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对于重非水相污染场地,传统的钻孔取样方式因经费和取样个数的限制,往往无法准确估计含水层中重非水相污染物的残留量。井间分溶示踪法费用较低,且不会对污染源区造成破坏,可适用于推估重非水相污染物残留量,但目前该方法的准确性尚未得到验证。本文基于数值模拟方法探讨了示踪剂注入速率、示踪剂类型以及污染源区结构等多因素对井间分溶示踪估计重非水相污染物残留量准确性的影响。数值算例结果表明:井间分溶示踪实验估计重非水相污染物残留量的误差小于15%;降低示踪剂的注入速率使得分溶性示踪剂在非水相和水相流体间作用更充分,能够提高井间分溶示踪估计重非水相污染物残留量的精度,实验中示踪剂注入速率由500 m3/d降为250 m3/d后,多种情景的平均精度由91.68%提高至93%;选取低分溶系数的示踪剂有利于提高示踪剂的回收率,从而提高推估精度,实验中示踪剂由2,2-二甲基-3-戊醇改为己醇后,平均精度由87.83%提高至96.85%;复杂的重非水相液体污染源区结构易于出现示踪剂绕流等现象,导致井间分溶示踪估计重非水相污染物残留量的误差增大,实验中含水层由均质变为非均质后,平均精度由93.03%变为91.65%。重非水相污染场地调查时,建议结合数值模拟方法选择适宜的示踪剂和示踪剂注入速率,以提高污染场地的刻画精度。  相似文献   

目前,刻画场地重非水相液体(dense non-aqueous phase liquid, DNAPL)污染常用的钻孔取样和井间分溶示踪试验方法成本高昂。相比而言,单井注抽试验节省经费,且对污染源区的扰动少,但该试验方法推估DNAPL残留量的准确性尚未得到定量验证。针对该问题,基于数值方法分析了示踪剂类型、注抽速率、污染源区结构等因素对单井注抽试验推估DNAPL残留量精度的影响。结果表明:(1)选用分溶系数比2,2-二甲基-3-戊醇(2,2-dimethyl-3-pentanol, DMP)低的己醇进行示踪,示踪剂回收更加充分,推估污染物残留量的平均精度增幅可达35.11%;(2)当注入速率从100 m3/d提高至130 m3/d、抽出速率从120 m3/d提高至150 m3/d,示踪剂接触的污染源区面积更大,均质源区对应的污染物残留量平均精度从42.45%提高到60.26%,非均质源区对应的平均精度从27.69%提高至48.72%;(3)污染源区结构复杂程度的增加会阻碍示踪剂的运移,非均质源区对应的平均精度比均质源区降低了13.15%;(4)单井注抽示踪试验更适用于离散状为主的污染源...  相似文献   

在地下水数值模拟中,模型参数的网格尺度一般大于参数的测量尺度,为此涉及到参数的尺度提升。合理的尺度提升方法既能有效提高计算效率,又能保证模拟精度。在概略介绍拉普拉斯-外壳法的基础上,将其引入到地下水典型非水相液体(non-aqueous phase liquids,NAPLs)污染运移数值模拟的非均质渗透系数场尺度提升,并与尺度提升前的小尺度模型及基于算术平均的尺度提升模拟结果进行对比。研究表明:采用UTCHEM建立的典型NAPLs污染物运移模型,无论是单一污染源还是双重污染源,基于拉普拉斯-外壳法提升尺度后的大尺度模型都能较好地刻画污染羽的空间矩(包括零阶矩、一阶矩和二阶距)随时间的变化,其零阶矩的模拟相对误差小于0. 25%,在水流方向上利用拉普拉斯-外壳法建立的模型对质心位置与污染羽范围的估计均优于算术平均尺度提升法所建模型,且随着含水介质非均质性的增大,拉普拉斯-外壳法的优越性越为明显;而且大尺度模型还能大幅减少计算时间,耗时约为小尺度模型的3%,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

以广东博贺电厂为例,建立了瞬时注入示踪剂-平面瞬时点源模型。选择废水贮存池污水泄漏(高锰酸盐指数),池底渗漏5%的情景,利用Matlab软件运行得到高锰酸盐指数污染物在水平的运移结果,确定在天然流场中,不考虑地下水大量开采情况,污染物不会对下游保护目标产生影响。  相似文献   

多个相关随机参数的空间变异性对溶质运移的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据给定渗透系数、孔隙度以及吸附系数的概率分布,采用顺序高斯模拟生成相关的多参数随机场的实现,作为地下水流和溶质运移模型的输入参数,对污染物浓度进行随机分析。研究结果表明,与仅考虑渗透系数空间变异性相比,考虑相关的多参数空间变异性导致污染羽的扩散程度有显著不同。当孔隙度与渗透系数呈正相关关系时,会减少污染羽的扩散程度,反之,当孔隙度与渗透系数为负相关关系时,会加剧污染羽的扩散程度。吸附系数也是如此。在考虑吸附系数的空间变异性之后,污染羽的分布表现出拖尾现象。同时考虑渗透系数、孔隙度以及吸附系数空间变异性时,孔隙度非均质性对溶质运移的影响较吸附系数非均质性的影响更大。  相似文献   

分形法估算分散性污染物的运移时间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付东林  余超 《地下水》2006,28(6):68-71,82
污染物运移的分形模型导出一个新的适于任意浓度的污染物运移时间公式.对于一个高度非均质含水层中逐渐形成的污染羽,新公式预算出低浓度更早到达的测点.污染峰或羽的运移时间一般经常从达西定律中采用估算平均孔隙流速法得到,而此估算仅仅提供平均浓度(或污染脉冲的峰值浓度)的运移时间信息.近来,计算出任意浓度的运移时间是一个很直接的过程,并且对一个无反应污染物而言,其突破曲线部分的方程被发展.在文中,我们推导出这些方程去概括污染物运移的分形模型.  相似文献   

开封市垃圾场污染物运移模拟与控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张艳  何江涛  李鹏  王俊杰 《地下水》2010,32(3):15-18,27
在对开封市某典型垃圾场进行野外调查的基础上,应用Visual Modflow建立了该垃圾场污染场地的水流和溶质运移耦合模型并进行数值模拟预测,预测了20年后该污染场地垃圾渗滤液污染羽运移范围、途径及方式等特点。模拟了应用防渗墙和抽水井两种方式控制地下水污染的措施和方案,并利用计算机模型对污染控制的效果进行了模拟分析。模拟结果表明,模拟初期污染羽覆盖了3个抽水井,污染羽前缘距离村庄688 m。模拟20年后污染羽已经覆盖了7个抽水井,其中浓度超标井有3口,污染羽前缘距离村庄605 m。建议在加强污染物监测的同时协助开展其他的污染控制措施,进一步控制污染羽的扩散。  相似文献   

针对数值模型中结构与参数的不确定性因素,以安徽省丘陵地区一铁矿为例,通过建立地下水数值模拟模型,分别分析了结构与参数的不确定性对污染物运移结果的影响程度。分析结果表明:模型结构方面,随着数值模型的结构发生变化,污染羽中心点浓度值随厚度的增加而降低,且污染物的运移影响范围也有所缩小,当厚度增大20%时,一年末水平方向的影响范围由204 m减小至198 m,减小了近3%;参数方面,随着渗透系数的增加,污染羽中心点浓度值逐渐降低,污染羽的影响范围呈现增大的趋势,但增加的幅度较小。  相似文献   

以安徽省向山垃圾填埋场作为研究区,在分析场区水文地质条件的基础上,运用GMS中的MODFLOW和MT3D模块建立地下水流概念模型、数值模型及溶质运移数值模型,并根据取样结果确定污染物因子,模拟正常状况和非正常状况下污染物在地下水环境中的污染路径、污染羽迁移状况和污染物对地下水环境可能造成的影响。研究结果表明:评价区地下水类型主要为岩浆岩类孔隙裂隙水,主要污染源位于老库区及渗滤液处理站位置。正常状况下,在模拟期范围内COD的污染羽中心浓度为1.23~3.0 mg/L,均满足地下水质量标准Ⅲ类水,对地下水环境影响十分有限;非正常状况下,污染物在地下水中沿污染中心向四周浓度逐渐减小,浓度梯度较大,污染物在含水层中沿地下水流方向呈近似椭圆形状运移,污染物在5 a、10 a、20 a与30 a后,运移距离与范围逐年增加,评价区内COD最大超标范围和最大运移距离分别可达125 423.1 m~2和640.3 m,表明事故条件下,污染物的泄露会对地下水水质造成污染。建议在填埋场的建设和运营过程中,定期监控水质的变化情况并采取相应控制措施,保证区域水生态环境安全。  相似文献   

含水层非均质性的刻画是模拟地下水中污染物运移的关键。以渗透系数为研究对象,构建了综合集合卡尔曼滤波方法、有效电阻率模型与地下水运移模型的同化框架,通过融合地球物理观测数据与污染物浓度观测数据来推估渗透系数的空间分布。基于理想算例,验证了该同化框架刻画含水层非均质渗透系数场的有效性,并针对不同初始参数信息与观测类型对比了耦合与非耦合水文地球物理方法的适用性。研究结果表明:基于集合卡尔曼滤波方法同化多种类型的观测数据,可有效地推估非均质参数空间分布。当初始信息较准确时,耦合方法的参数推估精度更高;初始信息存在偏差时,非耦合方法有更好的同化效果。由于非耦合方法计算成本较低且对初始信息缺失时适用性更强,在实际应用中可先基于非耦合方法初步估计参数,再利用耦合方法进一步提高参数推估精度。融合多种类型观测数据可有效提高参数推估效果。  相似文献   

 Contamination of groundwater by petroleum-hydrocarbons is a widespread environmental problem. Natural attenuation is a passive remedial approach to degrade and dissipate contaminants in soil and groundwater. In this study, a mass flux approach was used to calculate the contaminant mass reduction and field-scale decay rate at a gasoline spill site. The mass flux technique is accomplished using the differences in total contaminant mass flux across two cross sections of the contaminant plume. The mass flux calculation shows that up to 88% of the dissolved BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene isomers) removal was observed by natural attenuation processes. The efficiency of intrinsic biodegradation was evaluated by the in situ tracer method. A first-order decay model was applied for the natural attenuation and intrinsic biodegradation rate calculation. Results reveal that intrinsic biodegradation process was the major cause of the BTEX reduction among the natural attenuation mechanisms, and iron reduction was the dominant biodegradation pattern within the plume. Approximately 87% of the BTEX removal was caused by intrinsic biodegradation processes. The calculated BTEX natural attenuation and intrinsic biodegradation rates were 0.24 and 0.16% l/day, respectively. Results suggest that natural attenuation mechanisms can effectively contain the plume, and the mass flux method is useful in assessing the efficiency of the natural attenuation. Received: 6 December 1999 · Accepted: 11 July 2000  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3D) mass transport numerical model is presented. The code is based on a particle tracking technique: the random-walk method, which is based on the analogy between the advection–dispersion equation and the Fokker–Planck equation. The velocity field is calculated by the mixed hybrid finite element formulation of the flow equation. A new efficient method is developed to handle the dissimilarity between Fokker–Planck equation and advection–dispersion equation to avoid accumulation of particles in low dispersive regions. A comparison made on a layered aquifer example between this method and other algorithms commonly used, shows the efficiency of the new method. The code is validated by a simulation of a 3D tracer transport experiment performed on a laboratory model. It represents a heterogeneous aquifer of about 6-m length, 1-m width, and 1-m depth. The porous medium is made of three different sorts of sand. Sodium chloride is used as a tracer. Comparisons between simulated and measured values, with and without the presented method, also proves the accuracy of the new algorithm.  相似文献   

A new analytical procedure has been developed to measure oxygen isotopic ratios and, more generally, stable isotopic ratios in microparticles with a few % precision. This procedure uses ion microprobe quantitative imaging with a scanning microbeam. In this mode, ion images are acquired on the electron multiplier. Image processing allows extraction of areas of interest from the whole image and computation of isotopic ratios in the selected areas. The accuracy of this method has been tested for the analysis of the 18O/16O ratio in quartz and magnetite reference samples powdered to a grain size of 2-5 μm. A detailed study of the instrumental mass fractionation allowed an understanding of differences between classical spot analysis and scanning ion imaging, and showed that fractionation effects were related to grain topography for microparticle analysis, and to image processing or to secondary optical settings for ion imaging. The precision obtained for the measurement of ä18O was 3% for grains having a diameter of 2 μm.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the Hough transform, a basic technique of image processing, is useful for separating stresses from heterogeneous fault-slip data. The present method enumerates admissible stresses by evaluating their probability for a heterogeneous dataset. Using the results of the method applied to artificial data with known responsible stresses, it is argued that the criterion that has been generally used to judge the resolution and accuracy of a numerical technique for the separation is not appropriate. The result reveals the limitation of stress inversion based on the Wallace–Bott hypothesis. No matter how good an inverse method is, it sometimes inevitably yields unexpected stresses even from artificial data if the data have heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Image processing applications for customized mining and ore classification   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
During the mining operation, ore sorting and directing different grade ores to different processing circuits is a manual task in most of working mines, but this work puts a step forward toward automation of this process. The radical development in the area of image and data processing allows speedy processing of the full color digital images for the preferred investigations. In this paper, an approach has been proposed to classify the ores for blast furnace feed, based on the visual texture of the ore particles. The visual texture of ore particles vary with the mineral contents, for example, blue dust, hard ore, soft ore, etc. This information can be quantified by using image processing technique in red, green, and blue color space and first- and second-order statistical analysis. Commonly used Hartlics textural features were calculated along with red, green, and blue color values for 5?×?5-pixel size windowpanes extracted from five separate images. Results obtained show encouraging accuracy to apply the approach to develop an expert system for online ore quality monitoring to control the ore blending in the feed ore circuits as well as separating gangue minerals present in the feed ores. Matlab 6.5 was used for visual textural analysis and classification.  相似文献   

地下水污染监测网的设计包括取样点在空间上的采样位置和时间上的取样频率这两方面的确定,其目的是为了准确刻画污染羽在含水层中随时间的变化状况。介绍了一种新的基于Delaunay三角形剖分方法用于地下水污染监测网在空间上的去冗余设计。同时,针对Delaunay方法没有考虑含水层参数变化和不能新增必要监测点的缺陷,提出了改进措施。改进的Delaunay方法可以直接与污染物的运移模型耦合,通过获取的含水层参数能够比较好地检验监测网在空间上的去冗余设计效果。实例研究表明,该方法在保证监测精度的基础上,能够找到最优的空间取样位置点,同时与改进前相比,利用该方法得到的地下水污染监测网能更加客观地反映污染物在含水层中的空间分布特征。  相似文献   

以新疆哈拉奇地区柯坪塔格组砂岩为研究对象,使用开源的ImageJ图像处理软件对薄片图像进行粒度测量,用Matlab软件对获得的粒度数据进行分析统计。其粒度参数特征和概率累计曲线表明,哈拉奇地区柯坪塔格组属于浅海相沉积。  相似文献   

Dispersive mass transport processes in naturally heterogeneous geological formations (porous media) are investigated based on a particle approach to mass transport and on its numerical implementation using LPT3D, a Lagrangian Particle Tracking 3D code. We are currently using this approach for studying microscale and macroscale space–time behavior (advection, diffusion, dispersion) of tracer plumes, solutes, or miscible fluids, in 1,2,3-dimensional heterogeneous and anisotropic subsurface formations (aquifers, petroleum reservoirs). Our analyses are based on a general advection-diffusion model and numerical scheme where concentrations and fluxes are discretized in terms of particles. The advection-diffusion theory is presented in a probabilistic framework, and in particular, a numerical analysis is developed for the case of advective transport and rotational flows (numerical stability of the explicit Euler scheme). The remainder of the paper is devoted to the behavior of concentration, mass flux density, and statistical moments of the transported tracer plume in the case of heterogeneous steady flow fields, where macroscale dispersion occurs due to geologic heterogeneity and stratification. We focus on the case of perfectly stratified or multilayered media, obtained by generating many horizontal layers with a purely random transverse distribution of permeability and horizontal velocity. In this case, we calculate explicitly the exact mass concentration field C(x, t), mass flux density field f(x, t), and moments. This includes spatial moments and dispersion variance 2 x (t) on a finite domain L, and temporal moments on a finite time scale T, e.g., the mass variance of arrival times 2 T (x). The moments are related to flux concentrations in a way that takes explicitly into account finite space–time scales of analysis (time-dependent tracer mass; spatially variable flow through mass). The multilayered model problem is then used in numerical experiments for testing different ways of recovering information on tracer plume migration, dispersion, concentration and flux fields. Our analyses rely on a probabilistic interpretation that emerges naturally from the particle approach; it is based on spatial moments (particle positions), temporal moments (mass weighted arrival times), and probability densities (both concentrations and fluxes). Finally, as an alternative to direct estimations of the flux and concentration fields, we formulate and study the Moment Inverse Problem. Solving the MIP yields an indirect method for estimating the space–time distribution of flux concentrations based on observed or estimated moments of the plume. The moments may be estimated from field measurements, or numerically computed by particle tracking as we do here.  相似文献   

蒋立群  孙蓉琳  梁杏 《地球科学》2021,46(11):4150-4160
为探讨含水层非均质性不同刻画方法对地下水流和溶质运移预测的影响,基于非均质含水层砂箱实验,分别用传统等效均质模型、克立金插值和水力层析刻画含水层渗透系数场,并探讨了先验信息对水力层析结果的影响.将不同方法估算的渗透系数场用以预测地下水流和溶质运移过程,以此判断不同方法估算结果的优劣,分析含水层非均质性对地下水流和溶质运移的影响.结果表明:与克立金插值法相比,水力层析法可以更好地刻画含水层非均质性,较准确地预测地下水流和溶质运移过程;钻孔岩心渗透系数样本值作为先验信息可以提高水力层析法估算结果的精度;传统等效均质模型无法准确预测地下水流和溶质运移过程.含水层非均质性的增强将导致溶质污染羽分布形态和运移路径的空间变异性增强,并且优势通道直接决定溶质的分布及运移路径.   相似文献   

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