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以中国最具代表性的旅游洞穴景区——贵州织金洞为例,运用内容分析法和社会网络分析法,以网络文本为数据来源,对比研究其投射形象和感知形象。结果表明:(1)官方的高频词核心关注点涉及自然景观、形象宣传、外部交通、门票、住宿等方面,而游客的核心关注点主要集中在自然景观和导游解说上;(2)在属性类目方面,官方和游客关注的侧重点大致相同,主要集中在旅游资源、旅游活动上,但在自然资源、游览活动内容等方面的形象仍存在诸多差异;(3)从社会网络分析来看,官方重视游客体验,关注游客服务与管理,而游客对灯光、导游服务的感知更为显著;(4)总体上游客的积极情绪占主导地位,而消极情绪的主要来源为官方在建设管理等方面的不足,如长时间排队买票或取票、导游服务态度散漫、景观单调、体验项目单一等。   相似文献   

基于模糊综合评判的大石围天坑群生态旅游形象定位   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
柏瑾  周游游  王伟 《中国岩溶》2010,29(1):93-97
现代旅游给游客诸多形象感知,影响其对旅游地选择的决策。乐业大石围天坑群具有世界级的旅游资源品位,由于交通的不便、天坑本身陡峭险峻等因素,使旅游者对景区产生的形象感知偏差。本文简述了大石围天坑群景区的本底形象,通过专家问卷调查,运用层次分析法评价并分析大石围天坑群资源的吸引力;在层次分析法的基础上,运用多层次模糊综合评判计算各层因子的吸引力得分。结果表明,大石围天坑群景区的资源非常具有吸引力,旅游地的地质地貌及动植物组成、旅游资源的科研与观赏价值、资源的典型奇特性的分值分别为89.71、87.08、87.57分,因此在景区的宣传中应着重放在地质、地貌、动物、植物的稀有性、完整性、典型性、奇特性上。   相似文献   

徐胜兰 《中国岩溶》2004,23(2):133-136
喀斯特旅游是一种传统的大众观光旅游项目,由于喀斯特旅游产品共性大,个性小,替代性强等特征,导致目前的喀斯特旅游开发难度较大。本文结合四川兴文石海洞乡地质公园旅游开发实例,打破传统喀斯特资源导向型旅游产品开发模式,运用消费者行为学中的方法— 目的链理论,从旅游消费者的角度出发, 分析旅游者与旅游产品的感知关系,提出“游客导向型”喀斯特旅游产品开发建议。   相似文献   

何小芊  谢珈  张艳蓉 《中国岩溶》2019,38(6):957-966
洞穴旅游是最具特色的旅游活动之一,游客对洞穴景区旅游形象的认知直接影响游客满意度和忠诚度,对景区的营销和发展起到重要作用。以旅游网站上的点评、游记等网络文本为基础,采用ROST CM内容挖掘软件及内容分析法,对贵州织金洞旅游形象进行了分析,主要研究结论如下:①40篇游记样本与2591条点评样本中提取出232条高频词汇,频次排在前60位的词汇表明游客的主要关注点集中于织金洞自然景观;高频词汇的语义网络矩阵以“织金洞”、“溶洞”为核心,其他特征词向周围发散状,关联词汇的关系强度表明织金洞中规模宏伟、造型奇特的岩溶景观给游客留下了深刻的印象。②旅游形象属性主类目中涉及旅游景观的高频特征词最多,其次是旅游服务与管理、旅游设施;形态各异、独具特色的岩溶景观是织金洞最大的特点,洞穴内灯光效果对游客游览有最为直接的影响。③游客积极情绪的词汇出现的频次所占比例达81.85%,消极情绪的词汇出现的频次不到10%。   相似文献   

基于AHP法的喀斯特洞穴导游解说词内容构建研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
向旭  杨晓霞  石定芳 《中国岩溶》2015,34(5):522-528
喀斯特洞穴景观与环境蕴含的科学性与专业性,导游解说词在洞穴旅游中具有极其重要的作用。文章在构建喀斯特洞穴导游解说词内容指标体系的基础上,通过对游客和洞穴专家进行问卷调查,并运用AHP法计算出导游解说词各指标的权重。结果表明:(1)喀斯特洞穴导游解说词的撰写应全面、系统,包含“欢迎词”、“游览须知”、“洞穴概况”、“洞穴景点讲解”、“欢送词”5部分;(2)喀斯特洞穴导游解说词的内容应加大对“游览须知”的阐述,注重对游客的引导和教育;(3)喀斯特洞穴导游解说词的“洞穴概况”和“景点讲解”都应以洞穴科学知识为主线,适当穿插相关神话故事,兼具科学性与趣味性。   相似文献   

游客满意度是衡量旅游地竞争力的关键因素之一,已受到众多旅游研究者的关注。在其热点研究中,有关冰川旅游游客满意度及不同游客属性间满意度差异的研究鲜见。选取达古冰川与海螺沟冰川为研究区,通过对游客属性细分,运用模糊多准则决策法(F-MCDM)及引入需求弹性理论对冰川旅游游客满意度进行了综合评价和敏感性分析,探讨了提升冰川旅游游客满意度的对策建议。结果表明:达古冰川游客实际满意度总体高于海螺沟冰川,两地均以管理与服务的满意度最高,消费状况与交通的满意度最低。就游客属性的相对满意度而言,两地均呈现男性满意度高于女性,高消费游客满意度高于低消费游客,高忠诚度游客满意度高于低忠诚度游客;两地相对满意度的差异表现在年龄、受教育程度、客源地和到访次数方面。相较于达古冰川,海螺沟冰川满意度敏感性更高,同等改进力度下游客满意度的提高更为明显高效,就两地满意度敏感性最高的景观特色而言,达古冰川1%的改善将提升游客满意度0.30%,而海螺沟冰川可提升0.45%;对于不同游客属性的满意度敏感性,两地均以不愿推荐、不愿重游和未达到期望的游客最高。最后依据满意度敏感性分析结果,为两地冰川旅游发展提出了关键属性改进、营销策略创新和旅游产品开发等针对性建议。  相似文献   

三江并流带丹霞地貌景观地质成景作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本分析对比了三江并流带黎明、罗古箐、石宝山三个丹霞地貌发育地区的景观特征,从地质学与岩石学的角度分析典型丹霞地貌景观的成景地质条件,探讨景观的地质成景作用,总结景观的成景过程。研究认为,三江并流带丹霞地貌具有自身独特的特征,岩性和构造差异是不同丹霞地貌景观差异形成的根本原因;峰林景观差异因岩层厚度、节理发育程度、交错层理不同而不同;丹霞峰林或赤壁上的“变色瀑布”是裂面或层面之间岩层水渗出沿壁下淌的结果;龟裂纹景观形成严格受岩性和节理构造控制,其发育经过了成景初期、成景中期、成景晚期三个阶段。  相似文献   

基于内容分析法的喀斯特洞穴导游解说词研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
杨晓霞  石定芳  向旭 《中国岩溶》2013,32(2):239-246
导游解说词不仅有助于游客对喀斯特洞穴景观的观赏,而且能增长游客的科学知识,有利于洞穴景观和环境的保护.本文选取了具有代表性的22个国内喀斯特洞穴导游解说词作为研究样本,设计出23项分析指标,分别统计各指标在研究样本中的频次和频率,最后获得频率超过50%的共性指标14个.通过分析得出以下结论:(1)我国喀斯特洞穴导游解说词目前处于“百花齐放”阶段,共性大于个性;(2)我国喀斯特洞穴导游解说词的内容框架已基本形成,主要包括欢迎词、洞穴概况、景点讲解、欢送词4部分;(3)我国喀斯特洞穴导游解说词在内容上与国外开发成熟的洞穴相比还存在较大差距,国内喀斯特洞穴的导游词关注科学知识较少,神话传说的比重过大.  相似文献   

乐业-凤山世界地质公园岩溶地貌景观特征与价值分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
乐业-凤山世界地质公园发育在“孤岛”状的碳酸盐岩区上,以高峰丛深洼地、大洞穴、大峡谷、天坑群、天窗群、天生桥、地下河为特色,景观类型丰富、系统完整、珍稀典型,观赏价值与科研价值极高。公园内不同地貌景观由于成因差异而各具特色,经定性与定量评价:天坑群、天窗群是世界级品牌景观,为公园五级地貌景观;天生桥、峡谷是公园重要景观,为公园四级地貌景观;峰丛洼地、峰丛谷地、坡立谷、洞穴景观是公园地貌景观的重要组成部分,为公园三级地貌景观;穿洞、岩溶泉、地下河景观是公园地貌景观的重要补充,为二级地貌景观;落水洞、竖井是公园点缀地貌景观,为公园一级地貌景观。   相似文献   

现代旅游者意念中的夜郎形象及其构筑刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古夜郎国植根于喀斯特环境。本文从广义夜郎的角度出发,采用随机抽样调查法对旅游者进行调查,用SPSS软件进行统计,从吃、住、行、游、购、娱几个方面来分析现代旅游者对夜郎文化的旅游需求;选择贵阳市花溪区的夜郎谷风景旅游区来构筑现代旅游者意念中的夜郎形象。最后以“夜郎传说再现”、“夜郎生活活的博物馆”和“其它功能区”为主题,将夜郎谷旅游景点构筑为水面娱乐区、展览区、竹文化区、农耕区、作坊区、图腾柱景观区、夜郎石魂区、雕刻展卖区、野营区、夜郎生活演示区、表演区、乡村旅店区、游憩区、艺术石廊等14个功能区,同时结合夜郎谷周围的资源特点构筑夜郎文化旅游圈。   相似文献   

Emrys Jones 《Geoforum》1979,10(3):215-218
The late 50s and 60s witnessed a great surge of interest in applying scientific methods in geography, resulting in a new rigour of approach, an emphasis on quantitative analyses and the introduction of mathematical techniques. Partly as a reaction the behavioural approach attracted renewed interest in the 1960s. Although the problems of bridging the gap between individual behaviour and geographical generalisations remain, considerable insights have been gained by perception studies. The most recent reaction is a concern with social problems, often engaging geographers in methodological dilemmas of political involvement. These are not mutually exclusive with sequential phases necessarily suggesting progression, but outbursts of interest on continuing different philosophical approaches.  相似文献   

Understanding and improving the public perception has become an important element in the management of flood risk worldwide. In Iceland, studying perception of flood hazard and flood risk is, however, in its early stages. This paper presents a case study on the public perception of flood hazard and flood risk in an Icelandic town prone to ice-jam floods. Awareness of the population regarding historical inundations, self estimation of flood risk and worry is considered. The factual knowledge of the residents is deconstructed in flood hazard parameters accessible to the lay population: number of events, dates, genesis and boundaries. The performance of the respondents is rated for each parameter and the influence of several predictors evaluated. The research shows three significant patterns: there is poor awareness and little worry about historical inundations in the area; experience of the past flooding events in town is the most effective source of knowledge; awareness, risk estimation and worry are not correlated.  相似文献   

In 2014, China will pilot its first earthquake insurance program, and the inhabitants’ perception of earthquake risk in the pilot area is significant for the implementation of this plan. In this study, the authors conducted a field survey in four districts in the insurance pilot area to investigate the factors affecting the earthquakes risk perception of residents. The survey concentrates on the factors of hazard experience and residents’ house type and shows that people who have experienced more earthquakes tend to have a lower risk perception while people who have suffered serious earthquake loss tend to have a higher risk perception. For the house type factor, the author finds that house type is correlated with the risk perception from an earthquake. The effect on risk perception is significantly reduced when people enhance their house type with brick walls, concrete beams, and column. Furthermore, gender, income, and education level also have direct effects on how residents perceive of the risk from an earthquake.  相似文献   

Contemporary European agriculture has a number of additional aims beside of food production, such as safeguarding environmental services and conservation values. Substantial efforts at official levels are aimed towards sustainable development but also towards maintaining values of what may be termed vanishing landscapes. Selected areas and landscape features are set aside for protection or restoration. Individual efforts of this type have a long history in Sweden, and the issue has recently received increased attention, primarily due to more ambitious government goals concerning biodiversity conservation and Sweden’s ratification of the European Landscape Convention. This has resulted in an increased scientific and official interest in vanishing values in the rural landscape, where parts of Eastern Europe, such as the Maramures district in Romania, have been used as model examples of land use regimes which in the past was common in Sweden. In this context, the dilemma of romanticizing peasants’ use of land is highlighted and discussed more than has hitherto been done. This paper sheds light on some paradoxes inherent in official policies in relation to land use practices concerning the management of rural landscapes in Sweden, and relates the Swedish situation to a contrasting example of landscape practice in Romania. We discuss the concept of landscape care in relation to the construction and perception of landscape values and valuable landscapes through the lenses of rural realities and official policies. When Swedish authorities engage in the promotion of landscape care, they tend to work with slices of land, specific predefined values and individual farmers, and they often disregard the need to treat the landscape as a socio-ecological complex dynamic in space and time. We discuss how environmental policy generally could be improved through the adoption of a more inclusive and flexible approach towards aiding the different aims inherent in multifunctional rural landscapes.  相似文献   

Perception of flood risk in Danube Delta,Romania   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
For exposed and vulnerable communities, the perception of natural risk is an essential link in the analysis of man–environment coping relationship and also an important parameter in the quantification of complex vulnerability as a central predictive variable in the risk equation. The topic of flood risk in related perception is of considerable interest, as some recently published papers have proven (Messner and Meyer 2005, 2006; Raaijmakers et al. 2008). The aim of the current study is to reveal the conscious and unconscious attitudes towards the flood risk for the inhabitants of the Danube Delta/Romania. These attitudes, defined by different degrees of psychological vulnerability, represent the background for a series of psycho-behavioural patterns that generate certain adjustment mechanisms and strategies. Application of a specially designed questionnaire and the statistical analysis of the results revealed two psychological factors as essential in establishing the psychosocial vulnerability degree of the interviewed subjects: (i) an internal control factor and (ii) an external control factor. The persons characterized by inner control have a significantly reduced general anxiety level in comparison to individuals with the control factor placed externally. As confidence diminishes, it increases the tendency of the individual to rely on the external factors for support and security. The lack of resources (indicating lower resilience) and mistrust in the support given emphasizes non-adaptive behaviours.
Iuliana ArmaşEmail:

Natural Hazards - Risk perception plays a vital part in flood risk management and mitigation strategies. Therefore, this study aims at first to measure the risk perception of the vulnerable...  相似文献   

Su Yun  Yin Jun  Shen Hong 《Natural Hazards》2012,64(1):839-851
Studies carried out on the drought process, which can be classed as a gradual disaster, can help us to understand the disaster mechanism and offer strategies for disaster prevention. This paper uses the example of the drought in the Qianxi??nan Prefecture of Guizhou Province from July 2009 to May 2010. Data have been collected from government gazetteers, meteorological monitoring data, and field surveys to build up a sequence of meteorological drought indices. The categorization of the victims?? perception of drought impact, and the stages of drought responses of different subjects (government, social organizations, and the public), has also been examined by the same way. By contrasting the differences between the metrological drought indices, and victims?? perception of drought impact, researchers explored the drought cognition features of victims, social response features, and dynamic relationships between drought development and social responses. The results were as follows: The drought evolution process could be divided into 6 phases, and victims?? perception of drought impact could be divided into 7 phases. They were consistent in time period, and the victims?? perception of drought was subjective and based on their direct experiences. Their response has the characteristics of long term and concentration on a time. The responses of government and social organizations obviously fell behind those of victims, but they were effective and intensive in both timescale and effort. As the drought developed, responses shifted from individual to social responses and from practical to economic, political, and technological responses. On the basis of the results, the author has suggested methods of preparing stakeholders against possible drought risks.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe, characterise and analyse the behavioural characteristics of Christian pilgrims to holy sites in the Holy Land at the present time. The method of research used in this study was based on one hundred questionnaires, which the pilgrims themselves were asked to complete. The conclusion is that a scale exists upon which the tourist-behavioural features characterising present-day Christian pilgrims can be rated. This scale covers their world-view which ranks the importance of holy sites and the pilgrims' lack of interest in tourism per se. It was found that behavioural factors are related to the pilgrims' perception of holy sites in general and those in Israel in particular. The scale can be described as secularism versus sacredness and tourism versus pilgrimage. The typology is important because it allows us to classify and create other typologies and also to analyse the subject for practical purposes. Additionally, the survey highlights the increasing convergence of old-fashioned pilgrimage and tourism, which have much in common.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between perception on climate change as well as climatic hazards and socio-demographic characteristics such as age, gender, occupation, exposure to mass media, amount of land, education, and income. Following simple random sampling technique, a total of 384 households were sampled from Rangamati Sadar Upazila of Bangladesh and were interviewed through a predesigned semistructured questionnaire. The findings of the study reveal that a substantial number of respondents (61 %) perceive that climate is changing moderately over the years. The bivariate results indicate that age, gender, education, occupation, income, amount of land, and access to mass media are significantly associated with perception on climate change as well as climatic hazards. In addition, age, education, and exposure to mass media are also found as significant predictors of climate change perception. Education has been found as the single best predictor.  相似文献   

Saudi Arabia has in recent years experienced frequent disasters, including flooding, epidemics, and dust storms, while many parts of the country are subject to regular earthquake and volcanic activity. The paper examines public perception of the risk of disasters in this interesting socio-cultural and regional environment not already covered by existing literature. A wide national survey conducted between March and May 2012 resulted in 1,164 responses across the 13 regions of Saudi Arabia. The study showed that the majority of the participants have faith that God is in control of the world and that disasters may be a punishment from him. However, this does not hinder their desire to be prepared to cope with disasters. It also highlighted that direct experience with such disasters does not directly influence perception. The research findings lead to the emergence of a number of recommendations regarding raising awareness of hazards and the risk of disasters, including education, training, encouraging voluntary work, and improving public access to vital information resources. A requirement for research into resilience also emerges, to prepare communities to cope with disasters; this is the focus of the authors’ future research.  相似文献   

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