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刘瑾  王永  李廷栋  董进  江南  汤文坤 《古地理学报》2016,18(6):1044-1052
内蒙古中东部位于东亚夏季风过渡区,对气候变化响应敏感。广泛发育的湖泊沉积物提供了全新世以来的环境变化的理想材料。湖岸沉积物直接记录的古水位,与高分辨率的湖心钻孔记录相结合,有助于全面认识古气候的变化历史和湖面波动的定量重建。运用AMS14C测年和GPS、DEM及1︰5万地形图等相结合的方法确定了达里湖北侧湖岸堤的年代和高程,并结合湖岸堤剖面的沉积序列指示的湖面变化过程,重建了12.5 cal ka BP以来达里湖的波动历史。12.5 cal ka BP,达里湖湖面海拔高度约为1253,m,至12.3 cal ka BP湖面经历短暂上升,至海拔1266,m左右;之后湖面下降,至全新世早期(11.2 cal ka BP),水位降至1254,m左右;随后湖面开始逐步上升,10.7 cal ka BP湖面水位稳定在1274,m左右;全新世中期湖面继续上升至某一高度(至少在1291,m)后,于全新世晚期4.8 calka BP 湖面高度降至1279,m,并于4.6 cal ka BP湖面继续下降至1275,m的高度。通过对比湖心钻孔记录的湖泊波动历史以及区域湖泊沉积记录,认为达里湖的水位波动受东亚季风活动的影响,具有区域的一致性。达里湖的水位变化较区域内的其他湖泊更为强烈,认为除了受区域气候变化的影响外,达里湖全新世晚期的湖面下降可能还与区域内强烈的构造活动和西拉木伦河溯源侵蚀导致区域水系的改变有关。  相似文献   

湖岸地貌不仅可以与湖相沉积物共同指示湖泊演化过程,同时还是具有较高观赏价值的地貌景观,因此成为重要的地质遗迹。内蒙古克什克腾世界地质公园达里诺尔园区保存了大量的地质遗迹,对湖泊演化及气候变化具有很好的指示意义。本研究从地貌角度出发,对达里诺尔园区代表古湖面的湖蚀穴、湖蚀凹槽、湖蚀柱和湖蚀崖等湖蚀地貌,湖岸堤和湖成阶地等湖积地貌,以及河流地貌和冰缘地貌进行详细的野外地质调查,通过剖面实测并与湖岸沉积物和湖心钻孔岩心进行对比,判断达里湖全新世以来湖水面的变化,进而重建湖泊的演化过程。湖蚀地貌表明,达里湖曾存在4期明显的高湖面,海拔高度分别为1303 m、1296 m、1288 m和1277 m;而在1280 m以下主要发育湖成阶地和湖岸堤等湖积地貌。被称为世界最窄河流耗来河的不断发育代表了湖水位不断下降的过程,古冰楔及其上覆的硅藻土的发育指示了一次湖退和一次湖进事件。该研究对季风边缘区湖泊演化历史的重建可提供参考。  相似文献   

新疆巴里坤湖十五万年来古水文演化序列   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
通过巴里坤湖钻孔岩芯沉积相分析、年代学测定、粒度分析、碳酸盐及其稳定同位素测定、孢粉分析等综合研究,建立了巴里坤湖沉积岩芯剖面十五万年来的时间序列、湖水位变化的古水文演化序列,分辨出十五万年来经历的高湖面阶段和低湖面阶段。低湖面阶段对应于冰期阶段,在冰期时,降水主要积累于山地,进入湖泊的水量较少,湖水位降低;高湖面阶段对应于间冰期的到来,山地冰川融化,湖水位迅速上升,但很快达到新的平衡,水位保持稳定。  相似文献   

环南极大陆分布着大小不等的湖泊,它们出露于冰盖前沿,大约在距今8000年前,随着大陆冰盖退缩,地壳均衡反弹作用使原先淹没在海水之下的陆地逐渐出露水面。因之,一些低洼地面便成为湖泊并捕虏着原先残留在那里的海水,有的则是由于冰川消融带来的融雪水在低洼地区积存成湖,因而从湖泊水质看,南极大陆有淡水湖、咸水湖和极咸水湖之分。从文献看,有人对南极湖泊的化学、物理和演化过程进行综述,但还不清楚有多少极咸湖、微咸湖和  相似文献   

柴达木盆地阿尔金山前西段第三纪湖盆边缘斜坡带的渐新统和中新统表现为扇三角洲-湖泊与冲积扇-湖泊两种沉积体系的交替叠复。其形成归因于湖平面的周期性升降变化。沉积层序分析表明,湖平面变化控制了两种层序,湖面高位层序由扇三角洲-湖泊体系各序列组成;湖面低位层序则包含了冲积扇-湖泊体系各序列的内容。作者分析了在湖平面升降控制下湖泊边缘碎屑沉积体系的特点。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地阿尔金山前西段第三纪湖盆边缘斜坡带的渐新统和中新统表现为扇三角洲-湖泊与冲积扇-湖泊两种沉积体系的交替叠复。其形成归因于湖平面的周期性升降变化。沉积层序分析表明,湖平面变化控制了两种层序,湖面高位层序由扇三角洲—湖泊体系各序列组成;湖面低位层序则包含了冲积扇—湖泊体系各序列的内容。作者分析了在湖平面升降控制下湖泊边缘碎屑沉积体系的特点。  相似文献   

格陵兰冰盖表面消融研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
杨康 《冰川冻土》2013,35(1):101-109
冰盖表面消融是格陵兰冰盖物质平衡的重要组成部分, 已成为近年来格陵兰冰盖研究的热点. 格陵兰冰盖表面消融研究的关键在于理解冰盖融水的产生、 运移和释放等水文过程, 需要解决如下关键科学问题: 1) 冰盖表面产生了多少融水;2)冰盖表面水文系统具有什么特征; 3)冰盖表面融水如何影响冰盖运动; 围绕这些科学问题, 总结了格陵兰冰盖表面消融的研究进展. 冰盖表面消融建模、 冰盖表面湖的信息提取与面积特征变化、 深度反演与体积量算等是目前研究冰盖表面融水量的主要途径, 冰盖表面湖、 冰盖表面径流、 锅穴与冰裂隙等表面水文要素的空间分布规律研究则可用于揭示冰盖表面水文系统特征, 冰盖表面融水与冰盖运动速率的关系、 表面融水进入冰盖内部与底部的水文过程是目前揭示表面融水如何影响冰盖运动的主要手段.  相似文献   

内蒙古中东部位于东亚夏季风过渡区,对气候变化响应敏感。广泛发育的湖泊沉积物提供了全新世以来的环境变化的理想材料。湖岸沉积物直接记录的古水位,与高分辨率的湖心钻孔记录相结合,有助于全面认识古气候的变化历史和湖面波动的定量重建。运用AMS14C测年和GPS、DEM及1︰5万地形图等相结合的方法确定了达里湖北侧湖岸堤的年代和高程,并结合湖岸堤剖面的沉积序列指示的湖面变化过程,重建了12.5cal ka BP以来达里湖的波动历史。12.5 cal ka BP,达里湖湖面海拔高度约为1253m,至12.3 cal ka BP湖面经历短暂上升,至海拔1266m左右;之后湖面下降,至全新世早期(11.2 cal ka BP),水位降至1254m左右;随后湖面开始逐步上升,10.7 cal ka BP湖面水位稳定在1274m左右;全新世中期湖面继续上升至某一高度(至少在1291m)后,于全新世晚期4.8 cal ka BP湖面高度降至1279m,并于4.6 cal ka BP湖面继续下降至1275m的高度。通过对比湖心钻孔记录的湖泊波动历史以及区域湖泊沉积记录,认为达里湖的水位波动受东亚季风活动的影响,具有区域的一致性。达里湖的水位变化较区域内的其他湖泊更为强烈,认为除了受区域气候变化的影响外,达里湖全新世晚期的湖面下降可能还与区域内强烈的构造活动和西拉木伦河溯源侵蚀导致区域水系的改变有关。  相似文献   

西藏安多的湖泊变化与环境   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
沈永平  徐道明 《冰川冻土》1994,16(2):173-180
钻孔和剖面资料表明,西藏安多地区两个较大的现代湖泊,错那湖和兹格塘错湖至迟形成于35kaB.P.。早期两源相连,水位较高。随后因气候变干,湖面下降,但在20-17kaB.P.期间湖面又重新升高,并保持相对稳定。自17kaB.P.以后,湖面急剧下降,矿化度随这提高,钙质胶结物出现。在此过程中,因湖面阶段性的相对稳定所形成的10道砂坝堤,反映了该区气候波动的特征。  相似文献   

南极冰盖研究最新进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
南极冰盖是地球系统的重要组成部分,在全球气候系统中扮演着重要角色.通过对南极冰盖的研究将有助于了解其在全球气候系统中的作用,并为探讨全球气候过去、现在以及未来的演化提供支撑.总结分析了近年来南极冰盖研究的一些重要进展,并在此基础上对南极冰盖研究领域的一些主要结果、观测事实以及未来变化展开讨论,重点介绍南极物质平衡、冰芯研究、冰下水系统、冰盖数值模拟方面最近的进展,评述未来可能的研究方向和应该关注的问题.  相似文献   

Study of mineral inclusions in the basal part of the central Antarctic ice sheet from the borehole at the Vostok station was carried out. Mineral inclusions were trapped during freezing of the subglacial Lake Vostok water on the base of the glacier, when it crossed a shallow coastal area. It is established that the mineral inclusions are aggregates consisting mainly of clay minerals and quartz up to 150 microns. Crystals of aragonite and sulfides detected in the inclusions may indicate the presence of modern hydrothermal activity beneath the ice. Small (up to 4.5 mm) fragments of siltstone and aleuropelite in some aggregates suggest that lithified clastic sediments are exposed on the western coast of Lake Vostok, where removal of debris material occurred at the expense of exaration. Detrital zircon and monazite, found in siltstones and aleuropelite, suggest the chronology of geological complexes of the provenance area, which is, as is assumed, located in the Gamburtsev mountains in the central Antarctic. The age of the provenance area is 0.8–1.2 to 1.6–2.0 billion years.  相似文献   

This review paper is mainly concerned with a geochemical investigation of the deepest part of the Vostok ice core between 3310 m, the depth at which the palaeoenvironmental record present in the ice above is lost, and the bottom of the core about 130 m above subglacial Lake Vostok. Two sections constitute this part of the core.The upper section (3310–3539 m depth) still consists of ice of meteoric origin but subjected to widespread complex deformation. This deformation is analysed in light of a δD–deuterium excess diagram and information on microparticles, crystal sizes and chemical elements distributions in that part of the core. Such ice deformation occurred when the ice was still grounded upstream from Vostok station in a region with subfreezing temperatures.The lower section from 3539 m to the bottom of the core at 3623 m depth is lake ice formed by freezing of subglacial Lake Vostok waters. This is indicated by the isotopic properties (δD, δ18O and deuterium excess), by electrical conductivity measurements (ECM), crystallography and gas content of the ice. These ice core data together with data on ionic chemistry favour an origin of the lake ice by frazil ice generation in a supercooled (below pressure melting point) water plume existing in the lake followed by accretion and consolidation by subsequent freezing of the host water.The helium profile of this deepest part of the Vostok core is quite unusual and surprising. It has important implications for the interactions between the ice sheet and the lake. Two constrasting scenarios can be satisfactorily constructed so that the lake residence time is not well constrained.  相似文献   

Direct exploration of subglacial lakes buried deep under the Antarctic Ice Sheet has yet to be achieved. However, at retreating margins of the ice sheet, there are a number of locations where former subglacial lakes are emerging from under the ice but remain perennially ice covered. One of these lakes, Hodgson Lake (72°00.549′S, 068°27.708′W) has emerged from under more than 297–465 m of glacial ice during the last few thousand years. This paper presents data from a multidisciplinary investigation of the palaeolimnology of this lake through a study of a 3.8 m sediment core extracted at a depth of 93.4 m below the ice surface. The core was dated using a combination of radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence, and relative palaeomagnetic intensity dating incorporated into a chronological model. Stratigraphic analyses included magnetic susceptibility, clast provenance, organic content, carbonate composition, siliceous microfossils, isotope and biogeochemical markers. Based on the chronological model we provisionally assign a well-defined magnetic polarity reversal event at ca 165 cm in the lake sediments to the Mono Lake excursion (ca 30–34 ka), whilst OSL measurements suggest that material incorporated into the basal sediments might date to 93 ± 9 ka. Four stratigraphic zones (A–D) were identified in the sedimentological data. The chronological model suggests that zones A–C were deposited between Marine Isotope Stages 5–2 and zone A during Stage 1, the Holocene. The palaeolimnological record tracks changes in the subglacial depositional environment linked principally to changing glacier dynamics and mass transport and indirectly to climate change. The sediment composition in zones A–C consists of fine-grained sediments together with sands, gravels and small clasts. There is no evidence of overriding glaciers being in contact with the bed reworking the stratigraphy or removing this sediment. This suggests that the lake existed in a subglacial cavity beneath overriding LGM ice. In zone D there is a transition to finer grained sediments characteristic of lower energy delivery coupled with a minor increase in the organic content attributed either to increases in allochthonous organic material being delivered from the deglaciating catchment, a minor increase in within-lake production or to an analytical artefact associated with an increase in the clay fraction. Evidence of biological activity is sparse. Total organic carbon varies from 0.2 to 0.6%, and cannot be unequivocally linked to in situ biological activity as comparisons of δ13C and C/N values with local reference data suggest that much of it is derived from the incorporation of carbon in catchment soils and gravels and possibly old CO2 in meteoric ice. We use the data from this study to provide guidelines for the study of deep continental subglacial lakes including establishing sediment geochronologies, determining the extent to which subglacial sediments might provide a record of glaciological and environmental change and a brief review of methods to use in the search for life.  相似文献   

南极冰下基岩热水驱动快速取心钻具研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
南极大陆冰下基岩岩心对研究南极大陆地质构造及成因具有重要意义,目前尚没有任何一个国家在南极内陆成功钻取冰下基岩样品,研制可快速钻至冰岩界面并完成基岩采样的钻进设备迫在眉睫。针对极地冰下基岩取样技术难题,提出了一种可结合热水钻系统使用的采用热水驱动的冰下基岩取心钻具概念设计。该钻具系统采用常规热水钻完成南极大陆上覆冰层钻进,然后更换热水取心钻具穿过已有钻孔快速到达冰岩界面,完成冰下沉积物和基岩取心钻进,大大缩短基岩取心时间,提高钻进效率。结合中国自主研发的热水钻系统参数,对螺杆马达压力损失和输出扭矩进行理论计算,提出了螺杆马达选择依据。该技术有望在未来极地冰下基岩取心钻进中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

Ice sheets that advance upvalley, against the regional gradient, commonly block drainage and result in ice‐dammed proglacial lakes along their margins during advance and retreat phases. Ice‐dammed glacial lakes described in regional depositional models, in which ice blocks a major lake outlet, are often confined to basins in which the glacial lake palaeogeographical position generally remains semi‐stable (e.g. Great Lakes basins). However, in places where ice retreats downvalley, blocking regional drainage, the palaeogeographical position and lake level of glacial lakes evolve temporally in response to the position of the ice margin (referred to here as ‘multi‐stage’ lakes). In order to understand the sedimentary record of multi‐stage lakes, sediments were examined in 14 cored boreholes in the Peace and Wabasca valleys in north‐central Alberta, Canada. Three facies associations (FAI–III) were identified from core, and record Middle Wisconsinan ice‐distal to ice‐proximal glaciolacustrine (FAI) sediments deposited during ice advance, Late Wisconsinan subglacial and ice‐marginal sediments (FAII) deposited during ice‐occupation, and glaciolacustrine sediments (FAIII) that record ice retreat from the study area. Modelling of the lateral extent of FAs using water wells and gamma‐ray logs, combined with interpreted outlets and mapped moraines based on LiDAR imagery, facilitated palaeogeographical reconstruction of lakes and the identification of four major retreat‐phase lake stages. These lake reconstructions, together with the vertical succession of FAs, are used to develop a depositional model for ice‐dammed lakes during a cycle of glacial advance and retreat. This depositional model may be applied in other areas where meltwater was impounded by glacial ice advancing up the regional gradient, in order to understand the complex interaction between depositional processes, ice‐marginal position, and supply of meltwater and sediment in the lake basin. In particular, this model could be applied to decipher the genetic origin of diamicts previously interpreted to record strictly subglacial deposition or multiple re‐advances.  相似文献   

Progress in understanding the surface dynamics above the subglacial Lake Vostok is achieved owing to use of the ICESat satellite laser elevation measurements, which enabled us to determine surface fluctuations with precision up to 3 cm. A new idea on punctuated equilibrium of the surface above Lake Vostok is elaborated; this idea is concluded in irregular, sharp vertical displacements of the ice surface by up to 40 cm. Deformation of the surface is accompanied with a common raising or lowering, and with local vertical displacements up to 20 cm in amplitude. It has been proved experimentally that snow transport on the surface above the lake causes only redistribution of snow and forms fractal structures that do not have any effect on surface deformation. The form of the surface is not an inclined plane due to many bends that are particularly related to ice flowing on the lake water area.  相似文献   

Early Holocene sediments from a continental Antarctic lake (Ace Lake, Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica) contained abundant fossil rotifers of the genus Notholca. The fossil is similar to specimens of Notholca sp. present in modern-day Ace Lake and other fresh and brackish lakes of the Vestfold Hills. Cyanobacteria and protists (chrysophyte cysts, dinoflagellate cysts, and rhizopod tests) were also recovered from the core samples. These sediments were deposited early in the freshwater phase of Ace Lake, soon after deglaciation of the area. The occurrence of this trophically diverse assemblage of organisms at an early stage in the evolution of the lake suggests either that they were part of an endemic Antarctic flora and fauna which pre-dated the last glacial maximum and survived in glacial refugia or that efficient intercontinental dispersal had occurred.  相似文献   

It is proposed that a lake, here named “Subglacial Lake McGregor”, existed beneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet at, or near, the last glacial maximum. The lake resided in the ancient buried McGregor and Tee Pee preglacial valleys, which are now mostly filled with glacigenic deposits. The greatest thickness of sediment in the valleys is in the form of chaotically deposited lake beds that were laid down in a subaqueous environment by a number of process: gravity flow, water transport, and suspension settling. Topographic, sedimentary, and stratigraphic evidence point to a subglacial, not a proglacial, origin for the beds. During the early stages of lake existence, ice movement was significant as there are numerous sets of shear planes in the sedimentary beds. This indicates that the lake filled (lake sedimentation) and drained (shearing of the beds by overlying ice when ice contacted the bed) often. Thus, early in its history, the lake(s) was/were ephemeral. During the later stages of lake existence, the lake was relatively stable with no rapid draining or influx of sediment. Gradual drainage of the lake resulted in lowering of the ice onto the lake beds resulting in subglacial till deposition. Drainage was not a single continuous event. Rather it was characterized by multiple phases of near total drainage (till deposition), followed by water accumulation (lake sedimentation). Water accumulation events became successively less significant reflected by thinning of lake beds and thickening of till beds higher in the stratigraphic sequence. Since subglacial lake sedimentation appears to be restricted to the subglacial valleys, it is suggested that the valleys acted as a large-scale interconnected cavity system that both stored and transported water. It is also suggested that these acted as the main routes of water flow beneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

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