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碎石桩和不排水桩联合使用的组合型复合地基,既可以提高地基承载力,又可以加快土体固结,对处理饱和软黏土地基有很高的应用价值。基于双向渗流的轴对称固结计算模型,考虑中心及外围碎石桩的体积压缩、桩体施工的扰动效应,建立了组合碎石桩-不排水桩复合地基固结微分方程,采用解析法推导了附加应力随时间和深度变化下的组合桩复合地基固结解析解,包括碎石桩、桩间土的平均超静孔隙水压力解和复合地基整体平均固结度解。进行退化研究,并与已有解分析对比;验证了此解的正确性,且通过参数分析研究了复合地基的固结性状。结果表明:复合地基底部附加应力越小、碎石桩与不排水桩布置越密集,固结越快;碎石桩施工的扰动效应对复合地基影响大于不排水桩;忽略碎石桩体积压缩的影响会高估复合地基固结速率,且桩径比越小,误差越大;理论解预测的复合地基固结度与实测值拟合性较好。  相似文献   

现有的多元复合地基利用两种或者两种以上的桩型对地基土进行加固,以期提高地基承载力、加速地基固结。提出了一种兼具散体材料桩和刚性不排水桩自身优点的透水混凝土桩复合地基固结模型。工程中刚性桩与土体的压缩量并不相等,这与等应变条件存在着不一致的地方。为此,抛弃传统等应变假设,考虑桩体向垫层和下卧层的刺入变形,对传统等应变假定进行修正,同时考虑了扰动区土体水平渗透系数的抛物线变化和水在桩体内的径向、竖向渗流,给出了此类固结问题的控制方程和解答以及复合地基固结度的表达式,并对复合地基固结度的解进行了讨论。最后与其他复合地基解做了比较并对固结性状进行了分析,并针对透水混凝土桩孔隙引起的桩阻作用对地基固结速度的影响进行了验证。  相似文献   

双层散体材料桩复合地基固结理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙举  谢新宇  谢康和 《岩土力学》2008,29(2):321-326
研究了考虑涂抹效应和应力集中效应的双层散体材料桩复合地基固结解析解及其工程应用,分不同情况讨论了特征根的可能变化规律,也讨论了解析解转化为双层竖井地基以及双层天然地基的普遍适用性。研究发现,固结速率随井径比的减小、水平向渗透系数比的增大和桩体刚度的增大而增加;底面排水条件对双层散体材料桩复合地基的固结影响,在井径比不是很大的情况下影响不大;是否考虑应力集中效应对计算结果影响较大。  相似文献   

考虑桩体固结变形的散体材料桩复合地基固结解析计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵明华  刘敦平  张玲 《岩土力学》2010,31(2):483-488
将单个散体材料桩截面和单桩影响范围内的桩周土截面作为一个研究单元考虑,由固结过程中孔隙水排出量等于单元体体积减小量,并引入平均超孔隙水压力的概念,考虑桩体的固结变形,推得散体材料桩复合地基的固结方程。通过等应变假设和初始边界条件,由分离变量法对该固结方程进行求解,得到了桩体和桩间土的平均超孔隙水压力、平均固结度、复合地基整体固结度。通过某工程实例计算,将计算结果与已有解析解进行了比较分析。当散体材料桩复合地基的井径比较大时,两者计算结果十分相近;当井径比较小时,两者差别较大。  相似文献   

为了完善碎石桩复合地基固结理论,通过假设从桩体排出的水量等于流入桩体的水量与桩体体积变化之和以及地基扰动区土体水平渗透系数呈线性变化,并考虑上部荷载逐渐施加,推导了考虑桩体体积变化的碎石桩复合地基超静孔压及固结度解析解。当加载时间趋于零时,本文解可退化为瞬时加载情况下的解;当加载时间及桩径同时趋于零时,本文解可进一步退化为Terzaghi一维固结解,这证明了本文解的正确性。通过与已有解的比较,对地基固结性状进行了分析。结果表明,加载过程对地基固结度影响显著,加载历时越长,固结越慢;在各种条件下,不考虑桩体固结变形时地基固结始终比考虑桩体变形时快,并且其影响随着加载历时变小、桩径比变小、桩土模量比变小、桩土渗透系数变小而逐渐增大,这说明在实际工程固结计算中不考虑桩体固结变形是偏于不安全的。  相似文献   

石北啸  杨燕伟  谢荣星  吴辛 《岩土力学》2013,34(10):2835-2840
考虑了混凝土芯砂石桩复合地基中砂石桩的环形排水通道、砂石桩体内的径、竖向渗流和土体施工扰动,并采用桩土共同分担荷载的初始条件,得到了混凝土芯砂石桩复合地基固结问题的控制方程,给出了控制方程的解答;并分别给出了复合地基按应力和按变形定义的总平均固结度,分析了砂石桩桩体渗透系数、芯桩与砂石桩直径比对地基固结性状的影响。结果表明:对于混凝土芯砂石桩复合地基按应力定义的固结度与按变形定义的固结度表达式不同;地基的固结随着砂石桩桩体渗透系数增加而加快;砂石桩直径一定的情况下,固结速率随芯桩直径增大先增大后减小。最后对本文解和以往的两种解做了比较,与以往解相比本文解能够同时考虑环形通道和桩土荷载分担,给出的固结度介于以往的两种解之间。  相似文献   

蔡燕燕  王海  戚志博  关云飞 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):639-645
混凝土芯砂石桩(CCSG)桩复合地基是一种新型多元复合地基。通过引入地基土体的e-lgσ和e-lgk对数模型,考虑地基土体固结过程中压缩模量和渗透系数非线性变化的特征,推导出基于等应变假设的CCSG桩复合地基非线性固结解析解,且现有的考虑土体非线性的砂井固结解和碎石桩复合地基固结解均是文中解的特例。根据该解析解得到桩土模量比、土体压缩指数与渗透指数比、荷载增量等无量纲参数变化时,CCSG桩复合地基的固结度曲线。分析结果表明,按应力和按变形定义的两种固结度不相等,通常按变形定义的固结速度较快;土体压缩模量和渗透系数的非线性变化对固结影响较大。最后通过和由实测数据获得的固结度曲线对比,验证了解析解的正确性。  相似文献   

未打穿砂井地基下卧层固结研究分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
张玉国  谢康和  王哲  庄迎春 《岩土力学》2005,26(11):1737-1742
利用平均固结度普遍解,将未打穿砂井地基转化为等效双层地基,给出了下卧层一维固结解析解,进而求出下卧层的平均固结度。根据该解和现有解,编制计算机程序,给出了几幅考虑c值和土性参数对固结的影响曲线图,评估各解的适用性。研究表明,该解满足工程要求,特别是在PTPB排水条件下能够较好地反映Uz-Tv曲线的真实变化。  相似文献   

杨涛  吉映竹 《岩土力学》2022,(5):1187-1196+1206
基于向内径向渗流的轴对称固结模型,给出了变荷载下长排水体-短不排水桩组合型复合地基的固结方程,在单面排水条件下推导出组合型复合地基的固结解析解,包括排水体和排水体周边土体中的超静孔隙水压力解答和组合型复合地基整体平均固结度解答。将组合型复合地基固结度解析解与三维有限元数值解进行了比较,证明了解析解的合理性。利用固结度解析解对影响组合型复合地基固结速率的主要因素进行了分析,研究了组合型复合地基的固结特性。结果表明:组合型复合地基的固结速率随着短不排水桩贯入比的增加而逐渐增大,随排水体的井阻和其周边涂抹区厚度的增加而减小。短不排水桩刚度和置换率的变化对组合型复合地基固结速率的影响较小。  相似文献   

排水固结法加固软基变形简化计算分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
插板和砂井堆载预压是处理软基有效方法之一,现有的沉降变形计算方法大部分采用轴对称理论的解析解和以太 沙基或比奥固结理论为基础的数值解,仍较为复杂。根据软基排水固结机理,采用固结度等效原理,对渗透系数进行调整,把 砂井(插板)地基简化为均质成层地基。运用有限元对某软土路基处理工程进行简化计算,并和监测结果进行对比分析,对简 化计算方法进行验证。发现具有较好的准确性,为实际软基处理工程的沉降变形分析提供了一种简单实用的方法。  相似文献   

Composite ground improved by partially penetrated impervious columns consists of a reinforced zone and an underlying stratum. Based on the axisymmetric consolidation model, the governing equations for the average excess pore water pressure were developed within the surrounding soil and the underlying untreated soil. The corresponding solutions were given on the basis of the consolidation theory of a double-layer subsoil ground, and the overall average degree of consolidation of the composite ground was obtained. The accuracy of the proposed solution was examined by FEM. The proposed solution and FEM results show a good match. A parametric analysis of consolidation behavior of the composite ground was then investigated. The results indicate that the consolidation rate of the composite ground strongly depends on the penetration ratio of the impervious columns (ratio of column length to soil thickness) in the way that the higher the ratio, the faster the consolidation rate. In addition, an increasing area replacement ratio of an impervious column decreases the consolidation rate. The consolidation rate of the composite ground decreases with the increasing of the constrained modulus ratio of an impervious column to its surrounding soil for a lower penetration ratio, while it increases with the increasing of the constrained modulus ratio for a higher penetration ratio.  相似文献   

In recent years, a new technique of ground improvement, which involves the combined use of impervious column and vertical drains, has been proposed and utilized in many field projects to accelerate consolidation and increase bearing capacity of soft soil ground. To cover the possible distribution patterns of impervious columns and vertical drains, 2 analytical models, including Model A with outward flow and Model B with inward flow within the soils, are proposed to predict the consolidation of combined composite ground by considering the following factors: (1) disturbance effects of both impervious columns and vertical drains, (2) the well resistance of vertical drains, and (3) time‐variant loadings. The average degrees of consolidation predicted by the proposed analytical models are compared with several existing solutions and then against the measured data in the literature. The consolidation behavior of a combined composite ground is investigated by the proposed analytical solutions. The results show that the combined use of impervious columns and vertical drains can remarkably accelerate the consolidation rate of soft soils compared with the single use of either of them. The average degrees of consolidation predicted by both analytical models agree well with the measured data. Compared with Model B, Model A usually predicts a faster consolidation rate because of a shorter drainage path. Many factors can influence consolidation behavior of combined composite ground, such as loading scheme, distribution patterns and the disturbance effects of impervious columns and vertical drains, and compression modulus ratio of impervious column to soil.  相似文献   

初始孔压非均布条件下散体材料桩复合地基固结理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张玉国  岳峰  谢康和 《岩土力学》2011,32(9):2675-2680
针对现有复合地基固结理论仍不能考虑实际工程中存在的初始孔压非均布情况的不足,采用解析方法对散体材料桩复合地基进行深入研究,给出了考虑初始孔压非均布的散体材料桩复合地基固结一般解。探讨了初始孔压非均布的3种特殊情况,导出了初始孔压矩形分布(均布)、正三角形分布和倒三角形分布等情况下的复合地基平均孔压和平均固结度表达式。研究表明:单面排水条件下,初始孔压分布对复合地基固结有显著影响;初始孔压均布和正三角形分布条件下,超静孔压随Tv值的增大而逐渐消散,固结期间地基底部孔压值最大;初始孔压倒三角形和梯形(pB /pT =0.5)分布条件下,Tv值越大,孔压等时线越平缓,且孔压最大值的位置由地基顶部向底部转移,固结过程中底部孔压变化呈现“从小变大、再变小”的特点  相似文献   

成层竖向排水井地基固结分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实际工程中竖井地基具有成层性,有时竖井也并未完全打穿软土层。在竖井打设区满足竖井等应变固结理论、下卧层满足一维太沙基固结理论假设的基础上,将现有竖井地基固结理论推广到成层未打穿竖井地基情况。利用边界条件和竖直向连续条件,确定该系统的正交关系,并给出了其固结解答,该解具有广泛的适用性。通过对竖井打设区和下卧层层数的变化,即可获得现有关于简单未打穿竖井地基的固结解答。将该解答编制成应用程序,对一算例进行了分析。结果表明,平均固结度按孔压定义和按变形定义是不相同的,硬表层的存在会加快其下土层的固结。  相似文献   

A theoretical study is made of the consolidation of a composite foundation reinforced by columns. A more reasonable initial condition for the consolidation of a composite foundation is derived from the equilibrium equation and the equal strain assumption. Then, the general analytical solutions for excess pore water pressures in the column and in the surrounding soil are obtained using this new initial condition under the influence of several important factors. These factors include: the gradual variation of horizontal permeability in the disturbed soil, the change in the total average stress in a composite foundation with depth, and the effect of time-dependent external loads. The general expressions for the overall average degree of consolidation of a composite foundation, both in terms of stress and in terms of deformation, are then derived. On the basis of the above theory, the explicit solutions for a particular case, which considers ramp loading and a linear change of total stress with depth, are given in detailed forms. Finally, a parametric study and a comparison of some available solutions are made. The results show that the average degree of consolidation obtained in terms of stress and in terms of deformation is the same; the increase in construction time, the disturbance intensity during column construction and the size of the disturbed zone reduce the consolidation rate of a composite foundation. For the case of PTIB (pervious top surface and impervious bottom surface), the increase in the ratio of top total stress to bottom total stress in the composite foundation accelerates consolidation.  相似文献   

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