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大别山南缘月山岩体构造变形特征及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锆石U-Pb年龄表明鄂东月山岩体是一个古老花岗岩经后期重熔并于燕山中期(139Ma)侵入的花岗岩体,角闪石压力计得出侵位深度达24.5km.宏观构造、应变测量和石英C轴组构分析得出,月山岩体在深层侵位过程中受到NW-SE伸展和垂向挤压的区域应力作用.在南大别山分布众多类似岩体,从而表明在燕山中期,由NW-SE向的区域伸展体制控制南大别山的构造发展.   相似文献   

南岭九龙脑矿田淘锡坑钨矿是赣南地区典型的石英脉型黑钨矿床,受断裂构造与花岗岩体控制。本文通过8个中段坑道填图,结合地表钻和坑内钻揭露,对含矿石英脉、矿脉组、矿体以及成矿花岗岩体的几何形态、结构构造进行仔细观测,统计矿脉及成矿后断裂产状并进行构造解析。淘锡坑黑钨矿石英脉矿体整体呈平直长板状,具有尖灭侧现,单脉之间以左行斜列为主,而矿脉组呈菱形网格状排列等特征;花岗岩体呈矩形块状、阶梯状。岩突以顶蚀和岩墙扩展两种方式由南东向北西侵位。矿床为多期多阶段的成岩成矿,断裂对花岗岩的侵位与成矿起到主导控制作用。本文综合分析并构建了淘锡坑钨矿构造-岩浆的成矿演化模式,即区域构造应力作用生成共轭断裂构造网格体系,然后岩浆侵位上拱被共轭断裂切割的"几何体"围岩移位而侵位,并沿共轭断裂体系内充填云英岩脉、含矿石英脉体,完成一次成岩成矿作用;区域构造再次活动使围岩与花岗岩体发生断裂,并再次诱导岩浆侵位,在早期花岗岩体和围岩内断裂中形成矿体和云英岩脉体,从而形成内带和外带含矿石英脉;成岩成矿后区域构造小规模错动、破坏岩脉与矿脉,但未改变岩脉矿脉的整体展布。  相似文献   

湖南大新金矿床构造控矿特征及矿床成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖南大新金矿床位于湘中白马山-龙山东西向成矿带中部的大乘山穹隆北东端。受区域基底断裂的分割与挟持,及其下伏岩浆活动的上侵作用,穹隆核部震旦系江口组地层发生脆性断裂,从而为成矿提供了导矿和容矿构造,矿区矿脉严格受NE、NW、近SN向三组断裂控制。矿床为破碎蚀变岩夹石英脉型金矿床,含矿热液沿断裂破碎带充填交代而成矿。  相似文献   

大别山双河片麻状花岗岩岩体石英组构特征及应变分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对大别山双河片麻状花岗岩岩体中的石英C轴组构、黑云母(001)解理极点和石英颗粒三维应变分别进行系统测量。结果显示,双河岩体在侵位和后期演化过程中以挤压变形为特点,岩体经过NW-SE向和NE-SW向两次挤压,NW-SE向挤压强度较大,奠定了岩体基本的构造形态。结合区域应力场特征分析得出,双河岩体在早三叠世至早侏罗世应力方位为NW-SE向挤压,中侏罗世及后期为NE-SW向挤压,应力场发生顺时针变化。   相似文献   

河北承德大庙铁矿床地质构造特征与找矿预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大庙斜长岩杂岩体位于华北克拉通北缘,是我国唯一岩体型斜长岩杂岩体,赋存了丰富的Fe-Ti-P矿床.对该杂岩体的岩石学、矿床成因研究已经较为深入,但是矿田构造研究较为薄弱.本文主要从大庙矿床地质特征分析入手,通过控矿构造分析和成矿期构造应力场的恢复,结合成矿特征分析,建立大庙矿床找矿预测模型,开展找矿预测.在大庙杂岩体内,先后找到了大庙、黑山、马营和罗锅子沟等中—大型矿床,它们都具有典型的岩浆矿床特征,具有岩浆熔离、分异和贯入式成矿特征;系统的野外地质调查和翔实的构造解析表明,大庙杂岩体的侵位受控于EW向隆化-平泉和大庙-红石砬子的断裂构造,杂岩体内NE和NW向两组断裂构造控制了杂岩体内铁-铁磷矿带的发育,NS向断裂则主要为成矿后构造,往往错断了铁矿体.在黑山矿区,野外观测发现含矿苏长岩利用了固结斜长岩中发育的节理,呈脉状贯入,在节理交汇部位铁矿体变大变富;通过节理和矿脉走向的详细测量和吴氏网统计分析,推测大庙矿区成矿期含矿苏长岩的侵位受控于区域上近似NS向的挤压应力作用.根据大庙杂岩体的岩浆侵位时代、岩相-矿体的接触关系、控矿构造和成矿特征,复原了大庙杂岩体的成矿-构造演化过程:最早期区域构造活动控制了斜长岩的侵位,没有发生矿化;苏长岩的侵位,伴随发生了早期的结晶分凝式矿化;块状苏长岩的侵位导致了晚期的熔离-贯入式矿化的形成;成矿期后,大庙杂岩体还经历了多期次的构造变动、抬升和剥蚀.在此基础上,建立了大庙铁矿床的找矿预测模型,并系统分析了大庙矿田不同矿区的深部和外围的找矿潜力,认为黑山和大庙矿区的深部、黑山矿区东侧和北侧、大庙杂岩体的东部边缘可能被中生界覆盖的区域等地段都具有很好的找矿空间,大庙矿区铁矿资源潜力巨大.  相似文献   

广宁春水钼矿矿化蚀变受裂隙控制明显。含矿脉体广泛发育,局部集中分布,方向性明显,走向以NE、NNE向为主;含矿脉体类型初步分为网脉型、细脉型和大脉型三种,以细脉型矿化较好。裂隙成因初步分析为岩浆自身应力和区域挤压应力共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

辽宁丹东五龙一带金矿床成矿模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程培起 《地质与资源》2015,24(4):332-335
五龙一带金矿床处于五龙-古楼子金远景区内,其围岩主要岩性为片麻状花岗岩.块状硫化物脉的产出严格受北北东和北西西向两组断裂构造的控制.矿区内金矿脉及与其伴生的岩脉的稀土元素球粒陨石标准化的曲线分布形式基本一致.矿床成因类型应属中低温热液充填石英脉型金矿.早期闪长岩岩浆膨胀式底辟侵位,并沿围岩构造裂隙形成充填,形成闪长玢岩脉.晚期Au的流体沿复活的早期(充填闪长玢岩)的裂隙及新生的构造裂隙充填形成含金硫化物石英脉.  相似文献   

<正>西冲钼矿位于安徽省岳西县,大地构造属于大别造山带;矿区主要钼矿化主要呈浸染状和细脉状产于石英二长岩和细粒花岗岩中。本文通过野外地质调研、岩矿相以及锆石U-Pb年代学研究对矿区最晚侵位的双峰式脉岩组合的岩石学、侵位时代及成岩背景进行了初步的探讨。1地质概况矿区大面积被灰白色、淡肉红色的石英二长岩覆盖,局部沟谷处受第四系覆盖。除石英二长  相似文献   

文章通过对东安锑矿区的共轭节理进行统计分析,结合矿区地质特征和区域构造演化历史,确定了矿区构造应力场演化和构造控矿特征。矿区构造应力场可以划分为五期。第一期为加里东期近SN向挤压,形成牛头寨NE向基底褶皱和同期NE-NNE向断裂,以及近SN向F_1断裂的雏形。第二期为印支期近EW向水平挤压,共轭节理为NE和NNW向,形成了以近SN向的牛头寨复式背斜和区域性F_1断裂为主体的构造格架,以及小牛头寨NW向断裂和继承早期NNE向断裂发育的断裂构造。第三期为燕山早期近SN向水平挤压,共轭节理为NE和NW向;F_1、NNE向断裂整体处于挤压状态。前述三期构造形成了矿区近SN向构造骨架,以及配套的断裂、节理等成矿前构造。第四期为燕山晚期NW-SE向伸展,共轭节理为NE和NWW向;NE向组继承前期节理;F_1、NNE、NNW、NW向断裂此时成为矿液运移通道和容矿场所。第五期构造变形发生在第四纪,为NW-SE向水平挤压,共轭剪节理为NWW和NNW向;此期断裂为成矿后断裂,它们错断矿脉、矿脉被抬升剥蚀后出露地表。  相似文献   

湖南湘东钨矿含矿石英脉辉钼矿Re-Os定年及地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湘东钨矿是一个典型的石英脉型钨锡多金属矿床,发育百余条含矿石英脉,矿脉陡立,从北到南走向呈NE、NEE和EW向,反映了矿脉形成时处于近NW-SE向区域拉伸状态。矿区内的老山坳断层分割了重要的南、北两组矿脉。北组脉具有毒砂-黄铜矿-黑钨矿等矿物组合,富含金属硫化物,多具有平行脉壁的条带状构造;南组脉则主要体现辉钼矿-黑钨矿-黄铜矿-闪锌矿-方铅矿等矿物组合,金属硫化物含量较少,具有块状构造。本次研究通过对南组脉辉钼矿Re-Os同位素测年,获得等时线年龄为150.4±1.5 Ma(MSWD=0.52),模式年龄加权平均值为150.7±2.3 Ma(MSWD=0.10),代表成矿时间。含矿石英脉的形成略晚于区内燕山期二云母花岗岩(154.4±2.2 Ma)和煌斑岩(152.1±0.9 Ma)的侵位,指示含矿石英脉在成因上与燕山早期岩浆活动密切相关。事实上,包括湘东钨矿在内的南岭钨锡多金属成矿省均形成于165~150 Ma期间,具有统一的地球动力学背景,即由太平洋板块俯冲和俯冲板片断离所引起的弧后伸展环境。  相似文献   

内蒙古大井矿床是我国北方一个重要的锡多金属矿床,矿区浅成-超浅成岩脉发育,并与矿脉密切共生。前人的年代学研究结果显示矿区岩脉与矿脉同属于燕山中晚期岩浆热液活动的产物,因此该矿床成因被定为与矿区次火山岩脉有关的热液脉型矿床。本文通过选取矿区分布最广,且与矿脉相伴出现的霏细岩脉和英安斑岩脉进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年,结果表明两个英安斑岩脉样品DJ-7和YX-20的形成年龄分别为240±1Ma和239±1Ma,而霏细岩脉样品DJ-1的形成年龄为162±1Ma。因此,矿区岩脉至少形成于两个不同时代,即印支早期和燕山中期。结合前人在区域上的研究成果分析,认为英安斑岩脉和霏细岩脉形成的构造背景分别为同造山-后造山转换阶段和造山后的伸展阶段。因为该矿床的成矿年龄可以确定在140Ma左右,所以本文认为矿区岩脉的形成与矿床的形成并无直接关系,只是为后者提供了有利的就位空间。  相似文献   

闹阳坪锌萤石矿床位于北大巴山逆冲推覆褶皱带平利隆起东侧,为该区首次发现的受构造裂隙控制的气水–热液型锌萤石矿床。本文从矿区断裂入手,通过对该区矿床地质、断裂特征、矿体特征的研究,总结了该区断裂的演化序列及其对成矿的控制机制与规律。认为NW-SE向断裂组是矿区的主要控矿构造,矿区断裂变形发育演化序列为晚印支–早燕山期形成近EW向断裂F1,早燕山期形成NW-SE向断裂F7和NE-SW向断裂F4,随后的右行走滑作用叠加有张扭性应力,形成有利于成矿热液运移充填成矿的张扭性右行走滑断裂。并明确了成矿期应变椭球体,恢复了成矿期主压应力方向为NNW向(340°~350°)。在此基础上,预测平面上闹阳坪矿区F7与F8断裂之间为下一步找矿重点地段,剖面上K3萤石矿体下伏北东方向可能存在隐伏矿体。  相似文献   

河北三家金矿区构造研究及找矿方向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
文章论述了青龙县三家金矿区构造特征、矿床特征、矿床与断裂构造的成因联系。在多种手段综合研究的基础上,指出了矿区导矿构造和容矿构造,提出了本区中生代的三期主要构造应力场,强调了矿区内局部应力场与相应方向的优势节理相配合是本区金矿床形成的主要模式。在综合分析各项研究成果的基础上提出了本区控矿因素及找矿方向。  相似文献   

查查香卡铀多金属矿床是青海省探明的第一个中型硬岩型U-Th-Nb-LREE矿床.为进一步明确矿床成因,文章在详细描述矿床地质特征的基础上,使用LA-ICP-MS对钠长岩脉中锆石进行U-Pb定年,同时对钠长岩脉和不同矿化强度斜长角闪片岩的岩石学、矿物学和地球化学研究.测试和研究结果表明,该矿床是与钠长岩脉有关的岩浆型铀多金属矿床,其成岩成矿年龄为(401.7±6.3)Ma,矿石的微量和稀土元素特征与钠长岩脉更为相似.文章认为钠长岩脉是在柴达木盆地北缘早古生代造山作用结束后的板内环境中,由深部富集地幔低程度部分熔融形成.矿区西部具有钠长岩脉型铀多金属矿的找矿潜力,而东部则有可能发现岩体型矿体,具有更大的找矿潜力.  相似文献   

工准噶尔库布苏金矿床岩脉与金矿成因关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
高怀忠  孙华山 《岩石学报》2000,16(4):595-601
库布苏金矿床的三个金矿带均产于闪长玢岩和花岗闪长斑岩内。为了研究这些岩脉与金矿的成因关系,测定了含金石英脉中英流体包裹体均一温度、成分、盐度和H2O的氢氧同位素,分析了含英脉和相关脉岩及围岩的稀土元素及微量元素,发现石英流体包裹体属有较高的均一温度、低盐度、富CO2的还原性流体,其阳离子组合为Ca^2+〉Na^+〉K^+或Na^+〉K^+〉Mg^2+,阴离子组合属Cl^1〉SO4^2-〉F^-型,  相似文献   

王辉  任云生  牛军平  鞠楠 《世界地质》2010,29(4):601-606
四平三家子钨矿床是近年来在东北地区发现的一个矽卡岩型白钨矿矿床。矿区内脉岩发育,闪长玢岩脉空间上控制着钨矿体的产出,与钨矿化空间关系密切,是该区重要的找矿标志。该闪长玢岩为成矿前脉岩。结合闪长玢岩、成矿花岗岩体以及钨矿石的微量元素、稀土元素分析,认为三家子钨矿区内的闪长玢岩脉与成矿花岗岩体、钨矿石主要微量元素含量具有一定的相似性,稀土元素组成具有可比性,成因上应属同源关系。  相似文献   

文章采用LA-ICP-MS测试技术对下庄矿田335矿床的沥青铀矿开展了U-Pb微区定年工作.335矿床沥青铀矿的成分特征及微观形貌特征显示,本区沥青铀矿在初始形成之后受到过后期的一些地质事件的影响.本次获得沥青铀矿的最大年龄为(93.5±1.2) Ma.结合华南岩石圈伸展发生的时间、辉绿岩脉对铀矿的控制作用及矿区内辉绿...  相似文献   

U–Pb SHRIMP analyses of zircons from various lithologies and ore bodies of the Felbertal scheelite deposit (western and eastern ore field) and neighbouring areas allow the reconstruction of the pre-Alpine magmatic and metamorphic processes responsible for the tungsten mineralization. The ore deposit belongs to the Magmatic Rock Formation, which is tectonically squeezed between the Habach Phyllite Formation and the Basal Schist Formation (all members of the Habach Group). In both the eastern and western ore field, the pre-mineralization geological processes are marked by the emplacement of basalts (547±27?Ma). Ensialic back-arc extension provided pathways for gabbroic and pyroxenitic melts as well as normal "I-type" granitoids (minimum crystallization age of 529±18?Ma). The rock assemblage forms a magmatic arc on an approximately 2?Ga continental Gondwana (?) margin. Post-emplacement tectonism and metamorphism have converted the basalts to fine-grained amphibolites, the gabbroic and pyroxenitic rocks to coarse-grained amphibolites and hornblendites, and the granitoids to leucocratic orthogneisses, respectively. Tungsten mineralization is intimately related to small patches and dikes of differentiated granitoids in the eastern ore field and the K2 ore body in the western ore field. The granitic melts have supposedly been generated by ongoing differentiation of calcalkaline magmas. They cut the older lithologies and intruded along the same pathways as the earlier melts. Fluids have been carried up along a major line in the eastern ore field. They caused the formation of an elongate ore body with a scheelite-quartz stockwork zone (scheelite-bearing quartz veinlets and veins) and an overlying, likewise elongate, 900-m-long, scheelite-rich quartzite lens. In the western ore field, accompanying fluids produced the K2 ore body. In this ore body, an eruption breccia occurs above a mineralized quartzite. The breccia (younger than 529±18?Ma) contains mineralized quartzite clasts as well as barren fine-grained amphibolite clasts and leucocratic orthogneiss-clasts that are similar to the surrounding host rock equivalents. The quartzite, which represents the main mineralization stage of the K2 ore body, is unsuitable for dating. However, the scheelite-rich quartzite lens of the eastern ore field is probably coeval. This lens locally lies on top of a differentiated and strongly mineralized gneiss. The crystallization age of this gneiss is 529±17?Ma, and marks the peak of tungsten input in the eastern ore field. Small, differentiated granitic dikes, which cut both the K2 eruption breccia and the K2 quartzite in the western ore field, contain only minor scheelite and mark a decrease in mineralization at 519±14?Ma. Thus, a period between 530 and 520?Ma and a setting between magmatic arc and (ensialic) back-arc may properly explain the likely scenario for the primary tungsten input (stage-1 scheelite) by differentiated granitic melts of calcalkaline character. Surprisingly, a second stage-2 scheelite formation was induced in the western ore field by a Variscan granite intrusion (K1–K3 gneiss; 336±19?Ma), the emplacement time of which is pre-dated by a cross-cutting dacitic dike of 340±5?Ma. This mineralization, which occurs in small quartz veins and within a quartz aureole atop the intrusion as well as an even younger mineralization in shear zones (yellowish-fluorescent stage-2 scheelite porphyroblasts), is bracketed between 355?Ma (the upper age limit of the K1–K3 gneiss precursor) and 335?Ma (the lower age limit of the dacitic dike, which is stage-2 scheelite free). Supposedly, long-lasting Variscan (amphibolite facies) metamorphic conditions till 282±2?Ma extended the scheelite remobilization. They caused a further dispersion of scheelite and induced the growth of individual grains and of rims around older grains (bluish-fluorescent stage-3 scheelite). The Alpine metamorphism of lower amphibolite to upper greenschist facies conditions caused a further, minor scheelite remobilization, especially along some faults and quartz veins, including sparse, but large, whitish-bluish-fluorescent crystals (stage-4 scheelite).  相似文献   

A Middle Paleozoic tectonothermal event in the eastern Siberian craton was especially active in the area of the Vilyui rift, where it produced a system of rift basins filled with Devonian–Early Carboniferous volcanics and sediments, as well as long swarms of mafic dikes on the rift shoulders. Basalts occur mostly among Middle Devonian sediments and are much less spread in Early Carboniferous formations. The dolerite dikes of the Vilyui–Markha swarm in the northwestern rift border coexist with the Mirnyi and Nakyn fields of diamond-bearing kimberlites. The voluminous dikes and sills intruded before the emplacement of kimberlites. The Mir kimberlite crosscuts a dolerite sill and a dike in the Mirnyi field, while a complex dolerite dike (monzonite porphyry) cuts through the Nyurba kimberlite in the Nakyn field. Thus, the kimberlites correspond to a longer span of Middle Paleozoic basaltic magmatism. The basalts in Middle Paleozoic sediments have faunal age constraints, but the age of dolerite dikes remains uncertain. The monzonite porphyry dike in the Nyurba kimberlite has been dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method, and the obtained age must be the upper bound of the dike emplacement. The space and time relations between basaltic and kimberlitic magmatism were controlled by Devonian plume–lithosphere interaction.  相似文献   

The Balmuccia alpine lherzolite massif is a fragment of subcontinental lithospheric mantle emplaced into the lower crust 251 Ma ago during the final, extensional phase of the Hercynian orogeny. The Balmuccia massif consists largely of lherzolite, with subordinate harzburgite and dunite, and an array of dike rocks formed in the mantle before crustal emplacement. Dike rocks include websterite and bronzitite of the Cr-diopside suite, spinel clinopyroxenite and spinel-poor websterite of the Al-augite suite, gabbro and gabbronorite of the late gabbro suite, and hornblendite of the hydrous vein suite. The dike rocks display consistent intrusive relationships with one another, such that Cr-diopside suite dikes are always older than dikes and veins of the Al-augite suite, followed by dikes of the late gabbro suite and veins of the hydrous vein suite. Phlogopite (phl) veinlets that formed during interaction with the adjacent crust are the youngest event. There are at least three generations of Cr-diopside suite dikes, as shown by crosscutting relations. Dikes of the Al-augite suite form a polybaric fractionation series from spinel clinopyroxenite to websterite and feldspathic websterite, which crystallized from aluminous alkaline magmas at relatively high pressures. The late gabbro suite of dikes intruded at lower pressures, where plagioclase saturation occurred before significant mafic phase fractionation. Hornblendite veins have distinct compositional and isotopic characteristics, which show that they are not related to either the Al-augite suite or to the late gabbro dike suite. Cr-diopside suite dikes have Nd and Sr isotopic compositions similar to those of the host lherzolite and within the range of compositions defined by ocean–island basalts. The Al-augite dikes and the hornblendite veins have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions similar to those of Cr-diopside suite lherzolite and websterite. The late gabbro dikes have Nd and Sr isotopic compositions similar to mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) asthenosphere. Lead isotopic compositions for all of the samples fall in the present-day MORB field on the 208Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb diagram but are displaced above this field on the 207Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb diagram. There is overlap in the data between the Cr-diopside suite and the Al-augite and hydrous vein suites, with the exception that the Cr-diopside websterite dikes have more radiogenic Pb than any of the other samples. In Pb–Pb space as well, the late gabbro suite has the least radiogenic isotopic compositions, reflecting a change in magma source region during uplift. These data show that tectonic thinning of subcontinental lithospheric mantle during extension caused a change in the source regions of mantle-derived magmas from an ocean island basalt (OIB)-like lithosphere to the underlying MORB asthenosphere. They also demonstrate that the upper mantle acquires its heterogeneous isotopic character through several different processes, including in situ radiogenic growth, addition of asthenospheric melts, dike-wall rock ionic exchange, redistribution of the lithospheric dike and vein materials by melting, and in the late stages of emplacement, assimilation of crustal materials.  相似文献   

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