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兰春元  陶仁彪  张立飞  郭顺 《岩石学报》2022,38(5):1523-1540
地球98%以上的碳赋存在地球深部地幔和地核中。地球深部储库(地幔和地核)中的碳以各类岩浆作用释放到地表,而地球表层系统(大气圈、水圈、生物圈)中的碳又可以伴随板块俯冲作用进入地球深部地幔。然而俯冲过程中不同的脱碳机制会将俯冲板片中部分乃至全部碳带出板片,而后经由岛弧岩浆作用、流体扩散作用等途径返回地表。因此,板片俯冲过程中的脱碳机制及其通量深刻地影响了地质时间尺度中地表系统的二氧化碳浓度,进而改变地球的宜居性。本文总结了目前主流观点认可的五种俯冲板片脱碳机制:变质反应脱碳、流体溶解脱碳、熔融脱碳、底辟脱碳和氧化还原脱碳。另一方面,目前对于俯冲板片各种脱碳机制对应的脱碳效率还有很大的争议,因此本文进一步梳理了板片俯冲过程中不同脱碳机制相关的通量估算的研究进展与存在的问题,建议将来综合多种方法对比研究俯冲带碳循环问题,以期在俯冲带深部碳循环过程和通量方面取得突破性进展。  相似文献   

俯冲带作为联系地表和地球深部系统的纽带,不仅是将地表碳带入地球深部的主要通道,也是地表物质和地球深部物质发生交换的重要场所。俯冲作用可以将地表碳以有机碳或无机碳酸盐矿物等形式带入地球深部,再通过火山作用或去气作用返回到地表系统。俯冲带深部碳循环控制着地表碳通量变化,对于研究全球气候变化和地球宜居环境具有重要意义。本文结合前人的相关研究成果,综合探讨了俯冲带的脱碳机制及固碳作用过程。俯冲带脱碳机制主要有变质反应脱碳、流体溶解脱碳和熔融作用脱碳。从俯冲板块释放的含碳流体不一定都会迁移返回地表,有一部分含碳流体在迁移演化过程中会和围岩发生反应,形成不易迁移的其他含碳相(碳酸盐、石墨或金刚石)而重新固存在俯冲板块以及上覆地幔楔中(固碳作用),进而影响碳在不同储库中的含量变化,在计算俯冲带释放碳通量时需要考虑这一过程的影响。  相似文献   

碳循环可以分为地球表层短周期的地表碳循环和地球内部长周期的深部碳循环。地球的碳90%以上是赋存在固体地球内部,因此深部碳循环研究对于探讨地表碳循环过程具有重要意义。本文较深入地探讨了俯冲带深部碳循环研究的现状和问题。目前俯冲带深部碳循环研究关键的科学问题包括:(1)俯冲带变质过程中含碳物质相的转变,(2)俯冲带脱碳机制,(3)俯冲带深部碳循环和地幔交代作用。俯冲带变质过程中含碳物质相的转变是深部碳循环研究的最基本问题,将是深部碳进一步研究的重点。俯冲带脱碳机制主要包括纯变质反应脱碳、流体溶解脱碳(流体渗透作用)、熔融作用脱碳和氧化还原反应脱碳4个方面,这是目前深部碳循环研究的前沿领域。俯冲带深部碳循环研究对于探讨地幔不均一性以及地幔交代过程都具有重要研究意义。  相似文献   

地球深部碳循环是指地球表层的碳在俯冲带进入地幔深部,然后通过岩浆或者脱气作用再把地幔中的碳释放到地球表层系统中的过程。人类对地球深部碳赋存形式和储量、不同储库的交换方式和交换量尚缺乏清晰认识,近年来随着分析技术的发展和研究的深入,深部碳循环的研究日益丰富。本文总结了地幔中碳赋存状态、地球深部碳储量、碳进出地幔方式及通量、俯冲带碳的行为和碳酸岩成因及成矿方面的研究。地幔中碳赋存形式多样且主要受地球深部压力及氧逸度控制。相平衡实验和热动力学计算发现碳酸盐化榴辉岩在300~600 km发生部分熔融,交代地幔橄榄岩形成碳酸盐化地幔橄榄岩。碳酸盐化地幔橄榄岩的熔融又会形成碳酸岩熔体,这说明俯冲再循环物质可能对碳酸岩的成因起重要作用。碳酸岩是研究深部碳循环的良好载体,其源区特征、岩浆演化过程对示踪碳在地幔和地壳过程中的迁移至关重要。虽然深部碳循环在碳赋存形式、碳储量及通量、俯冲带碳的流变行为和碳酸岩成因对深部碳循环的启示方面已经取得了较大的研究进展,但仍有大量的科学问题亟待解决,如:沉积碳酸盐岩再循环进入地球深部后的行为、俯冲带板片流体地球化学行为、俯冲带流体氧逸度特征等,将来有必要重点开展深入研...  相似文献   

俯冲带变质过程中的含碳流体   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘景波 《岩石学报》2019,35(1):89-98
俯冲带含碳岩石通过俯冲过程的变质反应生成了含碳水流体、富硅酸盐的超临界流体和含碳熔体。不同类型流体的形成与岩石成分和岩石经历的温压条件相关。岩石中碳酸盐矿物脱碳反应的温压条件取决于岩石起初的流体成分:有水存在时,反应发生在低温条件下。在高压条件下,碳酸盐矿物在水或含盐水流体的溶解是生成含碳流体重要的机制,其导致的碳迁移作用可能超过脱碳变质反应的作用。高温条件下,含碳岩石的部分熔融可以生成含碳的熔体,这在热俯冲环境和俯冲带岩石底辟到上覆地幔的情况下是碳迁移重要载体。富硅酸盐的超临界流体可能是在第二临界端点上形成的超临界流体,目前在超高压岩石中观察到的非花岗质成分的多相固体包裹体被认为是这种流体结晶的产物,然而对其理解尚存在很多问题,需要进一步的实验研究。地表含碳岩石在俯冲带被带到深部,俯冲带地温特征的不同导致了不同类型含碳流体的形成,这些流体运移至上覆地幔引起岩石部分熔融产生含碳的岛弧岩浆,岩浆喷出到地表释放了其中的碳,这构成了俯冲带-岛弧系统的碳循环。  相似文献   

在板片俯冲过程中,基性洋壳、下伏蛇纹石化岩石圈地幔和覆盖在俯冲洋壳上的大洋沉积物在不同深度会依次发生板片脱水作用和沉积物熔融,形成的俯冲带熔/流体可携带某些元素交代地幔楔,进而通过弧岩浆作用返回地壳。同时,俯冲板片内不同组分之间也会发生化学成分的迁移和交换,并最终进入深部地幔,造成地幔不均一性和不同程度壳幔相互作用。本文报道了我国西南天山典型高压-超高压变质带中蛇纹岩、辉石岩、绿片岩、蓝片岩和榴辉岩内各矿物相的主量元素及Cu、Co、Ni含量数据。结果表明,除辉石岩中透辉石的Cu含量较高(1.26×10-6~76.9×10-6)外,其它硅酸盐矿物的Cu含量均在1.0×10-6~10.0×10-6左右;而Co和Ni在不同岩性及不同矿物之间显示较大的含量差异:蛇纹岩中蛇纹石的Co和Ni含量分别为22.6×10-6~49.6×10-6和482×10-6~1097×10-6,榴辉岩中绿辉石的Co和Ni含量分别为6.0×10...  相似文献   

地幔氧逸度与俯冲带深部碳循环   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
陶仁彪  张立飞  刘曦 《岩石学报》2015,31(7):1879-1890
地幔氧逸度通过改变含碳相的存在形式和迁移方式来影响深部碳循环。本文结合最新的地幔氧逸度实验模拟和岩石学研究成果,探讨了地幔氧逸度时空分布对深部碳循环的影响。文章重点结合地幔减压熔融形成洋壳、新生洋壳蚀变、洋壳俯冲变质、深俯冲洋壳熔融以及俯冲洋壳物质(流体和固体)通过岩浆(岛弧和地幔柱)作用循环出地表等重要地质过程,探讨了伴随洋壳俯冲作用的深部碳循环过程。由于地幔氧逸度的时空变化,俯冲带含碳相表现出不同的存在形式和迁移能力。通过对西南天山俯冲带碳循环的岩石学和实验研究,我们认为应当进一步深入研究俯冲带氧化还原状态及其对俯冲带深部碳循环的影响。  相似文献   

深俯冲碳酸盐化泥质岩的部分熔融行为研究是探索地球深部碳循环必不可少的方向之一,对地球深部物质循环、岩浆形成以及地幔化学成分不均一等过程起着不容忽视的作用。本文利用多顶砧大压机探索了6.0 GPa、800~1 600℃下碳酸盐化泥质岩的部分熔融行为,实验产物主要包括石榴子石、单斜辉石、柯石英、蓝晶石、碳酸盐矿物、多硅白云母以及熔体。碳酸盐矿物为方解石和菱镁矿,存在于6.0 GPa固相线以下的实验产物中。相对于同等压力下其它碳酸盐化体系,本文实验体系具有最低的固相线。部分熔融产生的熔体为硅酸盐熔体,且随着温度的升高,熔体比例逐渐增加,熔体成分也发生了明显的变化。  相似文献   

俯冲带的碳循环不仅在维持地球表层和地球深部之间的碳平衡方面起着关键的作用,而且还和许多重要的地球深部动力学过程密切相关。热动力学数值模拟和高温高压实验的研究结果表明,俯冲大洋板片中的大多数碳酸盐能够在弧前和弧下深度幸存下来,从而进入更深的地幔中。在地幔过渡带,因为板片滞留所带来的热松弛效应将使幸存下来的碳酸盐以熔体的形式释放出去,其独特的物理化学性质使这些熔体构成了一种有效的交代组分。考虑到地幔过渡带的氧逸度特别低,那些进入未经交代地幔中的碳酸盐熔体将变得不稳定而被还原成其他形式。不过在随后地幔对流上升的过程中,这些被还原的表壳碳又会因为氧逸度在某些临界深度发生突变而氧化熔融,这也许可以解释地幔不同深度所存在的某些高导低速体和地震波各向异性等现象。作为洋壳俯冲的后续过程,陆壳的深俯冲作用也可以将表壳碳带至地幔深处,例如超高压大理岩和碳酸盐化榴辉岩的广泛产出就是最好的证明。超高压变质岩中金刚石的产出表明其构成了表壳碳在地幔深处的一种重要赋存形式,研究显示其形成过程和富碳熔体、流体的活动密切相关。虽然前人针对俯冲带的碳循环已经取得了若干研究进展,然而仍有大量的科学问题亟待解决。最后就一些关键性的问题进行了列举说明,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

位于中国南天山的西天山高压变质带代表了伊犁-中天山与塔里木两个板块间古生代南天山洋的古俯冲混杂岩带.高压变质带内广泛发育高压脉.为探讨古俯冲深部流体来源及运移特点及板块俯冲特征,对高压脉和主岩的全岩及主要的高压变质矿物的氧同位素进行了分析.高压脉的δ18O值变化于+8.28‰与+10.70‰之间,多数在+9.50‰±1范围内.基性变质岩的主岩与高压脉具相似的氧同位素组成,变化于+9.25‰~+10.10‰之间.高压脉和主岩的全岩δ18O值变化不大.高压脉与相邻主岩间、同一高压脉中间与边部间氧同位素组成的变化没有明显的规律,一般变化不大,对于大多数脉-主岩对,变化小于1‰.与全岩完全不同的是,单矿物氧同位素组成显示出很大的变化范围,石英、石榴石、绿辉石的δ18O值分别为+11.40‰~+15.20‰,+3.59‰~+11.60‰和+8.30‰~+13.05‰,多硅白云母和蓝闪石δ18O的变化较小,分别为+10.00‰~+11.10‰和+9.26‰~+9.94‰.榴辉质岩石中高压变质矿物间氧同位素分馏广泛不平衡.全岩氧同位素组成特征表明,俯冲带深部流体主体来自邻近主岩,外来流体对氧同位素贡献有限.单矿物氧同位素广泛不平衡特征可能指示古俯冲带俯冲板片的快速俯冲和折返以及部分外来流体的参与.  相似文献   

We have experimentally investigated melting phase relation of a nominally anhydrous, carbonated pelitic eclogite (HPLC1) at 2.5 and 3.0 GPa at 900–1,350°C in order to constrain the cycling of sedimentary carbon in subduction zones. The starting composition HPLC1 (with 5 wt% bulk CO2) is a model composition, on a water-free basis, and is aimed to represent a mixture of 10 wt% pelagic carbonate unit and 90 wt% hemipelagic mud unit that enter the Central American trench. Sub-solidus assemblage comprises clinopyroxene + garnet + K-feldspar + quartz/coesite + rutile + calcio-ankerite/ankeritess. Solidus temperature is at 900–950°C at 2.5 GPa and at 900–1,000°C at 3.0 GPa, and the near-solidus melt is K-rich granitic. Crystalline carbonates persist only 50–100°C above the solidus and at temperatures above carbonate breakdown, carbon exists in the form of dissolved CO2 in silica-rich melts and as a vapor phase. The rhyodacitic to dacitic partial melt evolves from a K-rich composition at near-solidus condition to K-poor, and Na- and Ca-rich composition with increasing temperature. The low breakdown temperatures of crystalline carbonate in our study compared to those of recent studies on carbonated basaltic eclogite and peridotite owes to Fe-enrichment of carbonates in pelitic lithologies. However, the conditions of carbonate release in our study still remain higher than the modern depth-temperature trajectories of slab-mantle interface at sub-arc depths, suggesting that the release of sedimentary carbonates is unlikely in modern subduction zones. One possible scenario of carbonate release in modern subduction zones is the detachment and advection of sedimentary piles to hotter mantle wedge and consequent dissolution of carbonate in rhyodacitic partial melt. In the Paleo-NeoProterozoic Earth, on the other hand, the hotter slab-surface temperatures at subduction zones likely caused efficient liberation of carbon from subducting sedimentary carbonates. Deeply subducted carbonated sediments, similar to HPLC1, upon encountering a hotter mantle geotherm in the oceanic province can release carbon-bearing melts with high K2O, K2O/TiO2, and high silica, and can contribute to EM2-type ocean island basalts. Generation of EM2-type mantle end-member may also occur through metasomatism of mantle wedge by carbonated metapelite plume-derived partial melts.  相似文献   

陈仁旭  郑永飞 《地球科学》2019,44(12):4095-4101
俯冲带是地壳与地幔之间物质交换的主要场所.前人对大洋俯冲带壳幔相互作用进行了大量研究,但是对俯冲带壳幔相互作用的物理化学过程和机理仍缺乏明确认识.在大陆俯冲带出露有造山带橄榄岩,它们来自俯冲板片之上的地幔楔,是解决这个问题的理想样品.通过对大别-苏鲁和柴北缘造山带橄榄岩进行系统的岩石学和地球化学研究,发现地幔楔橄榄岩由于俯冲地壳的交代作用而含有新生锆石和残留锆石,它们能为地壳交代作用时间、交代介质来源、性质和组成提供制约.地幔楔橄榄岩在大陆碰撞过程的不同阶段受到了俯冲大陆地壳衍生的多期不同性质流体的交代作用.地幔楔橄榄岩还受到了陆壳俯冲之前古俯冲洋壳衍生流体的交代作用.深俯冲陆壳衍生熔体与橄榄岩反应形成的石榴辉石岩具有高的水含量,能提供高水含量的地幔源区.   相似文献   

俯冲带部分熔融   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
张泽明  丁慧霞  董昕  田作林 《岩石学报》2020,36(9):2589-2615
俯冲带是地幔对流环的下沉翼,是地球内部的重要物理与化学系统。俯冲带具有比周围地幔更低的温度,因此,一般认为俯冲板片并不会发生部分熔融,而是脱水导致上覆地幔楔发生部分熔融。但是,也有研究认为,在水化的洋壳俯冲过程中可以发生部分熔融。特别是在下列情况下,俯冲洋壳的部分熔融是俯冲带岩浆作用的重要方式。年轻的大洋岩石圈发生低角度缓慢俯冲时,洋壳物质可以发生饱和水或脱水熔融,基性岩部分熔融形成埃达克岩。太古代的俯冲带很可能具有与年轻大洋岩石圈俯冲带类似的热结构,俯冲的洋壳板片部分熔融可以形成英云闪长岩-奥长花岗岩-花岗闪长岩。平俯冲大洋高原中的基性岩可以发生部分熔融产生埃达克岩。扩张洋中脊俯冲可以导致板片窗边缘的洋壳部分熔融形成埃达克岩。与俯冲洋壳相比,俯冲的大陆地壳具有很低的水含量,较难发生部分熔融,但在超高压变质陆壳岩石的折返过程中可以经历广泛的脱水熔融。超高压变质岩在地幔深部熔融形成的熔体与地幔相互作用是碰撞造山带富钾岩浆岩的可能成因机制。碰撞造山带的加厚下地壳可经历长期的高温与高压变质和脱水熔融,形成S型花岗岩和埃达克质岩石。  相似文献   

The shift of lava geochemistry between volcanic front to rear-arc volcanoes in active subduction zones is a widespread phenomenon. It is somehow linked to an increase of the slab surface depth of the subducting oceanic lithosphere and increasing thickness of the mantle wedge and new constraints for its causes may improve our understanding of magma generation and element recycling in subduction zones in general. As a case study, this paper focuses on the geochemical composition of lavas from two adjacent volcanic centres from the volcanic front (VF) to rear-arc (RA) transition of the Southern Kamchatkan subduction zone, with the aim to examine whether the shift in lava geochemistry is associated with processes in the mantle wedge or in the subducted oceanic lithosphere or both. The trace element and O-Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb (double-spike)-isotopic composition of the mafic Mutnovsky (VF) and Gorely (RA) lavas in conjunction with geochemical modelling provides constraints for the degree of partial melting in the mantle wedge and the nature of their slab components. Degrees of partial melting are inferred to be significantly higher beneath Mutnovsky (∼18%) than Gorely (∼10%). The Mutnovsky (VF) slab component is dominated by hydrous fluids, derived from subducted sediments and altered oceanic crust, eventually containing minor but variable amounts of sediment melts. The composition of the Gorely slab component strongly points to a hydrous silicate melt, most likely mainly stemming from subducted sediments, although additional fluid-contribution from the underlying altered oceanic crust (AOC) is likely. Moreover, the Hf-Nd-isotope data combined with geochemical modelling suggest progressive break-down of accessory zircon in the melting metasediments. Therefore, the drastic VF to RA shift in basalt chemistry mainly arises from the transition of the nature of the slab component (from hydrous fluid to melt) in conjunction with decreasing degrees of partial melting within ∼15 km across-arc. Finally, systematic variations of key inter-element with high-precision Pb-isotope ratios provide geochemical evidence for a pollution of the Mutnovsky mantle source with Gorely melt components but not vice versa, most likely resulting from trench-ward mantle wedge corner flow. We also present a geodynamic model integrating the location of the Mutnovsky and Gorely volcanic centres and their lava geochemistry with the recently proposed thermal structure of the southern Kamchatkan arc and constraints about phase equilibria in subducted sediments and AOC. Herein, the slab surface hosting the subducted sediments suffers a transition from dehydration to melting above a continuously dehydrating layer of AOC. Wider implications of this study are that an onset of (flush-) sediment melting may ultimately be the main trigger for the VF to RA transition of lava geochemistry in subduction zones.  相似文献   

沈骥  李王晔  李曙光  肖益林 《地球科学》2019,44(12):4102-4111
在不同的俯冲深度,俯冲板片会释放出不同来源和组成的熔/流体进入俯冲隧道中,并进而影响上覆地幔楔及衍生岛弧岩浆的地球化学组成.然而,如何识别俯冲隧道中不同深度熔/流体组分的来源一直是俯冲带研究中的难点.对不同深度来源的地幔楔超基性岩进行了Mg同位素研究,发现了Mg同位素具有示踪俯冲板块熔/流体来源的能力.首先,研究了美国加州Franciscan杂岩中一套经历了多期次流体交代作用的浅部来源(< ~60 km)的变质超基性岩.这些部分蛇纹石化的地幔楔超基性岩在蛇纹石脱水形成滑石的过程中会释放轻Mg同位素进入流体,而重Mg同位素更多地残留在滑石相中;随后进一步受俯冲板块来源流体的交代形成具有高CaO和轻Mg同位素组成的透闪石化变橄榄岩,暗示流体中含有源自俯冲板片的、富集轻Mg同位素的碳酸盐,说明在弧前~60 km深度,部分含Mg碳酸盐(方解石)可以在俯冲隧道中发生溶解并迁移交代上覆地幔楔橄榄岩.对深部地幔楔来源(~160 km)的大别造山带毛屋地区超镁铁质岩体岩相学和元素地球化学研究结果证实了其交代成因.结合多相包裹体、元素地球化学以及前人估计的温-压条件,推测交代介质更接近超临界流体.锆石U-Pb年代学研究揭示,交代作用主要发生在古生代洋壳俯冲阶段(454±58 Ma),超高压变质作用则发生在三叠纪陆壳俯冲阶段(232.8±7.9 Ma).古生代锆石中大量的碳酸盐矿物包裹体和重O同位素特征说明古生代洋壳俯冲交代过程中有沉积碳酸盐组分加入.全岩和单矿物的Mg同位素组成均显著低于地幔值以及大别新元古代榴辉岩,说明交代的碳酸盐组分来源应为循环的沉积富Mg碳酸盐,暗示了在俯冲带深部富Mg沉积碳酸盐在超临界流体中会发生溶解迁移.由于沉积碳酸盐具有独特的、显著富集轻Mg同位素组成的特征,这种交代作用会造成地幔楔局部具有异常的Mg同位素组成,从而解释目前观察到的岛弧火山岩的Mg同位素特征.因此,Mg同位素是示踪俯冲碳酸盐与上覆地幔楔相互作用的有效工具.   相似文献   

Garnet‐bearing peridotite lenses are minor but significant components of most metamorphic terranes characterized by high‐temperature eclogite facies assemblages. Most peridotite intrudes when slabs of continental crust are subducted deeply (60–120 km) into the mantle, usually by following oceanic lithosphere down an established subduction zone. Peridotite is transferred from the resulting mantle wedge into the crustal footwall through brittle and/or ductile mechanisms. These ‘mantle’ peridotites vary petrographically, chemically, isotopically, chronologically and thermobarometrically from orogen to orogen, within orogens and even within individual terranes. The variations reflect: (1) derivation from different mantle sources (oceanic or continental lithosphere, asthenosphere); (2) perturbations while the mantle wedges were above subducting oceanic lithosphere; and (3) changes within the host crustal slabs during intrusion, subduction and exhumation. Peridotite caught within mantle wedges above oceanic subduction zones will tend to recrystallize and be contaminated by fluids derived from the subducting oceanic crust. These ‘subduction zone peridotites’ intrude during the subsequent subduction of continental crust. Low‐pressure protoliths introduced at shallow (serpentinite, plagioclase peridotite) and intermediate (spinel peridotite) mantle depths (20–50 km) may be carried to deeper levels within the host slab and undergo high‐pressure metamorphism along with the enclosing rocks. If subducted deeply enough, the peridotites will develop garnet‐bearing assemblages that are isofacial with, and give the same recrystallization ages as, the eclogite facies country rocks. Peridotites introduced at deeper levels (50–120 km) may already contain garnet when they intrude and will not necessarily be isofacial or isochronous with the enclosing crustal rocks. Some garnet peridotites recrystallize from spinel peridotite precursors at very high temperatures (c. 1200 °C) and may derive ultimately from the asthenosphere. Other peridotites are from old (>1 Ga), cold (c. 850 °C), subcontinental mantle (‘relict peridotites’) and seem to require the development of major intra‐cratonic faults to effect their intrusion.  相似文献   

The transfer of fluid and trace elements from the slab to the mantle wedge cannot be adequately explained by simple models of slab devolatilization. The eclogite-facies mélange belt of northern New Caledonia represents previously subducted oceanic crust and contains a significant proportion of talc and chlorite schists associated with serpentinite. These rocks host large quantities of H2O and CO2 and may transport volatiles to deep levels in subduction zones. The bulk-rock and stable isotope compositions of talc and chlorite schist and serpentinite indicate that the serpentinite was formed by seawater alteration of oceanic lithosphere prior to subduction, whereas the talc and chlorite schists were formed by fluid-induced metasomatism of a mélange of mafic, ultramafic and metasedimentary rocks during subduction. In subduction zones, dehydration of talc and chlorite schists should occur at sub-arc depths and at significantly higher temperatures (∼ 800°C) than other lithologies (400–650°C). Fluids released under these conditions could carry high trace-element contents and may trigger partial melting of adjacent pelitic and mafic rocks, and hence may be vital for transferring volatile and trace elements to the source regions of arc magmas. In contrast, these hybrid rocks are unlikely to undergo significant decarbonation during subduction and so may be important for recycling carbon into the deep mantle. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

俯冲带复杂的壳幔相互作用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
俯冲带除俯冲板片脱水形成的富大离子亲石元素流体、交代地幔楔形成的岛弧钙碱性玄武岩安山岩-英安岩-流纹岩及相应侵入岩组合外,还存在由俯冲扳片熔融形成的埃达克质熔体交代地慢楔形成的埃达克岩-富铌玄武岩-富镁安山岩组合,从而构成了俯冲带的流体交代与熔体交代两大类壳慢相互作用体系及相应的岩石组合。熔体交代作用的显著特点是Mg、高场强元素Nb、Ti、P等含量增加,Nd/Sr值增高,而Si、K、Na及La/Yb降低。洋壳板片或洋脊俯冲、玄武质岩浆底侵使地壳增厚,或板片断离、撕裂等作用均可产生埃达克质熔体并随之产生熔体交代作用。流体和熔体与地幔橄揽岩的相互作用构成了俯冲带复杂的地球化学体系。  相似文献   

Seismic observations have shown structural variation near the base of the mantle transition zone(MTZ)where subducted cold slabs,as visualized with high seismic speed anomalies(HSSAs),flatten to form stagnant slabs or sink further into the lower mantle.The different slab behaviors were also accompanied by variation of the "660 km" discontinuity depths and low viscosity layers(LVLs) beneath the MTZ that are suggested by geoid inversion studies.We address that deep water transport by subducted slabs and dehydration from hydrous slabs could affect the physical properties of mantle minerals and govern slab dynamics.A systematic series of three-dimensional numerical simulation has been conducted to examine the effects of viscosity reduction or contrast between slab materials on slab behaviors near the base of the MTZ.We found that the viscosity reduction of subducted crustal material leads to a separation of crustal material from the slab main body and its transient stagnation in the MTZ.The once trapped crustal materials in the MTZ eventually sink into the lower mantle within 20-30 My from the start of the plate subduction.The results suggest crustal material recycle in the whole mantle that is consistent with evidence from mantle geochemistry as opposed to a two-layer mantle convection model.Because of the smaller capacity of water content in lower mantle minerals than in MTZ minerals,dehydration should occur at the phase transformation depth,~660 km.The variation of the discontinuity depths and highly localized low seismic speed anomaly(LSSA) zones observed from seismic P waveforms in a relatively high frequency band(~1 Hz) support the hypothesis of dehydration from hydrous slabs at the phase boundary.The LSSAs which correspond to dehydration induced fluids are likely to be very local,given very small hydrogen(H~+) diffusivity associated with subducted slabs.The image of such local LSSA zones embedded in HSSAs may not be necessarily captured in tomography studies.The high electrical conductivity in the MTZ beneath the northwestern Pacific subduction zone does not necessarily require a broad range of high water content homogeneously.  相似文献   

Knowing the phase relations of carbon-bearing phases at high-pressure(HP) and high-temperature(HT) condition is essential for understanding the deep carbon cycle in the subduction zones.In particular,the phase relation of carbon-bearing phases is also strongly influenced by redox condition of subduction zones,which is poorly explored.Here we summarized the phase relations of carbon-bearing phases(calcite,aragonite,dolomite,magnesite,graphite,hydrocarbon) in HP metamorphic rocks(marble,metapelite,eclogite) from the Western Tianshan subduction zone and high-pressure experiments.During prograde progress of subduction,carbonates in altered oceanic crust change from Ca-carbonate(calcite) to Ca,Mg-carbonate(dolomite),then finally to Mgcarbonate(magnesite) via Mg-Ca cation exchange reaction between silicate and carbonate,while calcite in sedimentary calcareous ooze on oceanic crust directly transfers to high-pressure aragonite in marble or amorphous CaCO3 in subduction zones.Redox evolution also plays a significant effect on the carbon speciation in the Western Tianshan subduction zone.The prograde oxygen fugacity of the Western Tianshan subduction zone was constrained by mineral assemblage of garnet-omphacite from FMQ-1.9 to FMQ-2.5 at its metamorphic peak(maximum P-T) conditions.In comparison with redox conditions of other subduction zones,Western Tianshan has the lowest oxygen fugacity.Graphite and light hydrocarbon inclusions were ubiqutously identified in Western Tianshan HP metamorphic rocks and speculated to be formed from reduction of Fe-carbonate at low redox condition,which is also confirmed by high-pressure experimental simulation.Based on petrological observation and high-pressure simulation,a polarized redox model of reducing slab but oxidizing mantle wedge in subduction zone is proposed,and its effect on deep carbon cycle in subduction zones is further discussed.  相似文献   

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