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西藏林周县勒青拉铅锌多金属矿床地质特征及成因   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
勒青拉铅锌多金属矿床位于冈底斯成矿带东段北矿带.文章在系统总结矿床的成矿地质背景、矿床地质特征、矿床地球化学特征的基础上,分析了成矿时代和矿床成因.勒青拉铅锌多金属矿床严格受地层一构造一岩浆岩三位一体控制,成矿流体和成矿物质主要来自岩浆热液,成矿温度在423℃~290℃之间,成矿热液在接触带附近与碳酸盐地层发生接触交代作用生成夕卡岩型铁矿床,并经东西向断裂远距离运移至碳酸盐地层发生接触交代作用形成夕卡岩型铅锌多金属矿床.成矿时代为喜马拉雅早期.  相似文献   

本文对勒青拉铁铅锌矿床形成的地质背景、矿床地质特征、成矿控矿因素和成矿模式进行了研究。研究结果表明:矿床位于冈底斯成矿带东段北矿带,铁、铅锌矿体主要呈层状产出,严格受碳酸盐岩层位及其层间破碎带的控制,成矿作用与同碰撞期居布札日花岗闪长岩(45Ma)的接触交代作用密切相关;铜铅锌矿体呈脉状产于正断层破碎带中,成矿作用与后碰撞期闪长玢岩(38.8Ma)的岩浆热液充填有关。认为勒青拉矿区深部具有铜多金属矿的找矿潜力,同时对冈底斯成矿带东段北矿带晚碰撞期花岗岩(40~25Ma)成矿作用的重要性应予以重视。  相似文献   

1成矿地质背景西藏甲玛铜多金属矿位于冈底斯-念青唐古拉构造-岩浆带岩(拉萨地块)南带(隆格尔-措麦断裂以南、雅鲁藏布结合带以北)东段墨竹工卡-错那裂谷盆地中(图1),是冈底斯成矿带东段最具代表性的产于后碰撞伸展环境中的超大型以夕卡岩-斑岩型为主的浅成低温岩浆热液铜多金  相似文献   

初论广西大瑶山地区多期次花岗质岩浆活动与成矿系列   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
广西大瑶山地区位于钦杭成矿带西南端,以盛产石英脉型金矿闻名,近年来又新发现了一批与花岗岩类有关的斑岩型钨钼铜金矿床,显示良好的找矿前景。在总结矿床地质特征和相关岩浆岩的基础上,结合高精度成岩成矿年龄数据,将大瑶山地区花岗质岩浆岩划分为加里东期(430~470 Ma)、海西—印支期(240~270 Ma)、燕山早期(150~170 Ma)和燕山晚期(90~110 Ma)等4期,并将与花岗岩类有关的矿床划分为加里东期(430~440 Ma)斑岩-夕卡岩-石英脉型钨钼成矿系列、燕山早期(145~155 Ma)斑岩型铜钼(金)成矿系列和燕山晚期(90~110 Ma)斑岩型-蚀变破碎带型钼金银铜铅锌成矿系列等3个成矿系列。提出大瑶山地区加里东期岩浆活动的强度、范围和成矿作用可与燕山期的媲美,具有巨大的找矿潜力,是今后大瑶山地区寻找夕卡岩-斑岩型钨钼铜矿床的主攻方向之一。  相似文献   

斯弄多铅锌矿床位于南冈底斯-念青唐古拉成矿带北缘铅锌银多金属矿带上,该矿床铅锌矿化与矿区花岗斑岩密切相关,为典型的热液脉型-矽卡岩型铅锌矿床。为厘定其成岩成矿时代,本文对矿区花岗斑岩进行了锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄测定。结果得到2组年龄,一组年龄介于(75.1±1.8)~(77.7±1.8)Ma之间,加权平均年龄为(75.7±0.9)Ma(MSWD=0.27,n=11),可能反映岩浆在岩浆房演化过程中结晶的锆石年龄;另一组年龄为(67.5±1.4)~(69.4±1.4)Ma,加权平均年龄为(68.8±1.2)Ma(MSWD=0.31,n=6),代表花岗斑岩真实的结晶年龄,这一花岗斑岩的年龄(68.8±1.2)Ma明显早于冈底斯带内主碰撞期形成的矽卡岩型矿床。结合该成矿带其他矿床的成岩、成矿年龄,本文认为南冈底斯-念青唐古拉成矿带在印-亚大陆碰撞早期或新特提斯洋壳俯冲晚期,也伴有较强的铅锌多金属成矿作用。  相似文献   

甲马矿床是西藏腹地冈底斯带已投入开采的大型多金属矿床,有关其成因的研究直接影响着该带多金属矿床的区域找矿方向及对冈底斯带地球动力学过程的成矿效应研究.目前对该矿床成因尚无统一的认识,关键在于未获得成矿年龄的可靠结果.本文比较了前人和本文获得的Rb-Sr(260Ma和54Ma)、裂变径迹(>25~22Ma)和Re-Os(模式年龄15.4~15.5Ma,等时线年龄15.18Ma和模式年龄15.23~15.62Ma,等时线年龄15.41Ma)等年龄数据,认为Re-Os同位素年龄数据最为可靠,应作为矿床的成矿年龄.矿床Re-Os同位素年龄与矿区外围花岗闪长斑岩全岩K-Ar同位素年龄一致,显示甲马夕卡岩及其中的多金属矿床为斑岩-多底沟组灰岩接触带岩浆热液交代-充填成因,该矿床属冈底斯中段的后碰撞岩浆热液成矿系统.预计该区深部及外围存在斑岩型-夕卡岩型-脉型含金多金属矿化.  相似文献   

钦-杭成矿带主要金属矿床成矿系列   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
钦-杭成矿带是华南地区最重要的Cu-Pb-Zn-Au、W-Sn-Bi-Mo和Fe-Mn-S多金属成矿带。在前人工作基础上,根据矿床的成因组合、形成构造环境及其随地质历史演化的特点,将钦-杭成矿带主要金属矿床归纳为中新元古代海底喷流沉积型铜多金属矿床、新元古代海相沉积-变质型铁锰矿床、古生代海相沉积-叠生改造型铜铅锌铁锰矿床、加里东期与花岗岩类有关的钨钼金银多金属矿床、印支期与花岗岩类有关的钨锡铌钽铀多金属矿床、燕山期与花岗岩类有关的铜铅锌金钨锡多金属矿床、与区域动力变质热液作用有关的金银矿床等7个矿床成矿系列。进而讨论了各成矿系列的主要矿床类型、矿床地质特征和时空分布规律,初步认为,中新元古代海底喷流沉积型块状硫化物铜多金属矿床与大陆边缘岛弧火山作用有关,主要分布于扬子陆块东南缘和华夏陆块西北缘古岛弧褶皱区;新元古代受变质铁锰矿床与大陆裂谷火山作用有关,并经受了后期区域变质、热变质作用的改造,主要分布于加里东期隆起区;古生代层控型铜铅锌铁锰矿床与海底热水沉积成矿作用有关,且不同程度地受到后期岩浆-热液活动的叠加改造,主要分布于海西—印支期坳陷区与隆起区的过渡部位;加里东期斑岩-夕卡岩-热液脉型钨钼金银多金属矿床与奥陶纪末—志留纪陆内造山作用有关,主要分布于加里东期隆起区;印支期斑岩-夕卡岩-热液脉型钨锡铌钽铀多金属矿床与印支板块向华南板块的俯冲碰撞有关,成矿作用发生在后碰撞伸展阶段,主要分布于海西—印支期隆起区边缘;燕山期斑岩-夕卡岩-热液脉型铜铅锌金钨锡多金属矿床与岩石圈伸展引起的玄武岩底侵作用有关,广泛分布于海西—印支期拗陷区或中生代盆地边缘;与区域动力变质热液作用有关的金银矿床成矿系列,与印支—燕山期大规模的逆冲推覆作用有关,主要发育于钦-杭结合带两侧古陆边缘。  相似文献   

采用SHRIMP锆石微区U-Pb测年技术,对冈底斯成矿带东段工布江达县亚贵拉铅锌、钼矿区的容矿石英斑岩岩体进行年代学研究,通过对3件含矿石英斑岩样品中单颗粒锆石56个样品点的分析,其206Pb/238U 年龄范围在(110.2±6.8~140.9±1.9)Ma之间,三件样品206Pb/238U 年龄加权平均值分别为128±1.0Ma (n = 20 ,MSWD = 1.3),129.3±1.3Ma (n = 14 ,MSWD = 1.12),127.8±1.1Ma (n = 22 ,MSWD = 1.4)。结合前人研究以及本次测年结果认为:(1)含矿石英斑岩岩体侵位年龄在126.7~130.6Ma之间,属于燕山晚期。(2)辉钼矿成矿年龄约为60Ma左右,钼矿矿化发生在岩体侵位之后。(3)亚贵拉铅锌、钼矿矿床属于斑岩型钼矿夕卡岩型-热液脉型铅锌铜银多金属矿床,而非晚石炭世-早二叠世的海底喷流沉积成因矿床。(4)亚贵拉-沙让矿集区矿床的形成得益于燕山晚期和喜山早期的岩体侵位,并与碰撞前(180~65Ma )及主碰撞期(65Ma-41Ma)的岩浆活动关系密切,属于碰撞前和主碰撞期早期成矿。这一认识对冈底斯的区域找矿具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

在对前人典型矿床研究的基础上,总结了湖南省铅锌金银多金属矿床的地质特征、成因类型及成矿规律,重点分析了13处铅锌金银多金属(铜、钨、锡等)矿床(体)的地质特征及成矿机制.湖南省铅锌金银多金属矿床包括接触交代型(夕卡岩型)、岩浆热液型(充填交代型及蚀变岩型)和浅成中-低温热液型(沉积热液再造型)3个三级(四级)成因类型....  相似文献   

小兴安岭东南段重要铅锌多金属、钼矿床的成矿年龄   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小兴安岭成矿带东南段是我国东北地区重要的铅锌多金属矿化、钼矿化集中区之一,成矿作用与区内花岗质岩浆侵入作用密切相关,铅锌多金属矿床成因类型为夕卡岩型,钼矿床成因类型为斑岩型.对区内典型矿床进行锆石精确测年研究结果表明,铅锌多金属矿床成矿年龄集中在175.8~209 Ma,鹿鸣钼矿床成矿年龄为176±4 Ma.认为铅锌多金属矿的(主)成矿期为印支晚期—燕山早期,钼矿成矿期为燕山早期.  相似文献   

Komatiites are mantle-derived ultramafic volcanic rocks. Komatiites have been discovered in several States of India, notably in Karnataka. Studies on the distribution of trace-elements in the komatiites of India are very few. This paper proposes a simple, accurate, precise, rapid, and non-destructive wavelength-dispersive x-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometric technique for determining Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, Pb, and Th in komatiites, and discusses the accuracy, precision, limits of detection, x-ray spectral-line interferences, inter-element effects, speed, advantages, and limitations of the technique. The accuracy of the technique is excellent (within 3%) for Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Zr, Nb, Ba, Pb, and Th and very good (within 4%) for Y. The precision is also excellent (within 3%) for Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, Pb, and Th. The limits of detection are: 1 ppm for Sc and V; 2 ppm for Cr, Co, and Ni; 3 ppm for Cu, Zn, Rb, and Sr; 4 ppm for Y and Zr; 6 ppm for Nb; 10 ppm for Ba; 13 ppm for Pb; and 14 ppm for Th. The time taken for determining Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, Pb, and Th in a batch of 24 samples of komatiites, for a replication of four analyses per sample, by one operator, using a manual WDXRF spectrometer, is only 60 hours.  相似文献   

本文拟定了一种以熔融法制备样片,用X射线荧光光谱测定硅酸盐类样品中Si、Fe、Al、Tj、Mn、Ca、Mg、K、Na、P等元素的分析方法。在对不同靶材X光管和分光晶体实验对比的基础上,选择了最佳的测量条件。该法具有快速、准确,测量范围广,检测限低,价格便宜等优点。经过近百个各种类型标样或管理样品的分析对比表明,本法不仅适用于硅酸盐类岩石样品的分析,还适用于铁矿、铝土矿、碳酸盐类岩矿样品以及水泥、耐火材料等样品的分析。  相似文献   

最新的流行病学研究表明,空气中较高浓度的悬浮细颗粒可能对人类的健康有不利的影响。根据该项研究显示,由于心脏病、慢性呼吸问题和肺功能指标恶化而导致死亡率的升高与细尘粒子有关。这些研究结果已经促使欧盟于1999年4月出台了限制空气中二氧化硫、二氧化氮、氧化氮、铅和颗粒物含量的法案(1999/30/EC),对各项指标包括对可吸入PM10颗粒的浓度提出了新的限制性指标。PM10颗粒是指可以通过预分级器分离采集的气体动力学直径小于10μm的细颗粒。目前研究的兴趣重点逐步偏向PM2.5这些更细微颗粒物,PM2.5这种颗粒物对健康有明显的不利影响。在欧盟指令2008/50/EC中,对PM10和PM2.5都提  相似文献   

This paper reports the first results of a study of 11 isotope systems (3He/4He, 40Ar/36Ar, 34S/32S, 65Cu/63Cu, 62Ni/60Ni, 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, 206–208Pb/204Pb, Hf–Nd, U–Pb, and Re–Os) in the rocks and ores of the Cu–Ni–PGE deposits of the Norilsk ore district. Almost all the results were obtained at the Center of Isotopic Research of the Karpinskii All-Russia Research Institute of Geology. The use of a number of independent genetic isotopic signatures and comprehensive isotopic knowledge provided a methodic basis for the interpretation of approximately 5000 isotopic analyses of various elements. The presence of materials from two sources, crust and mantle, was detected in the composition of the rocks and ores. The contribution of the crustal source is especially significant in the paleofluids (gas–liquid microinclusions) of the ore-forming medium. Crustal solutions were probably a transport medium during ore formation. Air argon is dominant in the ores, which indicates a connection between the paleofluids and the atmosphere. This suggests intense groundwater circulation during the crystallization of ore minerals. The age of the rocks and ores of the Norilsk deposits was determined. The stage of orebody formation is restricted to a narrow age interval of 250 ± 10 Ma. An isotopic criterion was proposed for the ore-bearing potential of mafic intrusions in the Norilsk–Taimyr region. It includes several interrelated isotopic ratios of various elements: He, Ar, S, and others.  相似文献   

本文介绍样品经四硼酸锂熔融制成玻璃小饼。采用Lachance模式和理论a系数来校正元素间的效应,由3080E型X-射线荧光谱仪和DF-350B数据处理系统完成硅酸盐中十三个项目的测定。  相似文献   

Mining induced subsidence can significantly affect mining costs where major surface facilities and natural environment need to be protected. Overburden grout injection is a technology used to control coal mine subsidence by injecting the mine waste material extracted from the coal back into the inter-burden rock during longwall mining. The flowing slurry is here categorised as a nonlinear viscous cohesive (Bingham plastic) fluid. During longwall mining the grout slurry is pumped into the separated beds of the rock mass through a central vertical borehole, which is drilled deep into the inter-burden rock strata above the coal seam. However, a blockage can occur in the injection system when the slurry velocity falls below a certain critical threshold velocity, indicating a material phase change from cohesive-viscous to cohesive-frictional. In situ field injection tests through boreholes have been simulated at a smaller scale at the CSIRO laboratory in Brisbane by pumping the slurry through a radial disk (gap = 4 mm) from its centre. Laboratory experiments indicate a general, nonlinear, cohesive, viscous, frictional model for shear behaviour of the slurry, in which the material shear parameters are functions of the disk radial distance. Complete dimensional and dimensionless analytical solutions have been developed based on an approach related to Bingham–Herschel–Bulkley fluid mechanics. The derived formulae include relations for minimum pump pressure, local pressure and pressure gradient, wall shear stress, volume rate, velocity and velocity gradient. The theoretical results match the experimental measurements. The experiments covered slurries with maximum particle sizes of 0.5 to 2 mm with about 50% being larger than 100 µm. The viscosities at the various solids concentrations were measured with a standard torsion viscometer. This study differs from the previous research in several distinct aspects, namely, consideration of the variable shear parameters rather than fixed values, inclusion of total nonlinear behaviour, and implementation of a friction function to mimic behaviour of the deposited and consolidating stiff slurry, which can cause a significant pressure rise as a result of the increased shear resistance.  相似文献   

岩石密度和超高压岩石折返速率   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
在常温常压条件下对中国大陆科学钻CCSD主孔100-3000米岩心样品进行了密度测量,建立了密度连续剖面,并界定了不同超高压岩石的密度值。通过对比高温高压物性实验资料,岩石密度随着退变程度增强而降低,榴辉岩密度变化序列为3.52g/cm3→3.49g/cm3→3.07g/cm3→2.93g/cm3。超高压长英质岩石密度变化序列为3.00g/cm→2.80g/cm3→2.65g/cm3。上述实验资料是讨论不同折返阶段岩石所受浮力的基础,为研究折返速率大小提供了基本参数。本文通过折返板块运动平衡时,上浮力与粘滞力平衡这一关系式,定量研究了大陆俯冲板块的折返速率,认为密度差产生上浮力从而引起折返,温度对板块折返速率的影响最为显著;密度差大小、折返角度、折返板块大小对折返速率也有直接的影响。定量模拟分析表明,在温度高于850℃时,板块的折返速率可以超过100mm/a;当温度降至700℃时,折返速率则低于1.5mm/a。作者认为在折返早期,温度较高,板块快速折返至60-70km榴辉岩相深度;随着传导散热,温度降低,板块以较慢的速率折返至中下地壳。折返速率的估算表明,浮力是板块折返第一阶段(从>100km深部折返至<40km的中下地壳)的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

The Kuskokwim River at Bethel, Alaska, drains a major mercury-antimony metallogenic province in its upper reaches and tributaries. Bethel (population 4000) is situated on the Kuskokwim floodplain and also draws its water supply from wells located in river-deposited sediment. A boring through overbank and floodplain sediment has provided material to establish a baseline datum for sediment-hosted heavy metals. Mercury (total), arsenic, antimony, and selenium contents were determined; aluminum was also determined and used as normalizing factor. The contents of the heavy metals were relatively constant with depth and do not reflect any potential enrichment from upstream contaminant sources.  相似文献   

滇东南锡、银、铅、锌多金属矿床主要分布在个旧、白牛厂、都龙3个矿区,而滇东南较大的3个花岗岩体又分别出露在3个矿区或附近.花岗岩体均形成于燕山晚期,岩石化学、矿物成分相似,富含锡、银、铅、锌、钨、铜等成矿元素.矿床主金属元素组合与岩体之间的距离由远而近出现由锡、钨、(铍、铌、钽)→锡、钨、(铁)、铜、铟→锡、铅、锌、银、铟、(锑)有规律的变化.花岗岩浆是成矿物质来源和成矿热源.岩浆侵入初期使上覆地层隆起产生背斜(凹陷部位成向斜);同时使地层产生一系列裂隙、压性断层或层间断裂;岩浆侵入晚期,这些断层再次活动,表现为张性,岩浆产生的含矿热液沿由其活动所造成的断裂迁移、充填、交代、沉淀而形成矿床.  相似文献   

Bellechester, Minnesota, is a small community of approximately 155 residents located on the county line between Goodhue and Wabasha counties in southeast Minnesota's karst region. Bellechester is served by a 21-year-old wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) consisting of three waste-stabilization ponds. On 28 April 1992 six sinkholes were discovered to have drained cell 2 of the WWTF resulting in the loss of approximately 8.7×106 1 of partially treated effluent and about 600 m3 of soil into previously undetected subsurface voids of unknown dimensions. In the week following the collapse, approximately 200 water wells located within a 5-km radius of the WWTF were sampled in an after-the-fact, emergency sampling program. Twelve samples with elevated fecal coliform levels, 18 samples with nitrate-nitrogen greater than the 10 mg/1 standard, and no samples with elevated chlorides were found. However, the elevated levels could not be unambiguously attributed to the WWTF collapse. This is the third WWTF to fail by sinkhole collapse in southeast Minnesota since 1974. All three collapsed lagoons have been located in similar geomorphic and stratigraphic settings. However, at least two lagoons have collapsed in the adjacent area in northeast Iowa, and these lagoons are located at different stratigraphic positions. Twenty-two WWTFs constructed in southeast Minnesota's karst region in the last 25 years have been identified as subject to potential sinkhole collapse. An unknown but significant number of manure storage lagoons, flood control structures, etc., have also been constructed in the karst region and are at risk. Public agencies are beginning to develop plans to deal with the risk associated with existing and future waste lagoons in this environment. The critical hydrogeologic parameters that can be used to prioritize the risk of collapse at existing facilities include: (1) the lithology of the first bedrock beneath each lagoon, (2) the thickness of surficial materials between the lagoon and the bedrock surface, (3) the presence and construction of liners (seepage rate), and (4) the proximity to existing sinkholes.  相似文献   

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