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黄土边坡的变形破坏多发生于降雨期间,由此也造成了大量的损失。为减小降雨诱发黄土滑坡的影响,开展降雨型滑坡现场实验研究,具有现实意义。本文选取泾阳一天然黄土边坡为研究对象,利用自行设计的模拟降雨系统,设计并进行了3组不同雨强下的大型黄土边坡人工模拟降雨试验,旨在研究不同雨强条件下天然黄土边坡的入渗规律及变形破坏模式。通过对边坡内埋设的土壤水分传感仪、土压力盒和张力计管的读数变化及试验现象进行分析,进而得出降雨条件下大型黄土边坡现场试验的变形破坏规律,总结出该类边坡的水分入渗规律和变形破坏模式。试验结果表明,边坡入渗呈现一定的规律:降雨条件下,坡肩入渗深度和速率最大,坡脚次之,坡面最小;同时,降雨强度越大,雨水入渗速率越快,入渗时间越长,边坡相同位置处体积含水率和土压力增大幅度越大,基质吸力减小的幅度越大。降雨条件下天然黄土边坡的变形破坏模式为:坡肩侵蚀及侵蚀扩展→坡面裂隙形成扩展→坡肩裂隙形成扩展→局部滑塌;若继续降雨,则坡肩局部裂隙逐渐贯通进而形成滑面,最终导致滑坡发生。  相似文献   

黄土边坡的失稳问题是岩土工程中迫切需要解决的工程难题之一。首先,选取陕北黄土边坡为研究对象,开展4种雨强条件下的野外人工模拟降雨试验,通过测试边坡两侧开挖隔离槽并埋设隔离布从而改进测试边坡两侧的边界条件,实测不同雨强条件下边坡浸水深度以及土体含水率变化;然后分析不同雨强条件下降雨入渗过程和边坡应力变化特征,并比较不同雨强条件下入渗规律之间的差异。试验结果表明,不同雨强条件下的黄土边坡入渗深度均呈现坡脚最深、坡顶次之、坡中最浅的规律,入渗速率则是坡顶最快,其次是坡脚,最后是坡中;且随着深度的增加,雨水入渗能力逐渐减弱。随着雨强的增大,同一埋深处测点的体积含水率及土压力变化幅值变大,且含水率及土压力突变时间相应缩短,边坡的冲刷效果愈加明显。最后基于Geo-studio软件进行渗流分析,验证了现场试验结果的正确性,明晰了雨强对黄土边坡降雨入渗的影响。  相似文献   

以70°辽西黄土陡坡为例,在降雨强度为2.7 mm/min条件下对边坡坡面冲刷破坏特征进行了室内物理试验模拟。试验发现:随着降雨的持续坡面水流能量不断增加,致使侵蚀强度增强;边坡的侵蚀方式从试验初期的片蚀,到中期的细沟侵蚀,最后演化为坡顶部的切沟侵蚀和坍塌。基于试验成果,采用SEEP/W程序对降雨条件下边坡降雨入渗规律进行数值模拟,发现在降雨过程中坡顶部所产生的水头压力最大,随高度降低呈减小趋势;运用PFC2D颗粒流软件从微观角度对坡体土颗粒运动情况进行模拟,结果发现位于坡顶的颗粒最先被径流冲刷带走,且下落速度很快。经对比表明:数值模拟结果和物理模拟试验现象基本一致,可为进一步研究黄土边坡冲刷破坏规律提供参考。  相似文献   

地震作用下黄土边坡动力响应数值分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用FLAC3D软件对某三级黄土边坡进行了动力反应分析。首先分析了静力作用下该黄土边坡剪应变增量和坡面、坡内、坡顶不同监测点的位移;在此基础上进行动力分析,得出黄土边坡地震动力响应规律。研究结果表明,静力作用下坡面上水平向位移明显大于垂直向位移,水平向位移从坡底向上逐渐减小;坡面处位移较大,位移在每级坡坡脚稍向上一定范围内达到最大值;地震作用下黄土边坡剪应变增量由坡脚稍向上部位开始向周围扩展,范围明显增大,且随地震持时的增加剪应变增量增幅较大;塑性区变化显示该黄土边坡坡顶以拉破坏为主,坡脚稍向上开始以剪破坏为主并伴有拉破坏。黄土边坡对地震波具有临空面放大效应,地震波在坡体内传播过程中还具有滞后效应  相似文献   

黄土边坡开挖与支护效应的离心模拟试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龚成明  程谦恭  刘争平 《岩土力学》2010,31(11):3481-3486
黄土边坡在开挖卸载过程中的稳定性分析及其防护在边坡工程中占有重要地位。采用西南交通大学土工离心机进行了1组非支护边坡和2组土钉支护边坡的离心模型试验,研究了开挖卸载过程中黄土边坡的变形特性、稳定性变化规律及土钉的加固效应。离心模型试验研究表明,土钉能够显著提高黄土边坡的稳定性。土钉支护的边坡土体,因土钉的锚固效应,边坡的变形范围更大,但变形量较小,最大变形量并不在坡面,而是发生在坡面下的锚固区域内,非支护黄土边坡的潜在滑移面产生于距坡顶约40 cm处,土钉支护后,黄土边坡基本不会发生破坏。对于抵抗边坡发生变形而言,不等长土钉支护的效果要优于等长土钉支护,研究成果为黄土边坡的开挖与防护提供了参考。  相似文献   

原状非饱和Q3黄土的土压力原位测试和强度特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了揭示原状黄土的土压力的分布规律及其在开挖过程和浸水过程中的变化规律,对兰州市一个高18 m的Q3黄土边坡进行了现场试验,量测了边坡的位移、土压力、基质吸力和含水率,观测了该边坡的破坏过程,同时进行了一组控制吸力的原状黄土的非饱和三轴剪切试验。研究结果表明:①原状Q3黄土的表观黏聚力和有效摩擦角与吸力之间均为非线性关系。②原状黄土边坡的土压力随着土坡开挖深度的增加而不断增大。边坡开挖结束后的土压力分布大致呈中间大,两端小的三角形,最大土压力位置在大约坡高的1/3位置处。与朗肯土压力理论计算结果相比,实测黄土边坡的土压力远小于计算值。在浸水条件下,非饱和黄土的边坡土压力增速较大,浸水是边坡产生破坏的直接原因。  相似文献   

下伏软弱层黄土边坡变形机制分析及治理对策研究   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
本文研究了陕北某电厂夹断层破碎带上覆黄土的泥岩、砂岩互层反倾边坡的变形机制,并研究治理对策及其治理效果。通过边坡工程地质条件及变形破坏特征分析,建立FLAC3D地质模型,采用数值模拟方法研究了边坡变形破坏机制,在此基础上提出削方减载、锚筋桩、锚杆及坡面防护的综合治理措施。研究结果表明,边坡的变形受开挖坡形的影响,坡体浅表层特别是断层带及坡顶黄土部位出现大范围拉应力集中,断层带出现向坡外的挤出变形,带动上部黄土的牵引式变形,引起沿黄土和基岩基覆界面的剪切变形,在黄土中出现大量拉裂缝,在一定条件下潜在滑移面逐渐贯通,坡体将产生整体失稳。边坡的治理应通过削方减载改善坡体应力环境,并重点控制断层带及黄土与基岩基覆界面的变形,数值模拟结果表明,治理后边坡稳定性较好,满足设计要求。  相似文献   

降雨冲刷对黄土公路边坡植物防护影响的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对裸露黄土公路边坡、厚层基材植草公路边坡、三维网植草公路边坡以及平台植树公路边坡的现场降雨冲刷试验,阐述了不同防护型式的公路黄土边坡在降雨条件下的坡面径流、含泥量以及坡面冲刷情况,得出了降雨对边坡坡面的侵蚀过程,首先是从雨滴直接打击土体开始,进而引起溅蚀,分散土粒,紧接着发生超渗径流造成坡面冲刷。以及对坡面破坏最大的是坡顶上方来水等重要结论。验证了坡面植物防护以及平台植树等防护方法可以有效降低降雨冲刷对坡面的侵蚀破坏,为黄土地区公路边坡植物防护的设计施工以提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

黄土边坡变形失稳机理研究对于黄土滑坡灾害防治具有重要意义。黄土-泥岩接触面滑坡作为黄土滑坡类型之一,研究人员已对其失稳基本过程与形成机理有较为清晰的认识。但对于其在不同降雨类型下,特别是强降雨条件下的变形破坏过程则有待进一步探讨。因此,本文对黄土-泥岩接触面边坡开展室内降雨模型试验,研究其在强降雨条件下斜坡变形破坏模式。试验设计连续强降雨和间断强降雨两种降雨条件,对比分析两种降雨条件下边坡雨水入渗规律及变形破坏模式。结果表明:在两种典型降雨模式下,雨水入渗速率由边坡前缘至后缘逐渐降低;在坡体表层,随着降雨由间断至连续过渡,入渗速率逐渐增加;在坡体深部,入渗速率受边坡结构影响;间断降雨下边坡呈现滑移-拉裂失稳;在连续降雨条件坡体则表现为蠕滑-拉裂破坏。  相似文献   

近年来,随着“治沟造地”和“固沟保塬”等工程在黄土高原的陆续开展,出现了许多直线型黄土填方边坡。降雨是诱发边坡失稳的重要因素,但对降雨诱发直线型黄土填方边坡变形演化特征和破坏模式的研究较少。以直线型黄土填方边坡为研究对象,通过传感器监测、三维激光扫描和人工降雨,开展室内降雨模型试验,记录了降雨入渗下边坡内部水文响应特征和边坡失稳破坏过程,并对湿润锋、土颗粒运移、坡体内部变形响应、裂缝演化特征及破坏模式进行了分析。试验结果表明:随着降雨入渗,湿润锋达到后,体积含水率增加,并在峰值后保持稳定,而基质吸力则减小,到达最低点后保持稳定。冲沟对填方边坡的影响较大,它的发育改变了坡体内含水率特征,同时也是控制边坡整体滑动的边界;边坡变形响应区域主要是以填方边坡前缘堆积区和后缘滑塌区为主;裂缝演化方向由边坡前缘向后缘发展,它的发育为雨水入渗提供优势通道,同时也加剧边坡的变形破坏;降雨形成的水动力驱使坡体中细颗粒从填方边坡后缘向前缘流失,减弱了土体颗粒之间的胶结能力,使其抗剪强度降低,进而使边坡失稳破坏。因此,在降雨入渗下,直线型黄土填方边坡的变形破坏模式为:坡顶冲沟破坏、坡脚软化→局部牵引坍塌、整体失稳→块体分割、流滑破坏。研究结果可为直线型黄土填方边坡的工程建设和滑坡灾害防治提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Pu  Xiaowu  Wang  Lanmin  Wang  Ping  Chai  Shaofeng 《Natural Hazards》2020,103(1):923-945

Light rain or moderate rain is the most common meteorological event in the rainy season in the loess area of China, so the probability of landslide hazards induced by the coupling effect of earthquakes and rainfall under the condition of light rain or moderate rain is relatively higher than that under heavy rain. To study the dynamic response characteristics and instability mechanism of loess slopes by the coupling effect of earthquakes and rainfall under the conditions of moderate rain and light rain, a low-angle slope model test of a large-scale shaking table after 10 mm of rainfall was carried out. By gradually increasing the dynamic loading, the evolution of the macroscopic deformation and the instability failure mode of the slope model are observed; the temporal and spatial trends of the amplification effect, acceleration spectrum, pore pressure and soil pressure are analyzed; and the failure mechanism of the slope is determined. The results showed that the amplification effect increased along the slope surface upward, and a strong amplification effect appeared at the front of the top of the slope. Because of the stronger dynamic stress action on the upper part of the slope, the immersed soil in the upper part of the slope experienced seismic subsidence deformation, the saturation in the seismic subsidence soil increased, and the water content temporarily increased locally. With the further increase in the loading intensity, a large number of tension cracks were generated in the seismic subsidence area, and water infiltrated down along the cracks and the wetting range expanded under dynamic action. The range of seismic subsidence and cracks further extended to the deep part of the slope. Under the reciprocating action of the subsequent ground motion, the swing amplitude of the soil mass in the seismic subsidence area, which is divided by a large number of cracks in the upper part of the slope, increased further, resulting in the further reduction in the residual strength of the seismic subsidence soil mass located at the crack tip due to the pull and shear action. Finally, under the combined action of gravity and dynamic force, the upper soil mass in the seismic subsidence area dragged the lower soil mass in the seismic subsidence area downward because the sliding force is greater than the residual strength of the soil mass, which induced a seismic subsidence-type loess landslide. Under the coupling effect of earthquakes and rainfall, the instability mode and mechanism of this landslide are significantly different from those of liquefaction-type landslides.


Rainfall-induced landslides are a significant hazard in many areas of loess-covered terrain in Northwest China. To investigate the response of a loess landslide to rainfall, a series of artificial rainfall experiments were conducted on a natural loess slope, located in the Bailong River Basin, in southern Gansu Province. The slope was instrumented to measure surface runoff, pore water pressure, soil water content, earth pressure, displacement, and rainfall. The hydrological response was also characterized by time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography. The results show that most of the rainfall infiltrated into the loess landslide, and that the pore water pressure and water content responded rapidly to simulated rainfall events. This indicates that rainfall infiltration on the loess landslide was significantly affected by preferential flow through fissures and macropores. Different patterns of pore water pressure and water content variations were determined by the antecedent soil moisture conditions, and by the balance between water recharge and drainage in the corresponding sections. We observed three stages of changing pore water pressure and displacement within the loess landslide during the artificial rainfall events: Increases in pore water pressure initiated movement on the slope, acceleration in movement resulting in a rapid decrease in pore water pressure, and attainment of a steady state. We infer that a negative pore water pressure feedback process may have occurred in response to shear-induced dilation of material as the slope movement accelerated. The process of shear dilatant strengthening may explain the phenomenon of semi-continuous movement of the loess landslide. Shear dilatant strengthening, caused by intermittent or continuous rainfall over long periods, can occur without triggering rapid slope failure.  相似文献   

降雨入渗条件下非饱和膨胀土边坡原位监测   总被引:45,自引:5,他引:40  
为了对降雨诱发的非饱和膨胀土边坡失稳的机理有较深入的了解,在湖北枣阳选取了一个11 m高的典型的非饱和膨胀土挖方边坡进行人工降雨模拟试验和原位综合监测。监测成果表明:降雨入渗造成2 m深度以内土层中孔隙水压力和含水量大幅度增加,致使膨胀土体的抗剪强度由于有效应力的减少及土体吸水膨胀软化而降低;同时,降雨入渗造成土体中水平应力与竖向应力比显著增加,并接近理论的极限状态应力比,以致软化的土体有可能沿着裂隙面发生局部被动破坏,此破裂面在一定条件下(如持续降雨条件下)可能会逐渐扩展,最后发展成为膨胀土中常见的渐进式滑坡。  相似文献   

Slope stability has been identified as a major obstacle to construction in the rapidly developing countries of Indonesia and Malaysia. In these countries, slope failure has been identified as one of the most commonly occurring natural disasters, leading to financial losses and deaths. Slope failure is often related to prolonged rainfall events where rainfall infiltration increases pore water pressure, reducing soil strength. This failure mechanism will accelerate with the existence of cracks, which are usually caused by differential settling, drying and shrinking of soil, and associated construction activities, among other causes. The existence of cracks on slopes usually provides an easy pathway for rainfall infiltration into soil, allowing rain to infiltrate to deeper layers than in the absence of cracks. The moisture content in deep layers is therefore higher in cracked slopes than in slopes without cracks. To address this issue, we investigated the effects of cracks on slope stability when subjected to rainfall. The influence of crack location, depth, size, and direction on pore water pressure distribution and slope stability was studied by imposing different rainfall intensities. Analysis of seepage and stability were conducted using the GEO STUDIO 2007 softwares SEEP/W and SLOPE/W. Results suggested that pore water pressure and slope stability were influenced by the existence of cracks. Analysis showed that slope factors of safety decreased sharply when cracks were located adjacent to the slope crest, as compared to when cracks were located in the middle of the slope. Furthermore, slope factors of safety decreased with increasing crack depth. Pore water pressure and slope factors of safety decreased further when slopes were subjected to small rainfall intensities for long periods, as compared to when slopes were subjected to high rainfall intensities for short periods. The present study shows that study of cracks should be an integral part of the slope stability analysis.  相似文献   

黄土较松散,内部大孔隙和垂直节理发育,因其特殊的结构为雨水的快速入渗提供了通道。降雨型黄土浅层滑坡已造成了大量的经济损失与人员伤亡。为了有效减轻降雨诱发黄土滑坡对社会和经济的影响,开展降雨型滑坡室内实验研究,具有重大的现实意义。本文旨在研究不同降雨形式和不同坡体结构对黄土斜坡变形破坏过程影响,设计并进行了3组室内物理模型实验,分别为持续强降雨斜坡实验、持续强降雨斜坡(带垂直节理)实验和间歇性强降雨斜坡实验,且每组斜坡内埋设体积含水率传感器、基质吸力传感器和孔隙水压力传感器3种传感器记录其内部变化。通过对每一个黄土斜坡体内传感器的读数变化及实验现象进行分析,同时对不同实验条件下实验过程及结果进行对比,进而得出降雨条件下浅表层黄土滑坡的变形破坏规律,总结出该类滑坡的破坏模式及其诱发机理。实验前期,随着体积含水率不断增大,基质吸力逐渐减小至基本稳定,土体强度随之减小,实验后期上部土体饱和,斜坡产生的变形和土体排水不畅产生了超孔隙水压力,有效应力随之减小,土体强度减小至最小,导致滑坡产生。同时,坡体结构对斜坡稳定性的影响大于降雨形式的影响。  相似文献   

降雨诱发的浅层黄土滑坡是黄土高原重要的地质灾害类型之一.斜坡水分空间分布和变化趋势是导致斜坡失稳的重要因素,但基于此的剖面监测数据较少.依托延安黄土地质灾害野外观测基地,选择典型黄土斜坡,在坡面布设两条5 m深的水分探测纵剖面,观测在降雨过程中斜坡水分的空间特征.监测结果显示:1)降雨引起的土壤含水率变化深度有限,与降雨量成正相关关系;2)土壤含水率随时间变化表现出周期性特征,随深度增加,周期逐渐变长;3)斜坡水分在空间分布上存在明显的各向异性——垂向上表现为含水率的不均匀性与阶段性,而在斜坡的不同部位,受降雨影响坡顶-坡腰-坡脚含水率大致呈递减趋势,其中坡顶、坡脚的水分波动程度最大,坡脚的入渗深度最大.  相似文献   

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