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赵悦  丁旋 《第四纪研究》2011,31(2):265-275
对苏门答腊海域BAR9432岩芯末次间冰期以来的氧碳同位素、AMS14C测年、浮游有孔虫组合及其所反映的古生产力、温盐及温跃层变化的研究结果表明:研究区132kaB.P.以来气候变化的特点,明显受冰期间冰期海平面波动的影响,在此基础上,还与23ka岁差周期引起的北半球高纬太阳辐射变化密切相关.末次间冰期阶段,海平面较高...  相似文献   

首先综述了现代热带海洋生产力的分类与影响因素,然后讨论了古生产力替代性指标的分类与各类方法的优点与局限性。在此基础上,通过收集整理前人使用不同替代性指标对热带海洋古生产力重建的结果,讨论了热带海洋古生产力记录的特征、周期性与驱动机制。发现从末次冰期到全新世热带海洋古生产力在冰期时明显偏高,但冰期生产力高间冰期生产力低的规律并不一直适用,MIS 22前后西太平洋初级生产力在冰期—间冰期的变化发生反转。热带海洋古生产力的周期性也与高纬海区显著不同,岁差和斜率的信号更为显著。还存在约30 ka等不同轨道周期叠加之后形成的周期。颗石藻计算的海洋生产力可能存在约400 ka周期,这对全球碳同位素的影响有待深入研究。  相似文献   

通过研究翁通-爪哇海台ODP807A孔顶部岩心微体古生物和有孔虫同位素的变化, 探讨冰期旋回中赤道西太平洋晚第四纪古生产力的变化.多种古生产力替代指标揭示出赤道西太平洋古生产力自深海氧同位素13期以来总体呈升高趋势, 具有冰期高、间冰期低的特征.温跃层替代指标显示该海域温跃层变化不具有简单的冰期-间冰期变化模式, 而是分为2个阶段: 280ka以前温跃层平均深度较浅, 呈现高幅低频波动; 280ka以后温跃层平均深度变深, 呈现低幅高频波动.古生产力和温跃层变化模式的明显差异说明温跃层变化不是赤道西太平洋表层生产力波动的主要原因.807A孔古生产力变化与西北太平洋风尘通量变化基本一致, 所以提出来自亚洲中东部的风尘对于提高赤道西太平洋生物生产力可能具有重要意义.   相似文献   

李建  王汝建 《地质学报》2004,78(2):228-233
通过南海北部ODP 1144站蛋白石含量测定及其堆积速率的计算,并结合氧同位素记录等相关资料,获得南海北部1050ka以来高分辨率的表层古生产力变化与冰期旋回和东亚季风的关系。约900ka以来,蛋白石含量及其堆积速率较900ka以前明显增加,反映了“中更新世革命”事件之后,全球气候变冷,并导致表层生产力的提高。由于第四纪冰期旋回中的冬、夏季风的加强,加上1144站特殊的地理位置,使该站在冰期时表层生产力增加,间冰期时表层生产力降低。浮游有孔虫氧同位素记录与蛋白石含量及其堆积速率的时间序列频谱分析结果显示,三者均出现了相对应的偏心率周期、斜率周期和岁差周期,说明该站表层生产力的变化主要受地球轨道周期的驱动。  相似文献   

为了解南海南部第四纪冰期旋回中表层生产力的变化与东亚夏季风的演化关系,通过对南海南部MD05-2897孔晚第四纪500ka以来碳酸钙和有机碳含量及堆积速率高分辨率的研究发现,碳酸钙含量及堆积速率表现出明显的冰期-间冰期旋回变化,而有机碳的含量及堆积速率则主要呈现频率更高的周期性变化.碳酸钙和有机碳含量及堆积速率都在间冰期时增加,冰期时降低,反映了间冰期时夏季风的增强导致上升流的加强和营养物质的增加,促使表层生产力提高.碳酸钙和有机碳含量及堆积速率具有100ka偏心率周期、40ka斜率周期、20ka岁差和10ka半岁差周期等最为丰富的频谱,显示出低纬海区对轨道周期响应的特色.碳酸钙和有机碳的堆积速率与北半球低纬夏季日射量吻合较好,说明岁差相关的北半球低纬夏季太阳辐射量的变化可能是东亚夏季风强度变化的主要控制因素,而与全球冰量相关的气候变化可能是次要因素.   相似文献   

南海ODP1143站上新世至更新世天文年代标尺的建立   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
基于底栖有孔虫δ18O的精确的年代标尺是古海洋学研究的基础, 特别是长度超过5 Ma, 分辨率小于5 ka的连续δ18O记录在全球大洋深海记录中更是凤毛麟角.在大西洋和东太平洋已经建立起了类似的代表性剖面, 如大西洋ODP659站和东太平洋ODP846站, 但在对全球气候有着重要影响的“西太平洋暖池区”还没有建立起这样的剖面.以南海大洋钻探184航次1143站底栖有孔虫的δ18O为材料, 建立了西太平洋地区跨越5 Ma、分辨率达2~ 3 ka的天文年代标尺.天文调谐的基本原理参照Imbrie et al.(1984), 并将斜率周期上8 ka的相位差和岁差周期上5 ka的相位差从晚更新世扩展到5 Ma; 调谐目标选用Laskar(1990)的斜率和岁差; 调谐方法采用了有别于ODP659站和ODP846站的自动轨道调谐方法(Yu and Ding, 1998).调谐结果显示, 1143站190.77 m、191个冰期、间冰期的深海沉积记录了5.02 Ma的南海古海洋学历史; 1143站布容/松山磁性反转事件的年龄为0.78 Ma, 与前人研究结果一致; 15个识别出的浮游有孔虫生物事件年龄部分与已经发表过的年龄相吻合, 部分为该生物事件在南沙海区的新年龄.由年代标尺推导出的南海沉积特征显示, 2.9 Ma是沉积速率的一个转折点, 在此之前, 平均线性沉积速率只有39.5 m/Ma, 冰期、间冰期平均波动幅度为50 m/Ma; 2.9 Ma以后, 平均线性沉积速率猛然上升到65.4 m/Ma, 冰期、间冰期平均波动幅度为200 m/Ma.此外, 南海的沉积速率还显示出冰期或间冰期中的亚冰阶沉积速率高, 而相邻的间冰期或亚间冰阶的沉积速率低, 这种特点在更新世尤为典型.这可能与全球冰量变化带来的冰期、间冰期差异性风化剥蚀和搬运有关.   相似文献   

南海西南部晚更新世500 ka以来的古海洋学特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
郑范  李前裕  陈木宏  邵磊  乔培军  成鑫荣  向荣 《地球科学》2005,30(5):534-542,549
对湄公河口外MD01—2392孔浮游有孔虫的定量分析,并采用FP-12E转换函数、MAT现代类比法及温跃层转换函数的计算,结合氧同位素分析结果,揭示了南海南部晚更新世近500ka以来的古海洋学演化特征.发现冰期MIS12、MISS、MIS2-4冬季表层水温明显高出相邻的间冰期,特别是间冰期M189、MIS5、MIS1表层水温都较低.温跃层在MIS5与MIS1最浅,MIS9其次.主要表现在浮游有孔虫深层高营养种的含量增高,表明上升流增强.间冰期的低水温很可能主要是由于上升流影响所致,当然表层盐度由于多雨而降低也可能影响到间冰期的水温估算.冰期时较高的表层水温,喜暖高盐型次表层种Pulleniatina obliquiloculata的大量繁殖,说明冰期时南部海区受来自北部强冬季风的制约使上升流活动减弱,海平面降低后与邻区通道的关闭也造成水体置换明显减弱,可能有淡水盖层发育,最终导致上层海水分层增强和冬季表层水温保持相对较高.晚更新世时期的南海南部由于冰期低海平面造成半封闭的海盆环境和季风变化,是影响其浮游有孔虫对冰期旋回响应与北部和开放大洋不同的根本原因.  相似文献   

张洋  徐继尚  李广雪  刘勇 《地学前缘》2022,29(4):168-178
作为全球接受太阳辐射最多、表层海水温度最高的区域,西太平洋暖池区通过厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Niño-Southern Oscillation,ENSO)和季风等过程影响着全球气候的变化。越来越多的沉积记录证明,在地质历史时期西太平洋暖池也存在类似于现代ENSO过程的“类ENSO式”变化。而目前类ENSO式变化与冰期—间冰期旋回之间的响应关系和驱动机制及其与东亚季风的关联仍存在争议。本文利用位于暖池核心区的B10岩心浮游有孔虫氧同位素、Mg/Ca(质量分数比)和黏土矿物参数重建了暖池区氧同位素8期以来的古气候记录,并结合已有的热带海表温度记录、中国石笋氧同位素和南大洋地区海表温度记录,研究了西太平洋暖池冰期旋回中类ENSO状态的演化规律及其与东亚季风的关系,并探讨了暖池区类ENSO演化的驱动机制。结果发现:冰期时,西太平洋暖池区温跃层变浅,赤道东、西太平洋温差减小,同时,东亚夏季风减弱,暖池区降水量相对减少,与现代El Niño时期气候态类似;间冰期时,西太平洋暖池区温跃层加深,赤道东、西太平洋温差增大,东亚冬夏季风增强,暖池区降水量相对增加,与现代La Niña时期气候态类似。频谱分析结果表明,西太平洋暖池区海表温度的变化具有偏心率周期(96 ka)。冰消期时,低纬度太阳辐射量的增加,增大了纬向上的SST梯度,并使得次表层海水储存了更多的热量,积累的热量会通过调节次表层环流向暖池区的热传输,最终调控赤道太平洋地区Walker环流强度和ENSO活动的长期变化。而冰期时,南大洋地区降温所引起的东南信风和大洋环流异常可能对类ENSO式起到调控的作用。  相似文献   

根据南海西部越南岸外MD05-2901岩芯成对的有孔虫壳体氧同位素和U3k7′-SST计算出过去450ka以来南海西部表层海水氧同位素~δ18Owater和盐度Swater变化记录,二者的变化范围在冰期分别为0.2‰~0.6‰和34.2‰~35.1‰,间冰期分别为-0.6‰~0和32.4‰~33.7‰,表现为冰期高、间冰期低的特征。相反扣除冰盖影响后的剩余氧同位素~δ18Oresid和剩余盐度Sresid,呈现冰期低、间冰期高的特征,在冰期分别平均为-0.5‰和32.7‰,间冰期分别平均为-0.3‰和33.1‰。研究认为该现象主要与赤道太平洋海域冰期纵向的ITCZ平均位置偏南导致的降雨增加有关,同时冰期温度低蒸发弱,间冰期温度高蒸发强以及冰期海平面下降,南海地理格局的改变、河流输入增多等因素也有一定影响。  相似文献   

对西菲律宾海Ph05-5柱状样190ka以来钙质超微化石进行了氧碳同位素分析.研究结果表明, 钙质超微化石δ18O值在末次间冰期(MIS 5e) 和全新世明显低于末次冰期(MIS5d~2) 和倒数第二次冰期(MIS6).超微化石δ18O值与浮游和底栖有孔虫δ18O值都呈明显的正相关关系, 但超微化石δ18O平均值比浮游有孔虫Globigerinoides rubber δ18O平均值高0.431×10-3, 比Neogloboquadrina dutertrei δ18O平均值低0.410×10-3, 而这三者又远远低于底栖有孔虫Cibicides wullerstorfi的δ18O平均值.超微化石δ13C值变化阶段性特征明显, 并与该孔超微化石绝对丰度变化趋势极为相似, 二者共同反映出西菲律宾海大约从190ka到110ka的MIS6和大约MIS 5e期, 表层海水初级生产力相当稳定且显著低于其他各时期; 大约从MIS5d期开始表层初级生产力显著上升, 初级生产力的这一高值一致持续到约25ka左右的末次冰期; 在25ka以来的MIS1、2期, 表层初级生产力有所下降, 但仍高于190ka到110ka的MIS6和MIS 5e期.   相似文献   

The classification and influencing factors of modern marine productivity were reviewed at the beginning. We discussed the pros and cons of different paleoproductivity proxies. Based on these discussions, we collected paleoproductivity reconstructions in tropical marine from previous studies and focus on the glacial-interglacial features, periodicity and forcing mechanisms of tropical marine productivity. We found that the productivity in most tropical sites decreased from MIS 2 to MIS 1. The productivity was not always higher in glacial: The glacial-interglacial pattern of productivity turned at MIS 22 in western Pacific. There were remarkable differences between tropical productivity and high latitude productivity. The precession and obliquity bands were more significant in tropical productivity and ~30 ka cycles caused by the superimposing of different orbital cycles were common in tropical. The coccolith based productivity seemed to have a quasiperiod of 400 ka and more researches are needed to discover the relationship between productivity and global 13C in this band.  相似文献   

To reconstruct the palaeoproductivity evolution history of the centre of the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) over the last 250 ka, multi‐proxies were analysed in sediment core WP7 recovered from the Ontong–Java Plateau. Palaeoproductivity evolution at the centre of the WPWP during the last 250 ka is closely related to glacial–interglacial cycles and the insolation controlled by precession. The glacial higher primary productivity relative to the interglacial conditions could have resulted from both thermocline shoaling associated with persistent El Niňo‐like conditions and the increased influx of dust resulting from intensified winter monsoon together with important changes in the thermocline. The minimum primary productivity values during the last three terminations could be resulted from deglacial thermocline deepening and intensified stratification associated with persistent La Niña‐like conditions, and the concurrent Neogloboquadrina dutertrei δ13C minimum events probably reflect the chemical signatures of Subantarctic Mode Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water. In addition, primary productivity values are also controlled by the thermocline variations resulting from El Niño/La Niña‐Southern Oscillation processes responding to precession forcing, and lead the δ18O by about 4 ka. The 33.1 ka, 19 ka and “half‐precession” periods are prominent in the palaeoproductivity records. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中更新世气候转型时期南海生态环境的南北差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中更新世气候转型在南海浮游有孔虫、氧同位素和其它生物记录上主要反映在900 ka BP前后发生高频率变化,特别是指示表层水骤然降温。北部冬季表层水温从24~25℃降至17~28℃,而南部也从26~27℃降至23~24℃。总的降温趋势与开放西太平洋一致,直接反映了西太平洋暖池在900 ka BP之后MIS22期间有明显的减弱。表层水大幅度降温还发生在后继的MIS 20、18、16几大冰期,说明主要冰期旋回周期由41 ka转变为100 ka经历了长达400 ka的过渡时期,并且冬季风增强也在过渡时期的后半段最明显。南海南北生物组合和δ18O值的差异,突出了中更新世气候转型期边缘海区南北气候梯度反差和冬季风在冰期增强的讯号。结论是:生态环境系统反应总体表现与冰期旋回一致的同时,还包含了独特的地区性系统演变特征。但是,南海—西太平洋地区在0.9 Ma BP前后表层海水盐度因东亚冬季风和海平面下降的定量变化,以及这些变化对气候转型时期海—气耦合过程和生态环境系统的影响,尚缺乏足够的资料和证据。  相似文献   

The low-latitude hydrological cycle is a key climate parameter on different timescales, as it contributes to various feedback processes. Modelling studies suggest that the interhemispheric insolation contrast is the major factor controlling the cycle, although the influence of glacial conditions and the phase relationships relative to insolation forcing remain undetermined. In this work, we studied precipitation variability over Papua New Guinea (PNG, 3°S) for the past 400 ka using terrigenous fractions transported by the Sepik River to the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP). A multi-decadal to centennial resolution of the elemental content was obtained using X-ray fluorescence scanning of a marine sediment core using an age model based on 14C dates and benthic foraminiferal δ18O. Indicators of the coarse river particulate fraction (bulk and CaCO3-free basis Ti concentrations, the log intensity ratios of Ti/K and Ti/Ca) displayed a dominant 23 ka periodicity without a clear glacial–interglacial trend. Our precipitation records showed a tight relationship with local summer insolation (3°S, January) with time-dependent lag of 0 to 4 ka. They were generally in anti-phase for U–Th dated Chinese speleothem δ18O records. Based on an analogy to modern climate, we propose that precipitation over PNG was primarily determined by interhemispheric insolation contrast, and the contribution of austral fall/winter precipitation added second-order variability that formed the lags. For the last four climate cycles, the WPWP hydrological cycle was closely associated with the eastern Asian monsoon, and the influence of glacial conditions on the low-latitude hydrological cycle was estimated to be limited.  相似文献   

通过对ODP184航次1147/1148站位约4MaB.P.以来沉积物中来源于定鞭金藻的生物标志化合物的研究,对南海北部晚上新世以来的古海洋生产力、表层海水温度及CO2分压的变化情况进行了探讨.定鞭金藻生产力与硅藻生产力一样在0.9MaB.P.以前比较稳定地保持在较低水平,而0.9MaB.P.后定鞭金藻生产力较高,且呈现冰期低间冰期高的波动,硅藻生产力则呈现持续升高的趋势.由C37烯酮不饱和度指标获得的南海北部4MaB.P.以来表层海水的UK′37温度与浮游有孔虫壳体δ18O具有较好的相关性,且能显示出0.9MaB.P.来的19个氧同位素期,表明将U37K′37温标应用到晚第四纪以前基本上是可行的.由δ13C37:2计算的表层海水pCO2显示,晚上新世的pCO2要高于300μL/L,而第四纪的pCO2尽管存在波动,却基本上在300μL/L以下.计算出的晚第四纪的pCO2十分稳定,与同期的大气pCO2历史变化不一致.这可能与计算中简单地假定某些参数(如生长速率)为常数有关,这些参数在第四纪冰期间冰期旋回中可能有较大变化.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(13-14):1713-1724
Continuous high-resolution pollen data for the past 225 ka from sediments in Bear Lake, Utah–Idaho reflect changes in vegetation and climate that correlate well with variations in summer insolation and global ice-volume during MIS 1 through 7. Spectral analysis of the pollen data identified peaks at 21–22 and 100 ka corresponding to periodicities in Earth's precession and eccentricity orbital cycles. Suborbital climatic fluctuations recorded in the pollen data, denoted by 6 and 5 ka cyclicities, are similar to Greenland atmospheric temperatures and North Atlantic ice-rafting Heinrich events. Our results show that millennial-scale climate variability is also evident during MIS 5, 6 and 7, including the occurrence of Heinrich-like events in MIS 6, showing the long-term feature of such climate variability. This study provides clear evidence of a highly interconnected ocean–atmosphere system during the last two glacial/interglacial cycles that extended its influence as far as continental western North America. Our study also contributes to a greater understanding of the impact of long-term climate change on vegetation of western North America. Such high-resolution studies are particularly important in efforts of the scientific community to predict the consequences of future climate change.  相似文献   

西沙群岛西科1井碳酸盐岩稳定同位素地层学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
西科1井由于矿化重结晶作用和白云岩化作用普遍发育, 无法采用传统的氧同位素地层学方法进行地层年代标定.但是该井δ13C变化曲线与南海及全球主要大洋的碳同位素变化曲线完全相同, 可以用来准确标定200 ka以来的地层年龄.该井0~50 m深度对应全球氧同位素1~7期, 5 m处地层时代为14 ka, 为氧同位素1期的底界年龄; 11.70 m处为氧同位素2期的底界, 年龄为29 ka; 13.90 m深度年龄为57 ka; 到35.65 m为氧同位素6期底界, 年龄为191 ka, 同时δ13C值表现出冰期低而间冰期高的特点, 取自25.21 m的珊瑚U-Th定年年龄为131.062±2.320 ka.通过碳同位素定年发现, 石岛缺失近代5 ka以来的沉积物, 在间冰期向冰期转换时因海平面下降造成碳酸盐台地暴露剥蚀.全球气候变化是石岛碳酸盐台地δ13C值发生突变的主要原因.   相似文献   

This study establishes for the first time the chronology and limnological history of Lake Amora (Dead Sea basin, Israel), whose deposits (the Amora Formation) comprise one of the longest exposed lacustrine records of the Pleistocene time. The Amora Formation consists of sequences of laminated primary aragonite and silty-detritus, Ca-sulfate minerals, halite and clastic units. This sedimentary sequence was uplifted and tilted by the rising Sedom salt diapir, exposing ∼320 m of sediments on the eastern flanks of Mt. Sedom (the Arubotaim Cave (AC) section).The chronology of the AC section is based on U-disequilibrium dating (230Th-234U and 234U-238U ages) combined with floating δ18O stratigraphy and paleomagnetic constraints. The determination of the 230Th-234U ages required significant corrections to account for detrital Th and U. These corrections were performed on individual samples and on suites of samples from several stratigraphic horizons. The most reliable corrected ages were used to construct an age-elevation model that was further tuned to the oxygen isotope record of east Mediterranean foraminifers (based on the long-term similarity between the sea and lake oxygen isotope archives).The combined U-series-δ18O age-elevation model indicates that the (exposed) Amora sequence was deposited between ∼740 and 70 ka, covering seven glacial-interglacial cycles (Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 18 to 5).Taking the last glacial Lake Lisan and the Holocene Dead Sea lacustrine systems as analogs of the depositional-limnological environment of Lake Amora, the latter oscillated between wet (glacial) and more arid (interglacial) conditions, represented by sequences of primary evaporites (aragonite and gypsum that require enhanced supply of freshwater to the lakes) and clastic sediments, respectively. The lake evolved from a stage of rapid shifts between high and low-stand conditions during ∼740 to 550 ka to a sabkha-like environment that existed (at the AC site) between 550 and 420 ka. This stage was terminated by a dry spell represented by massive halite deposition at 420 ka (MIS12-11). During MIS10-6 the lake fluctuated between lower and higher stands reaching its highest stand conditions at the late glacial MIS6, after which a significant lake level decline corresponds to the transition to the last interglacial (MIS5) low-stand lake, represented by the uppermost part of the Formation.δ18O values in the primary aragonite range between 6.0 and −1.3, shifting cyclically between glacial and interglacial intervals. The lowest δ18O values are observed during interglacial stages and may reflect short and intense humid episodes that intermittently interrupted the overall arid conditions. These humid episodes, expressed also by enhanced deposition of travertines and speleothems, seem to characterize the Negev Desert, and in contrast to the overall dominance of the Atlantic-Mediterranean system of rain patterns in the Dead Sea basin, some humid episodes during interglacials may be traced to southern sources.  相似文献   

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