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本文针对急倾斜煤层开采沉陷地面监测工作的实际,针对监测数据分析中噪声太大,较难发现和提取微小沉降变形信息的现状,提出采用小波分析处理变形监测数据的方法,建立了开采沉陷变形模型。以某急倾斜煤层开采沉陷的监测实例,采用matlab小波分析实现了监测数据的处理,对开采沉陷区的发展趋势进行预测,为沉陷区地质灾害的评估和预测及沉陷区土地的规划利用奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2019,351(7):508-516
Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is widely used because of its ability to quickly acquire high-density and high-precision 3D image and topographic data. However, it can only acquire independent coordinate system points, which restricts its application in large-scale deformation monitoring. In this study, we constructed a measurement system to acquire global coordinate point cloud data by combining TLS and GPS (Global Positioning System). The coordinate values of retro-reflective targets could be acquired in different coordinate systems, the GPS coordinate and the TLS station coordinate, synchronously. Our experiments showed that, after registration with the homonymy points acquired by 30-min short-baseline differential GPS using the ICP algorithm, the positional accuracy of the TLS retro-reflective target center in the global coordinate was better than 10 mm. This high precision meets, for instance, the requirements of coal mining subsidence monitoring. We used our new combined measurement system to acquire and process the point cloud data of a frame structure. The measurements demonstrated the practicability and robustness of the new measurement system.  相似文献   

宁夏石嘴山矿区位于西部黄河流域,其煤矿采空区沉陷导致地表生态和环境问题频发,对其采煤沉陷分析将对西部黄河流域煤矿区的环境修复有一定的积极作用。为研究缓倾斜煤层采空区围岩应力与位移场演化特征,以宁夏石嘴山矿区为对象,基于FLAC3D数值模拟软件,建立缓斜煤层开采三维数值模型,计算分析采空区围岩应力、塑性区及位移变化规律,并基于两时相DEM叠加统计分析地表位移变化,与数值模拟结果进行相互验证。结果表明:地下开采引起应力重分布,采空区顶板及煤柱出现明显的应力集中现象,最大主应力呈现从煤层顶板向地表递减的变化趋势;越靠近采空区顶部的岩层垂直位移越大,随着远离采空区逐渐减少,开采完成后地表垂直位移最大值约12 m;随着采空区面积的不断增大,采空区四周及角隅处塑性区逐步延伸扩大,且以剪切破坏为主;地面沉陷盆地不对称,2个沉降中心均发生在沉陷盆地中部且偏下山方向,下山方向比上山方向影响范围更大;数值模拟计算的沉降量与两时相DEM叠加统计分析的变化量结果及趋势基本一致,研究成果可为煤炭安全开采提供参考依据,为地表沉降监测提供新方法。   相似文献   

Coal mining subsidence is a common human geological disaster that was particularly conspicuous in China. It seriously restricts the sustainable development of mining areas, and it not only damages land resources but also triggers a series of ecological and environmental problems that may result in social and economic issues. This report studied the coal mining subsidence area of Longkou in Shandong province and uses digital elevation data (DEM) of the mining area before subsidence in 1978 as the baseline elevation. Through image algorithms, we obtained coal mining subsidence region data for 1984, 1996, 2000, and 2004. And with spatial data sources of the same period of TM/ETM+ and SPOT5 remote sensing images, BP artificial neural network (BPNN) classification is used to extract surface landscape information in the subsidence area. With the support of GIS technology, superimposing subsidence area on the surface landscape—using the largest landscape ecology patch index, landscape shape index, landscape condensation index, and the index of landscape distribution—report analyzes the mining landscape changes before and after subsidence. This study also carries on exploratory research with the landscape changes, thereby providing a scientific basis for integrated prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

探索采煤地表沉陷的高新监测技术方法是推动采煤沉陷监测的重要工作,无人机载LiDAR采煤塌陷监测技术是无人机与LiDAR构建的一种新型低空三维空间测量技术。以宁东煤炭基地马莲台煤矿采煤沉陷区为例,采用无人机机载LiDAR监测技术获取了2017年4月及8月2期三维点云数据,通过数据三维建模和沉降信息提取,得到了地面沉陷情况的三维立体图,监测出了3处地面沉降区,并利用实测水准点和已有GPS自动监测站数据,对该技术监测地面沉降的精度进行评估。研究结果表明,无人机机载LiDAR监测技术方法可满足采煤塌陷的立体监测需求,具有机动灵活、成本低、效率高、精度高等特点,未来可在类似地区推广应用。  相似文献   

小型无人机遥感技术具有成本低、操作灵活便利等优点,在地质调查中的作用愈来愈重要。采煤地表沉陷量变形监测是掌控采煤地表岩移变形规律和治理塌陷的关键性工作。重点探索四旋翼无人机遥感技术监测在羊场湾煤矿Y120212工作面采煤沉陷量的监测研究,通过野外踏勘与控制点布设、无人机航线规划与执行、4D产品制作的工作程序和监测方法,探索无人机遥感技术监测在矿山地质塌陷监测的应用。研究结果表明,通过对无人机遥感技术生成的DSM处理,经过多期地面高程的对比,得到Y120212工作面最大沉陷量达6.5m。结合分析、对比,无人机遥感技术可以实现采煤塌陷区地表沉陷变形监测,进而形成和发展了煤矿地面塌陷新的监测技术。  相似文献   

地下采煤区沉陷灾害发育重点区预测目前尚无固定程式,且敏感区预测结果存在不确定性较大的问题。以山西省太原市西山地区沉陷灾害为研究对象,分别以2012年和2014年核查编录的沉陷灾害数据为建模数据和验证数据,以高程、坡度、坡向、地势起伏度、地面曲率、地层岩组、地质构造为敏感性评价因子,综合运用GIS空间分析、统计分析和支持向量机(SVM)等方法,构建了4种核函数SVM沉陷灾害敏感性分区预测模型,分别从模型的评价因子权重、模型优选、敏感性分区预测结果、预测精度和模型适用性进行了分析。结果表明:多项式核函数SVM模型(PL-SVM)的训练精度(受试者特征曲线下面积AUC=0.854)与验证精度(AUC=0.755)均较高,模型预测能力良好,是4种模型中表现最好的模型,所划分敏感性分区结果合理,极高与高敏感区以较小面积分布较多沉陷灾害点,而低敏感区则以较大面积分布极少沉陷灾害点。PL-SVM模型预测的太原西山地区沉陷灾害发育极高、高、中和低敏感区的面积占比分别为:20.19%、17.43%、21.18%、41.20%,频率比值与敏感性等级之间呈良好的正相关,符合线性函数关系。PL-SVM模型敏感性评价结果可靠,适用性好,对地下采煤区沉陷灾害发育特征研究及灾害普查重点区预判具有参考意义。   相似文献   

In China’s western coal mining area, the traditional room mining technology is facing coal pillar instability, mine earthquake, large-area roof subsidence in the goaf, surface subsidence, water and soil loss, vegetation deterioration, and other environmental problems. To solve the aforementioned problems and to improve coal recovery, the roadway backfill coal mining (RBCM) method was proposed as a solution and its technical principle and key equipment were presented in this paper. In addition, the microstructure and mechanical behavior (strain-stress relation in confined compressive test) of aeolian sand and loess backfill materials were studied for a rational backfill design for underground mines. Further, coal pillar stress, plastic zone change, and surface deformation of the RBCM schemes were studied using the FLAC3D numerical simulation software, and a reasonable mining scheme of “mining 7 m and leaving 3 m” was determined. The engineering application in Changxing Coal Mine shows that the RBCM method with loess and aeolian sand as backfill materials allows a stable recovery of coal pillars with a recovery ratio of more than 70 %. The maximum accumulated surface subsidence and the maximum horizontal deformation were measured to be 15 mm and 0.8 mm/m respectively, indicating that the targeted backfilling effect can help protect the environment and also control surface subsidence.  相似文献   

近年来矿区地质灾害愈发严重。为准确监测尾矿坝地表沉陷变形,以地形地貌复杂的尾矿坝为研究实例,开展无人机低空摄影的形式进行监测数据收集。无人机原始POS数据存在系统误差的问题,文章利用误差改正模型纠正原始POS数据,并设计7种像控点布设方案,并对获取的尾矿坝高分辨率正射影像及DEM进行了精度评价。结果显示,当布设像控点数量为8个时,数据误差可以控制在3 mm以内;用两期DEM数据差值覆于地面模型,生成尾矿坝沉降图, 沿Y=350 m、Y=100 m和X=60 m剖面线做剖面图。基于测量结果发现,尾矿坝已出现整体沉降,其中南部尾矿坝下坡沉降范围最大,沉降范围在0.16 m之内。这次应用验证了在尾矿坝地表监测中无人机低空摄影测量的精度是可靠的。利用无人机的高精度成图方法对尾矿坝变形进行监测,对应急响应溃坝可能导致的绿洲地区及周边河湖生态灾难地形和矿区安全生产起到一定的预警作用。  相似文献   

This study constructs a hazard map for ground subsidence around abandoned underground coal mines (AUCMs) at Samcheok City in Korea using a probability (frequency ratio) model, a statistical (logistic regression) model, and a Geographic Information System (GIS). To evaluate the factors related to ground subsidence, an image database was constructed from a topographical map, geological map, mining tunnel map, Global Positioning System (GPS) data, land use map, lineaments, digital elevation model (DEM) data, and borehole data. An attribute database was also constructed from field investigations and reports on the existing ground subsidence areas at the study site. Nine major factors causing ground subsidence were extracted from the probability analysis of the existing ground subsidence area: (1) depth of drift; (2) DEM and slope gradient; (3) groundwater level, permeability, and rock mass rating (RMR); (4) lineaments and geology; and (5) land use. The frequency ratio and logistic regression models were applied to determine each factor’s rating, and the ratings were overlain for ground subsidence hazard mapping. The ground subsidence hazard map was then verified and compared with existing subsidence areas. The verification results showed that the logistic regression model (accuracy of 95.01%) is better in prediction than the frequency ratio model (accuracy of 93.29%). The verification results showed sufficient agreement between the hazard map and the existing data on ground subsidence area. Analysis of ground subsidence with the frequency ratio and logistic regression models suggests that quantitative analysis of ground subsidence near AUCMs is possible.  相似文献   

针对露天矿区与城区地表相干性不一的特征,提出一种改进的时序InSAR(合成孔径雷达干涉测量)技术对霍林河矿区及周围城区地表进行形变监测。首先,通过增加时间采样密度控制相干性来筛选矿区周边具备一定相干点密度的干涉数据;其次,采用经过参数优化的分布式散射点选取方法选取分布式目标并使用传统方法提取永久散射体;最后,将分布式目标与永久散射体目标混合构建Delaunay三角网进行两次回归分析得到研究区域地表形变速率。实验结果显示,霍林河矿区边坡最大形变速率达到?630 mm/a,矿区周边道路地面最大沉降速率达到71 mm/a,霍林郭勒市地表沉降速率最大达到15 mm/a,与同期GPS监测结果进行对比,证明改进的时序InSAR技术方法适用性良好,对矿业城市地表形变监测提出了一种新的InSAR监测方法。  相似文献   

地下采矿引起的地表下沉的动态过程模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘玉成  庄艳华 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3406-3410
分析了由地下采矿引起地表下沉的动态过程的Knothe时间函数模型的不足,在原Knothe时间函数中增加了一个以常数k为参数的幂指数,增加参数后的时间函数模型经理论分析符合地表点下沉的动态过程、速度变化过程和加速度变化过程;改进后的时间函数模型中参数c决定地表点下沉过程时间的长短,参数k决定地表点在时间轴上的下沉路径及达到最大速度所需的时间;用改进后的时间函数模型对某矿沉陷盆地倾向主断面上下沉量最大点的下沉过程的观测资料进行了拟合,即用经验方法确定参数c后,再用最小二乘法确定参数k。研究结果表明,该模型可较准确地拟合实测曲线。用改进后的时间函数模型结合沉陷盆地主断面的剖面函数模型,建立了主断面地表下沉曲线变化的动态过程模型,该模型可求出沉陷主断面或沉陷盆地某一点在某一时刻的下沉量、下沉速度和加速度。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of spatiotemporal monitoring of surface subsidence over a mining area in Zonguldak Province of Turkey using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data, providing maps of subsidence rates in the radar line of sight direction. A total of 18 SAR images, acquired between January 2007 and June 2010 by the Japanese Advanced Land Observing Satellite, have been used to map the surface displacements using the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry technique. The use of Phased Array Type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar data has proved useful for avoiding signal decorrelation and estimating surface deformation in the heavily vegetated study region. The technique enables the monitoring of continuous small displacements over a large area. Our findings present that many Persistent Scatterers were located on the vegetation cover. The results reveal areas of ground surface subsidence up to 44 mm/year that are well correlated with the underground coal mining galleries particularly in the Gelik region where the Karadon mining galleries are present.  相似文献   

地下水位下降对采矿覆岩下沉影响探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地下采煤会导致地表下沉盆地的形成。然而地下水尤其是承压水的流失即水位降低对地表下沉盆地的形成存在不可忽视的影响,而对两者之间的关系及其过程的力学机理是岩移领域亟待研究的课题之一。矿区地下水位降低的主要原因为承压水通过采动裂隙向下渗流、煤层开采前顶板岩溶含水岩层的疏干以及地面人为钻井取水。根据对一具体矿区地下水位下降对地表沉陷影响实测数据的分析得出,在以采煤为主导条件导致地表下沉的过程中,几乎全部的开采沉陷量中均包含有由于含水层释水而造成的沉陷量。通过对上覆岩层力学机理分析,指出水位降低对覆岩移动、地表下沉的影响是由于一定地质条件下可渗水性岩石的物理力学特性、渗水对其它岩石的软化、释水后原冲积层的压密固结以及水渗透过程中的水岩耦合作用等因素综合作用所致。同时,在以上理论的基础上还探讨性地建立了地下水位下降对地表下沉贡献模型,在此模型基础上可以建立2个或2个以上影响因素对地表下沉的贡献模型。最后以框图形式概括了地下水位下降及其对地表下沉影响的综合过程。  相似文献   

Gallerias are the underground constructed results of mining. As these space in underground layers collapse, horizontal and vertical ground movements occur and movement which may reach the earth’s surface are known as mining subsidence. The result of underground displacement may cause surface ground movement which can be detrimental to masonry buildings especially in hard coal regions. Thorough familiarity with general and regional characteristics of an affected area can assist reduction of the effects. Zonguldak and the nearby settlement area, with a population of 300,000, constitute the centre of a hard coal basin where extensive mining has a history extending through 160 years. Mining constitutes the main economic activity in this region, and consequently influences every aspect of life. This study’s intent is to identify the effects of mining subsidence on masonry buildings in the mining area of Kozlu, Zonguldak, Turkey and illustrate them with selected images of damaged masonry buildings. Also included are satellite and mining galleria images.  相似文献   

深部开采地表沉陷规律模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭林军  赵晓东  李术才 《岩土力学》2011,32(6):1910-1914
通过对煤矿深部开采沉陷的结构力学模型研究,提出了盆地水平煤层地表沉陷的理论预测模型,给出了整体和分步两种近似计算方法。在变动煤层开采深度和工作面长度的条件下,采用数值模拟方法对相关的数据进行了拟合计算对比,并基于现场沉陷观测数据对模型进行了验证。新模型方法结合力学模型计算得出开采沉陷预计参数,可以针对上覆岩层的力学参数对所得预测数据给出合理的力学解释,摆脱了经典预计模型概率积分法只依靠统计方法预测结果的缺陷,可为深部安全开采和地表沉陷的预测与控制,提供可靠的科学依据  相似文献   

王磊  张鲜妮  郭广礼  査剑锋 《岩土力学》2014,35(7):1973-1978
为了实现对固体密实充填开采地表沉陷进行科学地预计,需要根据其覆岩结构形态演化规律和岩层移动特征建立完备的沉陷预计模型及其参数体系。相似材料模拟和钻孔窥视表明,固体密实充填开采覆岩形态以完整层状结构的弯曲带为主,覆岩仅在近顶板附近发育一定高度的断裂带,不发生垮落现象。岩层移动特征类似纵向载荷作用下层合板的弯曲变形,通过力学简化,基于层合板理论建立了固体密实充填开采地表沉陷预计模型。研究表明,固体密实充填开采地表沉陷形态仍可用概率积分模型进行描述,并进一步探讨了基于“等价釆高”的固体密实充填开采地表沉陷预计模型参数体系。最后将本文建立的地表沉陷预计模型应用于某工程实例,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

煤矿区沉降与遥感监测方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以晋城市煤矿区沉降研究为例,介绍了应用遥感图像调查与数字高程模型相结合的方法进行煤矿区沉降研究及监测。监测结果表明,沉降区主要集中在该区域的西北部,沉降区面积较大,沉降原因是大矿开采3#煤层,导致地面沉降,只有2处沉降由小煤矿开采9#煤层引起。经验证,具体位置虽有差异,但沉降区基本与实际吻合。依据当前合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术的发展,对煤矿区遥感综合监测方法进行了讨论。  相似文献   

无人机遥感技术在采煤地面塌陷监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究无人机遥感技术在采煤地面塌陷监测中的应用,以宁东煤炭基地金凤煤矿011805综采工作面为例,探讨了利用无人机遥感技术进行地表裂缝解译、地面沉降量计算和地面塌陷规律研究的方法。结果表明:无人机飞行航高可根据需要识别的地表裂缝宽度确定,地形平坦地区识别2 cm地表裂缝的飞行航高一般应不超过143 m;地表裂缝宜于采用基于光谱、延长度和紧密度规则的面向对象的信息提取方法进行自动识别,在采用这种方法发现地表塌陷裂缝时宜采用基于边缘检测的图像分割模型和基于Full Lambda Schedule的图像融合模型;对无人机遥感地表高程值进行拟合校正可近似获得采煤工作面地表下沉量和下沉系数,说明无人机遥感技术可应用于采煤地面沉降量监测;综采工作面内地表裂缝数量多,总体垂直回采方向排列,切眼和顺槽附近地表裂缝数量少,总体平行顺槽和切眼展布。   相似文献   

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