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Sodic pyroxene (jadeite content X jd=0.1–0.3) occurs locally as small inclusions within, albite porphyroblasts and in the matrix of hematite-bearing quartz schists in the Sanbagawa (Sambagawa) metamorphic belt, central Shikoku, Japan. The sodic, pyroxene-bearing samples are characteristically free from chlorite and their typical mineral assemblage is sodic pyroxene+subcalcic (or sodic) amphibole+phengitic mica+albite+quartz+hematite+titanite±epidote. Spessartine-rich garnet occurs in Mn-rich samples. Sodic pyroxene in epidote-bearing samples tends to be poorer in acmite content (average X Acm=0.26–0.50) than that in the epidote-free samples (X Acm=0.45–0.47). X Jd shows no systematic relationship to metamorphic grade, and is different among the three sampling regions [Saruta-gawa, Asemi-gawa and Bessi (Besshi)]. The average X Jd of the Saruta-gawa samples (0.21–0.29) is higher than that of the Asemi-gawa (0.13–0.17) and Bessi (0.14–0.23). The P-T conditions of the Asemi-gawa and Bessi regions are estimated at 5.5–6.5 kbar, >360°C in the chlorite zone, 7–8.5 kbar, 440±15°C in the garnet zone and 8–9.5 kbar, 520±25°C in the albite-biotite zone. Metamorphic pressure of the Saruta-gawa region is systematically 1–1.5 kbar higher than that of the Asemi-gawa and Bessi regions, and materials of the Saruta-gawa region have been subducted to a level 3–5 km deeper than materials that underwent metamorphism at equivalent temperatures and are now exposed in the Asemi-gawa and Bessi regions. Pressure slightly increases toward the north (structurally high levels) through the Sanbagawa belt of central shikoku. Two types of zonal structure were observed in relatively coarse-grained sodic pyroxenes in the matrix. One type is characterized by increasing X Jd from core to rim, the other type by decreasing X Jd from core to rim. Both types of zoned pyroxenes show an increase in X Fe 2+[=Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg)] from core to rim. The first type of zoning was observed in a sample from the chlorite zone of lowest grade, whereas the latter occurs in the garnet and albite-biotite zones of higher grade. The contrast in zonal structure implies that dP/dT during prograde metamorphism decreased with increasing metamorphic grade and may have been negative in some samples from the higher-grade zones. The estimated dP/dT of the prograde stage of the chlorite zone is 3.2 kbar/100°C, and that of the garnet and albite-biotite zones is -1.8 to 0.9 kbar/100°C. The variation of dP/dT at shallow and deep levels of a subduction system probably reflects the difference of heating duration and/or change in thermal gradient of the subduction zone by continuous cooling of the surrounding mantle.  相似文献   

Eclogite facies metamorphic rocks have been discovered from the Bizan area of eastern Shikoku, Sambagawa metamorphic belt. The eclogitic jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists occur as lenticular or sheet‐like bodies in the pelitic schist matrix, with the peak mineral assemblage of garnet + glaucophane + jadeite + phengite + quartz. The jadeitic clinopyroxene (XJd 0.46–0.75) is found exclusively as inclusions in porphyroblastic garnet. The eclogite metamorphism is characterized by prograde development from epidote–blueschist to eclogite facies. Metamorphic P–T conditions estimated using pseudosection modelling are 580–600 °C and 18–20 kbar for eclogite facies. Compared with common mafic eclogites, the jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists have low CaO (4.4–4.5 wt%) and MgO (2.1–2.3 wt%) bulk‐rock compositions. The P–T– pseudosections show that low XCa bulk‐rock compositions favour the appearance of jadeite instead of omphacite under eclogite facies conditions. This is a unique example of low XCa bulk‐rock composition triggered to form jadeite at eclogite facies conditions. Two significant types of eclogitic metamorphism have been distinguished in the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, that is, a low‐T type and subsequent high‐T type eclogitic metamorphic events. The jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists experienced low‐T type eclogite facies metamorphism, and the P–T path is similar to lawsonite‐bearing eclogites recently reported from the Kotsu area in eastern Shikoku. During subduction of the oceanic plate (Izanagi plate), the hangingwall cooled gradually, and the geothermal gradient along the subduction zone progressively decreased and formed low‐T type eclogitic metamorphic rocks. A subsequent warm subduction event associated with an approaching spreading ridge caused the high‐T type eclogitic metamorphism within a single subduction zone.  相似文献   

In this study, we have deduced the thermal history of the subducting Neotethys from its eastern margin, using a suite of partially hydrated metabasalts from a segment of the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex (NOC), India. Located along the eastern extension of the Indus‐Tsangpo suture zone (ITSZ), the N–S‐trending NOC lies between the Indian and Burmese plates. The metabasalts, encased within a serpentinitic mélange, preserve a tectonically disturbed metamorphic sequence, which from west to east is greenschist (GS), pumpellyite–diopside (PD) and blueschist (BS) facies. Metabasalts in all the three metamorphic facies record prograde metamorphic overprints directly on primary igneous textures and igneous augite. In the BS facies unit, the metabasalts interbedded with marble show centimetre‐ to metre‐scale interlayering of lawsonite blueschist (LBS) and epidote blueschist (EBS). Prograde HP/LT metamorphism stabilized lawsonite + omphacite (XJd = 0.50–0.56 to 0.26–0.37) + jadeite (XJd = 0.67–0.79) + augite + ferroglaucophane + high‐Si phengite (Si = 3.6–3.65 atoms per formula unit, a.p.f.u.) + chlorite + titanite + quartz in LBS and lawsonite + glaucophane/ferroglaucophane ± epidote ± omphacite (XJd = 0.34) + chlorite + phengite (Si = 3.5 a.p.f.u.) + titanite + quartz in EBS at the metamorphic peak. Retrograde alteration, which was pervasive in the EBS, produced a sequence of mineral assemblages from omphacite and lawsonite‐absent, epidote + glaucophane/ferroglaucophane + chlorite + phengite + titanite + quartz through albite + chlorite + glaucophane to lawsonite + albite + high‐Si phengite (Si = 3.6–3.7 a.p.f.u.) + glaucophane + epidote + quartz. In the PD facies metabasalts, the peak mineral assemblage, pumpellyite + chlorite + titanite + phengitic white mica (Si = 3.4–3.5 a.p.f.u.) + diopside appeared in the basaltic groundmass from reacting titaniferous augite and low‐Si phengite, with prehnite additionally producing pumpellyite in early vein domains. In the GS facies metabasalts, incomplete hydration of augite produced albite + epidote + actinolite + chlorite + titanite + phengite + augite mineral assemblage. Based on calculated TM(H2O), T–M(O2) (where M represents oxide mol.%) and PT pseudosections, peak PT conditions of LBS are estimated at ~11.5 kbar and ~340 °C, EBS at ~10 kbar, 325 °C and PD facies at ~6 kbar, 335 °C. Reconstructed metamorphic reaction pathways integrated with the results of PT pseudosection modelling define a near‐complete, hairpin, clockwise PT loop for the BS and a prograde PT path with a steep dP/dT for the PD facies rocks. Apparent low thermal gradient of 8 °C km?1 corresponding to a maximum burial depth of 40 km and the hairpin PT trajectory together suggest a cold and mature stage of an intra‐oceanic subduction zone setting for the Nagaland blueschists. The metamorphic constraints established above when combined with petrological findings from the ophiolitic massifs along the whole ITSZ suggest that intra‐oceanic subduction systems within the Neotethys between India and the Lhasa terrane/the Karakoram microcontinent were also active towards east between Indian and Burmese plates.  相似文献   

Eclogites from the Onodani area in the Sambagawa metamorphic belt of central Shikoku occur as layers or lenticular bodies within basic schists. These eclogites experienced three different metamorphic episodes during multiple burial and exhumation cycles. The early prograde stage of the first metamorphic event is recorded by relict eclogite facies inclusions within garnet cores (XSps 0.80–0.24, XAlm 0–0.47). These inclusions consist of relatively almandine‐rich garnet (XSps 0.13–0.24, XAlm 0.36–0.45), aegirine‐augite/omphacite (XJd 0.08–0.28), epidote, amphiboles (e.g. actinolite, winchite, barroisite and taramite), albite, phengite, chlorite, calcite, titanite, hematite and quartz. The garnet cores also contain polyphase inclusions consisting of almandine‐rich garnet, omphacite (XJd 0.27–0.28), amphiboles (e.g. actinolite, winchite, barroisite, taramite and katophorite) and phengite. The peak P–T conditions of the first eclogite facies metamorphism are estimated to be 530–590 °C and 19–21 kbar succeeded by retrogression into greenschist facies. The second prograde metamorphism began at greenschist facies conditions. The peak metamorphic conditions are defined by schistosity‐forming omphacites (XJd ≤ 49) and garnet rims containing inclusions of barroisitic amphibole, phengite, rutile and quartz. The estimated peak metamorphic conditions are 630–680 °C and 20–22 kbar followed by a clockwise retrograde P–T path with nearly isothermal decompression to 8–12 kbar. In veins cross‐cutting the eclogite schistosity, resorbed barroisite/Mg‐katophorite occurs as inclusions in glaucophane which is zoned to barroisite, suggesting a prograde metamorphism of the third metamorphic event. The peak P–T conditions of this metamorphic event are estimated to be 540–600 °C and 6.5–8 kbar. These metamorphic conditions are correlated with those of the surrounding non‐eclogitic Sambagawa schists. The Onodani eclogites were formed by subduction of an oceanic plate, and metamorphism occurred beneath an accretionary prism. These high‐P/T type metamorphic events took place in a very short time span between 100 and 90 Ma. Plate reconstructions indicate highly oblique subduction of the Izanagi plate beneath the Eurasian continent at a high spreading rate. This probably resulted in multiple burial and exhumation movements of eclogite bodies, causing plural metamorphic events. The eclogite body was juxtaposed with non‐eclogitic Sambagawa schists at glaucophane stability field conditions. The amalgamated metamorphic sequence including the Onodani eclogites were exhumed to shallow crustal/surface levels in early Eocene times (c. 50 Ma).  相似文献   

Chloritoid–glaucophane‐bearing rocks are widespread in the high‐pressure belt of the north Qilian orogen, NW China. They are interbedded and cofacial with felsic schists originated from greywackes, mafic garnet blueschists and low‐T eclogites. Two representative chloritoid–glaucophane‐bearing assemblages are chloritoid + glaucophane + garnet + talc + quartz (sample Q5‐49) and chloritoid + glaucophane + garnet + phengite + epidote + quartz (sample Q5‐12). Garnet in sample Q5‐49 is coarse‐, medium‐ and fine‐grained and shows two types of zonation patterns. In pattern I, Xgrs is constant as Xpy rises, and in pattern II Xgrs decreases as Xpy rises. Phase equilibrium modelling in the NC(K)MnFMASH system with Thermocalc 3.25 indicates that pattern I can be formed during progressive metamorphism in lawsonite‐stable assemblages, while pattern II zonation can be formed with further heating after lawsonite has been consumed. Garnet growth in Q5‐49 is consistent with a continuous progressive metamorphic process from ~14.5 kbar at 470 °C to ~22.5 kbar at 560 °C. Garnet in sample Q5‐12 develops with pattern I zonation, which is consistent with a progressive metamorphic process from ~21 kbar at 540 °C to ~23.5 kbar at 580 °C with lawsonite present in the whole garnet growth. The latter sample shows the highest PT conditions of the reported chloritoid–glaucophane‐bearing assemblages. Phase equilibrium calculation in the NCKFMASH system with a recent mixing model of amphibole indicates that chloritoid + glaucophane paragenesis does not have a low‐pressure limit of 18–19 kbar as previously suggested, but has a much larger pressure range from 7–8 to 27–30 kbar, with the low‐pressure part being within the stability field of albite.  相似文献   

Sodic metapelites with jadeite, chloritoid, glaucophane and lawsonite form a coherent regional metamorphic sequence, several tens of square kilometres in size, and over a kilometre thick, in the Orhaneli region of northwest Turkey. The low‐variance mineral assemblage in the sodic metapelites is quartz + phengite + jadeite + glaucophane + chloritoid + lawsonite. The associated metabasites are characterized by sodic amphibole + lawsonite ± garnet paragenesis. The stable coexistence of jadeite + chloritoid + glaucophane + lawsonite, not reported before, indicates metamorphic pressures of 24 ± 3 kbar and temperatures of 430 ± 30 °C for the peak blueschist facies conditions. These P–T conditions correspond to a geotherm of 5 °C km?1, one of the lowest recorded in continental crustal rocks. The low geotherm, and the known rate of convergence during the Cretaceous subduction suggest low shear stresses at the top of the downgoing continental slab.  相似文献   

Abstract Sodic amphiboles are common in Franciscan type II and type III metabasites from Cazadero, California. They occur as (1) vein-fillings, (2) overgrowths on relict augites, (3) discrete tiny crystals in the groundmass, and (4) composite crystals with metamorphic Ca–Na pyroxenes in low-grade rocks. They become coarse-grained and show strong preferred orientation in schistose high-grade rocks. In the lowest grade, only riebeckite to crossite appears; with increasing grade, sodic amphibole becomes, first, enriched in glaucophane component, later coexists with actinolite, and finally, at even higher grade, becomes winchite. Actinolite first appears in foliated blueschists of the upper pumpellyite zone. It occurs (1) interlayered on a millimetre scale with glaucophane prisms and (2) as segments of composite amphibole crystals. Actinolite is considered to be in equilibrium with other high-pressure phases on the basis of its restricted occurrence in higher grade rocks, textural and compositional characteristics, and Fe/Mg distribution coefficient between actinolite and chlorite. Detailed analyses delineate a compositional gap for coexisting sodic and calcic amphiboles. At the highest grade, winchite appears at the expense of the actinolite–glaucophane pair. Compositional characteristics of Franciscan amphiboles from Ward Creek are compared with those of other high P/T facies series. The amphibole trend in terms of major components is very sensitive to the metamorphic field gradient. Na-amphibole appears at lower grade than actinolite along the higher P/T facies series (e.g. Franciscan and New Caledonia), whereas reverse relations occur in the lower P/T facies series (e.g. Sanbagawa and New Zealand). Available data also indicate that at low-temperature conditions, such as those of the blueschist and pumpellyite–actinolite facies, large compositional gaps exist between Ca- and Na-amphiboles, and between actinolite and hornblende, whereas at higher temperatures such as in the epidote–amphibolite, greenschist and eclogite facies, the gaps become very restricted. Common occurrence of both sodic and calcic amphiboles and Ca–Na pyroxene together with albite + quartz in the Ward Creek metabasites and their compositional trends are characteristic of the jadeite–glaucophane type facies series. In New Caledonia blueschists, Ca–Na pyroxenes are also common; Na-amphiboles do not appear alone at low grade in metabasites, instead, Na-amphiboles coexist with Ca-amphiboles throughout the progressive sequence. However, for metabasites of the intermediate pressure facies series, such as those of the Sanbagawa belt, Japan and South Island, New Zealand, Ca–Na pyroxene and glaucophane are not common; sodic amphiboles are restricted to crossite and riebeckite in composition and clinopyroxenes to acmite and sodic augite, and occur only in Fe2O3-rich metabasites. The glaucophane component of Na-amphibole systematically decreases from Ward Creek, New Caledonia, through Sanbagawa to New Zealand. This relation is consistent with estimated pressure decrease employing the geobarometer of Maruyama et al. (1986). Similarly, the decrease in tschermakite content and increase in NaM4 of Ca-amphiboles from New Zealand, through Sanbagawa to New Caledonia is consistent with the geobarometry of Brown (1977b). Therefore, the difference in compositional trends of amphiboles can be used as a guide for P–T detail within the metamorphic facies series.  相似文献   

Transformation of enstatite — diopside — jadeite pyroxenes to garnet   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The high-pressure stability of enstatite(En)-diopside(Di)-jadeite(Jd) pyroxenes has been investigated experimentally with a split-sphere anvil apparatus (USSA-2000). On the enstatite-pyrope join, the compositions of garnet coexisting with enstatite were determined at 100–165 kbar and 1450–1850° C. The results indicate complete solubility between enstatite and pyrope. In the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CMAS), the compositions of coexisting pyroxenes and garnet were determined at 100–165 kbar and 1250–1750° C. At 157 kbar, 1650° C, garnet with the composition En79Di21 (mol%) forms on the En-Di join. In the system Na2O-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (NMAS), the compositions of coexisting pyroxenes and garnet were determined at 60–160 kbar and 1200–1850° C. On the En-Jd join, the first garnet has the composition En48Jd52 at 135 kbar, 1650° C, and En53Jd47 at 140 kbar, 1500° C. On the Di-Jd join, the first garnet with the composition Di63Jd37 forms around 170 kbar, 1650° C. In the En-Di-Jd system, the first appearance of garnet with the composition En42Di9Jd49 is estimated at 133 kbar, 1650° C. The new pyroxene with the composition NaMg0.5Si2.5O6 (NaPx) transforms to garnet at 154 kbar, 1650° C. The experimental results indicate that the transformation of a twopyroxene assemblage to garnet and residual pyroxene in the En-Di-Jd system could occur at pressures consistent with the 400 km seismic discontinuity and in a pressure interval of 0–3 kbar.  相似文献   

In the Sesia Zone of the Western Alps, Italy, early Alpine blueschist to eclogite facies metamorphism of rocks of quartzofeldspathic composition has produced the same high-pressure assemblage of; quartz, Na-pyroxene, Na-amphibole, paragonite, phengite, zoisite, garnet, magnetite, sphene and Fe-sulphide (=the QFS assemblage) over an area (> 150 km2. Relative gradients in pressure and temperature over this region are reflected in the variations in mineral chemistries of the individual phases of the quartzofeldspathic assemblage through continuous reactions. Mineralogical discontinuities do not occur in the QFS assemblage of this region. Increases in the Jadeite content of the pyroxenes (X Jd 0.48 to X Jd 0.93) and in the glaucophane content of the amphiboles (X Gl 0.89 to X Gl 0.96) occur from the southwest to the northeast of the region studied. Analysis of coexisting garnets and pyroxenes indicate that the compositional variation of amphiboles and pyroxenes is associated with a decrease in the grossular component of the coexisting garnet. Zoned pyroxenes and garnets, together with the regional trends in mineral chemistries suggest that the evolution of the QFS assemblage with increasing pressure may be modelled by pressure-sensitive continuous reactions in which amphibole, zoisite and the more jadeitic pyroxene constitute the high-pressure assemblage. Chemographic constraints permit the positioning in pressure/temperature space of the compositional isopleths of those model continuous reactions involving these phases which meet the textural and chemical criteria observed in the natural assemblages. The low dP/dT slope (–20 bars/° C) of these isopleths causes the continuous reactions to be useful for geobarometric calculations at pressures above the absolute breakdown of albite to jadeite plus quartz. In addition the pseudobinary loops for the other continuous reactions which are potentially useful geobarometers and involve either the NaAlCa–1Mg–1 exchange or the MgCa–1 exchange are calculated. Comparison of mineral chemistries with the isopleths yields a relative barometric scheme for the localities studied. With these barometric observations, it is possible to show that the P-T path which the Sesia body travelled towards the final recorded state was one of increasing pressure. Other blueschist and eclogite occurrences from Syros and Sifnos which contain rocks of quartzofeldspathic composition are also examined.  相似文献   

The Cazadero blueschist allochthon lies within the Central MelangeBelt of the Franciscan assemblage in the northern Coast Rangeof California. Mineral compositions and assemblages of morethan 200 blueschists from Ward Creek were investigated. Theresults delineate lawsonite-, pumpellyite-, and epidote-zones.The lawsonite and pumpellyite zones are equivalent to the TypeII metabasites of Coleman & Lee (1963) and are characterizedby well-preserved igneous textures, relict augite, and pillowstructures, whereas epidote zone rocks are equivalent to theType III strongly deformed and schistose metabasites. Chlorite,phengite, aragonite, sphene, and minor quartz and albite areubiquitous. The lawsonite zone metabasites contain lawsonite ( < 3 wt.per cent Fe2O3), riebeckite-crossite, chlorite, and Ca-Na-pyroxene;some rocks have two distinct clinopyroxenes separated by a compositionalgap. The clinopyroxene of the lowest grade metabasites containsvery low Xjd. In pumpellyite zone metabasites, the most commonassemblages contain Pm + Cpx + Gl + Chl and some samples withhigher Al2O3 and/or Fe2O3 have Pm + Lw + Cpx + Chl, Actinolitejoins the above assemblage in the upper pumpellyite zone wherethe actinolite-glaucophane compositional gap is well defined.The epidote zone metabasites are characterized by the assemblagesEp + Cpx + two amphiboles + Chl, Lw + Pm + Act + Chl, and Ep+ Pm + two amphiboles + Chl depending on the Fe2O3 content ofthe rock. In the upper epidote zone, winchite appears, Fe-freelawsonite is stable, pumpellyite disappears and omphacite containsvery low Ac component. Therefore, the common assemblages areEp + winchite + Lw, and Lw + Omp + winchite. With further increasein metamorphic grade, epidote becomes Al-rich and lawsoniteis no longer stable. Hence Ep + winchite + omphacite ? garnetis characteristic. Mineral assemblages and paragenetic sequences delineate threediscontinuous reactions: (1) pumpellyite-in; (2) actinolite-in;and (3) epidote-in reactions. Using the temperatures estimatedby Taylor & Coleman (1968) and phase equilibria for Ca-Na-pyroxenes,the PT positions of these reactions and the metamorphicgradient are located. All three metabasite zones occur withinthe aragonite stability field and are bounded by the maximumpressure curve of Ab = Jd + Qz and the maximum stabilities ofpumpellyite and lawsonite. The lawsonite zone appears to bestable at T below 200?C with a pressure range of 4–6?5kb; the pumpellyite zone between 200 and 290?C and the epidotezone above 290?C with pressure variation between 6?5 and 9 kb.The metamorphic field gradient appears to have a convex naturetowards higher pressure. A speculative model of underplatingseamounts is used to explain such feature.  相似文献   

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