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刘笋  蒋明镜  付昌  朱俊高 《岩土力学》2018,39(3):933-942
为研究结构性砂土静力触探的宏微观力学特性,在10 g重力场中生成一个净砂地基;将一个考虑胶结厚度的微观胶结接触模型引入到净砂地基中以生成结构性砂土地基;用一定速率移动探杆以模拟结构性砂土中的静力触探过程,其中,探杆由4面刚性墙组成。结果表明,随着贯入深度的增加,锥尖贯入阻力逐渐增大,增长速度逐渐减慢,在达到临界深度后贯入阻力在某一定值附近波动;锥尖部位有明显的力链集中现象,力链的集中程度和范围会随着贯入深度的增加而逐渐提高和扩大;静力触探过程中,探杆两侧的土体经历了明显的加载和卸载过程,且土体主应力方向发生偏转;离探杆越远,主应力偏转速度越慢,最终偏转角越小;不同深度处平均纯转动率(APR)的变化趋势基本相同,而APR最大值会随着土体深度而逐渐增加;探杆的贯入会使土颗粒间胶结发生破坏,胶结的破坏形式主要有拉剪破坏和压剪破坏两种,而拉剪破坏数目要比压剪破坏数目多。  相似文献   

设计了一套静力触探模型箱试验装置,该装置可以在模型箱水平面内任意位置进行贯入试验,贯入速率在一定范围可控,贯入倾角可调节。将该装置用于TJ-1模拟月壤静力触探力学特性的研究,试验结果表明:地基表层模拟月壤发生刺入剪切破坏;贯入阻力随贯入深度的增加而增加;探杆周围同一深度处土体的水平土压力表现出轴对称特征,其值在探头靠近土压力盒过程中逐渐增大至最大值,后随探头远离土压力盒又逐渐减小至0,且不同深度土体水平土压力峰值随贯入深度增加而增大;贯入点正下方土体的垂直土压力随贯入深度的增加而增加,主要影响范围约为距探头200 mm处。基于以上试验研究,表明该模型箱的设计是合理的,且TJ-1模拟月壤力学特性的研究成果能够为将来涉及到TJ-1模拟月壤的航天试验提供必要的技术参考。  相似文献   

本文试图根据土层的工程地质特征与静力触探贯入阻力变化之间的内在联系,寻求能代表上海地区晚更新世末期暗绿色亚粘土及上部全新世土层的双桥探头触探曲线线型特征和贯入阻力值的变化规律,作为利用静力触探直测图象较确切地划分土层、确定土名及其特征的地区性解释标志。  相似文献   

近年来,随着全球海洋开发战略的逐步开展,越来越多的工程建设和试验研究将在海洋中进行,为了掌握海底的土体环境,静力触探(CPT)技术在国内外海洋工程领域中的运用变得更加重要。本文根据国内外大量文献中相关海洋原位测试技术的报道,对海洋静力触探的国内外发展历程进行总结,重点阐述和研究了一种适用于海底淤泥质土的球型全流触探仪。分析结果表明,球型全流触探仪在海洋岩土工程勘察中具有很好的应用前景,且集测量数据精确可靠、试验方法多样化、理论解析丰富全面等优点于一身;利用球型全流触探仪能够有效避免较大的实测数据修正,贯入机理清晰严谨,开展循环贯入试验可以评价土的重塑特性,变速率贯入试验在评价应变速率和现场土体强度以及测试中土体固结状态之间的关系上具有优势;结合现场试验,对比分析传统CPT和球型全流触探仪的试验结果,并考虑海底软土的性质,摸索出一种可停靠球型探头新形式。  相似文献   

本文介绍了对以饱和粘性土为介质的模型槽中所进行的孔压静力触探(CPTU)试验,通过对试验数据的分析,得出探头贯入时周围土体的轴向附加应力和径向附加应力的变化及分布,锥尖、侧壁摩阻力以及超孔隙水压力的变化,以及停止贯入后孔压消散过程中探头周围土体的超孔压变化,从这些方面来探讨土中应力场的变化,附加应力的影响范围,临界深度现象以及超孔隙水压力的变化规律。  相似文献   

初析静力触探判别液化对标准贯入试验的优越性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合7个勘察场地的标准贯入和静力触探原位测试数据,应用数理统计原理和方法对二者进行比较分析,得出用静力触探试验判别地基土液化的均方差和变异系数等均优越于标准贯入试验。  相似文献   

孔隙水压力静力触探动态贯入过程的有限元模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孔隙水压力静力触探作为一种新型的土体勘测技术已被广泛应用,但是,其机理的研究尚存在很大的不足。笔者系统分析了孔压触探的贯入特征,提出了“孔隙水压力体积基准值”的概念,借此推导出用土体体积变形量计算超孔隙水压力的公式。在此基础上,用轴对称有限单元法模拟探头的动态贯入过程,揭示应力-应变的变化特征,寻找超孔隙水压力生成与消散的规律,对孔压触探的机理进行了研究。  相似文献   

在以粉土与粉质黏土为主的层状土地基中,利用桩端装有全截面压力传感器的试验桩,连续高密度采集贯入全过程中的桩端阻力。根据多个贯入行程的桩端阻力曲线,明确了桩端阻力初始贯入土层的变化阶段及连续贯入同一土层的变化阶段,分为线性陡增段、非线性缓增段、平台段、非线性缓降段、线性陡降段;桩端连续贯入穿越多个土层界面时桩端阻力的变化阶段与初始贯入土层相比缺少线性陡增段;连续贯入时,前一行程的陡降初始值与后一行程的陡升终值较为接近,该值能够体现土体弹性压缩的极限,并可以通过土层静力触探Qc平均值进行推算,作为桩基设计依据;对同一土层的多次贯入,最大桩端阻力发生在该土层的初始贯入阶段。沉桩过程中的桩端阻力曲线与静力触探Qc曲线有相似性。分析发现,层状土中每层的最大桩端阻力与静力触探Qc平均值及标准贯入平均击数呈线性关系;稳态的残余桩端阻力与静力触探Qc值及标准贯入平均击数呈线性关系。提出了弹性极限桩端阻力、极限桩端阻力及残余桩端阻力拟合公式,其中极限桩端阻力拟合公式较经验参数法、静力触探法、极限平衡理论有较高的准确度。  相似文献   

利用原位测试数据确定石家庄市天然地基土承载力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原位测试技术具有速度快、费用低、应用广泛的特点。本文利用这一特点,选取静力触探试验和轻便触探试验,采用线性回归分析法建立了比贯入阻力与地基承载力基本值、比贯入阻力与压缩模量、轻型触探指标与地基承载力基本值的相关关系,以便快速、准确地确定石家庄市区地基承载力基本值和标准值。  相似文献   

谷川  王军  张婷婷  蔡袁强 《岩土力学》2013,34(12):3394-3402
在基坑、隧道开挖等过程中,不同部位的土体会经历不同的应力路径,在不同的应力路径下,土体可能表现出截然不同的静力学特性。同时,在工程实际中,土体的工作应变经常处于小应变范围,而在小应变情况下,土体的静力特性表现出更强的非线性和应力路径依赖性。基于广泛分布于东部地区,并且表现出诸多不良工程特性的软黏土,进行一系列不排水和排水条件下的应力路径静力试验,以研究应力路径对饱和软黏土静力特性,尤其是小应变情况下割线模量的影响。试验结果表明,不管在不排水还是在排水条件下,应力路径都对饱和软黏土的静强度产生巨大的影响,表现为围压增加的加载应力路径增大了静强度,而围压减小的卸载应力路径降低了静强度。同时,应力路径对割线弹性模量产生了更大的影响,围压增加的加载应力路径降低了割线模量,而围压减小的卸载应力路径增大了割线模量。应力路径对割线模量的影响在小应变时表现的更加明显,而这种影响主要原因是应力路径方向改变造成的土体各向异性。  相似文献   

Discrete element modelling of deep penetration in granular soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a numerical study on deep penetration mechanisms in granular materials with the focus on the effect of soil–penetrometer interface friction. A two‐dimensional discrete element method has been used to carry out simulation of deep penetration tests on a granular ground that is under an amplified gravity with a K0 lateral stress boundary. The numerical results show that the deep penetration makes the soil near the penetrometer move in a complex displacement path, undergo an evident loading and unloading process, and a rotation of principal stresses as large as 180°. In addition, the penetration leads to significant changes in displacement and velocity fields as well as the magnitude and direction of stresses. In general, during the whole penetration process, the granular ground undergoes several kinds of failure mechanisms in sequence, and the soil of large deformation may reach a stress state slightly over the strength envelope obtained from conventional compression tests. Soil–penetrometer interface friction has clear effects on the actual penetration mechanisms. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Finite element cavity expansion analysis investigating the effect of penetration rate on piezocone tests in clay is presented. A coupled analysis was performed, in which the rate of cavity expansion was linked to the penetration rate of the cone and the cone angle, using the assumption that the deformation was wholly radial, and took place only between the cone tip and the cone shoulder. The soil was modelled using modified cam clay with two sets of parameters and varying values of overconsolidation ratio (OCR). The influence of penetration rate on the stress and pore pressure distributions was examined. For slower penetration rates, the excess pore pressure at the cone shoulder is lower since consolidation is permitted coincident with penetration. The radial profiles of post‐penetration voids ratio demonstrate that partially drained penetration is permitted by volume change in the near field, in addition to radial movement in the far field. The radial distribution of excess pore pressure after slow penetration differs from the undrained case, with a relatively low radial gradient existing at the cone face. As a result, the dissipation curves after slow penetration lag behind those following fast penetration. The cone velocity is made dimensionless by normalizing with the coefficient of consolidation and the cone diameter. ‘Backbone’ curves of normalized velocity against normalized tip resistance and excess pore pressure capturing the transition from undrained to drained penetration are derived. The normalized pore pressure backbone curve is unique, whilst the normalized tip resistance shows a small dependency on OCR. These backbone penetration curves are compared with centrifuge model piezocone tests conducted at varying rates, and subsequent dissipation tests. The numerical and experimental results suggest that the value of consolidation coefficient operative during the dissipation phase is 2–4 times higher than the virgin compression value due to changes in the operative soil stiffness, as demonstrated from the stress paths of individual soil elements. The use of multi‐rate penetration tests to deduce values of consolidation coefficient is discussed, in light of these differences. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the seismic characteristics and geotechnical properties with respect to the liquefaction potential of the deposits in the Coromandel coastal line of Nagapattinam town, Tamilnadu, India. A series of field tests were conducted using standard penetration test, cone penetration test and plate load test. Laboratory tests were conducted on the collected samples. From the results, a microzonation map was developed for the liquefaction potential and settlements. Some multilinear regression models between permeability, fines content, relative density, coefficient of curvature, coefficient of uniformity, mean particle size, factor of safety, settlement, standard penetration test values and cone penetration test values were developed. The shear wave velocity and shear modulus were calculated from the field penetration tests and correlations between the normalized values of peak ground accelerations, velocities and displacements, which were obtained from the equivalent linear ground motion analysis using SHAKE software, with other parameters of soil. From the results, it was found that at some of the areas are vulnerable to high amplification of waves even for small earthquake.  相似文献   

Strain softening of oil sand under dynamic loading from large mining equipment inhibits the ability of the equipment to function at optimal design performance. This paper looks at the findings of dynamic plate load tests, which effectively mimick the loading and unloading action of a shovel track pad. A pseudo-elastic model was proposed based on the results of the dynamic plate load testing to predict the deformation of oil sand under cyclic loading. Both field and laboratory cyclic plate load tests were performed on oil sand materials. The field tests were performed with different plate sizes, or footprints. The load was normalized based on the pressure stiffness concept in units of pressure per unit deformation. FLAC was used to model the field plate load test deformation with the elastic concept. The laboratory tests were performed at room temperature with more control on the load, loading rate, and cycles than possible during the field testing. Tests were conducted using a circular plate of 14.9 cm diameter, at stress magnitudes of 200, 400, 500 and 600 kPa. The plate load tests were conducted for varying loads, holding, and relaxation times of 0, 2, 5 and 10 min respectively for each magnitude of stress. The outcome of laboratory plate load tests show that after frequent cycles, the pressure stiffness (ratio of stress to deformation) converges on a plateau value of 8 kPa/mm. The proposed approach can be used to evaluate oil sands ground performance, enhancing the prediction process for ground deformation under the operation of ultra-class mining equipment.  相似文献   

基坑开挖过程中不同部位的土体会因不同的卸荷力学行为而表现出动态的破坏特性。为研究基坑土体开挖过程中复杂的卸荷应力路径,利用TSZ-1S应力控制式三轴仪分别对湖相沉积的泥炭质土进行固结不排水及K0固结下的加、卸荷试验,并按侧向、轴向、轴侧向同时卸荷等不同卸荷条件制定试验方案,模拟基坑开挖过程中不同部位土体卸荷路径下的应力-应变曲线、卸荷剪切破坏时的强度及初始切线模量等的变化规律。试验结果表明:土体的应力-应变特性与应力路径密切相关,各路径下应力-应变曲线都近似呈双曲线型;卸荷剪切破坏时强度明显低于加荷破坏。对不同卸荷路径下初始切线模量(Ei)的研究发现,Ei受侧向卸荷影响较大,卸荷后Ei有所提高,轴向卸荷对其影响较小。对各应力-应变曲线进行归一化处理,构建了考虑不同归一化因子的归一化方程,以该方程为基础对不同应力路径下的泥炭质土进行归一化处理,并对结果进行了验证,效果良好。本研究可为泥炭质土场地上基坑在不同卸荷路径下的变形参数和本构关系的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

We explore seismically-induced sand blows from the southern Mississippi Embayment and their implications in resolving the question of near or distal epicentral source region. This was accomplished using aerial photography, field excavations, and cone penetration tests. Our analysis shows that three sand blow fields exhibit a distinct chronology of strong ground motion for the southern embayment: (1) The Ashley County, Arkansas sand blow field, near the Arkansas/Louisiana state border, experienced four Holocene sand venting episodes; (2) to the north, the Desha County field experienced at least three episodes of liquefaction; and (3) the Lincoln–Jefferson Counties field experienced at least one episode. Cone penetration tests (CPT) conducted in and between the sand blow fields suggest that the fields may not be distal liquefaction associated with New Madrid seismic zone earthquakes but rather are likely associated with strong earthquakes on local faults. This conclusion is consistent with the differences in timing of the southern embayment sand venting episodes and those in the New Madrid seismic zone. These results suggest that active tectonism and strong seismicity in intraplate North America may not be localized at isolated weak spots, but rather widespread on fault systems that are favorably oriented for slip in the contemporary stress field.  相似文献   

李建朋  高岭  母焕胜 《岩土力学》2019,40(6):2119-2126
为研究高应力水平条件下岩石卸荷扩容特性及其剪胀角变化规律,开展了若干不同初始围压水平的三轴峰前卸围压试验,同时进行了相应围压水平的常规三轴压缩试验。基于试验成果分析了卸荷应力路径对砂岩扩容的影响效应,总结了卸荷应力路径下剪胀角变化规律,进而提出了基于卸荷应力路径的剪胀角函数,并给出了其数值实现方法,最后通过对三轴峰前卸围压试验的数值模拟,验证了所提出的剪涨角函数的可行性与合理性。研究表明:(1)加载路径时,不同围压水平下峰前扩容体积应变值相差不大,而卸荷应力路径时,随着围压水平的增加,峰前扩容体积应变从最小值3.15×10?3增加到最大值9.65×10?3,卸荷路径下的峰前扩容体积应变约为加载路径的1.1~4.0倍;(2)卸荷应力路径下偏应力峰值对应的体积应变基本为0或接近于0,而加载应力路径下偏应力峰值对应的体积应变均为负值;(3)卸荷应力路径条件下峰前扩容体积应变在总扩容体积应变中所占比例显著大于加载路径;(4)两种应力路径下,剪胀角随塑性剪切应变增加均经历了先增加后减小的过程,并且低围压工况下偏应力峰值对应的剪胀角和最大剪胀角均大于高围压工况;(5)与加载路径相比,卸荷路径下的剪胀角更快达到剪胀角最大值,并且其偏应力峰值对应的剪胀角和最大剪胀角更大;(6)基于砂岩三轴卸荷试验成果,采用线性拟合方法得出了以围压和峰后塑性剪切应变增量为自变量的剪胀角函数,基于该函数与应变软化本构模型的砂岩三轴峰前卸围压试验的数值模拟结果与试验结果吻合较好,表明该函数能较好地描述三轴峰前卸围压条件下砂岩的扩容特性。以上结论可为深部地下工程变形预测、稳定性分析与支护设计提供理论基础。  相似文献   

“Sliding Surface Liquefaction” is a process causing strength loss and consequent rapid motion and long runout of certain landslides. Using a new ring shear apparatus with a transparent shear-box and digital video camera system, shear-speed-controlled tests were conducted on mixed grains (mixture of three different sizes of sand and gravel) and mixed beads to study shear behavior and shear zone development process under the naturally drained condition in which pore pressure is allowed to dissipate through the opened upper drainage valve during shearing. Higher excess pore water pressure and lower minimum apparent friction were observed in the tests where grain crushing was more extensive under higher normal stress and higher shear speed. Along with the diffusion of silty water generated by grain crushing, smaller particles were transported upward and downward from the shear zone. Concentration of larger grains to the central and upper part of the shear zone was confirmed by means of visual observation together with grain size analysis of sliced samples from several layers after the test. On the other hand, smaller particles were accumulated mostly below the layer where larger grains were accumulated. The reason why larger grains were accumulated into the shear zone may be interpreted as follows: grains under shearing are also subjected to vertical movement, the penetration resistance of larger grains into a layer of moving particles is smaller than that into the static layer. Therefore, larger grains tend to move into the layer of moving grains. At the same time, smaller particles can drop into the pores of underlying larger grains downward due to gravity.  相似文献   

徐晗  程展林  泰培  潘家军  黄斌 《岩土力学》2015,36(5):1322-1327
岩土工程数值计算中粗粒土常采用邓肯-张本构模型,为了验证该模型在轴向加载、卸载、侧向加载等复杂应力路径条件下的适用性,进行了粗粒土的三轴试验获取其力学特性及本构模型参数;根据相似性原理制作了堆石坝的离心模型试样,并采用与三轴试验同样级配与粒径的粗粒土进行复杂应力路径的堆石坝离心模型试验,试验中通过改变离心加速度模拟加载、卸载,利用上游蓄水模拟坝体的侧向加载;采用ABAQUS对离心模型试验进行三维数值模拟,并研究了模型箱侧壁摩擦系数与土体的初始应力对数值结果的影响。通过比较离心模型试验与数值模拟成果,表明土体的初始弹性模量对计算结果影响较大,初始应力应选择自重作用下的应力场;邓肯-张本构模型能较好地描述堆石坝的加载应力路径,而模拟卸载应力路径有一定的差异,需要改进邓肯-张本构模型中卸载模量的确定方法。  相似文献   

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