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环境矿物材料在土壤,水体,大气污染治理中的应用   总被引:39,自引:11,他引:28  
本语文在简要阐明了环境矿物材料对污染和净化机理与净化功能的基础上,明确了环境矿物材料的领域,重点展望了在土壤重金属污染防治、地表水和地下水水质改善及燃煤固硫除尘等三类状态污染控制与环境保护领域中应用的前景。认为经济、简便、有效地用于污染治理与环境修复的无机界矿物学方法类似于有机界这方法,均是自然界地球系统中天然自净化作用的反映。  相似文献   

矿物学研究从资源属性到环境属性的发展   总被引:42,自引:1,他引:41  
资源与环境是地球科学的两大主题,在回顾矿物资源属性的基础上,提出了矿物学环境属性的研究。在矿物形成和变化的过程中,不同时间和空间的环境变化都会在矿物中留下烙印,使得矿物成为记录 环境演变信息的载体。利用矿物能被防止分解的一面,采取相应的措施防止矿物的破坏与分解,就有可能减少甚至避免由于矿物的破坏与分解所造成的对人体健康的影响和生态环境的破坏。类似于有机生物处理方法,利用无机矿物处理污染物的方法,体现了天然自净化作用的特色。天然矿物对污染物的净化功能主要体现在环境矿物材料基本性能方面。 矿物与生物的交互作用研究,是无机界与有机界交叉渗透性研究课题。纳米矿物所表现出的超乎寻常的化学性质是其有效参与纳米生物作用的关键。  相似文献   

环境矿物材料基本性能:无机界矿物天然自净化功能   总被引:53,自引:23,他引:53       下载免费PDF全文
重点阐述环境矿物材料基本性能,包括矿物表面吸附、孔道过滤、结构调整、离子交换、化学活性、物理效应、纳米效应及与生物交互作用等,旨在发掘、凝炼并新提出物理方法和化学方法之后与有机界生物同效的无机界矿物天然自净化功能的基础理论与应用方法,以发展和完善无机矿物与有机生物所共同构筑的自然界中存在的天然自净化系统,并就目前笔者在黄铁矿、锰钾矿、金红石、蛭石、蒙脱石、苋铁铁钒等天然矿物方面已经完成和正在开展的一系列环境矿物材料研究工作进行了举例说明。  相似文献   

矿物环境属性与无机界天然自净化功能   总被引:7,自引:11,他引:7  
本将矿物学研究从岩石圈拓展到水圈、大气圈、生物圈与土壤圈之间交互作用的矿物环境属性范畴,研究表明,矿物可成为记录环境演变信息的载体;防止矿物的破坏与分解有可能减少甚至避免由此所造成的对人体健康的影响与生态环境的破坏;矿物与生物交互作用的研究与天然矿物治理污染物的是建立在充分利用自然规律的基础之上,体现了天然自净化作用的特色。天然矿物对污染物的净化功能主要体现在环境矿物材料基本性能方面。天然铁的硫化物,铁的氧化物,锰的氧化物、钛的氧化物。蛭石,有机蒙脱石和含高价阳离子蒙脱石,以及黄钾铁矾等均在处理无机与有机污染物方面展现出良好效果,矿物与其环境界面原子尺度相互作用过程研究,矿物内部结构缺陷影响矿物表面活性规律研究,矿物晶体结构中不同维次连通性孔道效应研究,矿物化学活性作发化污染物方法研究,以及矿物晶芽与生物细胞层次上交互作用净化污染物机理研究等,将是近期着力开发无机界矿物天然自净化功能的重点研究内容。  相似文献   

<正>随着环境科学研究的不断深入,环境科学的重要组成部分——环境矿物学应运而生。过去人们在认识、研究、开发和利用大自然的天然自净化功能时,重点放在有机物对各类污染物的净化功能上,忽略了对天然矿物净化功能的研究,环境矿物学和环境矿物材料的产生弥补了这方  相似文献   

环境矿物材料处理砷(As)污染水的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
由于砷化物具有较大毒性并且目前应用广泛,它对环境特别是水环境造成的污染已较为严重.环境矿物材料以其经济、有效、易获得、无二次污染等特点,在重金属污染水处理方面显示出了较大优势.本文综述了国内外在利用环境矿物材料处理砷污染水方面的研究进展并对此提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

氧化铁矿物作为环境材料在土壤和水体中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈静 《贵州地质》2001,18(3):205-209
本文简要介绍了氧化铁矿物的基本性能和应用领域,着重阐述了氧化铁矿物在土壤改良和治理土壤中重金属有毒元素和水体污染中的应用,明确提出氧化铁矿物作为环境矿物材料储量大、提取简单、治理污染设备简易且效果好、无二次污染,展望了氧化铁矿物在控制和保护环境领域中的应用前景。  相似文献   

矿物法--环境污染治理的第四类方法   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
鲁安怀 《地学前缘》2005,12(1):196-205
总结介绍了近10年开展环境矿物材料研究所取得的较为系统的研究成果。新提出环境矿物材料基本性能,包括矿物表面效应、孔道效应、结构效应、离子交换效应、结晶效应、溶解效应、水合效应、氧化还原效应、半导体效应、纳米效应及矿物生物交互效应等。展示环境矿物材料开发应用方面的崭新成就,包括利用天然铁的硫化物矿物强还原性,发明一步法还原Cr(Ⅵ)与沉淀Cr(Ⅲ)废水处理新工艺;利用天然锰的氧化物矿物强氧化性,发明处理高浓度与强污染的印染和酚类废水新方法;利用天然钛的氧化物矿物日光催化性,发明光催化降解卤代有机污染物新方法;利用天然蛭石高温脱水膨胀热效应,发明能大幅度提高型煤固硫率与除尘新方法;利用天然钙基蒙脱石低成本制备出同时防止水体与无机和有机污染物渗漏的自愈性强的填埋场衬层建造用新型防渗材料,发明生活垃圾尤其是危险废物填埋场衬层建造新工艺;发现凝灰岩与花岗岩中长石类矿物发育有良好的孔道结构,核素进入可发生固定化作用,成为有效阻滞核素迁移的天然屏障;利用天然纳米管状纤蛇纹石成功制备二氧化硅纳米管,接枝有机物可由亲水性变为疏水性;利用黄钾铁矾的胶体特征作为多金属矿山废石堆隔离防渗层,防止金属硫化物矿物氧化分解与矿山酸性废水污染等。着重指出今后环境矿物?  相似文献   

天然矿物材料的多孔结构、结构组装和光催化性能   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
传秀云  卢先初  龚平 《地学前缘》2005,12(1):188-195
自然界存在丰富的多孔矿物资源,其孔隙结构使其具有良好的吸附性能,能够吸附聚集水体中的污染物(特别是有机污染物)。在分析天然多孔矿物的孔结构基础上,文中提出了结构组装的概念,即在多孔矿物中进行功能粒子组装,对多孔矿物进行表面修饰、微结构组装(如层状结构矿物的插层)。通过结构组装,在多孔矿物中引进功能粒子(如有光催化性能的TiO2 颗粒)。组装在天然矿物中的功能粒子能够降解聚集在其中的污染物,大幅度提高功能粒子的效果,提高光催化降解的功效,获得性能优异、成本低廉的天然矿物型有机污染物降解材料。此外,在同一矿物材料中复合小孔、中孔、大孔不同大小的孔结构,实现不同大小的孔径组装,也能够扩大光催化剂TiO2 的承载面积,提高吸附性能。经过结构组装的天然多孔矿物材料复合了吸附、光催化等性能,在环境治理特别是有机物污染降解方面有很好的应用价值。  相似文献   

环境矿物材料治理镉(Cd^2+)污染研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,环境矿物材料以其经济、有效、无二次污染等特点,在重金属废水处理和土壤修复方面显示出了众多优势,可替代传统的镉污染处理方法。本文综述了国内外环境矿物材料在处理镉污染方面的研究进展,并对今后应用环境矿物材料治理镉污染提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Basic properties, including surface absorption, porous filtration, ion exchange, heat effect and chemical solubility of environmental mineralogical materials, are widely applied to the pollution prevention environment improvement. The pollunian prevenition environmenr means the quality improvement of surface water, groundwater, river, lake and ground reservoir: the improvement of soil, the disposal of nuclear waste, the purification of domestic sewage, the collection of smoke and dust and the treatment of waste water. The prospective investigation and utilization of environmental mineralogical materials have been dealt with in more detail by the author of this paper with emphases on the prevention and control of soil contamination by heavy metals, on the quality im provement and treatment of surface water and groundwater,and on the collection of smoke and dust arising from burning coals.  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out to evaluate the geochemical processes regulating groundwater quality in a coastal region, Barka, Sultanate of Oman. The rapid urban developments in Barka cause depletion of groundwater quantity and deterioration of quality through excessive consumption and influx of pollutants from natural and anthropogenic activities. In this study, 111 groundwater samples were collected from 79 wells and analysed for pH, EC, DO, temperature, major ions, silica and nutrients. In Barka, water chemistry shows large variation in major ion concentrations and in electrical conductivity, and implies the influence of distinguished contamination sources and hydrogeochemical processes. The groundwater chemistry in Barka is principally regulated by saline sources, reverse ion exchange, anthropogenic pollutants and mineral dissolution/precipitation reactions. Due to ubiquitous pollutants and processes, groundwater samples were classified into two groups based on electrical conductivity. In group1, water chemistry is greatly influenced by mineral dissolution/precipitation process and lateral recharge from upstream region (Jabal Al-Akdar and Nakhal mountains). In group 2, the water chemistry is affected by saline water intrusion, sea spray, reverse ion exchange and anthropogenic pollutants. Besides, high nitrate concentrations, especially in group 2 samples, firm evidence for impact of anthropogenic activities on groundwater quality, and nitrate can be originated by the effluents recharge from surface contamination sources. Ionic ratios such as SO4/Cl, alkalinity/Cl and total cation/Cl indicate that effluents recharged from septic tank, waste dumping sites and irrigation return flow induce dissolution of carbonate minerals, and enhances solute load in groundwater. The chemical constituents originating from saline water sources, reverse ion exchange and mineral dissolution are successfully differentiated using ionic delta, the difference between the actual concentration of each constituent and its theoretical concentration for a freshwater–seawater mix calculated from the chloride concentration of the sample, and proved that this approach is a promising tool to identify and differentiate the geochemical processes in coastal region. Hence, both regular geochemical methods and ionic delta ensured that groundwater quality in Barka is impaired by natural and human activities.  相似文献   

Solid materials such as suspended particulate matter (SPM), deposited sediment (DS) and natural surface coatings (NSC, composed of biofilms and associated minerals) are important sinks and potential sources of pollutants in natural aquatic environments. Although these materials can exist in the same water body, few studies have been conducted to compare their ability to adsorb trace metals. In this study, the adsorption of Pb, Cu and Cd by these solids, collected from an urban lake, was investigated. In addition, the metal adsorption properties of the main components of these solids, namely Mn and Fe oxides and organics, were also investigated using the method of selective extraction followed by metal adsorption. The solids that co-existed in water showed similarities and differences in their compositions. For each metal, adsorption to the solids occurred in the same order: NSC > SPM > DS. For Pb and Cd, Fe and Mn oxides and organics contributed to the adsorption by NSC and SPM, and the adsorption by DS was dominated by Fe oxides. For Cu, the organics were the main adsorptive phase. The specific adsorption capability of these components decreases in the following order: Mn oxides > Fe oxides > organics. Overall, the results presented herein indicate that different solids and their components played important roles in the adsorption of trace metals.  相似文献   

闽西大田地区矿床采选冶活动对水土生态环境系统造成了严重的破坏,矿区采选矿废水pH值、SO4^2-浓度远远超过水环境标准,选矿废水和接纳采选矿废水的河流水体中Fe、Mn、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的含量大部分超过地面5类水标准,少部分超过4类水标准,矿区采选矿业废水是地表水金属污染的重要源头。矿业废水pH值与金属Fe、Mn、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的含量具有明显的负相关关系,SO4^2-浓度与金属离子Fe、Mn、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd浓度具有较一致的变化规律。提出整治硫多金属矿山环境污染,应坚持因地制宜、矿业资源开发与环境保护并重的方针,用石灰石碱性中和酸性废水,隔离覆盖尾矿矿堆,对废弃矿山植树种草进行生态修复,对效益低下的开采矿山退矿还林,对严重环境污染的矿山实行关闭,对新开矿山要进行科学规划开发。  相似文献   

The investigation of the environmental properties of minerals, i.e., environmental mineralogy, is a branch of science dealing with interactions between natural minerals and spheres of the Earth surface as well as a reflection of global change, prevention of ecological destruction, participation in biomineralogy, and remediation of environmental pollution. Pollutant treatment by natural minerals is based on the natural law and reflects natural self-purification functions in the inorganic world, similar to that of the organic world - a biological treatment. A series of case studies related to natural self-purification, which were mostly completed by our group, are discussed in this paper. In natural cryptomelane there is a larger pseudotetragonal tunnel than that formed by [MnO6] octahedral double chains, with an aperture of 0.462-0.466 nm2, filled with K cations. Cryptomelane might be a real naturally-occurring mineral of the active octahedral molecular sieve (OMS-2). CrⅥ-bearing wastewater can be treate  相似文献   

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