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喀斯特生态系统服务研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩会庆  苏志华 《中国岩溶》2017,36(3):352-358
喀斯特生态系统是全球典型的脆弱生态系统之一,它为人类提供了重要的服务功能和价值。回顾国内外喀斯特生态系统服务研究的文献可发现,当前研究多遵循“土地利用变化—生态系统服务价值响应”的研究范式,仅重视中小尺度喀斯特生态系统服务价值的空间异质性,强调土地利用变化和生态工程对生态系统服务价值的影响。而今后应加强基于“生态系统结构、过程—功能—服务”级联框架的喀斯特生态系统服务研究,构建喀斯特生态系统服务分类体系,突出大尺度喀斯特生态系统服务评估,拓展喀斯特生态系统服务之间权衡与协同及喀斯特生态系统服务对人类福祉的影响,定量分析自然和人为因素对喀斯特生态系统服务的影响。   相似文献   

The influence of karst features on environmental studies in Turkey   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 The carbonate rocks of Turkey, which underlie about one third of the country, possess major water resources with great potential for electricity generation and water supplies. The ongoing development of karst features, especially in the southern part of Turkey, demonstrates specific environmental problems that occur in many karst water supply projects. Karst aquifers, springs, sinkholes, dolines, poljes and other karst features are of great importance from the standpoint of karst water resources and environmental research studies. In karst regions, conservation and protection of groundwater resources for both qualitative and quantitative evaluations is possible only when the catchment area is determined accurately. Since the catchment area in karst terrains is not limited by the surface drainage boundaries and the groundwater flows through well-developed coduits or fissures, the equations used in non-karstic areas cannot be applied to such karstic regions. Studies on the development of karst features and its environmental impacts in Turkey are of recent origin. Therefore, many unreliable methods are being applied in karstic areas. For example, the use of "shallow holes or sinkholes and fault zones" for septic water waste disposal or as sewage by those who are not familiar with karst, sometimes causes very serious problems of extensive groundwater pollution. This paper discusses the development of different karstic features in Turkey and case studies on its environmental impacts. Received: 27 December 1995 · Accepted: 10 July 1996  相似文献   

Karst aquifers represent one of the main sources of water supply in Serbia. Wide distributions of karstic areas, abundant reserves, and excellent quality of karst groundwater have been the reasons for its extensive use in water supply systems throughout the country. In Serbia, 70 karstic sources have been tapped for centralized water supply, with the assessed minimal capacity exceeding 4.5 m3/s. Most of the large cities of Eastern and Western Serbia currently use karst groundwater for water supply; however, due to unstable flow regime when only natural springflow is tapped, numerous problems arise during the recession period (summer–autumn). During the last two decades, after favorable conditions had been confirmed through hydrogeological survey and feasibility studies, several newly constructed systems for artificial control of karst aquifers (mostly in Eastern Serbia) resulted in significantly improved water supply.  相似文献   

全球岩溶生态系统对比:科学目标和执行计划   总被引:88,自引:4,他引:88  
由我国提出的新的国际地质对比计划“全球岩溶生态系统对比”(IGCP 448)已于2000年初由IGCP科学委员会批准,在2000-2004的5年中执行。该项目的科学目标是:对比全球不同气候条件下的宏观岩溶生态系统,揭示其形成机理;对比不同地质条件下微观岩溶生态系统,揭示其对物种选择的影响,为岩溶地区石漠化治理,重建良性生态系统探索新思路,从地理,地质角度对比地下岩溶生态系统;研究岩溶生态系统与人类活动的相互作用。5年中除40余个参与国将作好本国岩溶生态系统研究作为全球对比的基础外,还将重点联合考察罗马尼亚,巴西,中国,西班牙,法国,美国,俄罗斯,澳大利亚等国的典型岩溶区,并作深入对比研究,IGCP448的核心科学问题是岩溶生态系统的运行规律,对如何利用我国地域优势和组织该多边国际合作计划的有利条件,进一步做好我国岩溶生态系统研究提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

喀斯特石漠化研究存在的问题与发展趋势   总被引:52,自引:1,他引:52  
喀斯特石漠化代表了世界上一个比较独特的荒漠类型,即湿润区石质荒漠化。目前石漠化面积快速扩展的总体趋势并没有得到有效遏止,因对石漠化发生机制与喀斯特生态系统稳定性机制还不清楚,同时缺乏比较完善的石漠化防治理论和技术体系也是重要的原因之一。较为详细地介绍了目前西南喀斯特山区石漠化过程和适应性生态修复研究方面存在的基础理论问题,包括喀斯特石漠化的时空格局变化与驱动力、喀斯特山地的侵蚀过程、驱动力与危险性、以水为纽带的喀斯特生态系统退化和石漠化过程中的生物地球化学过程、喀斯特受损生态系统的适应性修复、喀斯特生态系统的服务功能优化和综合调控等方面,阐述了上述几个研究领域的研究现状与可能的发展方向;强调喀斯特石漠化是一个非地带性问题,不是纯自然过程,而是与自然、社会与经济紧密相关,需要以喀斯特科学为主的多学科交叉与综合集成研究。  相似文献   

IGCP448:岩溶生态系统全球对比研究进展   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
章程  袁道先 《中国岩溶》2005,24(1):83-88
综述了IGCP 448项目"全球岩溶地质及有关生态系统对比"(2000-2004)执行四年来所取得的学术成果.其中比较重要的新认识有:(1)岩溶地区的植被,常常是涵养水分,增加含水层的贮水能力,改善水文生态环境的重要因素,但在澳大利亚南部岩溶区广泛分布的桉树,则以其强烈的蒸发作用,而被用于降低地下水位,防治土壤盐碱化;(2)在北方(Boreal) 或温带湿润气候生态区,地下岩溶系统则被用于排除沼泽地区过多积水,偏碱性的碳酸盐岩也有利于中和酸性环境,凡是岩溶发育的地方,都成了主要农业基地;(3)通过洞穴探险发现一类完全不同于靠光合作用产生有机质的生物群--化学自养微生物(甲烷菌);(4)中国西南典型岩溶区的研究表明,表层土壤微生物可以加速碳酸盐岩的溶解作用,并揭示了植物根系与土壤微生物是产生碳酸酐酶(CA)的两个重要供给源.  相似文献   

 Arid karst landscapes that have been degraded by human activities provide a challenge for rehabilitation and an opportunity to test ideas about the stability and resilience of limestone ecosystems. The Nullarbor Plain is the largest arid karst area in Australia (220 000 km2) and is divided into extensive closed karstic depressions separated by low rocky ridges, while the dominant vegetation is chenopod shrubland. Since European settlement there has been considerable change in the vegetation, with significant reduction in shrub and grass cover over large areas of the plain. These changes are related to a state and transition model of vegetation dynamics which incorporates climatic variability, fire history and grazing pressure from sheep, kangaroos and rabbits. A partial sediment budget using 137Cs inventories reveals local and regional patterns of soil redistribution within this arid karst landscape. Rehabilitation of eroded soil in pastoral lands has been accomplished at several sites but is labour intensive and vulnerable to climatic fluctuations. Given the low stock numbers, limited number of people involved, and poor economic returns, it would be sensible to make pastoral activities on the Nullarbor secondary to conservation priorities. This would necessitate a change in land ethic to stewardship, with emphasis on rehabilitation and control of feral animals. Management of increased numbers of visitors to the caves and karst also requires that resource inventories and management plans for each area be drawn up and used. Received: 1 June 1995 · Accepted: 4 December 1995  相似文献   

岩溶介质具有较强的非均质性,其地表及地下的岩溶结构形态多样。通过对钻孔结构描述、钻孔水物化性质分析,不仅能够掌握区域上岩溶含水层的结构特征,而且对于岩溶地下水演化过程的揭示亦有重要作用。文章以桂林岩溶水文地质试验场西南部峰丛山区与峰林平原交界处的钻孔为例,通过野外便携式多参数仪原位测试钻孔垂向水物化指标(pH值、水温T、电导率EC),探索浅部(地面以下约50 m内)地下岩溶较为发育条件下钻孔水物化指标的垂向变化特征,揭示岩溶介质非均质性对钻孔垂向水物化指标的影响。结果表明:岩溶地区小范围内不同钻孔间的水物化性质有所差异,且岩溶发育相似的钻孔(如ZK4/ZK5、ZK7/ZK8),其水物化指标垂向变化具有一定的相似性,但不同指标(T、pH、EC)的变化幅度存在差异;钻孔水物化性质受到试验场区岩溶介质结构非均质性的控制,即岩溶介质结构影响了地下水的赋存条件和水力联系而导致水物化性质的差异;在对岩溶地区地下水物化性质进行研究时应充分考虑岩溶介质的非均质性特征,根据实际的水文地质条件选取具有代表性的钻孔含水段进行取样和监测。   相似文献   

塔河油田奥陶系岩溶储层垂向带发育特征及其识别标准   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邹胜章  夏日元  刘莉  唐建生  梁彬 《地质学报》2016,90(9):2490-2501
岩溶储层在垂向上的分带性是岩溶在垂向上发育不均匀的客观表现。根据现代岩溶理论,通过对大量测井资料的统计分析,按照岩溶缝洞系统发育强弱及地下水运动方式、岩溶作用方式,将岩溶储层垂向上划分为表层岩溶带、垂向渗滤溶蚀带、径流溶蚀带、潜流溶蚀带等四个岩溶发育带,并建立了塔河油田奥陶系岩溶储层垂向带划分的测井响应与岩溶成因组合指标体系。测井响应指标包括自然伽玛、电阻率、井径等;岩溶成因指标包括地下水径流方式、岩溶作用类型、充填特征和岩溶个体形态等。根据岩溶储层垂向带划分标准,对塔河油田奥陶系岩溶储层垂向带发育特征进行了统计分析,并对不同地貌区岩溶储层的垂向带发育特征进行分析。分析认为:表层岩溶带以大中型溶蚀孔洞为主,测井显示为高伽玛,低电阻;半充填(或未充填)时测井表现为低伽玛,低电阻;垂向渗滤溶蚀带以高角度溶缝和小型溶蚀孔洞为特征,测井显示为低伽玛,高电阻;径流溶蚀带多发育大型溶洞,测井显示为高伽玛,低电阻;潜流溶蚀带岩溶弱发育,测井显示为低伽玛,高电阻。  相似文献   

兴文喀斯特与中国南方喀斯特旅游资源对比研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
中国南方喀斯特集中了中国最具代表性的喀斯特地形地貌。位于中国南方喀斯特区域内的兴文县拥有国内罕见的完整喀斯特景观,丰富独特的喀斯特景观被朱学稳研究员誉为“兴文式喀斯特”。本文运用比较法、德尔菲法与层次分析法,对兴文喀斯特与中国南方喀斯特世界自然遗产项目以及天坑、溶洞、石林等典型喀斯特旅游资源进行比较分析,总结其资源优势。研究认为,兴文县完整的喀斯特流域上发育了类型丰富多样、品位高、组合好且分布集中的喀斯特自然资源,形成了独特的喀斯特生态僰苗文化资源,与“世界自然遗产”中国南方喀斯特一、二期7个代表地一样具有代表性,具有列入世界自然遗产名录,进一步补充、完善中国南方喀斯特自然遗产资源的条件。   相似文献   

Karst Hazard Assessment of Eastern Saudi Arabia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Karst phenomena exist in areas in the eastern part of Saudi Arabia, forming solution features such as sinkholes, collapsed dolines and solution caverns, as a result of the chemical leaching of the carbonate and evaporite formations by percolating water. The instability of these karst phenomena could produce land subsidence problems. This paper reviews the geology of documented karstic rock units in Saudi Arabia and proposes a simple engineering classification of the solution features characteristic of limestone. Two case histories in the Dhahran area, eastern Saudi Arabia, will be used as examples for the application of a modified engineering classification.  相似文献   

云南石林喀斯特露石径流输出及其影响因素探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
喀斯特露石具有重要的生态功能,但关于露石承接降水后的石面径流及其影响因子研究仍然很少.本实验选择云南石林的石漠化、人工林、原生林生态系统,布设露石径流收集装置,收集并测量不同降雨事件后的露石石面径流,测定露石承接降水面积和粗糙度.结果表明:(1)在3.92 mm到72.31 mm的降雨范围内,露石承接降雨量与露石径流量间存在极显著的正相关关系.(2)降雨量,林冠覆盖,露石粗糙度均影响露石径流输出.降雨量与露石径流深成显著正相关关系;石漠化生态系统的露石承接降雨量和露石径流输出显著高于两类林地;露石径流输出随露石粗糙度的增加而减小,两者间存在显著的负相关关系.(3)石漠化生态系统的降雨-露石径流转换系数为0.483,显著高于人工林生态系统的0.434和原生林生态系统的0.413,但两类林地的差异性仅在降雨量为小雨时显著.多因素影响下的喀斯特露石径流具有高度异质性,其将对土壤水分、养分异质性与生物多样性的形成产生重要影响.  相似文献   

花江喀斯特峡谷地区石漠化成因初探   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
花江喀斯特峡谷区地下水埋藏深,地表干旱,存在显著的人为加速土壤侵蚀过程,植被次生性明显,生境干热特征显著,是已石漠化和半石漠化的生态系统。其中地质构造、地貌演化、岩溶形态、可开发利用的水资源、植被群落可能是石漠化过程的主要自然成因,以土地利用为表现形式的强烈人类活动是石漠化的驱动力。基于此,提出了石漠化地区的土地利用方式和生态恢复过程的建议,旨在为石漠化的演化研究及生态重建提供参考。  相似文献   

云南牛栏江德泽-李子箐段岩溶发育,主要类型为岩溶塌陷和溶洞(暗河)。在研究区内现有地质资料及调查成果的基础上,总结了研究区岩溶发育的基本特征:空间上分布广、密度大,个体规模大,各类岩溶类型相互连通。系统地分析了研究区岩溶作用的成因,主要为:①区内的降雨量较大,为岩溶的发育提供了丰富的水源;②研究区西北部的车乌-鲁冲大断裂,控制着区内总体构造形态,并造成了北东向与南东向等多组节理裂隙的发育,为岩溶水的流通创造了条件;③广泛分布的可溶性岩石,为岩溶的发育提供了物质条件,有利于岩溶作用的发生。  相似文献   

蒲俊兵 《中国岩溶》2022,41(3):429-440
作为现代地球科学学科体系重要组成部分的岩溶学一直以来都被认为是地质学、地理学、环境科学、生态学之间的交叉、边缘学科,并未建立起自己独立的学科体系。面对全球岩溶地貌分布广泛、生态环境脆弱及问题复杂多样且同经济社会发展密切相关等情况,文章在简要回顾国内外岩溶学发展历程的基础上,通过对近三十年国内外岩溶研究相关学科发展情况的分析,以地球系统科学、岩溶动力学理论为指导,讨论构建现代岩溶学学科体系这一重要问题。文章围绕岩溶动力系统的四大功能和岩溶区资源环境生态问题的实际,从地质学、地理学、地球化学、生态学、环境学、水文学等与现代岩溶学研究相关的学科出发,尝试构建现代岩溶学学科体系,其主要的学科分支包括岩溶地质学、岩溶地貌学、岩溶水文地质学、岩溶环境学、岩溶工程地质学、岩溶生态学、岩溶资源学、全球变化岩溶学、洞穴学等九个分支学科,并简要阐述了各分支学科的科学内涵和定位。分支学科的构建,体现了国际岩溶科学研究中相关研究方向和学科发展独立性和交叉性的统一,体现了国际岩溶学发展的现状和趋势,对于国际岩溶科学的发展具有较为重要的意义。   相似文献   

The Gavbast karstic aquifer located in southern Iran is in direct contact with an exposed salt diapir. To assess the influence of the diapir on the quality of groundwater in the karstic aquifer, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, flow rate, temperature and major ion concentrations were measured at 57 sampling sites, including springs, surface waters and wells. A conceptual model of groundwater flow is proposed for the Gavbast karstic aquifer based on the geological setting, water budget, local base of erosion, and hydrochemistry of the sampling sites. The model suggests two subbasins in the Gavbast Anticline draining into two distinct discharging alluvial sections. Unexpectedly, groundwater discharging from the carbonate Gavbast aquifer is saline or brackish and water is of chloride type. The study indicates that the source of salinity of the Gavbast aquifers is infiltration of surface diapir-derived brine into the aquifer. The contribution of the diapir brine in the Gavbast karst aquifer is calculated about 4 L/s, using chloride mass balance. Construction of salt basins to evaporate brine discharging from the diapir springs is proposed to reduce the salinity of karst water. A row of strategically placed wells in the Gavbast karst aquifer would potentially exploit large volumes of fresh groundwater before it is contaminated by the salt. Such low-cost remediation should allow the agricultural exploitation of 40 km2 of currently barren land.  相似文献   

泰国岩溶面积约占中南半岛岩溶面积的1/4,横跨近11个纬度。泰国岩溶作用强烈,地貌奇特,类型多样,既有典型的高原坡立谷岩溶,也有典型的峰丛洼地谷地和滨海峰林岩溶地貌,因而在全球岩溶对比研究中具有重要地位。本文在初步查明泰国岩溶分布、典型岩溶区的水文地球化学特征的基础上,分析了泰国岩溶发育的主要特点和动力条件,并与中国西南岩溶作了对比,旨在推动中国与中南半岛岩溶的对比以及全球现代岩溶的对比研究。   相似文献   

西南喀斯特地区地表水热过程研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西南喀斯特地区水文二元结构以及生境条件的异质性导致地表水热过程异常复杂。水热过程机理研究薄弱,已经成为生态系统退化关键过程识别、生态恢复重建推进的关键限制因素。首先从野外科学实验、陆面过程参数化、遥感反演技术3个方面简要论述了地表水热过程的研究方法,指出在喀斯特地区,目前亟需开展的工作是在样地和坡面尺度上对地表水热过程进行系统的观测和实验,以深化水热过程机理研究,并发展适用于喀斯特地区的陆面过程模式和遥感反演模型。进而评述西南喀斯特地区地表水热过程已有研究进展与存在问题:水分循环研究的重视,但在特殊的地质背景与复杂的生境条件下,土壤水分时空异质性及降雨入渗产流和土壤侵蚀过程的机理仍不明晰,而且水热耦合研究非常缺失。最后从地表水热过程机理、水热过程变化影响机制、生态系统恢复重建水热调控等方面展望了其未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

岩溶生态系统是受岩溶环境制约的生态系统,是脆弱的生态系统,缺水、少土、富钙是岩溶生态系统无机环境的基本特征,植物与岩溶环境长期的相互作用,演化出独特的岩溶植物。岩溶植物具有喜钙性、石生性、旱生性,其多样性表现为少属科、寡种属和特有种,更有岩溶生态系统中特有的洞穴弱光带、天坑植物群落。植物是生态系统的生产者,肩负着生态系统的生产力、生态服务功能的重任,退化岩溶生态系统的修复,需要根据中国岩溶生态系统发育特色,探索发展具有仿自然特色的生态产业,走出岩溶区“绿水青山就是金山银山”的道路,完善中国岩溶生态系统理论。   相似文献   

Kerman city has a semiarid-arid climate with an average annual precipitation of about 158 mm. The area is underlain by soluble subsoil and alluvial deposits, overlying highly fractured Cretaceous limestones. Geo-environmental studies indicate that both paleokarst and active karst features are developed in the area. The paleokarsts were developed in the Upper Cretaceous limestone during the cold, humid periods of Post Cretaceous and probably Early Quaternary time and include honeycombs, solution flutes, rillenkarren, caverns, and solution collapse dolines. Active karst landforms occur by combined piping-induced and limestone solution at depth in subsoils, and alluvial deposits and bajada that overly potent karstic limestones and cover subsidence sinkholes and subjacent alluvial karst collapse dolines. Many factors, such as soluble compounds (salt and gypsum), desiccation cracks, and Qanat (dug water wells), could contribute to the development of karstic landforms. The most immediate cause for active karst landforms is considered to be the drawdown of the water table in the area. There is an increasing demand for groundwater consumption to irrigate pistachio fields. Excessive pumping of the groundwater lowers the water table about 80 cm per year. This rate of drawdown accelerates land subsidence (about 6 cm per year), creates circular patterns of fractures in the ground and in buildings, disrupts agricultural work and urbanization projects, and tilts foundations. These geohazards indicate that ground sinking and karstification are in progress in the alluvial deposits and underlying limestones. The disturbance and expense caused by the geohazards could be mitigated by the application of overhead sprinkler irrigation for pistachio fields or by planting less thirsty plants.  相似文献   

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