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卢德源  徐中信 《地球学报》1996,17(2):195-201
本文介绍了中美联合在喜马拉雅地区进行深反射地震测量中采用的数据采集参数,并分析其合理性及采集系统的局限性。结果表明,采用的参数大多是合理的,试验是成功的。激发条件是影响记录质量的关键,单井50m深50kg炸药的炮或者单井25m深双井组合,50kg炸药的炮能够获得来自70—75km深的Moho及Moho之下的反射震相。50s长的记录长度对于水平层的勘探深度可达150—180km。观测系统对低频干扰波不能进行有效的压制,但在数据处理时可用滤波的方法消除低频干扰波的影响。  相似文献   

深反射地震勘探是目前研究和分析地下深部构造最有效的方法之一。为了查明辽西地区深部构造信息,在该地区布设一条16.9 km的深反射地震剖面。由于该地区的地震地质资料有限,为了能够获取深部地层的地震反射信号,开展了辽西地区的深反射地震勘探采集参数试验。本次地震采集参数试验采用炸药震源、428XL地震仪和SG-10低频检波器,固定采集参数为:采样间隔1 ms、道间距20 m、记录长度15 s。采集参数试验主要针对激发因素(激发深度、药量、组合井激发)和接收因素(组合低频检波器)进行了较为全面的试验工作。依据采集的地震记录确定所研究的主要目的层为6.5 s反射信号,通过对不同激发因素和接受因素单炮记录中目的层信号能量及信噪比的比较,确定适合于该地区的最佳激发参数和接收参数为:井深15 m、药量12 kg;井组合采用单井和三井组合相结合;检波器组合采用点组合方式。研究结果表明,在辽西地区,通过增加激发深度、增加药量、采用组合井激发和组合低频检波器、延长记录时间等措施可以获得地下更深部的反射信息。  相似文献   

张世富 《探矿工程》1994,(3):49-50,52
昆阳3井施工技术中国煤田地质总局129队张世富昆阳3井为叶县豫昆精制盐厂采卤井,预计井深1620m,实际终孔深度1623.69m,终孔斜度3°307;技术套管直径7in(1in=25.4mm,下同),要求入井深度1564.70~1565.50m,实际...  相似文献   

在塔河油田近地表微测井数据中普遍存在一段频率低、能量强、波形胖的低频段记录,一般出现在高速层顶界附近。那么,这一特殊的低频段是如何产生的,对激发井深的选择又会产生什么样的影响,是该地区地震采集时不得不面临的重要问题。以往认为该低频段是由岩性变化引起,并且在井深设计方面是选择避开低频段。笔者通过实际资料、理论分析、井深试验的结果分析,认为该低频段是由虚反射引起,在低频段中激发并不改变单炮质量;并对低频段的表现特征、产生机理及对激发井深选择的影响进行了详细的分析,在激发井深设计中可以不考虑低频段的影响。  相似文献   

可控震源地震勘探的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用可控震源激发的线性扫频(Chirp)信号模拟了二维地震勘探,采用相关处理技术把反射Chirp地震信号转化为脉冲地震信号形成了相关地震剖面,把相关地震剖面与脉冲震源产生的合成地震记录剖面进行了对比。相关地震剖面同相轴波形的最大绝对值出现的位置反映了界面的真实位置信息。相关地震剖面比脉冲震源产生的合成地震记录剖面具有更高的分辨率。对震源扫频信号进行适当地锥化处理可以部分地压制相关地震剖面中反射地震信号的旁瓣。  相似文献   

彭水地区位于四川盆地东南缘武陵褶皱带,属于典型的喀斯特岩溶山地地貌,具有十分复杂的近地表结构,导致地震采集效果差、信噪比低,严重影响油气勘探效果。对此重点开展了碳酸盐岩裸露山地地表条件下的炸药药型、激发方式、激发井深、激发药量等激发试验以及干扰波调查、检波器类型、组合方式等接收试验与研究,优选了一套具有较好经济性与可操作性的激发与接收参数,建立了针对复杂山地地形的激发点位优选技术;与以往资料相比,新采集单炮记录能量、信噪比及一级品率明显提高,新资料处理剖面显示了较为丰富的信息,反射特征清楚、信噪比较高,在碳酸盐岩地表区显示出明显的地震构造格局。  相似文献   

藏北羌塘盆地二维反射地震新认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对羌塘盆地复杂的地震地质条件,从提高资料信噪比入手,近几年在羌塘盆地开展了数百千米二维地震采集与处理技术试验,初步总结出一套适合羌塘盆地地震采集与处理方法技术。试验结果证明:单井(18m以上井深)、16~20kg炸药药量、50m以下道距、120次以上覆盖次数、"X"型检波器组合图形为较好的激发接收参数。处理获得的地震叠加剖面反射信息丰富,揭示出盆地古生界基底、三叠系、侏罗系中上部、侏罗系顶界各构造层以及断裂的空间展布特征,为查明地层埋深、构造圈闭和构造界面等提供了高质量数据。另外,穿过中央隆起带的地震剖面清楚显示该隆起带不是一个古老构造,而是一个现今构造。  相似文献   

莫霍面地震反射图像揭露出扬子陆块深俯冲过程   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
近垂直深地震反射剖面对莫霍面变化的观测 ,强有力地说明大陆莫霍面的复杂特征记录了岩石圈的构造历史。横过大别山造山带前陆的深地震反射剖面长约 1 4 0km ,记录时间达 3 0s ,探测深度超过莫霍面深达岩石圈地幔。深地震反射剖面揭示出扬子陆块与大别山造山带结合部位的岩石圈精细结构、清晰的莫霍面及其变化特征。作为相关解释的第一步 ,我们将探测到的莫霍面变化特征与其他特殊反映不同地质年代和岩石圈构造历史的深地震反射剖面进行对比 ,以追索扬子陆块与大别山造山带的岩石圈构造过程。总体北倾的莫霍面和同样北倾的下地壳结构记录了中生代扬子陆块的向北俯冲。北倾的莫霍面错断、叠置现象描述出扬子陆块的俯冲过程。大别山前向北和向南倾斜的交叉反射图像 ,反映了扬子陆块与大别山造山带岩石圈尺度的碰撞关系  相似文献   

深层地震勘探野外资料采集的关键是在保证原始资料一定信噪比的基础上,同时兼顾分辨率,激发井深是决定资料品质的重要因素之一。通过对虚反射滤波作用分析,提出了充分利用虚反射能量设计最佳激发井深,增强下传地震波能量的采集方法。理论分析和试验资料表明,在高速层下4~7m的最佳激发岩性深度是深层勘探的理想井深。  相似文献   

大别山超高压变质带层析地震调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
彭聪 Schul.  A 《地质论评》2000,46(3):288-294
1997年3月中德合作进行了大别山科学钻探选址区层析地震调查,研究结果揭示出大别山超高压变质带(UHP)地壳精细结构。郯庐断裂带近垂直延伸至Moho界面(可能更深),在Moho界面以上郯庐断裂带西侧大别山地壳物质没有迁移进入其东侧。在主测线(横中至潜山镇)20km深度发现一个由西向东倾斜的强反射层,推测可能是一个大的滑脱层。超高压变质岩石(或地幔物质)可能由地幔深处通过郯庐断裂带再沿此滑脱层析返到  相似文献   

The crustal depth section obtained from deep seismic soundings along the Koyna II (Kelsi-Loni) profile, which lies near latitude 18°N roughly in the east-west direction in that part of the Deccan Trap Maharashtra State, India, shows a number of reflection segments below the Deccan Traps down to the Moho discontinuity. A deep fault below the Deccan Traps 13 km east of Mahad divides the entire cross-section including the Moho boundary into two crustal blocks. The reflection segments show updip towards the west coast in the western block. The Moho discontinuity which is at a depth of 39 km near the deep fault starts rising towards the coast, reaching a depth of 31.5 km at the west coast. The eastern block is thrown up by 1.5 km with respect to the western block along the deep fault. A structural contour map of the Moho discontinuity for the Koyna reservoir area has been prepared from the present results and the crustal information obtained along the Koyna I profile (Kaila et al., 1979a), shows that the deep fault in the Koyna area is aligned in the NNW-SSE direction.Refraction seismic data analysis by the wave front method reveals that the thickness of the Deccan Trap increases towards the west coast. The Deccan Trap is 600–700 m thick in the eastern region between Nira (SP 130) and Loni (SP 200) and attains a thickness of 1500 m at 10 km east of the west coast. The longitudinal wave velocity in the Deccan Traps along the profile varies from 4.8 to 5.0 km/sec and in the crystalline basement from 6.0 to 6.15 km/sec. A tentative isopach contour map of the Deccan Traps and a tentative structural contour map of the Pre-Deccan Trap contact have been prepared for the Koyna reservoir area from the results along the Koyna II and Koyna I profiles. A flexure aligned in a NNW-SSE direction, in the Pre-Deccan Trap contact, which is an expression of the deep fault into the basement, has been clearly brought out. The flexure coincides in general with the orientation of the Deccan volcanic scarp in this area.  相似文献   

深地震反射大炮数据能够准确地获得下地壳和Moho的精细结构及其横向变化信息,揭露岩石圈尺度的构造样式与深部过程。中亚造山带东段位于古亚洲洋、蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋和古太平洋三大构造域的叠合区域,其岩石圈结构记录了大洋,特别是古亚洲洋消亡方式和大陆增生的深部过程。本文选用横过中亚造山带东段(奈曼旗—东乌珠穆沁旗,长约400 km)深地震反射剖面中的24个大炮数据和2个中炮数据,通过数据处理获得了近垂直反射的大炮单次剖面,揭露出中亚造山带东段下地壳及Moho的精细结构,刻画出古亚洲洋消亡极性与中亚造山带增生造山的深部过程:西拉木伦缝合带与贺根山缝合带构成古亚洲洋消亡的双缝合带,西拉木伦缝合带下方古亚洲洋板块以向南消亡为主,贺根山缝合带下方古亚洲洋板块以向北消亡为主,后者规模大于前者。在两个缝合带之间下地壳呈现出几个大规模的块状弧状反射体,推测是大洋中的残余微地块,在古亚洲洋消亡过程中拼接在一起,成为中亚造山带增生造山的一部分,并遭受了碰撞挤压和后造山伸展作用。Moho位于双程走时12 s附近(厚度约36 km),近于水平展布,沿整条剖面起伏不大。平缓的Moho成因与造山后的地壳伸展作用相关。  相似文献   

如何运用深地震反射剖面技术同时探测大型金属矿集区浅自几百米,深至地壳底部的地壳精细结构,揭示成矿的深部过程,是一项极具挑战性的攻关实验内容。本文针对庐枞金属矿集区的浅深兼顾的探测目标,实验了一种区域长剖面和矿集区剖面结合的变观测系统采集技术。结果表明,区域长剖面使用40m道距,240m炮距,18~20m井深,16~20kg药量,中间放炮,720道双边接收,60次覆盖的采集参数能够获得浅层至Moho的有效反射,揭示出成矿区的深部构造。矿集区剖面加密道距至10m,炮距80m,将覆盖次数增加到90次,并采用十字测线的拟三维采集技术能有效补充获得丰富的矿区浅层信息,揭露出浅层控矿构造及其与深部的联系。在经费有限的前提下,采用上述变观测系统方法来保证获得浅、深多重反射信息的采集技术是可行的,实际结果证实了该方法技术实验的成功。  相似文献   

横跨银川盆地北西西向的深地震反射剖面,清晰揭示了银川盆地边界断裂以及整个地壳的结构构造特征,这对研究具活动大陆裂谷性质的银川盆地浅-深构造关系具有重大的意义。贺兰山东麓山前断裂、黄河断裂作为银川盆地的西、东边界断裂,前者为一条缓倾斜、延伸至上、下地壳边界的犁式断裂,而后者则为一条切穿地壳并延伸进入上地幔的深大断裂。根据深地震反射剖面揭示的地壳结构特征,银川盆地浅部结构并非前人认为的"堑中堑"结构,而是表现为由一系列东倾犁式正断层控制的新生代断陷。略微下凹的Moho面几何形态以及厚2~3.2 km的层状强反射带为下地壳最显著的反射特征。Moho面深度与强反射带厚度变化趋势与银川盆地沉积厚度变化趋势几乎一致。本文认为,强反射带的成因可能是由源自地幔的基性岩浆以岩席状的形式底侵进入地壳底部造成的,而这部分形成强反射带的物质可能补偿了因银川盆地断陷而造成的地壳减薄,最终导致银川盆地之下Moho面并未像之前所认为的那样隆起。  相似文献   

A 39-km-long deep seismic reflection profile recorded during two field campaigns in 1996 and 2002 provides a first detailed image of the deep crust at the eastern margin of the Eastern Alps (Austria). The ESE–WNW-trending, low-fold seismic line crosses Austroalpine basement units and extends approximately from 20 km west of the Penninic window group of Rechnitz to 60 km SSE of the Alpine thrust front.The explosive-source seismic data reveals a transparent shallow crust down to 5 km depth, a complexly reflective upper crust and a highly reflective lowermost crust. The upper crust is dominated by three prominent west-dipping packages of high-amplitude subparallel reflections. The upper two of these prominent packages commence at the eastern end of the profile at about 5 and 10 km depth and are interpreted as low-angle normal shear zones related to the Miocene exhumation of the Rechnitz metamorphic core complex. In the western portion of the upper crust, east-dipping and less significant reflections prevail. The lowermost package of these reflections is suggested to represent the overall top of the European crystalline basement.Along the western portion of the line, the lower crust is characterised by a 6–8-km-thick band of high-amplitude reflection lamellae, typically observed in extensional provinces. The Moho can be clearly defined at the base of this band, at approximately 32.5 km depth. Due to insufficient signal penetration, outstanding reflections are missing in the central and eastern portion of the lower crust. We speculate that the result of accompanying gravity measurements and lower crustal sporadic reflections can be interpreted as an indication for a shallower Moho in the east, preferable at about 30.5 km depth.The high reflectivity of the lowermost part of the lower crust and prominent reflection packages in the upper crust, the latter interpreted to represent broad extensional mylonite zones, emphasises the latest extensional processes in accordance with eastward extrusion.  相似文献   

Collisional structures from the closure of the Tornquist Ocean and subsequent amalgamation of Avalonia and Baltica during the Caledonian Orogeny in the northern part of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) in the SW Baltic Sea are investigated. A grid of marine reflection seismic lines was gathered in 1996 during the DEKORP-BASIN '96 campaign, shooting with an airgun array of 52 l total volume and recording with a digital streamer of up to 2.1 km length. The detailed reflection seismic analysis is mainly based on post-stack migrated sections of this survey, but one profile has also been processed by a pre-stack depth migration algorithm. The data provides well-constrained images of upper crustal reflectivity and lower crustal/uppermost mantle reflections. In the area of the Caledonian suture, a reflection pattern is observed with opposing dips in the upper crust and the uppermost mantle. Detailed analysis of dipping reflections in the upper crust provides evidence for two different sets of reflections, which are separated by the O-horizon, the main decollement of the Caledonian deformation complex. S-dipping reflections beneath the sub-Permian discontinuity and above the O-horizon are interpreted as Caledonian thrust structures. Beneath the O-horizon, SW-dipping reflections in the upper crust are interpreted as ductile shear zones and crustal deformation features that evolved during the Sveconorwegian Orogeny. The Caledonian deformation complex is subdivided into (1) S-dipping foreland thrusts in the north, (2) the S-dipping suture itself that shows increased reflectivity, and (3) apparently NE-dipping downfaulted sedimentary horizons south of the Avalonia–Baltica suture, which may have been reactivated during Mesozoic normal faulting. The reflection Moho at 28–35 km depth appears to truncate a N-dipping mantle structure, which may represent remnant structures from Tornquist Ocean closure or late-collisional compressional shear planes in the upper mantle. A contour map of these mantle reflections indicates a consistent northward dip, which is steepest where there is strong bending of the Caledonian deformation front. The thin-skinned character of the Caledonian deformation complex and the fact that N-dipping mantle reflections do not truncate the Moho indicate that the Baltica crust was not mechanically involved in the Caledonian collision and, therefore, escaped deformation in this area.  相似文献   

D.M. Mall  P.R. Reddy  W.D. Mooney   《Tectonophysics》2008,460(1-4):116-123
The Central Indian Suture (CIS) is a mega-shear zone extending for hundreds of kilometers across central India. Reprocessing of deep seismic reflection data acquired across the CIS was carried out using workstation-based commercial software. The data distinctly indicate different reflectivity characteristics northwest and southeast of the CIS. Reflections northwest of the CIS predominantly dip southward, while the reflection horizons southeast of the CIS dip northward. We interpret these two adjacent seismic fabric domains, dipping towards each other, to represent a suture between two crustal blocks. The CIS itself is not imaged as a sharp boundary, probably due to the disturbed character of the crust in a 20 to 30-km-wide zone. The time sections also show the presence of strong bands of reflectors covering the entire crustal column in the first 65 km of the northwestern portion of the profile. These reflections predominantly dip northward creating a domal structure with the apex around 30 km northwest of the CIS. There are a very few reflections in the upper 2–2.5 s two-way time (TWT), but the reflectivity is good below 2.5 s TWT. The reflection Moho, taken as the depth to the deepest set of reflections, varies in depth from 41 to 46 km and is imaged sporadically across the profile with the largest amplitude occurring in the northwest. We interpret these data as recording the presence of a mid-Proterozoic collision between two micro-continents, with the Satpura Mobile Belt being thrust over the Bastar craton.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山的崛起和青藏高原的隆升被认作是印度板块和亚洲板块中、新生代以来汇聚、碰撞、挤压的结果,是典型的陆-陆碰撞地带。此文介绍了在喜马拉雅山区进行的第一次深反射地震试验的结果。试验剖面布置在北喜马拉雅地区内,从喜马拉雅山山脊南的帕里到康马南的萨马达共中15点(CMP)叠加剖面上表现出如下特点:①显示了在地壳中部有一强反射带,向北缓倾斜下去,延长达100km以上。它可能代表了一个活动的道冲断裂或是一条巨大的拆离带,印度地壳整体或下地壳沿此拆离层俯冲到藏南之下;②上部地壳的反射,显示了上地壳存在着大规模的叠瓦状结构;③下地壳的反射显示了塑性流变特征;④在测线南部莫霍反射明显,深度达72─75km,发现了南部有双莫霍层的存在;⑤试验中还取得莫霍层下面32s、38s、48s等双程走时的多条反射,均向北倾斜,反射同相轴延续较长,信息丰富,反映了上地幔的成层结构。这些结果对印度大陆地壳整体或其下地壳俯冲到藏南特提斯喜马拉雅地壳之下并导致西藏南端地壳增厚的观点给予了实质性的支持。  相似文献   

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