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小冰期气候国际会议于1991年9月25—28日在日本东京都立大学国际交流会馆召开。会议宗旨在于交流世界各地小冰期气候信息,结合当前全球气候增暖,讨论小冰期气候的变化与特征。会议有以下四个议题:A.小冰期气候的气候历史事实;B.由历史文献重建小冰期气候;C.当代气候与小冰期气候;D.小冰期气候成因。  相似文献   

近千年全球气候变化的长积分模拟试验   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
近千年全球气候变化的长积分模拟试验是全球气候模拟研究的新领域,它不仅将现代器测资料与过去代用指标序列进行了有机的衔接,而且对过去百年和年代际尺度的气候变化可进行动力学解释,探讨其主要控制因素及其导致的区域响应差异。由于这类长积分模拟对计算机技术和气候模式本身的要求较高,目前能进行这类研究的国家为数不多。重点介绍了德国马普气象研究所的全球海气耦合气候模式ECHO G,以及利用该模式进行的千年长积分模拟试验结果。首先,应用全球120年的器测资料对模拟结果进行了检验,论证了该模型较强的气候模拟能力;其次,根据全球地表2 m气温的千年模拟结果,揭示了中世纪暖期—小冰期—20世纪暖期三段式气候变化时段,然后讨论了中世纪暖期和小冰期鼎盛期全球及中国的温度分布特点;最后根据对各控制因子的拟合分析与比较,初步揭示了近千年来的温度变化主要受太阳有效辐射的变化控制,而温室气体含量的增加对100年来温度的快速上升起着主导作用。   相似文献   

小冰期气候为评估现代气候变化提供了最直接的背景.本文主要依据树轮资料,同时结合现代仪器观测记录,利用经验正交函数(EOF)方法探讨了青藏高原小冰期以来气候变化的时空特征.首先分析了高原的温度变化.近50年来青藏高原的温度变化基本同相位变化,没有明显的区域差异;乌兰树轮序列是青藏高原的冬半年(9~4月)温度代用指标;利用...  相似文献   

过去千年气候变化的数值模拟研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在阐述千年气候变化研究意义的基础上,围绕着如何利用气候系统模式来对过去千年的气候变化进行归因模拟、以理解其中自然和人为因素的作用问题,总结和评述了国际上相关研究进展,进一步归纳了千年气候变化数值模拟中亟待解决的科学问题,重点包括千年气候演变中自然变率特征时段(即中世纪暖期和小冰期)与人类活动影响时段(即20世纪气候变暖)的气候差别,在中世纪暖期、小冰期和20世纪气候变暖这3个特征时段上,自然变化和人类活动影响的作用与机制比较、中国过去千年气候演变的模拟等,随后,扼要介绍了国家自然科学基金重大项目"中国地区树轮及千年气候变化研究"之课题"中国千年气候变化数值模拟与机理研究"的主要研究内容.  相似文献   

小冰期时中国南方地区降水模式的差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小冰期是过去一千年中全球气候变化的重要事件之一。关于小冰期时中国季风区和西风影响区气候变化的对比研究众多,但是缺乏中国南方地区降水模式时空差异的研究,难以了解中国南方地区降水变化规律。为了系统地了解小冰期时中国南方地区降水的复杂性,本文将中国南方地区划分为东南—华南沿海地区、中部地区以及西南地区三个区域,总共选取了19条高分辨率的古气候记录进行对比研究,主要有以下几点认识:(1)相对于中世纪暖期而言,小冰期期间中国南方东南—华南沿海地区的气候偏湿,这可能与雨带在中国南方的滞留时间延长和沿海地区受台风的影响增强有关。(2)中国中部地区秦岭南麓和神农架高山林区在小冰期时期主要呈"冷湿"的模式,差异在于秦岭南麓区域主要在小冰期中后期偏湿,这与中部其他区域偏"冷干"的模式不同。这种区域差异可能是由于地形地势和大气环流的复杂性导致。(3)中国西南地区受印度夏季风和东亚夏季风的共同影响,且该区域地形复杂,其气候变化在小冰期时期存在更加明显的空间差异,没有呈现出比较一致的降水模式。与小冰期期间的降水变化不同的是,近30年东南—华南沿海地区除了台湾和雷州半岛,其他区域降水明显减少,可能受气温和人类活动等因素的影响。通过结合高分辨率的古气候记录,我们系统分析了中国南方小冰期的干湿模式在时空上的差异及其可能的影响因子,这对于认识小冰期时中国南方不同区域降水的复杂性及未来旱涝灾害的防控具有一定意义。  相似文献   

气候变化尤其干湿变化对人类活动具有重要影响,高分辨率地重建过去的干湿变化是研究区域干湿变化的基础,同时也为未来气候变化提供依据。目前针对华北地区小冰期高分辨率的气候变化研究还较少,特别是干湿变化研究更少。本研究在3个AMS-14C测年的基础上,通过99个样品的孢粉、炭屑、粒度等指标高分辨率地重建了该地区小冰期以来的气候干湿变化特征及与人类活动强度的关系。结果表明:小冰期之前(约1340 A.D.)乔木花粉含量多在25%以上,指示流域植被以森林草地景观为主,沉积物颗粒较粗,沉积环境不稳定,气候较为湿润。小冰期期间(1340~1920 A.D.)乔木花粉多降低至15%以下,喜干的藜科、荨麻属和葎草属花粉含量明显增加,指示气候整体变干,但不同阶段变干程度又存在明显差异:小冰期早期(1340~1580 A.D.)孢粉组合中喜干的藜科花粉含量逐渐增加,湿生植物花粉含量减少,PCA axis 1得分值多在0~1之间,显示气候偏干。该时期与人类活动有关的炭屑浓度、农作物(禾本科≥35μm)花粉和磷(P)含量均最低,说明小冰期早期研究区人类活动强度相对较弱;小冰期中期(1580~1800 A.D.)喜干的藜科、荨麻属和葎草属花粉含量达到最高值,PCA axis 1得分值较小冰期早期更正偏,指示气候更为干旱。炭屑浓度、伴人植物、磷(P)含量和农作物(禾本科≥35μm)花粉均达最高值,指示人类活动强度明显增强;小冰期晚期(1800~1920 A.D.)湿生的禾本科和水生植物狐尾藻属等花粉含量达到最高值,PCA axis 1得分值负偏,指示气候变湿润。该阶段农作物(禾本科≥35μm)花粉、炭屑浓度和磷(P)含量较上一时期均略有降低,表明人类活动强度较小冰期中期略有降低。小冰期以后(1920年至今)喜湿的禾本科和水生植物狐尾藻属花粉含量减少,与小冰期晚期相比,气候向着干旱化方向发展.  相似文献   

山地冰川平衡线高度作为气候变化代用指标的讨论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
鞠远江  刘耕年  魏遐 《冰川冻土》2007,29(4):613-616
对以平衡线高度作为气候变化代用指标的理论依据进行了讨论,依据天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川的大量观测资料,建立和完善现代冰川平衡线高度与气候统计关系,从传统方法以区域范围内气候因子为参数改造为以冰川范围内气候因子为参数,通过检验认为改造后的公式比较合理.将公式外推到小冰期第二次冰进时的1号冰川,并运用侧碛垄最大高度法确定了小冰期第二次冰进时冰川的平衡线高度,给出了该次冰进时气候条件的半定量推算结果.证明利用山地冰川平衡线高度作为气候变化的代用指标,并且对气候状况进行半定量推断是可行的.  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘气候变化历史对认识区域乃至全球气候动力成因有重要意义。本文基于笔者近年来在青藏高原东缘获取的湖泊记录,并汇总他人研究成果,探讨了高原东缘近2000年气候变化历史。已有的研究表明青藏高原东缘北部(NETP)和南部(S-ETP)近2000年水文气候存在显著的区域差异。N-ETP地区中世纪总体温暖湿润,小冰期寒冷干燥,近100~200年温暖湿润,表现为"暖湿-冷干"气候模式;而S-ETP地区中世纪温暖干旱,小冰期寒冷湿润,近100~200年温暖干旱,表现为"冷湿-暖干"气候模式。对比分析表明:N-ETP地区气候模式与东亚夏季风广泛区域气候模式相似;而S-ETP地区气候模式与多数印度夏季风地区气候模式相似。因而认为这样大尺度的水文气候差异可能与不同区域大气环流差异以及赤道太平洋-印度洋海表面温度变化及其引起的大气环流的强度及位置的变化有关。  相似文献   

过去 2ka气候变化研究进展   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
过去 2ka气候和环境变化是PAGES计划研究的核心内容之一。自该计划实施以来,各国科学家就近 2ka气候变化研究做了大量的工作,陆续召开了多次国际会议。介绍了研究的历史背景,然后从冰芯、树轮和历史文献三个方面回顾和评述了国内外近年来对过去 2ka气候和环境变化的研究现状,其中重点关注了中世纪暖期和小冰期在全球的空间表现特征。  相似文献   

中国全新世气候变化研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
全新世气候变化研究是古气候研究的一个重点,中国全新世气候变化的研究也是全球变化研究中重要的一部分,大量的研究工作为恢复中国全新世气候做了在贡献。中国地形地貌复杂,又处在具有复杂时空变率的东亚季风控制范围内,这使得不同的研究工作者在一些问题上存在意见分歧,比较统计的意见是:中国全新世纪始于约10.5kaBP;在约9-8kaBP左右为一段降温期;7-4kaBP为一段温暖期,通常称之为全新世大暖期;大约3kaBP左右开始降温,至近代才又升温;约1300aA.D左右进入小冰期,到1850aA.D.左右结束,其间又有几次比较明显的温度振荡。1850aA.D.至今为温度的上升期。对于气候变动的驱动因素,不同的学者看法不一;从长时间尺度看,太阳辐射变化是气候变化的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

This paper considers the results of comprehensive lithological, biostratigraphic, and geochemical investigation of sediments in Khara-Nur Lake (Eastern Sayan Mountains) situated in the area of the greatest Holocene eruptions in the Central Asia Region. The age of the basal sediment layer is estimated at 6881 ± 53 years. The local natural environment and climate have undergone great changes since that time. The Holocene volcanic events did not exert a catastrophic impact on the regional landscape, but they caused dramatic changes in the local vegetation. The well-defined correlation of the regional events with the well-known records of the natural environment in the Northern Hemisphere is indicative of the decisive influence of global atmospheric circulation on restructuring the landscape and climate system in the Zhom-Bolok Region in the Middle–Late Holocene.  相似文献   

全球变化背景下新疆地区气候跃变的可能影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李稚  李卫红  陈亚宁 《冰川冻土》2011,33(6):1302-1309
基于新疆过去50a气温和降水时间序列长期趋势的研究结果,结合对1986年及附近时段对全球气候产生重大影响的一系列事件(厄尔尼诺、火山爆发、核电站爆炸事故、温室气体增加等)的分析,探讨了1986年新疆气温和降水出现跳跃式变化的原因.具体表现为:当厄尔尼诺现象发生时,常常出现暖冬、早春,在该现象消退过程,往往降水有所增多;...  相似文献   

过去1000年气候模拟比较和机制分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
陈星  徐韵 《第四纪研究》2009,29(6):1115-1124
利用中等复杂程度模式MPM­2进行的多情景1000年气候模拟试验和全球海气耦合气候模式ECHO­G进行的1000年长时间积分气候模拟试验结果,分析了过去1000年全球气候变化特征及其与各强迫因子变化的关系,并与部分温度重建资料作了对比,探讨了近千年气候变化的原因和驱动因子。模拟和重建结果均反映出了大约出现在1000~1300年的中世纪暖期、1300~1850年的小冰期和1860年之后的全球升温期。对于1300~1850年的小冰期和1860年之后的升温期,模拟和重建的趋势基本一致,尤其是1670~1710年Maunder太阳黑子最小期时,模拟和重建结果吻合很好。各因子及其组合的强迫试验表明,在不同典型气候时期,强迫因子的作用是不一样的。1000~1300年的中世纪暖期,模拟与重建资料存在一定的位相差异和幅度差异。从整体上来看,模式得出的温度距平值要小于重建温度距平值。在1000年尺度上,太阳辐射、火山活动和温室气体对全球温度变化都有重要意义,但表现的时间不同。在最近百年尺度上,温室气体含量的变化对温度的变化起着相对更为重要的作用。  相似文献   

The angular velocity of Earth's rotation shows decadal oscillations due to the lunisolar gravitational torque, as well as inter‐ or intra‐annual changes arising from the angular momentum exchange between the atmosphere and the solid Earth. The energies involved in the Length of Day (LOD) variations may affect the crustal deformation rate and seismic energy release on a global scale. We found significant correlation between the occurrences of major volcanic eruptions and the LOD pattern since AD 1750. On a multiyear scale, eruption frequency worldwide increases with LOD changes. Moreover, the injection of sulphur gases into the atmosphere during major eruptions is accompanied by significant inter‐annual LOD variations. This provides evidence of complex mutual cause‐and‐effect interactions: stress changes induced by multiyear variations in Earth's spin may affect climactic volcanic activity; also, the atmosphere's dynamic response to volcanic plumes may result in global changes of wind circulation and climate, with consequent LOD variations.  相似文献   

Just like contemporary sediments, peat itself is a good repository of information about climate change, the effects of volcanic activity on climate change have been truly recorded in peat, since it is a major archive of volcanic eruption incidents. A section of sand was identified as tephra from the Jinchuan peat, Jilin Province, China, for the grains look like slag with surface bubbles and pits, characterized by high porosity, and loose structure with irregular edges and corners. According to the peat characteristics of uniform deposition, the tephra was dated at 2002–1976 a B.P. by way of linear interpolation, so the time of volcanic eruption was 15 B.C.–26 A.D. (the calibrated age). While the geochemical characteristics of tephra in this study are quite the same as those of tephra from the Jinlongdingzi volcano at Longgang and from alkaline basaltic magma, with the contents of SiO2<55%, and the similar contents to Al2O3 and Fe, but the contents of Na2O>K2O. We speculated that the tephra in this study came from the Longgang volcano group. Compared with 11 recorded volcanic eruption events as shown on the carbon and oxygen isotope curves of the Jinchuan peat cellulose, it is obviously seen that adjacent or large-scale volcanic eruptions are precisely corresponding to the minimum temperature and humidity. It seems that these volcanic eruptions indeed affected the local climate, leading to the drop of regional temperature and humidity. As a result, there was prevailing a cold and dry climate there, and all these changes can be well recorded in peat. So the comparison of volcanic eruption events with information about climate change developed from peat, can provide strong evidence for the impact of volcanism on climate change.  相似文献   

Volcanic eruptions can significantly cool the global troposphere on the time scales from several months up to a decade due to reflection of solar radiation by sulfate aerosols and feedback mechanisms in the climate system. The impact of volcanic eruptions on global climate are discussed in many studies. However, few studies have been done on the impact of volcanic eruption on climate change in China in the past millennium. The 1300-year and 600-year temperature series were reconstructed based on the six tree-ring temperature proxy data in northeastern and southeastern Tibetan Plateau, respectively. Three warm periods occurred in 670-920,1000-1310 and 1590-1930, and three cold periods happened at 920-1000,1310-1590 and 1930-2000 in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. There were two obviously warm periods (1385-1450 and 1570-1820) and two cold periods (1450-1570 and 1820-2000) in southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Contrasting with volcanic eruption chronology, we analyzed the relationship between volcanic activity and temperature variation in the eastern Tibetan plateau during the past millennium using Superposed Epoch Analysis (SEA) method. The results indicated that the temperature decreased one year after large volcanic eruptions located beteen 10°S and 10°N in latitude in northeastern Tibetan Plateau and two years in southeastern Tibetan Plateau. The volcanic eruptions occurred at different latitudes have different impacts on the temperature variations, which may be caused by regional difference, the nature of the eruption, the magnitude of the resulting change in incoming solar radiation, prevailing background climate and internal variability, season, latitude, and other considerations.  相似文献   

Volcanic eruptions generate hazards, are potent agents of landscape change and have the power to alter global climate. Recent events in Iceland have emphasised the multi‐scale and trans‐boundary nature of hazards from ice‐volcano interactions and have highlighted their local, national and international impacts. Prompted by these recent events, this article reviews a selection of Icelandic volcanic eruptions in order to demonstrate the diversity of hazards and impacts generated by Icelandic volcanic activity. Some of the challenges associated with managing risks from Icelandic volcanic hazards are discussed and future prospects are outlined.  相似文献   

We present for the first time a self-consistent methodology connecting volcanological field data to global climate model estimates for a regional time series of explosive volcanic events. Using the petrologic method, we estimated SO2 emissions from 36 detected Plinian volcanic eruptions occurring at the Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA) during the past 200,000 years. Together with simple parametrized relationships collected from past studies, we derive estimates of global maximum volcanic aerosol optical depth (AOD) and radiative forcing (RF) describing the effect of each eruption on radiation reaching the Earth’s surface. In parallel, AOD and RF time series for selected CAVA eruptions are simulated with the global aerosol model MAECHAM5-HAM, which shows a relationship between stratospheric SO2 injection and maximum global mean AOD that is linear for smaller volcanic eruptions (<5 Mt SO2) and nonlinear for larger ones (≥5 Mt SO2) and is qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with the relationship used in the simple parametrized approximation. Potential climate impacts of the selected CAVA eruptions are estimated using an earth system model of intermediate complexity by RF time series derived by (1) directly from the global aerosol model and (2) from the simple parametrized approximation assuming a 12-month exponential decay of global AOD. We find that while the maximum AOD and RF values are consistent between the two methods, their temporal evolutions are significantly different. As a result, simulated global maximum temperature anomalies and the duration of the temperature response depend on which RF time series is used, varying between 2 and 3 K and 60 and 90 years for the largest eruption of the CAVA dataset. Comparing the recurrence time of eruptions, based on the CAVA dataset, with the duration of climate impacts, based on the model results, we conclude that cumulative impacts due to successive eruptions are unlikely. The methodology and results presented here can be used to calculate approximate volcanic forcings and potential climate impacts from sulfur emissions, sulfate aerosol or AOD data for any eruption that injects sulfur into the tropical stratosphere.  相似文献   

Four major ash zones recorded in piston cores raised from the Iceland Plateau north of Iceland are shown to be coincident with the last four interglacial isotopic stages. Their geochemical composition links the ashes to volcanic events on Iceland. The occurrence of these ash layers, which record events orders of magnitude larger than the ‘normal’ Holocene volcanic eruptions, can not be explained by changes in sea ice cover and atmospheric circulation alone. It is suggested that these events are related to pressure releases in the magma chambers resulting from major deglaciations of the Icelandic Ice Cap.  相似文献   

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