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当地下水位较高时,地下车库等附属建筑物不得不对抗浮问题进行考虑,抗拔桩被越来越多的应用于工程中。依据工程实例对抗拔桩设计荷载条件、抗浮桩单桩承载力设计、抗浮桩桩身结构设计、群桩地基整体稳定性、单位面积抗浮力、抗拔桩抗裂分别进行了阐述,以及抗拔桩设计中应考虑的问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

赵彤  杨海松  王向军 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z2):359-363
于家堡金融起步区充分利用地下空间实现交通、商业功能的提升,由于地下结构埋置深、地下水埋深浅,地下工程抗浮问题十分突出。在建的南北车库为纯地下结构,单层面积达3×104m2,埋置深度达16 m。开展了扩底抗拔桩与桩侧后注浆抗拔桩两种新型抗拔桩的现场足尺试验,试验结果表明,两种新型抗拔桩皆适用可行,抗拔承载力较常规等截面桩大幅提高,且本扩底抗拔桩试桩的极限承载力与变形控制皆优于桩侧后注浆抗拔桩。本工程选择了扩底抗拔桩并采用可视化全液压扩底施工工艺,新型抗拔桩大幅减短桩长,节约大量材料并减少泥浆排放,经济社会效益显著。扩底抗拔桩的成功应用为其在该地区的推广奠定了基础,具有较高的工程示范价值。  相似文献   

钱建固  贾鹏  程明进  黄茂松 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):662-0668
桩侧后注浆抗拔桩是一种新型的抗拔桩基础。借助于试验和数值手段对这种抗拔桩的承载变形特性开展了深入研究。首先进行了接触面的大型剪切试验,以揭示桩土接触面在注浆与未注浆前后其力学特性的差异性,并基于大型接触面剪切试验成果,建立了桩土接触面的修正库仑摩擦模型。将接触面模型应用到有限元数值分析,分别模拟了传统等截面抗拔桩与后注浆抗拔桩的承载变形特性。研究表明,相比传统的抗拔桩,桩侧后注浆抗拔桩的侧摩阻力得到了显著的改善,特别是深处的桩侧极限摩阻力得到了更充分的发挥,从而桩侧注浆抗拔桩的承载能力有了较大程度的提高。  相似文献   

对抗拔承载力系数λ进行简要评述,通过对3个工程实例的Q-s曲线进行数学方法拟合,得出其极限抗拔承载力,同时按照规范方法计算其单桩极限抗拔承载力,然后对两者关系进行比较。对抗拔桩设计中的抗拔承载力系数λ取值及桩侧摩阻力f。的取值进行了探讨,所得结论将进一步对抗拔桩工程设计提供有益的参考依据。  相似文献   

在沿海高地下水位地区,地下水浮力对建筑物作用往往比较强,因而这类地区建筑基础抗浮设计成为工程建设中的关键问题。在地下工程中通常采用设置抗拔桩来抵消地下水浮力对建筑物的不利影响。然而,实践证明并非一定要采用抗拔桩才能抵消地下水浮力的作用,应针对具体建设条件,采用更加经济合理的基础形式。结合上海地区某工程实例,对基础设计安全性和经济合理性进行探讨分析,并提出优化基础方案,以期对同类其他工程的基础设计有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型的抗拔(浮)桩——部分粘结预应力抗拔(浮)桩。该新型桩有效改善了抗拔桩的桩身结构,能充分发挥抗拔桩的承载力,改变了混凝土受拉时的受力性状,克服了普通抗拔桩容易产生裂缝的弊病。结合有关地下结构浮力方面的研究成果及现场实际的部分粘结预应力抗拔桩荷载试验结果,对抗拔(浮)桩进行了优化设计。  相似文献   

在基坑中对等截面单桩进行了抗拔静载试验,在桩身设置应变式钢筋计,成功测得桩身各截面的应变数据。分析试验所得数据,对试验抗拔桩抗拔系数的取值、侧摩阻力的发挥、混凝土桩身的开裂等进行了探讨,相应给出了抗拔桩的设计建议。  相似文献   

通过沿海地区复杂地层中抗拔桩试桩实例,介绍了抗拔试验桩试验参数与方法以及深基坑中的抗拔桩施工技术:填石夹填土层成孔技术、桩端岩心取样技术与桩基清孔技术。试验表明,抗拔试验参数较为可靠且能满足结构设计的抗拔要求,为抗拔桩在深基坑中的应用研究提供了数据支撑。  相似文献   

在黄土地区抗拔桩现场试验的基础上,通过数值模拟,分析了等截面抗拔单桩在竖向上拔荷载作用下的变形特性,并探讨了桩长和桩身混凝土强度对抗拔单桩Q-s曲线、桩身轴力及桩侧摩阻力的影响,力图为黄土地区抗拔桩的设计及施工提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

砂土中抗拔桩与抗压桩模型试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究单桩在抗拔与抗压条件下承载能力、桩身轴力以及侧摩阻力分布规律的不同,进行了砂土中长径比大于40的抗拔桩与抗压桩室内模型试验,通过桩身内设置电阻应变片,测得各级荷载下桩身不同深度的应变。分析表明,抗拔桩不论是位移还是位移增长速率,都远远超过抗压桩。因此,抗拔桩设计时应综合考虑桩顶上拔量来确定抗拔承载力。抗拔桩与抗压桩的桩身轴力分布具有相似的特性,试验所得抗拔总侧摩阻力折减系数?=0.56。抗拔桩与抗压桩侧摩阻力都是从上部开始发挥并向下传递,随着荷载的增加,上部侧摩阻力变化很小,桩身中下部侧摩阻力迅速增长。抗拔桩桩端部侧摩阻力表现出弱化效应,抗压桩则表现出强化效应。  相似文献   

Lithostratigraphy, physicochemical stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and geochronology of the 77–70 Ma old series bracketing the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary have been investigated by 70 experts. For the first time, direct relationships between macro- and microfossils have been established, as well as direct and indirect relationships between chemo-physical and biostratigraphical tools. A combination of criteria for selecting the boundary level, duration estimates, uncertainties on durations and on the location of biohorizons have been considered; new chronostratigraphic units are proposed. The geological site at Tercis is accepted by the Commission on Stratigraphy as the international reference for the stratigraphy of the studied interval. To cite this article: G.S. Odin, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 409–414.  相似文献   

New biostratigraphical data based on foraminifers, algae and pseudo-algae indicate that the limestone pebbles of the channelized polygenic conglomerates of the Migoumess formation contain Late Visean (V3bγ–V3c) assemblages. That confirms the Westphalian age attributed to this formation by Hollard [Zdt. Geol. Ges. 129 (1978) 495–512]. The Tournaisian age assigned to it by palynology [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, série II 310 (1990) 1573–1576] cannot be retained. The Tirhela formation, Late Visean and Serpukhovian (E1) in age, is coeval with the Akerchi formation [Berkhli, thèse d'État, 1999; Berkhli et al., J. Afr. Earth Sci. (accepté)]. The Idmarrach formation, mapped as a thrust sheet [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, série II 310 (1990) 1573–1576], is dated as Serpukhovian (E1) and its thrusting is consequently post-Serpukhovian. Palaeogeographic and geodynamic consequences are listed. To cite this article: M. Berkhli, D. Vachard, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 67–72  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to examine the present knowledge about water structure close to an interface or confined in porous spaces. First, the structure of liquid water is briefly described. Though its understanding remains incomplete, it appears that it is largely dominated by the hydrogen bond network and its dynamical evolution. The presence of any ‘foreign’ substance in water perturbs such a structure by changing at least locally the hydrogen bond network. For this reason, the presence of a solid interface significantly modifies the structure of the first adsorbed layers. Whatever the support, it is now clearly evidenced that structural perturbations are limited to distances lower than 10–15 Å from the interface. The nature, energetic heterogeneity and hydrophilicility/hydrophobicity of the solid surface influence the arrangement of water molecules. This surface organisation must definitely be considered when studying adsorption phenomena at the solid–aqueous solution interface. The relevance of such problems to geosciences is illustrated by a few situations in which water structure plays a prominent role. To cite this article: L.J. Michot et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 611–631.  相似文献   

本文描述了产于吉林中部的皱纹珊瑚1新属2新种。这些珊瑚化石除具皱纹珊瑚的一般特征之外,还具有六射珊瑚的特点。它对研究六射珊瑚与皱纹珊瑚之间演化关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Sedimentologic study of carbonated sediments of the Rmah-I member (Coniacian–Santonian) of Jabal Abtar, central southern Palmyrides (Central Syria), uncovers phosphatic levels, associated with marine vertebrate remains, that give evidence of an early episode of the Senonian phosphatogenesis in the Palmyrides. Sedimentary sequence analysis reveals a gradual marine transgression during the Senonian. Phosphatic sedimentation occurred in a shallow neritic marine environment almost connected with the open sea. Condensed sedimentation could have contributed to the phosphatogenesis. To cite this article: A.K. Al Maleh, N. Bardet, C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   

The Middle Anisian has been palynologically characterized for the first time, at the whole Moroccan scale, in the High Atlas of Marrakech. The stratigraphic, tectonic and paleogeographic implications of this discovery are analysed. To cite this article: E.H. El Arabi et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

Well investigated platforms have been selected in each continent, and the history of Cretaceous transgressions and regressions there is concisely reviewed from the available evidence. The factual records have been summarized into a diagram and the timing of the events correlated between distant as well as adjoining areas.On a global scale, major transgressions were stepwise enlarged in space and time from the Neocomian, via Aptian-Albian, to the Late Cretaceous, and the post-Cretaceous regression was very remarkable. Minor cycles of transgression-regression were not always synchronous between different areas. Some of them were, however, nearly synchronous between the areas facing the same ocean.Tectono-eustasy may have been the main cause of the phenomena of transgression-regression, but certain kinds of other tectonic movements which affected even the so-called stable platforms were also responsible for the phenomena. The combined effects of various causes may have been unusual in the Cretaceous, since it was a period of global tectonic activity. The slowing down of this activity followed by readjustments may have been the cause of the global regression at the end of the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The litho- and biostratigraphy of the Craie de Villedieu Formation (Coniacian-Santonian)of western France are described in detail. The formation is subdivided into three members each containing a number of lithologically distinct named hardgrounds and marker beds. These constitute an onlapping sequence that thins from > 15 m in the NE around Cangey and Villedieu-le-Château, to < 2 m in the SW around St Michel-sur-Loire, a distance of 70 km. Thickness variation is related to the interaction of differential subsidence with eustatic transgression. Comparison with the Chalk Rock Formation of southern England indicates that transgressive and regressive hardground suites may be differentiated on bed geometry and hardground surface characteristics. The Craie de Villedieu rests everywhere on a regional hardground that coincides with the Turonian/Coniacian boundary in expanded successions, but probably marks a significant hiatus. South-west of Tours, onlap results in Santonian strata resting disconformably on strata of Turonian age. The basal Craie de Villedieu contains a succession of three Coniacian ammonite faunas characterized by Peroniceras and Forresteria (Harleites) (oldest), Gauthiericeras margae (Schlüter), and Protexanites (youngest). Volviceramus ex gr. involutus (J. de C. Sowerby) occurs with the two uppermost ammonite assemblages. A Santonian ammonite fauna dominated by Placenticeras polyopsis (Dujardin) occurs with Texanites gallicus Collignon and common Cladoceramus in the middle of the formation. Cordiceramus ex gr. cordiformis (J. de C. Sowerby) is recorded with Santonian ammonites in the upper part of the formation. A correlation with the Micraster zones of chalk facies is suggested, based on the inoceramid stratigraphy. The record of T. gallicus in association with Cladoceramus affords the first direct evidence for the position of the base of the Santonian in the Anglo-Paris Basin.  相似文献   

The first trans-Saharan epicontinental transgression began in the Late Cenomanian and peaked in the Early Turonian. The sea entered through rifts (Nigeria) and subsiding areas (north Africa) and, at maximum extent, spilled out onto stable craton. The central Sahara was land in late Early Turonian time; the sea seems to have remained in the central part of the Benue rift, to sally forth again during the minor Coniacian transgressive pulse. The Coniacian transgression went no further than eastern and central Niger Republic. For a short time during the Cenomanian-Turonian link-up between the Tethys and the South Atlantic, some organisms (mainly ammonites and pelecypods) passed across the Sahara. The Coniacian marine deposits of eastern Niger contain several elements typical of the Mungo River Formation of Cameroun, and coastal Nigeria. These faunistic indications imply that the topographical obstacle formed by the Zambuk ridge of northeastern Nigeria was swamped at maximum transgression. A third, very extensive epicontinental transgression began in latest Campanian time and reached its acme in the Early Maastrichtian. In the central Sahara, at least, there was a retreat of the sea in later Maastrichtian times. A final transgression peaked during the Paleocene, after which the sea withdrew permanently from the northwest African hinterland. The same marine ostracod associations occur in the Paleocene of coastal Nigeria, the Sokoto embayment, Mali and Libya, thus providing strong evidence of a marine connexion, albeit brief, between the South Atlantic and the Tethys, despite the lack of outcrop evidence in the crucial Niger valley region.  相似文献   

Summary The Lower Lias Clay at Blockley, 20 km due south of Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, is thought to be representative of this clay formation over much of the Severn Basin. As far as the mineralogy of the clay is concerned, illite is the dominant clay mineral, kaolinite being subsidiary, with quartz, calcite, pyrite and chlorite/vermiculite present in subsidiary or accessory amounts. Weathering changes the mineralogy, with illite being degraded and calcite and pyrite being removed. Furthermore free iron oxide coatings become important as a result of weathering, with the maximum concentrations being present in the highly weathered material.The unweathered clay possesses a preferred orientation associated with turbostratic structures. At certain horizons microfolding and remoulding occurs in the unweathered clay and silty layers are displaced. Weathering has progressively destroyed the micro-structures present in the weathered clay horizons.The fissures in the Lower Lias Clay occur in five uniplanar sets. In the unweathered clay the intensity is fairly constant but it increases in a narrow zone just below the weathered horizons. The number of curved fissures also increases at this depth. This intense fissuring continues into the lowest zone of weathered clay where weathering is confined to the fissure surfaces. Fissures become less apparent in the more weathered horizons as more and more degradation has taken place. However, new smaller fissure systems are developed in the weathered clay, as are desiccation cracks.Engineering index properties and values of shear strength are given. Relationships between moisture content and strength, liquid limit and iron (Fe) content were observed, and a relationship between weathering zones and the shear strength-depth curve was established.  相似文献   

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