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机械工业第六设计研究院原隶属于机械工业部,为事业单位,2000年10月转制后隶属于中国机械装备(集团)公司,为企业单位。该院现有在职员工459人,外聘人员300人,离退休人员356人,其中,中国工程院院士1人,中国工程设计大师2人,教授级高级工程师50人,高级工程师近260人,工程师300多人。该院是工业和民用建筑设计双甲级单位,并具有甲级工程总承包和工程监理资质。建院五十多年来,该院先后完成了5000余项大中型工业和民用建筑项目的设计和咨询,为我国国民经济建设和发展做出了卓越贡献。  相似文献   

The paper presents chemical and structural analysis of geopolymer materials which are obtained by alkali-activated calcined clay (metakaolin) originated from Serbia under strictly defined conditions. Characterization of the metakaolin and geopolymers molecular structure has been done using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The paper presents the possibility of obtaining geopolymer structure and differences in chemical and structural characterization of these materials taking into account the concentration of NaOH as a variable parameter. The results of MALDI analysis of metakaolin and synthesized geopolymer structures using various matrix system: 2,4,6 trihydroxyacetophenone (THAP), α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic, 2,6 dihydroxyacetophenone and laser desorption/ionization, have shown that THAP matrix is the most appropriate for analysing these aluminosilicate materials.  相似文献   

为实现4D(时间+空间)多目标、高精度的积雪监测,本次试验研究采用单台相机延时拍摄结合运动结构重建算法(Structure from motion,SfM),分别获取了祁连山黑河上游站裸露山坡坡面尺度单次降雪的雪深、逐日积雪空间分布和面积,以及祁连山八一冰川1.5m×1.5m的斑块尺度全年雪深及雪面特征数据。坡面尺度积雪观测研究表明:本方法可以准确获取积雪分布信息,但其雪深空间分布获取精度较差。斑块尺度雪深监测研究表明:本方法能够很好地获取连续的雪面特征信息和雪深,且获取雪深与SR50观测雪深的绝对误差小于3.4cm。在不同季节,本方法对积雪监测能力略有差异:春季快速积累期雪面纹理少,照片组对齐并获取点云数据和DEM数据的成功率较低,而冬季和消融季雪面纹理丰富,相应的对齐成功率比例和精度较高。本研究表明基于单台相机的4D摄影测量方法能够实现小范围、连续、高精度、多目标的积雪监测,未来应用前景广泛。  相似文献   

Frances Wall 《Geology Today》2004,20(5):181-184
Geology Today often features letters from geologists working on active volcanoes. Some of the most famous letters from a volcano were written by Sir William Hamilton from Vesuvius in Italy, during the 18th century and earned him the title of 'the first volcanologist'.  相似文献   

Papers from SIEC     
W.L. Griffin 《Lithos》1986,19(3-4):169

Accumulations of fine platy crystals of bavenite, colorless or white, often with inclusions of graphite, were discovered in an albitized garnet skarn, in a geological environment in which the mineral, a relatively high-temperature metasomatic replacer of phenacite and feldspar, is definitely not an end-stage product of a hydrothermal process. – IGR Staff.  相似文献   

Pseudotachylytes from Corsica: fossil earthquakes from a subduction complex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Subduction zones are the most seismically active tectonic environment on Earth. Here we report fault‐rock evidence of palaeoearthquakes from a subduction complex. Pseudotachylyte veins formed by shear heating on faults at seismic strain rates contain dendrites, spherulites and acicular minerals characteristic of blueschist facies conditions. The veins have been found in both mantle peridotite and gabbro. Our discovery from Corsica opens a new avenue of research towards understanding mechanisms related to subduction zone earthquakes and the conditions at which these are released.  相似文献   

Summary This paper deals with the chemical composition of biotites from rapakivi granites. For this purpose, 61 chemical analyses of biotites from composite anorthosite-rapakivi plutons in the Fennoscandian and Ukranian shields were used. Figurative points of the biotite composition were plotted on diagrams designed for biotites byFoster (1960),Winchell (1949) andVelikoslavinsky (1972). Consideration of the diagrams shows that a) the biotites from rapakivi granites have exotic composition not characteristic of other biotites from other igneous rocks, b) that they belong to the annite-siderophyllite series and c) that they crystallized at low pressures and high temperatures. Model crystallization temperatures range from 760° (early intrusive phases) down to less than 435° (late intrusive phase).
Biotit von Rapakivi
Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit hat die chemische Zusammensetzung von Biotit aus Rapakivi Graniten zum Thema. 61 Biotitanalysen von Anorthosit-Rapakivi Plutonen aus dem fennoskandischen und ukrainischen Schild werden präsentiert. Die Zusammensetzung der Biotite wird unter Verwendung von Diagrammen, die vonFoster (1960),Winchell (1949) undVelikoslavinsky (1972) entwickelt wurden, diskutiert. Diese Diagramme zeigen, daß a) Biotite aus Rapakivi eine, im Vergleich zu Biotiten aus anderen magmatischen Gesteinen, untypische Zusammensetzung haben, b) diese Biotite der AnnitSiderophyllit Serie zuzurechnen sind und c) diese Biotite bei niedrigem Druck und hoher Temperatur kristallisierten. Die Kristallisationstemperaturen reichen von 760° in den granitischen Frühphasen bis unter 435°C in den intrusiven Spätphasen.

With 3 figures  相似文献   

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