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滇中易门地区发现化石新物种   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过1∶50 000区域地质调查,在滇中易门地区前人划分的中元古界东川群鹅头厂组灰黑色炭泥质板岩中首次发现了大量保存较好的宏体多细胞生物化石。通过镜下分析、电子探针及电镜扫描的研究,确证其是迄今为止生物结构最为完整的个体较大的多细胞宏体生物化石,填补了云南境内前寒武纪地层无生物化石的空白,宏体生物化石的发现有重大的科学意义及科研价值,是地球早期生命演化研究领域中一项重大的科学发现对地球早期地球环境演化与生命进化的研究具有重要价值。  相似文献   

通过1∶50 000区域地质调查,在滇中易门地区新厘定出一套古元古界地层易门群,可细分为6个组级单元。在易门群亮山组灰黑色碳泥质板岩中首次发现保存较好的宏体多细胞生物化石,在易门群永靖哨组深灰色泥质灰岩中发现数枚毫米级结构清晰的多细胞生物化石;在中元古界昆阳群美党组灰紫色泥质板岩中发现长约20cm的宏体多细胞化石。通过镜下分析、电子探针及电镜扫描的研究,化石成分主要为C、O、P元素。本次发现填补了云南境内早前寒纪地层无生物化石记录的空白,对地球早期环境演化与生命进化的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

滇中易门地区古元古界易门群亮山组中赋存有保存较好的多细胞生物化石,是大氧化事件,或广义的Lomagundi事件中生物与环境协同演化的产物。由于亮山组中普遍缺乏火山岩夹层及多期构造热事件的扰动,给精确测定这些多细胞生物的时代带来一定困难。以易门县铜厂地区罗洼垤组顶部灰白色凝灰岩1件、亮山组灰白色凝灰岩1件、粉砂质凝灰岩1件、灰黄色钙质粉砂质凝灰岩2件共5件样品260个锆石同位素测试结果为研究对象,结合区域构造热事件的分析,较准确地厘定了易门地区古元古界易门群亮山组中多细胞生物发育的时代为2.18~2.05Ga,与非洲加蓬Franceville地区发现的群居多细胞生物的时代一致,表明地球早期重大地质事件的同时性。  相似文献   

华北克拉通东部新元古代宏体化石生物地层序列   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
华北克拉通东部是中国晚前寒武纪地层出露最为完整、连续的地区,特别是华北克拉通东缘连续出露了新元古代自老至新的全部地层,是对比和衔接中国南、北方晚前寒武纪地层的关键地区。在该地区所发现和建立的宏体化石群——“龙凤山生物群”、“辽南生物群”和“淮南生物群”可能是新元古代“南华大冰期”前后较为独特的生物群落,其中相当部分可能归属于多细胞后生动物和多细胞藻类,是地球早期生命景观的重要代表。因此,对这些新元古代早期生物群的研究将可能揭示比陡山沱期更早的多细胞后生动植物的演化面貌,在演化生物学上意义重大。近年来,在地调项目的资助下,开展了华北克拉通东部地区的新元古代年代地层及生物地层的研究。本文综合现有资料,详细记述了华北克拉通东部(燕山地区和辽南、徐淮地区)含宏体化石的新元古代地层及其宏体化石特征、组合面貌和生物地层序列。同时,依据宏体化石记录,探讨了中国新元古代地层的对比问题。  相似文献   

易门狮子山矿床稀矿山式铁铜矿特征及其找矿意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1994年,在易门狮子山因民组中下部热水沉积岩中发现(似)层状含铁铜矿体。通过成矿古环境分析及岩石,矿床学研究,认为该矿为中元古代裂谷早期火山-喷流沉积成因,属东川稀矿山式铁铜矿类型,类似于奥林匹克坝型,从而为滇中地区找矿拓宽了思路。  相似文献   

年代学和地球化学研究结果表明:清白山岩体LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb加权平均年龄为(411.6±8.2) Ma,为晚古生代早期岩浆活动产物。在地球化学组成上,清白山花岗岩体总体呈现过铝质高钾钙碱性I型花岗岩特征。微量元素总体分异程度较强,以富集Th,U和K,Rb,K等大离子亲石元素,亏损P,Ti等高场强元素为特征,岩浆来源为壳幔混合来源。结合前人研究资料及区域地质特征,认为清白山花岗岩体是在晚古生代早期古亚洲洋板块向塔里木板块俯冲的同碰撞环境下形成的。  相似文献   

华南的新元古代地层(780~542 Ma)保存有许多经典的地层剖面和丰富的宏体化石记录, 一直是我国新元古代, 特别是南华系和震旦(伊迪卡拉)系地层对比的标准区域。本项研究重新考察了部分重要的标准剖面和化石点, 重点采集了近年来开始研究的云南“江川生物群”, 贵州江口“翁会生物群”的宏体化石, 在总结了前人研究成果的基础上, 集成了最新的研究进展, 综合记录了华南晚新元古代地层中的宏体化石特征, 组合面貌, 据此提出了华南晚新元古代生物地层序列。宏体化石的记录表明在这一时期伴随着显著的气候和环境变化, 发生了一系列重要的生物演化事件, 多细胞的宏观后生动、植物普遍出现了组织分化, 器官形成和发育创新, 以及生物结构和功能的进一步复杂多样化。这种多样化的发展大体可以划分为三个阶段, 分别以震旦(伊迪卡拉)纪的三个宏体化石组合为代表: (1) Anhuiphyton—Thallophyca—Paramecia 宏体藻类化石组合, (2) Enteromorphites—Doushantuophyton—Eoandromeda—Sinospongia 宏体化石组合, (3) Paracharnia—Gaojiashania—Cloudina—Longfengshania 宏体化石组合。由于华南震旦纪宏体化石具有较为独特的组合面貌, 与国外末次冰期后大量出现的伊迪卡拉型生物群(阿瓦隆生物群, 庞德/白海生物群和纳马生物群)如何对比, 还有待深入的研究。本文还重点讨论了华南地区新元古代宏体化石的南、北方对比问题。  相似文献   

易门凤山铜矿床是昆阳元古宙裂谷铜矿带易门式铜矿床的典型代表之一。该矿床明显受刺穿体构造控制,铜矿体赋存于昆阳群绿汁江组硅化碎裂白云岩中。根据刺穿体的宏观分布特征、岩石学和岩石地球化学特征,进一步剖析了控矿型刺穿体和非控矿型刺穿体两种类型:控矿型刺穿体岩石成份复杂,构造变形强,角砾状构造发育,Mg O含量变化大(3.18%~15.64%),Fe O/Fe2O3值变化范围大(0.43~28.50),其形成机制与深部火山隐爆作用和强烈构造作用有关;而非控矿型刺穿体岩石成份简单,内部构造变形弱,角砾状构造不显著,Mg O含量低(1.90%~3.77%),Fe O/Fe2O3值也低(0.14~0.56),其形成机制主要与强烈构造作用有关。建立了控矿与非控矿型两类刺穿体的岩石地球化学特征和识别标志。该标志对该类矿床的找矿预测具有实际意义。  相似文献   

本文指出地球具原始不均一性,并且,这种原始不均一起源于前地球阶段堆积星子的不均一性。地球不均一性的演化从早期不均一性经1800Ma前后变格“事件”而发展成为晚期不均一性。地球化学不均一性和地球的形成、演化密切相关。地球形成经历了原地球堆积和补堆积两个阶段,地球的演化可以1800Ma为转折点具明显两阶段演化特征:早期以初生壳体-星子源地体的形成和发展为特点,后期以岩石圈板块运动为特点。并认为,区域矿  相似文献   

华南地区众多埃迪卡拉纪—寒武纪特异埋藏化石库为解读生命和生态系统的演化提供了重要化石证据,其中宏体藻类产出数量多、分布广、形态多样,是该时期生态系统中不可忽视的组成部分。过去对华南宏体藻类的研究多集中于形态、分类和古生态方面,对于其不同时期的地理分布和多样性变化较少涉及。文中对华南埃迪卡拉纪—寒武纪特异埋藏化石库中的宏体藻类进行了总结和分析,结果发现:(1)至晚埃迪卡拉世,宏体藻类的古地理分布范围和属、种级多样性明显扩大和提高,在晚埃迪卡拉世第五期达到顶峰;(2)寒武纪纽芬兰世宏体藻类的地理分布范围和属、种级多样性均较低,至第二世则明显扩大和增加;(3)苗岭世之后,宏体藻类古地理分布大幅度缩小,但多样性显著升高并达到第二高峰,直到芙蓉世多样性又急剧下降。推测区域海水含氧量的增加可能是导致华南宏体藻类繁盛(属、种多样性高)的主要原因,适合宏体藻类保存的泥页岩的分布范围或出露面积则可能是影响宏体藻类古地理分布范围的重要因素。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2023,6(1):50-60
The Lomagundi-Jatuli Event (LJE) refers to the significant positive carbon isotope excursion in seawater constituents that occurred immediately after the increase in atmospheric oxygen content during the Paleoproterozoic (2.22–2.06 Ga). The δ13C values of 46 dolostone samples collected from the Paleoproterozoic Yongjingshao Formation varied in the range of 0.05 ‰–4.95 ‰ (V-PDB; maximum: 4.95‰) in this study, which may be related to the multicellular eukaryotes in the Liangshan Formation in the Yimen Group. They are much higher than the δ13C values of marine carbonates (?1.16‰ on average). The δ13C values of other formations in the Paleoproterozoic Yimen Group are negative. The notable positive carbon isotope anomalies of the Yongjingshao Formation indicate the response to the LJE at the southwestern margin of the Yangtze Block, which is reported for the first time. Furthermore, they are comparable to the δ13C values of carbonates in the Dashiling Formation of the Hutuo Group in the Wutaishan area in the North China Craton, the Wuzhiling Formation of the Songshan Group in the Xiong’ er area, Henan Province, and the Dashiqiao Formation of the Liaohe Group in the Guanmenshan area, Liaoning Province. Therefore, it can be further concluded that the LJE is a global event. This study reveals that LJE occurred in Central Yunnan at 2.15–2.10 Ga, lasting for about 50 Ma. The macro-columnar, bean-shaped, and microfilament fossils and reticular ultramicrofossils of multicellular eukaryotes in this period were discovered in the Liangshan Formation of the Yimen Group. They are the direct cause for the LJE and are also the oldest paleontological fossils ever found. The major events successively occurring in the early stage of the Earth include the Great Oxygenation Event (first occurrence), the global Superior-type banded iron formations (BIFs), the Huronian glaciation, the Great Oxygenation Event (second occurrence), the explosion of multicellular eukaryotes, the positive carbon isotope excursion, and the global anoxic and selenium-rich sedimentary event. The authors think that the North China Craton and the Yangtze Craton were possibly in different tectonic locations of the same continental block during the Proterozoic.©2023 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(4):616-629
The Mesoproterozoic Dongchuan Group that is widely exposed in Yimen area, central Yunnan Province is a series of sedimentary sort of low-grade metamorphic rocks interbedded with volcanic rocks, which are closely related to the early tectonic evolution of the Earth. However, its formation era, sedimentary filling sequence, and geotectonic characteristics have always been in dispute. In this study, several rhyolitic tuffaceous slate interlayers with a centimeter-level thickness were found in the previously determined Heishan Formation of the Dongchuan Group located to the western part of Yimen-Luoci fault zone. This paper focuses on the study of the rhyolitic tuffaceous slate in Qifulangqing Village, Tongchang Township, Yimen County. LA-ICP-MS zircon dating was conducted, achieving the crystallization age of magma of 2491 ± 15 Ma and the metamorphic ages of about 2.3 Ga, 2.0 Ga, and 1.8 Ga for the first time. Meanwhile, according to in-situ Hf isotope analysis, the zircon εHf(t) values were determined to range from −3.0 to 7.6, with an average of 2.7. Furthermore, the first-stage Hf model age (TDM1) was determined to be 2513−2916 Ma, indicating that the provenance of the rhyolitic tuffaceous slate is the depleted mantle or juvenile crust between the Middle Mesoarchean and the Late Neoarchean. Therefore, it is believed that the strata of the slate were deposited in the Late Neoarchean, instead of the Mesoproterozoic as determined by previous researchers. Accordingly, it is not appropriate to group the strata into the Mesoproterozoic Dongchuan Group. Instead, they should be classified as the Maolu Formation of the Neoarchean Puduhe Group given the lithologic association and regional information. Furthermore, the magma ages of 2491 ± 15 Ma are highly consistent with the eras of the large-scale Late Neoarchean orogenic magmatic activities on the northern margin of the Yangtze Craton, and thus reflect the orogenic process consisting of subduction and collision from Late Neoarchean to Early Paleoproterozoic. The magmatic activities during this period were possibly caused by the convergence of the supercontinent Kenorland. Meanwhile, the metamorphic ages of 2.3 Ga, 2.0 Ga, and 1.8 Ga are highly consistent with three metamorphic ages of 2.36 Ga, 1.95 Ga, and 1.85 Ga of the northern margin of the Yangtze Craton, indicating that the strata experienced Paleoproterozoic tectonic-thermal events. The study area is located on the eastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and thus was possibly re-transformed by magmatism subjected to the subduction of the Meso-Tethys Ocean during the Early Cretaceous. The discoveries made in this study will provide strong petrological and chronological evidence for analyzing the early crustal evolution of the Yangtze block.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

A new macrofossil Lagerstatte was discovered from the uppermost Ediacaran Jiucheng Member at Jinning and Jiangchuan of the eastern Yunnan, yielding numerous diverse well-preserved thallophyte macrofossils. These include the previously-known representatives of vendobionts, Vendotaenia and Tyrasotaenia, and the biggish multicellular benthos such as Otuaria-like and Tawuia-like fossils, as well as Longfengshaniaceaens with diverse holdfast structures. There are still some other problematic macrofossils with peculiar configurations as well as uncertain relatives. The distinct dominance of the giant, unbranching thallophytes occasionally with holdfast structures distinguishes this assemblage from the other Ediacaran macrofossil Lagerstattes in the Doushantuo Formation at Miaohe, Wenghui and Lantian, and the contemporary assemblage in the Shibantan Member of Dengying Formation, Yangtze Gorges area. This paper outlines the characteristics of some of the multicellular macrofossils from the Jiucheng Member at Jiangchuan. They include some macrofossils with different types of holdfast structure, larger Chuaria-like and Tawuia-like morphology and questionable affinities as well. The discovery of greater diverse macrofossil assemblages from the Jiucheng Member of eastern Yunnan has further indicated that an important diversification and evolutionary radiation of metaphytes took place in the latest Ediacaran time. This radiation of large-scale, benthic metaphyte along with phytoplankton was likely important contributors to the early Cambrian explosion of metazoans.  相似文献   

张兴林 《云南地质》2013,(4):412-416
波司甸铜矿床是云南易门铜矿区南段赋存于中元古界昆阳群落雪组中的典型喷流—热卤水沉积型铜矿床.矿床地质特征、成矿控制因素的研究,对云南易门铜矿区南段的找矿工作具有较好的指导意义.  相似文献   

A new macrofossil Lagerstatte was discovered from the uppermost Ediacaran Jiucheng Member at Jinning and Jiangchuan of the eastern Yunnan, yielding numerous diverse well-preserved thallophyte macrofossils. These include the previously-known representatives of vendobionts, Vendotaenia and Tyrasotaenia, and the biggish multicellular benthos such as Chuaria-like and Tawuia- like fossiis, as well as Longfengshaniaceaens with diverse holdfast structures. There are still some other problematic macrofossils with peculiar configurations as well as uncertain relatives. The distinct dominance of the giant, unbranching thallophytes occasionally with holdfast structures distinguishes this assemblage from the other Ediacaran macrofossil Lagerstattes in the Doushantuo Formation at Miaohe, Wenghui and Lantian, and the contemporary assemblage in the Shibantan Member of Dengying Formation, Yangtze Gorges area. This paper outlines the characteristics of some of the multicellular macrofossils from the Jiucheng Member at Jiangchuan. They include some macrofossils with different types of holdfast structure, larger Chuaria-like and Tawuia-like morphology and questionable affinities as well. The discovery of greater diverse macrofossil assemblages from the Jiucheng Member of eastern Yunnan has further indicated that an important diversification and evolutionary radiation of metaphytes took place in the latest Ediacaran time. This radiation of largescale, benthic metaphyte along with phytoplankton was likely important contributors to the early Cambrian explosion of metazoans.  相似文献   

鲁西杨庄条带状铁建造特征及锆石年代学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赖小东  杨晓勇 《岩石学报》2012,28(11):3612-3622
泰山群主要分布于鲁西地区中部,是鲁西花岗-绿岩带的一个重要组成部分。近年来,在沂水县杨庄发现了一定规模的沉积变质铁矿,铁矿层位赋存于柳杭岩组上段的斜长角闪岩段内。本文对杨庄铁矿BIF及侵入地层的岩浆岩进行锆石年代学测定,测定的含磁铁矿斜长角闪岩中锆石U-Pb年龄数据主要集中在2.6Ga附近,确定斜长角闪岩的形成年龄为2615±61Ma;铁矿顶板黑云母石英片岩的形成年龄小于2527±66Ma,该岩段又被晚期混合花岗岩穿插,其锆石年龄测定结果为2469±34Ma,所以推测黑云母石英片岩的形成年龄在2.5Ga附近。据此我们认为鲁西地区的"柳杭岩组"似可近一步解体为新太古的斜长角闪岩段(含磁铁矿建造)和古元古的表壳岩段(以片岩系为主)。混合花岗岩的形成年龄属于古元古代早期,似乎可以填补全球地质演化的静寂期 (2.3~2.5Ga)。以泰山群为代表的变质岩系在地下较深部位出现或者被中晚元古代盖层覆盖,为探讨华北克拉通早期演化和开展华北克拉通BIF型铁矿研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

滇中昆阳群一直是华南前寒武纪地质研究的热点之一,其地层序列、时代与区域对比长期存在争议。通过对滇中易门县小街乡普家村-岔河水库剖面禄表组2个凝灰岩样品进行SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年,获得禄表组凝灰岩的锆石206Pb/238U年龄为878.5±4.7Ma和878.0±4.0Ma,首次证实禄表组的形成时代为新元古代中期。禄表组凝灰岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄的获得,有利于正确认识昆阳群的划属关系,并为西南地区青白口纪地层格架的建立和对比提供可靠的年代学依据。  相似文献   

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