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拉水峡铜镍矿床位于化隆基性—超基性岩带中,岩体几乎全岩发生铜、镍硫化物矿化,且已遭受强烈蚀变,以角闪岩为主。岩浆期主要金属硫化物矿物组合为磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿、镍黄铁矿;热液蚀变期主要有紫硫镍矿、黄铁矿、黄铜矿、针镍矿等;氧化表生期主要为含镍高岭石、含镍绿泥石、孔雀石等。矿石轻稀土元素富集和负Eu异常明显,说明岩浆演化过程中发生了大量斜长石等的分离结晶作用。∑PGE含量平均为2460.46×10-9,(Pd+Pt)/(Os+Ir+Ru)值为0.40~2.00,表明铂族元素与岩浆深部熔离作用密切相关;但Pt/Pd(0.01~2.62)、Pd/Ir(0.91~8.77)说明热液作用对铂族元素具有一定的富集作用。S同位素组成变化范围很小,δ34S平均值为2.24‰,硫化物中的S以地幔S为主。拉水峡矿床的形成经历了岩浆融离贯入、热液叠加改造及表生氧化作用3个阶段。  相似文献   

谢燮 《地质与勘探》2014,50(4):617-629
拉水峡中型铜镍矿床几乎全岩矿化。矿石矿物学、矿床地球化学的研究表明,矿石中金属硫化物以紫硫镍铁矿、黄铁矿、黄铜矿为主,热液作用使原生硫化物组合发生了改变,低温热液特征的元素As、Se、Ag、Te富集; 矿石中Ni含量远高于Cu含量,不同类型矿石均属轻稀土富集型,反映了相同的岩浆成因,部分熔融来源特点。热液改造致使块状矿石中Cu/Ni、Ni/Co比值较高,REE分馏程度明显高于原生浸染状矿石;矿石中铂族元素含量平均为2460.5×10-9,具有较高的Ir含量和低的Pd/Ir比值特点,铂族元素与岩浆深部融离作用密切相关,块状矿石Pd/Ir比值和(Pt+Pd)/(Os+Ir+Ru)比值均高于原生浸染状矿石,表明热液作用对Cu、Pt、Pd金属元素富集具有一定作用;岩浆期后流体属中低温度(180~244℃)、中等盐度(8.81~14.67%NaCl)、中等密度(0.86~0.95g/cm3)范围, CH4+N2+CO2成分组合,具有岩浆流体成分特征。综合分析认为,拉水峡矿床主体成因可能仍以岩浆深部曾有过较彻底的硫化物不混熔作用为主,后期经历了热液作用改造。  相似文献   

香山铜镍矿床是东天山觉罗塔格成矿带北缘中型铜镍矿床,资源前景颇佳。对香山铜镍矿床中富铜矿石、富镍矿石和浸染状矿石内磁黄铁矿、镍黄铁矿和黄铜矿进行了电子探针分析,以期研究铂元素的富集机制。结果表明,磁黄铁矿和镍黄铁矿早于黄铜矿形成,更富集Co和Se元素,黄铜矿则富集Sb、Bi和Zn等低温元素。Pt元素主要通过岩浆作用富集,但磁黄铁矿和镍黄铁矿中丰度更高,硫化物熔体分异不均衡是导致这种差异性的原因之一。富铜矿石全岩Pt元素含量最高,其原因是Pt元素热液活动性强,且富铜矿石经受了热液作用改造。  相似文献   

对路北铜镍矿区主成矿元素、共伴生有益元素在矿体和矿石中的含量及变化特征进行分析研究。路北铜镍矿区Ni/Cu比值平均为1.73,介于东天山铜镍成矿带的中间值(1.11~2.20),与香山铜镍矿最接近。通过对不同品级矿石Ni/Cu比值分析,Pt,Se元素含量具显著差异,特富矿体中最富集(53.03×10~(-6)、33.6×10~(-6)),Pt,Ag,Se元素更趋向富集于晚期的矿浆中。采用电子探针对镍黄铁矿、黄铜矿、磁黄铁矿进行分析,镍黄铁矿中Co与Fe元素呈此消彼长的趋势,随着Fe含量减少,Co含量呈增加趋势,与黄山东铜镍矿一致。路北、黄山东、香山、图拉尔根、白石泉等铜镍矿区镍黄铁矿、黄铜矿、磁黄铁矿中S元素与标准式相比普遍偏高,表明主成矿期S元素充足,利于Ni,Cu等成矿元素从硅酸盐中析出与S结合成矿。通过对路北岩浆铜镍硫化物矿床矿体及矿石中有益元素的分析探讨,认为路北铜镍矿深部存在高纯度硫化物矿浆式铜镍矿体。  相似文献   

王伟  王敏芳  郭忠  等 《江苏地质》2016,40(1):85-96
土墩铜镍矿床位于东天山黄山—镜儿泉铜镍成矿带的西端,具有较好的铜、镍资源前景。铜镍矿石中主要金属矿物为黄铜矿、磁黄铁矿、镍黄铁矿、磁铁矿以及黄铁矿等。在详细研究土墩铜镍矿床成矿地质背景的基础上,通过对土墩铜镍矿床中浸染状矿石和块状矿石中主要金属矿物进行电子探针原位测试发现,金属矿物中Pt含量较高,范围在490~2 450 g/t之间,平均为1 713 g/t,而Pd含量则较低。进一步研究Pt的赋存形式及矿石中伴生元素Co、Se、Ag、Sb等的元素地球化学特征,结果表明,晚期成矿热液对早期镍黄铁矿和磁黄铁矿的交代使Pt常发生扩散交代作用,这种热液改造作用对贵金属元素的活化和再富集具有重要意义。此外,土墩铜镍矿床中具有高Se含量、较低S/Se比值以及高R因子值的矿段是极有可能形成铂族元素(PGE)的矿化富集带。  相似文献   

煎茶岭硫化镍矿床的铂族元素地球化学特征及其意义   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
采用ICP-MS分析方法对煎茶岭硫化镍矿床岩石及矿石的铂族元素地球化学研究表明,煎茶岭矿床蛇纹岩的Cu/Pd值低于原生地幔岩浆的Cu/Pd值,说明岩浆熔离作用较弱,其Au/Pd值反映存在后期变质热液成矿作用镍矿石的Pd/Ir比值变化较小,指示其多数矿石属于岩浆型,尽管岩浆活动弱,但以岩浆成矿作用为主。该硫化镍矿床的铂族元素特征参数(Pt/(Pt Pd)、(Pt Pd)/(Ru Ir Os)、Pd/Ir及Cu/(Ni Cu)等)具有过渡特征,这与其处于过渡的构造环境、特殊的岩浆性质和复杂的成矿作用有关煎茶岭镍矿床成矿过程中有壳源物质的混染,整体上岩、矿石铂族元素含量较低,这与其岩浆熔离作用弱,PGE成矿作用不发育等因素有关  相似文献   

位于芬兰北部中拉普兰绿岩带的克维特斯塔(Kevitsa)镍-铜-铂族元素矿床是世界上主要的岩浆镍-铜硫化物矿床之一。该矿床储量大,含丰富的镍-铜硫化物和铂族元素。对矿床产出环境、地质特征、矿床成因等进行了总结,结果表明:矿体主要赋存于克维特斯塔基性—超基性层状侵入体的超基性单元中。主要矿石类型为普通型和镍-铂族元素型2种,其中镍-铂族元素型矿石内橄榄石具极高的Ni含量。主要矿石矿物为磁黄铁矿、镍黄铁矿、黄铜矿、黄铁矿、针硫镍矿、红砷镍矿、砷镍矿、辉砷镍矿等,绝大部分铂族矿物包含在硅酸盐中和附着在硫化物颗粒边界。Re-Os、Sm-Nd、Sr及S同位素特征显示成矿岩浆为幔源,但受到地壳物质的混染作用。Pb同位素年代学结果表明克维特斯塔侵入体形成于古元古代。  相似文献   

圪塔山口铜镍矿床位于东天山黄山-镜儿泉-图拉尔根铜镍矿带东段,目前,规模已达小型,以星点状和稀疏浸染状矿石为主。矿石中Ni含量为0.16%~1.39%,Cu含量为0.02%~1.21%,Ni/Cu值为1.15~7.01。铂族元素总量含量较低,为13.11×10-9~828.09×10-9,矿石Pd/Ir值为13.9~20.8,表明成矿后热液活动对铂族元素影响较小。铂族元素原始地幔标准化配分曲线呈明显的左倾型,PPGE含量略高于IPGE。在Ni/Cu-Pd/Ir图解上,圪塔山口矿床母岩浆成分落入高镁玄武岩区域,与国内其他典型铜镍矿床成矿母岩浆性质一致。深部岩浆房内少量硫化物的熔离是导致矿石中PGE亏损的主要原因。铂族元素之间呈较好的正相关性,表明硫化物熔离后未发生明显的分离结晶作用。  相似文献   

岩浆硫化物矿床中的铂族元素矿物主要是与半金属元素的化合物,但有关这些半金属元素在岩浆系统中的行为的研究却甚少。对金川龙首矿区不同类型矿石的Cu、Ni、铂族元素和半金属元素的分析研究发现,在熔离过程中这些半金属元素会与铂族元素一起进入硫化物熔浆中,在硫化物熔浆分离结晶过程中倾向于在残余熔体中富集,在单硫化物固溶体分离过程中部分半金属元素趋于进入镍黄铁矿中。由于半金属元素与铂族元素(PGE),特别是Pt和Pd,具有很强的亲和力,所以在半金属元素达到铂族矿物结晶所需要的饱和浓度前,其存在会阻碍PGE进入金属硫化物(BMS)中。此外,金川矿床S/Se值的变化不仅受同化混染作用及硫化物熔离强度的影响,还受后期热液蚀变作用的影响。  相似文献   

新疆萨尔托海铬铁矿中的Fe-Ni-As-S矿物研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
谭娟娟  朱永峰 《岩石学报》2010,26(8):2264-2274
新疆萨尔托海铬铁矿是一个典型的与蛇绿岩有关的高铝型豆荚状铬铁矿,其中矿石铬尖晶石发生了明显的热液蚀变,发育了富Cr的蚀变环边,形成高铁铬铁矿,Cr#在蚀变后升高,发生了Cr元素的次生富集。在矿石颗粒间隙中的Fe-Ni-As-S矿物组合主要为镍黄铁矿-赫硫镍矿-针镍矿-砷镍矿。围岩纯橄岩普遍发育强烈的蛇纹石化,其中的Fe-Ni-As-S矿物组合为赫硫镍矿-镍黄铁矿-砷镍矿,还有少量的针镍矿和铜矿物。通过对硫化物的成分对比分析,认为矿石中的镍黄铁矿和赫硫镍矿都属于岩浆演化的产物(600℃),与赫硫镍矿和针镍矿一样,均从贫S的母岩浆中通过岩浆熔离过程形成。围岩和矿石中的含砷矿物以及围岩中的镍黄铁矿都是晚期热液活动的结果,其中砷镍矿具有特殊的蠕虫状-乳滴状结构,与围岩中的赫硫镍矿和镍黄铁矿共生。围岩和矿石中Fe-Ni-As-S矿物组合的形态和成分差异,说明金属矿物的整体演化从岩浆期到热液期经历了从贫S到富As的环境变化,最终形成了现在所观察到的复杂Fe-Ni-As-S矿物组合。  相似文献   

Summary The Jinchuan deposit is a platinum group element (PGE)-rich sulfide deposit in China. Drilling and surface sampling show that three categories of platinum group element (PGE) mineralization occur; type I formed at magmatic temperatures, type II occurs in hydrothermally altered zones of the intrusion, and type III in sheared dunite and lherzolite. All ore types were analyzed for Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pd, Pt and Au, as well as for Cu, Ni, Co and S. Type I ore has (Pt + Pd)/(Os + Ir + Ru + Rh) ratios of <7 and relatively flat chondrite-normalized noble metal patterns; the platinum group minerals (PGM) are dominated by sperrylite and moncheite associated with chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and pentlandite. Type II has (Pt + Pd)/(Os + Ir + Ru + Rh) ratios from 40 to 330 and noble metal distribution patterns with a positive slope; the most common PGM are sperrylite and Pd bismuthotelluride phases concentrated mostly at the margins of base metal sulfides. Type III ores have the highest (Pt + Pd)/(Os + Ir + Ru + Rh) ratios from 240 to 710; the most abundant PGM are sperrylite and phases of the Pt–Pd–Te–Bi–As–Cl system. It is concluded that the Jinchuan deposit formed as a result of primary magmatic crystallization followed by hydrothermal remobilization, transport, and deposition of the PGE.  相似文献   

Small bodies of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, minor pentlandite, and magnetite occur at the peripheries of podiform bodies of chromite in ultramafic ophiolitic rocks at Tsangli, Eretria, central Greece. Banding of magnetite and sulfide within the bodies is reminiscent of magmatic banding. A magmatic origin has been proposed for similar sulfide masses in the Troodos ophiolite (Panayiotou, 1980). The compositions of the host rocks, chromite, and of the sulfides have been investigated. On average, the sulfide mineralization, recalculated to metal content in 100% sulfide, contains 0.55% Ni, 5.15% Cu, 0.29% Co, 9 ppb Pd, 179 ppb Pt, 16 ppb Rh, 112 ppb Ru, 31 ppb Ir, 58 ppb Os, and 212 ppb Au. These metal contents, particularly the high Cu/(Cu+Ni) ratio of 0.78 and the Pt/(Pd+Pt) ratio of 0.95, are inconsistent with the sulfides having reached equilibrium with their Ni rich host rocks at magmatic temperatures and accordingly it is concluded that they are not of magmatic origin. The average 34S value of the sulfide bodies is +2 while that of a sample of pyrite from country-rock schist is –15.6. These values are inconclusive as to the origin of the sulfur. It is suggested that the sulfides have been precipitated by hydrothermal fluids, possibly those responsible for the serpentinization of the host rocks. The source of the metals may have been the host rocks themselves.  相似文献   

Ongoing underground exploration in the giant Jinchuan Ni-Cu sulfide deposit in western China is beginning to emphasize the potential for Cu-, Pt-, and Pd-rich sulfide ores that may have formed by sulfide liquid fractionation. The success of such an effort relies on whether or not fractional crystallization of sulfide occurred in the Jinchuan system. In this paper, we used available PGE data to evaluate such a process. We found that about two thirds of the 126 samples analyzed to date exhibit significant decoupling not only between Pt and Pd but also between Ru, Rh, and Ir. The best explanation for the decoupling is postmagmatic hydrothermal alteration, which affected not only silicates but also sulfides. The effects of postmagmatic alteration must be considered when using metal and isotopic ratios to evaluate primary mineralization. PGE variations in the remaining one third of the samples with Ir/(Ir + Ru) = 0.3–0.7, Ir/(Ir + Rh) = 0.4–0.8, and Pt/(Pt + Pd) = 0.3–0.7 indicate variable R-factors within individual ore bodies as well as the entire deposit, consistent with the interpretation that multiple sulfide-bearing magmas from depth were involved in the formation of the Jinchuan deposit. The mantle-normalized PGE patterns of the least-altered samples from the Jinchuan deposit are similar to the picrite-related Pechenga Ni-Cu sulfide deposit in Russia. PGE variations that can be related to sulfide liquid fractionation are observed in orebody-1 and orebody-24 but not in orebody-2 at Jinchuan. Exploration for Cu-, Pt-, and Pd-rich sulfide ores that may have been expelled into fractures in the footwalls of orebody-1 and orebody-24 appears to be justified.  相似文献   

The distribution of platinum group elements (PGEs) in massive sulfides and hematite–magnetite±pyrite assemblages from the recently discovered basalt-hosted Turtle Pits hydrothermal field and in massive sulfides from the ultramafic-hosted Logatchev vent field both on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was studied and compared to that from selected ancient volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) deposits. Cu-rich samples from black smoker chimneys of both vent fields are enriched in Pd and Rh (Pd up to 227 ppb and Rh up to 149 ppb) when compared to hematite–magnetite-rich samples from Turtle Pits (Pd up to 10 ppb, Rh up to 1.9 ppb). A significant positive correlation was established between Cu and Rh in sulfide samples from Turtle Pits. PGE chondrite-normalized patterns (with a positive Rh anomaly and Pd and Au enrichment), Pd/Pt and Pd/Au ratios close to global MORB, and high values of Pd/Ir and Pt/Ir ratios indicate mafic source rock and seawater involvement in the hydrothermal system at Turtle Pits. Similarly shaped PGE chondrite-normalized patterns and high values of Pd/Pt and Pd/Ir ratios in Cu-rich sulfides at Logatchev likely reflect a similar mechanism of PGE enrichment but with involvement of ultramafic source rocks.  相似文献   

对新疆北山地区红石山镁铁-超镁铁质岩体中含铜镍的硫化物矿石和岩石进行了铂族元素和Re-Os同位素地球化学特征研究,结果表明,矿石及岩石的铂族元素(PGE)总量较低,变化于0.54×10-9~15.84×10-9之间。较低的Pd/Ir比值表明岩石主要受岩浆作用控制,后期热液作用影响不明显。较高的Cu/Pd和Ti/Pd比值表明岩浆在演化过程中发生了硫化物的熔离。岩体的母岩浆为有早期结晶橄榄石加入的高镁的玄武质岩浆。γOs(t)的变化较大,变化于-282~+282之间,表明有较多的地壳物质混入。地壳物质混染和橄榄石等矿物的分离结晶可能是引起岩浆中的S达到饱和进而熔离的重要因素。红石山岩体是经历了结晶分异和硫化物熔离后橄榄石的堆积体与残余岩浆演化的混合体。  相似文献   

金川超大型铜镍硫化物矿床的铂族元素地球化学特征   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
对金川超大型铜镍岩浆硫化物矿床岩石、矿石的铂族元素地球化学特征研究表明 ,金川岩体的平均Cu/Pd值远大于原生地幔岩浆的Cu/Pd值 ,说明其岩石为因硫化物析离而失去Pd的岩浆所结晶 ;且岩石的PGE具有部分熔融趋势 ,与地幔橄榄岩接近 ,这些均指示存在岩浆熔离作用。该矿床岩石、矿石的PGE球粒陨石标准化分布模式比较对应 ,均可分为两种类型 ,反映了岩浆多次侵入、熔离分异同时成岩成矿的特征。另外 ,PGE S关系分析表明其成岩成矿过程中有少量地壳物质混染。PGE地球化学特征参数还指示了其高镁拉斑玄武质母岩浆的性质。  相似文献   

The Huangshannan magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposit is one of a group of Permian magmatic Ni-Cu deposits located in the southern Central Asian Orogenic belt in the Eastern Tianshan, northwest China. It is characterized by elevated Ni tenor (concentrations in recalculated 100% sulfide) in sulfide within ultramafic rocks (9–19 wt%), with values much higher than other deposits in the region. Sulfides of the Huangshannan deposit are composed of pentlandite, chalcopyrite, and pyrrhotite and the host rock is relatively fresh, indicating that the high-Ni tenor is a primary magmatic feature rather than formed by alteration processes. It is shown that sulfides with high-Ni tenor can be generated by sulfide-olivine equilibrium at an oxygen fugacity of QFM +0.5, for magmas containing 450 ppm Ni and 20% olivine. Ores with >10 wt% sulfur have relatively low PGE and Ni tenors compared to other ores, R factor (mass ratio of silicate to sulfide liquid) modeling of Ni indicates that they formed at moderate R values (150–600). Based on this constraint on R values, ores with <10 wt% sulfides in the Huangshannan deposit can be segregated from a similar parental magma with 0.05 ppb Os, 0.023 ppb Ir, and 0.5 ppb Pd at R values between 600 and 3000. This, coupled with the supra-cotectic proportions of sulfide liquid to cumulus silicates in the Huangshannan ores imply mechanical transport and deposition of sulfide liquid in a magma pathway or conduit, in which sulfides must have interacted with large volumes of silicate magma. Platinum and Pd depletion relative to other platinum group elements (PGEs) are observed in fresh and sulfide-rich samples (S > 4.5 wt%). As sulfide-rich samples are also depleted in Cu, and as interstitial sulfides in those samples are physically interconnected at a scale of several cms, the low Pt and Pd anomalies are attributed to solid Pt and Pd phases crystallization and retention with the monosulfide solid solution (MSS) and Cu-rich sulfide liquid percolation during MSS fractionation. This finding indicates that Pt anomalies in sulfide-rich rocks from magmatic Ni-Cu deposits in the Eastern Tianshan are the result of sulfide fractionation rather than a hydrothermal effect. 187Os/188Os(278Ma) values of the lherzolite samples vary from 0.27 to 0.37 and γOs(278Ma) values vary from 110 to 189, indicating significant magma interaction with crustal sulfides, rich in radiogenic Os. Well constrained γOs values and δ34S values (−0.4 to 0.8‰) indicate that crustal contamination occurred at depth before the arrival of the magma in the Huangshannan chamber. Regionally, deposits with high-Ni tenor have not been reported other than the Huangshannan deposit; however, many intrusions with high-Ni contents in olivine are present in NW China, such as the Erhongwa, Poyi and Poshi intrusions. Those intrusions are capable of forming high-Ni tenor sulfides due to olivine-sulfide-silicate equilibrium and relative high-Ni content in parent magma, making them attractive exploration targets.  相似文献   

The Binchuan area of Yunnan is located in the western part of the Emeishan large igneous province in the western margin of the Yangtze Block.In the present study,the Wuguiqing profile in thickness of about 1440 m is mainly composed of high-Ti basalts,with minor picrites in the lower part and andesites,trachytes,and rhyolites in the upper part.The picrites have relatively higher platinum-group element(PGE) contents(ΣPGE=16.3-28.2 ppb),with high Cu/Zr and Pd/Zr ratios,and low S contents(5.03-16.9 ppm),indicating the parental magma is S-unsaturated and generated by high degree of partial melting of the Emeishan large igneous province(ELIP) mantle source.The slightly high Cu/Pd ratios(11 000-24 000) relative to that of the primitive mantle suggest that 0.007%sulfides have been retained in the mantle source.The PGE contents of the high-Ti basalts exhibit a wider range(ΣPGE=0.517-30.8 ppb).The samples in the middle and upper parts are depleted in PGE and haveεNd(260 Ma) ratios ranging from -2.8 to -2.2,suggesting that crustal contamination of the parental magma during ascent triggered sulfur saturation and segregation of about 0.446%-0.554% sulfides,and the sulfide segregation process may also provide the ore-forming material for the magmatic Cu-Ni-PGE sulfide deposits close to the studied basalts.The samples in this area show Pt-Pd type primitive mantle-normalized PGE patterns,and the Pd/Ir ratios are higher than that of the primitive mantle(Pd/Ir=1),indicating that the obvious differentiation between Ir-group platinum-group elements(IPGE) and Pd-group platinum-group elements(PPGE) are mainly controlled by olivine or chromites fractionation during magma evolution.The Pd/Pt ratios of most samples are higher than the average ratio of mantle(Pd/Pt=0.55),showing that the differentiation happened between Pt and Pd.The differentiation in picrites may be relevant to Pt hosted in discrete refractory Pt-alloy phase in the mantle;whereas the differentiation in the high-Ti basalts is probably associated with the fractionation of Fe-Pt alloys,coprecipitating with Ir-Ru-Os alloys.Some high-Ti basalt samples exhibit negative Ru anomalies,possibly due to removal of laurite collected by the early crystallized chromites.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic offsets in the peak concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE) and base-metal sulfides in the main sulfide zone of the Great Dyke and the precious metals zone of the Sonju Lake Intrusion have, in part, been attributed to the interaction between magmatic PGE-bearing base-metal sulfide assemblages and hydrothermal fluids. In this paper, we provide mineralogical and textural evidence that indicates alteration of base-metal sulfides and mobilization of metals and S during hydrothermal alteration in both mineralized intrusions. Stable isotopic data suggest that the fluids involved in the alteration were of magmatic origin in the Great Dyke but that a meteoric water component was involved in the alteration of the Sonju Lake Intrusion. The strong spatial association of platinum-group minerals, principally Pt and Pd sulfides, arsenides, and tellurides, with base-metal sulfide assemblages in the main sulfide zone of the Great Dyke is consistent with residual enrichment of Pt and Pd during hydrothermal alteration. However, such an interpretation is more tenuous for the precious metals zone of the Sonju Lake Intrusion where important Pt and Pd arsenides and antimonides occur as inclusions within individual plagioclase crystals and within alteration assemblages that are free of base-metal sulfides. Our observations suggest that Pt and Pd tellurides, antimonides, and arsenides may form during both magmatic crystallization and subsolidus hydrothermal alteration. Experimental studies of magmatic crystallization and hydrothermal transport/deposition in systems involving arsenides, tellurides, antimonides, and base metal sulfides are needed to better understand the relative importance of magmatic and hydrothermal processes in controlling the distribution of PGE in mineralized layered intrusions of this type.  相似文献   

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