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近21年青藏高原植被覆盖变化规律   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
利用GIMMS NDVI遥感数据和GIS技术,结合多种统计、计算方法,定量分析了1982—2002年青藏高原植被覆盖随时间和空间的变化规律,评定了植被变化的自然和人类的影响。结果表明,21年来,青藏高原植被覆盖呈总体增加的变化趋势,平均增长率为3 961.9 km2/年,仅局部出现退化现象,人类对高原植被覆盖未造成破坏性影响。1982—1991年,高原植被呈现良好增加趋势,增加幅度从东部南部向西部北部逐渐减弱,表明由东南向西北逐步减弱的有利气候条件具有经向和纬向的变化规律。1992—2002年,高原中部和西北地区植被呈现退化趋势,强烈退化的地区集中在长江、黄河、澜沧江和怒江的源头地区,显示了高原中部和西北地区的气候条件向不利于植被生长方向转变,高原中部和西北地区植被是响应气候变化的最敏感区。高原植被变化具有7年、3.5年两个显著周期,均为温度所致,表现对温度的变化敏感性。21年期间,高原的8种主要植被类型中有7种类型表现为波动上升的趋势,且寒区旱区植被表现出脆弱性和难恢复性。  相似文献   

利用NOAACHAIN监测近10 a来中国西北土地覆盖的变化   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:15  
近10 a来, 中国西北地区土地覆盖发生显著的变化. 利用基于遥感的中国西北土地覆盖动态监测系统NOAAAVHRR Processing Chain (NOAACHAIN), 预处理1 990年7~8月和1999年7~8月NOAAAVHRR影像资料, 对预处理过程的大气纠正和几何纠正方法及有关参数的计算进行详细的介绍. 对计算的参数NDVI进行统计, 获取两个时期土地覆盖变化的数据. 从NDVI差值分布图可以看出中国西北植被指数普遍减小, 植被退化严重, 严重退化的地区主要分布在青海东部农牧交错区、新疆的天山地区和塔里木河下游的"绿色走廊"地带等;中度退化地区分布在青海的柴达木盆地、新疆的准葛尔盆地和塔里木盆地南部、甘肃的民勤地区、陕西北部和甘肃庆阳地区北部等. 植被增加的地区主要分布在伊利河流域、新疆北部、青海南部、甘肃兰州附近和陕西的秦岭等局部地区.  相似文献   

过去21a中国西北植被覆盖动态监测与模拟   总被引:70,自引:3,他引:67  
利用1981至2001年8kmAVHRR数据,采用均值法、差值法和一元线性回归模拟法,分析西北植被年内变化、年际变化特征,并模拟近21aNDVI最大化值的变化趋势线和NDVI增长幅度.统计结果表明,中国西北植被覆盖在7~8月达到年内最丰盛;近21a来植被覆盖存在普遍退化的趋势,且后10a变化幅度大于前10a变化幅度;在局部区域有植被改善的趋势,改善幅度小于退化幅度.模拟结果表明,植被改善的区域主要分布在新疆西部和北部地区.  相似文献   

2000~2008年中国东北样带植被变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用经过重建后的 2000~2008年生长季MODIS-NDVI时间序列逐年生长季均值对中国东北样带植被覆盖变化进行了研究,发现植被NDVI变化过程具有明显的时空分异特征.在时间上,2001年与2002年NDVI均值比 2000~2008年9年均值分别偏低1.89%和1.44%,而2003年和2008年分别偏高2.92%和2.87%.在空间上,样带东部半湿润地区植被覆盖在 2000~2008年间年际变化很小,NDVI波动在2%以下.样带中部半干旱区NDVI波动一般低于5%.而样带西部干旱的草原和荒漠化草原区植被覆盖波动明显,NDVI波动于2003年和2008年分别出现了8.51%和6.35%高值,裸地甚至于2003年出现了高达15.07%的波动.研究区NDVI变化的时空分异特征,对遥感研究和生产实践有重要意义.一方面,在进行陆地生态系统变化监测时,不能用少数几次的监测结果预测变化趋势,这对"高空间分辨率-低时间分辨率"遥感数据应用有重要意义; 另一方面,NDVI波动的空间差异,要求在变化监测时把重点放在NDVI波动频繁的地区.  相似文献   

张茂省  卢娜 《地质论评》2013,59(5):909-918
全球气候变化和人类活动双重作用对生态环境的影响是当今研究的热点问题.本文以国家级榆林能源化工基地为研究区,以MODIS遥感数据为依据,以归一化差值植被指数NDVI为参数,研究了植被生态的时空分布规律,分析了植被生态与降水、地貌、地下水、包气带岩性等自然条件的关系,揭示了人类活动对植被生态正负两方面的影响.研究结果表明,自然条件控制着植被生态的格局,植被生态具有明显的水平分带性,由东南向西北,随着降水量的减少、蒸发量和干燥度的增加,植被状况由好变差;2000年以来区内植被状况总体呈现好转的趋势,其中71.22%的区域好转,28.43%的区域基本维持不变,0.35%的区域退化.植被生态对气候变化尤其是降水量的年际变化具有敏感的响应,煤炭和地下水资源开采等人类活动对植被生态总体上造成负面影响,退耕还林(草)、限耕禁牧政策的实施是研究区植被生态总体呈现好转趋势的根本原因.  相似文献   

黔桂喀斯特山地地形复杂,植被覆盖度垂直特征分异显著,以往研究多从气候因子响应方面探讨其垂直分布差异,而研究区人地矛盾尖锐,人类活动对植被分布有重要的影响。文章以黔桂喀斯特山地为例,利用2010年MODIS13Q1 NDVI数据表征植被覆盖度,结合高程、坡度和坡向等地形特征,不同土地利用类型的分布情况,叠置分析研究区的NDVI垂直分布特征。结果表明:黔桂喀斯特山地以林地、耕地和草地为主,不同土地利用类型随海拔、坡度和坡向的变化呈现不同的分布特征。研究区NDVI平均值为0.59,其中林地NDVI最大,达到0.63,草地为0.58,耕地最小为0.54。空间分布上,贵州境内NDVI值大部分为0.5~0.6,广西境内自西北向东南NDVI值由0.8逐渐降低至0.4,以0.6~0.7为主。NDVI在垂直梯度上分布特征显著,与植被垂直地带性分布以及不同地类的垂直分布特征有密切关系。海拔分布上,NDVI在海拔小于200 m区间最小,400~600 m的区间最大;北部贵州整体海拔较高,但植被覆盖度较低;南部广西海拔较低,但植被覆盖度较高。坡度分布上,在坡度小于35°范围,随坡度增大,耕地、水域、建设用地面积迅速减少,林草地面积逐步增加,使得NDVI随坡度增大逐渐增大。坡向分布上,NDVI不随坡向变化呈现明显变化,仅偏东坡向稍大于偏西坡向。研究表明应根据海拔和坡度等地形特征,并考虑土地利用情况,因地制宜进行生态建设。   相似文献   

植被覆盖度的变化特征是流域生态监测的重要内容,能为流域综合管理决策提供基础信息。黑河流域是中国西北干旱-半干旱地区第二大的内陆河流域。为研究我国西北干旱-半干旱地区的生态状况,以黑河流域为研究区,根据1990—2019年Landsat NDVI数据,综合应用像元二分模型和一元线性回归方法,分析黑河流域植被覆盖度的动态变化并探讨气温对其影响。结果表明: 黑河流域植被覆盖度呈现由南向北递减的空间分布特征; 近30 a来,植被覆盖面积总体呈上升趋势,中高植被覆盖度增长速度最快; 流域大部分地区植被覆盖度保持不变,植被覆盖度增加的区域多于退化区域; 受全球变暖影响,整个流域气温呈升高趋势,中游气温上升最快,上游最慢,流域上游和中游气温的升高对植被覆盖度起到促进作用,下游气温的升高则抑制了植被生长。  相似文献   

青藏高原高寒草地植被指数变化与地表温度的相互关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解脆弱的高原生态环境对升温过程的响应, 利用1982-2006年国家标准地面气象站地表温度和GIMMS-NDVI数据集, 探讨了青藏高原高寒草地植被指数和地表温度的变化特征及其相互关系. 结果表明:1982-2006年, 高寒草地NDVI、地表温度整体均呈现增加趋势, 年均NDVI、生长季NDVI、年最大NDVI(NDVImax)与年均地表温度、生长季地表温度的上升趋势分别为0.007 (10a)-1、0.011 (10a)-1、0.007 (10a)-1与0.60 ℃·(10a)-1、0.43 ℃·(10a)-1; NDVImax与地表温度显著相关的地区达70.49%. 但是高原地形、气候、水文环境的空间差异性导致高寒草地NDVI与地表温度的相关关系十分复杂. NDVImax与年均地表温度的相关性最为显著; 在返青期和枯萎期, NDVI与地表温度均为显著正相关. 不同的植被覆盖条件下, NDVI对地表温度的响应不同:植被覆盖差以及退化严重的地区, NDVImax与地表温度呈负相关性; 反之, NDVImax与地表温度主要表现为正相关.  相似文献   

1981-2006年西北干旱区NDVI时空分布变化对水热条件的响应   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
李奇虎  陈亚宁 《冰川冻土》2014,36(2):327-334
气候是植被变化的重要驱动因子. 利用1981-2006年GIMMS归一化植被指数(NDVI)时间序列数据,结合68个气象站降水、气温数据和DEM地形数据等资料,研究分析了西北干旱区植被活动的年、季变化和空间差异. 结果显示:在1981-2006年的26 a,西北干旱区植被的覆盖率增加了4.5%,年平均NDVI增加了3.2%;植被的生长季延长,主要表现在生长季的推迟. 从总体来说,植被覆盖率、生长季和NDVI值在2000年以前显著增加,而在2000年以后都呈现减小的趋势;其中,减少明显的区域是在伊犁河谷、中天山及平原区,在河流上游山区或源头以及部分河流两岸呈现增加态势;在年际变化上,大部分区域的气温、降水与NDVI相关性不强. 而年平均气温在4.58 ℃以下低温区和年降水在180 mm以上的相对湿润区,气温和降水都呈现正相关;在季节变化上,NDVI值在春季和秋季与温度相关显著,而夏季与降水相关性强. 2000年以后,植被覆盖率和NDVI值开始出现降低趋势与气温持续升高、降水量增幅下降有关.  相似文献   

基于Google Earth Engine遥感云平台收集1987—2016年Landsat系列遥感卫星影像,采用像元二分模型对承德市围场满族蒙古族自治县植被覆盖度进行估算,结合气象数据和地形信息,分析近30年来研究区植被覆盖动态变化规律。结果表明:围场县1987—2016年的归一化植被指数(NDVI)值总体上呈上升趋势,全县NDVI平均值从0.63提高到了0.78,植被覆盖状况不断改善。研究区植被改善情况中,1987—2016年NDVI大于0.15的面积比例占到全县植被面积的49.28%,占比最大。1987—2016年NDVI小于等于-0.15的植被面积比例仅为0.82%。1987—2016年,各级植被覆盖度的转移矩阵体现出2016年的植被状况明显好于1987年,极高覆盖度植被转入面积高达7 991.84 km2。1987—2016年植被覆盖景观破碎程度不断降低,平均斑块面积指数从13.147 8扩大到31.703 4,植被覆盖类型趋于集中分布,连通性好。研究区总体气候变化趋势对植被生长具有不利影响,不同坡度和坡向的植被覆盖状况不同,人类活动和社会经济因素的影响为研究区植被改善情况发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

The ecological water conveyance project that pipes water from Daxihaizi reservoir to lower reaches of Tarim River has been implemented ten times since 2000. After ecological water conveyance, restoration has taken place for vegetation along the dried-up lower reaches of the Tarim River. The changes of vegetation fluctuated yearly due to ecological water conveyance. In order to reveal the detailed process of vegetation changes, remote sensing images from 1999 to 2010 were all classified individually into vegetated and non-vegetated areas using the soil-adjusted vegetation index threshold method. Then inter-annual changes of vegetation over a period of 12 years were obtained using a post-classification change detection technique. Finally, spatial–temporal changes distribution of vegetation cover and its response to ecological water conveyance were analyzed. The results indicate: (1) vegetation area increased by 8.52 % overall after ecological water conveyance. Vegetation between 2003 and 2004 increased dramatically with 45.87 % while vegetation between 2002 and 2003 decreased dramatically with 17.83 %. (2) Vegetation area gain is greater than vegetation loss during 1999–2000, 2001–2002, 2003–2004 and 2009–2010 periods. Although vegetation restoration is obvious from 1999 to 2010, vegetation loss also existed except for the periods above. It indicates that vegetation restoration fluctuated due to ecological water conveyance. (3) Spatial distribution of vegetation restoration presented “strip” distribution along the river and group shaper in the lower terrain area, while spatial distribution of vegetation loss mainly located in the upper reaches of river and area far away from the river. (4) Vegetation restoration area had a positive relative with total ecological water conveyance volume. The scheme and season of ecological water conveyance had also influenced the vegetation restoration. The vegetation change process monitoring, based on continuous remote sensing data, can provide the spatial–temporal distribution of vegetation cover in a large-scale area and scientific evidences for implementing ecological water conveyance in the lower Tarim River.  相似文献   

The Indian Ocean tsunami event of December 26, 2004 not only left massive casualties and economic damages, but also raised concerns about the destruction and recovery of coastal ecosystems. This work aimed to analyze the spatial patterns and temporal trajectories of vegetation damage and recovery using a multisensor multitemporal remote sensing, dataset. Using the study area of Koh Phra Thong, Thailand as a case study, we demonstrate the capabilities of remote sensing analysis in assessing the consequences of an extreme flooding event on the dynamics of coastal vegetation. Field surveys and satellite mid-resolution multispectral satellite data covering the period from February 2003 to December 2009 were used to map flooded areas and coastal vegetation loss and recovery following the tsunami. Normalized Difference Reflectance change detection was performed to map the extent of flooded areas. Vegetation Fraction Cover derived using spectral unmixing techniques was used to study the multitemporal changes in coastal vegetation after the event. Vegetation change detection techniques were applied to characterize the vegetation cover changes in two different time frames: short-term changes (from 4?days to 1?year after the event), and long-term dynamics (up to 5?years after). Estimates of vegetation change (decline, recovery, and gain) were quantified and mapped, with extreme vegetation losses found directly after the tsunami (up to 79?% in flooded areas). After 1?year, different trends had developed, indicating that recovering vegetation had reached up to 55?% of pre-tsunami land cover, but with different trajectories for each vegetation type.  相似文献   

基于EVI和MNDWI指数的石羊河流域水体、植被时空变化特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
任媛  刘普幸 《冰川冻土》2018,40(4):853-861
水体和植被是生态环境的重要自然要素,水体和植被的动态研究对认识干旱区生态环境的变化过程及保护和恢复具有重要的理论和实践意义。基于2001-2016年96期MODIS遥感数据和1992、1998、2004、2010、2016年5年Landsat遥感数据,提取EVI植被指数和改进的归一化水体指数(MNDWI),结合一元线性回归趋势分析方法对石羊河流域的水体和植被的时空变化特征进行了分析。结果表明,近16年来,流域植被EVI整体呈增加趋势,植被覆盖度上升,但随着季节变化,上、中、下游植被覆盖度变化分异明显;EVI植被指数年际变化倾向率与之一致。植被覆盖小幅增加地区占21.5%(春)、14.9%(夏)、8.8%(秋),保持不变区域占流域总面积的52.5%(春)、40.2%(夏)、35.0%(秋);此外,仍有轻度退化区和严重退化区。近25年来,研究区水域面积总体呈增大-减小-增大的波动变化趋势,1998年水域面积增大至725.92 km2,此后水域面积2010年减小至710.11 km2;但2010年以后水域面积又呈稳定增加趋势,水域面积2016年增加至723.00 km2。自然因素和人为因素是研究区水体和植被时空变化的驱动因素。  相似文献   

Based on GIMMS NDVI data of Qilian Mountains region during 1982-2006, using the maximum synthesis, mean method, slope analysis and correlation analysis, the spatial and temporal changes of vegetation cover and its correlations with climatic factors were studied in Qilian Mountains. The results showed that: ①Vegetation NDVI of Qilian Mountains increases from west to east in general, showing the distribution pattern of much more vegetation in east regions than in west regions; ②Vegetation NDVI of Qilian Mountains has generally increased in the past twenty five years, but there are obvious spatial differences, especially vegetation NDVI of middle and east regions increase obviously; ③There have been obvious differences on spatial variation of seasonal NDVI in the past twenty five years in Qilian Mountains, and the increased area of vegetation NDVI is the largest in summer, followed by autumn, spring, but the most reduced area of vegetation NDVI is in winter. The regions of increased vegetation NDVI concentrate on southern mountain of Qinghai Province and in Buha River Basin, while the regions of reduced vegetation NDVI concentrate on Wushaoling, Lenglongling and Daban mountain in each season; ④The correlations between monthly average vegetation NDVI and temperature and precipitation are very significant, which indicates that temperature and precipitation are the main factors affecting the change of vegetation NDVI in Qilian Mountains, but intensive human activities are also important factors affecting the change of vegetation NDVI in some areas.  相似文献   

Vegetation change based on SPOT-VGT data from 1998 to 2007, northern China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Dynamic change of vegetation in northern China from 1998–2007 was explored, based on SPOT-VGT data. The results showed that the NDVI can effectively monitor vegetation change, but also the mean multi-year NDVI maximum of 0.10 basically can be considered as the threshold of vegetation cover in northern China, and those places with smaller than or equal to the threshold value mainly were covered by deserts, Gobi and lakes, salinization lands, glaciers, snow patches and bare mountains, etc. The change trends of vegetation where sub-region C and D were affected by east-Asia monsoon were similar with the characteristics of first decreasing, later increasing and finally slowly decreasing; the difference lies in that sub-region C maintained a lower vegetation state, and sub-region D reached a higher state. The vegetation change of sub-region A was anomalous with smaller fluctuation. The change trend of vegetation of sub-region B was not only extremely unstable, but also the change extent was huge. As far as the whole of northern China is concerned, vegetation has not demonstrated obvious improvement since these ecological construction and protection projects, and the area of vegetation degradation still is much larger than that of vegetation improvement from 1998 to 2007, but there was a bigger spatial difference. Field investigation and remote sensing monitoring reveal that vegetation has obviously been improved in the agro-grazing mixing zone and to the south, as well as many oases in the northwestern arid zone, while vegetation still has worsened in the steppes, especially the Ulanqab steppe, Hunshandake Sandy Land, the region along the Sino–Mongolia border within Xilingol Meng, Hulunbeir Sandy Land and the northern Tianshan mountain region in Xinjiang. Human activities only obviously showed success in local regions. The compelling challenges of restoring the eco-environment are still immense, especially in the northern grazing zone of China.  相似文献   

水平和垂直尺度乔、灌、草覆盖度遥感提取研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
植被覆盖及其变化是区域生态系统环境变化的重要指示,而植被覆盖度是植物群落覆盖地表状况的一个综合量化指标,是生态模型、碳循环、水循环模型等的重要特征参量。传统的植被覆盖度是指一定尺度下所有植被(乔、灌、草)覆盖的综合反映值,当考虑植被垂直方向的异质性,垂直尺度的乔、灌、草覆盖度提取为定量化准确衡量生态环境、全球气候变化等领域提供更具有生态意义的植被参量。目前,遥感大面积估算水平尺度乔、灌、草覆盖度已有比较成熟和可靠的算法,主要方法有:植被指数法、回归分析法、分类决策树法、神经网络法、像元分解模型法、物理模型反演法等,其估算精度基本能达到应用要求。植被垂直方向的异质性给垂直尺度乔、灌、草覆盖度遥感提取带来较大挑战,垂直尺度上的乔、灌、草覆盖度遥感提取的研究在欧美等国已经有了一定规模的开展,在国内则处于起步阶段。遥感提取垂直尺度乔、灌、草覆盖度的主要手段有:激光雷达(LIDAR)、多角度遥感以及两层结构冠层反射模型反演。综述了水平尺度和垂直尺度上乔、灌、草覆盖度遥感提取的最新进展,比较和分析主要的遥感提取方法、模型和现存的一些问题,并对未来的研究发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

基于2001至2014年MOD13Q1数据集、数字地面高程数据以及中梁山地区多期土地覆盖数据,进行植被覆盖度(FVC)估算及其变化趋势模拟、多期土地利用转移矩阵分析,探讨中梁山地区植被覆盖度动态变化特征、土地利用的时空变化特征以及土地利用和地形同植被覆盖度间的响应机制。研究结果表明:中梁山76.69%的区域为植被改善区,退化区面积占总面积的10.12%,存在明显的改善趋势,生态情况得到良好恢复;人类活动对中梁山区域影响方式主要表现为耕地向林地和建设用地转化的特点;植被生长趋势的空间异质性与坡度有关,坡陡区植被改善面积约为退化面积的14倍,缓坡区仅为7倍;植被退化现象受人览活动的影响较大,而人类晃动对植被改善影响较小,植被改善主要与植物的自然生长演替有关。   相似文献   

基于AVIM的中国陆地生态系统净初级生产力模拟   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
利用AVIM(植被与大气相互作用模式)模拟了现代中国陆地生态系统NPP的分布并计算了全国NPP的碳总量。研究结果表明我国现代陆地生态系统的年NPP变化范围在0~1 389 gC/m2之间,年平均值为355 gC/m2,年吸收3.33 Pg的大气碳。中国陆地植被NPP呈现自东向西逐渐减小的趋势,NPP的最大值出现在云南西双版纳地区,最小值分布于青藏高原以及新疆地区。中国现代陆地植被NPP主要分布于小于100 gC/(m2·a)、300~500 gC/(m2·a)以及500~700 gC/(m2·a)3个区间,其占总计算值的比例都超过了20%以上;大于1 000 gC/(m2·a)的NPP最少,只占总数的2.15%。对中国陆地植被NPP与气候的相关性分析表明,降水是影响我国陆地生态系统NPP的主要原因。  相似文献   

Vegetation is a natural source of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) that plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry. The main objective of the current study is to implement a model to quantify process-based VOC emissions from plants that focuses on the relationship between the sensitivity of VOC emission estimates to spatial resolution data, based on scientific knowledge and vegetation dynamics derived from satellite observations. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Leaf Area Index (LAI) were elected to examine this issue using different resolutions of satellite-derived products: 22m from the DEIMOS-1 satellite, and 250m and 1000m provided by MODIS. The study is focused on an area of 80×80km2 in Portugal for 2011. Detailed land cover and meteorological data are also included in the emission quantification algorithm. The primary outcomes were determined using a multi-scale analysis showing spatial and temporal variations in the vegetation parameters and modeling results. The results confirm that the emissions model is highly sensitive to the spatial resolution of the satellite-derived data, resulting in about a 30% difference in total isoprene emissions for the study area.  相似文献   

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