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条带状铁建造(BIF)是一种含铁的硅质沉积岩,广泛分布于早前寒武纪沉积序列。BIF根据沉积构造环境划分为Algoma和Superior两种类型(Gross,1965)。二者岩性组合及反映的构造环境明显不同,前者被认为是形成于较深的海洋环境,与海底火山、热液活动密切相关,常与枕状安山岩、凝灰岩、火山碎屑岩等火山岩密切伴生,岛弧/弧后盆地或克拉通内部裂谷带是其主要的  相似文献   

郭召杰  朱贝  陈石 《地学前缘》2015,22(2):174-186
熔积岩是岩浆物质(岩浆侵入体、熔岩流、热火山碎屑流)与未固结的湿冷沉积物发生同生混合的产物,以浆源(岩浆凝固裂解的浆源碎屑)-沉积物源(宿主沉积物)的二元组分为典型特征。熔积岩独特的熔积结构与其成因机制密切相关,也是鉴定熔积岩的主要依据。根据浆源碎屑的形态,熔积岩主要分为块状(多数浆屑呈多边形状)和流态(多数浆屑具曲面外形)两种类型,并分别对应着不同的熔积作用机制。块状熔积岩主要产生于淬冷、自碎裂、水汽岩浆爆发、岩浆内溢气爆发等机制,而流态熔积岩的形成则得益于岩浆表面稳定蒸汽膜的维持使岩浆碎屑缓慢凝固、免于骤冷。沉积物的流体化是熔积作用得以发生的必要条件,流体化的沉积物为岩浆的驱入腾挪空间并形成对流,因此,固结成岩的沉积岩无法与岩浆物质相互熔积。熔积岩具有重要的地质意义:精确限定岩浆活动与沉积作用的同生等时性,以及利用宿主沉积物的沉积环境精确限定火山活动时的地质背景。近年来我们在国内多处发现典型的熔积岩,并应用于中国关键大地构造问题的研究中。在中亚造山带西准噶尔晚古生代火山-沉积地层中发现熔积岩,据此限定了达拉布特—白碱滩蛇绿岩带两侧上古生界的连续性,推断达拉布特—白碱滩蛇绿岩带不是典型的板块俯冲边界的缝合带,西准噶尔晚古生代是渐浅充填的残余洋盆系统。我们还首次在大火成岩省中识别出熔积岩,如在峨眉山大火成岩省中央带下部火山碎屑层序中发现以灰岩和以橙玄玻璃角砾凝灰岩为宿主沉积的熔积岩,表明中央带早期处于海相环境,从而判定火山喷发之前不具有因地幔柱上涌而诱发的大规模地表抬升效应。在塔里木大火成岩省印干剖面中发现的熔积岩以灰质宿主,证明喷发早期并非完全为陆上环境,塔里木大火成岩省喷发期间(二叠纪早期)海进和海退频繁交替。  相似文献   

熔积岩是火山碎屑岩的一种特殊类型,由熔浆和未固结的湿沉积物两种组分掺杂混合而成.熔积岩的形成主要受炽热熔浆与未固结的湿沉积物接触时引起的淬碎或蒸汽爆炸作用以及寄主沉积物流体化作用控制,通常分布于熔岩流底部或前缘,也可分布于超浅成侵入体周围.据熔浆碎屑物的结构特征,冀西北熔积岩可分为流状和块状两种类型.流状熔积岩多是熔浆与细粒沉积物混合的结果,块状熔积岩大多与粗粒沉积物相关.正确鉴别熔积岩对确定沉积作用与岩浆作用的时序、研究盆地发展演化历史具有重要意义.  相似文献   

河北西北部熔积岩特征及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熔积岩是火山碎屑岩的一种特殊类型,由熔浆和未固结的湿沉积物两种组分掺杂混合而成。熔积岩的形成主要受炽热熔浆与未固结的湿沉积物接触时引起的淬碎或蒸汽爆炸作用以及寄主沉积物流体化作用控制,通常分布于熔岩流底部或前缘,也可分布于超浅成侵人体周围。据熔浆碎屑物的结构特征,冀西北熔积岩可分为流状和块状两种类型。流状熔积岩多是熔浆与细粒沉积物混合的结果,块状熔积岩大多与粗粒沉积物相关。正确鉴别熔积岩对确定沉积作用与岩浆作用的时序、研究盆地发展演化历史具有重要意义。  相似文献   

塔什库尔干大型铁矿成矿带位于昆仑造山带西段,原岩恢复表明该区含铁岩系主要为一套双峰式火山岩碎屑岩碳酸盐岩建造组合,岩石普遍遭受绿片岩相变质和多期构造变形。本文报道了在老并一带变安山岩中获得的LA ICP MS锆石U Pb同位素年龄值(603±10)Ma,并结合前人年龄数据,将原划古元古界布伦阔勒岩群的含铁岩系厘定为震旦系寒武系纽芬兰统马尔洋岩组(Z 1m),其内发育典型的双峰式火山岩组合,证实了区内震旦纪早寒武世仍处于拉张伸展背景,变质火山沉积组合特征表明其形成于大陆边缘裂谷构造环境。含铁岩系典型的膏(钡)铁建造很可能为新元古代晚期“Marinoan雪球”冰期后地球系统变化的火山沉积响应。  相似文献   

四川庙子毒重石-钡解石-钡白云石型钡矿床的成因   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
庙子钡矿床是属于海底喷流热水沉积型毒重石 -钡解石 -钡白云石矿床。典型的海底喷流岩组合为毒重石岩 硅岩 硅质板岩 碳质板岩 灰岩 ,典型的海底喷流岩构造有角砾状、网脉状、气孔状、块状、层纹状、条带状等。钡矿石的主要组分为毒重石、钡解石、钡白云石。矿石的形成还与成岩早期有机质、细菌活动有着密切的关系。含矿岩系的岩石化学、微量元素、稀土元素地球化学特征表明硅岩、毒重石岩是在低能、缺氧、强还原条件下海底喷流热水沉积形成。钡矿形成环境为早寒武世麦地坪期扬子地台北部的陆棚边缘滞留盆地  相似文献   

北京地区太古宙岩石,地层单元划分及其特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
北方市密云、怀柔、平保和昌平地区太古宙岩石可划分为混合岩化表壳岩系和非层状岩系两大类岩石、地层单元。前者包括大漕-沙厂混合岩化表壳岩系和四合堂混合岩化表壳岩系;后者主要为TTG(A)-M-Me杂岩,它包括苇子峪、阳坡地、马圈子、对角沟门和冯家峪等杂岩。太古宙表壳岩系的原岩建造有杂砂岩+英安质、安山质炎山岩及其碎屑岩+铁硅质沉积岩建造,含铁硅质岩的绿岩建造和绿岩建造三类。表壳岩系区域变质作用和太古宙  相似文献   

火山碎屑岩的一种重要类型--熔积岩   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
熔积岩(peperite)是火山碎屑岩的一种特殊类型,由熔浆和未固结的湿沉积物两种组分掺混而成,具特征的火山碎屑结构,分布在熔岩流底部、前缘和超浅成侵入体与未固结湿沉积物的接触部位。熔积岩中熔浆组分从玄武质到流纹质均有,结构上为玻璃质、隐晶质或斑状结构,沉积组分在粒度和成分上变化范围广。据岩浆碎屑的形态和结构特征可分为两种类型,即透镜状和块状熔积岩。前者由熔浆碎屑和细粒沉积物组成,岩浆碎屑以透镜状、舌状、水滴状、撕裂状  相似文献   

关的嗜热嗜毒生物岩。该套岩石组合形成于陆内裂谷欠补偿深水湖盆中。  相似文献   

李生全 《地质与勘探》2018,54(S1):1383-1391
甘肃北祁连西段桦树沟铁铜矿床是西北地区一个非常重要的铁铜矿床,对其地质特征及成矿模式的研究,将会对研究该成矿带铁铜矿床的成矿模式具有深远意义。通过大量的工作,认为桦树沟铁铜矿床为产于长城系上岩组的一套陆源碎屑岩夹碳酸沉积建造的同生海底喷流沉积矿床。铁矿体控矿构造主要是区域褶皱带,主要赋存于长城系上岩组的含铁细碎屑—粘土岩建造中,具体岩性为千枚岩。铜矿体的产出明显受后期韧性剪切带和层间滑动带共同控制,主要矿石类型有含铁碧玉岩型和蚀变千枚岩型两种。  相似文献   

The base of an upper Palaeozoic graben‐fill in eastern Canada was affected by mafic dyke intrusions shortly after deposition, resulting in the formation of peperite. Complex magma–sediment interactions occurred as the melts mingled with the wet and poorly consolidated clastic material of this sedimentary basin, which is separated from underlying rocks by the Acadian unconformity (Middle Devonian). As a result of these interactions, the mafic rocks are strongly oxidized, albitized and autobrecciated near and above the unconformity, where blocky juvenile clasts of mafic glass and porphyritic basalt have mingled with molten or fluidized sediments of the upper Palaeozoic Saint‐Jules Formation, forming a peperite zone several metres thick. In contrast to most peperite occurrences, the New‐Carlisle peperites are associated with the tip of dykes rather than with the sides of sills or dykes. We argue that more heat can be concentrated above a dyke than above a sill, as the former provides a more efficient and focused pathway for heated waters to invade the poorly consolidated host sediments. Superheated groundwaters that issued from the sides of the dykes appear to have promoted melting of carbonate components in calcareous sedimentary rock clasts of the Saint‐Jules Formation, locally generating carbonate melts that contributed to the mingling of juvenile and sedimentary clasts in the peperite. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Peperite is a non‐genetic term used to describe volcanic breccia in which a texture of dark blocks in a light matrix resembles a mixture of salt and pepper. In the Gold Creek Volcanics, peperite is a mixture of partly vesiculated basalt clasts in a mudstone‐sandstone matrix. It is formed by the buoyant intrusion of basaltic magma into wet unconsolidated sediment. The intruding bodies deform and quench, giving rise to discordant masses of hyaloclastic breccia, confined largely to the subsurface. These basalt masses may remain hot enough to locally superheat pore water and produce convective systems where the basalt clasts and fluidized sediment become mixed, forming the distinctive peperite.  相似文献   

Upper Permian shallow marine siltstone and sandstone units of the Broughton Formation are intercalated with basaltic and basaltic andesite sheets at Kiama, New South Wales. Parts of the two sheets examined in this study display peperite texture. The lower example (Blow Hole Latite Member) can be divided into two units with peperitic contacts suggesting their intrusion into wet unconsolidated sediments of the overlying Kiama Sandstone Member. The Bumbo Latite Member overlies the Kiama Sandstone Member and has been interpreted by previous workers as a lava. Well‐developed columnar joints cut the interior of the sheets. Along contacts with sedimentary facies and peperitic dykes which penetrate the sheets, columnar joints merge into a several metre‐wide zone of blocky jointing, pseudo‐pillows and hyaloclastite. In peperitic facies, sandstone or siltstone fills joints and fractures that define pseudo‐pillows, polyhedral joint blocks and columns (closely packed fabric) or sediment matrix‐rich breccia contains fragments and apophyses of basalt and basaltic andesite (dispersed fabric). Along some contacts, peperite with dispersed fabric passes through a zone of closely packed peperite into coherent facies. Alternatively, closely packed peperite passes directly into coherent facies. Examples of peperite with more than one clast type (globular, blocky, platy), and involving sedimentary matrix of constant grain‐size, are common. In some examples, globular surfaces formed during an early, low‐viscosity phase of magma emplacement into wet sediment. Planar and curviplanar fractures cut some globular surfaces suggesting that these formed slightly later as the magma became more viscous (cooler) and/or vapour films at the magma‐sediment interface broke down. However, the complexities of peperite, in respect to clast types, abundances and distribution, as well as grainsize and structures in the sedimentary component, suggest that a spectrum of fragmentation and mixing processes were involved in fragmenting the sheets. Many peperitic domains include poorly and strongly vesicular parts, resulting in apparent polymictic breccias. Vesiculation of the sheets is interpreted to have occurred in two phases: an early degassing of primary magmatic volatiles and a later, scoria‐forming event, both of which progressed as the magma mixed with unconsolidated sediment. During the later phase, magma incorporated limited amounts of steam from the wet sediment and a vesicular front propagated out into the magmatic component. Confining pressures were insufficient to prevent vesiculation of the magma or to suppress fluidisation of the host sediment along magma‐sediment contacts, but large enough to inhibit large‐scale steam explosivity. Displacement of sediment along contacts may have reduced confining pressures sufficiently to promote vaporisation of pore water, and induce local vesiculation of the magma.  相似文献   

西藏甲玛铜多金属矿床存在明显的岩浆混合作用,对其研究有助于探测地球的深部过程。本文以构造-岩浆事件理论为依据,根据花岗岩类构造组合特征和成因建立了甲玛矿床所在的冈底斯成矿带的构造-岩浆演化序列,阐述了岩浆混合作用发生的直接原因为岩浆底侵作用,论证了混合岩浆的起源机制(源区继承性),可能为约40%的基性端元(镁铁质岩浆)与约60%酸性端元(花岗闪长质岩浆)在15 Ma左右于源区预混合和就位过程中发生的以机械混合为主的再次混合作用;得出了甲玛矿床成矿流体中的金属元素和S主要来源于岩浆混合作用的幔源铁镁质岩浆,暗示岩浆混合对成矿具有贡献。  相似文献   

The Trooper Creek Formation is a mineralised submarine volcano‐sedimentary sequence in the Cambro‐Ordovician Seventy Mile Range Group, Queensland. Most of the Trooper Creek Formation accumulated in a below‐storm‐wave‐base setting. However, microbialites and fossiliferous quartz‐hematite ± magnetite lenses provide evidence for local shoaling to above fairweather wave‐base (typically 5–15 m). The microbialites comprise biogenic (oncolites, stromatolites) and volcanogenic (pumice, shards, crystal fragments) components. Microstructural elements of the bioherms and biostromes include upwardly branching stromatolites, which suggest that photosynthetic microorganisms were important in constructing the microbialites. Because the microbialites are restricted to a thin stratigraphic interval in the Trooper Creek area, shallow‐water environments are interpreted to have been spatially and temporarily restricted. The circumstances that led to local shoaling are recorded by the enclosing volcanic and sedimentary lithofacies. The microbialites are hosted by felsic syneruptive pumiceous turbidites and water‐settled fall deposits generated by explosive eruptions. The microbialite host rocks overlie a thick association (≤?300 m) of andesitic lithofacies that includes four main facies: coherent andesite and associated autoclastic breccia and peperite; graded andesitic scoria breccia (scoriaceous sediment gravity‐flow deposits); fluidal clast‐rich andesitic breccia (water‐settled fall and sediment gravity‐flow deposits); and cross‐stratified andesitic sandstone and breccia (traction‐current deposits). The latter three facies consist of poorly vesicular blocky fragments, scoriaceous clasts (10–90%), and up to 10% fluidally shaped clasts. The fluidal clasts are interpreted as volcanic bombs. Clast shapes and textures in the andesitic volcaniclastic facies association imply that fragmentation occurred through a combination of fire fountaining and Strombolian activity, and a large proportion of the pyroclasts disintegrated due to quenching and impacts. Rapid syneruptive, near‐vent aggradation of bombs, scoria, and quench‐fragmented clasts probably led to temporary shoaling, so that subsequent felsic volcaniclastic facies and microbialites were deposited in shallow water. When subsidence outpaced aggradation, the depositional setting at Trooper Creek returned to being relatively deep marine.  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区翁牛特旗姚家店铅锌矿矿床为一受NW向断裂带构造控制的中低温岩浆热液充填交代型铅锌矿床,形成于燕山晚期,矿体呈脉状产于二叠世额里图组安山质凝灰岩之构造破碎带内,形态产状严格受断裂构造控制。矿石为硅化、黄铁矿化碎裂岩型铅锌矿石。  相似文献   

In the western part of Bundelkhand massif, a caldera with intra-caldera sediments, known as Dhala Formation, occurs as an outlier in and around Mohar village of Shivpuri district, Madhya Pradesh. For the first time, occurrence of peperite is being reported from the basal part of the Dhala sediment. Two types of peperites have been recognized: blocky and fluidal or globular with variable morphology. In peperitic zones, features like soft sediment deformations, presence of sediment into the rhyolite along cracks, vesiculation of the sediments and other evidences suggestive of sediment fluidization are some definite characteristics of interaction of hot magma with wet sediments forming peperite. The occurrence of peperites reflects the contemporaniety of deposition of the Dhala sediments and volcanism, which is well in accordance to the volcanic origin of Dhala structure. Further, the nature of unconformity between the Dhala and overlying Kaimur which is characterized by merely a few centimeter thick pebbly/conglomeratic bed does not appear to represent a large hiatus as expected between the Semri and Kaimur of Vindhyan Supergroup. So, the contemporaniety of the Dhala Formation (at least the lower part) as reflected by occurrence of peperites, coupled with the available age of the rhyolite and the nature of the unconformity between the Dhala and overlying Kaimur provide convincing evidence to correlate the Dhala Formation with the Lower part of the Kaimur and unlikely with the Semri Group or Bijawar as proposed earlier.  相似文献   

太行山北段出露大规模中生代岩浆岩带,以中酸性岩为主,普遍含有基性微粒包体。锆石的SHRIMP U-Pb年代学研究表明,包体形成于126Ma左右,与寄主岩石大致同时形成。锆石的LA-MC-ICPMS Lu-Hf同位素原位测量研究表明,基性岩来自富集地幔的部分熔融,并遭受了一定程度的地壳混染;主要的中酸性岩基形成于壳幔岩浆混和过程,而岩基中微粒基性包体是经历分离结晶的基性岩浆注入酸性岩浆房中形成。  相似文献   

内蒙古东乌旗巴彦敖包一带出露的宝力高庙组地层可划分为三段,可对应于查干敖包剖面二、三、四段。二段为一套杂色中酸性火山熔岩和火山碎屑岩类,火山喷发以喷溢相为主;三段为一套灰黄、灰白色火山-沉积碎屑岩类和陆源沉积岩,含Annularia植物化石,为火山间歇期沉积;四段为一套灰色、浅灰色酸性熔岩夹少量火山-沉积碎屑岩,火山喷发以溢流相为主。四段紫红色含晶屑流纹岩和二段灰黑色流纹岩锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄分别为(305±4.1)Ma和(315.2±4.6)Ma,结合所含化石确定地层时代为晚石炭晚期—早二叠世早期。宝力高庙组中酸性火山岩为安山质、英安质、流纹质高钾钙碱性-钾玄岩系列火山岩组合,岩石呈现富硅、碱,贫钙、镁,A/NK值和Fe Ot/Mg O值高,富Rb、Nb,贫过渡族元素,并具有显著的铕负异常,为A2亚类花岗岩类,其可能是幔源岩浆底侵形成的晚古生代新生下地壳物质部分熔融而成,岩浆演化经历了钛铁矿物、铁镁矿物及斜长石分离作用。宝力高庙组中酸性火山岩形成于后碰撞构造背景环境,其特征揭示兴蒙造山带内蒙古东乌旗地区晚石炭世—早二叠世已处于同碰撞-碰撞后阶段,早二叠世已经进入碰撞后伸展阶段。  相似文献   

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