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热成因甲烷碳同位素分布的形成机制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
关平  伍天洪 《沉积学报》2003,21(1):175-182
很多学者从不同的角度用不同的方法模拟了从有机母质 (包括煤和干酪根等气源 )形成天然气 (甲烷 )时的碳同位素分馏效应 ,建立了碳同位素分馏效应的很多模型 ,同时也讨论了催化作用和成烃后作用对天然气碳同位素的影响。但这些理论模型和模拟实验结果都还不能完全地拟合自然界中热成因甲烷碳同位素的分布 ,也未能从本质上完全阐明其碳同位素的分馏机制。其原因是各种模型的前提假设都未能完全满足复杂的自然界条件。今后工作的重点应放在用化学动力学的方法建立更完善的模型上 ,同时也应当重点考虑催化作用和成烃后作用对天然气同位素的影响。  相似文献   

嵩溪银(锑)矿是一个新发现的大型独立银矿。矿物流体包裹体超高真空四极气相质谱系统测定显示,该矿成矿流体中存在多种轻烃有机气体,主要由C1-C4饱和烷烃组成,仅含微量C2-C4不饱和烯烃和芳烃,说明成矿过程基本未受到高温岩浆作用的影响。化学平衡研究表明,这些轻烃气体为微生物成因和沉积岩围岩中Ⅱ类干酪根热解成因的混合气体,其中前者占2/3以上,说明成矿中微生物活动曾起到相当大的作用;后者的平衡温度为300℃,远超过成矿深度所能达到的地热温度、因此这部分轻烃气体可能源于沉积盆地深处,经过成矿流体长距离携带到达较浅的矿化部位。文章从一个侧面证实嵩溪矿可能为沉积热卤水改造型矿床,而不是前人所认为的海底基性火山喷流或中低温火山热液充填矿床。  相似文献   

嵩溪银(锑)矿是一个新发现的大型独立银矿。矿物流体包裹体超高真空四极气相质谱系统测定显 示,该矿成矿流体中存在多种轻烃有机气体,主要由C1-C4饱和烷烃组成,仅含微量C2-C4不饱和烯烃和芳烃,说明 成矿过程基本未受到高温岩浆作用的影响。化学平衡研究表明,这些轻烃气体为微生物成因和沉积岩围岩中Ⅱ类 干酪根热解成因的混合气体,其中前者占2/3以上,说明成矿中微生物活动曾起到相当大的作用;后者的平衡温度 为300℃,远超过成矿深度所能达到的地热温度,因此这部分轻烃气体可能源于沉积盆地深处,经成矿流体长距离携 带到达较浅的矿化部位。文章从一个侧面证实嵩溪矿可能为沉积热卤水改造型矿床,而不是前人所认为的海底基 性火山喷流或中低温火山热液充填矿床。  相似文献   

桂宝林 《云南地质》2000,19(4):394-405
有机碳-干酪根法(简称C-K法),是以油气成因的干酪根热降解动力学理论为核心的计算生油气量的新方法。使用了地质温度计--镜煤反射率,将有机质及原油的热演化过程划分类一个阶段:Ⅰ--低成熟阶段;Ⅱ--高成熟阶段;Ⅲ--过成熟阶段。以不同的学者的模拟实验为参考,综合分析了含油气区生油气层的沉积相,有机地球化学相条件,确定了不同生油气层有机碳(C)与原始干酪根(Ko)(未成熟的干酪根)的比例关系,从而建  相似文献   

梁书艺 《矿物岩石》1997,17(1):90-95
作者在桂东北发现由生物-热卤水作用形成的新类型铅锌矿床,本文提供了生物成因的硫、碳同位素证据并着重讨论矿床的生物成因。矿床产于寒武-奥陶系与下泥盆统间不整合面之下的构造角砾破碎带,有机碳含量高的地段对矿化有利。生物组构和生物踪迹在金属硫化物和蚀变岩中普遍可见  相似文献   

嵩溪银(锑)矿是一个新发现的大型独立银矿。矿物流体包裹体超高真空四极气相质谱系统测定显示,该矿成矿流体中存在多种轻烃有机气体,主要由C_1—C_4饱和烷烃组成,仅含微量C_2—C_4不饱和烯烃和芳烃,说明成矿过程基本未受到高温岩浆作用的影响。化学平衡研究表明,这些轻烃气体为微生物成因和沉积岩围岩中Ⅱ类干酪根热解成因的混合气  相似文献   

长直链烷基苯的异常分布及其成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
来自楚雄盆地三叠系地层的三个沥青样品长直链烷基苯在C16~C20范围内具强烈的偶碳优势。正构烷烃和烷基环己烷与烷基苯分布的差异表明:偶碳数烷基苯不可能来自直链脂肪酸,也不可能来自一些细茵和某些藻类生物体中的环己基脂肪酸,它可能是成岩作用阶段,在矿物催化作用下偶数碳醇与生物体中简单的芳烃化合物进行烷基化反应抑或是在深成作用早期,长链偶碳数伯醇通过自由基反应与存在于干酪根中苯进行烷基化作用而形成。烷基苯这一分布特征与热演化没有相关关系。  相似文献   

苏奥  陈红汉 《地球科学》2015,40(6):1072-1082
东海盆地西湖凹陷具有大量的原油资源,但对于原油成因讨论较少.采集西湖凹陷多个油样和岩样,利用气相色谱和傅里叶红外光谱等手段,全面分析了该区烃源岩和原油的地球化学特征,综合讨论了原油来源以及凝析油和高蜡轻质油的成因.研究结果表明,平湖组煤系源岩均处于热演化的成熟阶段,其中碳质泥岩和煤岩以陆源生物为主要生源,其干酪根类型为Ⅲ型,暗色泥岩则具有陆源生物和水生生物双重生源贡献,其干酪根类型Ⅱ-Ⅲ型,同时碳质泥岩和煤的生油潜力远高于泥岩.原油主要为凝析油和轻质油,凝析油具有低密度、低蜡等“六低一高”的特点,轻质油具有高蜡特质,而且轻烃组分有明显差异.生标参数显示大部分原油为腐殖型,少部分原油表现出具有腐殖和腐泥母质的特点,同时该区原油均处于中等成熟阶段.油油对比和油岩对比表明大部分油来自平湖组碳质泥岩和煤岩,具有典型Ⅲ型腐殖油的特征;少部分油来自暗色泥岩,具有Ⅱ-Ⅲ型油的特征(总体上仍偏腐殖型).凝析油和轻质油的物性及轻烃组分的差异与源岩母质无关.凝析油是干酪根在成熟演化阶段生成的原油遭受蒸发分馏作用的结果,高蜡轻质油除了是“蒸发分馏作用”的残余油外,还有部分是“混合作用”的结果.   相似文献   

湘川地区震旦-寒武系硅岩的有机岩石学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
湘川地区包括四川秀山、相西和湘中地区。该地区震-寒武系层状硅岩发育。硅岩有机碳含量较高,变化于0.06~9.00%,平均1。57%。有机碳与某些微量元素(Ba、Zn、Rb、Co、As、U、Th)的线性关系不明显;油浸显微镜下鉴定硅岩中的干酪根组成多为有机质碎片和微粒体,并显示微弱的各向异性。原始母质类型经恢复后基本为腐泥型,属于Ⅰ型无定型干酪根;在干酪根化学元素组成图上(VanKrevelan图),均位于变生作用阶段区,表明有机质成熟度高;干酪酪根稳定碳同位素组成变化于-29.30~-35.84%。上述有机岩石学特征分析表明,生物及其降解产物-有机质对硅岩的形成具有不可忽视的贡献;硅岩形成过程中可能发生过“去杂质”作用;硅岩中的有机质成熟度较高;硅岩的形成环境可能属于浅水陆缘滞流盆地。  相似文献   

Pb、Sr、Nd同位素体系在石油定年与成因示踪研究中的应用   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
通过对新疆乌尔禾、塔里木盆地印干村等地和贵州西部地区的沥青与干酪根的Pb-Sr-Nd同位素分析工作,对固体同位素在石油与沥青的形成时代及成因方面的研究进行了讨论。根据Pb-Pb等时线,塔里木干酪根岩的形成时代为(630±150)Ma和(457±130)Ma;根据Rb-Sr等时线,乌尔禾沥青形成于(286±12)Ma,印干村沥青形成于(852±210)Ma。在成因研究方面,干酪根岩代表了表壳岩的同位素体系特征,而沥青的同位素体系特征表明其与深部来源有关:乌尔禾沥青的来源与再循环地幔源有关,而塔里木的沥青则来源于下地壳。  相似文献   

The idea that natural gas is the thermal product of organic decomposition has persisted for over half a century. Crude oil is thought to be an important source of gas, cracking to wet gas above 150°C, and dry gas above 200°C. But there is little evidence to support this view. For example, crude oil is proving to be more stable than previously thought and projected to remain intact over geologic time at typical reservoir temperatures. Moreover, when oil does crack, the products do not resemble natural gas. Oil to gas could be catalytic, however, promoted by the transition metals in carbonaceous sediments. This would explain the low temperatures at which natural gas forms, and the high amounts of methane. This idea gained support recently when the natural progression of oil to dry gas was duplicated in the laboratory catalytically. We report here the isotopic composition of catalytic gas generated from crude oil and pure hydrocarbons between 150 and 200°C. δ13C for C1 through C5 was linear with 1/n (n = carbon number) in accordance with theory and typically seen in natural gases. Over extended reaction, isobutane and isopentane remained lighter than their respective normal isomers and the isotopic differentials were constant as all isomers became heavier over time. Catalytic methane, initially −51.87‰ (oil = −22.5‰), progressed to a final composition of −26.94‰, similar to the maturity trend seen in natural gases: −50‰ to −20‰. Catalytic gas is thus identical to natural gas in molecular and isotopic composition adding further support to the view that catalysis by transition metals may be a significant source of natural gas.  相似文献   

Transition metals in source rocks have been advocated as catalysts in determining extent, composition, and timing of natural gas generation (Mango, F. D. (1996) Transition metal catalysis in the generation of natural gas. Org. Geochem.24, 977-984). This controversial hypothesis may have important implications concerning gas generation in unconventional shale-gas accumulations. Although experiments have been conducted to test the metal-catalysis hypothesis, their approach and results remain equivocal in evaluating natural assemblages of transition metals and organic matter in shale. The Permian Kupferschiefer of Poland offers an excellent opportunity to test the hypothesis with immature to marginally mature shale rich in both transition metals and organic matter. Twelve subsurface samples containing similar Type-II kerogen with different amounts and types of transition metals were subjected to hydrous pyrolysis at 330° and 355 °C for 72 h. The gases generated in these experiments were quantitatively collected and analyzed for molecular composition and stable isotopes. Expelled immiscible oils, reacted waters, and spent rock were also quantitatively collected. The results show that transition metals have no effect on methane yields or enrichment. δ13C values of generated methane, ethane, propane and butanes show no systematic changes with increasing transition metals. The potential for transition metals to enhance gas generation and oil cracking was examined by looking at the ratio of the generated hydrocarbon gases to generated expelled immiscible oil (i.e., GOR), which showed no systematic change with increasing transition metals. Assuming maximum yields at 355 °C for 72 h and first-order reaction rates, pseudo-rate constants for methane generation at 330 °C were calculated. These rate constants showed no increase with increasing transition metals. The lack of a significant catalytic effect of transition metals on the extent, composition, and timing of natural gas generation in these experiments is attributed to the metals not occurring in the proper form or the poisoning of potential catalytic microcosms by polar-rich bitumen, which impregnates the rock matrix during the early stages of petroleum formation.  相似文献   

静态顶空气分析技术在油气化探中的应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
静态顶空气分析技术主要是物理吸附轻烃及溶解轻烃,其组成和含量上的特征可直接反映对应地层及下伏地层的含油气信息.运用于地表化探,预测与判断油气层的横向剖面位置与性质;运用于井中化探,利用轻烃的组成和含量上的特征可准确预测与判断油气层的纵向剖面位置与性质.  相似文献   

利用三维荧光技术判识油气属性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
陈银节  姚亚明  赵欣 《物探与化探》2007,31(2):138-142,148
芳烃是原油和生油岩中重要的组成部分,芳烃化合物较为复杂、稳定,可用来进行油源对比及油气属性的鉴别,是油气化探指示油气存在及油气属性的主要指标.三维荧光图谱具有“指纹图”的特征,不同性质的样品,其三维荧光光谱的各特征参量存在明显的差异,而同源样品,其参量又存在着较大程度的共性.通过对某探区近地表土壤样品的三维荧光分析表明,三维荧光光谱对油气属性具有较好的指示作用,据其可推断下覆圈闭的含油气性质,是地面化探研究油气运移及指示油气属性的有效指标.  相似文献   

粘土矿物对形成过渡带气的催化作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷怀彦  关平 《沉积学报》1995,13(2):14-21
本文分析了有机质在粘土矿物中的赋存状态,测定了粘土矿物的表面酸、实验模拟了低演化程度的烃源岩及其抽提物干酪根+不同粘土矿物的催化机制、并通过粘土催化醇脱水反应对粘土过渡带有机质成气机理进行了探讨。研究结果表明,过渡带气的形成主要是受蒙脱石粘土矿物的催化所致,其原因是成岩过程中蒙脱石向混层矿物转化在蒙脱石晶间发生大量的铝代硅,因此在粘土表面产生电荷不平衡而形成酸性,井以路易斯酸和布郎酸作用于有机质,使碳-碳键发生断裂以形成气态烃。  相似文献   

芳烃分析在油气化探中的作用和意义   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
宋继梅  胡刚 《物探与化探》2003,27(2):97-100
三维荧光光谱具有指纹特征,分析钻井岩屑的荧光光谱,可以判别是否含油气或煤;分析油气样品的固定波长同步荧光光谱,可以推断油气是海相或陆相成因;根据荧光光谱的非油气特征,可以辩识污染或干扰.恒定能量同步荧光光谱技术能够消除拉曼光干扰,用于芳烃及石油分析,优于固定波长同步荧光光谱,是油气化探中有应用前途的方法.  相似文献   

Basalts interbedded with oil source rocks are discovered frequently in rift basins of eastern China, where CO2 is found in reservoirs around or within basalts, for example in the Binnan reservoir of the Dongying Depression. In the reservoirs, CO2 with heavy carbon isotopic composition (δ13C>-10‰ PDB) is in most cases accounts for 40% of the total gas reserve, and is believed to have resulted from degassing of basaltic magma from the mantle. In their investigations of the Binnan reservoir, the authors suggested that the CO2 would result from interactions between the source rocks and basalts. As the source rocks around basalts are rich in carbonate minerals, volcanic minerals, transition metals and organic matter, during their burial history some of the transition metals were catalyzed on the thermal degradation of organic matter into hydrocarbons and on the decomposition of carbonate minerals into CO2, which was reproduced in thermal simulations of the source rocks with the transition metals (Ni and Co). This kind of CO2 accounts for 55%-85% of the total gas reserve generated in the process of thermal simulation, and its δ13C values range from -11‰- -7.2‰ PDB, which are very similar to those of CO2 found in the Binnan reservoir. The co-generation of CO2 and hydrocarbon gases makes it possible their accumulation together in one trap. In other words, if the CO2 resulted directly from degassing of basaltic magma or was derived from the mantle, it could not be accumulated with hydrocarbon gases because it came into the basin much earlier than hydrocarbon generation and much earlier than trap formation. Therefore, the source rocks around basalts generated hydrocarbons and CO2 simultaneously through catalysis of Co and Ni transition metals, which is useful for the explanation of co-accumulation of hydrocarbon gases and CO2 in rift basins in eastern China.  相似文献   

西昌盆地七里坝构造油气化探异常特征及构造含油气评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过西昌攀西盆地七里坝构造油气化探工作 ,发现了油气化探弱异常 ,进行了化探异常特征、存在形式以及与油气的关系的研究 ,结果表明 ,七里坝各类异常是该构造内存在有异常源 ,但异常源的烃量可能已有相当部分逸散掉了  相似文献   

Marine shales exhibit unusual behavior at low temperatures under anoxic gas flow. They generate catalytic gas 300° below thermal cracking temperatures, discontinuously in aperiodic episodes, and lose these properties on exposure to trace amounts of oxygen. Here we report a surprising reversal in hydrocarbon generation. Heavy hydrocarbons are formed before light hydrocarbons resulting in wet gas at the onset of generation grading to dryer gas over time. The effect is moderate under gas flow and substantial in closed reactions. In sequential closed reactions at 100°C, gas from a Cretaceous Mowry shale progresses from predominately heavy hydrocarbons (66% C5, 2% C1) to predominantly light hydrocarbons (56% C1, 8% C5), the opposite of that expected from desorption of preexisting hydrocarbons. Differences in catalyst substrate composition explain these dynamics. Gas flow should carry heavier hydrocarbons to catalytic sites, in contrast to static conditions where catalytic sites are limited to in-place hydrocarbons. In-place hydrocarbons and their products should become lighter with conversion thus generating lighter hydrocarbon over time, consistent with our experimental results.  相似文献   

钻井现场有机地球化学录井与油气识别评价技术   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
张居和  方伟  冯子辉 《地球化学》2002,31(5):464-472
在现场钻进过程中,尤其是在油基泥浆及各种添加剂烃类污染、地质录井难以确定真假油气显示的情况下,有机地球化学录井对确定油气显示有独特的作用。但由于其烃类污染对岩屑罐顶气、岩石冷溶烃、岩石热解等常规地球化学录井技术有不同程度的影响,其检测数据通过校正污染后才能用于含油气性评价。为此,在现场开展了钻井泥浆及各种添加剂中烃类有机地化检测试验,对泥浆中轻烃(C1-C12)、萃取烃(C1-C35)和岩石冷溶烃进行动态检测,研究其烃类组成及变化特征,对钻进中真假油气显示、油气层质量及产能大小、油气烃类母质类型、储油层确定等及时作出解释与评价,为油气勘探与开发快速提供地球化学依据。  相似文献   

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