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铜陵地区中酸性侵入岩可划分为橄榄安粗岩系列和高钾钙碱性系列。前者岩石组合为辉石二长闪长岩+二长岩+石英二长岩,后者为辉长闪长岩+石英二长闪长岩+花岗闪长岩。两个系列岩石的组成矿物种类相似,但在不同岩石中的含量不同,主要造岩矿物为斜长石、辉石、角闪石、黑云母、钾长石、石英。橄榄安粗岩系列岩石中含有大量的深源包体,包括辉石堆积岩包体、角闪石堆积岩包体和角闪石辉长质堆积岩包体,主要矿物为辉石、角闪石,其次为尖晶石、斜长石、磷灰石、金云母;高钾钙碱性系列岩石中含大量的微粒闪长质包体、镁铁质石英二长闪长质包体和富云母包体,主要矿物为斜长石、角闪石、黑云母。在考虑温压计使用条件的前提下,选择合适的温压计计算了两个系列侵入岩及包体形成的温压条件。结果表明,橄榄安粗岩系列侵入岩侵位深度(4~6km)略小于高钾钙碱性系列侵入岩(6~7km),各种堆积包体形成于45~65km的深位岩浆房,微粒闪长质包体形成于12~15km的浅位岩浆房,镁铁质石英二长闪长质包体是早期侵入岩的边缘相,而富云母包体可能为地壳部分熔融的残余相。  相似文献   

安徽铜陵铜官山矿区的燕山期中酸性-酸性小侵入岩体在时间上和空间上与区内的层控矽卡岩型铜(金)矿床密切相关。在这些小侵入岩体中,特别是在老庙基、小铜官山和金口岭岩体中,产有二长质到闪长质的同源包体、角闪石堆积岩包体和黑云母片岩残余包体。对这三类岩石包体及其寄主岩进行了详细的岩石学和矿物学研究以及单矿物氧同位素分析,同时收集了相关的岩石化学和地球化学资料,为阐明矿区岩浆-热液过程提供了依据。分析结果表明,闪长岩和辉石岩包体的(^87r/^86Sr),为0.7070~0.7073,εM(t)为-9.7,而石英二长闪长岩主岩(^87r/^86Sr)。为0.7072~0.7077,εNd(t)为-10.6~-11.9。铜官山矿区堆积岩包体中的堆积晶、同源包体和寄主岩中的斑晶以及同源包体及寄主岩中的基质的矿物结晶温度分属890~970℃,730~755℃和675~730℃三个区间,对应的深度为24~29km,9~15km和4~6km。它们分别代表了深位岩浆房、浅位岩浆房和岩浆侵位处矿物结晶的温度和深度深位岩浆房的深度对应于岩石圈中下地壳硅镁层的深度,而浅位岩浆房的深度对应于岩石圈中-新元古界浅变质岩系的深度从宕石包体及其寄主岩锶、钕同位素以及岩石学和矿物学资料来看,深位岩浆房中的岩浆可能是由底侵的碱性玄武岩浆与下地壳硅镁层发生相互作用形成的,而浅位岩浆房中的岩浆可能是由来自深位岩浆房的演化岩浆与中-新元古界浅变质岩系发生相互作用形成的。二长质同源包体与黑云母片岩残余包体过渡,有时闪长质同源包体与寄主岩过渡,相互之间的界线模糊不清。角闪石堆积岩包体中金属氧化物和硫化物的共存表明,在堆积岩结晶时已有相当数量的铁、铜和硫溶解在演化的岩浆中。由此可以推断,已初步富集铁、铜和硫的演化岩浆与深度同浅位岩浆房相当且富合成矿元素的变质岩发生同化混染作用,可以富集足够的成矿物质以形成铜官山矿区的矽卡岩型铜铁硫化物矿床,矿区同源包体中斜长石的δ^18OSMOW‰值为9.0~9.2,寄主岩中斜长石和石英为9.4~9.9,矽卡岩中石榴石和石英为3.92~11.84,矿石中磁铁矿和石英为3.84~5.85,而相应的δ^18H2O‰值在寄主岩中为6.87,矽卡岩中为6.85~6.89,矿石中为8.18~12.64。此外,在寄主岩及其岩石包体中同时产有熔融包裹体、熔融-流体包裹体和流体包裹体,并能见到不混溶包裹体。这些事实结合矿物平衡地质温度计计算结果和收集的包裹体测温资料,表明矿区的岩浆-热液过程可以分为:1)岩浆结晶;2)岩浆流体出溶和出溶流体演化(大致对应于矽卡岩化);和3)成矿热液活动(对应于铜金矿化)三个阶段。  相似文献   

桂东北里松花岗岩中暗色包体的岩浆混合成因   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
在桂东北姑婆山地区的里松花岗岩中,暗色包体广泛分布,包体的形貌、结构构造和矿物学特征表明,它们是岩浆快速冷凝结晶产物;主元素和微量元素组成说明它们属钾玄岩系列,其源岩具OIB型微量元素特征;包体与寄主花岗岩中锆石U-Pb年龄的相同性,排除了来源于深部固体岩石熔融残留体或浅部围岩捕虏体的可能性,而两种岩石化学成分、岩石结构暗色包体和寄主花岗岩在岩石结构和全岩Sr-Nd同位素组成方面的明显差别性,又排除了同源包体或析离体、堆积体的可能性。里松花岗岩在很多地质-地球化学特征上都介于里松暗色包体和姑婆山主体花岗岩之间,里松暗色包体的总体特征显示了岩浆混合成因,是里松暗色包体岩浆与姑婆山主体花岗岩岩浆发生混合时不完全混合的残留物。  相似文献   

铜陵中酸性侵入岩成因及锆石SHRIMP定年   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:8  
铜陵地区高钾钙碱性系列侵入岩包括辉长闪长岩+石英二长闪长岩+花岗闪长岩,橄榄安粗岩系列侵入岩包括辉石二长闪长岩+二长岩+石英二长岩。高钾钙碱性系列侵入岩中含有富云母包体和微粒闪长质包体以及镁铁质石英二长闪长质包体,与区内的铜(金)矿化关系密切;橄榄安粗岩系列岩体中含多种深源堆积岩包体,与金(铜)、银、铅、锌等矿化关系密切。锆石SHRIMP定年结果表明,石英二长闪长岩为140Ma左右,花岗闪长岩为142~146Ma,辉长闪长岩为143Ma,辉石二长闪长岩为138~142Ma,二长岩为143Ma,可见两个系列侵入岩的年龄既有一定的差别,也有一些重叠。岩石地球化学及包体岩石学研究表明,橄榄安粗岩系列岩石可能为幔源碱性玄武质岩浆分异后形成,高钾钙性系列岩石可能为分异的幔源岩浆与壳源岩浆混合后形成。  相似文献   

在岩相学和岩石地球化学研究的基础上,结合对主要造岩矿物辉石、长石和霞石的电子探针研究,揭示山西临县紫金山岩体成因。研究表明,紫金山岩体为一套富钾碱性-过碱性岩石。根据各期岩石中矿物组合,可将紫金山杂岩体7期岩石分为两种岩石系列:经典碱性岩浆系列和非经典碱性岩浆系列。经典碱性岩浆系列中均出现似长石(霞石或白榴石)和钾长石,而不出现斜长石,除第三期霓霞钛辉岩外均含霓辉石(钠质辉石);非经典碱性岩浆系列岩石中均出现透辉石(钙质辉石),而不出现似长石,部分期次岩石中出现斜长石。结合两个岩浆系列中全岩Sr-Nd同位素数据及区域地质资料,推测紫金山岩体成因为:吕梁地区中生代软流圈地幔的上涌及扰动促使来自软流圈、岩石圈地幔和下地壳物质部分熔融产生的岩浆发生多次不同比例的混合,所形成的各期混合岩浆分批上侵依次定位在地壳浅部环境形成7期岩石。因各期岩浆源区中所含壳源物质比例不同,故它们可分为具有不同矿物组合的两个岩石系列。  相似文献   

滇西马厂箐岩体及其中深源包体地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云南马厂箐岩体是滇西喜马拉雅期富碱侵入岩带的重要组成部分,具有高钾富碱的特征,属于高钾钙碱性或钾玄岩岩石系列。该岩体中首次发现镁铁质深源暗色包体,寄主岩及包体的对比研究为揭示富碱岩浆的性质、起源及成岩成矿的地球动力学机制提供了可靠的地质依据。包体大部分呈浑圆状或次圆状,微细粒结构,包体中含针状磷灰石,部分包体中含有寄主岩石中的钾长石和石英斑晶。包体及寄主岩的主量和微量元素协变图呈不同程度的直线变异关系,而且稀土、微量元素曲线形态相近,显示了包体和寄主岩在地球化学特征上既有相似性,又具有明显非同源性的特点。以上特征表明,马厂箐岩体中的暗色包体是壳幔岩浆混合的产物,幔源岩浆的混合注入是这套岩浆成矿的关键因素。  相似文献   

新疆西准噶尔地区克拉玛依花岗质岩体中发育大量闪长质微粒包体,并形成有岩浆混合成因的岩浆混合岩——石英闪长岩。包体成分主要为闪长质,显微镜下具有岩浆岩结构,岩浆混合特征十分明显,如:针状磷灰石,角闪石包裹辉石残晶,长石斑晶的溶蚀环带等特征。岩体中寄主岩石、岩浆混合岩、闪长质微粒包体、闪长玢岩脉分别代表岩浆混合演化过程中两端元岩浆按不同比例混合的产物。在岩石地球化学方面,包体与寄主岩石的主要氧化物之间具有良好的线性关系,寄主岩石和包体的稀土元素配分曲线和微量元素蛛网图形态相似;各种地球化学元素参数特征显示,寄主岩石与包体在岩石形成过程中发生过成分交换及均一化。特征元素比值及同位素等特征表明,闪长质包体的端元岩浆可能为幔源基性岩浆,寄主岩石的端元岩浆可能是以壳源为主的酸性岩浆。岩石地球化学特征进一步佐证了该区岩浆混合作用的存在,同时也暗示岩浆混合作用可能是新疆北部后碰撞过程中重要的岩浆活动形式。  相似文献   

滇西北独龙江花岗岩中浆混包体特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李向东  李俊  严城民 《云南地质》2005,24(4):427-433
班公湖-东巧-怒江结合带(南段)西侧的独龙江花岗岩可划分为2个序列。早期序列(龙岗不若序列)富含混杂包体和混成包体。前者包括(石英)辉长苏长岩、辉长岩及辉长辉绿(玢)岩;后者由闪长岩、石英闪长玢岩、安山岩、安山玄武岩组成。从地球化学特征看,这些岩石由同源岩浆分异,并与生成寄主岩石的酸性岩浆混合而成。地球化学图解判别,浆混包体属钙碱性玄武岩系列,形成于岛弧环境,与寄主岩石———龙岗不若序列的生成环境一致。该类包体的存在,进一步证明了独龙江花岗岩早期序列(龙岗不若序列)由壳幔混源岩浆形成。  相似文献   

江苏省东海、宁镇和苏州地区分布有若干分属于两类不同成因类型的花岗岩类岩体。在这些岩体的边部和顶部分布着许多形态极不规则、大小各异的暗色包体,它们的矿物组合、岩石化学和地球化学特征与主体岩石相似,为同源产物。包体中矿物的结晶粒度明显细于主体岩石,并含有大量因骤冷而晶出的针状磷灰石,且见不同程度的重熔现象。故它们是由于岩浆脉动上侵、挤碎并重熔的早期形成的岩体边缘相岩石,而不是早期火成岩和围岩捕虏体,也不是岩浆析离体和深源包体。  相似文献   

黑石山铜铅锌矿床位于东昆仑造山带中段的五龙沟地区,矿区内的石英二长岩-正长岩发育有暗色微粒包体,本研究在包体中发现了硫化物。锆石U-Pb定年显示,正长岩形成于239.4±1.0Ma,具有富Si和K,贫Mg、Cr、Ni,明显的Eu负异常,富集大离子亲石元素、亏损高场强元素,较为富集的Sr-Nd-Hf同位素特征。暗色微粒包体由斜长石和角闪石组成,可见角闪石堆晶,贫硅、富钙、铝、碱和铁,Mg#值为38.37,具有明显的Eu负异常,轻重稀土分馏弱。结合宿主正长岩和暗色包体的矿物成分相似性和岩相学特征,本文认为暗色微粒包体与正长岩来自同一个岩浆房,属于同源岩浆包体,是岩浆房早期分离结晶相,被中酸性岩脉携带上升至正长岩熔体中,一起侵位至浅部地壳。综合岩石地球化学、同位素和矿物成分,本文认为正长岩是下地壳含水镁铁质岩石在压力较低条件下部分熔融的产物。暗色微粒包体中发育硫化物,且包体岩浆的硫含量远高于正长岩岩浆,指示岩浆房的早期分离结晶相带走了硫,使残余熔体贫硫。  相似文献   

青阳岩体微粒包体及岩浆动力学特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
青阳岩体微粒包体的岩石学、矿物学、地球化学等方面的特征与寄主岩石既有相似性又有显著的差异。相似性表明了它们的亲缘关系,差异性反映了包体部分熔融残余体的属性。青阳岩体及微粒包体的岩浆动力学特征亦存在一定差异,这种差异揭示了包体在岩浆侵位过程中的运动状态。微粒包体特征为探讨岩浆岩成因提供了有意义的信息  相似文献   

黑龙江金厂金矿流体地球化学特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
通过对黑龙江省金厂金矿床内包裹体的研究,对比不同矿化程度岩石中包裹体特征,认识到矿化程度与岩浆-流体的演化程度有密切的关系。矿化主要为黄铁矿化,还见有黄铜矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿、毒砂等硫化物矿物,主要呈脉状、条带状及浸染状产出。矿化程度高的钻孔岩芯内,包裹体类型发育完整,流体包裹体、熔融包裹体、熔-流包裹体均有发现。进一步研究发现,矿化与岩浆的结晶分异作用、流体的沸腾作用及流体的混合作用关系密切。分异作用使成矿物质得到富集,沸腾与混合作用使矿质进一步富集并沉淀析出。  相似文献   

Data obtained on melt inclusions in Cr-spinel suggest a magmatic genesis of dunite in the Konder and Inagly placer-forming platiniferous massifs in the southeastern Siberian Platform. These data make it possible to evaluate the physicochemical parameters of the magmatic processes that produced these concentrically zoned alkaline-ultrabasic complexes. The comparative analysis of the composition of the Cr-spinel with inclusions highlights remarkable differences between this mineral in the Konder and Inagli massifs, on the one hand, and in ultramafic rocks in ophiolites and the modern oceanic crust, on the other. Minute clinopyroxene crystals included in Cr-spinel from the Konder Massif have a composition and configurations of their REE patterns contrastingly different from those of clinopyroxene in basite-hyperbasite complexes of ophiolite associations but are close to those of clinopyroxene in the Kytlym and Nizhnii Tagil platiniferous massifs in the Urals. The composition of the quenched melt inclusions suggests that the chromite crystallized predominantly from picrite alkaline magmas. The concentrations of most elements in the high-Mg inclusions are close to those in biotite-pyroxene alkaline picrites, a fact testifying to the significant contribution of ultrabasic (picrite) alkaline magmatic systems to the origin of the Konder and Inagli massifs. Ion-probe analyses of the inclusions suggest that the melts were rich in water (up to 0.6 wt %). Data on the distribution of REE and other trace elements in the inclusions provide evidence of the influence of a deep plume. Our simulations with the use of the composition of the melt inclusions suggest that dunite in the Konder and Inagli massifs were produced mainly by water-bearing magmas at temperatures of 1460–1300°C. As the melts evolved to less magnesian ones, olivine continued to crystallize from them until the temperature decreased to 1230°C.  相似文献   

胜利油田火山岩辉石中岩浆包裹体成分及有关成因问题   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
赫英  廖永胜 《地质论评》2000,46(6):638-644
对胜利油田火山岩中辉石及其中岩浆包裹体成分的研究表明:CO2气藏区和非CO2气藏区新生代火山岩辉石及其中岩浆包裹体成分有明显区别,前者中辉石为普通辉石,成分相对富SiO2,而贫Al2O3、TiO2、MgO和挥发成分;而后者中辉石为透辉石,成分相对贫SiO2和挥发份,而富Al2O3、TiO2和MgO。前者岩浆包裹体玻相中富含CO2,包裹体中的金属子矿物多为黄铁矿;而后者岩浆包裹体玻相中贫CO2;包裹  相似文献   

Types of polymerized molecular network structure and degree of bond breakdown for glass phases of magmatic inclusions and glassy matrix in volcanic rocks from the Shengli oilfield have been defined by the laser Raman spectroscopic investigation. There are significant differences in types of polymerized molecular network structure and degree of bond 'breakdown of the magmatic glass phases between the non-CO2 and COa gas pools: magmatic glass phases of fluid inclusions and matrix in volcanic rocks from the CO2 gas pool contain more sheet network molecules and have a greater degree of bond beakdown than those from the non-CO2 gas pool; and when gas bubbles occur in evolving magma, magma saturated with volatile components has more sheet network molecules. The results suggest the magma-degassing mechanism of the formation of CO2 gas pools in the Shengli oilfield.  相似文献   

铜陵地区是长江中、下游铁、铜、硫、金成矿带的重要组成部分。笔者对铜陵地区中酸性侵入岩及其岩石包体中的包裹体进行了较系统的岩相学、显微测温和激光拉曼光谱研究。通过岩相学观察发现了 3类包裹体 ,即晶质熔融包裹体、流体熔融包裹体和流体包裹体。显微测温资料表明 ,本区的岩浆流体成矿演化可分为 3个阶段 :岩浆阶段 ( >12 5 0~ 90 0℃± )、过渡岩浆阶段 ( 90 0~ 75 0℃± )和岩浆期后热液阶段 ( <75 0℃ )。部分熔浆的温度之高 (可达 12 5 0℃ ) ,表明其可能是底侵幔源岩浆同熔下地壳形成的。在老庙基岩体、小铜官山岩体、鸡冠石岩体和小陶家岩体中产有晶质熔融包裹体、流体熔融包裹体和流体包裹体这 3种包裹体 ,表明相应的岩浆流体演化具有连续性、继承性和阶段性 ,其对应的成矿溶液以岩浆热液为主 ;与此不同的是 ,在鸡冠山岩体和白芒山岩体中仅产有晶质熔融包裹体和流体包裹体两种类型的包裹体 ,表明相应的岩浆流体演化不具连续性 ,其对应的成矿溶液以天水热液为主。此外 ,在小铜官山岩体和鸡冠石岩体的中酸性侵入岩中 ,发现了不混溶包裹体 ,其可能是在压力释放条件下形成的。  相似文献   

对山西代县洪塘矿区富含红色和黑色两种金红石的直闪岩进行岩相观察和矿物成分分析,并就其中锆石在阴极发光下的外部形态、内部结构及矿物包裹体进行研究.所分选出的锆石按其颗粒上的相对位置、形态、阴极发光图像、SHRIMP年龄值以及内部矿物包裹体划分为复杂锆石和单成因锆石,其中复杂锆石由核部、幔部和边部锆石三类锆石组成.第1类锆石无环带,部分边缘可见溶蚀痕迹,为继承锆石.内部包裹富锾矿物组合顽火辉石+金云母,与寄主岩石的组合明显不同,反映其可能是寄主岩石形成之前保留于锆石中的原岩矿物并源于地幔.第Ⅱ类锆石为半自形-自形晶,环带较宽且清晰,推测为高级变质锆石.其内矿物包裹体主要为直闪石,其次为钙铁辉石(?),反映其形成于角闪岩相,与寄主岩石的矿物组合可能一致.第Ⅲ类锆石主要位于增生边,阴极发光亮度高,推测为流体改造的变质锆石.第Ⅳ类单成因锆石多呈自形,阴极发光下较暗,生长环带规则且较窄.矿物包裹体有钠长石+石英+白云母,对应中压绿片岩相,其形成温度和压力低于寄主岩石,它与第Ⅲ类锆石可能是在同一期后期事件中形成.结合岩相学研究结果,认为该区金红石矿床之原岩可能是岩浆岩,后期经历了至少两期构造热事件,早期热事件可能导致了锆石内U-Th-Pb体系的重置.以上研究结果表明经历复杂变质作用的变质岩中锆石内部矿物包裹体的研究分析还是探讨寄主岩石成因及所经历地质事件的有效手段.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the formation conditions of the Ary-Bulak ongonite massif (eastern Transbaikalia). Studies of melt and fluid inclusions have shown that, along with crystalline phases and a silicate melt, ongonitic magma contained aqueous–saline fluids of different types, fluoride melts compositionally similar to fluorite, sellaite, cryolite, chiolite, and more complex aluminum fluorides as well as silicate melts with abnormal Cs and As contents. An ongonite melt crystallized with the participation of P–Q fluids as vapor solutions, presumably NaF-containing and slightly admixed with chlorides. We studied the properties and composition of brine inclusions from Ca- and F-rich rocks on the margin of the massif. Depending on the thermophysical properties of the host rocks and ongonite melt, the duration of its crystallization has been estimated for a magma chamber of the size and shape of the Ary-Bulak massif. Magma chamber cooling has been modeled, and the density, viscosity, and Rayleigh number of the ongonite melt have been estimated from the composition of silicate glasses in melt inclusions. These data strongly suggest intense convection in the residual magma chamber lasting for centuries. We have calculated possible fluid overpressure during the crystallization and degassing of the ongonite melt in a closed magma chamber.Calcium- and fluorine-rich aphyric and porphyritic rocks on the southwestern margin of the massif might have formed by the following mechanism. Local decompression in the magma chamber quenched an oxygen-containing calcium fluoride melt accumulated at the crystallization front, and then these rocks altered during the interaction with fluids. When penetrating the marginal zone, a P–Q magmatic fluid which coexisted with the melt in the residual chamber cooled and changed its composition and properties. This caused the fluid to boil and segregate into immiscible phases: a vapor solution and a brine extremely rich in Cl, F, K, Cs, Mn, Fe, and Al. The fluoride and silicate liquids were immiscible; the silicate melts had abnormal Cs and As contents; changes in the composition and properties of the magmatic fluids caused them to boil and produce brines. All this is evidence for complex fluid–magma interaction and heterogeneous ongonitic magma during the crystallization of the Ary-Bulak rocks. These processes were favored by the low viscosity and high mobility of the F- and water-rich ongonite melt, intense melt convection in the residual chamber, and rising fluid pressure during its degassing.  相似文献   

The paper presents data on inclusions in minerals of the least modified potassic lamprophyres in a series of strongly carbonatized potassic alkaline ultramafic porphyritic rocks. The rocks consist of diopside, kaersutite, analcime, apatite, and rare phlogopite and titanite phenocrysts and a groundmass, which is made up, along with these minerals, of potassic feldspar and calcite. The diopside and kaersutite phenocrysts display unsystematic multiple zoning. Chemically and mineralogically, the rock is ultramafic foidite and most likely corresponds to monchiquite. Primary and secondary melt inclusions were found in diopside, kaersutite, apatite, and titanite phenocrysts and are classified into three types: sodic silicate inclusions with analcime, potassic silicate inclusions with potassic feldspar, and carbonate inclusions, which are dominated by calcite. Heating and homogenization of the inclusions show that the potassic lamprophyres crystallized from a heterogeneous magma, with consisted of mixing mafic sodic and potassic alkaline magmas enriched in a carbonatite component. The composition of the magmas was close to nepheline and leucite melanephelinite. The minerals crystallized at 1150–1090°C from the sodic melts and at 1200–1250°C from the potassic ones. The sodic mafic melts were richer in Fe than the potassic ones, were the richest in Al, Mn, SO3, Cl, and H2O and poorer in Ti and P. The potassic mafic melts were not lamproitic, as follows from the presence of albite in the crystallized primary potassic melt inclusions. The diopside, the first mineral to crystallize in the rock, started to crystallize in the magmatic chamber from sodic mafic melt and ended to crystallize from mixed sodic–potassic melts. The potassic mafic melts were multiply replenished in the chamber in relation to tectonic motions. The ascent of the melts to the surface and rapidly varying P–T parameters of the magma were favorable for multiple separations of carbonatite melts from the alkaline mafic ones and their mixing and mingling.  相似文献   

The ultramafic rocks of the Kan block, East Sayan, are confined mainly to the Idar greenstone belt. In terms of formational affiliation, they are subdivided into two groups: magmatic (Kingash Complex) and residual (Idar Complex) ones. The magmatic ultramafic rocks compose hypabyssal and subvolcanic bodies, which are represented by rocks of dunite-wehrlite-picrite association with cumulate textures. Uninterrupted chemical variations of the magmatic ultramafic rocks indicate subsequent magmatic differentiation of parental picritic melt in the intermediate deep-seated chambers and emplacement of its derivatives in the crystallization site. Differentiation leads to proportional increase of all rare-earth and other incompatible elements. The residual ultramafics occur as boudined dunite-harzburgite bodies showing metamorphic granoblastic textures. They have more homogenous chemical composition close to those of ophiolite complexes, which represent strongly depleted mantle rocks brought to the upper lithospheric levels via deep-seated thrusts. Residual ultramafics differ from magmatic rocks in notably lower contents of some trace and rare earth elements.  相似文献   

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