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大别山产出的榴辉岩相岩石榴橄榄、榴辉岩,榴云片岩,榴辉片麻岩,榴玉英岩和榴辉大理岩等不同系列,它们均分布于花岗质片麻岩中。矿物共生序列研究表明,榴辉岩相岩石经历了从绿帘角闪岩相,柯石英榴辉岩相,角闪榴辉岩相,绿帘角闪岩相到绿片岩相的演化过程。  相似文献   

北秦岭官坡地区柯石英榴辉岩变质作用的P—T—t轨迹   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据矿物包裹和替代关系以及共生组合规律,北秦岭官坡地区柯石英榴辉岩的变质作用演化可划分为5个阶段,即前榴岩相的绿帘角闪岩相,榴辉岩相,后榴辉岩相的角闪岩相,绿帘角闪岩相和绿片岩相。  相似文献   

中国大陆科学钻探工程预先导孔(CCSD-PP1)中岩心的岩性十分复杂,主要由片麻岩-花岗质片麻岩、超基性岩、榴辉岩及少量多硅白云母石英片岩、斜长角闪岩及角闪云母片岩组成。其中片麻岩-花岗质片麻岩是最重要的岩石类型。根据片麻岩的岩相学及其地球化学特征,确定片麻岩类岩石的原岩为一套具有较高成熟度的碎屑沉积岩-低成熟度的酸性火山岩、碎屑沉积岩建造,并与在其内部里夹层形式存在的榴辉岩一起经历了超高压变质作用。花岗质片麻岩可分为三种类型:绿帘黄铁二长花岗质片麻岩、绿带黑云二长花岗质片麻岩和绿帘二云二长混合片麻岩。绿帘黄铁二长花岗质片麻岩SiO_2含量最高,为76.72%~78.86%,具有强烈的负Eu、Ba异常,Eu/Eu~*=0.125,Ba/Ba~*=0.095~0.396,其稀土和微量元素的配分模式与具有极高成熟度碎屑沉积岩部分熔融而成的花岗岩性质十分相似。该类花岗质片麻岩可能在苏鲁超高压变质带形成之前,由具有极高成熟度的碎屑沉积岩部分熔融而成的岩浆,侵入到片麻岩类的表壳岩中,并经历了超高压变质作用。绿帘黑云二长花岗质片麻岩、混合片麻岩的SiO_2含量明显偏低,且稀土、微量元素配分模式明显不同于绿帘黄铁二长花岗质片麻岩,该类岩石可能由片麻岩类岩石在超高压变质作用峰期阶段和近等温减压第一阶段深  相似文献   

刘福来  许志琴等 《地质学报》2001,75(1):70-81,T003,T004
中国大陆科学钻探工程预先导孔(CCSD-PP1)中岩心的岩性十分复杂,主要由片麻岩-花岗质片麻岩、超基性基、榴辉岩及少量多硅白云母石英片岩、斜长角闪岩及角闪云母片岩组成。其中片麻岩-花岗质片麻岩是最重要的岩石类型。根据片麻岩的岩相学及地球化学特征,确定片麻岩类岩石的地为一套具有较高成熟度的碎屑沉积岩-低成熟度的酸性火山岩、碎屑沉积岩建造,并与在其内部呈夹层形式存在的榴辉岩一起经历了超高压变质作用。花岗质片麻岩可分为三种类型:绿帘黄铁二长花岗质片麻岩、绿帘黑云二长花岗质片麻岩和绿帘二云二长混合片麻岩。绿帘黄铁二长花岗质片麻岩SiO2含量最高,为76.2%-78.86%,具有强烈的负Eu、Ba异常,Eu/Eu^*=0.125,Ba/Ba^*=0.096-0.396,其稀土和微量元素的配分模式与具有极高成熟度碎屑沉积岩部分熔融而成的花岗岩性质十分相似。该类花岗质片麻岩可能在苏鲁超高压变质带形成之前,由具有极高成熟度的碎屑沉积岩部分熔融而成的岩浆,侵入到片麻岩类的表壳岩中,并经历了超高压变质作用。绿帘黑云二长花岗质片麻岩、混合片麻岩的SiO2含量明显偏低,且稀土、微量元素配分模式明显不同于绿帘黄铁二长花岗质片麻岩,该类岩石可能由片磨岩类岩石在超高压变质作用峰期阶段和近等温减压等一阶段深熔作用而成。该项研究对于深入探讨苏鲁超高压变质带变质作用-岩浆作用相互间的成因关系及其动力学过程有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

威海地区榴辉岩及其变质作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
威海地区榴辉冉位于秦岭-大别-苏北-胶南巨型榴辉岩带的北东段。榴辉岩体大小悬殊,呈透镜状、不规则状、脉状及似层状等赋存在早元古代荆山岩群变层状岩系、尖晶石橄榄透闪片岩及晚元晚元古代片麻状花岗闪长冉、片麻状二长花岗岩中,并与围岩一起经受了后期的构造变形履行。榴辉岩退变分带的核部为榴辉岩,次外边为榴闪岩,最外边为斜长角度闪岩或石榴斜长角闪岩。三个变质作用阶段的特征是:前榴辉相阶段为中压相系绿帘角闪岩相  相似文献   

山东诸城榴辉岩相长英质岩石变质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过变质矿物及岩石学的特征确定出山东诸城地区含有榴辉岩块体的片麻岩经历了榴辉岩相到绿帘角闪岩相、绿片岩相的退变质过程。证据有:(1)在榴辉岩块体的边缘片麻岩与榴辉岩呈1-2cm宽的条带状相间排列;(2)硅质片岩中出现Ky-Zo-Q的高压矿物组合;(3)钠长石的矿物晶体内出现硬玉质辉石的残留体;(4)出现高度富Si的多硅白云母(Si=3.55);(5)镁钠闪石及与其共生的暗硬玉(Jd=21)的出现。  相似文献   

中国大陆科学钻探工程的实施,为超高压变质带的研究打开了新的生面,加深了对苏鲁超高压变质带的认识。从100~2000米获得的岩心的岩石学观察,得知主要岩石类型有:(1)榴辉岩及石榴辉石岩;(2)榴辉岩质片麻岩;(3)石榴橄榄岩;(4)黑云(角闪)二长片麻岩和(5)碎裂岩等。榴辉岩可分幔源和壳源两类,壳源榴辉岩在钻孔中分布较广,上部最为集中;幔源榴辉岩,包括石榴辉石岩,在空间上与超镁铁岩有密切共生关系。榴辉岩质的片麻岩是一种中酸性的超高压岩石,与壳源的榴辉岩共生,显微镜下可以追索出它们之间的结构演化关系。石榴橄榄岩以石榴单辉橄榄岩为主,是俯冲带上部地幔楔加入于俯冲板片变质而成。石榴橄榄岩中的石榴子石富镁,单斜辉石为绿辉石并常含钛斜硅镁石,说明其经过超高压变质的过程。从变质岩石的组合,面理和线理产状的差异,地震反射面和构造角砾岩带的发育,发现以1600米为界,可大致分为2个岩片。上部岩片中多金红石榴辉岩而且出现频率很高,下部岩片中多为多硅白云母榴辉岩出现频率较低。由于隆升进入中下地壳,超高压变质岩普遍发生退变质。榴辉岩的早期退变质成为具后成合晶结构的石榴角闪岩,榴辉岩质片麻岩退变质形成绿帘黑云(角闪)斜长片麻岩,变质条件为角闪岩相,它可以部分熔融或受到钾交代作用而转变为黑云角闪二长片麻岩。后期的伸展造成了局部碎裂和角砾岩带,新生矿物为绿泥石,方解石和赤铁矿、绿帘石等,属绿帘角闪岩相和绿片岩相。主孔100~2000米的超高压变质岩石组合的确定,进一步说明了巨量的地壳物质可以深俯冲进入地幔并迅速折返;超高压变质岩石记录了陆壳俯冲折返和壳幔相互作用的过程,它们是板块下覆构造和地幔动力学的信息载体。  相似文献   

山东诸城榴辉石相长英质岩石变质特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赖兴运  苏尚国 《地质论评》1996,42(3):256-260
通过变质矿物及岩石学的特征确定了山东诸城地区含有榴辉岩块体块的片麻岩经历了榴辉岩相到绿帘角闪岩相,绿片岩相的退变质过程,证据有:(1)在榴辉岩块体的边缘片麻岩与榴辉岩呈1-2cm宽的条带状相间排列;(2)硅质片岩中出现Kz-Zo-Q的高压矿物组合;(3)钠长石的矿物晶体内出现硬玉质辉石的残留体;(4)出现高度富Si的多硅白云母(Si=3.55),(5)镁钠闪石及与其共生的暗硬玉(Jd=21)的出现  相似文献   

秦岭-大别-苏鲁高压超高压变质带是华北与扬子板块俯冲碰撞作用的产物。以榴辉岩为代表的高压超压变质岩的研究将为整个造山带形成与演化历史的建立提供重要信息。本文对分布于大别和苏鲁地区的榴辉岩进行了地质学、岩石学、矿物化学及年代学研究,获得了以下认识:(1)榴辉岩可分成低温高压榴辉岩和超高压榴辉岩。超高压榴辉岩分布于前寒武纪的大别、东海、胶东和胶南变质杂岩之中,低温高压榴辉岩分布于中晚元古代的红安群、松宿群和苏家河群变质岩系之中。在大别山地区,超高压榴辉岩、高压榴辉岩,以及绿帘-蓝片岩成带状,从北到南依次平行于造山带展布。(2)大别山地区的高压榴辉岩变质作用的温压条件是:450-550℃,1.4-1.6GPa。超高压榴辉岩变质条件是:650-870℃,>2.7-2.9GPa,苏鲁地区的超高压榴辉岩是820-1000℃,>2,8-3.1GPa,榴辉岩的形成温度从西向东逐渐升高。(3)榴辉岩经历了绿帘角闪岩相→榴辉岩相→角闪岩相→绿帘-角闪岩相或绿帘-蓝片岩相→绿片岩相5期变质作用。超高压榴辉岩变质作用PTt轨迹呈顺时针方向旋转,进变质作用为缓慢升温显著增压过程,退变质作用早期为近等温迅速降压过程,中期具近等压降温特征,晚期为近等温降压过程。(4)大别-苏鲁地区至少经历了两期高压变质作用,加里东期夹持于华北与  相似文献   

中国大陆科学钻探的实施,揭示了深俯冲陆壳的三维结构。超高压变质岩的岩相学详细观察,发现榴辉岩类岩石占0—2000米岩心的60%。大多数榴辉岩的原岩具有长期居留地壳的历史,但是分布在607~783米附近的石榴单斜辉石岩,在成因上与石榴橄榄岩关系密切。从矿物成分,岩石化学特征上看他们构成超镁铁-镁铁质的岩浆杂岩,是俯冲过程中,地幔物质加入于深俯冲的岩片并一起遭受超高压变质作用。榴辉岩质的片麻岩,部分相当于所谓的副片麻岩,在主孔也占一定的地位。实际是中酸性成分的火成岩超高压变质的产物。花岗质片麻岩有多种类型,根据其中所夹的角闪黑云片岩残留体看来大部分应属角闪黑云斜长片麻岩选择性部分熔融的产物。榴辉岩类的变质演化可分为3个阶段。第一阶段(M1约230—240Ma)是超高压变质的峰期,其证据是石榴石、绿辉石、金红石中均发现柯石英的微粒包裹物,石榴橄榄岩中的钛斜硅镁石是其超高压变质历史的见证。第二阶段(M2,226—219Ma)早期退变质阶段,超高压变质岩退变为高压榴辉岩相和角闪岩相岩石,冠状体和后成合晶的生长是此阶段的标志,这些特征性结构反应了岩石的不平衡和再平衡的历史,说明了超高压变质地体的快速隆升。后来(219~180Ma)超高压变质地体长期处于中下地壳,在流体影响下,榴辉岩质片麻岩退变成的黑云角闪斜长片麻岩及绿帘黑云(角闪)片麻岩,他们经选择性部分熔融或经超临界流体的K交代作用转变为黑云角闪二长片麻岩(即所谓正片麻岩)。其中多含有铈褐帘石,成分环带明显,La/Ce=0.42—0.72,且边沿均有绿帘石的边,代表后期叠加的绿帘钠长角闪岩相退变质。第三阶段(M3:170—180Ma)以糜棱岩和构造角砾岩的出现为特征,代表与二次隆升的脆韧性脆性变形的过渡,这些构造岩的基质普遍发育绿泥石、阳起石和方解石,说明了绿片岩相的退变质。所有上述3期的变质作用均与榴辉岩所经历的构造过程相关。显微结构分析可以揭示结晶作用和变形作用之间的相对时序。基于现今已发表的同位素年代学数据可以将苏鲁地区中生代不同阶段的变质作用与构造过程相互联系起来。CCSD主孔所见的变质演化和相关的变形事件对中国大陆中生代大陆动力学提供如下启示;可以肯定华北和杨子两个板块在三叠纪的碰撞(-240Ma)必然引起巨量地壳物质深俯冲至地幔深度,发生超高压变质。超高压变质岩的早期退变质是一个绝热隆升的过程,而后长期滞留中下地壳,发生部分熔融,接着引发进一步的隆升导致伸展体制,伴随以绿帘钠长角闪岩至绿片岩相的退变质。  相似文献   

Petrogenesis of Eclogites in the Light of PunctuatedMetamorphic Evolution in Dabie Terrane,China¥YouZhendong;HanYujing;ZhongZ...  相似文献   

1.Introduction TheQinlingDabieorogenicbeltwasformedbycollisionbetweentheNorthChinaandYangtzeblocks.Thecorepartoftheorogenicbeltconsistsofseveralmetamorphicrockgroups,includingtheDabie(Tongbai)complex,Hong’an(Susong)group,SujiahegroupandSuixian(Yao…  相似文献   

Eclogites and related high‐P metamorphic rocks occur in the Zaili Range of the Northern Kyrgyz Tien‐Shan (Tianshan) Mountains, which are located in the south‐western segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Eclogites are preserved in the cores of garnet amphibolites and amphibolites that occur in the Aktyuz area as boudins and layers (up to 2000 m in length) within country rock gneisses. The textures and mineral chemistry of the Aktyuz eclogites, garnet amphibolites and country rock gneisses record three distinct metamorphic events (M1–M3). In the eclogites, the first MP–HT metamorphic event (M1) of amphibolite/epidote‐amphibolite facies conditions (560–650 °C, 4–10 kbar) is established from relict mineral assemblages of polyphase inclusions in the cores and mantles of garnet, i.e. Mg‐taramite + Fe‐staurolite + paragonite ± oligoclase (An<16) ± hematite. The eclogites also record the second HP‐LT metamorphism (M2) with a prograde stage passing through epidote‐blueschist facies conditions (330–570 °C, 8–16 kbar) to peak metamorphism in the eclogite facies (550–660 °C, 21–23 kbar) and subsequent retrograde metamorphism to epidote‐amphibolite facies conditions (545–565 °C and 10–11 kbar) that defines a clockwise P–T path. thermocalc (average P–T mode) calculations and other geothermobarometers have been applied for the estimation of P–T conditions. M3 is inferred from the garnet amphibolites and country rock gneisses. Garnet amphibolites that underwent this pervasive HP–HT metamorphism after the eclogite facies equilibrium have a peak metamorphic assemblage of garnet and pargasite. The prograde and peak metamorphic conditions of the garnet amphibolites are estimated to be 600–640 °C; 11–12 kbar and 675–735 °C and 14–15 kbar, respectively. Inclusion phases in porphyroblastic plagioclase in the country rock gneisses suggest a prograde stage of the epidote‐amphibolite facies (477 °C and 10 kbar). The peak mineral assemblage of the country rock gneisses of garnet, plagioclase (An11–16), phengite, biotite, quartz and rutile indicate 635–745 °C and 13–15 kbar. The P–T conditions estimated for the prograde, peak and retrograde stages in garnet amphibolite and country rock are similar, implying that the third metamorphic event in the garnet amphibolites was correlated with the metamorphism in the country rock gneisses. The eclogites also show evidence of the third metamorphic event with development of the prograde mineral assemblage pargasite, oligoclase and biotite after the retrograde epidote‐amphibolite facies metamorphism. The three metamorphic events occurred in distinct tectonic settings: (i) metamorphism along the hot hangingwall at the inception of subduction, (ii) subsequent subduction zone metamorphism of the oceanic plate and exhumation, and (iii) continent–continent collision and exhumation of the entire metamorphic sequences. These tectonic processes document the initial stage of closure of a palaeo‐ocean subduction to its completion by continent–continent collision.  相似文献   

The north Qilian high‐pressure (HP)/low‐temperature (LT) metamorphic belt is composed mainly of blueschists, eclogites and greenschist facies rocks. It formed within an Early Palaeozoic accretionary wedge associated with the subduction of the oceanic crust and is considered to be one of the best preserved HP/LT metamorphic belts in China. Here we report new lawsonite‐bearing eclogites and eclogitic rocks enclosed within epidote blueschists in the North Qilian Mountains. Five samples contain unaltered lawsonite coexisting with omphacite and phengite as inclusions in garnet, indicating eclogite facies garnet growth and lawsonite pseudomorphs were observed in garnet from an additional 11 eclogites and eclogitic rocks. Peak pressure conditions estimated from lawsonite omphacite‐phengite‐garnet assemblages were 2.1–2.4 GPa at temperatures of 420–510 °C, in or near the stability field of lawsonite eclogite, and implying formation under an apparent geothermal gradient of 6–8 °C km?1, consistent with metamorphism in a cold subduction zone. SHRIMP U‐Pb dating of zircon from two lawsonite‐bearing eclogitic metabasites yields ages of 489 ± 7 Ma and 477 ± 16 Ma, respectively. CL images and mineral inclusions in zircon grains indicate that these ages reflect an eclogite facies metamorphism. An age of 502 ± 16 Ma is recorded in igneous cores of zircon grains from one lawsonite pseudomorph‐bearing eclogite, which is in agreement with the formation age of Early Ordovician for some ophiolite sequences in the North Qilian Mountains, and may be associated with a period of oceanic crust formation. The petrological and chronological data demonstrate the existence of a cold Early Palaeozoic subduction zone in the North Qilian Mountains.  相似文献   

大别山北部超高压变质大理岩及其地质意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
岩石学研究表明 ,大别山北部镁铁 超镁铁质岩带中白云质大理岩至少经历过三期变质阶段 :(1)榴辉岩相峰期变质阶段 ,矿物组合主要为方解石 +白云石 +金红石 +镁橄榄石 +钛 斜硅镁石 +富镁的钛铁矿±文石±石榴子石 ;(2 )麻粒岩相退变质阶段 ,矿物组合主要为方解石 +白云石 +金云母 +镁橄榄石 +透辉石 +钛铁矿 +尖晶石±斜方辉石等 ;(3)角闪岩相退变质阶段 ,主要矿物组合为方解石 +白云石 +磷灰石 +磁铁矿+榍石等。它的峰期变质矿物组合 ,类似于苏 鲁超高压大理岩 ,形成压力至少大于 2 .5GPa。这进一步证明 ,大别山北部大多数高级变质岩 (包括大理岩等 )都曾经过超高压变质作用 ,应属于印支期扬子俯冲陆壳的一部分。  相似文献   

李曙光  肖益林 《矿物学报》1994,14(2):115-122
鉴别造山带斜长角闪岩由含柯石英榴辉岩退变而成,还是未经过超高压变质作用的普通斜长角闪岩,对研究榴辉岩成因有重要意义,本文提出用斜长角闪岩中两个最常见矿物,石榴长石和角闪石的MnO和MgO含量以及四次配位A1和六次配位A1数可有效地区分这两种不同成因的斜长角闪岩,本文提供的数据表明:大别群变质杂岩中有一部分斜长闪岩并未经历过超高压变质作用,因此,大别群中的超高压变质岩是构造侵入到角闪岩相岩石中的产物  相似文献   

Omphacite and garnet coronas around amphibole occur in amphibolites in the Hong'an area, western Dabie Mountains, China. These amphibolites consist of an epidote–amphibolite facies assemblage of amphibole, garnet, albite, clinozoisite, paragonite, ilmenite and quartz, which is incompletely overprinted by an eclogite facies assemblage of garnet, omphacite and rutile. Coronas around amphibole can be divided into three types: an omphacite corona; a garnet–omphacite–rutile corona; and, a garnet–omphacite corona with less rutile. Chemographic analysis for local reaction domains in combination with petrographical observations show that reactions Amp + Ab + Pg = Omp +Czo + Qtz + H2O, and Amp + Ab = Omp ± Czo + Qtz + H2O may lead to the development of omphacite coronas. The garnet–omphacite–rutile corona was formed from the reaction Amp + Ab + Czo + Ilm ± Qtz = Omp + Grt + Rt + H2O. In garnet–omphacite coronas, the garnet corona grew during an early stage of epidote amphibolite facies metamorphism, whereas omphacite probably formed by the reactions forming the omphacite corona during the eclogite facies stage. It is estimated that these reactions occurred at 0.8–1.4 GPa and 480–610 °C using the garnet–clinopyroxene thermometer and omphacite barometer in the presence of albite.  相似文献   

Diffusion modeling of zoning profiles in eclogite garnets from three different tectonic units of Mt. Dabie, UHPM unit, HPM unit and northern Dabie, was used to estimate the relative time span and cooling rates of these rocks. Modeling result for the Huangzhen eclogite garnet shows that the maximal time span for the diffusion-adjustment process is about 22 Ma since the peak-temperature metamorphism, which is the maximum time span from amphibolite facies metamorphism to greenschist facies metamorphism. The Bixiling eclogites had subjected to a cooling process at a rate of - 10℃/Ma from 750℃ to 560℃ during 20 Ma. The second cooling stage of the Raobazhai eclogite following granulite-facies metamorphism is an initial fast cooling process at a rate of about 25℃/Ma and then slowed down gradually. All these belong to a coherent Dabie collision orogen with differences in subduction depth and exhumation/uplifting path.  相似文献   

大别地区的变质作用及与碰撞造山过程的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大别造山带从南到北可分为5个变质构造单元:扬子北缘蓝片岩带、突松变质杂岩带、南大虽碰撞杂岩带、北大别变质杂岩带和北淮阳变质带。各个变质构造单元中不同岩石的变质作用可划分为3种类型:(1)超高压型。以含柯石英(及金刚石)的榴辉岩为代表,仅见于南大别碰撞杂岩带中,这类岩石的PT轨迹反映洋壳B型俯冲的特点。(2)高压型。见于大别山南部的蓝片岩带、宿松变质杂岩带和南大别杂岩中的变质沉积岩及部分片麻岩中,与  相似文献   

Rocks within the Zermatt-Saas ophiolite of the western Alps have undergone eclogite facies metamorphism during subduction prior to the Alpine collision. The metamorphic history of these rocks is well defined, with eclogitic assemblages being followed by the limited growth of blueschist assemblages of glaucophane and paragonite. Subsequent greenschist alteration occurs adjacent to faults, veins and metasediments. Away from such sources of water, retrogression is very limited. Sm-Nd isotopic analyses of an essentially unretrogressed eclogitic metabasalt suggest that eclogite facies metamorphism occurred at 52 ± 18 Ma. The large uncertainty is due to the presence of very small amounts of Nd-rich epidote present as inclusions within garnet. As the closure temperature of garnet to Sm & Nd is thought to be >600C, resetting due to post-high-pressure diffusion is thought to be insignificant. Given the fine-grained protolith to the sample analysed, and its extensive deformation under eclogite facies conditions, incomplete homogenization of pre-metamorphic isotopic variations is also considered unlikely to be responsible for the young age. A Tertiary age of eclogitization means that models of early Alpine evolution based on the cessation of high-pressure metamorphism in the Cretaceous need to be revised.  相似文献   

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