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年廷凯  栾茂田  王栋  崔春义 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z2):275-280
以大型通用有限元分析软件ABAQUS作为平台,以迭代不收敛作为边坡失稳判据,通过二次开发建立了能够自动搜索安全系数与相应失稳机构的边坡稳定性强度折减弹塑性有限元计算模型,针对成层黏性土边坡、多级边坡等复杂情况进行了稳定性分析。并论证ABAQUS中所采用的Mohr-Coulomb破坏准则与传统的Mohr-Coulomb破坏准则的一致性。  相似文献   

超高排土场的粒径分级及其边坡稳定性分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
明显的粒径分级是超高排土场区别于土质边坡的最重要特征。针对西源岭413台阶排土场,结合开发的HHC-CA模型和现场散体粒径分布情况的调查,建立了考虑超高排土场粒径分级特征的边坡模型。在此模型的基础上,借助FLAC3D软件分析了现状边坡和各种堆排模式下的边坡稳定性。结果表明:西源岭413台阶排土场现状边坡上部位移矢量表现为下沉,其下沉方向与坡面保持同向,中部位移矢量表现为剪切,下部位移矢量略有反抬升的趋势。其边坡破坏模式为顶部平台拉裂,中部以圆弧形剪出;此排土场的现状边坡处于暂时性稳定阶段。而采用全覆盖式多台阶排土的边坡上部位移矢量表现为下沉,在排土场底部过渡到水平方向;破坏模式为顶部平台拉裂,下部以圆弧形剪出。仅考虑堆积散体的材料强度对排土场稳定性影响时,超高排土场的粒径分级有利于排土场边坡的稳定。  相似文献   

江苏盐通高速公路膨胀土边坡稳定性计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
膨胀土边坡破坏具有浅层性、裂隙性和牵引性,对于膨胀土地区的高速公路,在降雨作用下,膨胀力对边坡稳定起控制作用。基于简布极限平衡法的思路和方法,对膨胀土边坡稳定性进行了分析,并推出了安全系数的表达式。  相似文献   

降雨入渗条件下非饱和土边坡稳定分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
徐晗  朱以文  蔡元奇  朱方敏 《岩土力学》2005,26(12):1957-1962
针对降雨入渗土坡的稳定问题,建立一个考虑水力渗透系数特征曲线、土-水特征曲线以及修正的Mohr-Coulomb破坏准则的非饱和土流固耦合有限元计算模型,进行雨水入渗下非饱和土边坡渗流场和应力场耦合的数值模拟,得到非饱和土边坡变形与应力的若干重要规律。研究成果为降雨入渗条件下非饱和土边坡的稳定分析提供了基础。  相似文献   

谢新宇  冯香  吴晓明 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z2):679-684
在考虑土性参数的不确定性和土体应变软化特性的基础上,以可靠度方法建立了边坡渐进破坏的极限状态方程。通过计算边坡局部破坏概率,确定边坡中最危险的土条,并推导出破坏起始于该土条,逐渐向两侧扩展的渐进破坏概率计算公式。该方法能很好地反映边坡局部破坏的产生、扩展及对边坡整体稳定性的影响,找到最贴近实际情况的破坏传播路径,为边坡稳定分析提供了理论依据。通过算例分析可知,滑动面上各个土条的局部破坏概率均不相等,破坏起始于中部第8土条,破坏先向上传递,后向下传递至坡脚,并非从坡脚向坡顶传递的牵引式破坏,或从坡顶向坡脚传递的推移式破坏。  相似文献   

为探讨地震作用下松散堆积体边坡的变形破坏特征,采用颗粒流模拟程序(PFC2D)输入水平向汶川地震波,对不同坡度及不同细观参数的土质边坡进行动力作用下变形破坏的全过程模拟。研究表明,相同地震力作用下坡度主要影响土质边坡的破坏范围,边坡越陡,破坏深度越大,破坏边界越靠后;而细观参数则影响边坡的破坏形式,黏性土边坡的滑体保持了较好的整体性,滑面呈弧形;而砂性土边坡的破坏具有流变性且滑面呈上陡下缓的折线形。  相似文献   

结合我国北方某在建铁路工程实际情况,阐述了该地区膨胀土工程特性和路堑边坡破坏形式,针对本地区春融特点,分析了由春融引起的新开挖膨胀土路堑边坡的破坏机理,同时进行了气候变化与边坡滑塌的相关分析,总结推导了考虑春融特点的膨胀土边坡稳定性计算方法,提出了合理的工程措施建议。  相似文献   

基于对乌鲁木齐市头屯河区二号台地人工开挖边坡及滑塌体的大量现场调查、勘测及边坡岩土体室内试验、典型边坡稳定性分析计算,得出不同岩土体、坡面形态与边坡稳定性之间的关系:滑塌堆积体体积大、一般上部为凹坡、砾石含量高、砂含量低则坡体相对稳定,现场测得这类滑塌体临界坡角约36°;砂砾石坡体表现为崩塌破坏,滑塌体含砂量越高越容易垮塌、临界坡角约28°~32°;边坡露头底部强风化泥质砂岩差异风化明显,细砾及砂含量高则易垮塌;细粉砂及含钙质结核的粉土区低缓坡基本稳定,而高陡边坡先期以蠕动变形为主,后期趋于垮塌;滑塌体临界坡角为28°~36°,且随着滑塌体临界坡角的增大,边坡稳定性系数有所提高。  相似文献   

研山铁矿设计采用露天开采,最终最大边坡高达600m。边坡上部为粉土和粉砂、中砂、卵石、粉质粘土,下部为砂质粘性土和砾质粘性土。由于边坡高,受环境动应力影响因素大,因此分析粉土和粉质粘土层在动应力作用下对变形和强度的影响,对边坡稳定分析具有重要意义。  相似文献   

膨胀土边坡受降雨影响产生膨胀变形,是典型的非饱和土多场耦合问题。为探究降雨入渗对其渐进性破坏的失稳过程,基于饱和-非饱和渗流理论、膨胀土弹塑性本构关系和应变软化理论,利用应变软化模型、FLAC3D二次开发平台和内置FISH语言,提出了一种综合考虑非饱和渗流、膨胀变形和应变软化的多场耦合数值分析法。结合工程实例,通过该方法探讨了降雨入渗条件下膨胀土边坡非饱和渗流、位移响应及渐进性破坏的变化规律。结果表明:膨胀变形和应变软化受控于非饱和渗流的时空分布,对边坡位移响应过程影响显著,也易导致饱和-非饱和分界带形成剪应力集中区。膨胀土边坡渐进性破坏由局部破坏转变为整体性失稳,其塑性破坏区首先随悬挂型暂态饱和区的变化向坡内扩展,雨后逐渐形成第二条由坡脚向坡顶扩展的滑动带,呈现出多重滑动性和后退牵引式的破坏特征。  相似文献   

The distribution of soil moisture in arid and semiarid regions is a major environmental factor and is regulated by regional topography, vegetation and soil texture. Here, we present the results of a study of the spatial distribution characteristics of soil moisture in the Mu Us Sandy Land, which is the transitional area between the northwestern deserts and the Chinese Loess Plateau, in North China. Samples were taken from holes drilled to a depth of 4 m in 52 different microtopographic positions on different types of dune (bare dunes, shrub-covered dunes and tree-covered dunes). The sites were located in the northwestern margin, the central region and the southeastern margin. All samples were analyzed for moisture content and grain size distribution. The results show that: (1) for the same type of dune, the soil moisture content varies in different microtopographic positions. The soil moisture content on windward slopes is greater than on leeward slopes in the shrub-covered dunes and the tree-covered dunes, while this is the case in only some of the bare migratory sand dunes. In addition, the soil moisture content on leeward slopes is greater than on the corresponding windward slope. (2) The vegetation type and density have a large influence on the moisture content of sandy soils; specifically, the presence of shrubs and trees significantly affects the soil moisture content of windward and leeward slopes and the inter-dune lowland. (3) Soil moisture content is positively correlated with the clay and silt content of sandy soils. From northwest to southeast across the Mu Us Sandy Land, the silt and clay content increases gradually; however, in the case of dunes covered with planted trees, a peak in the content of fine-grained material occurs in the central region, while for shrub-covered sand dunes, the peak occurs in the southeastern margin. In addition, the correlation between soil moisture and soil grain size distribution of the three types of dunes varies from northwest to southeast. (4) The proportion of fine-grained material and the correlation between the content of fine-grained material and soil moisture are the two main factors influencing the soil moisture distribution of the different types of dune. A soil moisture concentration index can be used as a rough indicator of the distribution characteristics of soil moisture.  相似文献   

Soil moisture and its variations are key factors for understanding hydrological processes, which are characterized by a high temporal variability at different scales. The study was conducted at three field stations in the desert regions of northwestern China, where soil moisture measurements with gravimetric method were used to characterize the temporal stability of soil moisture using various statistical parameters and an index of temporal stability (ITS). The soils are a gray–brown desert soil at the Linze station, an aeolian sandy soil at the Fukang station, and a brown desert soil at the Cele station. Soil textures are accordingly sandy loam at Linze and Cele, and loamy sand at Fukang. The dynamic variation in soil moisture depends strongly on the rainfall pattern (amount and frequency) in these desert ecosystems. Soil moisture content is low and significantly different among the three desert ecosystems, with the maximum at the Linze station (6.61 ± 2.08 %), followed by the Cele (4.83 ± 0.81 %) and Fukang (3.46 ± 0.47 %) stations. The temporal pattern exhibits high variability because soil moisture is characterized by low temporal stability and a high coefficient of variation (CV). The standard deviation, CV, and ITS increase significantly with increasing soil moisture. Soil moisture displays a skewed frequency distribution that follows a logarithmic function at lower soil moisture but a log-normal distribution at higher values.  相似文献   

The road widening carried out along National Highway-40, a strategic road corridor of north-eastern India, to ease the traffic snarls for geopolitical developments in the region. The newly exposed in situ soil slopes along National Highway-40 are on the verge of shear instability, and slope failures occur due to heavy earth cuttings. As a consequence, the road corridor witnesses several geotechnical failures during rainy seasons. The blasting activities initiated and propagated the soil creeps and falls resulting road blockades. Even a small rain shower is enough to undercut and uproot trees and transport boulders and surrounding earth materials up to the corridor. Besides, landslides are also prone to damage demographic areas and settling house units, thus invites for preventive measures towards hill slope management as these slopes make the highway corridor unsafe to the commuters. Therefore, the present study is aimed to investigate the stability of the hill cut soil slopes and to suggest possible stabilisation measures. The study also highlighted that steep soil slopes with high moisture content are prone to landslides mainly due to infiltration, and water flows on the slopes during high and prolonged rainfall. The highly plastic soils rich in silt and clay size particles with high moisture content cause soil/debris slide and flow. The numerical modelling of slopes using Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC) codes (version 4.0) indicates failures in excavated high angle cut slopes. The re-excavation and benching of unstable slopes with geonets or bionets or jute matting to promote vegetation growth were suggested as stabilisation measures by field investigation, laboratory studies and numerical analysis of slopes.  相似文献   

Effects of different initial conditions of pore water pressure distribution on slope stability are investigated based on rainfall data in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. A method to incorporate the initial condition of pore water pressure distribution into the slope stability analysis is suggested. Then, sandy and clayey slopes are taken as examples to investigate the effect of antecedent rainfall on slope stability. Results indicate that the influence of antecedent rainfall on the slope stability increases as the saturated permeability coefficient of the soil decreases.  相似文献   

Water content variations and respective ecosystems of sandy land in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil water conservation is essential to the sustainability of sandy farming. In this paper, long-term observation of soil water, dry soil thickness and soil chemical changes are evaluated at eight locations in sandy soil. This paper subdivides the sandy lands and deserts of China into three climate zones: arid (hyperarid and extremely arid), semiarid, and humid (subhumid and subtropical humid), with respect to the bioclimatic zone, aridity, soil water content, and soil chemical characteristics. The water movement conditions, and chemical variations in each zone are analyzed. The paper also estimates the spatial and temporal correlation function of arid soil thickness and soil moisture. Sandy soils organic matter content, CaCO3 content, soluble salts content are investigated. Afforestation and selection of tree species in different sandy areas are suggested to regulate sandy land soil moisture. Sandy land in China can be divided into the four sand stabilization regions according to the shifting sand conditions and the techniques advanced: regions I, II, III, and IV. These results have important implications for remote sensing of soil moisture and soil organic carbon, and soil moisture parameterization in climate models.  相似文献   

季节冻土区黑土耕层土壤冻融过程及水分变化   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
利用黑龙江省水利科学研究院水利试验研究中心综合实验观测场2011年11月-2012年4月整个冻结融化期的实测野外黑土耕层土壤温度和水分数据, 对中-深季节冻土区黑土耕层土壤冻融过程中冻结和融化特征分阴、阳坡进行了分析, 研究了冻融过程中不同深度土壤水分的变化情况, 并探讨了降水对不同深度耕层土壤含水量变化的影响. 结果表明:黑土耕层土壤冻结融化过程分为5个阶段, 历时164 d, 约5.5个月. 阶段I, 秋末冬初黑土耕层土壤开始步入冻结期; 阶段II, 黑土耕层土壤整日处于冻结状态, 阴坡比同样深度的阳坡土壤温度低; 阶段III为黑土耕层土壤稳定冻结期; 阶段IV, 黑土耕层土壤步入昼融夜冻的日循环交替状态, 冻融循环的土层逐渐向深部发展, 阳坡比阴坡融化得更深、更早, 阴坡比阳坡经历冻融循环次数更多; 阶段V为稳定融化期, 在融化过程不存在冻融交替的现象, 直到整个冻层内的土壤全部消融. 各深度位置阴坡土壤温度的最高值出现时间比阳坡晚约0.5 h. 经过整个冻结融化期后, 阴、阳坡各层土壤含水量均大于冻结前, 阴坡土壤含水量比阳坡整体偏低. 在整个冻结融化期, 阳坡地下1 cm、5 cm、10 cm 及15 cm处含水量最大值出现在地下5 cm; 阴坡的含水量整体趋于平稳且在融化期受降水影响明显.  相似文献   

祁连山大野口流域土壤水热空间变化特征研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
牛赟  刘贤德  苗毓鑫  车宗玺 《冰川冻土》2015,37(5):1353-1360
土壤水热对水源涵养功能的发挥影响较大,为了研究流域空间上的水源涵养功能变化规律,在祁连山大野口流域布设90个土壤水热监测探头,对已取得的100多万个数据采取相关分析、变异系数等方法,研究土壤水热空间的变化特征.结果表明:随海拔增大,土壤水分呈波动性增大趋势,增大率约为2.35%·(100m)-1,土壤温度呈波动性降低趋势,降低率约为0.74℃·(100m)-1.半阴坡土壤水分比半阳坡高1.2倍、比阳坡高1.7倍,半阳坡土壤水分比阳坡高1.4倍.半阴坡土壤温度比半阳坡低1.6倍、比阳坡低2.2倍,半阳坡土壤温度比阳坡低1.3倍.土壤水分与其深度呈二次函数的抛物线变化关系,土壤温度与其深度呈线性函数关系,深度每增加10 cm,其温度降低约0.536℃.亚高山灌丛林比乔木林土壤水分高1.5倍、比草地高1.7倍,乔林比草地土壤水分高1.2倍.亚高山灌丛林比乔木林土壤温度低1.6倍、比草地低2.3倍,乔木林土壤温度比草地低1.4倍.高海拔半阴坡灌丛林土壤温度变化最剧烈,低海拔阳坡草地土壤变化较小.研究成果可为探索流域水资源管理及利用提供科学依据和参考资料.  相似文献   

季节冻土区黑土耕层土壤冻融循环期湿度与温度变化研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
在黑龙江省水利科学研究院水利试验研究中心的综合实验观测场, 利用2011年11月-2012年4月一个冬季冻融循环期的实测黑土耕层剖面土壤湿度和温度数据, 对典型中-深季节冻土区黑土耕层土壤湿度与冻结融化期土壤温度变化进行研究. 根据阳坡的黑土耕层土壤浅层1 cm、 5 cm、 10 cm及15 cm四种不同深度, 对冻融循环过程中土壤湿度随冻结融化期土壤温度变化特征进行分析, 研究黑土耕层土壤冻融过程中不同深度土壤水分的变化情况, 了解降水和温度对不同深度土壤湿度变化的影响. 结果表明: 在北京时间08:00、 14:00及20:00, 阳坡15 cm、 10 cm、 5 cm及1 cm深度黑土耕层土壤湿度随冻结融化期土壤温度变化的线性相关可决系数分别为0.9298、 0.9216、 0.5989、 0.7281, 斜率平均标准偏差分别为0.017、 0.019、 0.095、 0.056, 截距平均标准偏差分别为0.17、 0.25、 1.31、 0.83. 阳坡10 cm及15 cm深度的黑土耕层土壤湿度随冻结融化期土壤温度变化呈十分显著的线性相关关系. 阳坡5 cm深度的黑土耕层土壤湿度在冻结融化期与土壤温度变化线性关系稍微显著. 在整个冻结融化期, 因受太阳辐射、 降水及蒸发的强烈影响, 阳坡浅层1 cm深度黑土耕层土壤湿度与土壤温度线性相关性不如10 cm及15 cm深度的关系显著, 但比5 cm深度的关系显著.  相似文献   

通过对郑州市黄河大堤一线土体的沉降,压密固结,饱水砂土的地震液化研究,认为黄河大堤附近浅层地下水开采后所诱发的地面沉降,固结过程,不会对大堤造成危害,而饱水砂土的水位降低,还会减轻或消除地震时液化砂土现象,对大堤的稳定性有利。  相似文献   

兰州新区位于黄土高原西段, 为典型干旱区, 道路修建形成了许多坡度大于30°的工程开挖边坡。在边坡上重建植被对改善局地景观和防治水土流失具有重要的作用, 而坡面土壤水分状况对植被重建影响重大。选择3种整地类型(条形坑、 圆形坑和原状坡样地), 研究兰州新区黄土工程开挖边坡植被重建的初期土壤水分状况, 结果表明: 3种整地类型中条形坑的土壤水分条件最好, 与圆形坑、 原状坡样地土壤水分存在显著差异(P<0.05)。不同灌溉频率下原状坡样地0 ~ 20 cm土层土壤含水量较低, 20 ~ 50 cm土层土壤含水量较高。土壤含水量的变异系数随土层深度的增加而减小, 随灌溉频率的降低而增加。在边坡植被重建初期, 需把土壤水分维持在8.4% ~ 10.8%, 即田间持水量的38% ~ 49%, 才能保证植物正常生育生长。当栽植的植被根系长度大于10 cm时, 可考虑将喷灌频率从每天喷灌改为隔天喷灌, 否则植物有死亡的风险。研究结果可为类似的黄土边坡植被恢复和生态建设提供参考。  相似文献   

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