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花岗岩混合成因研究及大陆动力学意义   总被引:71,自引:19,他引:52  
王涛 《岩石学报》2000,16(2):161-168
岩相学特别是同位素地球化学研究显示,很多花岗岩并非起源于单一物源,而可能是壳、幔物质的三源(元)混合产物,也可能是三源(元)混合产物,如长英质上地壳物质、基性下地壳物质、幔源基性物质或陆壳、洋壳、地幔物质。因而,用花岗岩推断下地壳物质组成特性有时不一定可靠,但花岗岩混合成因研究却有可能提供有关地壳结构、生长演化以及地壳、洋壳、地幔三者相互作用关系的信息,进而可能成为探索大陆动力学的一条新途径。  相似文献   

铅同位素动力学模型及其在示踪花岗岩成因中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李龙 《地学前缘》2000,7(2):413-429
介绍了壳幔铅混合模式和铅连续生长模式 ,并首次将这两个模式推广到花岗岩成因研究中。通过对世界上一些花岗岩体中长石铅同位素数据的壳幔混合模式计算 ,发现在约 3 1Ga时曾发生过一次全球性的大规模U ,Pb分异事件。将铅连续生长模式计算结果与其它一些一致性信息对比发现 ,该模式对示踪花岗岩的源区时代非常敏感。对以地壳铅为主的花岗岩 ,其铅连续生长模式年龄与其成岩年龄相当 ;而对造山带花岗岩 ,两者之间的关系具有不确定性。对中国南、北秦岭和大别—苏鲁造山带花岗岩中长石铅同位素数据的计算结果对比表明 ,即使属于同一个造山带的岩体 ,其铅的来源和演化历史也存在较大的差别。此外 ,青岛崂山碱性花岗岩的各种铅同位素性质与中国东部其它碱性花岗岩体存在差别 ,但与苏鲁地体花岗岩表现的铅同位素行为一致 ,表明崂山碱性花岗岩的成因与苏鲁花岗岩体的成因具有更强的相关性。  相似文献   

滇西地区下地壳铅同位素的组成及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祝朝辉 《地质与勘探》2009,45(5):509-515
滇西地区新生代碱性侵入岩中广泛分布的麻粒岩包体可以代表该地区的下地壳岩石,为了确定滇西下地壳岩石的铅同位素组成,我们系统采集了该区碱性岩中的麻粒岩包体,挑选出其中的长石、石榴子石等造岩矿物,测定了其铅同位素组成,在Zartman等的铅构造演化模式图上,剔除个别异常的铅同位素组成,圈出投影于下地壳铅同位素演化趋势线上及附近的铅同位素分布范围,由此确定了该区下地壳的铅同位素组成的区域,并进一步结合作者先前确定的该区上地壳及上地幔铅同位素组成,构建了该区三维岩石圈铅同位素组成,并将这一结果用于滇西金顶超大型铅锌矿床的成矿物质来源的研究中,发现颇受争议的金顶铅锌矿床中的铅并非来自上地幔,而相当于下地壳来源的铅与兰坪盆地沉积岩铅二者的混合铅。  相似文献   

中天山尾亚杂岩体的铅同位素组成特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨浩  顾连兴 《铀矿地质》1990,6(3):156-162,178
对尾亚杂岩体钾长石铅同位素组成的详细研究发现,它们符合幔-壳二元混合模式。即地幔来源的铅和不同数量的地壳来源的铅的混合。经计算,其中约有25%—37%的铅来自上地幔,而63%—75%的铅来自地壳,该区陆壳平均年龄约2450Ma。本区岩石铅同位素组成与中国东部不同,显示贫钍富铀的特征。铅同位素的研究进一步证明尾亚杂岩体系幔-壳混合源的同熔系列花岗岩。  相似文献   

“三江”地区花岗岩按其成岩物质来源分为壳型、壳幔型、幔型三大类。不同成因类型的花岗岩,其铅同位素组成明显不同。壳型花岗岩具较高的铅同位素比值和富铀铅贫钍铅的特点;壳幔型花岗岩的铅同位素比值较低,具贫铀铅富钍铅的特点;幔型花岗岩的铅同位素组成因陆壳物质混染程度的不同而变化较大。花岗岩的铅同位素组成可反映出花岗质岩浆物源区的特点,并可用于区分不同成因类型的花岗岩。  相似文献   

太古宙花岗质岩石的成因及大陆地壳演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花岗质岩石是太古宙地体的主要组成部分,任何大陆地壳的演化模式都必须包括能够形成这些花岗质岩石的恰当的地质环境。本文在归纳总结太古宙地体中花岗质岩石的基本地质地球化学特征的基础上,将太古宙地体中的花岗质岩石划分为TTG岩系、柴苏花岗岩系和花岗岩—混合岩系,并分别探讨了三者的源岩物质和成岩过程,以及它们在太古宙大陆地壳演化过程中的作用,最后,建立了太古宙大陆地壳演化的混合模式。  相似文献   

根据地质和地球化学特点,特别是同位素组成,将Li-F花岗岩划分为浅源南岭系列(系列Ⅰ)和深源长江系列(系列Ⅱ).系列Ⅰ的δO18>10‰,ISr>0.7100,εNd(t)<-6,在207Pb/204Pb-206Pb204Pb铅同位素构造图上位于上地壳线附近;系列Ⅱ的δ18O<10‰,ISr<0.7100,εNd(t)>-6,在207Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204铅同位素构造图上位于地幔线与造山带线之间.说明浅源南岭系列Li-F花岗岩物质来源比较浅,以上地壳(再循环地壳)物质为主,而深源长江系列Li-F花岗岩物质来源比较深,以地幔、下地壳和造山带(原生地壳)物质为主.  相似文献   

花岗岩成因研究前沿的认识   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
近十多年来,人们已认识到大多数花岗岩浆的发育和演化受对流地幔(软流圈)物质向岩石圈地壳输入作用过程的制约,开创了把壳-幔相互作用研究与花岗岩形成演化紧密结合的新方向,这个新的研究方向的科学前沿主要是花岗岩形成与大陆生长和深部过程的关系;花岗岩形成的深熔作用和热源以及花岗岩的成因类型与构造环境。这些研究试图从大陆生长及大陆动力学的层次去认识花岗岩成因,以期建立起一个它们之间相互关联的框架,并进一步通过这一框架追索它们形成时热能传递的机理及其体制。因此,研究花岗岩不仅可以获得花岗岩物质来源和构造环境的信息,而且可以获得对流地幔(软流圈)物质向岩石圈地壳输入作用过程导致的壳幔物质运动的状态、过程、动力学等问题的本质、深部能量(热能)的传导、转化的重要信息。探索和解译这些信息,对于认识大陆生长具有纲举目张的作用,是解决当今大陆地质演化,建立大陆动力学关键问题之一,是继花岗岩物质来源、构造环境研究的花岗岩研究的第三个里程碑,对传统花岗岩成因观点提出了挑战,因而具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

大陆下地壳物质组成和同位素组成及其指示意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用统计方法对20组世界各地大陆下地壳组成的估计值进行分析,其结果表明大陆下地壳组成具双峰式分布特征,峰值代表了A、B两种元组分。组分A为幔源垫托岩浆的结晶分凝产物,组分B为古老的大陆壳物质。大陆下地壳物质组成和同位素成分确定和探讨对建立恰当大陆动力学模型具有深元的指示意义。  相似文献   

花岗岩研究的若干新进展与主要科学问题   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
王孝磊 《岩石学报》2017,33(5):1445-1458
花岗岩研究进入到新的时期,需要寻找新的研究思路和研究方法。本文总结了近十年来国际上有关花岗岩前沿研究的新进展,归纳总结了七个方面的主要研究内容,包括:1)地球早期花岗岩与大陆演化;2)源区的不均一性与不平衡熔融;3)岩浆成分变化的同位素示踪;4)壳-幔岩浆混合与花岗岩的形成;5)地壳热带与中酸性岩的形成;6)花岗岩岩体的生长和结晶时间;7)金属稳定同位素在花岗岩研究中的应用。最后在此基础上对花岗岩的研究趋势,建议利用新视角、新方法等着重开展花岗岩源区和岩浆深部过程的精细研究,并揭示花岗岩与早期地壳形成之间的联系。  相似文献   

长江中下游中生代花岗岩类源区的壳—壳混源性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
长江中下游地区中生代花岗岩类形成于大别造山带碰撞后岩石圈物质的调整演化过程。Sr、Nd、Pb同位素组成数据表明,早、晚阶段花岗岩类具有相似的壳-壳混合源区性质,其主要源岩端员可能分别相当于以大别杂岩为代表的深变质岩系和中、新元古界底侵(underplating)基性物质与部分古元古界沉积-火山-侵入岩系组成的扬子陆块下地壳岩石。这两种成分不同的下地壳物质在这里呈指状穿插体结构。长江中下游地区下地壳在碰撞造山过程中曾是大别地块与扬子地块之间的深部构造混杂带。本文主要根据各类已有的Sr、Nd、Pb同位素组成资料讨论花岗岩类的源区性质问题  相似文献   

华南花岗岩物源成因特征与陆壳演化   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
华南不同时代的花岗岩按物质来源及成因可划分为:幔源(分异)系列:幔-壳混源(同熔)系列;壳源改造(重熔)系列和幔-壳混源碱性系列等四个不同的系列,简要阐述了划分四类系列的岩石学、地球化学的依据。侧重根据Sm-Nd、Rb-Sr同位素成分,以二元混合模型计算了花岗岩源区物质组成中,上壳和亏损地幔组份各占的比例。在此基础上探讨了不同物源成因系列花岗岩形成与华南陆壳演化的内在联系:东安、雪峰旋回褶皱系阶段花岗岩物源成因类型比较多样,有幔源(分异)系列、不成熟壳源、成熟壳源改造(重熔)系列等;加里东,海西期以陆壳改造(重熔)系列为主;印支、燕山期活化区(地洼)阶段,在地幔活化激发下,中国东部陆缘形成幔—壳混源(同熔)系列花岗岩和相应的火山岩;但沿内部断裂带,在壳下地幔热传输及构造作用下引起陆壳重熔,形成属于壳源改造(重熔)系列花岗岩。同位素的研究证明了:地洼阶段的构造-岩浆活动主要动力是来自壳下地幔的活化。  相似文献   

Mafic granulite and pyroxenite xenoliths from Cenozoic alkaline basalts at Hannuoba, Hebei Province, North China have been selected for a systematic geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic study, which provides a unique opportunity to explore nature of the lower crust and the interaction between the continental crust and lithospheric mantle beneath an Archean craton. The major, compatible and incompatible elements and radiogenic isotopes of these xenoliths suggest great chemical heterogeneity of the lower crust beneath the Hannuoba region. Petrological and geochemical evidences indicate a clear cumulate origin, and most likely, they are related to basaltic underplating in different geological episodes. However, the Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of the xenoliths reveal a profound enriched source signature (EM I) with some influence of EM II, which implies that some portion of pre-existing, old metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle could have played an important role in their genesis. It is suggested that the interaction between continental crust and subcontinental mantle as manifested by basaltic underplating would be closely related to regional tectonic episodes and geodynamic processes in the deep part of subcontinental lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

A comparison of geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions for Deccan Continental Flood Basalts (CFBs) and Central Indian Ridge (CIR) Basalts is presented: these data permit assessment of possible parental linkages between the two regions, and comparison of their respective magmatic evolutionary trends in relation to rift-related tectonic events during Gondwana break-up. The present study reveals that Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB) from the northern CIR and basalts of Deccan CFB are geochemically dissimilar because of: (1) the Deccan CFB basalts typically show a greater iron-enrichment as compared to the northern CIR MORB, (2) a multi-element spiderdiagram reveals that the Deccan CFBs reveal a more fractionated slope (Ba/YbN > 1), as compared to relatively flat northern CIR MORB (Ba/YbN < 1), (3) there is greater REE fractionation for Deccan CFB than for the northern CIR MORB (i.e., La/YbN  2.3 and 1 respectively) and (4) substantial variation of compatible–incompatible trace elements and their ratios among the two basalt groups suggests that partial melting is a dominant process for northern CIR MORB, while fractional crystallization was a more important control to the geochemical variation for Deccan CFB. Further, incompatible trace element ratios (Nb/U and Nb/Pb) and radiogenic isotopic data (Sr–Pb–Nd) indicate that the northern CIR MORBs are similar to depleted mantle [and/or normal (N)-MORB], and often lie on a mixing line between depleted mantle and upper continental crust. By contrast, Deccan CFB compositions lie between the lower continental crust and Ocean island basalt. Accordingly, we conclude that the basaltic suites of the northern CIR MORB and Deccan CFB do not share common parentage, and are therefore genetically unrelated to each other. Instead, we infer that the northern CIR MORB were derived from a depleted mantle source contaminated by upper continental crust, probably during the break up of Gondwanaland; the Deccan CFB are more similar to Ocean island basalt (Reunion-like) composition, and perhaps contaminated by lower continental crust during their evolution.  相似文献   

大别造山带在地球化学分区上属于扬子大板块还是华北大板块一直存在争议。近年来,一些学者根据其显生宙矿石铅和花岗岩长石铅(揭示地壳铅)具有低铅同位素成分特征,将大别造山带整体划归华北大板块。本文对大别造山带南部(黄陂、新洲、大悟地区)、腹地(麻城地区)和扬子陆块北缘(黄石地区)晚中生代碱性玄武岩铅同位素组成(揭示地幔铅)研究表明,大别造山带具有高放射性成因铅同位素特征,与扬子铅同位素省中南扬子亚省基本一致。扬子陆块北缘(黄石地区)晚中生代碱性玄武岩铅同位素组成与扬子铅同位素省中北扬子亚省基本一致。铅同位素组成特征和Th-U-Pb体系变异趋势均表明:(1)大别造山带晚中生代地幔属于扬子地幔,与华北地幔存在明显区别;(2)大别造山带壳、幔铅同位素成分上存在明显的非耦合特征,反映大别造山带壳幔演化历史的复杂性。  相似文献   

下地壳拆沉作用及大陆地壳演化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
讨论了下地壳拆沉作用的地球化学示踪方法,并以近来对秦岭-大别造山带和美国西部内华达岩基地区的研究成果为例,说明了下地壳拆沉在两地区壳-幔演化方面可能起的重要作用。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that eclogites in the Dabie orogenic belt are exhumation prod-ucts, which had subducted into the deep-seated mantle and undergone ultra-high pressure meta-morphism during the Triassic. But no direct evidence supports this process except the calculated p-T conditions from mineral thermobarometem. The Late Cretaceous basalts studied in the pres-ent paper, however, have provided some geochemical evidence for crust-mantle interaction in the area. These basalts are distributed in Mesozoic faulted basins in central and southern Dabieorogenic belt. Since little obvious contamination from continental crust and differentiation-crys-tallization were observed, it is suggested, based on a study of trace elements, that the basaltsare alkaline and resultant from batch partial melting of the regional mantle rocks, and share thesame or similar geochemical features with respect to their magma source. In the spider diagram normalized by the primitive mantle, trace element geochemistry data show that their mantle sources are enriched in certain elements concentrated in the continental crust, such as Pb, K,Rb and Ba, and slightly depleted in some HFSE such as Hf, P and Nb. Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic com-positions further suggest the mantle is the mixture of depleted mantle (DM) and enriched one(EMI EMII). This interaction can .explain the trace element characteristics of basaltic mag-mas, i.e.,the enrichment of Pb and the depletion of Hf, P and Nb in basalts can be interpre-ted by the blending of the eclogites in DOB (enriched in Pb and depleted in Hf, P and Nd)with the East China depleted mantle (As compared to the primitive mantle, it is neither en-riched in Pb nor depleted in Hf, P and Nb). It is also indicated that the eclogites in the Dahieorogenic belt were surely derived from the exhumation materials, which had delaminated into thedeep-seated mantle. Moreover, the process subsequently resulted in compositional variation of the mantle (especially in trace elements and isotopes) , as revealed by the late mantle-derivedbasalts in the Dabie orogenic belt.  相似文献   

It has long been debated that the Dabie orogenic belt belongs to the North China or Yangtze craton. In recent years, eastern China has been suggested, based on the Pb isotopic compositions of Phanerozoic ore and Mesozoic granitoid K-feldspar (revealing the crust Pb) in combination with Meso-Cenozoic basalts (revealing the mantle Pb), being divided into the North China and Yangtze Pb isotopic provinces, where the crust and mantle of the Yangtze craton are characterized by more radiogenic Pb. In this sense, previous researchers suggested that the pro-EW-trending Dabie crogenic belt with less radiogenic Pb in the crust was part of the North China craton. In this paper, however, the Late Cretaceous basalts in the central and southern parts of the Dabie orogenic belt are characterized by some more radiogenic Pb (206Pb/204Pb=17.936−18.349,207Pb/204Pb=15.500−15.688,208Pb/204Pb=38.399−38.775) and a unique U-Th-Pb trace element system similar to those of the Yangtze craton, showing that the Mesozoic mantle is of the Yangtze type. In addition, the decoupled Pb isotopic compositions between crust and mantle were considerably derived from their rheological inhomogeneity, implying a complicated evolution of the Dabie orogenic belt. The study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49794043) and the Open Laboratory of Constitution, Interaction and Dynamics of the Crust-Mantle System, China.  相似文献   

现有240个花岗岩体的Nd同位素资料表明,华南内陆花岗岩可能主要由地壳部分熔融成成。从壳源花岗岩提取源岩成分信息的方法是把这种花岗岩的同位素成分同出露的元古代弱变质地壳的相应资料作比较。野外关系说明,华南内陆花岗岩侵入毗邻的围岩,因此其形成深度应该出现在出露的深度大。。因为这些花岗岩的定位深度一般在5~15km之间,这些壳源花岗岩可能代表一种中地壳探度的熔融.它们的同位索成分应能提供在这一探度上地壳成分的信息。根据华南壳源花岗岩同出露的元古代弱变质地壳岩石的Sm—Nd同位素对比,华南内陆大部分地区在中地壳探度上存在中性至长英质成分的地壳,并且从早古生代到中生代不曾发生过明显变化。但是花岗岩浆的分异作用所导致的Sm、Nd分馏可能是亲石元素矿化的一个重要控制因素。  相似文献   

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