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印度板块与亚洲板块的碰撞使喜马拉雅-青藏高原隆升,地壳增厚和生长扩展。探测青藏高原深部结构,揭露两个大陆如何碰撞,碰撞如何使大陆变形的过程,是全球关切的科学奥秘。深地震反射剖面探测是打开这个科学奥秘的最有效途径之一。20多年来,运用这项高技术探测到青藏高原巨厚地壳的精细结构,攻克了难以得到下地壳和Moho清晰结构的技术瓶颈,揭露了陆陆碰撞过程。本文在探测研究成果基础上,从青藏高原南北-东西对比,再到高原腹地,系统地综述了青藏高原之下印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞-俯冲的深部行为。印度地壳在高原南缘俯冲在喜马拉雅造山带之下,亚洲板块的阿拉善地块岩石圈在北缘向祁连山下俯冲,祁连山地壳向外扩展,塔里木地块与高原西缘的西昆仑发生面对面的碰撞,在高原东缘发现龙日坝断裂而不是龙门山断裂是扬子板块的西缘边界,高原腹地Moho 薄而平坦,岩石圈伸展垮塌。多条深反射剖面揭露了在雅鲁藏布江缝合带下印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞的行为,印度地壳不仅沿雅鲁藏布江缝合带存在由西向东的俯冲角度变化,而且其向北行进到拉萨地体内部的位置也不同。在缝合带中部,显示印度地壳上地壳与下地壳拆离,上地壳向北仰冲,下地壳向北俯冲,并在俯冲过程发生物质的回返与构造叠置,使印度地壳减薄,喜马拉雅地壳加厚。俯冲印度地壳前缘与亚洲地壳碰撞后沉入地幔,处于亚洲板块前缘的冈底斯岩基与特提斯喜马拉雅近于直立碰撞,冈底斯下地壳呈部分熔融状态,近乎透明的弱反射和局部出现的亮点反射,以及近于平的Moho都反映出亚洲板块南缘的伸展构造环境。  相似文献   

西藏南部印度-亚洲碰撞带岩石圈: 岩石学-地球化学约束   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
拟以岩石学和地球化学的研究为基础, 结合地球物理与构造地质学的研究成果, 从一个侧面探讨青藏高原岩石圈、特别是印度-亚洲主碰撞带岩石圈结构、组成及今后进一步的研究方向.印度-亚洲主碰撞带具有青藏高原最厚的地壳, 由初生地壳及再循环地壳两类不同性质的地壳构成; 青藏巨厚地壳是由于构造增厚及地幔物质注入(通过岩浆作用) 增厚两种机制形成的.碰撞以来藏南地壳加厚主要发生在约50~25Ma期间.青藏岩石圈地幔在地球化学和岩石学上是不均一的, 至少存在3种地球化学端元: (1) 新特提斯大洋岩石圈端元; (2) 印度陆下岩石圈端元; (3) 新特提斯闭合前青藏原有的岩石圈端元.在青藏高原还发现了一批壳幔深源岩石包体及高压-超高压矿物, 对于认识青藏深部有重要的意义.可以识别出青藏高原现今存在3种岩石圈结构类型: 第1种, 增厚的岩石圈(帕米尔型); 第2种, 减薄的岩石圈(冈底斯型); 第3种, 加厚-减薄-再加厚的岩石圈(羌塘型).这3类岩石圈是否在时间上具有先后顺序, 尚无明确的证据, 需要在今后加以注意.研究表明, 沿冈底斯带后碰撞钾质-超钾质火山活动, 可能与新特提斯洋俯冲板片在后碰撞阶段的断离及印度大陆岩石圈向青藏的持续俯冲作用有关, 但西段、中段与东段的动力学机制不相同.在青藏高原北部地区(羌塘、可可西里等地区), 后碰撞钾质-超钾质火山活动, 可能与波状外向扩展式的软流圈上隆引起的减压熔融有关.在高原北缘西昆仑、玉门等地区, 其形成机制可能为大规模走滑断层引起的减压熔融.青藏高原后碰撞火成活动具有明显而有规律的时空迁移.同碰撞的林子宗火山活动在65Ma左右始于冈底斯南部, 标志印度-亚洲大陆碰撞的开始.于45Ma左右火山活动向北迁移到羌塘-“三江”北段, 开始了后碰撞火山活动; 然后自内向外迁移, 即北向可可西里、南向冈底斯(在冈底斯内部又自西向东)、东向西秦岭迁移; 最后(6Ma以来), 再分别向高原的西北、东北、东南三隅迁移.结合已有地球物理资料, 一种可能的解释是它可能暗示由印度和亚洲大陆板块碰撞所诱发的深部物质(如中-下地壳、软流圈地幔物质) 流动.   相似文献   

印度板块与亚洲板块的碰撞使喜马拉雅-青藏高原隆升,地壳增厚并生长扩展。探测青藏高原深部结构,揭露两个大陆如何碰撞以及碰撞如何使大陆变形的过程,是对全球关切的科学奥秘的探索。深地震反射剖面探测是打开这个科学奥秘的最有效途径之一。二十多年来,运用这项高技术探测到青藏高原巨厚地壳的精细结构,攻克了难以得到下地壳和Moho面信息的技术瓶颈,揭露了陆-陆碰撞过程。本文在探测研究成果的基础上,从青藏高原南北-东西对比,再到高原腹地,系统地综述了青藏高原之下印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞-俯冲的深部行为。印度地壳在高原南缘俯冲在喜马拉雅造山带之下,亚洲板块的阿拉善地块岩石圈在北缘向祁连山下俯冲,祁连山地壳向外扩展,塔里木地块与高原西缘的西昆仑发生面对面的碰撞,在高原东缘发现龙日坝断裂(而不是龙门山断裂)是扬子板块的西缘边界,高原腹地Moho面厚度薄而平坦,岩石圈伸展垮塌。多条深反射剖面揭露了在雅鲁藏布江缝合带下印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞的行为,不仅沿雅鲁藏布江缝合带走向印度地壳俯冲行为存在东西变化,而且印度地壳向北行进到拉萨地体内部的位置也不同。在缝合带中部,研究显示印度地壳上地壳与下地壳拆离,上地壳向北仰冲,下地壳向北俯冲,并在俯冲过程中发生物质的回返与构造叠置,这导致印度地壳减薄,喜马拉雅地壳加厚。俯冲印度地壳前缘与亚洲地壳碰撞后沉入地幔,处于亚洲板块前缘的冈底斯岩基与特提斯喜马拉雅近于直立碰撞,冈底斯下地壳呈部分熔融状态,近乎透明的弱反射和局部出现的亮点反射以及近于平的Moho面都反映出亚洲板块南缘处于伸展构造环境。  相似文献   

林子宗群火山岩广泛分布在冈底斯带上,其岩石学特征及所代表的区域不整合事件被认为与特提斯洋俯冲消减到印度-亚洲大陆碰撞转变有关。对冈底斯带南木林地区的林子宗群火山岩进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年及地球化学研究,获得林子宗群火山岩帕那组LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为46.08±0.47Ma、49.00±1.30Ma,对比冈底斯带其他地区已发表的年龄数据,认为印度-亚洲大陆碰撞(在西藏南部)的时间,东部可能依次早于中部和西部。地球化学特征表明,冈底斯带南木林地区林子宗群火山岩具有碰撞后地壳加厚背景下产生的弧火山岩特征,应为新特提斯洋俯冲消减到印度-亚洲大陆碰撞构造背景下形成的。  相似文献   

位于青藏高原南部的冈底斯岩浆弧形成于中生代新特提斯大洋岩石圈的长期俯冲过程中,而且在印度与亚洲大陆碰撞过程中叠加了强烈的新生代岩浆作用,是世界上典型的复合型大陆岩浆弧,已经成为研究汇聚板块边缘岩浆作用和大陆地壳生长与再造的天然实验室。基于对现有研究成果的总结,我们将冈底斯岩浆弧的岩浆构造演化划分为5个阶段:第1阶段发生在晚白垩世之前,以新特提斯洋岩石圈长期正常俯冲和钙碱性弧岩浆岩的发育为特征;第2阶段发生在晚白垩世时期,以活动的新特提斯洋中脊发生俯冲和强烈的岩浆作用与显著的新生地壳生长为特征;第3阶段发生在晚白垩世晚期,以残余的新特提斯大洋岩石圈俯冲和正常弧型岩浆作用为特征;第4阶段发生在古新世至中始新世,以印度与亚洲大陆碰撞、俯冲的新特提斯洋岩石圈回转和断离,及其诱发的幔源岩浆作用、新生和古老地壳的强烈再造为特征;第5阶段为发生在晚渐新世到中中新世的后碰撞阶段,深俯冲印度岩石圈的回转和断离,或加厚岩石圈地幔的对流移去导致了加厚下地壳的部分熔融和埃达克质岩石的广泛发育,同时伴随幔源钾质超钾质岩浆作用。冈底斯弧岩浆作用与岩浆成分的系统时空变化很好地记录了从新特提斯洋俯冲到印度亚洲大陆碰撞的完整构造演化过程。  相似文献   

赵文津 《地球学报》2016,37(1):7-24
本文以INDEPTH项目对印度大陆与欧亚大陆碰撞带深部成像结果为基础,从构造演化角度探讨藏南陆-陆碰撞带冈底斯斑岩铜矿带的成矿作用问题。深部探测给出的碰撞带深部结构与侯增谦等地质学家提出的深部结构有较大的异同,如何协调起来以深化对藏南陆-陆碰撞条件下成矿作用的认识,这是本文讨论的中心。藏南碰撞带成矿实际上是在新特提斯大洋岩石圈俯冲形成的冈底斯岩浆弧成矿作用的基础上,再经过陆-陆碰撞挤压强烈改造后的再成矿。碰撞带的深部结构构造演化的特点是:(1)新特提斯大洋岩石圈板块向北连续俯冲了约120 Ma,形成的冈底斯陆缘火山岩浆弧带,这导致了陆缘带地壳增厚并含有大量的地幔岩浆流体物质(如南美安第斯成矿带那样);(2)在印度大陆与冈底斯陆缘弧接近碰撞时,在对挤中新特提斯大洋洋壳与大洋岩石圈地幔发生向上挤出与向下拆沉,并使部分洋壳残片和大洋岩石圈物质保存在中上地壳内;(3)两大陆岩石圈碰撞对接后,印度岩石圈地幔加深达70~80 km并沿地壳底部向北推进,并将加厚地壳内大量的成矿物质、钙碱性岩浆,洋壳及新生的下地壳,以及部分地幔物质从地壳底部将其围限起来,成为后期再成矿的物质基础;(4)查明了碰撞带深部壳/幔间产生了一层中间速度层(相当于MASH层),在中上地壳部位出现一层巨大的部分熔融层;(5)在碰撞挤压下冈底斯带内产生多组断裂构造,大型逆冲断裂系与背冲断裂,并引发了含矿岩浆的再活动,并在浮力(下地壳内)和挤压力作用下多次活动上升生成斑岩型铜矿床;(6)成矿后地表遭受过强烈的风化剥蚀作用,使矿床出露地表。  相似文献   

全球造山系类型主要分为增生型和碰撞型两大类。现今,全球两大巨型造山系的研究表明:环太平洋增生造山系正在经历洋- 陆俯冲过程,新特提斯- 喜马拉雅碰撞造山系经历过洋- 陆俯冲之后又步入陆- 陆碰撞阶段。其中,安第斯造山带是东太平洋Lazaca 大洋板块多阶段向东俯冲在南美大陆之下后形成的以“大洋板块深(陡)- 浅(平)俯冲交替、洋岛- 地体增生拼贴、碰撞和俯冲型高原隆升”为特征的现代“安第斯岛弧带”和“安第斯- 科迪勒拉俯冲型增生造山系”。位于亚洲大陆内部的冈底斯造山系经历了新特提斯洋盆向北俯冲、消减和洋盆闭合以及印度- 亚洲碰撞的两重阶段,具体包括早中生代开始的新特提斯“多洋岛”形成和向拉萨地体的多阶段俯冲汇聚,致使洋岛 地体增生碰撞形成冈底斯岩浆弧,继而铸造了晚白垩世的“安第斯型”俯冲增生造山系;在俯冲和碰撞转换阶段发生了岩浆大爆发并形成冈底斯初始高原;而后才进入印度- 亚洲陆陆碰撞阶段,形成大规模的E- W向逆冲断裂、走滑断裂和S- N向裂谷系。因此,安第斯是冈底斯的前半生,冈底斯的今天是安第斯的未来。研究冈底斯的构造演化,特别是早期的构造岩浆活动,必须与安第斯俯冲增生的历史进行对比。  相似文献   

从安第斯到冈底斯:从洋-陆俯冲到陆-陆碰撞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球造山系类型主要分为增生型和碰撞型两大类。现今,全球两大巨型造山系的研究表明:环太平洋增生造山系正在经历洋-陆俯冲过程,新特提斯-喜马拉雅碰撞造山系经历过洋-陆俯冲之后又步入陆-陆碰撞阶段。其中,安第斯造山带是东太平洋Lazaca大洋板块多阶段向东俯冲在南美大陆之下后形成的以"大洋板块深(陡)-浅(平)俯冲交替、洋岛-地体增生拼贴、碰撞和俯冲型高原隆升"为特征的现代"安第斯岛弧带"和"安第斯-科迪勒拉俯冲型增生造山系"。位于亚洲大陆内部的冈底斯造山系经历了新特提斯洋盆向北俯冲、消减和洋盆闭合以及印度-亚洲碰撞的两重阶段,具体包括早中生代开始的新特提斯"多洋岛"形成和向拉萨地体的多阶段俯冲汇聚,致使洋岛-地体增生碰撞形成冈底斯岩浆弧,继而铸造了晚白垩世的"安第斯型"俯冲增生造山系;在俯冲和碰撞转换阶段发生了岩浆大爆发并形成冈底斯初始高原;而后才进入印度-亚洲陆陆碰撞阶段,形成大规模的E-W向逆冲断裂、走滑断裂和S-N向裂谷系。因此,安第斯是冈底斯的前半生,冈底斯的今天是安第斯的未来。研究冈底斯的构造演化,特别是早期的构造岩浆活动,必须与安第斯俯冲增生的历史进行对比。  相似文献   

位于青藏高原南部的冈底斯带是夹持于班公湖-怒江缝合带与雅鲁藏布江缝合带之间的一条巨型构造-岩浆岩带,它囊括西藏境内花岗岩出露面积的80%.呈大致东西向平行于雅鲁藏布江缝合带展布的冈底斯花岗岩大致分为北带、中带和南带3个亚带,形成时代主要是中新生代,代表印度与亚洲大陆碰撞之前和碰撞过程中新特提斯洋的俯冲消减作用和地壳深熔作用.  相似文献   

冈底斯岩浆弧的形成与演化   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
位于青藏高原南部的冈底斯岩浆弧是新特提斯大洋岩石圈长期俯冲导致的中生代岩浆作用的产物,而且在印度与亚洲大陆碰撞过程中叠加了强烈的新生代岩浆作用,是世界上典型的复合型大陆岩浆弧,也是研究增生与碰撞造山作用和大陆地壳生长与再造的天然实验室。基于岩浆、变质和成矿作用研究成果,我们将冈底斯弧的形成与演化历史划分5期,即新特提斯洋早期俯冲、新特提斯洋中脊俯冲、新特提斯洋晚期俯冲、印度-亚洲大陆碰撞和后碰撞期。第1期发生在晚白垩世之前,是以新特提斯洋岩石圈的长期俯冲、地幔楔部分熔融形成钙碱性弧岩浆岩为特征。长期的幔源岩浆作用导致了整个冈底斯弧发生显著的新生地壳生长,并在岩浆弧西部形成了一个大型的与俯冲相关的斑岩型铜矿。第2期发生在晚白垩世,活动的新特提斯洋中脊发生俯冲,软流软圈沿板片窗上涌,使上升的软流圈、地幔楔和俯冲洋壳发生部分熔融,导致了强烈的幔源岩浆作用和显著的新生地壳生长与加厚,并以不同类型和不同成分岩浆岩的同时发育和伴随的高温变质作用为特征。第3期发生在晚白垩世晚期,为新特提斯洋脊俯冲后残余大洋岩石圈的俯冲期,以正常的弧型岩浆作用为特征。第4期发生在古新世至中始新世,伴随印度与亚洲大陆的碰撞,俯冲的新特提斯洋岩石圈回转和断离引起软流圈上涌,诱发了强烈的幔源岩浆作用。在此阶段,大陆碰撞导致的地壳挤压缩短和幔源岩浆的底侵与增生,使冈底斯弧经历了显著的地壳生长和加厚,新生和古老加厚下地壳的高压、高温变质和部分熔融,幔源和壳源岩浆岩的共生和强烈的岩浆混合。所形成的I型花岗岩大多继承了新生地壳弧型岩浆岩的化学成分,并多显出埃达克岩的地球化学特征。在岩浆弧北部形成了一系列与起源于古老地壳花岗岩相关的Pb-Zn矿床。第5期发生在晚渐新世到早-中中新世的后碰撞挤压过程中,以地壳的继续加厚,加厚下地壳的高温变质、部分熔融和埃达克质岩石的形成为特征。在岩浆弧东段南部形成了一系列与起源于新生加厚下地壳埃达克质岩石相关的斑岩型Cu-Au-Mo矿。冈底斯带的多期岩浆、变质与成矿作用为其从新特提斯洋俯冲到印度-亚洲大陆碰撞的构造演化提供了重要限定。  相似文献   

从红河剪切带走滑运动看东亚大陆新生代构造   总被引:58,自引:3,他引:58       下载免费PDF全文
张连生  钟大赉 《地质科学》1996,31(4):327-341
用U-Pb法对红河剪切带左行走滑运动进行了精细年代学分析,确定这一运动时期至少是从35Ma到22Ma,与南海张开的时间大致吻合。将这两个事件联系在一起,提出在太平洋板块加速俯冲的作用下,南海作为主动盆地发生的扩张活动,引起华南板块在晚白垩世到中新世中期发生了由SE向NW方向的运动,与印度板块一起推挤三角形青藏高原,使其发生第一次的隆升。与此同时,华南内部及周边地区发生强烈变形。印支块体在其两侧的印度和华南板块共同挤压下,向东南滑出,沿红河剪切带发生左行走滑运动。  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,26(4):1690-1699
The continental collision between the Indian and Asian plates plays a key role in the geologic and tectonic evolution of the Tibetan plateau. In this article we present high-resolution tomographic images of the crust and upper mantle derived from a large number of high-quality seismic data from the ANTILOPE project in western Tibet. Both local and distant earthquakes were used in this study and 35,115 P-wave arrival times were manually picked from the original seismograms. Geological and geochemical results suggested that the subducting Indian plate has reached northward to the Lhasa terrane, whereas our new tomography shows that the Indian plate is currently sub-horizontal and underthrusting to the Jinsha river suture at depths of ~ 100 to ~ 250 km, suggesting that the subduction process has evolved over time. The Asian plate is also imaged clearly from the surface to a depth of ~ 100 km by our tomography, and it is located under the Tarim Basin north of the Altyn Tagh Fault. There is no obvious evidence to show that the Asian plate has subducted beneath western Tibet. The Indian and Asian plates are separated by a prominent low-velocity zone under northern Tibet. We attribute the low-velocity zone to mantle upwelling, which may account for the warm crust and upper mantle beneath that region, and thus explain the different features of magmatism between southern and northern Tibet. But the upwelling may not penetrate through the whole crust. We propose a revised geodynamic model and suggest that the high-velocity zones under Lhasa terrane may reflect a cold crust which has interrupted the crustal flow under the westernmost Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

Cenozoic volcanism on the Tibetan plateau, which shows systematic variations in space and time, is the volcanic response to the India–Asia continental collision. The volcanism gradually changed from Na-rich + K-rich to potassic–ultrapotassic + adakitic compositions along with the India–Asia collision shifting from contact-collision (i.e. “soft collision” or “syn-collision”) to all-sided collision (i.e. “hard collision”). The sodium-rich and potasium-rich lavas with ages of 65–40 Ma distribute mainly in the Lhasa terrane of southern Tibet and subordinately in the Qiangtang terrane of central Tibet. The widespread potassic–ultrapotassic lavas and subordinate adakites were generated from ~ 45 to 26 Ma in the Qiangtang terrane of central Tibet. Subsequent post-collisional volcanism migrated southwards, producing ultrapotassic and adakitic lavas coevally between ~ 26 and 8 Ma in the Lhasa terrane. Then potassic and minor adakitic volcanism was renewed to the north and has become extensive and semicontinuous since ~ 20 Ma in the western Qiangtang and Songpan–Ganze terranes. Such spatial–temporal variations provide important constraints on the geodynamic processes that evolved at depth to form the Tibetan plateau. These processes involve roll-back and break-off of the subducted Neo-Tethyan slab followed by removal of the thickened Lhasa lithospheric root, and consequently northward underthrusting of the Indian lithosphere. The Tibetan plateau is suggested to have risen diachronously from south to north. Whereas the southern part of the plateau may have been created and maintained since the late-Oligocene, the northern plateau would have not attained its present-day elevation and size until the mid-Miocene when the lower part of the western Qiangtang and Songpan–Ganze lithospheres began to founder and detach owing to the persistently northward push of the underthrust Indian lithosphere.  相似文献   

青藏高原的新生代火山作用是印度-亚洲大陆碰撞的火山响应,它显示了系统的时、空变化。随着印度-亚洲大陆碰撞从~65 Ma的接触-碰撞(即"软碰撞")转变到~45 Ma的全面碰撞(即"硬碰撞"),火山作用也逐渐从钠质+钾质变为钾质-超钾质+埃达克质。65~40 Ma的钾质和钠质熔岩主要分布于藏南的拉萨地块,少量分布于藏中的羌塘地块。从45~26 Ma,在藏中的羌塘地块中广泛发育钾质-超钾质熔岩和少量埃达克岩。随后的碰撞后火山作用向南迁移,在拉萨地块中产生~26~10 Ma间的同时代超钾质和埃达克质熔岩。尔后,从~18 Ma始,钾质和少量埃达克质火山作用重新向北,在西羌塘和松潘-甘孜地块中呈广泛和半连续状分布。此种时-空变异对形成青藏高原的深部地球动力学过程提供了重要约束。该过程包括:已消减的新特提斯大洋板片的回转、断离及随后增厚拉萨岩石圈根的去根作用,及因此而造成的印度岩石圈向北下插。青藏高原的隆升是自南向北穿时发生的。高原南部被创建于渐新世晚期,并保持至今;直到中新世中期,由于下插印度岩石圈的持续向北推挤,西羌塘和松潘-甘孜岩石圈的下部开始塌陷和拆离,高原北部才达到其现今的高度和规模。  相似文献   

The tectonic evolution of the Indian plate, which started in Late Jurassic about 167 million years ago (~ 167 Ma) with the breakup of Gondwana, presents an exceptional and intricate case history against which a variety of plate tectonic events such as: continental breakup, sea-floor spreading, birth of new oceans, flood basalt volcanism, hotspot tracks, transform faults, subduction, obduction, continental collision, accretion, and mountain building can be investigated. Plate tectonic maps are presented here illustrating the repeated rifting of the Indian plate from surrounding Gondwana continents, its northward migration, and its collision first with the Kohistan–Ladakh Arc at the Indus Suture Zone, and then with Tibet at the Shyok–Tsangpo Suture. The associations between flood basalts and the recurrent separation of the Indian plate from Gondwana are assessed. The breakup of India from Gondwana and the opening of the Indian Ocean is thought to have been caused by plate tectonic forces (i.e., slab pull emanating from the subduction of the Tethyan ocean floor beneath Eurasia) which were localized along zones of weakness caused by mantle plumes (Bouvet, Marion, Kerguelen, and Reunion plumes). The sequential spreading of the Southwest Indian Ridge/Davie Ridge, Southeast Indian Ridge, Central Indian Ridge, Palitana Ridge, and Carlsberg Ridge in the Indian Ocean were responsible for the fragmentation of the Indian plate during the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous times. The Réunion and the Kerguelen plumes left two spectacular hotspot tracks on either side of the Indian plate. With the breakup of Gondwana, India remained isolated as an island continent, but reestablished its biotic links with Africa during the Late Cretaceous during its collision with the Kohistan–Ladakh Arc (~ 85 Ma) along the Indus Suture. Soon after the Deccan eruption, India drifted northward as an island continent by rapid motion carrying Gondwana biota, about 20 cm/year, between 67 Ma to 50 Ma; it slowed down dramatically to 5 cm/year during its collision with Asia in Early Eocene (~ 50 Ma). A northern corridor was established between India and Asia soon after the collision allowing faunal interchange. This is reflected by mixed Gondwana and Eurasian elements in the fossil record preserved in several continental Eocene formations of India. A revised India–Asia collision model suggests that the Indus Suture represents the obduction zone between India and the Kohistan–Ladakh Arc, whereas the Shyok-Suture represents the collision between the Kohistan–Ladakh arc and Tibet. Eventually, the Indus–Tsangpo Zone became the locus of the final India–Asia collision, which probably began in Early Eocene (~ 50 Ma) with the closure of Neotethys Ocean. The post-collisional tectonics for the last 50 million years is best expressed in the evolution of the Himalaya–Tibetan orogen. The great thickness of crust beneath Tibet and Himalaya and a series of north vergent thrust zones in the Himalaya and the south-vergent subduction zones in Tibetan Plateau suggest the progressive convergence between India and Asia of about 2500 km since the time of collision. In the early Eohimalayan phase (~ 50 to 25 Ma) of Himalayan orogeny (Middle Eocene–Late Oligocene), thick sediments on the leading edge of the Indian plate were squeezed, folded, and faulted to form the Tethyan Himalaya. With continuing convergence of India, the architecture of the Himalayan–Tibetan orogen is dominated by deformational structures developed in the Neogene Period during the Neohimalayan phase (~ 21 Ma to present), creating a series of north-vergent thrust belt systems such as the Main Central Thrust, the Main Boundary Thrust, and the Main Frontal Thrust to accommodate crustal shortening. Neogene molassic sediment shed from the rise of the Himalaya was deposited in a nearly continuous foreland trough in the Siwalik Group containing rich vertebrate assemblages. Tomographic imaging of the India–Asia orogen reveals that Indian lithospheric slab has been subducted subhorizontally beneath the entire Tibetan Plateau that has played a key role in the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. The low-viscosity channel flow in response to topographic loading of Tibet provides a mechanism to explain the Himalayan–Tibetan orogen. From the start of its voyage in Southern Hemisphere, to its final impact with the Asia, the Indian plate has experienced changes in climatic conditions both short-term and long-term. We present a series of paleoclimatic maps illustrating the temperature and precipitation conditions based on estimates of Fast Ocean Atmospheric Model (FOAM), a coupled global climate model. The uplift of the Himalaya–Tibetan Plateau above the snow line created two most important global climate phenomena—the birth of the Asian monsoon and the onset of Pleistocene glaciation. As the mountains rose, and the monsoon rains intensified, increasing erosional sediments from the Himalaya were carried down by the Ganga River in the east and the Indus River in the west, and were deposited in two great deep-sea fans, the Bengal and the Indus. Vertebrate fossils provide additional resolution for the timing of three crucial tectonic events: India–KL Arc collision during the Late Cretaceous, India–Asia collision during the Early Eocene, and the rise of the Himalaya during the Early Miocene.  相似文献   

The Gangdese magmatic belt formed during Late Triassic to Neogene in the southernmost Lhasa terrane of the Tibetan plateau. It is interpreted as a major component of a continental margin related to the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys oceanic slab beneath Eurasia and it is the key in understanding the tectonic framework of southern Tibet prior to the India-Eurasia collision. It is widely accepted that northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys oceanic crust formed the Gangdese magmatic belt, but the occurrence of Late Triassic magmatism and the detailed tectonic evolution of southern Tibet are still debated. This work presents new zircon U-Pb-Hf isotope data and whole-rock geochemical compositions of a mylonitic granite pluton in the central Gangdese belt, southern Tibet. Zircon U-Pb dating from two representative samples yields consistent ages of 225.3±1.8 Ma and 229.9±1.5 Ma, respectively, indicating that the granite pluton was formed during the early phase of Late Triassic instead of Early Eocene(47–52 Ma) as previously suggested. Geochemically, the mylonitic granite pluton has a sub-alkaline composition and low-medium K calc-alkaline affinities and it can be defined as an I-type granite with metaluminous features(A/CNK1.1). The analyzed samples are characterized by strong enrichments of LREE and pronounced depletions of Nb, Ta and Ti, suggesting that the granite was generated in an island-arc setting. However, the use of tectonic discrimination diagrams indicates a continental arc setting. Zircon Lu-Hf isotopes indicate that the granite has highly positive εHf(t) values ranging from +13.91 to +15.54(mean value +14.79), reflecting the input of depleted mantle material during its magmatic evolution, consistent with Mg~# numbers. Additionally, the studied samples also reveal relatively young Hf two-stage model ages ranging from 238 Ma to 342 Ma(mean value 292 Ma), suggesting that the pluton was derived from partial melting of juvenile crust. Geochemical discrimination diagrams also suggest that the granite was derived from partial melting of the mafic lower crust. Taking into account both the spatial and temporal distribution of the mylonitic granite, its geochemical fingerprints as well as previous studies, we propose that the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethys oceanic slab beneath the Lhasa terrane had already commenced in Late Triassic(~230 Ma), and that the Late Triassic magmatic events were formed in an active continental margin that subsequently evolved into the numerous subterranes, paleo-island-arcs and multiple collision phases that form the present southern Tibet.  相似文献   

印度与亚洲大陆的碰撞是青藏高原演化的重要构造事件,碰撞过程被记录在拉萨地块南部的晚白垩世到古新世的沉积-岩浆作用中。林周盆地的晚白垩世设兴组及其之后不整合覆盖的林子宗火山岩,是解析碰撞过程的重要记录。本文对设兴组最高层位的砂岩和玄武岩夹层进行了岩石学、地球化学和年代学研究,探讨了岩石成因和构造意义。设兴组砂岩属于杂砂岩,碎屑物质主要来自中酸性岩浆岩源区;锆石Hf同位素指示设兴组大部分碎屑物质来源于盆地北面的中部拉萨地块,少部分来自盆地南部的冈底斯岩基;砂岩中最年轻的碎屑锆石年龄指示林周盆地设兴组是在98Ma之后接受沉积的。以夹层产出在设兴组顶部的玄武岩和玄武安山岩,富集轻稀土元素、亏损重稀土元素、弱负Eu异常,强烈富集Ba、Th、U、Pb等大离子亲石元素,显著亏损Nb、Ta等高场强元素,属于高钾钙碱性玄武岩系列,与典型安第斯型玄武岩特征吻合。玄武岩和玄武安山岩的锆石均为捕获锆石,其最年轻碎屑锆石年龄限定了设兴组玄武岩的喷发晚于110Ma。综合分析表明,林周盆地晚白垩世时期为夹持在冈底斯岩浆弧与中部拉萨地块之间的弧后盆地,新特提斯洋壳晚白垩世俯冲到冈底斯弧和弧后盆地之下,大约在98~110Ma之后喷发到林周盆地的很少量中基性岩浆构成了设兴组顶部的玄武岩和玄武安山岩夹层,是新特提斯洋俯冲相关的幔源岩浆作用。林周盆地设兴组(晚于98Ma)与上覆的林子宗火山岩(底部约为65Ma)之间呈大约33Myr的构造间断,可能代表了冈底斯弧的碰撞之前的隆升剥蚀过程。  相似文献   

周华伟  林清良 《地学前缘》2002,9(4):285-292
文中介绍有关西藏—喜马拉雅碰撞带的一项地震层析成像研究。根据一个用天然地震数据产生的全球波速模型 ,印度板块有可能以近水平状俯冲于整个西藏高原之下至 16 5~ 2 6 0km深度。西藏岩石圈具有低波速地壳和高波速下岩石圈 (75~ 12 0km深 )。在 12 0~ 16 5km深度范围 ,西藏岩石圈与俯冲的印度板块之间有一层低速软流圈物质。高原中部从地表到 310km深处有一低速体 ,说明地幔物质有可能穿过俯冲板块的脆弱部位上隆。这些结果以及野外实测的地壳缩短值说明高原的抬升得助于印度板块的近水平俯冲。我们推论俯冲印度板块的升温上浮以及上覆软流层的存在是造成西藏高原高海拔抬升以及内部地表仍相对平坦的主要原因。2 0 0 1年 1月 2 6日在印度西部发生的毁灭性大地震有可能是俯冲应力在印度板块后缘薄弱处引发的岩石圈大断裂。  相似文献   

Geophysical data illustrate that the Indian continental lithosphere has northward subducted beneath the Tibet Plateau, reaching the Bangong–Nujiang suture in central Tibet. However, when the Indian continental lithosphere started to subduct, and whether the Indian continental crust has injected into the mantle beneath southern Lhasa block, are not clear. Here we report new results from the Quguosha gabbros of southern Lhasa block, southern Tibet. LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating of two samples gives a ca. 35 Ma formation age (i.e., the latest Eocene) for the Quguosha gabbros. The Quguosha gabbro samples are geochemically characterized by variable SiO2 and MgO contents, strongly negative Nb–Ta–Ti and slightly negative Eu anomalies, and uniform initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.7056–0.7058) and εNd(t) (− 2.2 to − 3.6). They exhibit Sr–Nd isotopic compositions different from those of the Jurassic–Eocene magmatic rocks with depleted Sr–Nd isotopic characteristics, but somewhat similar to those of Oligocene–Miocene K-rich magmatic rocks with enriched Sr–Nd isotopic characteristics. We therefore propose that an enriched Indian crustal component was added into the lithospheric mantle beneath southern Lhasa by continental subduction at least prior to the latest Eocene (ca. 35 Ma). We interpret the Quguosha mafic magmas to have been generated by partial melting of lithospheric mantle metasomatized by subducted continental sediments, which entered continental subduction channel(s) and then probably accreted or underplated into the overlying mantle during the northward subduction of the Indian continent. Continental subduction likely played a key role in the formation of the Tibetan plateau at an earlier date than previously thought.  相似文献   

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