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中温UBF与UASB两相厌氧系统处理垃圾渗滤液的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对石碑岭垃圾场渗滤液水质特性,采用以高效生物陶粒为填料的UBF反应器作酸化相,以UASB反应器作甲烷相的两相厌氧系统进行了处理垃圾渗滤液的实验研究.实验结果表明:在系统进水CODCr和BOD5质量浓度分别为3 887 mg/L和819 mg/L,UBF与UASB的HRT分别控制在10.3 h和61.7 h时,CODCr和BOD5总去除率分别为85.4%和90.1%,UBF酸化率达42.9%,BOD5/CODCr比值由0.21提高到0.39.  相似文献   

基于弹性地基梁理论的土工格室加筋体变形分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
赵明华  张玲  曹文贵  马缤辉 《岩土力学》2009,30(12):3695-3699
在土工格室处理软土路基加固机制研究的基础上,针对土工格室加筋体的受力变形特点,将格室体视为置放于Winkler地基上的连续长梁,基于传统的弹性地基梁理论,建立考虑水平摩阻力影响的土工格室加筋体的挠曲变形微分方程,并给出其幂级数解答,从而得到了土工格室加筋体在集中荷载作用下的变形计算方法,为土工格室加固处理后的软土路基沉降计算提供了依据。理论与试验结果对比分析表明,在格室体变形分析中不计水平摩阻力的影响将夸大格室体在荷载作用下的竖向变形,计入水平摩阻力影响后理论与实测曲线吻合更好。  相似文献   

梁程  徐超 《岩土力学》2018,39(8):2984-2990
土工格室能有效减少软土地基上路堤的变形,并增强其稳定性,但对于土工格室加筋土垫层路堤的临界高度还少有研究。采用极限平衡分析方法,假定地基在路堤荷载作用下呈圆弧滑动破坏模式,将格室及其内的填土视为复合体,考虑格室复合体的应力扩散作用和侧向限制作用,提出了路堤临界高度的计算模型,并将该模型值与建立的有限差分模型结果进行对比,然后讨论了格室高度、应力扩散角及格室复合体与地基接触面摩擦系数对路堤临界高度的影响规律。结果表明,理论分析和数值计算结果吻合较好;加筋路堤的临界高度明显大于未加筋路堤的临界高度,并且增加此3种影响因素的取值均能提高路堤的临界高度;同时增强格室的侧向限制作用比提高格室高度和应力扩散角更有利于路堤的稳定。  相似文献   

土工格室加筋垫层路堤破坏模式和稳定性评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用土工格室加筋垫层提高软土地基上填方路堤的稳定性已得到认可,但其破坏模式和稳定性分析方法仍未取得共识。作者通过室内物理模拟试验,识别软土地基上无筋垫层路堤、土工格栅加筋垫层路堤和土工格室加筋垫层路堤的失效模式,并在此基础上探讨土工格室加筋垫层路堤的稳定性和临界填筑高度分析方法。研究结果表明:软土地基上无筋垫层路堤和土工格栅加筋垫层路堤发生穿过垫层的圆弧滑动破坏;土工格室加筋垫层路堤呈整体破坏模式,滑动面虽呈似圆弧状但未穿过加筋垫层,破裂面在软土地基中形成和发展,而且位置更深。在识别破坏模式的基础上,通过土工格室加筋垫层的工作机理分析,提出了软土地基上土工格室加筋垫层路堤稳定性和临界填筑高度分析方法。  相似文献   

土工格室用于岩石边坡植被侵蚀防护的稳定性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用在土工格室内植草的方法对岩石边坡进行冲蚀控制 。 基于对格室破坏模式的实践认识和理论分析,提出了格室稳定分析的计算方法,分析了边坡坡度 、铆钉间距 、格室深度以及土工格栅加筋对格室稳定性的影响 。 对格室在铺设过程中的主要问题进行探讨 , 得出了对设计和施工有一定指导意义的结论。  相似文献   

土壤残油生物降解性与微生物活性   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
李广贺  张旭等 《地球科学》2002,27(2):181-185
利用色谱-质谱联机(GC/MS)、柱层析分析方法、浊度法和微生物脱氢酶法,确定土壤残油污染物的构成、油污土壤优势降解菌、残油降解过程中微生物活性及其动态变化。研究结果表明,长期残留在淄河滩土层中的石油 烃类主要由沥表肝质、胶质构成,占总烃类的60%-80%,经过90d生物降解试验,残油降解率仅为20%,污染土层中的主要优势菌为球菌和杆菌,菌群鉴定为黄假单胞菌(Xanthonmonas)、芽孢杆菌(Bacillus )等。据微生物脱氢酶动态变化的初步研究结果,微生物脱氢酶活性变化可作为衡量微生物活性变化的 重要指标。  相似文献   

土工格室加筋土挡墙因其结构轻巧、稳定性高而具有广阔的工程应用前景,均匀长加筋面板式格室挡墙性能尤为良好,但目前相关的试验研究尚少。以拟建的长加筋面板式土工格室挡墙为对象,开展了竖向分级静载作用下的室内模型试验,对挡墙的变形、墙内竖向应力以及格室加筋层应变进行了测试和分析,探讨了均匀长格室层的加筋作用机制。结果表明:竖向荷载作用下,挡墙上部填土沿水平方向产生了中间大、墙面处小的不均匀沉降,埋于其中的格室加筋层因受弯而产生“网兜”效应,合并格室较强的侧限作用,致使部分竖向应力转化为格室的水平应力,多层格室的水平向转化作用使得挡墙底部的竖向应力明显减小,沉降沿水平方向亦趋于均匀分布。挡墙上部的翘起变形使得加筋层对墙面产生向下的拉力,故墙面竖向位移随荷载的增加而迅速增长;且对墙面产生向内收缩的作用,有效限制了上部墙面的水平位移,0.375H~0.75H(H为总墙高)范围内格室墙面水平位移较大,最大值出现在0.375H高处。加筋层应变沿水平方向的分布形式受填筑高度和荷载的影响较小,竖向荷载作用下均匀长加筋面板式格室挡墙的潜在破裂面的剖面线形为距墙踵一定距离的竖向缓变曲线。该成果可为此类土工格室加...  相似文献   

为了研究酸化对煤储层渗透率的影响,进行了室内酸化实验。采取山西沁水盆地南部晋城矿区3号煤层中裂隙发育的煤样,分别将其制成60~80目的干燥煤粉和直径为50 mm的煤心,用不同的酸液体系对煤粉和煤心进行处理,测量煤粉酸化后的溶蚀率以及煤心酸化前后的渗透率和孔隙度。实验结果发现,经酸化后煤心渗透率由原来的0.5×10-3 μm2左右提高到3.0×10-3 μm2左右,孔隙度增加了5.5%左右。对煤心进行酸化处理能极大的提高其渗透性,为煤层气酸化现场施工提供实验支撑。   相似文献   

为了揭示季节性低温胁迫下陇东黄土高原油污土壤环境因子对耐冷混合菌场地生态修复的响应机制,利用自主筛选构建的耐冷石油降解混合菌在甘肃省庆阳市庆城县马岭镇长庆油田陇东油泥处理站开展了为期7个月的场地修复实验,采用常规方法测定了不同季节土壤理化特性、酶活性和微生物群落特性等环境指标。结果表明:(1)在季节性低温胁迫下(9-11月)M2组(耐冷混合菌处理组)月平均降解率明显增加(P<0.01),JZJ+M1组(金盏菊联合常温混合菌处理组)和M2组累计TPH降解率分别为15.37%±3.51%和28.64%±4.12%。(2)M2组土壤脱氢酶和多酚氧化酶在低温季节(LT)活性最高,且温度和处理存在显著交互作用(P<0.01)。在土壤营养元素方面,无论何种处理方式(JZJ+M1和M2)二者含量均为RT(常温季节)高于LT(P<0.05),同时明显高于CK组(P<0.05)。(3)M2组土壤微生物群落Shannon-Wiener指数和均匀度指数在LT高于RT(P<0.05)。(4)NMDS和Pearson相关性分析结果显示,M2组在低温季节具有较高TPH降解率主要与土壤多酚氧化酶、脱氢酶、单月TPH降解率(μ2)和Shannon-Wiener指数有关,且均呈极显著正相关关系。通过分析环境因子的季节响应,优化场地修复在低温环境的降解条件、加速低温期石油烃降解速率,以期为陇东地区低温耐冷混合菌场地生态修复技术的推广应用提供参考和基础数据资料。  相似文献   

高昂  张孟喜  朱华超  姜圣卫 《岩土力学》2016,37(7):1921-1928
为探究土工格室加筋路堤在循环荷载及静载下的各种性能,利用美国GCTS公司的USTX-2000加载装置进行加载,通过改变加筋层数、格室高度,格室焊距对土工格室加筋路堤进行一系列模型试验。对各种工况下加筋路堤极限承载力、长期循环荷载及固定振次循环荷载后极限承载力的变化进行研究。试验表明,土工格室加筋能显著提高地基极限承载力并能显著减小坡顶和坡中临界破坏时的法向累积变形,在加筋间距一定的情况下,加筋层数增加和格室高度增大均可不同程度提高极限承载力并减小临界破坏时坡顶法向累积变形,格室焊距的减小也可在一定程度提高极限承载力,格室焊距对边坡法向变形影响不大;长期循环荷载下固定间距加筋层数对路堤竖向累积沉降量影响不大,而对边坡坡顶法向累积变形有一定影响,格室高度增大和格室焊距减小均可不同程度减小路堤竖向累积沉降量和坡面法向累积变形;越靠近加载点处,路堤土压力值受加筋影响越显著,加筋提高了土体刚度和密实度,使加筋路堤土压力值较无筋路堤明显增大;对于无筋路堤,改变动载幅值和振次均导致振后极限承载力有不同程度的降低,而对于加筋路堤,当动载幅值≥30 kPa或动载振次≥1 000时,振后极限承载力均有不同程度的提高。  相似文献   

A combined ABR–MBR process consisting of an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) combined with an aerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR) treating municipal wastewater was investigated at controlled pH range 6.5–8.5 and at constant temperature 25 ± 1 °C. Total nitrogen (TN), ammonia (NH4 +–N), total phosphorus (TP), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal performances were evaluated by analyzing the mechanism for efficient nutrient removal. The results showed that the average removal rates of COD, NH4 +–N, TN, and TP reached 93, 99, 79, and 92 %, respectively, corresponding with the COD, NH4 +–N, TN, and TP effluent of 24 (18–31), 0.4 (0–0.8), 10.6 (8.8–12.9), and 0.31 (0.1–0.5) mg/L under the operational condition of hydraulic retention time (HRT) 7.5 h, recycle ratio 200 %, and dissolved oxygen 3 mg/L. The MBR enhanced NH4 +–N, TN, and TP removal rates of 13, 10, and 18 %, respectively, and the membrane retention reduced TP 0.17 mg/L. The process was able to maintain a stable performance with high-quality effluent. Analysis of the results by fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, and phosphorus accumulating organisms as percentages of all bacteria in each compartment was stable. The enriched microorganisms in the system appear to be the main drivers of the process efficient for nutrient removal.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the response of soil enzyme activities (namely dehydrogenase, phosphatase and urease) to different levels of trace element pollution in soil representative area. The improved ecological dose model and random-amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) were used to assess soil health. The 50% ecological dose (ED50) values modified by toxicant coefficient were calculated from the best-fit model, and determination values from the regression analysis for the three enzyme activities were studied after the incubation periods. The results showed that the elevated heavy metal concentration negatively affects the total population size of bacteria and actinomycetes and enzymatic activity; dehydrogenase (ED50 = 777) was the most sensitive soil enzyme, whereas urease activity (ED50 = 2,857) showed the lowest inhibition; combined pollution or elevated toxicant level would increase disappearing RAPD bands, and the number of denoting polymorphic bands was greater in combined polluted soils. All three mathematical modified models satisfactorily described the inhibition of soil enzyme activities caused by Cd and Pb, by giving the best fit.  相似文献   

ABR反应器结构对水力特性的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
ABR反应器的结构决定了反应器的流态, 从而控制着可能达到的处理效率.为进行反应器结构优化设计, 首次研究了ABR的下、上向流室宽度比、折流板底端距底板距离和折流板折角等结构参数与ABR水力特性之间的关系.厌氧折流板反应器ABR的典型结构由一系列相同结构单元串联组成.反应器的水力特性可通过研究单个单元的水力特性推知.采用停留时间分布RTD (residence time distribution)方法研究了反应器各结构参数的变化对一个5.2 5L的ABR单元清水水力特性的影响.结果表明: ABR的死区较小, 远低于其他厌氧生物反应器; 流态接近理想推流式; 下、上向流室宽度比不宜过小, 最佳值为1∶3;折流板底端距底板距离与死区在本试验所取范围内(1~ 5cm)成正比关系; 折流板折角以50°左右为佳.   相似文献   

一株硫酸盐还原菌的分离及生理生态特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
硫酸盐有机废水生物处理技术一直是人们关注的热点,该种废水处理的关键是如何在有效地去除COD的同时,高效地去除SO_4~(2-)厌氧生物处理系统中的硫酸盐还原菌(Sulfte-Reducing Bacteria,SRB)在一定的条件下可以有效地将SO_4~(2-)还原而从废水中去除。产酸脱硫反应器是一个复杂的生态学系统,在这个生态系统中,SRB起着最主要的生态学作用,要研究产酸脱硫反应器中的各种群的微生物的生理生态学,是非常复杂而且难以实现的。为了更方便地研究产酸脱硫反应器中的微生物生理生态学,比较好的做法是把在反应器中数量上占优势,并且起主要功能的种群分离出来,对它们进行单独和配合研究。本实验就是利用滚管法和改进的Hungate技术,在COD/SO_4~(2-)=3的稳定阶段,对产酸脱硫反应器中的SRB进行了分离,分离出在数量上占优势的SRB,命名为SRB-ZH07。在厌氧试管和三角瓶中,进行了SRB-ZH07生理生态学研究。pH值对SRB-ZH07的生长和硫酸盐去除率的影响,pH为7.0左右SRB-ZH07的生长状况最好,在34h,菌液的OD_(600nm)达到0.827,而其它pH下的OD_(600nm)...  相似文献   

Nitritation is an innovative biological nitrogen removal method in wastewater, and it has the advantages of energy and economy. The correlation between a nitrite conversion rate and the gene copy numbers of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in a nitritation reactor was examined to measure the effectiveness of removing a nitrogen content in a biological nitrogen removal process, using a biological process of nitritation. A laboratory scale reactor was prepared and operated for over a year, using digester supernatant to induce a stable nitritation, and to optimize the operational conditions by adjusting various operating factors. The relationship between operational results of nitritation reactor and the AOB gene copies was approximated through identification and quantitative analysis of AOB. A stable nitritation can be artificially led with the control of SRT, while treating anaerobic digester supernatant from MWTPs. And AOB gene copies showed a correlation with free ammonia (FA) inhibition and performance of nitritation, and AOB activity. Thus, AOB gene copies were found important when it comes to analyzing nitritation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of anaerobic digestion (AD) as an eco-friendly technology for coffee wastewater (CWW) management. First, we have characterized the CWW and found that it is suitable for microbial degradation with pH adjustment. Then, we designed a simple anaerobic batch reactor (ABR) and evaluated its potential for energy yield and efficiency to remove pollutants. The experiment was carried out by operating the anaerobic digestion (AD) for 70 days. The ABR was found to be efficient for the removal of organic load (90 %), nutrients (82 %) and suspended solids (95 %) from coffee processing waste. The increased removal efficiency of pollutants was dependent on the hydraulic retention time of the system. We also estimated that the coffee waste has a potential to produce a theoretical energy yield of 4–10 million KJ/day and an organic fertilizer (digestate) of 18.8–25.2 kg VSS/day. As a result, the AD would be a more sensible consideration as an eco-friendly treatment option for the coffee waste. The use of AD for CWW treatment not only reduces emission of greenhouse gases to the environment but also circumvents the rising demand for fuel wood and charcoal that causes a severe deforestation in the coffee growing regions of the world.  相似文献   

Two insecticides, monocrotophos and chlorpyrifos alone and in combination with two fungicides, mancozeb and carbendazim, respectively, were assessed for their effects on the activities of arylamidase (as glucose formed from sinigrin), dehydrogenase (in terms of triphenyl formazan formed from triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) and myrosinase (as β-naphthylamine formed from l-leucine β-naphthylamide) in vertisol and laterite soils collected from a fallow groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) field. The influence of selected pesticides, alone and in combination on enzyme activities was concentration dependent; the activities increased with increasing concentration of the pesticides up to 2.5 kg ha?1, whereas application of monocrotophos alone showed maximum enzyme activities up to 5.0 kg ha?1, in both soils. However, higher concentrations (7.5 and 10 kg ha?1) of the pesticides were either innocuous or toxic to the enzyme activities. The significant stimulation in the activities of arylamidase, dehydrogenase and myrosinase, was associated with 2.5 kg ha?1. The maximum stimulation in arylamidase and myrosinase activity was observed at 20-day incubation, and the enzyme activities decreased gradually at 30 and 40 days of incubation. Significant increase in dehydrogenase activity was observed at 21-day incubation, and the enzyme activity decreased gradually at 28 and 35 days of incubation in both vertisol and laterite soils. The results of the present study thus, clearly, indicate that application of the insecticides alone or in combination with fungicides, in cultivation of groundnut, at field application rates improved the activities of arylamidase, dehydrogenase and myrosinase in soils.  相似文献   

当地下水邂逅DNA:石油类有机污染及其生物降解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下水科学与工程研究发展到今日,已经成为一门涉及多个领域的综合性学科。地下水污染的控制和修复研究更需要跨学科的技术和知识支持,而生物修复作为一种高效低耗修复的技术成为环境领域的研究热点。微生物因其自身特性及其对污染的降解主导特征对确定有机物污染场地的永续修复具有重要意义。简要地综述了地下水有机污染及其原位修复、有机污染物和地下环境微生物的交互作用,进一步聚焦生物降解机制、生物修复和细菌研究。在此基础上以某石油污染场地地下水为例,进行了地下水中分离微生物菌株及其降解特征的实验研究。结果表明:放线菌降解效果最好,细菌和真菌次之;两两组合降解效果好于单菌,表明存在协同作用;不同菌株混合降解率较低,表明具有拮抗作用。通过动力学实验得出对TPH的降解符合一级反应动力学方程及其降解速度和降解半衰期。就微生物对有机组分降解而言,烷烃和总石油烃降解规律相似;难降解组分降解率低,后期因烷烃转化使其浓度升高;苯浓度变化不大。微生物活性实验表明:活菌总数和脱氢酶活性与降解率呈正相关变化。运用生理生化及分子生物学方法鉴定得出了具体的菌种。  相似文献   

The cellulolytic enzyme-endoglucanase activity against coir fibre, a major biowaste by bacteria such as Cellulomonas, Bacillus and Micrococcus spp. isolated from coir retting effluents of estuarine environment was studied. The enzyme assay was carried out by using various concentrations (0.5 ? 2%) of substrate of coir powder as a carbohydrate in different pH (5–9) and temperature (20–50 °C). The enzyme activity was minimum in 0.5% substrate concentration at lower pH 5 (0.0087, 0.0143 and 0.0071 U/mL) and at 20 °C temperature (0.0151, 0.0154 and 0.0122 U/mL) by the bacterial strains such as Cellulomonas, Bacillus and Micrococcus spp respectively. Then this level was increased and reached maximum at the neutral pH (0.0172, 0.0165 and 0.0121 U/mL) and at 40 °C (0.0336, 0.0196 and 0.0152 U/mL) by the selected bacterial species. Further increase of pH and temperature, the enzyme activity reduced considerably to 0.0083, 0.0143 and 0.0037 U/mL at pH 9 and 0.0154, 0.0197 and 0.0121 U/mL at 50 °C by the tested bacterial strains. The same trend was also obtained in oth er substrate concentrations such as 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 %. With in the four substrate concentrations, the endoglucanase enzyme activity was more in 1.5% concentration at the tested pH and temperatures. From the over all result, it was observed that, among the three bacterial strains, the enzyme activity was more in Cellulomonas sp, followed by Bacillus and Micrococcus spp. in varying pH and temperature.  相似文献   

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