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海岸带陆海相互作用(LOICZ)研究及我们的策略   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
介绍了全球变化研究中关于“海岸带”的定义,海岸带在地球系统研究中的重要地位及其生态系统的脆弱性。我国海岸带地跨三大气候带,海岸类型多种多样,不但有黄河、长江等大河入海,每年有巨大的向海物质通量(包括从大气中的粉尘输入),有宽阔的陆架,有陆架区和近洋之间强烈的物质和能量交换,而且沿海人口密集,大河流域经济活动频繁,人类活动和自然因素冲突集中。近年来海岸带环境和生态系统已经发生了巨大变化。今后,在全球变化条件下为使我国的海岸带环境和生态系统进入良性循环和制定科学的长期管理政策,亟待通过陆海相互作用研究提高对其未来变化的预测能力。文中根据国际LOICZ运行计划和我国的特点,提出开展我国LOICZ研究的策略和主要科学问题。  相似文献   

Zhang Baolei 《Natural Hazards》2012,63(2):1269-1272
The coastal zone, the interface between the sea and the land, has a variety of characteristics, such as resource abundance, multiple services, ecological fragility and frequent occurrence of disasters. It has been under tremendous pressure from human activities, especially increasing sea reclamation in recent years. Sea reclamation, which is an effective way to alleviate human pressure on coastal land, is especially apparent in the coastal zone of Jiaozhou Gulf, located in the southern part of Shandong Province. As a massive human intervention, sea reclamation inevitably has great effects on all aspects of the coastal system.  相似文献   

海岸带是位于海陆结合部的复杂环境系统,是人类活动最集中的地区。中国大陆海岸线约18000km,涉及沿海11个省,由于经济社会高速发展,海岸带地区的人口、资源、环境矛盾日益突出,面临海岸带资源无序开发、水土污染、滨海湿地退化、海岸侵蚀、地面沉降等一系列生态环境与灾害地质问题,已成为影响生态文明建设的主要问题之一。因此中国持续加大海岸带生态环境保护力度,并提出实施重要生态系统保护和修复重大工程、强化湿地保护和修复等政策措施。美国国家海洋和大气管理局主导的海岸带损害评估及修复计划已实施了近30年,并取得了显著效果,其完善的法律制度体系、规范的损害评估和修复程序、数据集成管理和共享应用等成功经验值得学习借鉴。建议加快完善中国海岸带生态环境损害评估与修复的技术方法体系和制度体系、有序开展海岸带自然资源和生态环境调查、加强海岸带及滨海湿地等重要生态系统的演化和修复技术研究与示范,并构建统一的海岸带基础调查数据库、建立海岸带监测预警体系。  相似文献   

Land, Sea and Human Effort was the central theme of the 28th IGU Congress in The Hague, The Netherlands. This volume contains the key-note addresses highlighting this central theme. Three major issues regarding low-land coasts came to the fore: land-use, environmental quality and safeguarding of the land. An interesting question is whether the concentration of human activities in large urban nodes will continue, or that such nodes and hierarchies will no longer structure our world, because of the ever-increasing importance of all means of communication and transport, as indicated by Johnston. Functions may disperse to specialised environments. A similar specialisation may be encountered in e.g. the development of tourism in the coastal zone. As Gormsen has elucidated, tourism has over time extended in a sequence of spatial peripheries. Consequently, phases in development may be identified with a growing impact and participation of local tourism interwoven with international growth. The environmental quality of coastal zones is seriously under threat, due to ever-increasing population pressure and human exploitation. The major problems are pollution and the availability of good quality water. Oudshoorn explored the worlds resources of drinking water, indicating the great need for political awareness of this huge problem. Cross-sectoral planning is advocated by Oudshoorn, even if water management often trespasses international boundaries and the harmonisation of the planning strategies is mostly difficult. The environmental quality of the coastal zone is also affected by the exploitation of oil and gas resources. Odell demonstrates that the conditions for this exploitation in the North Sea are unique, especially because of the great impact of an international agreement on offshore exploitation. Planning in sea areas is becoming an issue of increasing importance as it has to cope with the many, often conflicting interests, such as shipping, fishery, mining, waste disposal in relation to environmental and ecological constraints. The safeguarding of the land against river floods and sea side storm surges under the threat of a rising sea level is another important issue in coastal low-lands. Callander reviews the present state of human influence on climatic change and the associated sea level change. As indicated by Hesselman et al. new remote sensing and associated GIS techniques have recently been developed which are a great contribution in determining the fate of the coastal zones with respect to the threats induced by natural and human activities.  相似文献   

Different models are used to evaluate the seashore effects of the tsunami generated by an asteroid impacting the shallow-water plateau in the northwest basin of the Black Sea. The shortest distance between the impact location and the coast is about 185 km. The tsunami’s effects on the coastal regions depend on many factors among which the most important is asteroid size. The tsunami generated by a 250-m asteroid reaches the nearest dry land location in 35 min and needs about 2 h to arrive all over the Black Sea coast. The run-up value is about 2 m high on Turkish and Crimean coasts. In the western Black Sea regions, the wave height is about 3 m. The run-up values strongly depend on bathymetry and topography peculiarities. The run-up values in case of the tsunami generated by a 1,000-m-sized asteroid are up to five to six times larger than in case of the 250-m impactor, depending on location. Differences between the tsunami’s dynamics on coastal regions situated in the proximity of deep water and shallow water, respectively, are outlined. Aspects concerning accidental or deliberate nuclear explosions are briefly referred. Possible social consequences and prevention are shortly discussed.  相似文献   

我国海洋地质调查研究新进展   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近10年来,我国海洋地质工作在海岸带、近海与管辖海域、大陆架边缘海和深海大洋开展了地质构造、矿产资源、环境灾害和探查技术及仪器设备等方面的调查研究和研发,取得一系列重要成果。如历时8年的“我国近海海洋综合调查与评价”专项(908专项),完成了1∶100万管辖海域的16个图幅、1∶25万13个图幅的综合调查和9个区块海砂资源评价; 在南海北部琼东南盆地发现了3个大气田; 开展了海岸带环境地质调查评价与图集(1∶400万)编制; “南海深海过程演变”专项研究与南黄海陆架区科学钻探均有新发现; 海底石油勘探与开发技术(“海洋石油981”钻井平台)、南海北部海域天然气水合物探测技术及发现(Ⅱ型天然气水合物、可燃冰冷泉)、南海天然气水合物试采成功,以及海底探测技术与采样设备的研发等等取得了实质性进展或突破。这些重要成果极大地提高了我国海洋地质调查的程度、研究水平和综合实力。  相似文献   

Past hydrological interactions between the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea are poorly resolved due to complications in establishing a high‐resolution time frame for the Black Sea. We present a new greigite‐based magnetostratigraphic age model for the Mio‐Pliocene deposits of DSDP Hole 380/380A, drilled in the southwestern Black Sea. This age model is complemented by 40Ar/39Ar dating of a volcanic ash layer, allowing a direct correlation of Black Sea deposits to the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) interval of the Mediterranean Sea. Proxy records divide these DSDP deposits into four intervals: (i) Pre‐MSC marine conditions (6.1–6.0 Ma); (ii) highstand, fresh to brackish water conditions (~6.0–5.6 Ma); (iii) lowstand, fresh‐water environment (5.6–5.4 Ma) and (iv) highstand, fresh‐water conditions (5.4–post 5.0 Ma). Our results indicate the Black Sea was a major fresh‐water source during gypsum precipitation in the Mediterranean Sea. The introduction of Lago Mare fauna during the final stage of the MSC coincides with a sea‐level rise in the Black Sea. Across the Mio‐Pliocene boundary, sea‐level and salinity in the Black Sea did not change significantly.  相似文献   

海南省海洋地质调查主要进展与成果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中央和地方的共同推动下,海南省海洋地质调查工作取得了长足的进步。为进一步提升海南省海洋地质工作效果,对近年来实施的海洋地质调查工作的主要进展进行了综述,其成果可分为4个方面,即海洋区域地质调查、海岸带与海湾地质环境综合调查与评价、海砂资源调查与评价和岛礁综合地质调查。其中: 1∶100万的海洋区域地质调查已实现了全覆盖,1∶25万的已开展3个图幅工作; 海岸带与海湾地质环境综合调查与评价工作已全面开展,基本查明了本岛沿岸20 m水深以浅的地质概况,重点岸段调查比例尺可达1∶5万,较系统地梳理了海岸带的地质资源与环境现状; 海砂资源调查与评价主要针对锆、钛砂矿和建筑用海砂开展,初步查明了海南岛周边陆架区沉积物类型和海砂潜力分布区,对成矿条件较好的海域开展了详细勘查,圈定了多个海砂开发矿产地; 岛礁综合地质调查工作主要查明了其基础地质条件和开发利用现状,对海岛的进一步开发和管理提出了建议,同时系统地开展了西沙群岛的海陆统筹地质调查工作,掌握了大比例尺的基础地质数据,并研究了其形成和演化过程,为三沙的海岛建设提供了依据。通过地质调查,获得了海南省基础海洋地质数据,查明了海洋资源和环境概况,为海南省的海洋经济发展提供了可靠的地质支撑。  相似文献   

中国海岸带地质资源与环境评价研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海岸带是中国社会经济发展的前沿地带,人口密度最大、城镇化程度最高,在中国海洋强国战略中发挥重要的支撑作用,同时也是中国资源环境压力最大的区域。本文在全面分析近20年来中国海岸带地质资源环境调查成果的基础上,系统梳理了海岸带地区地质资源环境优势和存在的地质环境问题。中国海岸带地质资源环境优势突出,为绿色发展提供了良好条件,重要地质资源环境优势包括:1.2×10~4km~2滩涂后备土地资源可适度开发,以缓解海岸带建设用地紧张局面;2.8×10~4km~2绿色富硒土地和4.1×10~5km~2绿色渔场,适宜发展绿色特色农业和建设海洋牧场;浅层地温能和地热水年可开采量折合标准煤4.2×10~8t,对改善能源结构、减少大气污染有重要作用;5.8×10~4km~2滨海湿地和134处国家级和世界级地质遗迹资源,为海岸带生态文明建设提供了条件;90%的陆域适宜城镇和重大工程规划建设,地下空间开发条件较好,为海岸带地质安全提供了保障。存在的主要环境问题包括:海岸带局部存在活动断裂、地面沉降、地面塌陷、海岸侵蚀淤积、风暴潮等重大地质问题,对部分城市与重要基础设施形成威胁,局部地区水、土污染及海水入侵严重,需要高度重视。建议加大海岸带多学科综合地质调查,构建多要素、多圈层、多维度地质模型,查明自然灾害发生的规律和原因,减轻对人民生命财产造成的损失。  相似文献   

黑海天然气水合物资源丰富,是我国未来开展国际合作的重要区域.论文系统地总结、分析了黑海地区天然气水合物近50年的地质调查结果,包括天然气水合物的分布、资源潜力和地质调查特点等.分析归纳要点包括:黑海地区天然气水合物类型以Ⅰ型为主,主要赋存在细粒沉积储层中,甲烷资源量最高可达850万亿m3;除俄罗斯外,黑海周边其他各国的调查能力和装备实力相对较弱,各专属海域水合物调查程度较低,资源分布不明;土耳其积极参与国际合作项目,具备一定的调查能力和装备实力,是我国未来合作的重点.  相似文献   

This study investigates the long-term capacity of the North Aegean coastal systems to transport and store conservative pollutants that originate from the Black Sea. Emphasis is placed on modeling the dispersion and accumulation of a passive tracer that represents a Black Sea pollutant (BSP) substance that continuously discharges from the Dardanelles exit into the North Aegean, for a long period of time (16?years). The effects of the Black Sea water (BSW) inflows, meteorological forcing, and seasonal stratification are assessed with a 3D hydrodynamic model (Estuary, Lake and Coastal Ocean Model), after validation with available field data. The salinity, water temperature, and discharge from the Dardanelles Strait are taken to be seasonally varied. According to the authors' best knowledge, the present paper constitutes the first numerical modeling attempt in the literature that apart from the long-term hydrodynamic characteristics that have also been studied in previous works, a suitable tracer is introduced in order to predict the long-term fate, distribution, and accumulation of pollutants that originate from the Black Sea into the North Aegean coastal regions. The overall results of the present investigation indicate that the BSP concentration is very high at the coastal waters of Thassos, Samothraki, and Limnos islands, as well as along the mainland coastal waters between Alexandroupolis and Strymonikos Gulf, during summer and autumn when strong water column stratification occurs. In general, the BSP concentration in the North Aegean surface waters reaches considerable high values (47?C58?% of the initial pollutant concentration at Dardanelles inflow) within 16?years. Even for depths more than 500?m the BSP concentration is still remarkable, slightly increasing with time. The increase of the BSP concentration with respect to time at various depths (from free surface up to 750?m) is also investigated.  相似文献   

研究目的】在末次冰期,全球气候变化以千年尺度的快速、大幅度温度波动旋回为特征,这种波动变化在两极冰芯、深海沉积、中国黄土和洞穴石笋等诸多地质样品中均有记录。黑海位于北大西洋与东亚季风区过渡带,具有极有代表性的沉积记录。本文旨在通过对黑海沉积序列的研究,建立起其区域环境变化与北大西洋及东亚季风气候域气候变化的联系。【研究方法】研究对取自黑海西北部罗马尼亚陆坡区多瑙河峡谷北侧GAS-CS12钻孔的长22.0 m的岩芯样品,进行了粒度、矿物成分、主量元素、有机碳、总氮及碳氮同位素等分析。【研究结果】揭示出该段岩芯沉积于末次冰期中后期“Neoeuxine”湖相阶段,可划分为5个沉积单元,对应于北大西洋H4、H3、H1气候变化事件、末次冰盛期(LGM)及Bolling-Allerod气候变暖事件。【结论】建立起了其沉积序列及区域环境变化与北大西洋及东亚季风气候域气候变化的联系,印证了末次冰期千年尺度的气候变化事件在北大西洋、东亚季风区及两者过渡带上具有高度的一致性。创新点:建立了黑海西北沉积序列与区域环境变化的关系;补充了北大西洋与东亚季风区两者过渡带上气候波动事件的可靠时标。  相似文献   

A total of 402 coastal sea-sediment samples were collected from the continental shelf, slope, and basin off Tsushima Island in the western Sea of Japan, and were analyzed for 51 elements as part of a nationwide marine geochemical mapping project. The samples were compared to potentially related sample sets, and the results were considered from the viewpoint of the origin of marine surface sediments in the western Sea of Japan. The spatial distribution of elemental concentrations in the coastal sea sediments correspond to texture, grain size, the presence of shells and foraminifera, and the mud content of surface marine sediments. Most elemental concentrations increased with increasing mud content. Some samples located in littoral areas included sediment particles apparently supplied from nearby rivers, but their contribution was limited. Overall, the mean chemical compositions of clastic material in coastal sea sediments appear to differ from those of stream sediments in adjacent terrestrial areas. In addition, the geochemistry of the coastal sea sediments cannot be fully explained by the mixing of the material supplied from Korean and Chinese stream sediments, which are the most feasible sources. Coastal sea sediments in the study area are well mixed by transportation processes; therefore, elemental abundances in these marine sediments may be homogenized to such an extent that it is not possible to determine their origin. Alternatively, most of the clastics in the sediment may actually represent relict reworked material, originally formed in the Yellow Sea and Tsushima Strait during the last glacial stage and subsequent transgression.  相似文献   

The contemporary state of the ecosystem, coastal waters and coasts of the Black Sea can be assessed as critical. The main causes of unfavourable ecological changes of the sea, and especially its shelf waters, are the natural and anthropogenic changes in river runoff increase of biogenic compounds, organic matter, pollutants and toxic agents carried to the sea in river waters, pollution of the sea water basin with petroleum. This work is devoted to an assessment of the role of sea coasts in the change of its ecological state because up till now the majority of researchers considered the influence of quantitative and qualitative changes of the river runoff produced by the economic activities to be decisive. It is shown that even according to at present incomplete data the contribution of coasts of biogenic compounds to the coastal sea waters is comparable with the contribution of the runoff of large rivers; it is significant for oil hydrocarbons, and decisive with regard to surface acting agents (SAA), phenols and pesticides. In a number of areas the ecological state of the coastal waters is almost completely determined by the inflow of pollutants from coasts. The integral assessment of the quality of coastal sea waters on different areas of the sea proved that the quality of the water along the coasts of Georgia, Russia and the Ukraine varies from moderately polluted to extremely dirty.  相似文献   

江苏沿海大陆岸线长953.9km,海岸带面积约3.5万km^3,滩涂面积5000km^2,而且每年向外海新增土地两万多亩,还拥有举世瞩目的辐射状海底沙脊群,海平面以上部分就有400km^2,是江苏省宝贵的后备国土资源。沿海地区是江苏新的经济增长点。改革开放以来,沿海地区经济的发展,加之地表水体的污染逐年严重,对优质地下淡水的开采逐年增加,原有的地质环境受到破坏,出现了地下水位下降,地下淡水资源减少  相似文献   

After the Last Glacial Maximum, the semi-land-locked Black Sea basin was flooded by warm water from the Mediterranean Sea. This major sea level rise and change of physical water properties had a large impact on the gas hydrate reservoir in the sediments below. Modelling of the regional response of the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) to the Black Sea flooding 7100 years ago shows that a strong effect of near-bottom temperature increase pushes the gas hydrate reservoir to a large shrinking of 15–62% that may release up to 1.1–4.6 Gt of methane. This catastrophic scenario is, however, delayed because of the transient nature of the heat wave propagation. The large-scale reduction of the GHSZ is only to take place within the next thousand years. At present, widespread hydrate dissociation is only expected to occur where there is a minimum water depth for hydrate stability.  相似文献   

海岸带以陆海相互作用为基本特征,并形成了一系列相关的海岸带地质灾害.海岸及近海区域是海岸带陆海相互作用的关键地区,与人类活动关系密切,减轻海岸带灾害损失和保护海岸带环境的重点应在此设立海岸缓冲区.本文在分析莱州湾东岸海岸带陆海相互作用相关的地质灾害基础上,总结提出了海岸缓冲区规划的地质地貌标志、咸-淡水过渡带标志.对缓冲区规划原则、动态管理及海岸带立法做了初步的分析与探讨.  相似文献   

A total of 49 elements have been identified in 338 coastal sea sediment samples collected from an area situated off the Ise-Tokai region of Japan for a nationwide marine geochemical mapping project. The spatial distribution patterns of the elemental concentrations in coastal seas along with the existing geochemical maps in terrestrial areas were used to define the natural geochemical background variation, mass transport, and contamination processes. The elemental concentrations of coastal sea sediments are determined primarily by particle size and regional differences. Most elemental concentrations increase with a decrease in particle size. Some elements such as Ca, Mn, and Yb are found to exist in large quantities in coarse particles containing calcareous shells, Fe–Mn oxides, and felsic volcanic sediments. Regional differences reflect the mass transfer process from terrestrial areas to coastal seas and the influence of the local marine geology. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) reveals that for many elements, the particle size effect is predominant over regional difference. The mean chemical compositions of coastal sea sediments are similar to those of stream sediments in adjacent terrestrial areas and in the upper crust of Japan. This observation supports the fact that coastal sea sediments have certainly originated from terrestrial materials. However, the spatial distributions of elemental concentrations are not always continuous between the land and coastal seas. The scale of mass movement observed in marine geochemical maps occurs at a distance of 20 km from the river mouth. A detailed examination of the spatial distribution patterns of K (K2O) and Cr concentrations suggests that terrestrial materials supplied through rivers are deposited near the shore initially, and then gravity-driven processes shift the sediments deeper into the basin. Contamination with heavy metals such as Zn, Cd and Pb was observed in coastal bays surrounded by urban and industrial areas. It is noteworthy that the areas with the highest concentration of these elements usually do not occur near the shore (not near the contamination source) but at the center of the bay. Unexpected low concentrations of Zn, Cd and Pb near shore may either be due to a decreased anthropogenic load in the most recent sediments or to dilution by unpolluted flood sediments.  相似文献   

天津滨海新区被提到国家总体发展战略后,随着经济持续发展、城市化进程不断加速及产业转移,进行了大规模围海造陆,在拓展土地空间的同时,也造成了相当多的环境问题。利用滨海新区由陆到海的3条水文地质剖面获取的地下水动态变化监测数据和土壤含盐量测试结果,开展了围海造陆对沿海低地浅层地下水环境的影响研究。结果显示:1受围海造陆影响,对应的沿海低地浅层水位已经出现由陆到海逐渐增高的现象,造成地下水位反向倾斜,阻碍了地下水径流和排泄;2由陆到海浅表土壤全盐量出现逐渐增高的特征,在浅层地下水反向径流作用下,东部区域大量的盐分将被携带至沿海低地,使沿海低地盐渍化程度加重,严重影响到湿地保护和生态建设;3围海造陆对海岸带生态环境的影响是一个长期缓慢的过程,应持续监测近岸海域和陆域沿海低地生态环境的变化情况,以便提出合理的修复建议。  相似文献   

海岸带位于海陆交互地带,其独特的地理、地质和环境条件导致其灾害地质现象发育,地质灾害易发性和危险性高。考虑到海岸带的重要经济和社会属性,开展海岸带的地质灾害风险评价显得极为重要。本文首先建立了基于模糊贝叶斯网络的地质灾害风险评价模型,结合网络层次分析法(ANP)确定模糊贝叶斯网络的条件概率,并简化了贝叶斯网络的结构图谱。在此基础上,以辽东半岛东部海岸带作为研究区,以崩塌、滑坡、地面塌陷、海岸侵蚀和海水入侵等5个主要地质灾害类型作为评价对象,开展了基于ANP-模糊贝叶斯网络模型的地质灾害易发性、危险性和风险性评价,并编制了综合地质灾害风险分布图;结果显示,区内高、较高风险区主要分布于研究区的西南部海岸带,面积为249km2,约占全区面积的9.1%。研究成果可为海岸带国土资源开发、经济建设规划、防灾减灾救灾等提供重要参考,对同类地区的海岸带地质灾害风险评价具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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