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众所周知,医疗矿水是由溶解态的无机物质和有机化合物、气体、胶体、微生物以及其它至今尚未确定的化合物所组成的复杂体系。在前苏联(现独联体),有机物质含量较高的矿  相似文献   

煤中有机化合物的结构及其成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤作为非均质体,结构和化学组成十分复杂。它的原始物质主要是木质素,萜类化合物,脂肪酸以及少量碳水化台物,蛋白质等不同类型有机化合物。煤是由物化性质明显不同的三种组分组成,即单体成分一可溶于有机溶剂,通常为生物成因,可用气相色谱和色质联用鉴定,聚合组分一可溶于有机溶剂,但由于其高分子量和高沸点,不易用色谱和质谱分析,网状连接的聚合结构则不溶于有机溶剂。  相似文献   

生物标志化合物(或称分子化学)系指地质体中产出的特征有机化合物,由于它们具有生物体有机化合物的基本分子骨架,而能提供生物输入、沉积环境与成岩变化等多方面信息。生物标志物研究已成为当代有机地球化学的生长点,即分子有机地球化学。八十年代以来分子有机地化已在国外石油勘探中发挥重要作用,如应用生物标志物进行油源对比、成熟度判别、母质类型与生物输入的确定、生物降解油与重油研究,以及探讨石油的原生运移等。我国分子有机地球化学研究起步较晚,但在油气勘探应用中已经取得显著成效。  相似文献   

为评价淮河水体有机污染物对流域人民健康和经济发展的影响,建立了一套有机化合物浓度分析、有机物导致人体健康损失的评估以及相应的经济损失计算的方法。首先建立了表面水体中半挥发性有机化合物(SVOC)浓度水平的分析方法,对淮河(江苏段)进行采样分析。结果表明,该河段水体共检出33种半挥发性有机化合物(SVOC),部分多环芳烃、取代苯等具有较高浓度,所有检出化合物均属于美国环境保护局(US EPA)的优先控制污染物。为讨论水体有毒化合物对人体健康损害的经济损失,提出一种判断此类物质导致人体重大疾病发生概率的方法,并估算了检测河段范围内典型区域相应的健康损失及其占GDP的比例。结果显示,SVOC导致的2002和2003年的经济损失分别占当地当年GDP的0.876‰~2.22‰和0.684‰~2.25‰。最后,提出了减少水体优先控制污染物导致经济损失的相应建议。  相似文献   

非烃地球化学及其应用概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非烃类生物标志化合物或分子标志化合物是含氧、硫、氮杂原子的有机化合物,每一个饱和烃生物标志化合物可能有多个骨架相似的含氧、硫、氮杂原子的非烃类生物标志化合物,迄今,饱和烃中常见生物标志化合物的非烃类型大都已能被识别.它们被广泛应用于石油成因理论研究和烃类生物标志物的生源研究,近十几年来,它们尚被应用于研究油藏地球化学, 原油的二次运移,古环境、古气候等领域,近年来,非烃中的生物标志化合物还有被用于油 -油对比和用键合在沥青质中生物标志化合物探索严重生物降解油油源的报道,总之,非烃地球化学应用范围不断得到扩展而日益受到重视.  相似文献   

土壤中有着大量的土壤微生物,它对土壤的形成和創造土壤肥力起着重要作用。土壤微生物(如細菌、真菌等)在土壤中将动植物遺体进行分解,形成簡单的矿质化合物和有机化合物(腐植质),以供食物生长发育之用。土壤微生物按其性质可分为:  相似文献   

非烃类生物标志化合物或分子标志化合物是含氧、硫、氮杂原子的有机化合物,每一个饱和烃生物标志化合物可能有多个骨架相似的含氧、硫、氮杂原子的非烃类生物标志化合物,迄今,饱和烃中常见生物标志化合物的非烃类型大都已能被识别。它们被广泛应用于石油成因理论研究和烃类生物标志物的生源研究,近十几年来,它们尚被应用于研究油藏地球化学,原油的二次运移,古环境、古气候等领域,近年来,非烃中的生物标志化合物还有被用于油一油对比和用键合在沥青质中生物标志化合物探索严重生物降解油油源的报道,总之,非烃地球化学应用范围不断得到扩展而日益受到重视。  相似文献   

据有关方面报导,最近日本大阪大学研究人员把有机化合物“环糊精”与无机硅化合物结合在一起,加以烧结,制做出了具有新物质特性的纳米材料。“环糊精”是一种由六至八个葡萄糖分子连接而成的环状有机化合物。大阪大学教授原田明等人把由8个葡萄糖分子连接起来的“咖马-环糊精”水溶液与无机化合物聚硅氧烷混合,再用超声波加以振动,结果发现环状的“环糊精”以糖葫芦串的形式与聚硅氧烷融合在一起,并形成结晶沉淀下来。研究人员说,如果再对这种有机-无机复合物质进行烧结,其中的碳和氢被燃烧掉后,就会在纳米级别上合成氧化物陶瓷…  相似文献   

土壤和水体环境中矿物-腐殖质交互作用的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
矿物-腐殖质间的交互作用是土壤和水体沉积物及悬浮颗粒物中环境物质的重要界面过程。不管是氮、磷植物性营养元素还是有毒的重金属、有机物,它们在表生环境中的迁移转化与归趋受到矿物、腐殖质及其复合体的表面活性和迁移性的调控。矿物-腐殖质体系的界面作用研究是前沿性的研究领域,主要目的是揭示矿物-腐殖质复合体的结构特性(例如颗粒物的圈层结构与表面微形貌)及其与颗粒物表面活性的关系,进而揭示土壤和水体环境中矿物-腐殖质间的交互作用规律。本文对该领域的研究现状进行评述,并提出未来可能的发展趋势。  相似文献   

铂族元素系指元素周期表中第八族的铂、铱、锇、钌、铑、钯六个稀贵金属,我国俗称白金.根据其原子重量和比重大小可分为轻、重两个亚族(表1).  相似文献   

Gas chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry data on oils from wells and seeps in the Eastern Kamchatka Basin indicate that, according to their composition and the distributions of biomarker molecules, these oils can be classified into three groups, which differ in the composition of the parent organic matter, litho–facies sedimentation conditions, and catagenetic transformations. Oils from the wells were determined to be produced by organic matter of the sapropel type of marine facies in the main oil window (MC2). Condensate from the natural seep was generated at higher catagenesis grades (MC2–3) by organic matter of the sapropel–humus type of littoral facies. Uzon oil shows are demonstrated to be formed in a continental environment by organic matter of the humus–sapropel type and were not genetically related to oil from the Paleogene–Neogene source rocks of the Bogachevka Formation.  相似文献   

Olga A. Chichagova 《GeoJournal》1995,36(2-3):207-212
The paper presents methods for the study of the organic matter content (OM) of Pleistocene and Holocene paleosols. Paleosols of various age from the Russian Plain and Western Siberia were studied for their humus composition and physico-chemical properties. The permanent features of humus in paleosols useful for paleogeographical reconstruction and geoecological monitoring are separated from those criteria which are typical of the natural evolution of OM on the geological timescale.  相似文献   

High concentrations of metals in organic matter can inhibit decomposition and limit nutrient availability in ecosystems, but the long-term fate of metals bound to forest litter is poorly understood. Controlled experiments indicate that during the first few years of litter decay, Al, Fe, Pb, and other metals that form stable complexes with organic matter are naturally enriched by several hundred percent as carbon is oxidized. The transformation of fresh litter to humus takes decades, however, such that current datasets describing the accumulation and release of metals in decomposing organic matter are timescale limited. Here we use atmospheric 210Pb to quantify the fate of metals in canopy-derived litter during burial and decay in coniferous forests in New England and Norway where decomposition rates are slow and physical soil mixing is minimal. We measure 210Pb inventories in the O horizon and mineral soil and calculate a 60-630 year timescale for the production of mobile organo-metallic colloids from the decomposition of fresh forest detritus. This production rate is slowest at our highest elevation (∼1000 m) and highest latitude sites (>63°N) where decomposition rates are expected to be low.We calculate soil layer ages by assuming a constant supply of atmospheric 210Pb and find that they are consistent with the distribution of geochemical tracers from weapons fallout, air pollution, and a direct 207Pb application at one site. By quantifying a gradient of organic matter ages with depth in the O horizon, we describe the accumulation and loss of metals in the soil profile as organic matter transforms from fresh litter to humus. While decomposition experiments predict that Al and Fe concentrations increase during the initial few years of decay, we show here that these metals continue to accumulate in humus for decades, and that enrichment occurs at a rate higher than can be explained by quantitative retention during decomposition alone. Acid extractable Al and Fe concentrations are higher in the humus layer of the O horizon than in the mineral soil immediately beneath this layer: it is therefore unlikely that physical soil mixing introduces significant Al and Fe to humus. This continuous enrichment of Al and Fe over time may best be explained by the recent suggestion that metals are mined from deeper horizons and brought into the O horizon via mycorrhizal plants. In sharp contrast to Al and Fe, we find that Mn concentrations in decomposing litter layers decrease exponentially with age, presumably because of leaching or rapid uptake, which may explain the low levels of acid extractable Mn in the mineral soil. This study quantifies how metals are enriched and lost in decomposing organic matter over a longer timescale than previous studies have been able to characterize. We also put new limits on the rate at which metals in litter become mobile organo-metallic complexes that can migrate to deeper soil horizons or surface waters.  相似文献   

Surface soil and sediment samples collected along a forest-brackish marsh-salt marsh transect in a southeastern U.S. estuary were separated into three different fractions (sand, macro-organic matter, and humus) based on size and density. Elemental, stable carbon isotope, and lignin analyses of these samples reveal important contrasts in the quantity, composition, and sources of organic matter, between forest and marsh sites. Elevated nitrogen contents in humus samples suggest nitrogen incorporation during humification is most extensive in forest soils relative to the marsh sites. The lignin compositions of the macro-organic and humus samples reflect the predominant type of vegetation at each site. Lignin phenol ratios indicate that woody and nonwoody litter from, gymnosperm and angiosperms trees (pines and oaks) is the major source of vascular plant-derived organic matter in the forest site and that angiosperm, grasses (Juncus andSpartina) are the major sources of lignin at the marsh sites. The phenol distributions also reveal that oxidative degradation of lignin is most extensive in the forest and brackish marsh zones whereas little lignin decay occurs in the salt marsh samples. In forest soils, most organic matter originates from highly altered forest vegetation while at the brackish marsh site organic matter is a mixture of degradedJuncus materials and microbial/algal remains. Organic matter in the salt marsh appears to be composed of a more complex mixture of sources, including degradedSpartina detritus as well as algal and microbial inputs. Microbial methane oxidation appears to be an important process and a source of13C depleted organic carbon in subsurface sediments at this site.  相似文献   

生物─热催化过渡带油气关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文在辽河盆地原油和天然气之间碳氢同位素关系研究的基础上,系统地研究了中国生物─热催化过渡带油气的地球化学特征,特别是它们之间同位素组成关系,划分出油气的不同组合类型,从而证明生物─热催化过渡带油气的自生自储特征,认为过渡带是油气形成聚集的重要垂向演化层段。同时为完善烃类形成的多源复合和多阶连续提供了佐证。  相似文献   

The role of organic ligands in metal complexing in natural waters has received little attention because of uncertainties regarding both the abundance and nature of dissolved organic carbon compounds. Recent data show that the bulk of dissolved organic matter in natural waters consists of highly oxidized and chemically and biologically stable polymeric compounds closely resembling soil humic substances. Average molar concentrations of these aquatic humics in major U.S. rivers range from 5 × 10?6to 3 × 10?5 moles 1?1. Fractional elution of soil organic matter by meteoric waters may be considered to be the main process contributing to the presence of humic matter in rivers. The aquatic humic polymers participate in complex formation through ionizable functional groups with a range of differential acidities. The stabilities of metal-humic complexes in natural waters are higher than those of the corresponding inorganic metal complexes. Quantitative evaluation of the metal-organic interactions can be approached by applying variable equilibrium functions which take into account the differential physico-chemical characteristics of the active complexing sites on the polymer molecule. Assuming an average humic concentration of 10 mg 1?1, complexation of trace metals can be significant even in the presence of excess concentrations of major cations.  相似文献   

探索土壤有机碳物理保护与化学保护的关系,有助于揭示土壤固碳和培肥机理,明确不同粒级团聚体和不同腐殖物质组分对土壤固碳和肥力的贡献。本研究对岩溶区自然植被土壤团聚体中腐殖质含量进行了研究,结果表明:(1)灌丛和林地土壤团聚体中有机碳含量总体上均表现为随着土层深度的增加逐渐下降,而在不同土层深度随着团聚体粒径范围的变化则有机碳含量的变化规律则不同,无明显一致的规律;(2)两种土地利用方式各粒径团聚体中胡敏酸和富里酸均比全土小。这可能是由于在湿筛分离团聚体的过程中溶于水的那部分胡敏酸和富里酸成分被损失掉;(3)各腐殖质组分随着团聚体粒径范围的减小在两种自然植被上均无明显一致的规律,但胡敏酸和富里酸总量则基本表现为随着团聚体粒径范围的减小而逐渐升高,即在0.25mm和0.5~0.25mm粒径范围团聚体中最大;(4)两种自然植被土壤各土层中和各团聚体中胡敏酸/富里酸(HA/FA)基本上表现为小于1,这主要是因为研究区温度相对较高,湿度较大,植被覆盖度大,微生物降解作用强所致。  相似文献   

Uranium is so intimately associated with carbonaceous matter in marine black shales and some sands tone-type uranium deposits that it is said to be “fixed” by organic matter. But different kinds of organic matter are not of equal importance in the geochemistry of uranium. The nature and origin of organic matter in uranium deposits and its role in the transport and concentration of uranium are different from place to place. The reason why uranium is closely associated with certain types of organic matter (for example, humus or bitumen) is described in this paper from geochemical viewpoint. Many uranium deposits and uranium occurrences have been found both at home and abroad. The distribution and existing forms of uranium in these deposits, and the concentration of uranium and element association in the ore are directly or indirectly related to organic matter. This paper is intended to discuss the types of natural organic matter and the mechanism of uranium transport and enrichment by organic matter, on the basis of author’s research work in conjunction with previous data.  相似文献   

The erosion of rocks rich in organic matter typically leads to the complete mineralization of the organic material. However, in some cases, it is re-deposited to become a part of sediments once more. This process should be considered to be a part of global carbon cycle, possibly much more significant than assumed to-date. The research presented here aims to characterize re-worked organic matter occurring in post-glacial sediments of southern part of Poland, in the Oder river valley (the Racibórz town region, Miocene, Pleistocene and Holocene age). Organic substances extracted from the sediments originated from organic matter that had resided in rocks eroded by glaciers. Sediments were sampled in two boreholes which sediments were correlated. Sediments were extracted and extracts analyzed with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to assess distributions of biomarker groups. Organic matter of selected samples was pre-concentrated and analyzed with Py/GC-MS. In the extracts several biomarker parameters of source/environment and thermal maturity were calculated. Organic substances in the investigated sediments come from variable re-deposited organic matter occurring in rocks eroded by glaciers. Three main parent types of re-deposited organic material are identified showing variable geochemical features: 1) organic matter of recent or almost recent age being the source of polar labile compounds; probably formed in situ, 2) re-deposited organic matter of the middle diagenesis showing features similar to lignites (huminite reflectance Rf ~ 0.25–0.35%) deriving from angiosperm remains, mainly monocotyledons and to the lower extend also deciduous trees, 3) re-deposited organic matter at the middle catagenesis (Rf ~ 0.65–0.75%) being the source of most of aromatic hydrocarbons and biomarkers such as steranes, hopanes of the more thermally advanced distribution type. Its geochemical properties and assumed directions of sediment transport indicate bituminous coals of Upper Silesian Coal Basin together with coaly shales as a possible source of this organic matter. Such mixed origin of organic matter caused large discrepancies in values of thermal maturity parameters depending on input from the particular sources and occurrence both geochemical biomarkers and their biochemical precursors in the same samples.  相似文献   

孔牧  杨少平  刘应汉 《物探与化探》2003,27(6):452-454,461
在东北森林沼泽区的几个矿区(点)上,通过以泥炭、腐殖层土壤为采样介质的区域化探异常追踪查证方法技术试验研究,发现Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn等主要成矿元素的测量结果与水系碎屑沉积物、残坡积物的基本一致,对矿体均有良好的反映.研究结果表明在这类景观区化探找矿工作中有机质是可以利用的.  相似文献   

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