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通过对中国西北干旱区石羊河流域民勤盆地三角城古湖泊沉积物有机质碳同位素组成(δ13Corg)分析,表明末次冰期与全新世时气候和植被有明显的差异,末次冰期δ13Corg总体偏轻(-30‰~-25‰),而全新世碳同位素组成则有较大的变化,在早全新世碳同位素组成有多次短期快速变重(-10‰左右)的变化,中全新世碳同位素组成总体偏重(-20‰~-10‰),晚全新世碳同位素组成偏轻(-25‰左右)。分析表明湖泊沉积物有机质碳同位素组成反映了陆生C3植物和湖泊内源水生植物变化的关系,末次冰期以来西北干旱区C4植物不发育,偏重的有机质碳同位素值与C4植物无关。从沉积物中有机质组分、元素等分析表明,末次冰期时主要以河流相沉积为主,湖泊中有机质主要来源于上游祁连山的陆生C3植物,有机碳含量较低,表明当时的上游的陆生植被不繁盛,区域气候较干冷;从全新世开始,三角城古湖泊开始形成,沉积物中碳同位素组成偏重的有机质主要来源于湖泊中的沉水植物,此时湖泊水体较大,湖泊生产力较高。而沉积物中有机质碳同位素组成偏轻时期的有机质主要来源于挺水植物、陆生C3植物,较低的有机碳含量说明该时期陆生植被不发育,气候较干冷,湖泊水体较小  相似文献   

基于一个水文年度的月周期性采样分析,用河流悬浮颗粒物的有机碳(POC)和溶解无机碳(DIC)的同位素信号探讨了桂江径流中碳的生物地球化学循环.桂江悬浮颗粒物中POC含量多介于1.70%~14.27%之间,平均为(4.54±2.94)%;河流POC的Δ14C值介于-235.8‰~ -26.7%之间,平均为(-135.38±57.27)‰,没有检出“核爆14C”信号,揭示了较为强烈的流域地表扰动和土壤侵蚀状况.桂江POC的稳定同位素组成(δ13C)变化于-29.92% - -24.71‰之间,平均为(-26.86± 1.29)‰,这与以C3植物为主的流域生态系统的碳同位素组成一致.桂江颗粒有机质的C/N比多介于5.54 11.53之间,平均为7.97,低于全球河流的平均状况.一方面,土壤有机碳、岩石来源的地质碳及藻类生物量的混合比例决定了桂江河流颗粒有机质的C/N比和Δ14C值;另一方面,微生物群落对水体有机质的代谢分解作用也在一定程度上改变了有机质的元素和同位素比值.桂江河流DIC的δ13C值变化于-17.22‰~-10.65‰之间,平均为(- 12.95±1.94)‰.冬半年河流DIC(δ13C值平均为-11.47‰)几乎全部来自碳酸盐矿物的化学风化,夏半年土壤硅酸盐矿物的化学风化对DIC(δ13C值平均为- 14.73%)的贡献达28%.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物中碳酸盐碳、氧和有机质碳同位素组成受湖泊环境介质的控制,可以有效地指示环境演化过程。通过对中国东北和西部青藏高原、新疆现代湖泊表层沉积物的碳酸盐的碳、氧同位素组成(δ13C、δ18O)、有机碳同位素组成(δ13Corg),以及有机质含量(TOC)、C/N分析研究,发现当湖泊中以浮游植物来源有机母质为主时,其δ13Corg为-30‰~-23‰;以硅藻为主的藻类来源时,δ13Corg为-30‰~-16‰;以挺水植物来源,δ13Corg为-30‰~-24‰;沉水植物来源,δ13Corg为-24‰~-16‰;以水生植物和陆生植物来源为主时,δ13Corg为-30‰~-20‰;当以陆生植物来源为主时,其δ13Corg为-26‰~-24‰。当西北地区半封闭湖泊表层沉积物中碳酸盐含量大于30%时,湖泊表现出δ13C、δ18O之间较好的正相关性,TOC主要以内源有机质来源为主。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地荒漠植物与表土碳同位素组成研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
表土有机质碳同位素组成(δ13Corg)反映了来自于地表各种植物δ13Corg的一个混合信息.要从沉积物δ13Corg中提取可靠的植被信息,需要系统研究现代表土有机质δ13Corg与地表植被δ13Corg的差异.初步研究了塔里木盆地主要现代植被及土壤碳同位素组成,对比不同地区土壤和地表植被δ13Corg的差异.结果表明:塔里木盆地柽柳属种群中植物与表土碳同位素组成之间存在显著相关关系,说明在干旱地区土壤中微生物和水生生物等的干扰因素可以忽略,其现代土壤的同位素组成只与地表相应的主要植被类型有关.塔里木盆地柽柳属种群中表土有机质δ13Corg值比地表植被δ13Corg值平均偏正1.71‰左右,不同于其它地区表土和地表植被δ13Corg差异(2.2‰,1‰,0.5‰)的结果,反映不同地区表土和地表植被有机质δ13Corg值差异不同.在利用沉积物δ13Corg值提取古生态植被信息时,应考虑到不同地区土壤有机质与地表植被δ13Corg值的不同差异会影响植被中C3、C4植物组成情况.  相似文献   

流域碳、氮的生物地球化学循环过程关联着区域/全球尺度的气候变化,同时受到气候条件变化的影响。本次研究以我国西南喀斯特地区的西江为例,通过时间序列的高频次样品采集和分析,揭示水文条件变化对河流碳、氮动态变化的影响及其控制机制。结果表明,在高流量条件下,化学风化的加速、土壤CO2的汇入及流域内有机质的降解导致了水体δ13CDIC偏负,碳酸盐矿物的快速风化致使河水HCO3-浓度表现出强烈的"化学稳定性";对DIC、δ13CDIC、流量、温度的联合分析表明,矿物溶解、土壤CO2的汇入与河流中有机质降解的共同作用导致了西江河水碳动态的季节变化;河水NO3-浓度在高流量条件下并未表现出明显的稀释效应,反应了人为输入和化学转化过程对NO3-浓度的影响;硝酸盐氮、氧同位素的分析结果表明,西江NO3-来源受人为活动影响较大,主要转化过程为硝化作用;同位素和水化学证据表明碳酸、硫酸、硝酸共同参与流域岩石化学风化,雨季外源酸参与风化的减弱是河流中HCO3-稀释的重要原因。  相似文献   

渤海东海海洋沉积物中碳氮稳定同位素标准物质研制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
海洋沉积物中碳氮稳定同位素因其能够确定有机质的来源,有助于了解碳循环、气候变化、有机质迁移转化而备受关注,但其分析测试过程中尚缺乏海洋沉积物碳氮稳定同位素标准物质进行质量监控。本文依据ISO导则35和国家《一级标准物质技术规范》(JJG1006—1994),研制了三个海洋沉积物碳氮稳定同位素标准物质(MSCNI-1、MSCNI-2和MSCNI-3),候选物样品分别采自我国渤海锦州湾湿地、东海闽浙近岸和东海冲绳海槽,定值组分为总碳氮同位素(δ~(13)C-TC、δ~(15)N-TN)和有机碳氮同位素(δ~(13)C-C~(org)、δ~(15)N-N~(org)),定值方法采用元素分析-同位素比值质谱法(EA-IRMS)多家实验室协同定值。经检验,三个标准物质候选物均匀性良好,一年内定值组分均无显著变化,具有良好的稳定性;δ~(13)C和δ~(15)N的标准不确定度分别小于0.15%和0.24%,标准值和标准不确定度合理。该套标准物质是我国以海底沉积物为介质的基体型碳氮稳定同位素标准物质,定值方法准确可靠,可供海洋、地质及环境等相关领域实验室用于仪器校准、方法评价和质量监控等。  相似文献   

珠江水体悬浮物碳稳定同位素组成与流域土壤侵蚀研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以珠江流域水体悬浮物为研究对象,对其碳稳定同位素组成(δ13C)及颗粒有机碳(POC)的含量进行了测定和研究。结果表明:河流悬浮物同位素组成与珠江流域植被分布格局、土壤有机质密切相关;珠江悬浮物碳同位素组成主要受C3植被影响,其中,西江悬浮物碳同位素组成表现出较强的C4植被特征。东江水体悬浮物碳同位素组成在洪水季节表现出较强的C4植被特征,其它季节则表现出C3植被特征;北江水体悬浮物碳同位素组成无明显的C4植被特征。东江悬浮物样品POCδ13C值呈逐年上升趋势,与近年来流域内植被破坏和土壤侵蚀加剧相对应,并显示其侵蚀程度超过西江流域。  相似文献   

城市湖泊是陆地水圈的重要组成部分,与人类活动关系极为密切。然而城市发展导致城市湖泊富营养化愈发严重,湖泊生态环境问题引起了广泛关注。本文研究了2012年至2013年间北京城区12个公园湖泊表层沉积物的有机氮同位素组成、碳氮比值、总有机氮和总有机碳含量的分布情况,探讨表层沉积物生产力状态、沉积物的有机质来源定性与定量分析、湖泊营养输入程度和过程等。研究表明,后海及群明湖等的有机碳、氮含量较其他公园湖泊的高,土壤和污水有机质等对湖泊沉积物的贡献突出,表明这些湖泊初级生产力及营养程度高,具有一定的富营养化风险;各个湖泊的分布位置、周围环境以及管理方式导致了其生产力、营养状况及有机质来源的差异,应该分别从控制水土流失、减少污水输入、及时清洁水面上的浮游植物与枯枝落叶等多方面着手进行,减少湖泊环境污染风险,保持湖泊环境生态平衡。本研究为了解城市湖泊环境有机质来源和过程、湖泊现代环境的管理和防治,提供可靠的研究方法和评价体系。  相似文献   

地表植被对环境变化的响应最为敏感,沉积物中保存的各种植物残余是古环境研究的良好材料,植物硅酸体因其特有的物理化学性质。成为古气候信息的绝佳载体。在大量现代植物研究基础上,科学家们通过对第三纪以来各种沉积物中硅酸体组合的研究。较好地恢复了当时的古植被,古气候及其演化特征,在缺乏其它化石依据的黄土地层研究中表现更为突出。由于C3,C4植物具有明显不同的环境适应性和同位素组成。地层中C3,C4植物硅酸体相对含量和稳定同位素的研究也被成功地应用于古气候恢复中,在现代气候一植被类型和土壤植物硅酸体同位素研究基础上,利用数理统计方法,建立同位素指标与各种气候因子之间的数学关系。将为高分辨率黄土古气候定量研究开辟新的途径。  相似文献   

相对黄土高原东部地区而言,处于六盘山以西的陇西黄土高原,其末次冰期以来陆地生态系统中C3/C4植物相对丰度变化的研究,不仅已开展研究工作的剖面数量相对较少,所得到的结果也不如黄土高原东部地区那样一致.本文对陇西黄土高原东南部边缘区的张家川剖面末次冰期以来的黄土/古土壤地层进行总有机质碳同位素的分析测试,得到的结果表明该剖面全新世古土壤的总有机质碳同位素相对末次冰期马兰黄土更为偏正,这一结果与黄土高原东部地区数个剖面的研究结果是一致的,表明该区域末次冰期向全新世转化过程中,C4植物相对丰度有一定程度的上升.进一步将张家川剖面的研究结果与陇西黄土高原其他几个研究剖面进行了对比,发现陇西黄土高原末次冰期以来陆地生态系统中C3/C4植物相对丰度变化情况要比黄土高原东部地区更加复杂,很可能在该区域内部还存在一些地区之间的差异,该区域东部和南部地区全新世相对于末次冰期C4植物相对丰度有一定程度的增加,而该区域西北部地区则很可能末次冰期至全新世都以C3植物占绝对优势.由于大量现代C3植物的研究结果表明,其碳同位素组成的变化主要响应于降水量的变化,因此,来源于C3植物为绝对优势植被的黄土有机质碳同位素很可能是一个潜在的古降水量的指示器,陇西黄土高原黄土/古土壤序列的有机碳同位素研究还值得进一步加强.  相似文献   

Radiogenic isotopes in fluid inclusions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Igor M. Villa   《Lithos》2001,55(1-4):115-124
Radiogenic isotopes studied in fluid inclusions are still a limited field, with great potential for expansion as analytical techniques improve. The main limitation for Sr, Ar and He isotope work is the very small number of radiogenic atoms produced in a typical fluid inclusion. The requirements to analysts are correspondingly high. Examples show that isotopic tracing on fluid inclusion fluids can be a decisive tool in solving geological problems.  相似文献   

硫、氧同位素和放射性同位素比值在示踪岩浆与围岩的反应及在岩浆镍-铜-铂族元素矿床成因中同化过程的重要性方面有很大作用。如1.1Ga的Duluth杂岩、Norilsk地区二叠-三叠纪侵入岩和1.4Ga的Kabanga侵入岩体中矿床的硫同位素测定结果证明硫来自含硫化物和硫酸盐的围岩。1.3Ga的VoisbeysBay矿床矿石的硫同位素δ34S值通常落入公认的地幔硫同位素组成范围(0±2‰)内,而对其元古宙变质沉积围岩进行的详细研究结果显示δ34S的平均值也在此范围。全面了解同位素组成的潜在混染对合理评价提供硫来源的围岩在矿石形成中的作用是非常必要的。用氧同位素和放射性同位素示踪岩浆和围岩相互作用时,必须在开放体系没有扰动同位素系统情况下进行。在氧同位素体系和放射性同位素体系(如Re/Os、Pb同位素体系)中,元素在热液条件下活动性强或主相没有发生同位素交换与吸收,都会导致低温热液过程掩盖高温过程。只有在进行详细的岩相观察和单矿物分析之后,再应用围岩混染同位素模式才是有意义的。  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic chemostratigraphy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chemostratigraphy has diverse applications to investigating the rock record, such as reconstructing paleoenvironments, determining the tectonic setting of sedimentary basins, indirect dating, and establishing regional or global correlations. Chemostratigraphy is thus an integral component of many investigations of the ancient sedimentary record. In this contribution, we review the principle inorganic geochemical methods that have been applied to the Neoproterozoic sedimentary record. Analysis of the traditional stable and radiogenic isotope systems, such as δ13C, δ18O, δ34S, and 87Sr/86Sr, is routine, particularly in successions rich in carbonate. These mainstay applications have yielded invaluable data and information bearing on the chronology and evolution of this eventful era in Earth history. Alongside the growing database of traditional data, a series of novel geochemical techniques have given rise to important new models and constraints on Neoproterozoic biogeochemical change. In particular, a range of proxies for water column redox, mainly obtained from black shales, have shed light on the pace and tempo of Neoproterozoic oxygenation and its link to the appearance of early animal evolution. Increased integration of diverse geochemical, sedimentological, and paleontological datasets, and the gradual radiometric calibration of the stratigraphic record promise to bring the details of the evolution of the Neoproterozoic Earth system into ever greater focus.  相似文献   

Pelagic deposits at Abadeh represent a complete biostratigraphic record across the Permian/Triassic boundary (PTB). The presumed water depth during deposition of these sediments was between 60 and 90 m. Similar to other Permian/Triassic boundary sections, the succession at Abadeh is characterised by a negative carbon isotope shift of approximately 4. The values start to decrease in the lower C. changxingensis - C. deflecta s.l. Zone, reach –0.12 (V-PDB) in the uppermost Permian just below the PTB, remain low to the early I. isarcica Zone (–0.32) and increase subsequently in the upper I. isarcica Zone. For the time interval of the PTB negative carbon isotope excursion, between the C. iranica and the I. isarcica Zones, no correlation exists between the 13Ccarb and the 18Ocarb. The above observations argue against the conclusion of Heydari et al. (2001) that the carbon isotope event at the P/T transition is an alteration artefact and not a global signal. The decrease in 13Ccarb is accompanied by a ~5 (and potentially up to 10) increase in 34SSSS. Together, these features are thought to reflect a complex global event, notably the development of widespread anoxic oceans with anoxic bottom layers rising onto the shelves. For the carbon isotope drop, other factors, such as the collapse of ocean primary productivity may also have played a role. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of Dzhulfian seawater show only a minor increase from 0.70705 to 0.70710, reaching 0.70720 in the Dorashamian. The increase becomes steeper in the Early Triassic reaching 0.70754 in the N. dieneri Zone. The rise of the strontium isotope values is thought to be related to enhanced continental weathering under humid climatic conditions in the uppermost Permian (C. meishanensis - H. praeparvus Zone) and the lack of a dense land vegetation in the Early Triassic, prior to the Spathian (Upper Olenekian).  相似文献   

In an effort to constrain the mechanism of dolomitization in Neogene dolomites in the Bahamas and improve understanding of the use of chemostratigraphic tracers in shallow‐water carbonate sediments the δ34S, Δ47, δ13C, δ18O, δ44/40Ca and δ26Mg values and Sr concentrations have been measured in dolomitized intervals from the Clino core, drilled on the margin of Great Bahama Bank and two other cores (Unda and San Salvador) in the Bahamas. The Unda and San Salvador cores have massively dolomitized intervals that have carbonate associated sulphate δ34S values similar to those found in contemporaneous seawater and δ44/40Ca, δ26Mg values, Sr contents and Δ47 temperatures (25 to 30°C) indicating relatively shallow dolomitization in a fluid‐buffered system. In contrast, dolomitized intervals in the Clino core have elevated values of carbonate associated sulphate δ34S values indicating dolomitization in a more sediment‐buffered diagenetic system where bacterial sulphate reduction enriches the residual in 34S, consistent with high sediment Sr concentrations and low δ44/40Ca and high δ26Mg values. Only dolomites associated with hardgrounds in the Clino core have carbonate associated δ34S values similar to seawater, indicating continuous flushing of the upper layers of the sediment by seawater during sedimentary hiatuses. This interpretation is supported by changes to more positive δ44/40Ca values at hardground surfaces. All dolomites, whether they formed in an open fluid‐buffered or closed sediment‐buffered diagenetic system have similar δ26Mg values suggesting that the HMC transformed to dolomite. The clumped isotope derived temperatures in the dolomitized intervals in Clino yield temperatures that are higher than normal, possibly indicating a kinetic isotope effect on dolomite Δ47 values associated with carbonate formation through bacterial sulphate reduction. The findings of this study highlight the utility of applying multiple geochemical proxies to disentangle the diagenetic history of shallow‐water carbonate sediments and caution against simple interpretations of stratigraphic variability in these geochemical proxies as indicating changes in the global geochemical cycling of these elements in seawater.  相似文献   

Mineralogical, textural and geochemical investigations were made to determine the post-depositional evolution of Devonian and Early Carboniferous carbonates from Valle de Tena. The carbonate association is made up of low-Mg calcite, which occurs as micrite, spar cements, neomorphic patches and spar filling veinlets. Non-stoichiometric dolomite and ankerite occur as cements (dolomite also as replacements) in the Middle Devonian, post-dating calcite types. All these phases pre-date tectonic stylolites, indicating compaction after stabilization of the carbonate minerals. Strontium concentrations indicate that Early Devonian and Early Carboniferous micrites initially precipitated as aragonite; Middle and Late Devonian micrites precipitated as high-Mg calcites. Both precursors were diagenetically stabilized to low-Mg calcites through interaction with meteoric waters in phreatic environments. Trace elements in dolomite and ankerite indicate precipitation from Sr-enriched meteoric water. All studied carbonates, except Middle Devonian limestones, precipitated in reducing environments, which favoured incorporation of Fe and Mn. Late calcite generations precipitated from more saline waters than micrites. Light 18O values in micrites suggest alteration mainly in meteoric-phreatic environments. The dolomites and ankerites precipitated from more 18O-depleted fluids than the calcites, suggesting a greater contribution from meteoric waters. Variations in 13C of micrites represent primary secular trends, according to published 13C variations. The 13C oscillations within each succession probably relate to sea-level oscillations. Strontium isotopes also point to a meteoric origin of diagenetic fluids. Model calculations suggest that O and Sr isotopes equilibrated between calcites and fluid at relatively low water/rock ratios, whereas C isotopic signatures are inherited from limestones.  相似文献   

Isotope data and trace elements concentrations are presented for volcanic and plutonic rocks from the Livingston, Greenwich, Robert, King George and Ardley islands (South Shetland arc, Antarctica). These islands were formed during subduction of the Phoenix Plate under the Antarctica Plate from Cretaceous to Tertiary. Isotopically (87Sr/86Sr)o ratios vary from 0.7033 to 0.7046 and (143Nd/144Nd)o ratios from 0.5127 to 0.5129. εNd values vary from +2.71 to +7.30 that indicate asthenospheric mantle source for the analysed samples. 208Pb/204Pb ratios vary from 38.12 to 38.70, 207Pb/204Pb ratios are between 15.49 and 15.68, and 206Pb/204Pb from 18.28 to 18.81. The South Shetland rocks are thought to be derived from a depleted MORB mantle source (DMM) modified by mixtures of two enriched mantle components such as slab-derived melts and/or fluids and small fractions of oceanic sediment (EM I and EM II). The isotopic compositions of the subduction component can be explained by mixing between at least 4 wt.% of sediment and 96 wt.% of melts and/or fluids derived from altered MORB.  相似文献   

Lithological, chemical, and stable isotope data are used to characterize lacustrine tufas dating back to pre-late Miocene and later unknown times, capping different surfaces of a Tertiary carbonate (Sinn el-Kedab) plateau in Dungul region in the currently hyperarid south-western Egypt. These deposits are composed mostly of calcium carbonate, some magnesium carbonate and clastic particles plus minor amounts of organic matter. They have a wide range of (Mg/Ca)molar ratios, from 0.03 to 0.3. The bulk-tufa carbonate has characteristic isotope compositions: (δ13Cmean = −2.49 ± 0.99‰; δ18Omean = −9.43 ± 1.40‰). The δ13C values are consistent with a small input from C4 vegetation or thinner soils in the recharge area of the tufa-depositing systems. The δ18O values are typical of fresh water carbonates. Covariation between δ13C and δ18O values probably is a reflection of climatic conditions such as aridity. The tufas studied are isotopically similar to the underlying diagenetic marine chalks, marls and limestones (δ13Cmean = −2.06 ± 0.84‰; δ18Omean = −10.06 ± 1.39‰). The similarity has been attributed to common meteoric water signatures. This raises large uncertainties in using tufas (Mg/Ca)molar, δ13C and δ18O records as proxies of paleoclimatic change and suggests that intrinsic compositional differences in material sources within the plateau may mask climatic changes in the records.  相似文献   

Iron is one of the most abundant transition metal in higher plants and variations in its isotopic compositions can be used to trace its utilization. In order to better understand the effect of plant-induced isotopic fractionation on the global Fe cycling, we have estimated by quantum chemical calculations the magnitude of the isotopic fractionation between different Fe species relevant to the transport and storage of Fe in higher plants: Fe(II)-citrate, Fe(III)-citrate, Fe(II)-nicotianamine, and Fe(III)-phytosiderophore. The ab initio calculations show firstly, that Fe(II)-nicotianamine is ~3‰ (56Fe/54Fe) isotopically lighter than Fe(III)-phytosiderophore; secondly, even in the absence of redox changes of Fe, change in the speciation alone can create up to ~1.5‰ isotopic fractionation. For example, Fe(III)-phytosiderophore is up to 1.5‰ heavier than Fe(III)-citrate2 and Fe(II)-nicotianamine is up to 1‰ heavier than Fe(II)-citrate. In addition, in order to better understand the Fe isotopic fractionation between different plant components, we have analyzed the iron isotopic composition of different organs (roots, seeds, germinated seeds, leaves and stems) from six species of higher plants: the dicot lentil (Lens culinaris), and the graminaceous monocots Virginia wild rye (Elymus virginicus), Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), river oat (Uniola latifolia), and Indian goosegrass (Eleusine indica). The calculations may explain that the roots of strategy-II plants (Fe(III)-phytosiderophore) are isotopically heavier (by about 1‰ for the δ56Fe) than the upper parts of the plants (Fe transported as Fe(III)-citrate in the xylem or Fe(II)-nicotianamine in the phloem). In addition, we suggest that the isotopic variations observed between younger and older leaves could be explained by mixing of Fe received from the xylem and the phloem.  相似文献   

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