处理事故的时间,降低工人的劳动强度,提高机台的本质安全度,降低报废钻孔的概率,为今后钻探施工中处理埋钻等孔内事故提供一种比较快速、安全的处理方法。  相似文献   

通过对常用定向钻进配套钻具打捞工艺的对比分析,明确了采用套铣打捞工艺处理煤矿井下近水平定向钻进中出现的塌孔、卡钻、埋钻等孔内事故的可行性与实用性。根据其工艺施工要求,结合煤矿井下近水平定向钻进系统配套钻具具体参数,研制了能够满足额定扭矩6000 N·m钻机使用要求的定向钻进套铣打捞钻杆。成庄矿的应用表明,采用套铣打捞工艺处理近水平定向钻进时孔内事故(塌孔、卡钻、埋钻等)可行性较强,且套铣打捞钻杆结构设计合理,能满足套铣打捞工艺的使用要求。  相似文献   

郝世俊 《探矿工程》2004,31(6):58-60
随着井下瓦斯抽放孔钻孔深度和施工总进尺逐年增加,钻进过程中遇到砂质泥岩、页岩等松软遇水膨胀复杂地层的情况经常出现,又因施工地层多为瓦斯富集地层,容易造成喷孔、塌孔、卡钻、埋钻等孔内事故。阐述了复杂地层施工瓦斯抽放钻孔经常遇到的一些孔内事故的预防及处理措施。  相似文献   

王伟 《探矿工程》2004,31(8):21-22
采用旋挖钻机在细颗粒地层中进行钻孔灌注桩施工,容易发生埋钻事故。通过哈磴高速公路一个桩孔埋钻事故的处理实例及对该事故的分析,提出了预防旋挖钻进埋钻事故的措施。  相似文献   

基桩孔埋钻事故的处理河南煤田地质四队刘克林,荣智新近几年我们在基桩工程施工中,多次发生钻具折断及埋钻事故。我们在处理中有些体会简介如下。1事故发生的原因施工中,因折断钻具造成埋钻事故是较常见的,其原因有:(1)地质因素。多在第四系地层施工,孔壁易坍塌...  相似文献   

翟育峰 《探矿工程》2017,44(1):15-17
汶川地震断裂带科学钻探项目WFSD-4S孔地层复杂,钻探施工难度大,孔内缩径、坍塌、掉块事故频发,给钻探施工带来了极大的困难。就WFSD-4S孔在孔深517 m发生的卡钻事故进行了详细的阐述,分析发生卡钻事故的原因及条件,采用了强力起拔、反钻杆、可退式打捞矛打捞、套铣等手段,最终成功处理该起卡钻事故。该起事故的经验,为同类事故的处理提供借鉴及参考。  相似文献   

许杰 《贵州地质》2004,21(2):121-123,126
介绍在六盘水岩溶地区,钢绳冲孔灌注桩施工一般技术,重点介绍岩溶地层常发生泥浆漏失、塌孔、卡钻、埋钻、偏孔现象的预防和处理方法。  相似文献   

广东大宝山钼矿区地层复杂,钻孔施工中常发生漏失、掉块、坍塌垮孔、缩径等情况,易造成钻具折断,卡钻、烧钻、埋钻等事故,且取心困难。通过选择合理的钻探工艺方法、护壁堵漏措施和钻探取心技术措施,使大宝山钼矿床和北面山多金属区详查找矿钻探工作顺利完成。详细介绍了大宝山钼矿复杂地层钻探技术。  相似文献   

Lithostratigraphy, physicochemical stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and geochronology of the 77–70 Ma old series bracketing the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary have been investigated by 70 experts. For the first time, direct relationships between macro- and microfossils have been established, as well as direct and indirect relationships between chemo-physical and biostratigraphical tools. A combination of criteria for selecting the boundary level, duration estimates, uncertainties on durations and on the location of biohorizons have been considered; new chronostratigraphic units are proposed. The geological site at Tercis is accepted by the Commission on Stratigraphy as the international reference for the stratigraphy of the studied interval. To cite this article: G.S. Odin, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 409–414.  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Geological studies established on several sections in Lanping-Simao basin have shown that the salt-bearing strata of Mengyejing formation(Yunlong Fm.in Lanping basin)are constituted by an alternation of salt layers and interbedded facies.The latter consists mainly of mudstones,and mudstone-rich conglomerate.The mineralogy and geochemistry of salt-bearing beds and  相似文献   

正On 22nd April 2014,with the approach of the 45th World Earth Day,China’s Ministry of Land and resources issued the status of China’s mineral resources in 2013.The first task of the prospecting breakthrough strategy action implemented in the last five years has been completed,and China’s security capacity for mineral resources has been significantly improved.In the  相似文献   

正There are more than 700 salt lakes with area of more than 1km2 on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China.In recent years,an oilfield brine was also found in the Nanyishan Section of Qaidam Basin in the Qinghai-Tibet  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Physical and numerical models are constructed to investigate the evolution and mechanism of salt migration driven by tectonic processes.In recent years,we have designed and ran series of models to simulate salt  相似文献   

正The study of Cretaceous-Palaeogene salt-bearing strata of the Khorat Basin Laos and the Lanping-Simao Basin in Yunnan,China has an great significance not only in explaining the basin evolution and the genesis of potash  相似文献   

正Potash is one of the long-term scare deposits in China,and potash prospecting has long been listed as a key brainstorm project for our nation and geological prospecting units.There have been considerable studies in search for potash deposits in the Kuqa depression of the Tarim basin(Jackson et al.,1991;Gemmer et al.,2004;Vendeville,2005;Vendeville and Jackson,1992a,1992b),  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Qaidam Basin in Qinghai,including 43 salt lakes with multiple dominant mineral such as potassium,magnesium,lithium etc.,is the most intensive distribution of Saline  相似文献   

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