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一种含自生独居石富钾、富稀土的多硅白云母泥岩   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
1999年在《沉积学报》发表了“大连地区前寒武纪沉积岩中发现自生独居石及其意义”一文,此后又获得了国家自然科学基金的资助加以继续研究。含自生独居石的泥岩研究的新成果介绍如下 :①泥岩的特征化学成分 :K2O11.94 %,Al2 O3 16.4 7%,SiO2 6 1.91%;ΣREE 330.6 9μg/ g,Ce 130.80 μg/g;La(N) /Yb(N) 12.4 4,δEu 0.75,δCe1.17;②泥岩造岩矿物经电子探针能波和波谱分析和X-射线衍射曲线对比,认为是由伊利石转变成的多硅白云母,长期的成岩作用和中生代滑脱构造的压力促进了伊利石的转化;③自生独居石也经受了成岩作用及其后的影响,表现为矿物晶形包括 :散点状、单针状、晶簇状和连晶状等,大小由 1~ 6 0 μm;其晶形与产生自岩浆岩、变质岩和碎屑物中的短柱状单斜晶系独居石外形截然不同;由此得出结论认为该泥岩是一种罕见的特殊泥岩,富钾、富稀土元素和内部-外部环境创造了独居石的形成和生长条件。同时,本文强调在华北地台元古宙富稀土元素层位,有可能找到自生独居石并进而开展U、Th -Pb同位素地质测年研究;以及为华北地台北缘巨大稀土矿床矿源层探索提供依据  相似文献   

大连震旦系十三里台组首次发现自生稀土元素矿物独居石后 ,在北京十三陵中元古代长城系常州沟组、串岭沟组和大红峪组又发现了自生的独居石以及其他磷酸盐和硅酸盐稀土矿物。自生稀土矿物的形成和岩石中稀土元素含量较高有关 ;电子探针背散射图像和 P、Th、L a、Ce、Nd、Y等元素面分布图像研究表明 ,沉积岩中的自生稀土矿物与岩浆岩、变质岩和碎屑成因的截然不同。本文首次报道了元古宙长城系常州沟组沉积岩中碎屑锆石边部成岩过程中形成的自生磷钇矿。中国北方元古宙泥砂质碎屑沉积岩普遍具有高稀土组合 ,许多地区都可能存在独居石等自生稀土矿物 ,如天津蓟县、辽西、辽南和宣化等地 ,为利用离子探针 (SHRIMP)确定其同位素地质年代提供了可能。此外 ,本文对比了大连震旦系自生独居石和内蒙白云鄂博矿区东矿的独居石晶形和化学成分的相似性 ,再一次提出中国北方元古宙富稀土地层可能是内蒙古白云鄂博巨型稀土元素矿床的矿源层问题。  相似文献   

宋天锐  石玉若  郑宁 《地质学报》2014,88(9):1638-1650
华北中、新元古代地层的年龄数据很混乱(表1),本文建议将北京十三陵地区新发现的稀土矿物用SHRIMP方法测年,有助于问题的解决。北京十三陵地区保存了新太古代五台群和新—中元古代较完整的地层,电子耦合等离子体分析(即原子收光谱分析)(ICP)的定量分析数据表明,在这些地层中,岩石中所含钾和稀土元素含量都比北美页岩(NASC)、欧洲页岩(ES)和澳大利亚后太古宙页岩(PAAS)高出很多,经电子扫描+能谱仪+波谱仪(SEM+EDS+WDS)分析证明,在岩石中包含独居石(碎屑的和自生-成岩的)和磷钇矿(自生-成岩的),并首次发现钍石-独居石环带状混合矿物(变质的)以及显微脉状稀土硅酸盐矿物(地下流体形成的)等稀土矿物。利用激光拉曼光谱鉴定发现稀土矿物的分布状态包括:1在太古宙五台群的片麻岩中,云母、石英和长石之间有非自形晶独居石,而且在石英单晶里还有独居石的自形晶包裹体;并发现独居石和钍石-独居石环带状混合矿物,这些稀土矿物都是变质成因的;2在新太古代五台群片麻岩的准平原化风化面上,沉积的元古宙常沟组的底砾岩中发现了碎屑的独居石,这些独居石的同位素年龄对于元古宇的底界定年意义重大;3在常州沟组下部压扁-透镜状层理的粉砂岩中,普遍发现碎屑锆石的外缘生长出自生-成岩磷钇矿,磷钇矿的同位素定年对于常州沟组的地层年代有代表性意义;4串岭沟组的粉砂岩中发现了无形晶状自生-成岩独居石和磷钇矿,并且较多出现在显微缝合线内外,可作为SHRIMP测年的对象;5大红峪组粉砂岩中除了发现碎屑独居石外还发现脉状硅-铝稀土矿物,可能与后元古宙热液活动有关。事实上这些自生-成岩的稀土矿物的形成,都是源自太古宙富含稀土元素的变质岩石,其形成机理也与地下流体活动有关。笔者认为北京十三陵以及至华北地区,前寒武系富稀土元素形成的自生-成岩的稀土矿物,有助于用SHRIMP方法对前寒武纪地层的同位素测年研究。  相似文献   

在黑龙江东部鸡西盆地下白垩统穆棱组鸡D7井679.19 m井段,首次发现了一含金古砂矿层,其中所含重砂矿物有:自然金、自生独居石、碎屑独居石、磷钇矿、锆石、方铅矿、闪锌矿、金红石、钛铁矿、磷灰石、黑云母、绿泥石、黄铁矿、黄铜矿、白钛石、榍石、褐铁矿、赤铁矿、磁铁矿、铁锰矿、勃姆石、氧化铀矿、自然铜和自然铜-锌金属等.矿层厚度约为4.14 m,在砂岩薄片中目估重砂体积分数为10%~24%.含金古砂矿层的发现为金的来源提供了新线索.该古砂矿层疑似海岸带沉积环境中形成,如能证实则该矿床远景可观,笔者提出用磁化率测井的方法圈定隐伏古砂矿的建议.此外,由于发现莓状黄铁矿、自然铜-锌金属和自生独居石等,认为古砂矿是在有利于生物成矿作用的沉积环境中形成.  相似文献   

邹家山铀矿床伴生重稀土元素的赋存特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初步研究发现,相山矿田邹家山矿床中伴生有较高的重稀土元素,回收这些珍稀的资源和探索其成因具有重要的意义,而查明这些伴生稀土在铀矿床中的赋存特征是前期基础性工作。为此本文采用电子探针和激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱分析了邹家山铀矿床中稀土元素的赋存状态。结果显示:该矿床稀土矿物主要为独居石、氟碳钙铈矿和磷钇矿;独居石、氟碳钙铈矿的LREE/HREE>1,为轻稀土富集型;而磷钇矿的LREE/HREE<1,为重稀土富集型。沥青铀矿、钛铀矿、铀钍石、铀石、钍石、锆石等铀钍矿物的稀土特征为重稀土富集型;铀钍矿物稀土总量(∑REE+Y)较高,为(3 805.78~65 307.00)×10-6,LREE/HREE<1,为0.01~0.80,平均为0.29。其他伴生矿物磷灰石、钾长石为轻稀土富集型,萤石为轻、重稀土富集型两类都有,而伊利石、黄铁矿的轻重稀土无明显相对富集。重稀土在磷钇矿和铀钍矿物中以类质同象形式存在,少量赋存于伴生矿物。  相似文献   

桂东北豆乍山产铀花岗岩的铀源矿物研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
豆乍山花岗岩是桂东北重要的产铀花岗岩之一,通过精细矿物学研究,豆乍山花岗岩中绿泥石主要为铁绿泥石和辉绿泥石,而含铀副矿物的蚀变和形成温度相对较高的铁绿泥石密切相关.花岗岩中主要富铀副矿物为晶质铀矿、锆石、独居石、磷钇矿和铀钍石,其中晶质铀矿是公认铀源矿物,而其他副矿物的赋存状态及蚀变特征决定了其是否为铀源矿物.锆石多未发生蚀变,U仍保持其结构中,因此不是铀源矿物;而铁绿泥石附近的独居石和磷钇矿均发生不同程度的蚀变,蚀变作用不仅使独居石和磷钇矿结构中的U 得以释放进入热液,而且原磷钇矿包裹的铀钍石变为赋存于次生磷灰石中,其所含铀容易活化而成为铀源矿物.总之,在豆乍山产铀花岗岩含铀副矿物中,晶质铀矿、蚀变的独居石和磷钇矿、次生磷灰石中铀钍石是铀源矿物.  相似文献   

端阳 《地质科学》1960,3(5):242-248
一、稀土元素的地球化学特徵稀土元素是指周期表上原子序数从57到71的十五个元素而言。“稀土”一詞源出于拉丁文Terrae Rarae。当时对“稀”的理解是指在自然界中提取这类元素的矿物很少,而所謂的“土”则是指元素的成盐氧化物成土状,有如土族元素氧化物。所有稀土元素的原子結构都很相似,因之它們在化学和物理性质上也都十分相近,統称为镧族元素或稀土金属。周期表中与稀土元素同属于第Ⅲ族的钇,往往与稀土元素共同存在于一些矿物中,并具有着大致相同的地球化学特性,而钇的离子半径、盐基性、盐溶解度等許多化学性质皆具有镧族收縮現象,因而元素钇也就有条件地被列入稀土元素之中。稀土元素原子結构的特点是电子层的外两层(O层与P层)的电子数是相同的,排列情况也是近似的。  相似文献   

通过对山东省平度市大庄子金矿区黄铁矿、方铅矿三个蚀变阶段特征研究,发现金矿化主要发生在第二阶段,强烈的石英-黄铁矿-碳酸盐化与金矿化的关系最为密切。金多数以包体的形式赋存于黄铁矿等金属硫化物中,并且在黄铁矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿等矿物共同产出时更有利于金的富集。研究认为石英和黄铁矿组合以及黄铁矿、黄铜矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿的组合可作为金的富集指示性矿物组合,伴生矿物之中方铅矿含金性最好。方铅矿、黄铜矿、闪锌矿和磁黄铁矿呈细脉状、网脉状、斑杂状产于含金石英脉和团块状黄铁矿的裂隙中,研究发现细脉状较团块状黄铁矿含金性要好。  相似文献   

大连地区前寒武纪沉积岩中发现自生独居石及其意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宋天锐 《沉积学报》1999,17(12):663-667
自生的稀土元素矿物一独居石在前寒武纪沉积岩中发现尚属首次。产地是大连地区金县金石滩,地层是震旦系的十三里台组。自生在石发现于灰绿色产化伊利石泥岩中,泥岩作为铁质浸染的红色叠层石灰岩的支也包含有针铁矿的细脉,因为许多独居石聚晶是被包裹在针铁矿细胞脉中。可以确定蓝细菌的生物矿作用对于自生独居石和铁质杂的形成都起作用。电镜扫描和电子探针的能谱、波谱分析证实,自生独居石为10μm左右的半自形柱单晶。单晶的  相似文献   

本文研究了稀土磷酸盐类矿物的形成条件及矿物中各稀土元素相互置换的可能性和物理化学条件。 实验表明,独居石的形成条件范围很宽,它可在压力70—1000bar、温度>130℃、pH=2—10的范围内形成。磷钇矿的形成条件与独居石相似。在不同的温、压及pH条件下,从La—Tb的磷酸盐呈独居石的结构,而Tb—Lu却突变为磷钇矿的结构。  相似文献   

刘燕学  宋天锐 《沉积学报》2009,27(5):1018-1026
系统测试和研究了辽东半岛复州湾十三里台组常量元素、微量元素和稀土元素地球化学数据,结果表明:Fe2O3/FeO均大于或接近于2,δEu均小于1,Ceanom除一个样品外,均小于0,U/Th比值均小于0.75,V/Cr比值均小于2,Ni/Co比值均小于5,反映强氧化环境,表明十三里台组沉积时水体很浅。其中十三里台组中的泥岩是一种富K、SiO2和LREE的特殊泥岩,为自生独居石的形成提供了充足的物质来源,泥岩的CaO含量极低,小于0.68%,CaO/MgO小于0.6,Sr/Ba小于0.33,反映成岩时盐度十分低,为淡水沉积,沉积环境可能为叠层石礁后的淡水潟湖。从大地构造演化、沉积发展史和稀土元素元素特征分析,十三里台组沉积时的大地构造环境处于Rodinia超大陆形成到裂解之间的稳定时期。  相似文献   

前寒武纪沉积岩中自生独居石的发现及其意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
由于受到葛家屯组中发现自生方铅矿的启发 ,首次于大连前寒武纪震旦系十三里台组泥岩中发现了自生独居石 ,这一发现为在中国北方前寒武纪沉积岩中寻找自生独居石提供了重要的线索。它为进一步探索 U、Th- Pb同位素测年拓展了新的研究领域和提供了可能性。本文列举了中国北方前寒武纪沉积岩中 Ce元素异常以及 REE较高的例证 ,认为上述地区都有可能发现自生独居石。同时介绍了最近又在北京十三陵中元古代的常州沟组和串岭沟组所发现自生独居石的新资料。研究表明 ,自生独居石的电子探针扫描形态 ,与岩浆岩、变质岩及砂矿中截然不同。在地质年代分布上 ,元古宙 REE相对丰度较高 ,特别是 L REE较高的泥质岩多数来自古陆壳上。资料对比结果显示 :在 L a+Ce+Nd、Yb+Y、Sm+Gd+Dy三角图中 ,北京十三陵元古宙泥质岩、大连震旦系十三里台组泥岩和辽南 -辽西中元古代泥质岩都属于近古陆的沉积类型。首次提出 ,中国北方元古宙沉积与南方震旦系磷块岩沉积环境存在明显的不同并反映在三角图中 ,前者离 L a+Ce+Nd端点近 ,而后者由于成因上属于洋流上升沉积物而远离该端点。按照大连震旦系十三里台组沉积环境特点 ,自生独居石应为生物成矿作用的产物 ,含矿物泥岩形成于总体氧化环境中的局部还原亚环境中。基于此 ,建立了  相似文献   

Xenotime and monazite inclusions in fluorapatite megacrysts from a granitic pegmatite, Gloserheia, Froland, Bamble Sector, southern Norway are described utilizing high contrast backscattered electron imaging of cross sections of a selection of fluorapatite crystals. Electron microprobe analysis is then used to further characterize the xenotime and monazite, as well as (Y+REE) normal and depleted regions in the fluorapatite. In the (Y+REE) normal regions Y2O3 ranges from 0.4 to 1.3 whereas it ranges from below the electron microprobe detection limit to around 0.4 in the depleted regions. Low Y values in monazite (XY?=?0.01?0.05) co-existing with xenotime indicates that inclusion formation in the originally (Y+REE)-enriched fluorapatite must have occurred below 300°C. Formation of the xenotime and monazite inclusions is attributed to fluid-aided coupled dissolution-reprecipitation processes during the later stages of subsolidus cooling of the pegmatite. The fluorapatite megacrysts are hypothesized to have under gone two major fluid-induced alteration events. The first occurred sometime after crystallization was complete at temperatures below 300°C and resulted in the initial formation of the xenotime and monazite inclusions. The second occurred at some later time as the product of a relatively limited fluid infiltration, also under T?<?300°C. This resulted in the formation of (Y+REE)-depleted regions along lattice and cleavage planes while at the same time promoting Ostwald ripening of the xenotime inclusions resulting in larger grains in the (Y+REE)-depleted areas.  相似文献   

赵芝  陈郑辉  邹新勇  王登红  陈振宇 《地球科学》2018,43(10):3652-3663
近几年在赣南新元古代浅变质岩风化壳中发现了离子吸附型稀土矿床,对矿区及南岭科学深钻中的浅变质岩样品进行了岩石、矿物及地球化学特征研究.矿区内主要出露神山组和库里组(南华系),前者以千枚岩为主,含少量片岩,后者以厚层变质沉凝灰岩和中厚层变质砂岩为主;南岭科学深钻1 165~1 170.77 m库里组(青白口系)以变质沉凝灰岩为主夹薄层凝灰质板岩.浅变质岩类中新生变质矿物有绢云母、绿泥石、磁铁矿、堇青石、白云母、黑云母等,稀土矿物有新奇钙铈矿、独居石、磷钇矿、水独居石等;稀土含量为162×10-6~723×10-6,富集轻稀土.新奇钙铈矿是矿体中离子相稀土的主要来源;赣南青白口纪-南华纪中厚层变质沉凝灰岩和变质凝灰岩风化壳具有较好的稀土成矿前景.   相似文献   

The distribution of REE minerals in metasedimentary rocks was investigated to gain insight into the stability of allanite, monazite and xenotime in metapelites. Samples were collected in the central Swiss Alps, along a well‐established metamorphic field gradient that record conditions from very low grade metamorphism (250 °C) to the lower amphibolite facies (~600 °C). In the Alpine metapelites investigated, mass balance calculations show that LREE are mainly transferred between monazite and allanite during the course of prograde metamorphism. At very low grade metamorphism, detrital monazite grains (mostly Variscan in age) have two distinct populations in terms of LREE and MREE compositions. Newly formed monazite crystallized during low‐grade metamorphism (<440 °C); these are enriched in La, but depleted in Th and Y, compared with inherited grains. Upon the appearance of chloritoid (~440–450 °C, thermometry based on chlorite–choritoid and carbonaceous material), monazite is consumed, and MREE and LREE are taken up preferentially in two distinct zones of allanite distinguishable by EMPA and X‐ray mapping. Prior to garnet growth, allanite acquires two growth zones of clinozoisite: a first one rich in HREE + Y and a second one containing low REE contents. Following garnet growth, close to the chloritoid–out zone boundary (~556–580 °C, based on phase equilibrium calculations), allanite and its rims are partially to totally replaced by monazite and xenotime, both associated with plagioclase (± biotite ± staurolite ± kyanite ± quartz). In these samples, epidote relics are located in the matrix or as inclusions in garnet, and these preserve their characteristic chemical and textural growth zoning, indicating that they did not experience re‐equilibration following their prograde formation. Hence, the partial breakdown of allanite to monazite offers the attractive possibility to obtain in situ ages, representing two distinct crystallization stages. In addition, the complex REE + Y and Th zoning pattern of allanite and monazite are essential monitors of crystallization conditions at relatively low metamorphic grade.  相似文献   

BEA  F. 《Journal of Petrology》1996,37(3):521-552
A systematic study with laser ablation—ICP-MS, scanningelectron microscopy and electron microprobe revealed that 70–95wt% of REE (except Eu), Y, Th and U in granite rocks and crustalprotoliths reside within REEYThU-rich accessories whose nature,composition and associations change with the rock aluminosity.The accessory assemblage of peraluminous granites, migmatitesand high-grade rocks is composed of monazite, xenotime (in low-Cavarieties), apatite, zircon, Thorthosilicate, uraninite andbetafite-pyrochlore. Metaluminous granites have allanite, sphene,apatite, zircon, monazite and Thorthosilicaie. Peralkaline graniteshave aeschinite, fergusonite, samarskite, bastnaesite, fluocerite,allanite, sphene, zircon, monazite, xenotime and Th-orthosilicate.Granulite-grade garnets are enriched in Nd and Sm by no lessthan one order of magnitude with respect to amphibolite-gradegarnets. Granulitegrade feldspars are also enriched in LREEwith respect to amphibolite-grade feldspars. Accessories causenon-Henrian behaviour of REE, Y, Th and U during melt—solidpartitioning. Because elevated fractions of monazite, xenotimeand zircon in common migmatites are included within major minerals,their behaviour during anatexis is controlled by that of theirhost. Settling curves calculated for a convecting magma showthat accessories are too small to settle appreciably, beingseparated from the melt as inclusions within larger minerals.Biotite has the greatest tendency to include accessories, therebyindirectly controlling the geochemistry of REE, Y, Th and U.We conclude that REE, Y, Th and U are unsuitable for petrogeneticalmodelling of granitoids through equilibrium-based trace-elementfractionation equations. KEY WORDS: accessory minerals; geochemical modelling; granitoids; REE, Y, Th, U  相似文献   

The rare metal minerals of mineralized altered granites within the Ghadir and El-Sella shear zones, are represented by betafite, U-minerals (uraninite and uranophane), zircon, monazite, xenotime, and rutile in the Ghadir shear zone. While they are columbite-tantalite minerals as ferrocolumbite, pyrochlore, and fergusonite, Th-minerals (cheralite, uranothorite, and huttonite monazite), Hf-zircon, monazite and xenotime in the El-Sella shear zone. Hf-zircon in the El-Sella and Ghadir shear zones (increasing from the core to the rim) contains high inclusions of U-Th, and REE minerals such as cheralite, uranothorite, huttonite monazite and xenotime especially in the El Sella shear zone. The rare-metal minerals, identified from peralkminous granites of the shear zones are associated with muscovite, quartz, chlorite, fluorite, magnetite, and biotite that are restricted to the two shear zones. Uraninite (low Th content) occurring in the Ghadir shear zone indicates the hydrothermal origin, but there are thorite, uranothorite, cheralite, and Hf-zircon in the El Sella shear zone, also indicating the hyrothermal proccess after magmatic origin. Compositional variations of Ta/(Ta+Nb) and Mn/(Mn+Fe) in columbite from 0.07-0.42 and 0.04-0.33, respectively, and Hf contents in zircon are so high as to be 12%, especially in the rim in the El Sella shear zone. This feature re-flects the extreme degree of magmatic fractionation. Four samples from the altered granites of the Ghadir shear zone also are very low in TiO2 (0.04 wt%-0.17 wt%), Sr [(82-121)×10-6], and Ba [(36-380)×10-6], but high in Fe2O3T (0.46 wt%-0.68 wt%), CaO (0.64 wt%-1.23 wt%), alkalis (8.59 wt%-8.88 wt%), Rb [(11-203)×10-6], Zr [(98-121)×10-6], Nb [(9-276)×10-6], Ta [(2-139)×10-6], U [(14-63)×10-6], Th [(16-105)×10-6], Pb [(13-32)×10-6], Zn [(7-8)×10-6], Y [(15-138)×10-6], Hf [(3-9)×10-6], and ∑REE [(81-395)×10-6, especially LREE [(70-322)×10-6]. They are very high in Zr/Hf (15.07-85.96) and Nb/Ta (7.17-21.48), and low in Rb/Sr (2.56-3.36) and Th/U (0.096-3.36). Four samples of the altered granites from the El Sella shear zone are very low in TiO2 (0.23 wt%-0.38 wt%), Sr [(47-933)×10-6], and Ba [(82-175)×10-6] , with high Fe2O3T (1.96 wt%-2.87 wt%), CaO (0.43 wt%-0.6 wt%), alkalis (4.46 wt%-10.7 wt%), Rb [(109-313)×10-6], Zr [(178-1871)×10-6], Nb [(11-404)×10-6], U [(56-182)×10-6], Th [(7-188)×10-6], Ta [(0.5-57)×10-6], Pb [(12-28)×10-6], Zn [(1-13)×10-6], Y [(62-156)×10-6], Hf [(3-124)×10-6], and ∑REE [(101-184)×10-6], especially HREE [(7-139)×10-6]. This is consistent with the very fractionated, fluorine-bearing granitic rocks that were altered and sheared in the El Sella shear zone. Zr/Hf (14.23-39.79) and Nb/Ta (1.98-7.01) are very high, and Rb/Sr (0.14-1.7) and Th/U (0.25-2.5) are low in the Ghadir shear zone. Field evidence, textural relations, and the composi-tion of ore minerals suggest that the main mineralizing event was magmatic (615+/-7 Ma, and 644+/-7 Ma CHIME monazite), especially in the El Sella shear zone, with later hydrothermal alteration and local remobilization of the high-field-strength elements.  相似文献   

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