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乐圆 《地球学报》2017,38(2):304-312
随着地学博物馆数量逐年大幅增加,除自身的基本陈列外,专题展览活动也随之加重,具有专业性、科学性、趣味性、及时性和延续性等多种特点。在国家文化繁荣发展的时代背景下,大部分地学博物馆陈列展示使用的展览内容框架雷同、千篇一律,难以激发观众参观热情。中国地质博物馆作为地学博物馆的"领头羊"对博物馆展览陈列设计特点进行了一系列的研究。本文以该馆为例,总结了地学博物馆展览陈列的设计原则、流程和要素。在原则方面,设计师在进行艺术设计同时需掌握地学知识;在流程方面,先策划,确定展品数量梳理展览大纲,再进行总体规划和展览艺术形式设计,最后实现协作与优化。在要素方面,展览陈列设计需要特别注意空间布局、展品选择、艺术表现形式、光环境设计、色彩设计等七个方面的应用。展览陈列设计师要努力挖掘和彰显地学专业的特性,不断创造新的表现形式,从而促进我国地学博物馆的蓬勃发展,更好地为公共事业做贡献。  相似文献   

专业科技博物馆的迅猛发展和公众对地学知识的渴求对地学类博物馆的展示技术提出了新的要求,本文通过分析我国地学博物馆的类型、公民基本科学素养水平现状以及地质地貌类科学知识的主要传播方式,结合地质地貌学科内容特点,借鉴科技馆/科技中心公众展示技术对地学博物馆的启示,探索研究"地貌形成与演变机理展教系统"中适用的公众展示关键技术,提出了一种多媒体与机电一体化相结合的核心展示技术——多媒体机械数字矩阵集成演示技术,并将其成功地应用于试制品研制。基于该核心展示技术的地貌形成与演变机理展教系统尊重用户体验,实现了虚拟模拟与实景、机械活动沙盘与数字多媒体相结合,内容易于拓展,成本可控,适宜在地学类博物馆及相关展厅中推广应用。  相似文献   

地学e-Science被认为是继理论分析、实验观察和模拟计算之后的地学科研方法,将促进传统地学科研模式的变革,提升地学研究的效率和水平。由于地学e-Science的研究刚刚起步,国内外学者对其本质、内容、技术架构和未来发展,还缺乏一个统一、清晰的认识。认为地学e-Science的实质就是支撑地学研究的信息化环境及其在此基础上开展的各类地学科研活动,其总体架构包括信息化基础设施、地学资源、功能服务和科研应用4个层次。基于地学e-Science的研究可以实现地学科研模式的4个转变。实践表明地学e-Science原型系统:东北亚联合科学考察与合作研究平台通过信息化技术和数字化资源改变了传统科学考察的模式,极大促进了中国、俄罗斯、蒙古3国科学家联合科学考察的效率。  相似文献   

近年来,在国土资源部的高度重视下,我区相继建立了一系列地学数据库。这些地学数据库的建立不仅为地矿行业提供了基础性数据,也加速了"数字国土工程"和国土资源信息化建设的步伐。随着信息技术的高速发展,利用地理信息系统(GIS)将各类地学数据有机地结合起来,形成地学数据应用与管理系统,最终通过网络服务于社会,必将是各类地学数据发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

福建平潭岛旅游地质资源特征浅析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
福建平潭岛又名海坛岛 ,是祖国大陆距台湾最近点 ,不但有着秀丽无比的海域风光 ,别具一格的海岛民俗 ,最具特色的还是它的地质地貌景观 ,专家们称之为“天然的地学博物馆”,具备广阔的旅游地学资源开发前景。  相似文献   

在分析了基层地勘部门地学数据管理现状以及专业应用系统对多源地学数据应用需求的基础上,以基层部门能够共享和重复应用现有地学数据为目标,从数据存储、管理、访问以及管理系统架构等关键问题上,研究了地学数据集成管理系统平台建设,初步尝试了基于GIS建立面向专业应用的多源地学数据的集成管理方案。  相似文献   

林军  施文耀 《福建地质》2000,19(2):111-115
福建平潭岛又名海坛岛,是祖国大陆距台湾最近点,不但有着秀丽无比的海域风光,别具一格的海岛民俗,最具特色的还是它的地质地貌景观,专家们称之为“天然的地学博物馆”,具备广阔的旅游地学资源开发前景。  相似文献   

当前世界进入基于大数据进行数据密集型科学研究的时代,协同操作的数据、信息、系统、空间基础设施对整个地球科学研究和应对巨大社会挑战至关重要.2012年8月在澳大利亚布里斯班召开的第34届国际地质大会,吸引了世界范围内的行业领军科学家交流讨论了地学信息领域取得的进展、成果和发展趋势.从本届地质大会来看,计算机技术、数据库技术、网络技术、虚拟技术等现代化的技术深入应用到了地学众多专业领域,地学信息产品服务成为了信息化时代各国为公众提供公益性服务的主流渠道,地学信息逐步突破孤立的专题、地区、国家的限制,跨专业、跨学科、跨国乃至跨大洲级别的数据共享将逐步达成共识.当前,全球的地学信息科学家都在朝着这同一方向努力,让地学知识能够快速、便捷、高效的为变化的地球服务.  相似文献   

地学空间数据仓库的构建技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了将中国多源、异构、分散的地学数据集中到一起,为资源评价提供有效的数据供应,将地学空间数据仓库作为实现数据集成的解决方案。首次提出了符合中国国情的具有数据源、空间ETL、空间数据存储、基于SOA的应用服务和客户应用的5层地学空间数据仓库的体系结构。根据中国地质行业行政划分和数据的分布情况,设计了能够实现地学数据集成的国家、大区所、省三级管理的地学空间数据仓库系统的物理部署方案。这是一套符合中国地学实际情况且完整可行的地学数据集成方案。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(1):153-172
Serving as a way to understand the material composition, structure, and dynamic process of the Earth’s interior, deep earth exploration is driven by not only mankind’s pursuit of natural mysteries but also mankind’s basic need to obtain resources and guarantee economic and social development. The first phase of deep earth exploration of China (SinoProbe) was carried out from 2008 to 2016 and tremendous results were achieved. In 2016, the China Geological Survey launched a Deep Geological Survey Project (also referred to as the Project) to continuously explore the deep Earth. Focusing on the national energy resources strategy, the Belt and Road Initiative, and major basic issues of the geological survey, the Project was carried out in Songliao Basin (an important energy base in China) and major geological boundaries and tectonic units including Qilian Mountains-Tianshan Mountains and Qinzhou-Hangzhou juncture belt. The purpose of it is to reveal the process, structure, and forming patterns of the deep ore deposits and petroleum reservoirs, clarify the evolutionary pattem and controlling factors of Mesozoic environmental climate, and discover deep fine structures of key orogens, basins, and mountains by comprehensive geophysical exploration and scientific drilling. Great achievements have been obtained after more than three years of efforts, including a cumulative 1552 km of deep seismic reflection profiles and magnetotelluric profiles, an ultra-deep continental scientific drilling well, a scientific drilling pilot hole, and a magnetotelluric array and a portable broadband seismic array, both of which cover South China. Moreover, significant progress has been made in ultra-deep drilling technology, deep oil and gas discovery in Songliao Basin, and basic geological issues of Qilian Orogen and Qinzhou-Hangzhou juncture belt in South China, greatly accelerating the deep earth exploration in China and further consolidating China’s position as a power in deep earth exploration.  相似文献   

任凯珍  冒建  陈国浒 《城市地质》2011,6(1):45-48,29
本文主要介绍了地质灾害与地质环境的分布关系,并得出地质环境对地质灾害易发程度的影响等级,为地质灾害易发区划或预警区划因子权重的确定提供参考。  相似文献   

数字地质调查系统在提高调查数字化、规范化具有重要的作用。本文介绍了数字地质调查系统的基本情况,并对本系统在城市地质灾害调查应用提出了建议。  相似文献   

A.J. van Loon 《Earth》2008,86(1-4):247-254
Several developments cause that field practice of students becomes minimized in most countries. The most important reasons are, direct or indirect, financial short-sightedness, an ever increasing population pressure, vandalism, and counterproductive legislature. The diminishing field experience forms a threat for the capability of future generations of earth scientists to optimize exploration of all kinds of natural resources, thus also threatening society. As it is unlikely that the present-day tendency of diminishing availability of excursion points and areas for field work will come to an end, measures should be taken timely to preserve sites that are of educational (or scientific) value. National measures and international cooperation aimed at preserving our geological heritage, like realized already in, for instance, the US by the National Park Service and in Europe by ProGeo, form a step in the good direction. Dependency on such preserves will, however, change the education of earth scientists fundamentally. However unfortunate such a development may be, it is better than a future where geological education becomes impossible because essential parts of our geological heritage have been lost forever.  相似文献   

钻探是城市地质调查的重要技术手段,钻探编录则是直接获取第一手原始资料的重要环节,城市地质调查钻探编录不同于传统的矿产勘探地质编录,内容更为丰富和复杂。文中通过在编录中的实践,向从事此项工作的同行介绍一些心得体会。  相似文献   

试论四川地质景观资源与地质演化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川省大地构造演化复杂,主要划分为:扬子准地台基底生成阶段,扬子准地台发展阶段,川西地槽发展阶段,四川盆地发展阶段,高原隆起、大造山与第四纪冰川阶段.它们造就了数以千计的精品地质遗迹景观,其类型多样,特色鲜明,璀灿峥嵘,脍炙人口.  相似文献   

Geological outline of the Alps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Alps were developed from the Cretaceous onwards by subduction of a Mesozoic ocean and collision between the Adriatic (Austroalpine-Southalpine) and European (Penninic-Helvetic) continental margins.The Austroalpine-Penninic wedge is the core of the collisional belt, a fossil subduction complex which floats on the European lower plate. It consists of continental and minor oceanic nappes and is marked by a blueschist-to-eclogite-facies imprint of Cretaceous-Eocene age, followed by a Barrovian overprint. The collisional wedge was later accreted by the Helvetic basement and cover units and indented by the Southalpine lithosphere, which in turn was deformed as an antithetic fold-and-thrust belt.  相似文献   

尹硕 《地质论评》2022,68(5):1652-1652
为表彰一批在我国地质工作中做出突出成绩和贡献的女性地质科技工作者,向中国地质学会成立百年献礼,学会于2022年2月22日启动了第三届优秀女地质科技工作者奖的申报推荐工作。近期,学会召开第三届优秀女地质科技工作者奖评审会议。会后对评审结果在中国地质学会网站进行了为期5个工作日的公示,公示期间未收到任何异议。现将第三届优秀女地质科技工作者奖评选结果(获奖名单见附件)予以公布。  相似文献   

地质灾害发育程度与当地地质条件息息相关,地质条件又主要与出露的地层岩性、构造产状、地形地貌相关;地质灾害发育情况亦与气象条件和人类工程活动有一定关系.  相似文献   

The Afro-Arabian dome includes the elevated continental regions enclosing the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and the Ethiopian rift system, and extends northwards as far as Jordan. It is more than an order of magnitude larger than other African uplifts. Both the structures and the igneous rocks of the dome appear to be products of the superimposition of two, perhaps three, semi-independent generating systems, initiated at different times but all still active. A strain pattern dominated by NW-trending basins and rifts first became established early in the Cretaceous. By the end of the Oligocene, much of the extensional strain had been taken up along the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden axes, which subsequently developed into an ocean. Palaeogene “trap” volcanism of mildly alkaline to transitional character was related to this horizontal extension rather than to doming. Further west, the East Sahara swell has a history of intermittent alkaline volcanicity which began in the Mesozoic and was independent of magmatism in the Afro-Arabian dome. Volcanicity specifically related to doming began in the Miocene along a N-S zone of uplift extending from Ethiopia to Syria. This elongated swell forms the northern termination of the East African system of domes and rifts, characterized by episodic vertical uplift but very little extension. Superimposition of epeirogenic uplift upon structures formed by horizontal extension took place in the Neogene. Volcanicity related to vertical tectonics is mildly alkaline in character, whereas transitional and tholeiitic magmas are found along the spreading axes.  相似文献   

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