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库车坳陷侏罗系烃源岩热演化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据烃源岩样品Ro、Easy Ro值,天然气成熟主分析,库车坳陷侏罗系烃源岩热演化程度较高,总体上已达成熟-高成熟阶段,拜城凹陷烃源岩成熟度高,该凹陷及其周围是寻找大中型气田的有利地区。  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地临清坳陷东部热演化历史和成烃史   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
吕希学 《地质科学》2006,41(4):676-687
利用磷灰石裂变径迹和镜质体反射率古温标模拟计算的临清坳陷热演化历史,古地温梯度在总体上是逐渐降低的:孔店组沉积时期为4.2~5.0℃/100m,沙河街组沉积末期地温梯度降低至3.4℃/100m±,但在东营组沉积末期地温梯度有一增高的现象(3.5℃/100m),这可能与东营组沉积末期的抬升剥蚀有关;馆陶组沉积末期降至3.2℃/100m,现今为3.0℃/100m。临清坳陷的现今地温分布和古地温梯度均低于邻区的济阳坳陷、昌潍坳陷、冀中坳陷及黄骅坳陷。这种坳陷之间热演化的差异可能与郯庐断裂的活动有关。构造沉降史的恢复表明:其次级单元莘县凹陷和德州凹陷的构造演化存在差异。正是由于这种构造演化的差异性导致了南部的莘县凹陷古地温梯度整体高于北部的德州凹陷。热演化历史的差异又决定了主要烃源岩生烃史的差别:德州凹陷烃源岩基本未进入成熟生烃状态,而莘县凹陷的主要烃源岩(孔店组和沙河街组四段)大都达到了较成熟或处在生油高峰状态。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地北部地区中生界生油岩为陆相泥质生油岩,主要发育在三叠系、侏罗系。有两个生油岩发育中心,库车坳陷区和阿瓦提断陷-满加尔坳陷区。三叠系生油岩有机质丰度主要为较差一较好生油岩,侏罗系生油岩则为较差-较好-好生油岩。三叠-侏罗系生油岩干酪根类型以Ⅲ型为主,少量Ⅱ型。库车坳陷三叠-侏罗系生油岩热演化多处于成熟-高成熟阶段。阿瓦提断陷-满加尔坳陷三叠系处于初熟阶段,侏罗系则处于未成熟-初熟阶段。沙雅隆起北侧,库车坳陷南缘是寻找油气藏最为有利的地区。  相似文献   

二叠系泥页岩是塔里木盆地西南坳陷重要的烃源岩层系,阿克莫木、柯克亚、柯东1、杜瓦等地区或钻井的油气均源自二叠系,然而其页岩油气地质条件研究鲜见报道。笔者在分析研究区构造和沉积发育及其演化特征的基础上,重点研究了二叠系泥页岩的厚度、分布、地球化学和储层特征等页岩油气地质条件,探讨了构造、沉积与泥页岩生烃之间的演化关系,研究结果表明:①塔西南坳陷二叠系泥页岩累计厚度介于50~400m,主要分布在叶城凹陷和和田凹陷,沉积环境以浅海陆棚相和海陆过渡相为主,第四纪喜山运动对二叠系泥页岩的生烃演化具有重要的促进作用。②塔西南坳陷二叠系泥页岩具有良好的页岩气生成和储集条件,是塔里木盆地页岩气勘查的潜在层系;叶城凹陷和和田凹陷是塔西南坳陷页岩油气勘查的有利区,需进一步加强钻探验证工作。  相似文献   

南华北地区石炭-二叠纪煤系生烃潜力与二次生烃探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
综合运用岩石热解、有机岩石学及有机地球化学等方法,对南华北地区石炭-二叠纪煤系烃源岩有机质丰度、类型以及成熟度和热演化史进行了分析,综合评价了烃源岩的生烃潜力。评价结果表明,石炭系(太原组+本溪组)烃源岩要好于二叠系山西组、石盒子组;有机质类型以Ⅲ型干酪根为主、Ⅱ型干酪根为辅;有机质热演化程度大部分处于成熟-高成熟阶段,部分地区达到过成熟,以生气为主。文中结合构造-热演化史资料分析了煤系二次生烃的条件,指出谭庄-沈丘凹陷和倪丘集凹陷初始成熟度较低,且具有合适的埋藏史类型,并有二次生烃油气勘探前景。   相似文献   

依据对临清坳陷东部禹城洼陷禹参2井和浓庄洼陷浓参1井两个烃源岩剖面的以及济阳坳陷部分原油和烃源岩样品芳烃馏分析、研究了低成熟-中成熟演化阶段演化芳烃化合物的成熟度指标,其中芳烃色谱宏观分布特征,芳烃环组成的变化,脱羟基维生素E(DHVE)β/γ异构体比值和北-苯并荧蒽/苯并「e」比的比值都是该演化阶段成熟度的敏感参数。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地东南坳陷烃源条件制约了油气的勘探,至今尚未突破。目前证实侏罗系杨叶组和康苏组具备一定的生烃潜力。通过野外地质考察,进行了剖面测量、样品采集和地球化学测试,结合若参1井、若参2井和且地1井等3口钻井资料、样品分析数据,开展了塔东南瓦石峡凹陷下侏罗统康苏组烃源岩岩性、空间展布特征及地球化学特征研究。瓦石峡凹陷康苏组烃源岩主要为暗色泥岩和碳质泥岩,厚度为60~140 m,占地层厚度的25%,若参1井和红柳沟老煤矿一带有机质丰度较高,暗色泥岩的有机碳含量为1. 2%~4. 4%、碳质泥岩的为5. 0%~39. 6%,干酪根为Ⅱ2-Ⅲ型,处于低成熟-成熟阶段。与盆地周缘同时期沉积烃源岩相比,塔北库车坳陷烃源岩生烃潜量相对高于塔东南瓦石峡凹陷,塔西南喀什凹陷库兹贡苏等剖面则较差。因此,研究认为瓦石峡凹陷具有较好的生烃潜力,其中若参1井东南部深凹区和红柳沟老煤矿-其格勒克山前洼陷区较为有利。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地寒武系海相烃源岩有机成熟度及演化史   总被引:43,自引:4,他引:43  
原生有机组分(镜状体和动物有机组分)反射率是评价塔里木盆地寒武系海相烃源岩有机成熟度的有效方法。从分析的探井和露头区110多个寒武系样品有机组分反射率数据来看,塔里木盆地寒武系烃源岩均处于高过成熟阶段,尚未发现目前仍处于生油窗阶段的寒武系中等成熟的烃源岩。利用BasinMod-1D软件计算了250口探井,26条地震测线中约340个人工井点有机成熟度随时间的变化,据此编制不同地质时期塔里木盆地台盆区寒武系有机成熟度平面变化图。目前满加尔凹陷中下寒武统烃源岩镜质体反射率在3%以上,中下寒武统烃源岩成熟度相对较低区分布在塔中隆起主垒带、塔北隆起的凸起区(英买力凸起)和巴楚断隆—部分地区,其等效镜质体反射率R^ 在1.6%~2.0%之间。  相似文献   

选择库车坳陷和雅布赖盆地两个烃源岩热演化系列,在GC/MS分析的基础上探讨了二苯并噻吩类成熟度参数,如MDR4、MDR23、MDR、MDR’等的热演化特征,首次提出利用甲基二苯并噻吩分布指数(MDBI)作为研究区有效的新型成熟度标尺。结果表明,在成熟至高成熟阶段MDR4和MDR23主要受热力作用控制,在研究区应用效果良好;MDR在较高热演化阶段变化速率显著增加,而且适合于Ⅱ2和Ⅲ型有机质。甲基二苯并噻吩分布指数与其他有效参数,如Ro、tmax和MPI等之间的相关系数矩阵进一步证实,在Ro=0.67%~1.22%范围内,MDBI能够准确提供烃源岩热演化历史方面的信息。该指数的提出还有望为原油热成熟度的判识提供一个新的途径。  相似文献   

通过对额济纳旗及其邻区石炭系—二叠系烃源岩演化程度的平面展布和纵向分布特征的研究,结合对华力西中晚期—喜马拉雅期侵入岩露头分布和构造活动特征的分析,认为华力西晚期、燕山期侵入岩与构造活动对区内石炭系—二叠系烃源岩的演化程度影响较大,印支期侵入岩和构造活动仅对部分地区烃源岩成熟度有影响,喜马拉雅期构造活动对区内烃源岩演化程度无影响。区内石炭系—二叠系系阿木山组(干泉组)和下—中二叠统菊石滩组烃源岩过成熟主要受华力西晚期侵入岩和构造活动的影响,上二叠统哈尔苏海组烃源岩演化程度受燕山期侵入岩和构造活动的影响。明确了不同期次侵入岩和构造活动对石炭系—二叠系烃源岩演化程度影响的平面展布特征。综合研究认为,区内石炭系—二叠系烃源岩不存在区域变质,成熟度总体为成熟—高成熟,部分剖面(井)烃源岩演化程度较高(达到过成熟),是由侵入岩的热接触变质和构造活动的动力变质造成的。石炭系—二叠系沉积之后,岩浆活动和构造活动相对较弱的地区石炭系—二叠系烃源岩演化程度适中,为成熟—高成熟。  相似文献   

The results obtained in this paper indicate that carbazole-type compounds have high thermal stability and also show stability in oxidation and bio-degradation. This kind of compounds still has a high concentration and complete distribution in the analyzed dry asphalt samples, showing that they are particularly useful in studying petroleum migration of paleo-pool. During the basin's first-stage of oil-gas pool formation in the Silurian in Tazhong and Tabei areas of Tarim Basin (at the end of Silurian period) and the second-stage in the Awati area (in Permian), the petroleum experienced a long-distance migration. During the formation of the Silurian paleo-pools in Tazhong Uplift at the end of Silurian, the petroleum mainly came from the lower and middle Cambrian source rocks in the Manjiaer sag. The petroleum migrated towards the southwest-south entering the Silurian reservoir beds in Tazhong first. Then, it further migrated within Silurian from northwest to southeast along the highs of the Structural Belts to the region of the Silurian pinchout boundary in Tazhong. In Tabei Uplift, during the first-stage of pool formation, the petroleum was also from the lower and middle Cambrian source rocks in the Manjiaer sag. It migrated northwest entering the Silurian reservoir beds in the Tabei Uplift firstly, and then the migration continued in the same direction within the Silurian reservoirs and finally the petroleum was trapped in higher positions. During the second-stage pool formation in the Silurian beds in the areas around Awati sag, the petroleum mainly came from the lower-middle Cambrian source rocks in the Awati sag. The petroleum migrated from the generation center to Silurian reservoirs in all directions around the sag through major paths, and the petroleum was finally trapped in higher locations.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地阿瓦提—满加尔低梁构造特征和形成演化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
阿瓦提-满加尔低梁是介于阿瓦提凹陷与满加尔凹陷之间一个特殊的隆起构造,其在东西向上表现为宽缓的隆起形态,而在南北方向上则为凹陷面貌。该区沉积盖层可分为下、中、上3个构造层。下构造层由震旦系-泥盆系构成,所谓阿-满低梁主要即发育于该构造层。上构造层由白垩系-第四系构成,构造形态为-北西倾斜坡。由石炭系-三叠系构成的中构造层则是上、下构造层构造形态的过渡,总体上仍呈西北倾。阿-满低满自前震旦纪末塔里木运动以来经历了4大演化发展阶段:震旦纪-泥盆纪阿-满低梁形成发育阶段、石炭纪-三叠纪阿-满低梁改造阶段、侏罗纪-早第三纪北东倾斜坡发育阶段与晚第三纪-第四纪现今构造形成阶段。  相似文献   

The results presented in this paper indicated that the carbazole-type compounds have high thermal stability and also show stability in oxidation and bio-degradation. This kind of compounds still has high concentrations and a complete distribution in the analyzed dry asphalt samples, showing that they are particularly useful in the study of hydrocarbon migration of the paleo-pools. The difference in the contents of nitrogen compounds in the Silurian dry asphalts from the Awati, Tabei and Tazhong areas is attributed to the difference in the extent of oxidation and (or) bio-degradation for the areas; the Awati and Tabei areas underwent relatively strong oxidation and bio-degradation. During the first stage of hydrocarbon pool formation in the Silurian system in the Tazhong and Tabei areas of the Tarim Basin (at the end of the Silurian period) and at the second stage in the Awati area (in Permian), the hydrocarbons experienced a long-distance migration.  相似文献   

三塘湖盆地处于西伯利亚板块南缘,早石炭世晚期,盆地褶皱基底形成;晚石炭世早期,总体处于碰撞期后伸展构造环境;晚石炭世晚期,洋壳消亡,断陷收缩与整体抬升,形成剥蚀不整合.早二叠世,进入陆内前陆盆地演化阶段;中二叠世,盆地进入推覆体前缘前陆盆地发育期;晚二叠世,构造褶皱回返,前陆盆地消失;三叠纪晚期至侏罗纪中期,进入统一坳...  相似文献   

通过精细的地震资料解释,在塔里木盆地中部的满西地区发现晚志留世-石炭纪伸展构造。伸展构造由一系列规模不大的正断层组成,平面上组成两条北东-南西向的左行雁列状正断层带,剖面上构成负花状构造和堑垒构造。根据生长系数计算结果,正断层形成于晚志留世,在泥盆纪和石炭纪持续活动,于石炭纪末停止活动。正断层活动的高峰期为晚志留世。该期伸展构造在塔中和塔北地区也有发育,反映当时塔里木盆地处于区域性伸展构造背景。塔里木盆地晚志留世-石炭纪的伸展构造,是昆仑早古生代晚期(晚奥陶世-中志留世)碰撞造山后构造应力松弛作用的产物。  相似文献   

Seismic and drilling well data were used to examine the occurrence of multiple stratigraphic unconformities in the Tarim Basin, NW China. The Early Cambrian, the Late Ordovician and the late Middle Devonian unconformities constitute three important tectonic sequence boundaries within the Palaeozoic succession. In the Tazhong, Tabei, Tadong uplifts and the southwestern Tarim palaeo‐uplift, unconformities obviously belong to superimposed unconformities. A superimposed unconformity is formed by superimposition of unconformities of multiple periods. Areas where superimposed unconformities develop are shown as composite belts of multiple tectonic unconformities, and as higher uplift areas of palaeo‐uplifts in palaeogeomorphologic units. The contact relationship of unconformities in the lower uplift areas is indicative of truncation‐overlap. A slope belt is located below the uplift areas, and the main and secondary unconformities are characterized by local onlap reflection on seismic profiles. The regional dynamics controlled the palaeotectonic setting of the Palaeozoic rocks in the Tarim Basin and the origin and evolution of the basin constrained deposition. From the Sinian to the Cambrian, the Tarim landmass and its surrounding areas belonged to an extensional tectonic setting. Since the Late Ordovician, the neighbouring north Kunlun Ocean and Altyn Ocean was transformed from a spreading ocean basin to a closed compressional setting. The maximum compression was attained in the Late Ordovician. The formation of a tectonic palaeogeomorphologic evolution succession from a cratonic margin aulacogen depression to a peripheral foreland basin in the Early Caledonian cycle controlled the deposition of platform, platform margin, and deep‐water basin. Tectonic uplift during the Late Ordovician resulted in a shallower basin which was followed by substantial erosion. Subsequently, a cratonic depression and peripheral or back‐arc foreland basin began their development in the Silurian to Early–Middle Devonian interval. In this period, the Tabei Uplift, the Northern Depression and the southern Tarim palaeo‐uplift showed obvious control on depositional systems, including onshore slope, shelf and deep‐water basin. The southern Tarim Plate was in a continuous continental compressional setting after collision, whereas the southern Tianshan Ocean began to close in the Early Ordovician and was completely closed by the Middle Devonian. At the same time, further compression from peripheral tectonic units in the eastern and southern parts of the Tarim Basin led to the expansion of palaeo‐uplift in the Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous interval, and the connection of the Tabei Uplift and Tadong Uplift, thus controlling onshore, fluvial delta, clastic coast, lagoon‐bay and shallow marine deposition. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地古生代重要演化阶段的古构造格局与古地理演化   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
塔里木盆地在古生代经历了中-晚奥陶世、晚奥陶世末、中泥盆世末等多个重要的盆地变革期,形成了多个重要的不整合,盆地构造古地理发生了重要的变化。中、晚奥陶世盆地的变革形成了由巴楚古斜坡-塔中隆起-和田河隆起构成的大型古隆起带、相对沉降的北部坳陷带以及由于挤压挠曲沉降形成的塘古孜巴斯坳陷带。中部古隆起带制约着晚奥陶世东窄西宽的弧立碳酸盐岩台地体系的发育,而开始形成于震旦纪的满加尔拗拉槽及东南侧的塘古孜巴斯坳陷接受了巨厚的中、晚奥陶世重力流沉积。奥陶纪末的盆地变革形成了北东东向展布的西南-东南缘和西北缘的强烈隆起带,总体的古构造地貌控制着早志留世北东东向展布的滨浅海陆源碎屑盆地的沉积格局。中泥盆纪世末期的盆地强烈隆升并遭受了夷平化的剥蚀作用,形成了大范围分布的角度不整合面,并以塔北隆起和塔东隆起的强烈抬升为显著特征。盆地古构造地貌从东低西高转为东高、西低,制约着晚泥盆和早石炭世由东向西南方向从滨岸到浅海的古地理分布。中、晚奥陶世主要不整合及其剥蚀量的分布反映出北昆仑向北碰撞和挤入是造成盆地南缘、东南缘及盆内隆起的主要原因。南天山洋的俯冲、碰撞在奥陶世末至早志留世已对盆地西北缘产生影响,导致塔北英买力隆起的抬升和遭受剥蚀。  相似文献   

根据野外露头剖面,结合区域地质资料,对塔里木盆地乌什凹陷西部的石炭系—二叠系沉积演化进行了分析。乌什凹陷西部在石炭纪夹于南天山残留海盆地和柯坪—温宿隆起之间,其地层和沉积与塔里木盆地内部有较大差异。早石炭世早期,本区为碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩混积的浅海陆棚环境,以索格当他乌断裂为界,早期的柯坪—温宿隆起控制了该时期的沉积作用。早石炭世晚期,本区首次海侵,早期的柯坪—温宿隆起部分被淹没,并伴随着强烈的构造沉降,形成半深水斜坡环境,沉积了一套以库鲁组和索格当他乌组为代表的近端—远端浊积扇的复理石沉积,并一直持续到晚石炭世早期。晚石炭世晚期,本区又一次规模较大的海侵,柯坪—温宿隆起大部分被淹没,原隆起区为开阔海台地环境,北部和西部边缘发育典型的台地边缘相生物礁,向北延伸可达乌什北的克孜布拉克地区,再向北为礁前斜坡和浅海陆棚环境,并持续到中二叠世早期。中二叠世以后,伴随周缘地区大规模的陆内火山喷发,该区发生大规模海退。晚二叠世末,随着塔里木板块与中天山地块的拼合以及海西期天山造山带的形成,南天山洋消失,结束了海相沉积,进入了陆相沉积阶段。  相似文献   

本文对塔里木盆地塔北隆起西部钻井的火山岩岩心样品进行了40Ar-39 Ar定年,五件样品的年龄值在248.75±6.5Ma至267.44±3.01Ma之间,样品的岩石地球化学分析表明火山岩为具有大陆裂谷性质的板内火山岩.结合前人研究成果,本文认为塔里木盆地火山活动不仅发生在早二叠世,塔北隆起西部地区在中-晚二叠世仍有强烈的火山活动,该火山活动是塔里木盆地早二叠世大火成岩省后期热事件的产物.  相似文献   

By analyzing the characteristics of development, structural evolution and reservoir beds of the residual carbonate strata, this study shows that the residual carbonate strata in the Yingmaili low uplift are favorable oil and gas accumulation series in the Tabei (northern Tarim uplift) uplift. There are different patterns of hydrocarbon accumulation on the northern and southern slopes of the Yingmaili low uplift. The north-south differentiation of oil reservoirs were caused by different lithologies of the residual carbonate strata and the key constraints on the development of the reservoir beds. The Mesozoic terrestrial organic matter in the Kuqa depression and the Palaeozoic marine organic matter in the Manjiaer sag of the Northern depression are the major hydrocarbon source rocks for the northern slope and southern slope respectively. The hydrocarbon accumulation on the northern and southern slopes is controlled by differences in maturity and thermal evolution history of these two kinds of organic matter. On the southern slope, the oil accumulation formed in the early stage was destroyed completely, and the period from the late Hercynian to the Himalayian is the most important time for hydrocarbon accumulation. However, the time of hydrocarbon accumulation on the northern slope began 5 Ma B.P. Carbonate inner buried anticlines reservoirs are present on the southern slope, while weathered crust and paleo-buried hill karst carbonate reservoirs are present on the northern slope. The northern and southern slopes had different controlling factors of hydrocarbon accumulation respectively. Fracture growth in the reservoir beds is the most important controlling factor on the southern slope; while hydrocarbon accumulation on the northern slope is controlled by weathered crust and cap rock.  相似文献   

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