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石英光释光测年揭示的晚第四纪毛乌素沙地演化   总被引:12,自引:11,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究利用石英光释光测年的单片再生法(Single­aliquot Regenerative­dose Protocol,简称SAR)对毛乌素沙地内部西北-东南方向5个风成砂-砂质古土壤剖面进行了年代测定,结合年代框架和剖面沉积相、磁化率及粒度特征探讨了晚第四纪以来毛乌素沙地演化和气候变化。研究表明毛乌素沙地在晚第四纪以来经历了多次沙地固定与活化的交替演化: 距今91.0ka,71.0ka,48.0ka,22.0ka,11.6ka,5.0ka,1.1ka,1.0ka和0.4ka前后风成砂沉积,沙地活化,指示气候干旱,植被覆盖度低; 在距今65ka和全新世适宜期(8.5~5.0ka),沙地固定成壤,砂质古土壤发育,指示气候湿润。另外,剖面中风成砂层数变多、厚度增加、粒径变粗指示了晚第四纪以来毛乌素沙地干旱化趋势加强。  相似文献   

达古冰山地质公园以现代山地冰川地貌景观为核心,辅以古冰川冰蚀地貌、冰碛地貌和冰水堆积地貌景观,融类型丰富、规模宏大的地表碳酸盐岩钙华堆积地貌、各类水体景观和构造地质遗迹资源为一体。通过对各类地质遗迹进行分析,探讨了地质公园地质遗迹资源地学意义。研究表明,该地质公园在冰川地质学、第四纪地质学、地貌学、岩溶地质学、和岩石学等方面都具有极高的科学研究价值和极为典型的地学科普意义。  相似文献   

达古冰山地质公园以现代山地冰川地貌景观为核心,辅以古冰川冰蚀地貌、冰碛地貌和冰水堆积地貌景观,融类型丰富、规模宏大的地表碳酸盐岩钙华堆积地貌、各类水体景观和构造地质遗迹资源为一体。通过对各类地质遗迹进行分析,探讨了地质公园地质遗迹资源地学意义。研究表明,该地质公园在冰川地质学、第四纪地质学、地貌学、岩溶地质学、和岩石学等方面都具有极高的科学研究价值和极为典型的地学科普意义。  相似文献   

赵宝成  谢建磊  李晓  陈勇  张婧斐 《地质论评》2023,69(4):1398-1414
上海是典型的大河口特大城市,具有全球独特的新构造沉降和河海相互作用及人地相互作用产生的河口海岸地貌遗迹和地面沉降灾害遗迹。基于文献资料、遥感影像和地面调查,笔者等筛选确立了上海市12处地质遗迹集中区,系统阐明了上海境内地质遗迹特征及地学意义。按照产生的时代顺序,上海市地质遗迹类型可划分为火山地貌、海岸地貌、水体地貌和地质灾害4种类型,分别命名为火山岩残丘遗迹、古海岸遗迹、河口三角洲遗迹和地面沉降遗迹。在补充AMS14C测年的基础上,进一步厘清古岸线遗迹的年代,并根据松散沉积物地质构造剖面,揭示了具有明显年代跨度的3种类型地貌遗迹的演化关系。上海市地质遗迹整体表达了长江河口区0.12 Ga来地貌格局演化,6 ka以来海陆变迁与文明演替,1.5 ka以来长江河口演化以及0.1 ka以来地面沉降灾害的产生与防治。总体而言,上海市地质遗迹蕴含着中国乃至世界大河口区独特的地质演化史和人地关系史。本次研究提出的上海市地质遗迹点多分布在典型、稀有的生态景观区与人文景观区。这样,各类地质遗迹景观及相应的科学解说对于提升区域生态和文化景观价值及地学旅游路线开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

末次盛冰期和全新世大暖期毛乌素沙地的空间变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沙漠/沙地边缘和内部的古风成沙层、砂质古土壤是重建晚第四纪以来地表变化的直接地质证据.位于我国北方半干旱区的毛乌素沙地,其地表过程对气候变化响应敏感.在对毛乌素沙地进行野外拉网式调查以及前人研究的基础上,我们在沙地南部和东部的沙漠-黄土过渡带发现了大量的埋藏古风成沙丘沉积,指示了干冷期沙漠扩张的最南、东界限;沙地内部广泛发育的砂质古土壤则表明在气候相对暖湿期地表植被生长,土壤发育,沙丘基本被固定.对14个典型风成沙/黄土/古土壤沉积剖面进行了光释光年代学样品的采集和测试,结合空间分析和他人研究结果,发现在末次盛冰期(约26 ~ 16ka),毛乌素沙地的流动沙丘向南、东扩张,扩张距离现代边界约30~ 50km,面积扩大至少约10000km2,占现代沙地面积的25%;在全新世大暖期(约9~5ka),毛乌素沙地大部分被固定,发育了较厚的砂质古土壤.研究结果揭示了毛乌素沙地的地表过程对末次盛冰期和全新世大暖期气候变化的直接响应.  相似文献   

末次盛冰期和全新世大暖期呼伦贝尔沙地的环境变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
呼伦贝尔沙地保存的风沙层-古土壤沉积序列,是认识过去环境变化的重要地质记录.沙地沉积具有速率快、沉积与侵蚀并存的特点,因此,通过大量独立的光释光年代控制对不同的剖面进行拼接,可以重建沙地在千年尺度上干湿变化过程以及特征时期的边界.本文获得了呼伦贝尔沙地8个沉积剖面的47个光释光年代和近200个样品的环境代用指标数据,结合已发表文献资料,揭示了16ka以来呼伦贝尔沙地千年尺度的干湿变化,并估算了末次盛冰期(LGM)和全新世大暖期(HO)沙地流沙的边界.初步认为,LGM期间,呼伦贝尔沙地相对于现代沙带边界,最远向北移动了约60km,向东移动了约50km,并且南北沙带之间的区域全部沙化;LGM期间沙漠化面积达到22337km2,相对现代沙漠化面积扩大了约2.7倍.而在HO期间,整个沙地被植被所固定,发育砂质古土壤层,只在局部区域存在短暂的风沙活动.  相似文献   

赵宝成  谢建磊  李晓  陈勇  张婧斐 《地质论评》2023,69(1):2023010022-2023010022
上海是典型的大河口特大城市,具有全球独特的新构造沉降和河海相互作用及人地相互作用产生的河口海岸地貌遗迹和地面沉降灾害遗迹。基于文献资料、遥感影像和地面调查,笔者等筛选确立了上海市12处地质遗迹集中区,系统阐明了上海境内地质遗迹特征及地学意义。按照产生的时代顺序,上海市地质遗迹类型可划分为火山地貌、海岸地貌、水体地貌和地质灾害4种类型,分别命名为火山岩残丘遗迹、古海岸遗迹、河口三角洲遗迹和地面沉降遗迹。在补充AMS14C测年的基础上,进一步厘清古岸线遗迹的年代,并根据松散沉积物地质构造剖面,揭示了具有明显年代跨度的3种类型地貌遗迹的演化关系。 上海市地质遗迹整体表达了长江河口区0. 12 Ga来地貌格局演化,6 ka以来海陆变迁与文明演替,1. 5 ka以来长江河口演化以及0. 1 ka以来地面沉降灾害的产生与防治。总体而言,上海市地质遗迹蕴含着中国乃至世界大河口区独特的地质演化史和人地关系史。本次研究提出的上海市地质遗迹点多分布在典型、稀有的生态景观区与人文景观区。这样,各类地质遗迹景观及相应的科学解说对于提升区域生态和文化景观价值及地学旅游路线开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

东昆仑东段第四纪成山作用过程与地貌变迁   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
东昆仑山的现代地貌格局为一系列北西西向的山系和盆地(谷地) 相间列, 第四纪沉积和岩相分布与地貌格局存在良好的匹配性, 第四纪不同时代沉积反映了山系的成山作用过程.显著地貌分异首先出现于北部的布尔汗布达山, 即早更新世中晚期(1525ka), 表现为受布尔汗布达山地貌控制的其南部山脚的早更新世中期(1525ka) 左右冲洪积物的始现.南部马尔争—布青山的成型发生于早中更新世之交, 这次成山作用在整个青藏高原昆仑—黄河源地区具有广泛影响.更南部的查哈西里山在1113.9~979.6ka间的沉积特征也显示了这一事件的影响, 即由湖相转变为冲洪积相, 但在这一时期查哈西里山总体仍为沉积区, 山系并未形成, 山顶最高层位粗冲洪积物的砾石成分统计和砾石扁平面产状统计仍显示物源来自北部, 沉积与北部隆起的马尔争-布青山有关, 查哈西里山真正隆起高于两侧, 应发生在晚更新世.伸展断裂组合与地貌之间的良好耦合关系表明, 东昆仑地区山体的崛起与伸展断裂构造之间存在密切的成因关系.山系突出于高原面的成山作用主要受控于近南北向的伸展作用, 这一伸展作用应与青藏高原整体隆升后边缘的重力失稳垮塌及均衡作用相联系, 这种伸展垮塌随着时间的迁移向南发展.   相似文献   

海南岛东北海岸风沙沉积的光释光年代学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取海南岛东北部JSD2和PQR2两个典型海岸沙质沉积剖面进行研究,共采集10个测年样品和89个指标分析样品,在室内进行了光释光(OSL)测年和粒度分析。结果表明:1)JSD2和PQR2剖面砂样以中细沙为主,粒度众数在225~400 μm之间。风沙沉积后受化学风化作用呈现淡红棕色至红棕色;2)JSD2剖面OSL年龄范围为(2.20±1.09)~(9.89±1.65) ka,属于全新世风沙沉积;PQR2剖面年龄范围为(3.41±0.78)~(22.50±1.07) ka,上部为全新世风沙沉积,下部为末次冰期和晚冰期的老红砂层;3)综合海南岛和华南其他海岸沙丘、海岸风沙年龄数据分析,研究区全新世海岸风沙沉积年代序列可划分为10.5~6.0 ka B.P.和6.0 ka B.P.以来两个阶段,华南热带与亚热带海岸风沙活动趋势基本一致。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地位于东亚季风边缘区,对于气候变化响应敏感.基于沙地的侵蚀-堆积关系,在侵蚀作用为主的沙地西北部和中部很难找到沉积相对连续且分辨率较高的地层剖面,因此已有的末次冰期古气候环境研究多集中于堆积作用为主的沙地东南缘的萨拉乌苏河河谷地区.本文选取位于沙地腹地,厚度为3.5 m的风成砂-河湖相沉积序列——神水台(SSTG)剖面为研究对象,基于AMS 14C和OSL年代数据,推测得出剖面中湖相层的上界和下界分别为约24.2 ka B.P .和42.7ka B.P.,依据沉积地层和环境代用指标分析结果,针对末次冰期毛乌素沙地湖泊消涨的一般过程进行了探讨.结果表明,自约5万年以来,由神水台(SSTG)剖面指示了两次明显的湖泊主要发育期,时间分别约为42.7~34.3 ka B.P.和31.1~24.2 ka B.P.,期间粘土含量、有机质、红度均表现为低值,为含淡水螺壳化石的典型湖泊相沉积,且与毛乌素沙地已有湖泊发育的年代结果基本一致.在两期湖相层之间的砂层,平均粒径、砂含量表现为峰值,指示了一次明显的湖泊消退的过程,其时间约为34.3~31.1 ka B.P.;在湖相层上下可能均为风力作用为主导的风沙沉积.通过区域对比并初步探讨其可能的驱动机制,结果表明SSTG剖面记录的湖泊消涨过程主要受控于东亚季风强度的变化.  相似文献   

黄河源风沙沉积及意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
考察发现黄河源发育有广泛的现代、古代风沙沉积和沙漠化草地。地貌、沉积和年代学的分析表明,这些沙丘都是就地形成的半成熟沙丘,粒度粗,分选中等,形成于四个主要时期,即倒数第二次冰期末、末次冰期最盛期,全新世寒冷时期和现代,为青藏高原及邻区黄土提供了丰富的粉尘。  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(10-13):1067-1076
This study is concerned with the Late Quaternary climatic chronology of the Strzelecki Desert dunefields in central Australia. The sand ridges comprise layers of quartz sand, some of which include palaeosol horizons with carbonated rootlets providing excellent opportunity for dating of alternations of dune building and stability by using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Deduced from the OSL age of the oldest aeolian layer dated, we conclude that the onset of aridity dates back to at least ∼65 ka. Older phases of aeolian activity though, following a fluvial depositional phase 160 ka ago, cannot be excluded, although no aeolian layers giving evidence for this have been found in the two dunes dated here. Unconsolidated dune sands in the upper part of one section with Late Holocene (4 ka to modern) depositional ages indicate a reactivation of the dunefield in recent times.From the crosscheck of 14C ages of the carbonated rootlets with OSL results it is concluded that under the given environmental conditions radiocarbon dating of the calcareous rootlets is not able to provide reliable ages for the phase of soil development.  相似文献   

Although partly active aeolian sand sheets and dunes cover large areas in the zones of (dis)continuous permafrost, little precise information is available about the influence of cold-climate conditions on modern aeolian processes. This means that palaeoenvironmental reconstructions in the stabilised, mainly Late Pleistocene dune fields and cover sand regions in the ‘sand belts’ of the European Lowlands and the Northern Great Plains of the USA and Canada, are necessarily still based on ancient evidence. Cold-climate wind deposits are typically derived from areas of abundant sediment supply like unvegetated flood plains, glacial outwash plains, till plains and lake shores. The common parabolic and transverse dune forms resemble those observed in temperate regions. Although a variety of periglacial features has been identified in Late Pleistocene dune and cover sands none of them indicate that permafrost is crucial to aeolian activity. Specific structures in aeolian strata permit tentative interpretation of the moisture content of depositional sand surfaces, the nature of annual sedimentation cycles and the processes by which strata were deposited and/or contorted. But surprisingly little is known about the role of vegetation in the process of sand accumulation. Dunes are most informative with respect to reconstructions of past wind regimes, which offer important data for verification of palaeoclimatic simulations.  相似文献   

猪野泽全新世沉积物剖面中存在砂层和灰绿色湖相沉积层相间分布的现象。本研究对猪野泽QTH01、QTH02剖面砂层的石英砂样品进行扫描电镜分析,且与古湖泊岸堤和现代沙丘砂样做了对比,探讨了猪野泽全新世剖面中部和底部砂层的成因。研究发现,猪野泽QTH01、QTH02剖面样品中大部分石英砂兼具风成结构和水成结构,且水成特征大都覆盖于风成特征之上,V型坑分布频率相对较小,磨圆度特征与现代沙丘样品较为相似,与岸堤石英砂具有相似的结构特征,但剖面砂层不具岸堤典型的斜纹层理。结果说明,猪野泽砂层先经历了风成环境,后期转向湖相沉积,也有少部分砂是通过河流沉积于剖面位置;剖面砂层与岸堤砂层的成因相似,但剖面所在位置并非湖泊岸堤;剖面砂层形成时期风沙活动强烈,湖泊水动力条件稳定,河流对湖泊影响较小。  相似文献   

Sedimentary features, mineralogy, bulk geochemical composition, stable isotope analyses and pollen data from sediment cores were used to reconstruct the Late Quaternary depositional evolution of the Salada Mediana playa lake (central Ebro Basin, northeastern Spain). The 150-cm-long sediment core sequence is composed of gypsum- and dolomite-rich muds (Lower and Middle sections) and black, laminated, calcite-bearing sediments (Upper section). The Salada Mediana formed as a karstic depression in the Miocene gypsum substratum during the Late Pleistocene. The Lower section was deposited in a sulphate–carbonate saline lake that ended with a period of desiccation and basin floor deflation. Subsequent deposition (Middle section) took place in a playa-lake system. Two cycles of lower water table and expanded saline mud flats occurred. The Holocene sequence is missing, probably as a result of aeolian erosion. Sedimentation resumed only a few centuries ago, and saline pan environments dominated until modern times. The Salada Mediana facies succession was mainly governed by fluctuations in the hydrological balance, brine composition, and salinity; however, aeolian processes (detrital input and deflation) and recycling of previously precipitated salts also played a significant role.  相似文献   

首次对毛乌素沙地东南部边缘沙漠—黄土地带的土地沙漠化进行系统的地质学分类,提出了沙地内部就地起沙型沙漠化、河流谷地就地起沙型沙漠化、风化残积就地起沙型沙漠化和风沙侵入型沙漠化等四种土地沙漠化类型。通过深入分析不同地质成因类型土地沙漠化的粒度特征,探讨了不同地质作用对土地沙漠化的贡献及其对土地沙漠化防治方面的重要意义。研究表明,研究区的土地沙漠化以就地起沙型为主,河流的水力搬运是沙漠化物质搬运的主要途径,风力作用则是对河流湖泊沉积物的进一步分选和再沉积。最后,提出了不同类型的土地沙漠化防治对策建议。  相似文献   

Past geomorphological models assume that erosion of sediments from old mountain belts occurred at a relatively constant rate, based on comparatively uniform isostatic adjustment caused by unloading. Late Miocene strata of the south‐eastern United States provide an example of pulsed tectonism resulting in a surge in siliciclastic sediment production and transport. Regional tectonism (uplift of the southern Appalachian Mountains) and climatic conditions during the Late Miocene resulted in the long‐distance (up to 1000 km) fluvial transport of coarse siliciclastic sediments onto a stable carbonate platform in southern Florida. The sediments are unusual in that they are significantly coarser than marine‐transported sands in southern Florida, with discoidal quartz and quartzite clasts up to 40 mm in diameter locally present, and have relatively high potassium feldspar contents (up to 16% in some sample fractions), whereas feldspar is rare in modern Florida beach sands. It is suggested that previously documented rejuvenation of the southern Appalachian Mountains during the Middle to Late Miocene time, coupled with the Messenian sea‐level low, generated the increased rate of sediment production and necessary hydraulic gradient to allow rapid transport of coarse sediments. Tectonic influence on the river pathway in Florida, as well as in the southern Appalachian Mountains, may have maintained the river on the narrow carbonate platform. The Florida Platform during the Late Miocene must also have had a sufficiently wet climate to cause episodic transport of the coarse sediments. Siliciclastic sediment transport on the Florida Platform during the Late Miocene greatly differed from Pleistocene to modern conditions, which are dominated by the transport of fine‐grained sands by longshore marine processes.  相似文献   

中国南方红土年代地层学与地层划分问题   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
南方红土是我国热带、亚热带以各类岩石和第四纪松散沉积物为母质发育的红色风化壳,也是我国分布最广的第四纪土状堆积。本文在探讨第四纪松散沉积物上红色风化壳的形成机制的基础上,根据风化壳发育程度将其划分为砖红土风化壳、红壤土风化壳和红化土风化壳3种类型。南方地区第四纪松散沉积物主要有河流相沉积、滨海相海滩砂和海岸风成砂——"老红砂"以及以下蜀土为主的风尘堆积。近年来在上述沉积物中多处发现旧石器遗址,促进了南方红土的地层年代学研究。根据前人及近期对南方红土的研究成果,讨论了南方红土的年代地层学问题,提出了以风化壳岩性特征为基础的岩石地层单位初步划分框架:老红砂划分为中更新统北海组、晚更新统晋江组;风尘堆积划分为中更新统宣城组、晚更新统下蜀组;河流相沉积只划出中更新统白沙井组,晚更新统留待以后研究再划出。  相似文献   

The Kachchh Mainland Fault (KMF) is a major E–W trending seismically active fault of the Kachchh palaeorift basin whose neotectonic evolution is not known. The present study deals with the eastern part of the KMF zone where the fault is morphologically expressed as steep north facing scarps and is divisible into five morphotectonic segments. The Quaternary sediments occurring in a narrow zone between the E–W trending KMF scarps and the flat Banni plain to the north are documented. The sediments show considerable heterogeneity vertically as well as laterally along the KMF zone. (The Quaternary sediments for a northward sloping and are exposed along the north flowing streams which also show rapid decrease in the depth of incision in the same direction.) The deposits, in general, comprise coarse as well as finer gravelly deposits, sands and aeolian and fluvial miliolites. The Quaternary sediments of the KMF zone show three major aggradation phases. The oldest phase includes the colluvio-fluvial sediments occurring below the miliolites. These deposits are strikingly coarse grained and show poor sorting and large angular clasts of Mesozoic rocks. The sedimentary characteristics indicate deposition, dominantly by debris flows and sediment gravity flows, as small coalescing alluvial fans in front of the scarps. These deposits suggest pre-miliolite neotectonic activity along the KMF. The second aggradation phase comprises aeolian miliolites and fluvially reworked miliolites that have been previously dated from middle to late Pleistocene. The youngest phase is the post-miliolite phase that includes all deposits younger than miliolite. These are represented by comparatively finer sandy gravels, gravelly sands and sand. The sediment characteristics suggest deposition in shallow braided stream channels under reduced level of neotectonic activity along the KMF during post-miliolite time evidenced by vertical dips of miliolites and tilting of gravels near the scarps. The tectonically controlled incision and dissection of the Quaternary deposits is the result of neotectonic activity that continues at present day. The overall nature, sedimentary characteristics and geomorphic setting of the sediments suggest that the KMF remained neotectonically active throughout the Quaternary period.  相似文献   

There has been considerable debate concerning the origin of the Spearwood Dunes on the Swan Coastal Plain in Western Australia. In general, it is believed that the Spearwood Dunes are a complex of calcareous coastal dunes deposited during the Quaternary and now consist of an aeolianite core (the Tamala Limestone) plus tracts of surficial residual sand from dissolution thereof. However, in the mid‐seventies a counter view was presented suggesting that the sand was not residual but was transported by aeolian processes from inland sources. At 11 sites on the Swan Coastal Plain a combination of grainsize analysis and heavy‐mineral analysis was used to demonstrate that the sand of the Spearwood Dunes has evolved as a result of in situ weathering of the underlying Tamala Limestone. This supports previous work on the Swan Coastal Plain and other sandplains in Western Australia, suggesting that there has been very little long‐range aeolian transport of sands during the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

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