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受河流和潮汐双重因素控制,潮控河口湾储层发育特征及形成因素复杂,导致现代潮汐河口治理和古代潮控河口湾有利含油储层预测困难。本文采用沉积数值模拟技术,以钱塘江为对象,开展河口区砂坝发育特征及成因模拟,揭示河口区砂坝成因与形态、空间、厚度上的发育特征。通过设定不同底床坡度和潮汐能量,探讨河口区砂坝成因的主控因素。研究结果表明:①河口区砂坝形成主要受控于潮汐作用,涨—退潮作用造成砂坝形成、迁移和演变;河口向海方向主要以长条状砂坝为主,河口向陆一侧发育U型坝和复合砂坝;河流段砂坝主要受控于河流水动力影响,潮汐作用不大。②潮汐能量增强,潮汐通道变宽变浅,河口向陆一侧发育的U型砂坝和复合坝多被侵蚀切割呈小型砂坝,向海一侧的小型砂坝逐渐演化为长条状砂坝;潮汐能量变弱时,涨落潮水道短,潮汐砂坝难以形成。潮汐能量中等时,砂坝较为发育,且有连片分布趋势。③随着底床坡度的逐渐增大,潮汐砂坝的集中分布区逐渐向海迁移,砂坝的分异性增加,形态由不规则的点坝,演变为分流砂坝,河流作用影响增强;底床坡度变小,则砂坝向海方向迁移的趋势减弱,此时潮汐作用增强,河口区砂坝由不规则点坝逐渐演变为长条形砂坝,规模逐渐变小。④砂坝的形成和分布受潮汐能量和底形共同作用,在潮汐能量M_2:2.5、S_2:2.1以及底形坡度0.003°下,长条形潮汐砂坝发育且具有典型的潮控河口湾特征。  相似文献   

陈戈  斯春松  张惠良 《江苏地质》2013,37(2):178-182
扇三角洲是陆相碎屑岩重要的沉积类型之一.利用砂体沉积过程数值模拟方法可以预测扇三角洲砂体的几何形态.在利用泥沙冲淤动力学模式建立扇三角洲沉积过程的数学方程后,根据现代三角洲沉积特征,设计了其沉积过程的模拟条件,计算域长100 km、宽50 km,流量按50年一遇洪水设计,模拟过程到2 000年时,扇三角洲沉积过程基本达到平衡状态,此时前缘复合砂体最大厚度约39 m.通过对扇三角洲前缘砂体几何形态的模拟研究,总结出扇三角洲沉积体储层建筑结构的模拟与预测方法.计算过程中可识别出4种沉积砂体,包括水下分流河道(砂体的平均长宽比为2.68,平均宽厚比为79.8)、河口砂坝(平均长宽比为2.02,平均宽厚比为68.2)、远砂坝(平均长宽比为1.65,平均宽厚比为58.3)、水下溢岸沉积.主要沉积单元砂体几何参数之间的相关关系较好.实验结果表明,利用泥沙冲淤动力模式可以较好地揭示扇三角洲发育过程,进而可以预测扇三角洲砂体的几何形态.  相似文献   

阳江凹陷作为珠江口盆地西北部浅水边缘盆地珠三坳陷内次级负向构造单元,具有周缘隆起带及局部凸起障壁环境,中新世时期(19.1~13.8 Ma)阳江-一统断裂带两侧火山活动发育,研究区发育港湾状地貌限定下半封闭潮控海岸-河口湾背景.珠三坳陷勘探成熟的多为构造圈闭,而对于岩性圈闭的识别刻画研究尚处在起步阶段,其中阳江凹陷已发现6个含油构造,并部署19口钻井,具有良好的资料基础,中新统缺乏岩性潜力系统研究认识,地层岩性圈闭搜索、排序及优选亟待开展.应用钻测井资料、岩心资料和新采集三维地震资料,基于区域构造-火山活动背景,在高精度层序格架搭建和沉积充填序列框架上,聚焦于阳江凹陷潮控体系沉积特征、沉积相展布及演化规律,进而解剖潮控体系下潮汐砂坝的识别标志、分布规律及岩性圈闭发育特征.研究表明:阳江东凹中新统发育潮控河口湾-潮控三角洲沉积体系,有利岩性圈闭叠合区恩平2-8构造储集砂体为潮汐砂坝,对于珠江口盆地浅水区域潮控体系及岩性圈闭预测具重要理论与勘探意义,并为其他浅水边缘盆地岩性圈闭研究提供了参考借鉴.   相似文献   

黄乃和  潘永信 《沉积学报》1992,10(4):111-118
古河口湾沉积环境的恢复主要根据下列证据进行:1.淡化水证据:小个体薄壳生物组合和沉积物中低的硼含量;2.古地理位置处于古河流入海部位;3.潮汐能量大于河流能量,潮汐作用控制了主要沉积过程;4.沉积层序与现代河口湾层序可以类比。虽然河口湾生命短暂,沉积物常被改造,但一个时期的古代河口湾沉积物仍是可以被识别的。  相似文献   

河口湾可分为宽阔的外河口湾和较窄的内河口湾。内河口湾水动力条件表现为潮汐影响、河流主控的特征,主要发育点坝或者线状砂坝。加拿大阿萨巴斯卡Kinosis地区发育大量潮汐作用影响的复合点坝沉积,复合点坝内部构型研究直接影响油田的开发效果。基于该区测井及高品质三维地震(频带8~220 Hz,主频90 Hz)等资料,提出1套以解决油田开发问题为核心,基于以“轴变定界、样式定型、井点定面”为原则的内河口湾复合点坝砂体构型解剖方法,研究对象为达到地震可分辨尺度的“复合砂体”。通过岩心和地震相特征分析,刻画了不同级次构型单元内部沉积特征。利用倾角测井等资料,分析了侧积体和侧积层的规模及产状,实现了点坝内部构型解剖。结果表明,内河口湾点坝沉积发育倾斜非均质层(IHS)、生物扰动、泥砾等指示潮汐作用的沉积现象;侧积体倾斜角度为8°~12°,单一侧积体宽度为55~200m。通过复合砂体构型解剖,明确了构型单元内部隔夹层和层内水层的分布与构型单元的组合有直接关系,提出了针对单一河道单元部署井网的策略。  相似文献   

为研究潮汐作用下潮沟网络形成、演变规律,结合江苏沿海粉砂淤泥质潮滩实际情况,建立试验室物理模型,模拟具有一定坡度的潮滩在潮汐作用下的地形演变,分析了潮沟发育演变中的水沙运动规律,研究了潮差对于潮沟发育的影响。研究表明,潮沟发育过程受到床面坡度变化的影响,坡度均一的潮滩上,潮沟系统通过相邻小潮沟相互连接而形成,没有明显的潮沟头部溯源侵蚀现象;在潮汐作用下,涨潮初期和落潮后期水流流速较快,泥沙运动主要出现在这一阶段,在潮滩中部泥沙运动最为剧烈;潮差对于潮沟系统形态和结构的影响较小,潮滩排水路径长度与子流域面积呈幂函数分布,潮差越大则潮沟系统越早达到动态平衡,且具有更大的拓宽潮沟的作用。  相似文献   

咸潮入侵是入海径流和潮汐共同作用的盐度扩散过程。以量能累积与阻抗交互作用过程为理论基础,采用逻辑推理和数学分析推导了入海流量、潮差和咸潮入侵面积三者扩散响应的函数关系和曲线型态,并利用长江口近50年枯季入海流量、潮差和咸潮入侵面积进行了实证分析。结果表明,在一定入海流量条件下潮差与咸潮入侵面积关系具有S型曲线特征,入海流量与咸潮入侵最大面积关系也具有S型曲线特征,共同构成一个三维咸潮入侵扩散响应函数;长江口近50年的实测数据实证了上述三维关系特征,据此构建了双曲正切的S型长江口咸潮入侵扩散响应函数,并阐述了参数定值与量化方法;以此函数为基础,分析确定了长江口入海流量大于10 000 m3/s时可抵御大规模咸潮入侵,同时计算了2001-2012年咸潮入侵损失。  相似文献   

以乍得Bongor盆地Baobab North油田P组为例,探讨重力流水道砂体的沉积机理及构型特征。结合岩心测井等资料,确定了P组的沉积背景,明确了单一水道的类型及其形态结构,探讨了单一水道内部的泥质夹层的构型特征及沉积机理。通过上述研究,认为Baobab North油田P组主要发育三类单一水道沉积,Ⅰ类水道垂向上粒度呈典型正韵律,测井曲线自然伽马和自然电位以钟形为主;Ⅱ类水道在垂向上粒度以均质韵律为主,测井曲线自然伽马与自然电位多表现为箱形;Ⅲ类水道在垂向上粒度呈反韵律,测井曲线自然伽马、自然电位等在水道下部幅度较低,呈齿化钟形;单一水道内部主要发育三类近水平分布的泥质夹层,连续型泥质夹层由于保存程度较好,测井曲线多呈半回返和全回返,平面上泥质夹层顺水流方向较长(100~450 m),垂直水流方向较宽(70~300 m),且厚度较大(0.3~0.8 m);垂向上夹层频率较高(0.13~0.7)、夹层密度较大(0.04~0.25)。间断型泥质夹层在水道中心部位被完全冲刷或只有很薄一部分被保留下来,测井曲线为半回返或弱回返,平面上泥质夹层顺水流方向较短(50~250 m),垂直水流方向较窄(40~200 m),厚度较薄(0.15~0.5 m);垂向上夹层频率较低(0.12~0.4)、夹层密度较小(0.04~0.14)。复杂型泥质夹层是指连续型泥质夹层和间断型泥质夹层在单一水道砂体中同时发育,该类泥质夹层的规模与频率居中,顺水流方向长度介于80~320 m,垂直水流方向宽度介于55~240 m,厚度介于0.25~0.6 m,夹层频率介于0.12~0.45、夹层密度介于0.04~0.18。  相似文献   

荥巩和新密煤田是豫西北部的两个相邻煤田。主要含煤地层为晚古生代晚石炭世太原组和早二叠世山西组,总厚100—150m;下石盒子组及晚二叠世的上石盒子组在本区仅偶含薄煤层。太原组位于含煤岩系最底部,为碳酸盐岩和碎屑岩交替沉积,灰岩形成于清澈、温暖、浅水的陆表海潮下环境,碎屑岩则为潮道和潮间带为主的潮道、潮坪沉积。太原组含有6—7层薄煤层,形成于咸水或半咸水的泥炭沼泽中。山西组几乎全由碎屑岩组成,下部发育本区的主要可采煤层二1煤。二1煤以下层位为潮坪和横向与之共生的潮道、潮沟及河口潮汐砂脊沉积,二1煤以上为河流作用为主的三角洲沉积,三角洲由北向南进积到半咸水的海湾中。二1煤形成于海退时期,它们堆积在滨海平原的淡水泥炭沼泽中,其厚度变化及发育程度主要受成煤前沉积环境控制,但在本区西部构造较复杂处,煤层厚度受后期构造影响较大。沉积环境对煤层原生厚度的影响主要表现在潮坪和废弃的潮道、潮沟、河口潮汐砂背沉积物之上,煤层发育好,而在二1煤之下有活动的潮道及河口潮汐砂脊发育时,煤层较薄或不发育。  相似文献   

源—汇系统分析已成为沉积学领域的研究热点,其中关键参数定量恢复是源—汇系统分析的重要内容。以柴北缘鱼卡地区中侏罗世发育的陆相盆地源—汇系统为例,通过支点法进行源—汇系统收支定量分析。首先识别干流河道沉积,测量或计算河道尺寸,进行粒度分析;然后计算瞬时满岸水流量及沉积物流量,结合古气候与流域分析,对年均沉积物量进行计算,得出在给定地层持续时间内输送的沉积物量;再对沉积区的沉积物量进行测量统计,并与计算出的沉积物量进行对比,分析源—汇系统收支状况。对柴北缘鱼卡地区中侏罗统石门沟组下部沉积的源—汇系统收支定量分析显示,目标研究层段河流沉积的干流满岸深度在3.1~3.3 m,河道宽度为69~77 m,流经了较缓的坡度(0.000 204 6~0.000 217 8),流速一般为1.046~1.048 m/s,搬运了中—细砂为主的沉积物。该时期流域面积约为3 209.8~3 781.6 km2,流域长度介于177.8~196.2 km,满岸水流量为239.9~286.2 m3/s,满岸推移载荷流量为0.043~0.048 m3/s,满岸悬浮载荷流量范围为0.083~0.094 m3/s。基于现代类似河流的对比研究,计算出鱼卡地区干流年均沉积物搬运量介于158 862.4~179 242.3 m3,在层序S2所持续的2.2 Ma共向沉积区输入349.5~394.3 km3的沉积物,与沉积区所统计的沉积体积(322 km3)大致相符。河流沉积物输入体积的高值约为支点下游沉积区统计体积的1.22倍,如果这一分析结果准确,则表明存在一定程度的沉积物遗失现象,研究区局限发育的重力流沉积可能是沉积物遗失的主要方式。建立的收支模型可进一步推广应用于陆相河湖沉积组合的源—汇系统分析。  相似文献   

A 1D analytical framework is implemented in a narrow convergent estuary that is 78 km in length (the Guadiana, Southern Iberia) to evaluate the tidal dynamics along the channel, including the effects of neap-spring amplitude variations at the mouth. The close match between the observations (damping from the mouth to ~ 30 km, shoaling upstream) and outputs from semi-closed channel solutions indicates that the M2 tide is reflected at the estuary head. The model is used to determine the contribution of reflection to the dynamics of the propagating wave. This contribution is mainly confined to the upper one third of the estuary. The relatively constant mean wave height along the channel (<?10% variations) partly results from reflection effects that also modify significantly the wave celerity and the phase difference between tidal velocity and elevation (contradicting the definition of an “ideal” estuary). Furthermore, from the mouth to ~ 50 km, the variable friction experienced by the incident wave at neap and spring tides produces wave shoaling and damping, respectively. As a result, the wave celerity is largest at neap tide along this lower reach, although the mean water level is highest in spring. Overall, the presented analytical framework is useful for describing the main tidal properties along estuaries considering various forcings (amplitude, period) at the estuary mouth and the proposed method could be applicable to other estuaries with small tidal amplitude to depth ratio and negligible river discharge.  相似文献   

为进一步认识径流型河口枯季盐水上溯距离变化的影响因素及其作用机制,将实际河口简化并在不同径流量下分别用等潮差正弦潮和主要分潮驱动,进行盐水三维数值模拟试验。结果表明:随着径流和潮汐两大基本作用的相对强度不同,平衡态下盐水形态和位置自动调整并最终达到盐输运平衡,径流量小于3 000 m3/s且潮差小于2 m时,最大上溯距离随潮差的变化规律在不同径流量下存在明显差别;大小潮半月周期内盐水呈现非平衡态,非强混合时潮周期盐水上溯最大距离围绕平衡态随潮差呈顺时针绳套关系变化。径流导致的密度环流作用和潮汐的混合作用交织,两者相互影响并协同发展,两种作用相对强度的不同是导致径流型河口盐水上溯距离变化显著的主导因素。  相似文献   

钱塘江下切河谷充填物沉积序列和分布模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
以最新钻取的SE2孔沉积物为重点研究对象,对晚第四纪以来钱塘江下切河谷充填物的沉积特征和沉积相进行了精细研究,重建了研究区地层结构和层序地层格架,总结了强潮型钱塘江河口湾和下切河谷的沉积模式。钱塘江下切河谷充填物自下而上依次发育河床、河漫滩、古河口湾、近岸浅海和现代河口湾5种沉积相类型,表现为一个较完整的Ⅰ型层序,其内部层序界面、初始海泛面、最大海泛面、海侵和海退潮流侵蚀面、体系域内海侵面发育。钱塘江下切河谷充填物自海向陆可划分为海向段、近海段、近陆段和陆向段4段,各段沉积序列和海陆相互作用程度不同。在钱塘江下切河谷充填物中海陆过渡部位首次明确划分出了古河口湾相,并对其沉积特征和分布模式进行了初步探讨;其形成时间在9000 a BP左右,具有与现代河口湾不同的沉积特征,表现为中部为潮道砂体沉积,向陆渐变为受潮流影响的河流沉积,两侧被潮坪或盐沼沉积包围,沉积物在平面上自陆向海呈现粗-细-粗的分布模式。现代河口湾平面上自陆向海依次发育受潮流影响的河流沉积、粉砂质砂坎、潮道-潮流砂脊复合体和湾口泥质沉积区,沉积物呈现粗-细-粗-细的分布模式,与大多数河口湾常见的粗-细-粗的分布格局明显不同。  相似文献   

In comparison to their temperate counterparts, sediment processes in tropical estuaries are poorly known and especially in African ones. The hydrodynamics of such environments is controlled by a combination of multiple processes including morphology, salinity, mangrove vegetation, tidal processes, river discharge, settling and erosion of mud and by physico-chemical processes as well as sediment dynamics.The aim of this study is to understand the sediment processes in this transitional stage of the estuary when the balance between river discharges and marine processes is reversing. Studying the hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics of the Konkouré Estuary has recently been made possible thanks to new data on bathymetry, sedimentary cover, salinity, water elevations, and current velocities. The Lower Konkouré is a shallow, funnel shaped, mesotidal mangrove-fringed, tide-dominated estuary, well mixed during low river discharge and stratified during high river discharge. The Konkouré Estuary is turbid despite the small amount of terrestrial input and its residual velocity at the mouth during low river discharges, landwards for two of the three branches, suggests a landward migration by tidal pumping of the suspended particulate matter. A Turbidity Maximum Zone (TMZ) is identified for typical states of the estuary with regard to fluvial and tidal components. Suspended sediment transport during a transitional stage between the rainy and dry seasons is known thanks to current velocity and Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) measurements taken in November 2003. The Richardson layered number calculation assesses that turbulence is the major mixing process in the water column, at least during the flood and ebb stages, whereas stratification occurs during the slack water periods. Tidal currents generate bottom erosion, and turbulence mixes the suspended sediment throughout the water column. As a result, a net sediment input is calculated from the western Konkouré outlet for two consecutive tidal cycles. Despite the net water export, almost 300 tons per tide reach the estuary through this outlet, for a moderate river flow.  相似文献   

A tidal intrusion front forms as a dense seawater inflow plunges (subducts) beneath ambient estuarine water during flood tide. The associated foam lines and color changes have been observed on many smaller estuaries with constricted mouths. Internal hydraulic theory and laboratory experiments are reviewed and expressions are obtained for the position of plunging and the amount of associated mixing. The existence of a tidal intrusion front and its structure are discussed in terms of densimetric Froude numbers. These fronts are particularly important in smaller estuaries in which the intrusion process may dominate wind and tidal mixing and thus determine the overall stratification of the estuary. Three classes of three-dimensional plunging flow are identified and discussed. In particular, it is suggested that the peculiar, cursive V-shape plunge line is characteristic of strongly plunging flow.  相似文献   

Tidal bore is hydraulic jump during the process of tide flooding with the tide wave moving upstream. They are widely distributed in the estuary zone with high tidal range and funnel-shaped planeform. Tidal bore deposit study is important for further understanding about paleogeomorphology, paleoenvironment, paleoclimate of areas near the estuaries, and sandbody formed by tidal bore deposit could be potential oil and gas reservoir. Researches about tidal bore have been always concentrated on hydraulic characteristics of tidal bore and its influences on estuary environment and engineering, while the study on tidal bore deposit is rarely reported. One of the most important causes is the complex hydrodynamic conditions in the estuary zone. Deposits characteristics is complicated in this zone due to comprehensive effects of river flow, waves and tides. It is hard to affirm the preservation probability of tidal bore deposits, especially in the ancient rock record. In view of this, current status and forecast about tidal-bore deposit study were expounded in this study based on comprehensive summary and discussion about typical tidal bore deposit data and reports. Criteria for recognition of tidal-bore deposits were described in detail on the aspects of sedimentary structures, grain size distribution, and facies model. One of the most critical diagnostic marks of tidal bore was a special undulating erosion surface with a series of irregular and stepped excavations on it. This surface was formed by cyclic pressure loading induced by the passage of a tidal bore. In addition, the cross-bedding inclined upstream, soft sediment deformation structures and massive sandstone on the erosion surface were also important marks of a tidal bore deposit. Problems existing in current research were discussed and some suggestions were proposed. Various methods and technology should be used to perfect tidal bore facies model, and research on diagenesis and reservoir features of sandbody formed by tidal bore should be strengthened in the future. Sandbody formed by tidal bore of different types (breaking tidal bore and undular tidal bore) should be distinguished to deepen the understanding of their various hydrodynamic conditions and reservoir scale. Tidal bore is significant geological process in estuary zone, and deposits formed by it makes great influence on the geomorphology of this area, which should be paid more attention.  相似文献   

跨海桥隧工程设计需要推算工程位置不同重现期设计流速,由于现场缺乏长期实测流速资料,设计流速推算存在很大困难。研究提出了采用不同重现期典型风暴潮过程推算河口海岸设计流速的数值模拟方法,对河口地区考虑洪水径流与风暴潮流的耦合。在依据澳门验潮站1925—2003年实测潮位资料分析珠江口海域风暴潮过程特征的基础上,结合潮位和潮差年极值频率分析结果构建了不同重现期典型风暴潮潮型。采用平面二维水动力数学模型模拟了不同重现期风暴潮和上游一般洪水组合条件下珠江口水域的流场,得出港珠澳大桥沿线各控制点处设计流速。  相似文献   

珠江口的沉积作用和沉积相   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
王文介 《沉积学报》1985,3(2):129-140
珠江口为华南沿海的重要河口,是珠江水(系(西江、北江、东江、流溪河)的受水盆地。珠江流域每年有8000余万吨悬沙。大约3000万吨溶解质和少量底沙进入珠江河口区域,它们在迳流、潮流和其他海洋动力因素共同影响下,沉积作用甚为活跃。但是珠江口水域宽阔,地形复杂,各河口、河口湾或湾外区域的动力背景及泥沙运动不尽相同,因而其沉积作用和沉积特征也具有区域差异。  相似文献   

In the mesotidal (tidal range 3·5–4·9 m) Westerschelde estuary (The Netherlands) the intertidal part of a sandbank was the subject of systematic observations of: (1) hydrographic properties, (2) the distribution and response pattern of various types of bedforms, and (3) the sedimentary structures produced. Ebb and flood usually differ considerably in strength, giving rise to a clear dominance of one over the other, which may change over the neap-spring tide period. Parallel, long-crested sand-waves and irregular, short-crested dunes have a different response to the neap-spring variation in current velocity. Because one tide (usually the flood in our area) predominated over the other, the internal structure largely consists of unidirectional cross-bedding, separated into a succession of tidal bundles, each formed during one tide. The tidal bundles are arranged in a lateral sequence reflecting neap-spring tide periods and differing in character with location. Within the tidal bundle, reactivation, full vortex and slackening structures reflect acceleration, full stage and deceleration of flow respectively in the dominant tide. The full vortex structures tend to be well developed around spring tide but disappear towards neap tide. The subordinate tide carves ‘pause planes’ which enclose the tidal bundles. These pause planes are either erosional or depositional (mud).  相似文献   

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